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Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT)


Neurology & Oncology, Asthma & Hypertension, Anxiety &

Depression, Arthritis, Back pain, Diabetes Mellitus, Gastro-
Intestinal Disorders and Obesity& PPH.

A Report submitted

In partial fulfillment for the requirement of


(University Recognized by UGC, Govt. of through HRD)
Eknath Bhavan, # 19, Gavipuram Circle, K.G.Nagar,
Bangalore- 560019, INDIA

I would like to acknowledge the following people who played an instrumental role
in the completion of this project.
I foremost express deepest gratitude to the almighty, to the blessings of my gurus
and salutations to my parents and husband.
I am grateful to Dr. H.R Nagendra and Dr.Nagarathna of Yoga research for sharing
their dreams with other people.
My humble thanks to and our PGDYT Coordinator for their guidance and support
through the course.

My gratitude to all the Participants as they were the true inspiration and purpose of
my work.
Finally, thanks to my family and all my friends for extending their support
throughout my work.


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PART – 1


1 Introduction

Yoga is a way of life. It is the science of living right and as such should be incorporated in daily
life. It works on all aspects of the person – the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual
aspect. Promotion of positive health is being nurtured by many who do not want to be the victims
of modern ailments. Yoga is playing a vital role in this aspect in the new millennium.
‘Prevention is better than cure’. This proverbial saying is kept only as an accepted proverb in
modern Medicare delivery system. Hardly 1% of the budget is allotted in any country. Yoga
could play a vital role in preventing diseases. All health clubs have started including yoga as part
of their schedule and many go only for yoga in these health clubs. Yoga is a systematic process
for accelerating the growth of a man in his entirety. With this growth, man learns to live at higher
states of consciousness. Key to this all-round personality development and growth is the
culturing of mind.

1.1Definition of Yoga
The word ‘Yoga’ means ‘Unity’ or ‘Oneness’ and is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which
means ‘to join’. Unity means the joining of individual consciousness with the universal
consciousness. The science of Yoga begins to work on the outer most aspect of the personality.
The physical body for most people is a practical and familiar starting point. Yoga aims at
bringing the different bodily functions into perfect coordination, so that they work for the good
of the whole body.

Yoga can also be explained as an integration and harmony between thought, word and deed or
integration between head, heart and hand. From the physical body, yoga moves on to the mental
and emotional levels. Yoga is a systematic process for accelerating the growth of the man in this

Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy Page 1

entirety. With this growth, man learns to live together at higher states of consciousness. Key to
his all-round personality development and growth is the culturing of mind through yoga.

In the words of Patanjali ‘Yoga is a process of gaining control over mind’.


Sage Vasistha’s theories articulate the yoga as “manahaprasamanopayaha yoga ityabhidhiyate”

(Yoga Vasistha: 3.9.32) which mean – ‘yoga is skillful trick to calm down the mind’.

The Bhagavad Gita puts for the yoga as “Samatvam yoga ucyate” (2.48) – “Being fixed in yoga
renouncing attachment and staying even-minded in success and failures. Evenness is verily
yoga.” “Yogahakarmasukousalam” (2.50) – “Yoga is maintaining relaxation and awareness in
every action.”

According to Sri Aurobindo – ‘Yoga is a technique for total personality development at physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual level’.

There are four main streams of yoga which lead to the same goal. These are:
It is the path of action. It is defined in the Bhagavad Gita (II. 50) by “YogahKarmasuKousalam”
– that is the path of dexterity in action. The path of work involves doing actions with an attitude
of detachment of fruits.
The control of emotions is the key in the path of worship. Bhakti is Prema with total surrender.
The age of science has made man a rational being. Intellectual sharpness is imminent. Analysis
forms the tools.
Culturing of mind is the key for success in almost all endeavors in our lives. The yoga of mind
culture or Psychic control gives a practical and easy approach to reach the higher states of
Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy Page 2
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is the 8-limbed yoga, known as ‘Ashtanga Yoga’, which gives a
comprehensive and systematic approach for developing the mind.
The 8 limbs are:
Yama – the disciplines; Don’ts
Niyama –the injunctions; Dos
Asanas –the postures of the body
Pranayama –the control of prana, the life forces
Pratyahara –restraint of senses from their objects of enjoyment
Dharana –focusing of the mind
Dhyana –deconcentration and defocusing
Samadhi –super-consciousness
The first 5 limbs are Bahiranga yoga – used for indirect control of mind. The last 3 limbs are
Antaranga yoga – used for direct control of mind.

Man leaps into higher states of consciousness and learns to stay and act tuned to these states.
Yoga often refers to these subtle layers of causal states of our mind,

i. Perform action, 0, Dhananjaya, being fixed in Yoga, renouncing attachments and staying
even minded in successes or failures. Evenness is verily Yoga. – (Gita 2.48)

ii. Yoga is the state in which all our Indriyas are beheld steadily i.e., a state of mastery over
senses and mind, as portrayed in Kathopanishat (2.5.4).

iii. Yoga is the state in which all our Indriyas are beheld steadily i.e., a state of mastery over
senses and mind, as portrayed in Kathopanishat (2.5.4).

Thus, the subtle state of mind featured by ‘Steadiness’ is referred to as Yoga. Yoga is a state of
great steadiness at emotional level; balance of concentration and detachment at mental level and
homeostasis at body level. It integrates the personality by bringing body-mind coordination in a
well-balanced way.
(i) Gita further portrays yoga as power of creation: Krishna through his power of Yoga shows
Arjuna the ‘ViswarupaDarshana’ the vision of the Universal being, by giving him divine sight.

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(ii) In ‘Shvetashvatara Upanishad’, this is portrayed thus: Mist, smoke, the sun, wind, firefly,

lightning, crystal, moon, - these forms become the forerunners when Brahman is being revealed
in yoga.

1.2 Definition of health

Healthy body is essential for everybody. Different people define health differently. WHO defines
health as the complete well-being of physical, mental, social and spiritual state.

Physical well-being: This means the absence of diseases at physical level and also the capacityto
adjust and tolerate the various changes in the environmental like cold, heat, pollution, germs etc.
Mental well-being: When a person is free from any mental tensions and illness, it can be
termedas mental well-being. Therefore, mastery over senses, ego and emotions is necessary.
Social well-being: When we are able to adopt, adjust ourselves with the people and
surrounding,then it leads to social well-being. We should have acceptance and respect towards
each other.
Spiritual well-being: When a person is able to manifest divinity in his all aspect of life, it
leadsto spiritual well-being. It is a state where man realizes that he is a universal consciousness.

1.3 Concept of Kosa

Yogic texts propound that humans exist not merely as the physical body, but in five layers called,
Annamaya kosa, the innermost, Pranamaya kosa, Manomaya kosa, Vijnanamaya kosa and
Anandmaya kosa, the outermost.

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1. Annamaya Kosa

The first layer of our existence is called as Annamaya kosa or the physical body. For this level
we use various kriyas, loosening exercises, yogasanas etc. Kriyas are used to cleanse the inner
organs to activate and revitalize the organs to tone up their functions. Loosening exercises
activate, particularly, affected part of body by simple physical movements such as loosening the
joints, stretching and relaxing the muscles improves our will-power and develops stamina.
Yogasanas are physical postures to give physical revitalization and deep relaxation of mind.

2. Pranamaya Kosa

This is the second layer of our existence and is called subtle body. Prana means the vital force
or life energy that drives our physical body. Through the practice of proper breathing which
includes sectional breathing, Nadisuddhi and other breathing exercises, we start operating on the
Pranamaya kosa. The advanced technique for this kosa is PET.

3. Manomaya Kosa

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The third layer of our existence is called Manomaya kosa which consists of mind. It is mainly
controlled by three levels of Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali namely: Dharana, Dhyana and
Samadhi. The culture of mind is accomplished by focusing of mind followed by relaxed
dwelling of mind on single thought for longer and longer duration leading ultimately to
superconsciousness (Samadhi) with devotional sessions containing prayers, chanting, bhajans
etc. It also includes Cyclic Meditation, advanced practices like MSRT, MIRT and MEMT.

4. Vijnanamaya Kosa

This is our fourth layer of existence and is the layer in which our discrimination power arises.
The concept behind the Vijnanamaya kosa is that lack of inner jana only is responsible for wrong
habits and agitation. Vijnanamaya kosa operation includes Yogic counselling, Happiness
analysis, satsanga and lecture and VISAK.

5. Ananadamaya Kosa

This is the layer of ultimate bliss. In order to exist in a blissful state we have to learn to maintain
equipoise (Samatvam). The next stage will be to develop silence within and a blissful awareness
in the inner subtle layers of our mind while we are in action. This is accomplished by self-

1.4 Concept of disease

In Anandmaya kosa, an individual is healthiest with perfect harmony and balance of all faculties.
At Vijnanamaya kosa, the faculties move but in right direction. However, the imbalances start at
the Manomaya kosa level, according to Yoga texts, Likes and dislikes play at this level and start
governing out actions. Often they are in wrong direction resulting in imbalances called Adhis. At
this stage, symptoms at the physical level are absent. But, in time these Adhis develop into
mental instability and start disturbing the Pranamaya kosa level, eventually developing into
various diseases called Vyadhis.

Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy Page 6

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Vyadhis are of two types – adhija and anadhija. Adhija vyadhis are twofold – samanya (ordinary)
and sara (essential). Samanya are body’s psychosomatic illnesses, which I removable by suitable
techniques. Freedom from sara requires realization of one’s casual state as these are carried from
birth to birth. Conventional medicine systems can successfully treat anadhija vyadhis e.g
infection, injuries and infectious diseases as these do not origin in the mind

The samanya adhija vyadhis are the modern psychosomatic illnesses. These occur when
unpleasant worldly interactions agitate the human’s mind, leading to fluctuations of pranic flow
in the nadis, in turn resulting in either kujirnatvam(wrong digestion) or ajirnatvam(non-
digestion) or atijirnatvam(over-digestion) of food, and finally to various psychosomatic
ailments at the body level. An individual’s hereditary tendency plays a great role in this process.

Sage Vashistha describes this concept of vyadhis and its remedies to Sri Rama in Yoga
Vashistha as disturbance of mind is the primary cause of all samanya adhija vyadhis and
elimination of this disturbance is the cure. Adopting the path of pure satvaguna, where there are
no emotions, promotes free prana circulation throughout the body, this ensuring the proper
digestion of ingested food and elimination or prevention of the disease.

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1.5 Integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT)
The modern man has been facing a number of problems, which are concerned, to his mind rather
than the body. In fact, he is facing tension, stress, hyperactivity and so on. These illnesses are
termed as psychosomatic diseases. A lot of researches are on in this field. From time immemorial
Indian system has looked upon the man completely and comprehensively. Indian system holds a
view that man is a combination of panchakosa, they are: Annamaya, Pranayama, Manomaya,
Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya. As the fundamental concept towards man differs basically, the
approach and attitude towards life will also get depreciated. The regular practice of Indian
system emphasizes upon the completeness of man and helps one to develop one’s personality
from gross to subtle. It is very systematic and scientific. Yoga helps in achieving total
development i.e. development of all the Kosas in a balanced way.

The disturbance in the Manomaya kosa percolates into the Annamaya Kosa through the
Pranamaya Kosa. Hence in the treatment of these psychosomatic ailments it becomes

A. Practices for Annamaya Kosha

A healthy yogic diet, Kriyas, loosening exercises and yogasanas are used to operate at the
physical level. These are Yogic processes described in hatha yoga to cleanse the inner organs
ofour body. They bring about the effects (a) Activating and revitalizing the organs, (b) Toning up
their functions, (c) Desensitizing and (d) Development of deep internal awareness. Among the
major Kriyas enumerated in the texts of Yoga, simplified versions of few Kriyas like catheter
Neti, Jalaneti, Kapalabhathi, Agnisara, VamanaDhouthi (KunjalKriya) etc are used extensively.
Physical exercise and movements
Very simple physical movements to mobilize and activate the affected parts of the body are used.
Some easy physical exercises are adopted to fulfill the needs of the particular
Ailments to
(a) Loosen the joints
(b) Stretch and relax the muscles
(c) Improve the power and
(d) Develop stamina.

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Yogasanas are physical postures often imitating the natural positions of the animals meant to
make the mind tranquil. Through these postures, physical revitalization and deep relaxation and
mental calmness are achieved.

The features of yogasanas are summarized below;

i. Evoking the dormant potentiality in man is the goal.
ii. To raise man from his animal nature to normalcy and raise him further up the steps to achieve
the goal of total freedom.
iii. Flexibility of spine is aimed at.
iv. Emphasis on positive health and overall personality development is given.

B. Practices for Pranamaya Kosha

Prana is the basic life principle. Pranayama is a process for gaining control over prana. The five
manifestations of Prana and the corresponding most comprehensive definition of Pranyama in
the human system are described in Prasnopanishad. Also the conventional pranayama through
regulation of breath is descried therein.
Through the practice of proper breathing, Kriyas and Pranyama we start operating on the
Pranayama Kosha. Suitable types of Pranayama & breathing help to remove the random
agitations in pranic flows in the Pranamaya kosha. Thus the ailments are handled at the
Pranamaya kosha level.
We have

∑ Kapalabhati which involves active & forceful exhalation which helps in invigorating
braincells. It balances and strengthens the nervous system.
∑ Vibhagiya pranayama –breathing through abdominal, thoracic &clavicular sections.
∑ Full yogic breathing – practice to bring awareness of the three components of respiration.
∑ Surya Anulomaviloma Pranayama –Right nostril breathing aids in reducing the weight,

∑ Chandra AnulomaViloma Pranayama –Left nostril breathing aids in increasing theweight.

∑ NadishuddhiPranyama, which increases the vitality.

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∑ Cooling Pranayamas - sadanta, shitkari, shitali bring cooling effect and bringing
∑ BhramariPranyama–gives soothing effect on the nervous system, removing the stress.

C. Practices for Manomaya Kosha

A direct operation on this level is made possible by the last three limbs of Astanga yoga of
patanjali – Dharana, Dyana and Samadhi. The culturing of mind is accomplished by focusing of
the mind (Dharana) initially, followed by relaxed dwelling of the mind in a single thought
(Dhyana) for longer and longer durations leading ultimately to superconsciousness (Samadhi).
A progressive habituation allows the mind to remain relaxed during the period of meditation
(Dhyana). The benefits of transcendental meditation, a simple standardized technique are
numerous interesting and noteworthy. Its application to treat many psychosomatic ailments has
become popular.

It is shown that Transcendental Meditation (TM) for 20 minutes and Cyclic

Meditation (CM) for 25 minutes can give much more rest than 6 hours of sound sleep.

Meditation is a Yogic process of providing deep rest to the system by allowing the mind to calm
down to its basal states. Features of meditation are:
(i) Mind dwells on a single thought of choice,
(ii) Deep relaxation of all parts of the body,
(iii) Reduced metabolic rate by slowing of breath,
(iv)Freshness, lightness and a feeling of expansion at mental
level, (v)Calmness, peace and serene bliss and
(vi)Continuous awareness.
The benefits are many. Improved concentration, memory, emotional equipoise and higher
creativity are observed

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Emotion Culture

To handle and gain control over the basic cause for mental agitations, we use the yoga
techniques that control our emotions. A devotional session containing prayers, chants,
Bhajans, namavalis, dhuns, stotras etc. help us to build a congenial atmosphere to evoke,
recognize, attenuate and dissipate the emotions. Thus control over the emotions is obtained
through the devotional session. The emotional imbalances and upsurges are eliminated by
such control.
Songs in devotional sessions are aimed to tune the heart-strings towards a self-elevating Bhakti
bhava. In training the right brain, it is the Bhava (attitude) that matters more than mere words.
That is why hymns, whatever be the language, have universal appeal. There is a heavenly
rhythm, a harmony and a melody in every sound and sigh. If these are fine-tuned with Prema
and Bhakti, one reaches the heights of happiness-the zenith of ecstasy. Sing loudly with the
group; sway with the sound. Let your heart melt, let tears roll down your cheeks freely; let go all
your feelings without inhibitions. You feel light in the head. Your emotional suppressions
diminish, diffuse and vanish like clouds before sunshine. You come out of the session with a
lightness of heart and the gloom of unknown sorrow changes into a bright gleam of joy. The
world appears a better place. Serve others too with this elixir of happiness by emotion culture.

D. Practices for VignanamayaKosha

A basic understanding is the key to operate vijnanamayakosha. Upanishads are the treasury of
such knowledge which is the redeemer of all miseries and obsessions. It is the lack of that inner
Jnana(knowledge) which is responsible for many wrong habits, agitations etc. The Happiness
Analysis – AnandaMimamsa of the Taittiriya Upanishad handles the most fundamental problem
relevant to all living creatures. The analysis systematically leads the reader to that substratum
from which Prana and mind emerge – AnandamayaKosha. It helps the person to change his
attitude of greed and deep attachment to material possessions and enjoyments towards the
realization that happiness is within and ‘each one of us’ in our causal state is ‘Ananda’
embodied. As a result man’s outlook in life changes. Knowledge burns the strong attachments,
obsessions, likes and dislikes which are the basic reasons for agitations of mind. The Sara type
of Adhis can only be removed by this knowledge (AtmaJnana or Self-realization).

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The IAYT, as mentioned earlier, works at all levels i.e. Annamaya kosha, Pránamayakosha,
Manomaya kosha, Vijnánamayakosha and Ánandamayakosha levels. We saw in the previous
section as to how mind and emotions are dealt with to vanquish the Adhi.

At Vijnánamaya Kosha level, the wisdom predominates and analysis to understand the subtleties
of the laws of human existence is used. Series of 12 lectures on Integrated Approach of Yoga
Therapy unravel the concept of health according to WHO definition and its relation to yoga;
concept of body and disease according to modern medical world and yoga & spiritual lore; the
root cause in the Manomaya kosha as Ádhi which leads to all moderen diseases called Vyádhi;
various yoga methods work at all the 5 levels i.e., Annamaya kosha, Pránamayakosha,
Manomaya kosha, Vijnánamayakosha and Ánandamayakosha levels; unseen imbalances at the
mind level, emotions and prána level can be set right to prevent diseases, promote normal and
positive health and remove the symptoms of the diseases; at Vijnánamayakosha level the lectures
will correct our notions about stress, misery and happiness as postulated and described in Yoga
and Spiritual lore; the lectures related to ÁnandamayaKosha are meant to delineate the methods
used to bring Ánanda (bliss) into our day to day lives by the process of Karma Yoga.

Thus, the series of lectures open up new vision among the participants towards a life of
fulfillment and bliss. The script can be found in the following books brought out by Swami
Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana (Publications wing of SVYASA)
1. Yoga and Health.
2. Yoga, its basis and applications.
3. The science of emotion culture.
4. The secret of action.
5. The science and art of pranayama

Yoga Counselling
Having given the overall vision about Yoga, Health and IAYT for promotion of positive
health through the lectures and interactions through questions and answers, yoga counseling is
used to concretize this wisdom presented through lectures to solve the problems of the

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Specially trained yoga counselors diagnose the basic problems of participants at psychological

level which may later percolate into the prana& body level to cause diseases. One or more of the
following 8 dimensions are found during the interaction and discussion on a one to one basis.

a) Hereditary Tendencies
b) Congenital problems & their repercussions on the psychology
c) Over sensitivity
d) Excessive rush & speed of mind
e) Perfectionist attitude in life
f) Calamities & trauma encountered by the persons
g) Psychological conflicts between
i) One ethical norm and other
ii) One duty & other duty
iii) Duty & ethics
h) Questioning the very basis of
i) Ethics & morality
ii) Duties
iii) Injunctions & disciplines in life
iv)The purpose of this life.
Having identified one or more of these problems, the counselor will suggest solutions to the
problems and will substantiate & convince the usefulness of those solutions through anecdotes,
illustrations, scientific data (if necessary) etc. The participant will understand & decide to try out
the suggested methods to change themselves by those specific yoga methods.
The persons are asked to keep a diary to check for themselves about their progress or otherwise,
they are followed up on a day to day basis so that they will be able to learn as to how they can
apply the principles effectively.

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E. Practice for Anandamaya Kosha

To bring the bliss of our causal body (karanaSharira) called Anandamaya kosha in all our actions
is the key for a very happy and healthy life. This also brings our innate healing powers to affect,
a complete cure of our ailments. The techniques used come under the heading Karma yoga, the
secret of action.

Karma yoga techniques are used to bring the bliss and happiness of ÁnandamayaKosha into all
activities of their daily life

The general nature of us is that either

a) We want to escape work or

b) We get lost in work, often getting obsessed with work and turn workaholics leading to large
tensions and stresses or
c) We maintain moderation in our work habits, think of helping others or involve in national
constructive works or humanitarian services etc.

Initially we alternate phases of relaxation, slowing, calming and silencing with work.
Gradually we start learning the art of working in relaxation. As we learn the science of deeper
relaxation through dynamic relaxation process as cyclic meditation, we learn the art of working
in blissful awareness. The inner cleansing starts and the deep seated stresses, blocks, knots,
obsessions, phobias, etc. will all come out from the sub consciousness level paving way for
manifestation of the divinity within us.

Hardly do we realize the importance of silence at the mental level, slowing of breath at Prána
level and relaxation of groups of muscles at the body level and much less the experience of bliss.
When we start understanding the role of each of the above and start using them regularly the
happiness in our life starts blossoming. This is what we call as promotion of positive health. The
positive health can now be called blissful health.
And that is the way of Anandamaya Kosha.

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Karma Yoga Module includes gardening, maintaining lecture halls, dining hall and cutting
vegetables in kitchen at our campus in PrashantiKutiram, Jigani. The secret lies in maintaining
an inner silence, equipoise at the mental level as we perform all our action. Normally we get
upset or excited over things which we do not like or we like. But we have to learn to maintain
equipoise (samatvam). The next step is to have a deep silence and a blissful awareness in the
inner subtler layers of our mind while we are in action.

This accomplished by self-awareness, constant drive to change oneself and auto suggestions. To
recognize that ‘I am getting tensed’ is the first step. Correct by withdrawing to the inner
compartment of total bliss, peace and rest. Remember this by repeated inner silence several times
in the day. Retain a smiling relaxed face during all the yoga practices.

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SECTION A-‘Asha’ Neurology and Oncology


1.1 Name : Asha
a) Name of the first sub-section :Neurology
b) Name of the 2 sub-section :Oncology

1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala

1.3 Therapist : Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 The department of neurology and oncology is well equipped with Rehabilitation andprosthetic
equipments. Neurological disorders like Parkinsonism, cerebral palsy etc. are commonly dealt
in this department. Patients who have either undergone surgery or who are advised surgery
for neurological complaints also come for rehabilitation. Post chemotherapy and
radiotherapy patients are also frequent in this department. All patients are assessed for
stress history and yoga practices coupled with counseling sessions are devised considering
the requirement of the individual participants.


Parkinsons Disease

2.1. Definition
Parkinson’s is a progressive disease of the nervous system marked by tremor, muscular rigidity,
and slow, imprecise movement, chiefly affecting middle-aged and elderly people. It is
associated with degeneration of the basal ganglia of the brain and a deficiency of the
neurotransmitter dopamine.

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The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells
in the substantia nigra, a region of themidbrain. The causes of this cell death are poorly
Each of the cells of the body has a tightly regulated system that controls their growth, maturity,
reproduction and eventual death. Cancer begins when cells in a part of the body start to grow out
of control. There are many kinds of cancer, but they all start because of out-of-control growth of
abnormal cells.

2.2 Causes
Environmental factors
A number of environmental factors have been associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's
including: pesticide exposure, head injuries, and living in the country or farming. Rural
environments and the drinking of well water may be risks as they are indirect measures of
exposure to pesticides.
PD traditionally has been considered a non-genetic disorder; however, around 15% of
individuals with PD have a first-degree relative who has the disease. At least 5% of people are
now known to have forms of the disease that occur because of a mutation of one of several
specific genes.
Mutations in specific genes have been conclusively shown to cause PD.

2.3 Signs and Symptoms

The primary symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from greatly reduced activity of dopamine-
secreting cells caused by cell death in the pars compacts region of the substantia nigra.
The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells
in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. The causes of this cell death are poorly
understood. Early in the course of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are movement-
related; these include shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and
gait. Later, thinking and behavioral problems may arise, with dementia commonly occurring in
the advanced stages of the disease, whereas depression is the most common psychiatric
symptom. Other symptoms include sensory, sleep and emotional problems. Parkinson's disease
is more common in older people, with most cases occurring after the age of 50; when it is seen
in young adults, it is called young onset PD (YOPD)

2.4 General line of treatment

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There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, but medications, surgery and multidisciplinary
management can provide relief from the symptoms. The main families of drugs useful for
treating motor symptoms are levodopa (usually combined with a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor
or COMT inhibitor which does not cross the blood–brain barrier), dopamine agonists and MAO-
B inhibitors

Disease Frequency

Cerebral Palsy 2

Epilepsy 5

Parkinson’s 4

3.1 Graph of frequency:

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4. Case Writing - 1
4.1 Biographic Data:

Name : M.k

Address : Bangalore

Age : 63 years

Sex : Male

Marital Status : Married

Educational Qualification : PUC

Occupation : Farmer

Start date :9thOct 2015

End date :20thOct 2015

4.2 Chief Complaint:

There is complaint of tremor in his right hand since 12 months

4.3 History of present illness:

The participant came with the complaint of tremor in right hand since last 12 months,
K/C/O CAD angioplasty done in 2006, and HTN since in 2006.

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4.4 Past History

(1) Childhood disease: No childhood diseases recorded.

(2) Allergies: No allergies
(3) Accidents and injuries: Never met with accident
(4) Hospitalisation: In June 2006, blockage in an artery, angioplasty was done. Presently
he is under medication.
(5) Medication
Tab: Losar – 50 mg – 1-0-1
Tab: Clopi tab - 75 mg - 0-0-1
Tab: Ecospirin - 150 mg - 1-01-1
Tab: Aztor – 40 mg - 0-0-1

4.5 Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal : Father had kidney failure

(2) Maternal : Nothing significant
(3) Sibling : Nothing significant

4.6 Personal History

1 Addictions if any No addictions

a. Vegetarian/ Non Vegetarian: Non

b. Typical daily food intake: Takes 3
2 Nutrition pattern
meals/day consisting of rice, dal and roti.
c. Typical daily fluid intake: Water and
coffee. 3 litres per day
d. Weight loss/gain: Weight maintained
e. Appetite: Normal

3 Elimination Pattern

a. Bowel 1-2 times per day

b. Bladder 6 – 7 times per day

Page 22
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c. Sweat Sweats a lot but sweat is odorless

4 Menstrual history Not applicable

5 Activity- Exercise pattern

a. Duration/ type of exercise

Walking for 30mins daily

b. Spare time activity Reading magazine

6 Sleep Rest Pattern Sleeps for 7 to 8 hours

4.7 Stress history:

Because of tremor in his right hand, he finds difficult to do his own tasks. He
feels ashamed in public. This is causing stress in him and gets irritated soon.

4.8 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs:

a. Pulse: 76 beats/min
b. Respiratory Rate: 22 cycle/min
c. Blood Pressure: 124/86 mmHg
2. Anthropometric measurement:

a. Height: 170 cms

b. Weight: 83 kgs
c. BMI: 27.7323 kg/m2

4.9 Investigations and findings:

i. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) – 126mg/dl

ii. Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) – 141mg/dl
iii. Total cholesterol – 89
iv. Triglycerides – 89

Page 24
v. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – 45
vi. Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – 47
vii. Very Low Density Lipoprotein – 18


Parkinson Disease

Diet : Satwic diet
Physical activity : 20 minutes walk daily
Ayurveda : Shirodhara & Abhyanga to legs
Naturopathy :
Yoga Therapy :
Section A : gait training and speech therapy

IAYT for Section A

I. Annamaya Kosha
1. Kriya
Kriyas to vitalize the internal organs such as Jalaneti, sutraneti, vamana dhouthi
laghushanka prakshalana
2. Breathing exercises
Hand in and out breathing 5 round
Hands stretch in and out breathing 5 round
Ankle stretch in and out breathing 5 round
Straight leg raises in and out breathing 5 round
Instant relaxation Technique (IRT) 2 min

3. Loosening Exercises
Wrist rotation
Shoulder rotation

Sukhma Vyayama and sakthi vikasa

(In Dhandasana) 2 min
Legs swinging to front back

Page 25
Side and cross each 5 rounds
Neck exercises (in Dhandasana) 3 min
Folded lumbar stretch 5 rounds
Sethubandhasana stretch 5 rounds
Toe bending, ankle rotation, twisting, knee cap tighten, half butterfly
II. Pranamaya Kosha
Kapalbhati, sectional breathing, full yogic breathing, Nadisudhi, Bhramari Nadanusandana

III. Manomaya Kosha Deep relaxation technique which helps in calming down the mind
throughrelaxing involuntary muscles and unfold dormant potentialities.
1. Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
Helps to stabilize the nervous system thus the emotions – There is an overall reduction in
metabolism also.
2. Cycle meditation
Balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalances
3. Devotional sessions
Helps to give the emotional stability
IV Vijnanamaya kosha
Lectures, counseling helps to bring awareness of one’s psychological conflicts.

V. Anandamaya Kosha
At this level, the state of bliss is achieved through various sessions of happy assembly
and karma yoga where one learns action in relaxation.


Variable Before After % change

Yoga Yoga
Pulse (beats/min) 76 72 5.26

Respiratory Rate (cycle/min) 22 16 27.2

Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 124 128 -3.22

Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 86 80 6.97

Page 26
Breath Holding Time (sec) 11 11 0

Weight (kg) 83 83 0

Body Mass Index(kg/m ) 27.7323 27.7323 0

Symptom Score 3 1 66.6

Medication Score 1 1 0


Pulse(beats/min) RR (Cycle/min)
50 20
Pulse(beats 10 RR
0 /min) 0 (Cycle/min)

Page 27
150 Breath Holding
Systolic BP Time
Diastolic 10 Breath
-50 BP 0 Holding
Before After % Time
Yoga Yoga Change

100 80
80 60
20 Weight 40 Score
0 20
BMI Medication
0 score
Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change

8.1 Participant Feedback:

The participant felt that there was significant difference in his stress levels. He says
that he was relaxed during the course. He feels that this is one of the remarkable
differences before and after the treatment. He was always looking forward for the
meditation session. He actively took active part in all the sessions.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module :

The participant has no suggestions regarding the IAYT module. He felt it is a
wonderful mode of treatment.

Page 28
SECTION A-Asha (Neurology and Oncology)


1.1Name : Asha

a) Name of the first sub-section :Neurology

b) Name of the 2 sub-section :Oncology

1.2Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala

1.3Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

The department of neurology and oncology is well equipped with Rehabilitation and
prosthetic equipments. Neurological disorders like parkinsonism, celebral palsy etc are
commonly dealt in this department. Patients who have either undergone surgery or who
are advised surgery for neurological complaints also come for rehabilitation. Post
chemotherapy and radiotherapy patients are also frequent in this department .All
patients are assessed for stress history and yoga practices coupled with counselling
sessions are devised considering the requirement of the individual participants.

Page 29

Parkinsons Disease
2.1. Definition
Parkinson’s is a progressive disease of the nervous system marked by tremor, muscular rigidity,
and slow, imprecise movement, chiefly affecting middle-aged and elderly people. It is
associated with degeneration of the basal ganglia of the brain and a deficiency of the
neurotransmitter dopamine.
The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells
in the substantia nigra, a region of themidbrain. The causes of this cell death are poorly
Each of the cells of the body has a tightly regulated system that controls their growth, maturity,
reproduction and eventual death. Cancer begins when cells in a part of the body start to grow out
of control. There are many kinds of cancer, but they all start because of out-of-control growth of
abnormal cells.

2.2 Causes
Environmental factors
A number of environmental factors have been associated with an increased risk of
Parkinson's including: pesticide exposure, head injuries, and living in the country or
farming. Rural environments and the drinking of well water may be risks as they are indirect
measures of exposure to pesticides.
PD traditionally has been considered a non-genetic disorder; however, around 15% of
individuals with PD have a first-degree relative who has the disease. At least 5% of people
are now known to have forms of the disease that occur because of a mutation of one of
several specific genes.[39]
Mutations in specific genes have been conclusively shown to cause PD

2.3 Signs and Symptoms

The primary symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from greatly reduced activity of
dopamine-secreting cells caused by cell death in the pars compacta region of the substantia
The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of dopamine-generating
cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. The causes of this cell death are
poorly understood. Early in the course of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are
Page 30
movement-related; these include shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty
with walking and gait. Later, thinking and behavioral problems may arise, with dementia
commonly occurring in the advanced stages of the disease, whereas depression is the most
common psychiatric symptom. Other symptoms include sensory, sleep and emotional
problems. Parkinson's disease is more common in older people, with most cases occurring
after the age of 50; when it is seen in young adults, it is called young onset PD (YOPD)
2.4 General line of treatment
There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, but medications, surgery and multidisciplinary
management can provide relief from the symptoms. The main families of drugs useful for
treating motor symptoms are levodopa (usually combined with a dopa decarboxylase
inhibitor or COMT inhibitor which does not cross the blood–brain barrier), dopamine
agonists and MAO-B inhibitors

Disease Frequency

Cerebral Palsy 2

Epilepsy 5

Parkinson’s 4

7.1 Graph of frequency:

Page 31

4.1 Biographic Data:

Name :SP
Address : Chennai
Ag : 48 years
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
Educational Qualification: Engineering
Occupation : Civil Engineer
Start date : 10th Oct 2015
End date : 24th Oct 2015

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Complaint of stiffness in legs since 8 years

4.3 History of present illness

The participant came with the complaint of difficulty in walking for more than 5
minutes. Legs are cramped and stiffness in lower limbs. Sometimes loses bladder
control at night times.

4.4Past History:

(1) Childhood disease : NIL

(2) Allergies : NIL
(3) Accidents and injuries : NIL

(4) Hospitalisation : Was hospitalised on 3rd September 2007 when

spinal detected in the thoracic region. Laparoscopy
was done.

(5) Medication : Bacfofel (10mg) 1 – 0 - 1

4.5 Family History of illness:

Page 32
(1) Paternal : Grandfather had Heart Attack

(2) Maternal : Grandfather had Heart Attack

(3) Sibling : NIL

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any : Smoking – Since 1983

2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian: Non Veg

Normal standard diet/ 3 meals a

day consisting of more rotis and
b. Typical daily food intake : less rice
c.Typical daily fluid intake : Water, Tea, Black coffee, and
Butter Milk. Takes 3 litres of fluid.

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight Has lost weight from 89kgs to

gain 86.4kgs

e. Appetite Good

3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel One time a day

b. Bladder 6 to 7 times a day

Sweats not only during exertion but

c. Sweat
also normally.
4 Menstrual history Not applicable
5 Activity- Exercise pattern

Walking in treadmill for 5 to 10

minutes (twice a day), and Cycling
in exercise cycle for 30 minutes
a. Duration/ type of exercise (once a day)

Reading books, playing video

b. Spare time activity games, and watching television

6 Sleep Rest Pattern Normal. Sleeps for 7 hours on an


4.7 Stress history:

Page 33
He rarely gets stressed since 3 years. He gets angry when others break traffic rules, which
is just for 5 minutes

4.8 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs:
a. Pulse: 86 beats/min
b. Respiratory Rate: 12 cycle/min
c. Blood Pressure: 150/90 mmHg
2. Anthropometric measurement:
a. Height: 170 cms
b. Weight: 89 kgs
c. BMI: 29.73704 kg/m2

4.9 Investigations and findings:

Not available

Stiffness in lower limbs with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Diet : Weight loss diet is recommended. It consists of
boiled vegetables and fruits
Physical activity :
Ayurveda : Full body massage
Naturopathy : Mud pack
Yoga Therapy : Section A balancing practices. Trataka twice a day
Section A : gait training and speech therapy

IAYT for Section A

I. Annamaya Kosha
1. Kriya
Kriyas to vitalize the internal organs such as Jalaneti, sutraneti, vamana dhouthi
laghushanka prakshalana
2. Breathing exercises
Hand in and out breathing 5 round
Hands stretch in and out breathing 5 round Ankle

Page 34
stretch in and out breathing 5 round Straight leg
raise in and out breathing 5 round Instant
relaxation Technique (IRT) 2 mm

3. Loosening Exercises
Wrist rotation
shoulder rotation

Sukhma Vyayama and sakthi vikasa (

in Dhandasana) 2 min
Legs swinging to front back
side and cross each 5 rounds
Neck exercises (in Dhandasana) 3 min
Folded lumbar stretch 5 rounds
Sethubandhasana stretch 5 rounds
Toe bending, ankle rotation, twisting, knee cap tighten, half butterfly
II. Pranamaya Kosha
Kapalbhati, sectional breathing, full yogic breathing, Nadisudhi, Bhramari Nadanusandana
III. Manomaya Kosha
Deep relaxation technique which helps in calming down the mind through relaxing involuntary
muscles and unfold dormant potentialities.
1. Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
Helps to stabilize the nervous system thus the emotions – There is an overall reduction in
metabolism also.
2. Cycle meditation
Balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalances
3. Devotional sessions
Helps to give the emotional stability

IV Vijnanamaya kosha
Lectures, counseling helps to bring awareness of ones psychological conflicts.
V. Anandamaya Kosha
At this level, the state of bliss is achieved through various sessions of happy assembly and
karma yoga where one learns action in relaxation.
7. Parameters
Page 35
Variable Before Yoga After Yoga % change

Pulse (beats/min) 86 72 16.2

Respiratory Rate (cycle/min) 12 9 25

Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 150 124 17.3

Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 90 74 17.7

Breath Holding Time (sec) 9 22 -144.4

Weight (kg) 89 86 3.37

Body Mass Index(kg/m ) 29.73704 28.73467 3.37

Symptom Score 5 2 60

Medication Score 1 1 0

Pulse RR
60 20
Pulse RR
20 10
Before After % 0
Yoga Yoga Change Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

Page 36
Breath Holding
100 Time
50 Systolic BP
0 Diastolic BP 200
100 Breath

0 Holding
Before After % Time
Yoga Yoga Change

100 80
60 Symptom
Weight 40 score
20 BMI Medication
0 0 score
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change


8.1 Participant Feedback: Participant is very well happy as there is lot of improvement in
his parameters. He liked the therapist giving personal attention to each and every

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module: Participant felt very
relaxed with the present IAYT module. He especially enjoyed all the meditation
techniques because of their uniqueness

Page 37
[Type text] Page 38

SECTION B – KOMALA (Asthma and Hypertension)

1 Introduction to the Section:

1.1 Name : Komala
a) Name of the first sub-section : Asthma
b) Name of the 2nd sub-section : Hypertension
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr.
1.3 Therapist : Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction:
The department of Cardiology and Pulmonology is well equipped with Rehabilitation and
prosthetic equipments. This department deals with cases of Cardiac disorder like hypertension,
CAD etc. and disorders like bronchial asthma, COPD, allergic rhinitis etc. related to
pulmonology. Patients who have either undergone surgery or who are advised surgery for
cardiac complaints also come for rehabilitation. Patient either receiving drugs for cardiac
disorders or for respiratory complains come for rejuvenation and treatment. All patients are
assessed for stress history and yoga practices coupled with counselling sessions are devised
considering the requirement of the individual participants.


2.1 Definition:
Hypertension is the persistent rise of blood pressure above the artery level of 150/90
mmHg recorded on three or more successive occasions. We can say that increase blood
flow and pressure in the walls of arteries is called ‘Hypertension’. The pressure reached
highest during each heart beat is called ‘Systolic’ and the lowest one is the ‘Diastolic’

Page 39
Hypertension attacks nearly 40% of these above 45 year of age and mostly males. People
who are overweight, who worry too much, have lot of stress and even those who are lazy
are susceptible for hypertension. A combination of factors like heredity, smoking, high
fat diet, over-use of alcohol and tobacco, lack of exercises sedentary lifestyle and
emotion appear to be the causes for the increase in the incidence of hypertension.

∑ Classification :

Hypertension is divided into two, namely:

1. Primary hypertension: Hypertension is one in which the blood vessels are highly
sensitive and over-reactive to emotion and stresses. There is no specific cause but
having persistently elevated blood pressure. The risk factors are ageing, heredity,
smoking, diet, obesity and lack of exercises. Stress is also major cause of triggering
hypertension. Due to biological mechanism of fight or flight response, the heart beats
increase and BP rises ensuring the sufficient blood reaches the necessary area. Also,
when the stress signal reaches the brain the production of adrenaline and other
hormone is stopped.

2. Secondary hypertension: The secondary hypertension is caused by either medically

identifiable causes and is correctable and reversible. The category counts for or
surgically only 20% of all the cause of hypertension. The main causes of hypertension
are contraction, renal diseases, endocrine diseases, pregnancy etc.

2.2 Signs and symptoms:

Hypertension is of two types:

a) Non-symptomatic: The person doesn’t have any symptoms or signs, when the BP
shoots up. It is very dangerous. Hence after 30-35 years of age, one should go for
a BP check-up regularly.
b) Symptomatic:
● Headache
● Breathlessness
● Blurred vision
● Palpitation

Page 40
Page 41
● Disturbed sleep
● Recurrent backache
● Dizziness
● Vomiting
● Nausea
● Chest pain
● Decreased memory and the concentration
Hypertension, persistent can lead to secure and tragic complication as listed

a) Cardiac: The heart, a muscle pump working against increasing resistance tries to
work harder and harder to cope up with the demand. At this stage, the left
ventricular muscle become thicker and stronger. After sometimes cardiac muscles
cannot cope, leading to breathlessness, swelling of less a state of cardiac asthma.
b) Cerebral: Parts of the brain does not get sufficient blood supply due to blocks or
constant high pressure can cause a small blood vessel to burst which results in
brain haemorrhage and paralysis.
c) Retinal: A blood occurring from the retinal artery into the posterior chamber of
the eyeball can lead to blindness.

2.3 General line of treatment:

There is no specific treatment for essential because medical science has found no specific
cause for the disorder. The aim of the therapy is to lower down the blood pressure using
test, diet avoidance of stress and drugs. Normally, the treatment is combinations of
counselling and elimination of the possible causes and drugs.

a) Non-Drug Therapy
● Withdrawal of drugs that increase hypertension. Ex. Oral constipation
● Weight reduce in obese
● Salt restriction
● Biofeedback, yoga, relaxation and psychotherapy

b) Drug therapy

Page 42
Page 43
Anti-hypertensive drugs that lower the blood pressure without undue side effect are
used. However, these to be continued for a lifetime. It is because drugs don’t remove
the cause. They only suppress it. Only yoga gets to the root cause of the disease in a
safe, efficient manner. However, drugs can reduce effectively a dangerous high blood

3. Frequency Of Disease:

Disease Frequency


Hypertension 8

Low BP 2

3.1 Graph of frequency:


4.1 Biographic data:

Name: CR

Address: Bangalore.

Age: 64

Sex: F

Marital status: Married

Page 44
Educational qualification: 10 pass

Occupation: Housewife

Start date: 24-08-15

End date: 01-09-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Diabetes, BP, Knee pain and varicose veins

4.3 History of present illness:

She had gone through heart enlargement, gone through heart surgery 20 years back. So, it
caused diabetes, BP and knee pain. Participant is suffering from diabetes, BP and knee
pain. Having varicose veins past 5 years. Swelling on both the knees, pain increases with

4.4 Past History:

1.Childhood disease : Nothing
2.Allergies : No
3.Accidents and injuries : No
4.Hospitalization : Hospitalized for heart surgery 20 years back.
5.Medication : Sucrafil (susp.) 1-0-1
Homochek (tab) 1-0-0
Nekrium 40mg (tab) 1-0-0
Delzen SR 90mg (tab) 1-0-0
Dytor plus 10 (tab) 1-0-0
Cevin A (cap) 0-1-0
Stanlip 145mg (tab) 0-0-1
Storval 80mg (tab) 0-0-1
Febuday 40mg (tab) 0-0-1

4.5 Family History of illness

4.6 Paternal: Both parents are suffering from diabetes, BP
4.7 Maternal: Father and mother has problems of diabetes and BP
4.8 Sibling: Nothing

Page 45
4.6 Personal History:
1 Addictions if any : No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian: Veg

Idli, dosa. For lunch salads, ragi

b. Typical daily food intake : and curd rice, night – chapatti with

c.Typical daily fluid intake : one and half litre water because of
heart enlargement
d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight Weight gain during surgery but
gain decreased later
e. Appetite Normal

3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel one time in a day

b. Bladder 8 to 9 times in a day

sweating is there even without

c. Sweat
Surgical Menopause at the age of
4 Menstrual history
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
15 min walking, 10 mins of
a. Duration/ type of exercise stretching and 5 mins of pranayama
Reading books and looking after
b. Spare time activity grand children
6 Sleep Rest Pattern Gets good sleep. 7-8 hours of
undisturbed sleep

4.7 Stress history:

Stress was because of husband’s paralytic attack 10 years back. He passed away an
year back.

5 Physical Examination:
5.1 Vital signs

Page 46
a. Pulse: 100
b. Respiratory Rate: 24 cpm
c. Blood Pressure : 100/74
2. Anthropometric measurement

Height:150 cm
Weight: 74 kg
BMI: 31.86

3.9 Investigations and findings:

Echo of heart
FBS – 119, PPBS – 221
Cocatinine – 0.7
EF – 51 %

6 Final Diagnosis
Diabetes, varicose veins, BP, Knee pain

7 Treatment /Management

5.2 ‘B’ section (cardiology) special techniques designed to deal with hypertension and sleep
disorder and also special techniques from section D.
5.3 Holistic dietary management.
5.4 Cleansing practices (jala neti, sutra neti, vaman dhouti, LSP etc.)

5.5 Yogasana, Sukshma vyayamas, Breathing practices, Pranayamas, CM/MSRT/Tratka,

Meditation, Yogic counseling, Nadisuddhi, Chantings etc.
5.6 Ayurvedic and Naturopathic treatments as per doctor’s consultations.
5.7 Lecture on life style.

Page 47
7.1 Parameters
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 100 85 15

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 24 22 8.33

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 100 110 -10

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 74 80 -8.10

Breath holding time(sec) 10 13 -30

Weight(kg) 74 72 2.70
Body mass index(kg/m 31.86 31 2.69

Symptom Score 0 0 0

Medication score 0 0 0

Pulse RR
50 Pulse 10 RR
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change


Breath Holding Time
50 Systolic BP 40
0 Diastolic BP 0 Breath
Holding Time

Page 48
60 100
40 Symptom
Weight 50 score
BMI Medication
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

8. Conclusion:
8.1 Participant Feedback:

Patient feedback is very positive, no household tensions. She was happy with the
Company of others
8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

Enjoyed and got relaxed with IAYT module.

Page 49
SECTION B – KOMALA (Asthma and

1. Introduction to the Section:

1.1 Name : Komala
a. Name of the first sub-section : Asthma
b) Name of the 2nd sub-section : Hypertension
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Radhika

1.4Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction

The department of Cardiology and Pulmonology is well equipped with Rehabilitation and
prosthetic equipments. This department deals with cases of Cardiac disorder like
hypertension, CAD etc. and disorders like bronchial asthama, COPD, allergic rhinitis etc.
related to pulmonology. Patients who have either undergone surgery or who are advised
surgery for cardiac complaints also come for rehabilitation. Patient either receiving drugs
for cardiac disorders or for respiratory complains come for rejuvenation and treatment.
All patients are assessed for stress history and yoga practices coupled with counselling
sessions are devised considering the requirement of the individual participants.

2.1 Definition:

The word asthma is derived from the Greek word, which means “panting or gasping”. Asthma is
defined as a disorder characterized by chronic airway inflammation and increased airway
responsiveness resulting in symptom of wheeze, cough etc.

2.2 Causes

∑ Inflammation causes mucus to build up in the airway, cutting down on the spaceavailable
to move air.
∑ Heredity

Page 50
∑ Genetics
∑ Allergens :pollen, house dust , fumes and odours
∑ Infections –viral and bacterial
∑ Physical exertion
∑ Climate and pollution
∑ Occupational asthma
∑ Food allergies

∑ Psychological factors like emotion and stress, laughing and crying, anxiety and

2.3 Symptoms

∑ Breathlessness
∑ Wheeze
∑ Nasal allergy , sneezing , running nose etc
∑ Discomfort and psychological depression

2.4 General line treatment

∑ Anti – histamines
∑ Aminophyline group of dugs
∑ Ephedrine group of drugs
∑ Chroglycete group of drugs

4.1 Biographic Data:
Name: SN
Address: Bangalore
Age: 68 years
Sex: Female
Marital status: Married

Page 51
Educational qualification: M.A
Occupation: House Wife
Start date: 10 Oct 2015
End date: 24 Oct 2015

4.2 Chief Complaint:

The participant is having Chronic Bronchial Asthma since long time but is on
inhaler. She has choking sensation and irritation in throat associated with sputum.
There is presence of hoarseness in the voice. Sneezing has increased recently. Nasal
allergy is present with blockage in the nose. She also had complaints of generalized
weakness and low back pain.

4.3 History of Present Illness:

The participant came with c/o chronic allergic bronchitis. The participant also has the
history of nasal allergy with nose blockage and low back pain.

4.4 Past History:

(1) Childhood disease: No childhood disease as per her knowledge
(2) Allergies: No allergies
(3) Accidents and injuries: Nil
(4) Hospitalization: Nil
(5) Medication: Tab Montex 1-0-0

4.5 Family History of Illness:

(1)Paternal: No history of illness
(2) Maternal: Mother had Hyperthyroidism
(3) Sibling: Sibling has Allergic Rhinitis

Addictions if any No addictions

2 Nutrition pattern

Page 52

a.Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

3 meals per day consisting of dal,

b.Typical daily food intake roti, chapatti and lots of vegetables

c.Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres which includes coffee, tea

and water
d.Weight loss/gain? Amount?
Weight gain Has maintained Weight
e.Appetite Normal
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2 to 3 times a day
b. Bladder
6 to 7 times a day
c. Sweat Does not sweat much
The participant has attained
menopause. But post menopause
4 Menstrual history
underwent Hysterectomy.

5 Activity- Exercise pattern

a. Duration/ type of exercise Walking for ½ hour daily
Reading books, and listening to
b. Spare time activity music
6 Sleep Rest Pattern 7 to 8 hours daily

4.6 Stress History:

She is moderately worried about her health.
4.7 Physical Examination:
(1) Vital Signs:
a. Pulse: 102bpm
b. Respiratory Rate: 22cpm
c. Blood Pressure :112/66 mmHg
(2) Anthropometric Measurement:
a. Height:4’11”
b. Weight: 55kgs
c. BMI: 24.49104 kg/m

Page 53
4.8 Investigations and Findings:
Through investigations it was found that the participant has Chronic Allergic
Bronchitis. She was also found to have nasal allergy.

According to the reports the participant was diagnosed as having Chronic Allergic
Bronchitis with nasal allergy.
6. TREATMENT/MANAGEMENT (Ayurveda, Homeopathy,
NaturopathyEtc/yogic management):
In the perspective of yogic management it was recommended for her to practice Cyclic
Medication (CM), Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT), Shakti Vikasaka
Vyayama, Breathing Practices, and Nasal Allergy Practices. In Ayurveda, she was
advised Ashyamga to Chest and Steam. In Naturopathy, she was advised for Asthma
Bath. Spirometry and Chest Physio Exercises was advised in Physiotherapy.

Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 102 82 19.607

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 22 20 9.090

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 120 112 6.666

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 74 66 10.810

Breath holding time(sec) 4 6 -50

Weight(kg) 55 55 0
Body mass index(kg/m ) 24.49104 24.49104 0
Symptom Score 17 3 82.352

Medication score 1 1 0

Page 54
Pulse RR
150 30
0 Pulse 10 RR
Before After % 0
Yoga Yoga Change Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

Breath Holding Time
Systolic BP 40
50 20
Diastolic BP 0 Breath
0 Holding Time
Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change

40 Symptom
20 40 score
BMI 20 Medication
0 0 score
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

8.1 Participant Feedback: She was happy with the company of others.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT

Module: The participant had no issues with the IAYT module.

Page 55

SECTION C – Psychiatry

1. Introduction to the Section

1.1 Name : Mamata

a) Name of the first sub-section : Psychotic disorders
b) Name of the 2nd sub-section : Neurotic disorders
1.2Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala
1.3Therapist : Ms. Radhika
1.4Consultant : Dr. Nagarathna

1.5 Introduction:

This section deals with neurological disorders such as anxiety neurosis, depressive
neurosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias etc. This is named ‘Mamata’ means
protective care. Protective care is taken for these patients suffering with these ailments. It
is hyper-arousal state of mind characterized by apprehension, tremors, palpitations,
restlessness etc.

2. Introduction to the Ailment:

2.1 Definition:
Anxiety: This disease is an unpleasant emotional state ranging from mild unease
fear.An anxious person usually feels a sense of impending doom and has certain
physical and psychological symptoms, although there is no obvious threat. Anxiety
becomes a disorder when it starts to inhabit throughout and disrupt normal everyday

Page 56
Depression: It is another form of response of emotionally demanding
situations.Depression is more than being sad or feeling intense grief. It is sad, hopeless
feeling lasting a short period usually as a reaction to some frustrating or emotionally
event. It is a natural reaction after a tragedy. It is a ‘faint’ or ‘succumb’ reaction. In
depression disease, the sad and gloomy mood remains for a long period, the whole
day, day after day. The mood is not lifted by pleasant events. The work and
responsibilities suffer.

According to Yoga, depression can be defined as unmanifest speed of thoughts,

feelings and emotions (mind). Just like, in a piece of rock where the enormous amount
of energy and activity of the electronic movements at extreme speed are not visible,
the neuro-muscular and emotional speed is locked up manifesting as depression inertia
lack of interest, lack of appetite, suicidal thoughts .

Depression can be of two types depending on its severity:

a) Moderate depression takes you into your inner being and opens up the inner
wisdom and helps you to move towards a mature personality.
b) When the depression becomes more severe it leads to unmanageable degree of
chemical imbalances which can be corrected through medication.

● Unmanageable degree of chemical imbalances lead to Neurosis. A group of

mental illnesses which are minor and there is no gross personality
disorganization. A person suffering from this illness is able to follow daily
routine, she/he may find life struggle. She/he may slow down and reduce
● Psychosis: Major disease or mental illness. Hence mental capacity, emotional
responsibility, capacity to be practical to be able relates to others and to be to
organize daily routine are all impaired. It is divided into:
● Anxiety neurosis
● Phobias
● Obsessive compulsive disorders
● Hysteria
● Depression
Page 57
● Mania depression psychosis
● Schizophrenia

2.2 Causes:

● Anxiety Neurosis: When the stressfully situations go long increasing beyond

one’s capacity to cope, one stars losing central over the Body-Mind
equilibrium results in gross imbalances in the chemistry of the brain. The
excited uncontrolled visible fight or flight reaction could be called as ‘Anxiety
Anxiety neurosis is manifest speed of thoughts (mind). It is visible as
apprehension, palpitation, restlessness, tremors etc. anxiety is differentiated
from moderate depression takes you into your inner being and opens up the
inner wisdom and helps you to move towards a mature personality.

● Phobia: It is sort of fear, if there is danger, then fear is normal, but fear of
imaginary or without any reason is called Phobia
● Obsession: To be tidy, punctual meticulous is good, but too much maintenance
of cleanliness washing all times in obsession and is to be checked – up
● Hysteria: Occasional fits, apart from all these above mentioned there is a last
stage called Dell Rium where a person gets fever, imbalanced thought,
irrelevant talks etc.
● Depression: It is a common to all psychological ailments characterized by
morbid sadness, increased perception of physical plan and guilt consciousness.
● Manic depression psychosis: Its causes are severe depression, in which there
may be delusions of being worthless, ill, wicked are impoverished and
hallucinations if accruing voices, loss and frustration also cause depression
which may be prolonged and disproportionate in depressive.
● Schizophrenia: A severe mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of
the process of thinking, of contact with reality and of emotional
responsiveness. Delusion and hallucination is usual feature, and the patient

Page 58
Page 59
usually feels that his thoughts, sensations and action are controlled by or shared
with others; he/she becomes socially withdrawn and loses energy and initiative.

2.3 Signs and symptoms:


● Muscle tension
● Tremors
● Neurosis
● Vomiting
● Headache
● Blinking of eyes or constant gazing at a point
● Delusion//hallucination
● Sweating
● Sudden fear towards nothing specific

● Insomnia
● Headache
● Exhaustion
● Anorexia
● Irritability
● Emotionalism
● Loss of interest
● Imperial concentrations
● Suicidal thoughts
● Negativity

2.4 General line of treatment:

● Drugs like dopamine, epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and serotonin are most

effective for depression.
● Specific relaxation techniques should be targeted

Page 60
● Hospitalization in case of severe depression
● Psychotherapy
● Behavioural therapy
● Cognitive therapy
● Re-education
● Crisis invention

3. Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Depression 6

Anxiety neurosis 4
Phobia 2

3.1 Graph Of Frequency:

4. Case Writing 1:
4.1 Biographic data:

Name :SH

Address : Bangalore.

Page 61
Age : 62

Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification: 10th pass

Occupation : Housewife

Start date : 10-11-15

End date: 17-11-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Early dementia, OA knees, hypertension, overweight

4.3History of present illness:

Participant came with the complaints of difficulty in walking since 5 years with
increased pain in knees on exertion. She is a hypertension patient since 6 years and is
on medication for the same. Also on the reporting day, she was not oriented on time,
with partial orientation to place, though oriented to person. Her speech was reduced
with partial irrelevant and incoherent talk. On further assessment her intelligence,
judgement and abstraction was impaired. Also, it was reported by the accompanying
person that she had reduced socialization, with increased forgetfulness, reduced
confidence levels, anxiety over crossing roads and loss of interest since last 8 months.

Page 62
a. Past History:
1. Childhood disease : No significant childhood diseases
2. Allergies : No allergies
3. Accidents and injuries : Nil
4. Hospitalization : No
5. Medication : No

b. Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal: No
(2) Maternal: BP
(3) Sibling: NO

c. Personal History
1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a.Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

Mostly rice with vegetables, 2

b.Typical daily food intake
meals per day

c.Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres of water

d.Weight loss/gain? Amount?
Weight gain There is weight gain since one year
e.Appetite Increased appetite
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel One time a day
b. Bladder 10 – 12 times a day(increased
frequency – not a diabetic)
c. Sweat Sweats easily
4 Menstrual history Menopause 12-15 years back

d. Stress history:
Her husband says she is slightly depressed because of family problems. Otherwise she
takes care of her family very well.

e. Physical Examination
1. Vital signs

Page 63
a. Pulse: 80
b. Respiratory Rate: 24 cpm
c. Blood Pressure : 120/70
2. Anthropometric measurement
a. Height: 154 cm
b. Weight: 79 kg
c. BMI: 33

f. Investigations and findings:

No investigations

5 FinalDiagnosis

OA knees, Obesity, HTN

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)

Treatment is yoga therapy – special techniques from sec D(knee pain) and also Sec C. Diet
should be weight losing diet. Counselling followed by Ayurveda, shirodhara and Janubasti.

Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 80 80 0

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 24 16 33.3

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 120 120 0

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 70 82 -17.14

Breath holding time(sec) 6 10 -66.6

Page 64
Page 65

Weight(kg) 79 77.6 1.77

Body mass index(kg/m 33 32.4 1.81

Symptom Score 0 0 0

Medication score 0 0 0

7.1 Graphs:

Pulse RR
100 40

50 20
Pulse RR
0 Before After Yoga % Change 0 Before After Yoga % Change Yoga

150 Breath Holding Time

100 100
Systolic BP 50
50 Breath
Diastolic BP 0 Holding Time
0 Before After %
Before After % Yoga Yoga Change
Yoga Yoga Change

100 80
60 Symptom score
Weight 40
BMI 20 Medication
0 0 score
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

Page 66
8.1 Participant Feedback:
Patient is feeling better. She started coordinating with other participants.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT

module: She is satisfied with the module.

Page 67
SECTION C – Mamatha (Psychiatry)

1. Introduction to the Section

1.1 Name : Mamata

a.Name of the first sub-section : Psychotic disorders
b. Name of the 2ndsub-section : Neurotic disorders
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala
1.3Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna


This section deals with neurological disorders such as anxiety neurosis, depressive
neurosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias etc. This is named ‘Mamata’ means
protective care. Protective care is taken for these patients suffering with these ailments. It
is hyper-arousal state of mind characterized by apprehension, tremors, palpitations,
restlessness etc.

2 Introduction to the Ailment:


Anxiety: This disease is an unpleasant emotional state ranging from mild unease
fear.An anxious person usually feels a sense of impending doom and has certain
physical and psychological symptoms, although there is no obvious threat. Anxiety
becomes a disorder when it starts to inhabit throughout and disrupt normal everyday

Depression: It is another form of response of emotionally demanding

Page 68
situations.Depression is more than being sad or feeling intense grief. It is sad, hopeless

Page 69
lasting a short period usually as a reaction to some frustrating or emotionally event. It
is a natural reaction after a tragedy. It is a ‘faint’ or ‘succumb’ reaction. In depression
disease, the sad and gloomy mood remains for a long period, the whole day, day after
day. The mood is not lifted by pleasant events. The work and responsibilities suffer.

According to Yoga, depression can be defined as unmanifest speed of thoughts,

feelings and emotions (mind). Just like, in a piece of rock where the enormous amount
of energy and activity of the electronic movements at extreme speed are not visible,
the neuro-muscular and emotional speed is locked up manifesting as depression inertia
lack of interest, lack of appetite, suicidal thoughts .

Depression can be of two types depending on its severity:

c) Moderate depression takes you into your inner being and opens up the inner
wisdom and helps you to move towards a mature personality.
d) When the depression becomes more severe it leads to unmanageable degree of
chemical imbalances which can be corrected through medication.

● Unmanageable degree of chemical imbalances leads to Neurosis. A group of

mental illnesses which are minor and there is no gross personality
disorganization. A person suffering from this illness is able to follow daily
routine, she/he may find life struggle. She/he may slow down and reduce
● Psychosis: Major disease or mental illness. Hence mental capacity, emotional
responsibility, capacity to be practical to be able relates to others and to be to
organize daily routine are all impaired. It is divided into:
● Anxiety neurosis
● Phobias
● Obsessive compulsive disorders
● Hysteria
● Depression
● Mania depression psychosis
● Schizophrenia
Page 70
2.2 Causes:

● Anxiety Neurosis: When the stressfully situations go long increasing beyond

one’s capacity to cope, one stars losing central over the Body-Mind
equilibrium results in gross imbalances in the chemistry of the brain. The
excited uncontrolled visible fight or flight reaction could be called as ‘Anxiety
Anxiety neurosis is manifest speed of thoughts (mind). It is visible as
apprehension, palpitation, restlessness, tremors etc. anxiety is differentiated
from moderate depression takes you into your inner being and opens up the
inner wisdom and helps you to move towards a mature personality.

● Phobia: It is sort of fear, if there is danger, then fear is normal, but fear of
imaginary or without any reason is called Phobia
● Obsession: To be tidy, punctual meticulous is good, but too much maintenance
of cleanliness washing all times in obsession and is to be checked – up
● Hysteria: Occasional fits, apart from all these above mentioned there is a last
stage called Dell Rium where a person gets fever, imbalanced thought,
irrelevant talks etc.
● Depression: It is a common to all psychological ailments characterized by
morbid sadness, increased perception of physical plan and guilt consciousness.
● Manic depression psychosis: Its causes are severe depression, in which there
may be delusions of being worthless, ill, wicked are impoverished and
hallucinations if accuring voices, loss and frustration also cause depression
which may be prolonged and disproportionate in depressive.
● Schizophrenia: A severe mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of
the process of thinking, of contact with reality and of emotional
responsiveness. Delusion and hallucination is usual feature, and the patient usually
feels that his thoughts, sensations and action are controlled by or shared with
others; he/she becomes socially withdrawn and loses energy and initiative.

Page 71
2.3 Signs and symptoms:


● Muscle tension
● Tremors
● Neurosis
● Vomiting
● Headache
● Blinking of eyes or constant gazing at a point
● Delusion//hallucination
● Sweating
● Sudden fear towards nothing specific

● Insomnia
● Headache
● Exhaustion
● Anorexia
● Irritability
● Emotionalism
● Loss of interest
● Imperial concentrations
● Suicidal thoughts
● Negativity

2.4 General line of treatment:

● Drugs like dopamine, epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and serotonin are most

effective for depression.
● Specific relaxation techniques should be targeted
● Hospitalization in case of severe depression
● Psychotherapy
● Behavioural therapy

Page 72
● Cognitive therapy
● Re-education
● Crisis invention

3 Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Depression 6

Anxiety neurosis 4
Phobia 2

3.2 Graph Of Frequency:

4. Case Writing – 2
4. 1Biographic data:
Name :DK

Address : Bangalore.

Age : 60

Page 73
Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification: PUC pass

Occupation : Housewife

Start date : 10-08-15

End date : 17-08-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

She is suffering from depression since 6 months, not interested in any work. Has thoughts
of fear. Took homoeopathy, has had many small episodes of depression.

4.3History of present illness:

Participants came with the complaints of low moods, loss of interest, worry about future
and fear of having a major disease since 6 months. She also complains pain in knee joints
on and off. She gave no history of suicide ideations. She had some conflicts at home
since then started losing interest in things.

4.4 Past History:

1.Childhood disease : No significant childhood diseases
2.Allergies : No allergies
3.Accidents and injuries : Never met with any accident
4.Hospitalization : No hospitalization
5.Medication : No

4.5 Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal: No history

(2) Maternal: Mother was Diabetic

Page 74
4.6 Personal History:
1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

3 meals per day consisting of rice,

b.Typical daily food intake
Chapati and salads

c. Typical daily fluid intake 2 liters of water

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight loss since one year
e. Appetite Decreased
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2-3 times per day
b. Bladder 6-7 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweat during exercise only
4 Menstrual history Menopause 7 – 8 years back

4.7 Stress history:

She is the second wife. Has lot of age difference with her husband. She
loves her husband but gets angry very easily.

4.8 Physical Examination

1. Vital signs:

a. Pulse: 74
b. Respiratory Rate: 18 cpm
c. Blood Pressure: 140/96
2. Anthropometric measurement

a. Height: 154 cm
b. Weight: 62 kg
c. BMI: 26.6

4.9 Investigations and findings: Not available

Page 75
5. Final Diagnosis:
Mild depression with anxiety

6. Treatment and Management:

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
Treatment is yoga therapy – special techniques from Sec C.


Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 74 76 -2.7

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 18 20 -11.1

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 140 120 14.28

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 96 80 16.6

Breath holding time(sec) 14 16 -14.28

Weight(kg) 62 62 0
Body mass index(kg/m 26.6 26.6 0

Symptom Score 8 1 87.5

Medication score 0 0 0


Pulse RR
40 20
0 Pulse 10 RR
Before After Yoga % Change

Page 76
Breath Holding Time
50 Systolic BP 16
15 Breath
0 Diastolic BP 14
13 Holding Time
Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change

40 60 Symptom
30 Weight score
20 BMI Medication
0 0 score
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

8. Conclusion:
8.1 Participant Feedback:

Symptoms are considerably less compared to before. There is improvement in all her
parameters. She is feeling happy and started enjoying life.
8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

The participant was very happy and charged in one week .

Page 77


1.1 Name : Karuna
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala

1.3 Therapist : Ms Radhika

1.4 Consultant: : Dr. Nagaratna
1.5 Introduction : This section deals with rheumatism and arthritis patients. This section is
named ‘Karuna’. As the patients suffer with lot of pain, therapist is very compassionate
towards them.


2.1 Definition:

The term ‘Arthritis’ means ‘Arthra’.- Joint and ‘Itis’ – Inflammation. Arthritis is a joint
disorder that is characterized by swelling of the synovial membranes and pain of the
joints. It is characterized by the wear and tear of the joints. Not all the pains in the joints
can be termed as Arthritis, but when the pain in the joints and muscles occur without any
inflammation it is called ‘Artharalgia’ and ‘Myalgia’. Arthritis is a crippling degenerative
process which can eventuate in irreversible damage in the joints. However, it can be
reversible if detected earlier.

2.2 Causes :


Arthritis is classified into three types namely –

(i) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Of all the known types of arthritis, rheumatoid

Page 78
arthritis is the most virulent. It is characterized by inflammation of many joints
giving rise to their swelling, redness and warmth. The synovial membrane that
surrounds the ends of the two bones forming a joint is affected. This inflammation
makes the joints weaker, eventually destroying them to a large extent. The pain
starts in small joints of fingers and toes, in cold season after an episode of
infection or delivery or around menopause. Pain and swelling affects middle and
ring fingers, wrists and toes. It strikes in the age group between 25-50 yrs. There
is the feeling of sickness, fatigue and fever along with weight loss.
(ii) Osteo-Arthritis : This is a condition related to aging of the joints most common in
older people. Mostly beyond 60yrs and above, but nowadays may start as early as
40 years, where cartilage-covering tissues over bones gradually break up and
disappear leaving raw ends of the bones rubbing on each other. This usually
affects longer joints such as the knees and the hips. Unlike Rheumatoid arthritis in
this condition usually redness, warmth and swelling of joints is not seen. There is
a feeling of helplessness rather than sickness
(iii) Ankylosing spondylitis: It is a hereditary inflammatory disease. The vertebrae
of spinal column get fused with the inflammation.

2.3 Signs and symptoms:

(i) Pain increases by use of the joints and decrease at rest.

(ii) Limitation of movement
(iii) Effusion in the joint
(iv) Joints become reddish and are warm and tender to touch.
(v) Associated muscle wasting
(vi) Pain aggravates in cold climate, mainly in the morning.
(vii) Overall the condition

Page 79
2.4 General line of treatment:

The aim of modern medicine is to relieve pain, maintain the movement, correct the
deformities etc.

(i) Drug Therapy: It has three goals:-

● Symptoms relief: The first level of symptoms relief by painkiller tablets which
denumb the nerves from sending off the message of pain to the brain.
● Suppress inflammation: The second level drugs include non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and steroids.
● Prevent joints destruction: The third categories of medicines which are used
for long periods of time in RA are called disease modifying anti-rheumatic
drugs (DMARD). These are gold, D-pencillamine, anti-malarial and immune-
(ii) Physical therapy: Advanced techniques have given many aids and gadgets for
physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Local heat, wax, bath, medicated oil
massage, ultra sound, vibration therapy are all used for pain relief.

3 Frequency of Disease
Disease Frequency

Rheumatism 10

Knee pain 4

Page 80
`3.1 Graph

4.1 Biographic data:

Name: A R

Address: Bangalore.

Age: 44

Sex: F

Marital status: Married

Educational qualification: MA (Psychology)

Occupation: Counsellor

Start date: 24-08-15

End date: 30-08-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

c/o Migraine headache since 5 years. Pain in multiple joints since 5 years

4.3History of present illness

Patient was apparently alright 5 years back, when she suddenly developed headache on
one side of the head, aggravates when exposed to sun, excess of sound, A/C, relieved by
intake of medication. Stress also aggravates the pain, pain is severe during menses. H/O
of pain in multiple joints, pain started in shoulder joint and pain is seen in finger joints,

Page 81
knees, ankle joints, unable to hold things in hands due to weakness in the hands,
aggravates during winter season, no relieving factors.

4.4 Past History:

1. Childhood disease : Nothing
2. Allergies : No
3. Accidents and injuries : No
4. Hospitalization : Hospitalized to get ovary removed
5. Medication : No medication
4.5 Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal : No paternal history

(2) Maternal : No maternal history
(3) Sibling : No siblings

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions

2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Non Veg

3 meals per day. Weekly once

b.Typical daily food intake non-veg, rice is staple, chapati,
sabji and fruits

c. Typical daily fluid intake One litre of water

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight gain since two years
e. Appetite Normal
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 1 to 2 times in a day
b. Bladder 4 to 5 times a day
c. Sweat Sweating is there during exertion
4 Menstrual history 4/30 days, flow is heavy
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
Yoga for an hour since 10 years,
a. Duration/ type of exercise but because of pain not able to do
b. Spare time activity Reading books
6 Sleep Rest Pattern Gets good sleep, disturbs during

Page 82
4.7Stress history:

She had family stress because of husbands job. At present, stress level is moderate

4.8 Physical Examination

1. Vital signs

a. Pulse: 65
b. Respiratory Rate: 10 cpm
c.Blood Pressure: 90/60
2. Anthropometric measurement

a. Height:166

b.Weight: 84 kg

c.BMI: 28

4.9 Investigations and findings:

Date: 21-08-15

Uric acid – 4.2 mg/dl

RA factor – 10.2 IU/ml

FBS – 82 mg/dl

PPBS – 80 mg/dl

Migraine and Rheumatoid Arthritis

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
Treatment is yoga therapy – special techniques from sec D(knee pain), stress relieving
practices and head rolling ,acupuncture for migraine. Diet should be weight losing diet.
In Ayurveda abhyanga to knees.

Page 83
Yogic Management

Loosening Exercises

Wrist rotation
Shoulder rotation
Sukhma Vyayama and sakthi
vikasa ( in Dhandasana)
Legs swinging to front back
Side and cross
Neck exercises (in Dhandasana)
Folded lumbar stretch
Sethubandhasana stretch
Toe bending, ankle rotation, twisting, knee cap tighten, half butterfly QRT
Ardha matsyedransana
Gomukhasana Ustrasana
Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)

Nadansandhana, OM Meditation
Jala Neti, Vamana Dhouti
Jyoti Trataka
Prone Supine
Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)
II. Pranamaya Kosha
Practice of Nadhishuddhi, sectional breathing

Page 84
Candranuloma viloma is useful.
III. Manomaya Kosh

Cyclic mediation, Om Meditation, Nadanusandhana, devotional sessions are helpful

in calming down the mind.
1. Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
Helps to stabilize the nervous system thus the emotions – There is an overall reduction in
metabolism also.
2. Cycle meditation
Balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalances
3. Devotional sessions
Helps to give the emotional stability
IV Vijnanamaya kosha
Lectures, counseling helps to bring awareness of one’s psychological conflicts to
reduce provocations to vagal centers.
V. Anandamaya Kosha
At this level, the state of bliss is achieved through various sessions of happy assembly
and karma yoga where one learns action in relaxation.

Page 85
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 65 64 1.53

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 10 10 0

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 90 100 -11.1

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 60 60 0

Breath holding time(sec) 12 19 -58.3

Weight(kg) 84 82 2.38
Body mass index(kg/m 28 27 3.57

Symptom Score 67 8 88.05

Medication score 0 0 0

Page 86

Pulse RR
80 15
60 10
20 Pulse 5 RR
0 0
Before After % Before After Yoga % Change
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga

100 Breath Holding Time
60 80
40 Systolic BP 60
20 40
0 Diastolic BP Breath
Holding Time
Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change

100 100
80 80
60 60 Symptom
40 Weight score
BMI Medication
20 20
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

Page 87

8.1 Participant Feedback:

There are lot of changes in her parameters. Her symptoms and pains are almost nil.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

Patient enjoyed the module thoroughly. She was very much impressed by the
positive environment around her.

Page 88


1.1Name : Karuna
1.2Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala
1.3Therapist : Ms. Radhika
1.4Consultant: : Dr. Nagaratna
1.5Introduction : This section deals with rheumatism and arthritis patients. This section is
named ‘Karuna’. As the patients suffer with lot of pain, therapist is very compassionate
towards them.


2.1 Definition:

The term ‘Arthritis’ means ‘Arthra’.- Joint and ‘Itis’ – Inflammation. Arthritis is a joint
disorder that is characterized by swelling of the synovial membranes and pain of the
joints. It is characterized by the wear and tear of the joints. Not all the pains in the joints
can be termed as Arthritis, but when the pain in the joints and muscles occur without any
inflammation it is called ‘Artharalgia’ and ‘Myalgia’. Arthritis is a crippling
degenerative process which can eventuate in irreversible damage in the joints. However,
it can be reversible if detected earlier.

2.2 Causes :


Arthritis is classified into three types namely –

(iv) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Of all the known types of arthritis, rheumatoid
arthritis is the most virulent. It is characterized by inflammation of many joints
giving rise to their swelling, redness and warmth. The synovial membrane that
surrounds the ends of the two bones forming a joint is affected. This
inflammation makes the joints weaker, eventually destroying them to a large
Page 89
extent. The pain starts in small joints of fingers and toes, in cold season after an
episode of infection or delivery or around menopause. Pain and swelling affects
middle and ring fingers, wrists and toes. It strikes in the age group between 25-50
yrs. There is the feeling of sickness, fatigue and fever along with weight loss.
(v) Osteo-Arthritis : This is a condition related to aging of the joints most common in
older people. Mostly beyond 60yrs and above, but nowadays may start as early as
40 years, where cartilage-covering tissues over bones gradually break up and
disappear leaving raw ends of the bones rubbing on each other. This usually
affects longer joints such as the knees and the hips. Unlike Rheumatoid arthritis
in this condition usually redness, warmth and swelling of joints is not seen. There
is a feeling of helplessness rather than sickness

(vi) Ankylosing spondylitis: It is a hereditary inflammatory disease. The vertebrae

of spinal column get fused with the inflammation.

2.3 Signs and symptoms:

(viii) Pain increases by use of the joints and decrease at rest.

(ix) Limitation of movement
(x) Effusion in the joint
(xi) Joints become reddish and are warm and tender to touch.
(xii) Associated muscle wasting
(xiii) Pain aggravates in cold climate, mainly in the morning.
(xiv) Overall the condition

2.4 General line of treatment:

The aim of modern medicine is to relieve pain, maintain the movement, correct the
deformities etc.

(iii) Drug Therapy: It has three goals:-

● Symptoms relief: The first level of symptoms relief by painkiller tablets
which denumb the nerves from sending off the message of pain to the brain.
● Suppress inflammation: The second level drugs include non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and steroids.
● Prevent joints destruction: The third categories of medicines which are used
for long periods of time in RA are called disease modifying anti-rheumatic

Page 90
drugs (DMARD). These are gold, D-pencillamine, anti-malarial and immune-
(iv) Physical therapy:
Advanced techniques have given many aids and gadgets for physiotherapy and
occupational therapy. Local heat, wax, bath, medicated oil massage, ultra
sound, vibration therapy are all used for pain relief.
3 Frequency of Disease
Disease Frequency

Rheumatism 10

Knee pain 4

3.1 Graph

4.1 Biographic data:
Name :P P

Address : Bangalore

Age : 46

Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Page 91
Educational qualification: B.Com

Start date : 24-09-15

End date: 08-10-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Multiple joint pain from past 7 years.

4.3 History of present illness:

Multiple joint pain past 7 years, gradual in onset, pain in shoulder, wrist, knee
and ankle, increased stiffness, reduced range of motion, pain is also present in
jaw. Aggravates on walking, standing relieved by medication.Difficulty in getting
up and sitting and also walking.

4.4 Past History:

1. Childhood disease: No childhood diseases

2. Allergies: She is suffering from allergic bronchitis

3. Accidents and injuries: No

4. Hospitalization: No hospitalization

5. Medication: No medication

4.5 Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal: History of BP and Diabetes

(2) Maternal: Thyroid

(3) Sibling: All 3 sisters are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

3 meals per day consisting of ragi,

b. Typical daily food intake
rice, chapati

Page 92
c.Typical daily fluid intake very less, 3-4 glasses

Page 93

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight

gain Weight is stable since long time
e. Appetite Normal

3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2 times in a day
b. Bladder 4 to 5 times a day
c. Sweat Sweats rarely
4 Menstrual history 4-5/28, normal flow
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
Pranayam for 20 mins, walk for 15
a. Duration/ type of exercise mins

b. Spare time activity singing songs

Disturbed sleep throughout night

6 Sleep Rest Pattern
because of pain.

4.7 Stress history:

There was huge loss in husbands business, had to pay debts. This has lead to stress.

4.8 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs
a. Pulse: 65
b. Respiratory Rate: 10 cpm
c. Blood Pressure : 90/60
2. Anthropometric measurement
a. Height:166
b. Weight: 84 kg
c. BMI: 28

4.9 Investigations and

Hb – 7.0 gm/dl

Page 94
Page 95

Migraine and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Diet: Normal diet.
Physical activity: Daily 30 minutes walk
Ayurveda: Abhyanga to knees
Naturopathy: Mud pack to knees
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 65 64 1.54

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 10 10 0

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 90 100 -11.1

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 60 60 0

Breath holding time(sec) 12 19 -58.3

Weight(kg) 84 82 2.38
Body mass index(kg/m 28 27 3.57

Symptom Score 67 8 88

Medication score 0 0

Page 96


60 15
40 10
20 Pulse
0 5 RR
Before After % Change 0
Yoga Yoga Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

100 Breath Holding Time
60 Systolic BP 60
40 40
Diastolic BP Breath
20 20
Holding Time
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

60 Symptom
Weight 40 score
20 BMI 20
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

8.1 Participant Feedback:

Because of lot of changes in her symptoms and health, patient extended her course.
Because of changed environment, she felt very calm in her mind and happy.

8.2Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module :

Page 97
[Type text] Page 98
Feeling comfortable with her body and plans to continue his stay to reap more benefits. She
attended all sessions of Sukshmavyayama, breathing practices, pranayama and meditation as
he has multiple ailments. There was little improvement in all levels, but he was expecting
more than that.

Page 99
Section ‘E’ – Bhavana(Back pain and Neck pain)

1. Introduction to the Section

1.1Name : Bhavana

1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala

1.3 Therapist : Radhika

1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction : This section mainly deals with treatment of spinal disorders like back
pain, sciatica, spondylosis using Integrated Approach to Yoga Therapy (IAYT). Further if
required participant is advised for other alternative medicines like Physiotherapy, Ayurveda,
Naturopathy or sometimes-allopathic medicines if necessary. This section is looked after
very eminent doctor with allopath and yoga background. The therapist Jalander N Upendra is
also well experienced looks after every participant.

2. Introduction to the Ailment

Definition: Pain occurring in the region between the neck and the pelvic region at
anypoint on the spinal column is termed as back pain. Any difficulty in bending forward
to touch the toes and also in resuming the upright position also comes under this
category. Back pain does not signify a particular It has become very common in present
era of modern lifestyle and stress. About 60-70% of people are suffering from back pain
disease. It is but only a symptom of varied causes of back pain.. The causes of back pain
include not only physical strain, but also mental restlessness and intellectual conflicts.
The causes of back pain can be categorized into two namely.

(i) Organic: Organic causes are those in which a structural damage can
bedetected by doing certain tests. They include injuries, infections, tumours,
and degenerative changes affecting any of the structures that go to form the
Page 100
(ii) Functional: In functional causes the structural damage cannot be detected
andthese are usually because of life-style changes, postural defects or
psychological stresses.

∑ Classification
Back pain may be classified as follows:
(i) Acute –characterized by sudden onset of pain usually resulting into inability
tomove or bend, rotate etc.
(ii) Sub Acute –Pain coming over several hours to few days, pain may come
(iii) Chronic –The pain is of prolonged duration. The pain may be mild & it
increasesor decreases according to the season.
(iv) Simple pain back –usually due to spasm of the muscles of the back.
Slipped disc –occurs when there is wearing out of the inter-vertebral disc(annulus
fibrosis) resulting into slipping out of the nucleus pulposus, which normally acts
as a shock-absorber. It puts pressure all around, especially on the nerve roots and
the spinal nerves which are adjoining causing the back to pain

(v) Muscle to go into spasm, invariably a protective phenomenon also, to

preventfurther movement of the disc and vertebrae,
(vi) Sciatica –a shooting type of pain is felt, radiating all along the sciatic nerve,
fromthe lower back to the ankles.
(vii) Cervical spondylosis –caused due to degeneration of the spinal discs in
thecervix, leading to severe pain in the neck and the arm
(viii) Ankylosing spondylosis –Bamboo spine disease.
(ix) Whisplash injury –occurring as a result of sudden jerk e.g. to neck
causingabnormal movement and positions of vertebral bodies injuring the spinal
cord there.

a. Causes
The categorization of Back pain causing conditions is as follows-

(i) Back injuries

a. Slipped disc

Page 101
b. Disc problems in the neck
c. Whiplash injury
(ii) Nerve problems
a. Sciatica
(iii) Spondylosis
a. Cervical spondylosis
b. Coccydynia
c. Lumbar spondylosis
(iv) Ankylosing spondylosis
(v) Non-specific back pain (functional cause)
(vi) Life style stress and back pain
a. Wrong muscles are over-worked
b. Repeated injuries due to unused exercise
c. Psychological stress

b. Symptoms
● Pain at the site.
● In chronic back pain, pain increases in the evening & night.
● Stiffness
● Person is always under stress.
● Pain increases even on simple exertion.
● Radiation of pain in the legs.
(i) Mechanical low back pain is usually acute in onset with preceeding
history of lifting weight, bending and exertion.
(ii) Radiation of pain to the thigh.
(iii) Sprain of muscles, ligaments, joints with nerve root irritation
(iv) Radiation of pain down to legs and aggravated by cough, sneeze, straining
at stool is associated with disc protrusion.
(v) Ankylosing spondylosis is associated with prolonged early morning
stiffness and activity.
(vi) Local tenderness over spine with less of lumbar lordosis and postural
changes with muscle spasm and an uncompensated non-structural scoliosis
are common physical symptoms
(vii) Depression.
Page 102
c. General level of Treatment
Most of the time the back pain is due to improper posture and careless attitude apart from
ignorance. We ourselves, therefore, are responsible for our back pain and are also
capable of curing most of it. Methods used are

(i) Rest – if severe pain, bed-rest for at least one week and prolonged if
(ii) Physiotherapy in form of hot water bag fomentation, infrared lamp or
short wave diathermy.
(iii) Acupuncture
(iv) Posture correction if wrong posture is the cause.
(v) Anti-inflammatory tablets can be given.
(vi) Surgery is advised for slipped disc, but movement is restricted after that.
(vii) Traction may be given intermittently or continuous while the patient is at
rest in the bed.
(viii) Manipulation and massage.
(ix) Pain relieving drugs should be non-addictive as they may be required for a
long period.
(x) Advice is given regarding posture and work stress such as lifting and
(xi) Manipulation varies from gentle mobilization to various thrusting
movements. However, manipulations have to be carried out at regular
interval with high relapse rate between treatments.
(xii) Injection of local anaesthetics and cortisone derivative may be given in
tender muscle fascicle and given subjective relief.

3. Frequency Of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Low back pain 10

Page 103

Neck pain 6

Ankylosing spondylitis 1

3.1 Graph of Frequency:

4. Case Writing - 1
Biographic data:
Name : DK

Address : Bangalore

Age : 35

Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification :MS (Engineering).

Occupation : Homemaker.

Start date : 17-08-2015

End date : 30-08-2015

Page 104
Page 105

4.1 Chief Complaint : Hypo thyroids, Back pain, Neck pain.

4.2 History of present illness: Low Back Pain, since 2006, increases on stress, exertion. Neck
pain and shoulder pain. Feels tired, dry skin, cracked feet and hair fall. Patient is
Hypothyroid since 2004 (Hashimoto’s). Patient has acne.

4.3 Past History:

1. Childhood disease : No childhood diseases
2. Allergies : Dust Allergy, Allergic Rhinitis
3. Accidents and injuries : No
4. Hospitalization : No
5. Medication : Thyronorm 50 mg

4.4 Family History of illness

(1) Paternal: No illness

(2) Maternal: Mother has hypothyroidism, IBS

(3) Sibling: Sister had hypothyroidism during pregnancy

4.5 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian 3 meals per day-Non-veg, but veg
since one and half year
Breakfast - Puttu with less
b. Typical daily food intake idli,dosa
Lunch – Rice, dal and sabji
Dinner – 2 to 3 chapattis with sabji
c.Typical daily fluid intake Fluid intake is very less, hardly
drinks 4 glasses of water.
d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight

Page 106
Page 107

Appetite is normal, sweet intake is

there to get relieved from
e.Appetite headache.
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel One time in a day
b. Bladder 4 to 5 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweating during exertion, normally
sweating in armpit.
Menstrual cycle is normally 30 –
32 days lasting for 3 days but since
4 Menstrual history
3 months it is 25 days cycle. Flow
is normal.
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
a. Duration/ type of exercise Walking, 10 minutes
b. Spare time activity Browsing net
Sleep pattern is good, sleeps for at
6 Sleep Rest Pattern least for 8 hours but getting up is

4.6 Stress History:

Gets stressed out very easily. Stress is mainly because of kids.

4.7 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs

a. Pulse: 74 bpm
b. Respiratory Rate: 16 per minute
c. Blood Pressure : 110 / 70

2. Anthropometric measurement

a. Height: 160 cm
b. Weight: 61 kg
c. BMI: 23.8

4.8 Investigations and findings

Sep 2014 – TSH – 5.95

Page 108
5Final Diagnosis
Back pain, Hashimoto's Hypothyroid, Neck pain

6 Treatment /Management
(Ayurveda,Homeopathy,Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
Treatment is mainly through yoga therapy in Sec – E with Matsyasana, Sarvangasana,
Neck Rotation, Bhujangasana. Diet is normal.

Management through yoga:

The practices operating at different levels are as follows:-

a. Annamaya kosa

Normal sattvik food is advised. Yoga techniques (loosening exercises, breathing,

asanas & kriyas) involving slow body movements can be done if the pain is not severe.
Forward and backward bending should be avoided in severe cases. The three
important factors that we need to adhere to are:

(i) Relax the spinal muscles (through IRT, QRT, DRT)

(ii) Strengthen the spinal muscles
(iii) Mobilize the stiff back
Physical exercises and movements

Very simple physical movements to mobilize and activate particularly affected parts
of the body used. Some easy physical exercises are adopted to fulfil the needs of
particular ailments to loosen the joints. Stretch and relax the muscles.


Yogasanas are physical postures often imitating the natural positions of animals
meant to tranquil the mind. Through postures are brought the physical revitalization
and deep relaxation and mental calmness.

b. Pranayama kosa

Page 109
[Type text] Page 110

The aim here is normalization of breath and development of awareness on the

affected parts during the breathing practices that remove the blockages or congestion
in those areas thus bringing about relief. PET harmonizes the functioning of various
systems and also brings about a balance in the pranic flow within. Usually, poor
health is due to imbalances in the prana, so when this prana is regulated, the body
regains its lost health.

c. Manomaya kosa

OM meditation, CM, Nadanusandhana, MSRT are very good as most of the emotional
stresses arise in this kosa. Devotional sessions consisting of prayers, chants, bhajans,
Namavalis, stotras help to build a congenial atmosphere to evoke, recognise, attenuate
and dissipate the emotions. The control over emotions is obtained through devotional
sessions. The emotional imbalances and upsurges are eliminated by such control.
Regular practice of these, as well as devotion to the Divine with an attitude of
surrender, is an effective treatment for back ache.

d. Vijnanamaya kosa

Notional correction through counselling forms the important thing here. Intellectual
discussion, philosophical thinking helps the growth of intellect. Reading, listening to
lectures help to gain knowledge to come out distress.

e. Anandamaya kosa

Karma yoga which is to do work as an offering to the lord and whatever results are
obtained, be taken as Prasad from Him makes is the key to happiness. During happy
assembly, the patient forgets his pain and for that time, reaches the state of happiness.
In that movement he experiences Ananda.

As prevention is better than cure the preventive measures include:

(i) Awareness and correction of posture while standing and sitting and lying
(ii) Regular exercise
(iii) Stress management

Page 111
[Type text] Page 112

Yoga techniques involving slow body movements followed by practices of deep

relaxation are useful in maintaining the strength and flexibility of the spine. Regular
practice of a basic set of yoga practices of 45 to 60 min including surya namaskaras,
loosening practices, 8-10 asanas followed by deep relaxation by pranayama and

Yoga during acute episodes and chronic back pain

During the acute phase of bed-rest yoga has an important role to achieve quick results.
Yoga basically is a trick to give very deep rest to the mind-body complex and hence can be
used even during the acute phase of back pain. As yoga emphasizes, working mainly from
mind, once you start working with your-self to develop internal awareness and conscious
relaxation and rest, you become confident to move on and on to manage yourself at later
stages too. The eight stages of Yogic relaxation for low back pain are based on the
principle of stimulation and relaxation as a better way of improvement rather than just a

Conventional management techniques include a combination of immobilization, local heat

or cold pads, nerve blocks, anti-inflammatory medicines, muscle relaxants, painkillers and
tranquilizers to give rest and comfort.

7 Parameters

Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 74 72 2.7
Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 16 14 12.5
Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 100 110 -10
Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 70 68 2.85

Page 113
[Type text] Page 114

Breath holding time(sec) 10 14 -40

Weight(kg) 61 60 1.63
Body mass index(kg/m 26.2 25.9 1.145
Symptom Score 7 3 57.1
Medication score 0 0 0


Pulse RR
40 10
20 Pulse 5 RR
0 0 Before After Yoga % Change Yoga
Before After % Change
Yoga Yoga

100 Breath Holding
60 Time
40 Systolic BP

0 Diastolic BP 50 Breath
0 Holding
Before After % Time
Yoga Yoga Change

60 40
30 score
40 Weight
20 BMI Medication
10 score
0 0
Before After % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Change

Page 115
[Type text] Page 116

8 Conclusion:
8.1Participant Feedback:
The participant is relaxed and better after. There has been consistent improvement in
all her vital and clinical parameters.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

Patient is happy with IAYT module.

Page 117
Section ‘E’ – Bhavana(Back pain and Neck pain)

1. Introduction to the Section

1.1Name : Bhavana

1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr. Nirmala

1.3 Therapist : Dr. Radhika

1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction : This section mainly deals with treatment of spinal disorders like back
pain, sciatica, spondylosis using Integrated Approach to Yoga Therapy (IAYT). Further if
required participant is advised for other alternative medicines like Physiotherapy, Ayurveda,
Naturopathy or sometimes-allopathic medicines if necessary. This section is looked after very
eminent doctor with allopath and yoga background. The therapist Monali is also well
experienced looks after every participant.

2. Introduction to the Ailment

2.1 Definition: Pain occurring in the region between the neck and the pelvic region atany
point on the spinal column is termed as back pain. Any difficulty in bending forward to
touch the toes and also in resuming the upright position also comes under this category.
Back pain does not signify a particular disease. It is but only a symptom of varied causes of
back pain. It has become very common in present era of modern lifestyle and stress. About
60-70% of people are suffering from back pain. The causes of
back pain include not only physical strain, but also mental restlessness and intellectual
The causes of back pain can be categorized into two namely.

(iii) Organic: Organic causes are those in which a structural damage can
bedetected by doing certain tests. They include injuries, infections, tumours,
and degenerative changes affecting any of the structures that go to form the
(iv) Functional: In functional causes the structural damage cannot be detected
Page 118
andthese are usually because of life-style changes, postural defects or
psychological stresses.

∑ Classification
Back pain may be classified as follows:-

(x) Acute –characterized by sudden onset of pain usually resulting into inability
tomove or bend, rotate etc.

(xi) Sub Acute –Pain coming over several hours to few days, pain may come
(xii) Chronic –The pain is of prolonged duration. The pain may be mild & it
increasesor decreases according to the season.
(xiii) Simple pain back –usually due to spasm of the muscles of the back.
Slipped disc –occurs when there is wearing out of the inter-vertebral disc(annulus
fibrosis) resulting into slipping out of the nucleus pulposus, which normally acts
as a shock-absorber. It puts pressure all around, especially on the nerve roots and
the spinal nerves which are adjoining causing the back to pain

(xiv) Muscle to go into spasm, invariably a protective phenomenon also, to

preventfurther movement of the disc and vertebrae,
(xv) Sciatica –a shooting type of pain is felt, radiating all along the sciatic nerve,
fromthe lower back to the ankles.
(xvi) Cervical spondylosis –caused due to degeneration of the spinal discs in
thecervix, leading to severe pain in the neck and the arm
(xvii) Ankylosing spondylosis –Bamboo spine disease.
(xviii) Whiplash injury –occurring as a result of sudden jerk e.g. to neck
causingabnormal movement and positions of vertebral bodies injuring the spinal
cord there.

The categorization of Back pain causing conditions is as follows-

(vii) Back injuries

d. Slipped disc
e. Disc problems in the neck

Page 119
f. Whiplash injury
(viii) Nerve problems
b. Sciatica
(ix) Spondylosis
d. Cervical spondylosis
e. Coccydynia

f. Lumbar spondylosis
(x) Ankylosing spondylosis
(xi) Non-specific back pain (functional cause)
(xii) Life style stress and back pain
d. Wrong muscles are over-worked
e. Repeated injuries due to unused exercise
f. Psychological stress

2.3 Symptoms
● Pain at the site.
● In chronic back pain, pain increases in the evening & night.
● Stiffness
● Person is always under stress.
● Pain increases even on simple exertion.
● Radiation of pain in the legs.
● Mechanical low back pain is usually acute in onset with preceding history of
lifting weight, bending and exertion.
● Radiation of pain to the thigh.
● Sprain of muscles, ligaments, joints with nerve root irritation
● Radiation of pain down to legs and aggravated by cough, sneeze, straining at
stool is associated with disc protrusion.
● Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with prolonged early morning stiffness
and activity.
● Local tenderness over spine with less of lumbar lordosis and postural
changes with muscle spasm and an uncompensated non-structural scoliosis are
common physical symptoms
● Depression.

2.4 General level of Treatment

Most of the time the back pain is due to improper posture and careless attitude apart from
ignorance. We ourselves, therefore, are responsible for our back pain and are also
capable of curing most of it. Methods used are

Page 120
(xiii) Rest – if severe pain, bed-rest for at least one week and prolonged if
(xiv) Physiotherapy in form of hot water bag fomentation, infrared lamp or
short wave diathermy.
(xv) Acupuncture
(xvi) Posture correction if wrong posture is the cause.
(xvii) Anti-inflammatory tablets can be given.
(xviii) Surgery is advised for slipped disc, but movement is restricted after that.
(xix) Traction may be given intermittently or continuous while the patient is at
rest in the bed.
(xx) Manipulation and massage.
(xxi) Pain relieving drugs should be non-addictive as they may be required for a
long period.
(xxii) Advice is given regarding posture and work stress such as lifting and
(xxiii) Manipulation varies from gentle mobilization to various thrusting
movements. However, manipulations have to be carried out at regular
interval with high relapse rate between treatments.
(xxiv) Injection of local anaesthetics and cortisone derivative may be given in
tender muscle fascicle and given subjective relief.

3 Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Low back pain 10

Neck pain 6

Ankylosing spondylitis 1

Page 121

3.2 Graph of Frequency:

4. Case Writing – 2

4.1 Biographic data:

Name :NP

Address : Bangalore

Age : 48

Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification : MA (English)

Occupation : Special educator

Start date : 17-09-2015

End date : 28-09-2015

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Low back pain since 18 years, suffering with pain in right shoulder since 15 years and also
there is pain in neck since 15 years.

Page 122
4.3 History of present illness:
Low back pain since 18 years. It is not constant pain. It aggravates while climbing steps and
also when sitting for long hours. Pain gets relieved when taken rest. It does not radiate.

Pain in the right shoulder since 15 years. It increases at night times. It aggravates while rising
the hand and also while writing. It radiates to back and right hand and pain decreases after
rest. H/o of pain in the neck since 15 years. It aggravates during night time, relieves by
keeping hot fermentation bag.

4.4 Past History:

1. Childhood disease : No diseases
2. Allergies : No allergies
3. Accidents and injuries : No
4. Hospitalization : No
5. Medication : For cholesterol

4.5 Family History of

(1)Paternal : Father had knee pain

(2) Maternal : Mother has diabetes

(3) Sibling : Brother is diabetic

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg
2 meals a day, afternoon meal is rice,
dal and sabji ; night, chapatti and sabji
b. Typical daily food intake
Lunch – Rice, dal and sabji
Dinner – 2 to 3 chapattis with sabji
c.Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres of water
d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight gain since one year
e. Appetite Normal

Page 123
3 Elimination Pattern

Page 124

a. Bowel 1 to 2 times a day

b. Bladder 6 to 7 times in a day
c. Sweat Not much, sweat in armpit
4 Menstrual history 28 days cycle, flow is normal
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
a. Duration/ type of exercise walking (normal walk) for 20 mins
b. Spare time activity Browsing net
6 Sleep Rest Pattern sleeps for only 2 hours

4.7 Stress history:

Gets stressed out very easily.Very sensitive by nature. Stress is mainly because of daughter
as she falls frequently sick.

4.8 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs

a. Pulse : 78
b. Respiratory Rate : 18
c. Blood Pressure : 100/70
2. Anthropometric measurement

a. Height: 5’6”

b. Weight: 71 kgs

c. BMI: 25.26

4.9 Investigations and findings:

8/4/12 – Cervical spine

- Mild right uncinate hypertrophy at c3/4 producing mild right neural

foramina narrowing.
- Mild disc bulge with right uncinate hypertrophy at c4/5, c5/6 indenting the
anterior thecal sac
9/4/12 – Ultrasound shoulder joint

- Capsular hypertrophy in the acromial – clavicular joint.

Page 125
- No evidence of any rotator cuff tear/tendinosis identified at present.

5 Final Diagnosis:
Chronic low back pain

6 Treatment and Management:

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
The treatment is ayurveda with abhyanga to neck and shoulder, low back pain. Has to
undergo physiotherapy for shoulder pain. Diet is normal and counselling by Dr. Manjula.
All this should be followed by special techniques from Sec – E.

Management through yoga:

The practices operating at different levels are as follows:-

a. Annamaya kosa

Normal sattvik food is advised. Yoga techniques (loosening exercises, breathing,

asanas & kriyas) involving slow body movements can be done if the pain is not severe.
Forward and backward bending should be avoided in severe cases. The three
important factors that we need to adhere to are:

(iv) Relax the spinal muscles (through IRT, QRT, DRT)

(v) Strengthen the spinal muscles
(vi) Mobilize the stiff back
Physical exercises and movements

Very simple physical movements to mobilize and activate particularly affected parts
of the body used. Some easy physical exercises are adopted to fulfil the needs of
particular ailments to loosen the joints. Stretch and relax the muscles.

Page 126
Yogasanas are physical postures often imitating the natural positions of animals
meant to tranquil the mind. Through postures are brought the physical revitalization
and deep relaxation and mental calmness.

b. Pranayama kosa

The aim here is normalization of breath and development of awareness on the

affected parts during the breathing practices that remove the blockages or congestion
in those areas thus bringing about relief. PET harmonizes the functioning of various
systems and also brings about a balance in the pranic flow within. Usually, poor
health is due to imbalances in the prana, so when this prana is regulated, the body
regains its lost health.

c. Manomaya kosa

OM meditation, CM, Nadanusandhana, MSRT are very good as most of the emotional
stresses arise in this kosa. Devotional sessions consisting of prayers, chants, bhajans,
Namavalis, stotras help to build a congenial atmosphere to evoke, recognise, attenuate
and dissipate the emotions. The control over emotions is obtained through devotional
sessions. The emotional imbalances and upsurges are eliminated by such control.
Regular practice of these, as well as devotion to the Divine with an attitude of
surrender, is an effective treatment for back ache.

d. Vijnanamaya kosa

Notional correction through counselling forms the important thing here. Intellectual
discussion, philosophical thinking helps the growth of intellect. Reading, listening to
lectures help to gain knowledge to come out distress.

e. Anandamaya kosa

Karma yoga which is to do work as an offering to the lord and whatever results are
obtained, be taken as Prasad from Him makes is the key to happiness. During happy
assembly, the patient forgets his pain and for that time, reaches the state of happiness.
In that movement he experiences Ananda.

As prevention is better than cure the preventive measures include:

Page 127
(iv) Awareness and correction of posture while standing and sitting and lying
(v) Regular exercise
(vi) Stress management
Yoga techniques involving slow body movements followed by practices of deep
relaxation are useful in maintaining the strength and flexibility of the spine. Regular
practice of a basic set of yoga practices of 45 to 60 min including surya namaskaras,
loosening practices, 8-10 asanas followed by deep relaxation by pranayama and

Yoga during acute episodes and chronic back pain

During the acute phase of bed-rest yoga has an important role to achieve quick results.
Yoga basically is a trick to give very deep rest to the mind-body complex and hence can be
used even during the acute phase of back pain. As yoga emphasizes, working mainly from
mind, once you start working with your-self to develop internal awareness and conscious
relaxation and rest, you become confident to move on and on to manage yourself at later
stages too. The eight stages of Yogic relaxation for low back pain are based on the
principle of stimulation and relaxation as a better way of improvement rather than just a

Conventional management techniques include a combination of immobilization, local heat

or cold pads, nerve blocks, anti-inflammatory medicines, muscle relaxants, painkillers and
tranquilizers to give rest and comfort.

7 Parameters:
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change
Pulse(beats/min) 78 72 7.69
Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 18 16 11.1
Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 100 112 -12
Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 70 68 2.85
Breath holding time(sec) 15 22 -46.6

Page 128

Weight(kg) 71 71 0
Body mass index(kg/m 25.26 25.26 0
Symptom Score 21 4 80.95
Medication score 0 0 0


Pulse RR
50 10
Pulse 5 RR
0 0
Before After % Before After Yoga % Change
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga

100 Breath Holding Time
60 Systolic BP
Diastolic BP 20 Breath
0 0 Holding Time
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

80 100
60 80
60 Symptom score
40 Weight
30 40
BMI Medication
20 score
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

Page 129
8 Conclusion:

8.1Participant Feedback:
Participant had a very good improvement in low back pain. She extended her stay as her shoulder
was significantly hurting. At the end of course, she is feeling better.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

Patient is satisfied with IAYT module. She was suggesting to maFke module more
understandable for specially able persons.

Page 130
SECTION ‘F’- Daya (Diabetes Milletus)


1.1 Name : Daya
1.2 Doctor in charge: Dr. Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction :Diabetes Mellitus is one of the metabolic disorders where the BSL i.e.
the Blood Sugar Level is higher than the normal range. It may either be due to the
inability of the body to produce the required amount of Insulin or the insensitivity of the
receptors of the body cells towards the produced Insulin


2.1 Definition:

‘Diabetes Mellitus’ is termed from a greek work ‘Diabenos’ means fountain and
‘Mellitus’ means sweet.

Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder caused by the ‘malfunctioning of the pancreas. Diabetes

is a disorder of the body’s metabolism characterized by a high blood sugar level and
subsequent excretion of sugar in the urine. It’s chronic imbalance in the mechanism
regulating blood sugar level. The symptoms of Diabetes are due to excessive sugar in
blood. It is most common of the endocrine disorder. Being chronic it affects the
metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat, water and electrolytes. They result by effecting
the eye, kidney and nervous system.


Diabetes Mellitus is broadly classified into two categories:

Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Juvenile onset diabetes (JOD): This is an immune

Page 131
Medicated Diabetes which is caused by a phenomenon called ‘Auto-immune
mechanism”. Here, the immune system goes wrong and produce antibodies. When
autoimmune mechanisms are directed against the insulin producing B-cells of the
pancreas (diabetes dose not set in until 80% of B-cells are destroyed).Then the pancreas
stops producing insulin or producing insufficient qualities this prevents glucose from
entering the body cells which results high level of food in the form of glucose in the
blood stream this type of diabetes must inject themselves daily with insulin.

Juvenile Onset Diabetes: This sub-type commonly occurs in childhood and adolescent
but can occur in an age of both sexes.

Idiopathic Diabetes is also type of IDDM. Here diet plays an important part. There is no
evidence of B-cell destruction. Episodes of rise in blood glucose and ketene
accumulation may occur periodically. The patient may require insulin treatment for

1. Non-insulin decedent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) / Adult Onset Diabetes (AOD): In

this condition, pancreas produce insulin but it is either not enough for the present
needs of the body or cells of the body are unable to use it properly. For insulin to act
on various tissues, it must fit in certain sights on the self surface, which are called
receptor. If these receptors decrease, insulin cannot be effectively even if present in
adequate quantity. In some individuals, the defect in insulin action may be at the level
of receptors, certain factors like obesity and physical inactivity worsen insulin
resistance. This type of diabetes is called as Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
or NIDDM. The risks for developing this form of diabetes increase with the age and
hence called as adult onset diabetes or AOD.

2.2 Causes:

1. Type 1 diabetes occurs due to heredity and auto-immunity.

2. Type 2 diabetes occur due to heredity and over-weight and age.
Heredity: The heredity characteristics are if a parent has Type 1 diabetes i.e. IDDM,
a child has 2 to 5 % chance of developing DM. If a child has Type 1 DM, the chance
of a brother or sister developing DM is of the order 5 to 10 %

Page 132
● If a person with one parent with Type 2 diabetes has a chance of 25% of
developing Type 2 diabetes during adulthood.
● If both the parents have diabetes, it increases to 50%
● If a person has Type 2 diabetes, the chances of a brother or sister develop in the
order of 20 to 40 %
Overweight: 50 to 80 % of the people with Type 2 diabetes are overweight at the
time of diagnosis.

Auto-immunity: in this condition, the body immune system mistakenly attacks

and destroys of it own cells. Ex: Beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in Type 1

Age: when there are two children of parents with diabetes and one becomes over-
weight during adulthood and the other doesn’t one will be more likely to develop
Type 2 diabetes.

2.3 Signs and symptoms:

Diabetes Mellitus usually occur with the following signs and symptoms

● Excessive urination
● Excessive thirst and appetite
● Loss of weight
● Weakness and inability to cope with daily routine
● Blurred vision
● Fatigue
● Pain in finger and toes
● Painful limbs
● Redness and irritation of genitalia
● Cramps or numbness of feet

2.4 General line of treatment :

Diabetes Mellitus cannot be cured completely but can be kept under control with the
help of dietary change and regular physical activity and medicines. One has maintained

Page 133
regular schedule of tablets, meals, snacks and exercises. One can take sulfonylurea group
of tablets 20 to 30 minutes before meal. Biguanide, group of tablets must be taken
immediately after meals in case of hypoglycdemic. We prepared for low sugar reactions
even after taking diabetes pills. Never skip meals after having the meals. It is advised to
keep some sweets so that under the attack of hypoglycemic one can be given sugar
easily. All people with the Type 1(insulin dependent) diabetes must inject themselves
daily with insulin. A unit of insulin lowers the blood glucose by certain amount which
varies from person to person.

Insulin is produced of two different strengths. U-40 and U-100. U- 40 is the most
commonly used insulin strength in India (u-40 means that there are 40 units of insulin
per cubic centimetre (cc)). If you use u-40 strength insulin, you must a U – 49 syringe to
obtain the correct number of units of insulin.

Disease Frequency

Diabetes 8

Knee pain 2

BP 4

3.1 Graph of frequency:

Page 134
4.1 Biographic data:
Name : RS

Address : Bangalore

Age : 65

Sex :F

Marital status: Married

Educational qualification: PUC

Occupation: Home maker

Start date: 10-09-15

End date: 17-09-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

T2 DB since 15 years, Hypertension, knee joint pain since 7-8 years

4.3 History of present illness:

Knee joint pain since 3 years on and off.Since few days increased pain in left
leg.Difficulty in squatting, climbing stairs. Varicose veins in left leg. Disturbed
sleep since 6 years. Hyperacidity, bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

4.4 Past History:

1 Childhood disease : Tonsils, stomach-ache during periods
2 Allergies : No
3 Accidents and injuries : No
4 Hospitalization : No
5 Medication : For diabetes

4.5 Family History of illness:

Page 135
(1)Paternal: No illness

(2) Maternal: Mother has diabetes and hypertension

(3) Sibling: N

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a.Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

b.Typical daily food intake

3 meals a day,Breakfast - idli, dosa;
Lunch – Ragi usually
Dinner – 2 to 3 chapattis with sabji
c.Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres of water
d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight is stable since long time
e. Appetite Appetite is not that good.
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel Once in 2 days
b. Bladder 9 to 10 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweating during exertion
4 Menstrual history Menopause 10 years back
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
20 minutes walking, 20 minutes
a. Duration/ type of exercise loosening exercises everyday
Gardening, tailoring, bhajans,
b. Spare time activity reading, playing with kids
6 Sleep Rest Pattern Disturbed sleep since 6 years

4.7 Stress history:

She keeps on thinking during nights about the household work. She is worried about her

4.8 Physical Examination:

1 Vital signs

Page 136
a. Pulse: 90 bpm
b. Respiratory Rate: 21 per minute
c. Blood Pressure : 120 / 70
2 Anthropometric measurement
a. Height: 153 cm
b. Weight: 66 kg
c. BMI: 28.4

4.9 Investigations and findings:

FBS – 178
PPBS – 211
HbA, C – 8.9

Type 2 DM, essential HTM, Osteo-arthritis, and Insomnia

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)

Diabetic diet with less salt. Physiotherapy with Gait training, SWD ultrasound, MSRT +
PET, counselling by karibasappa, Ayurveda- jala basti, yoga therapy – special technique
in sec – D and sec – F.
IAYT for Section F
I. Annamaya Kosha
Annamaya kosa : - Physical exercise and sithili karana vyayama are effectively replaced by
practices. Sankhapraksalana are of special use in reviving the hypoglycemic condition.
Agnisara performed daily help to revitalize the pancreas. Dhauthi kriyas are prescribed for the
patient twice a week. The special techniques of diabetes help to effectively revitalize the
pancreas. Especially
Parivrtta Trikonasana, Ardha matsyendrasana and vakrasana would help in activating the

Diet – Balanced diet is important to control the sugar level. Avoid junk foods and sweets. Eat
slowly& to eat satvik food.
Page 137
1. Kriya
Kriyas to vitalize the internal organs. Once a week Vamana Dhauti, Laghu Sangha prakshalana
2. Breathing exercises
Hands stretch breathing
Hands in and out breathing
Sasanka breathing
Tiger breathing
Rabbit breathing

Single leg Straight raising

Bhujangasana breathing
3. Loosening Exercises
Forward and Backward Bending

Side Bending
Pavanamuktasana Kriya
4. Quick Relaxation Technique (QRT)
5. Yogasana
Ardhakati Chakrasana
Pavitra Trikonasana

Page 138
Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)
Pranamaya kosa: - The imbalance in thepranais caused due to psychological stress and
emotionalupsurges. Sectional breathing, pranamaya like kapalabhati, Bhastrika which emphasis
on abdominal breathing will be helpful.

Vibhagiya Svasana

Page 139
(Sectional Breathing)
Nadi Suddhi Pranayama
III. Manomaya kosa: - Characterized by deep relaxation rest with awareness, single thought
andexpensive feeling. Meditation has proved to be a great boon and could become a find tool in
the management of diabetes. The devotional sessions using prayers, chants, bhajans etc. bring
about emotional control stabilizing the personality.
OM Meditation
IV. Vijnanamaya kosa: - National corrections through counseling brought at this level
variouslectures to achieve the same are also extremely helpful in correcting one’s attitude and

V. Anandamaya kosa: - Characterized by a state of total bliss in achievement through

varioussessions’ happy assembly and also by doing karma yoga where one learns to do action in
relaxation to feel that external bliss and silence.

Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 90 90 0

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 21 20 4.76

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 120 120 0

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 70 70 0

Breath holding time(sec) 10 14 -40

Weight(kg) 66 65 1.5
Body mass index(kg/m 28.4 28 1.4

Symptom Score 8 3 62.5

Medication score 8 3 62.5

Page 140
Page 141
7.1 Graphs:

Pulse RR
Pulse 10 RR
0 0
Before After % Before After Yoga % Change
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga

Breath Holding Time
60 60
Systolic BP
20 40
0 Diastolic BP 20 Breath
0 Holding Time
Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change

50 50
40 40 Symptom
Weight score
30 30
20 BMI 20 Medication
10 10 score
0 0
Before After Yoga % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Change


8.1Participant Feedback:

Patient’s weight is reduced by one kg in a week’s time. Her mind is calm and feels quiet

8.2Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

Patient is quite satisfied with the IAYT module.

Page 142
SECTION ‘F’- Daya (Diabetes Milletus)


1.1 Name : Daya

1.2 Doctor in charge: Dr. Nirmala

1.3 Therapist : Radhika

1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus is one of the metabolic disorders where the BSL i.e.
the Blood Sugar Level is higher than the normal range. It may either be due to the inability of
the body to produce the required amount of Insulin or the insensitivity of the receptors of the
body cells towards the produced Insulin


2.1 Definition:

‘Diabetes Mellitus’ is termed from a greek work ‘Diabenos’ means fountain and
‘Mellitus’ means sweet.

Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder caused by the ‘malfunctioning of the pancreas. Diabetes

is a disorder of the body’s metabolism characterized by a high blood sugar level and
subsequent excretion of sugar in the urine. It’s chronic imbalance in the mechanism
regulating blood sugar level. The symptoms of Diabetes are due to excessive sugar in
blood. It is most common of the endocrine disorder. Being chronic it affects the
metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat, water and electrolytes. They result by effecting
the eye, kidney and nervous system.


Diabetes Mellitus is broadly classified into two categories:

Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Juvenile onset diabetes (JOD) : This is an

Page 143
Medicated Diabetes which is caused by a phenomenon called ‘Auto-immune
mechanism”. Here, the immune system goes wrong and produce antibodies. When
autoimmune mechanisms are directed against the insulin producing B-cells of the
pancreas(diabetes dose not set in until 80% of B-cells are destroyed ). Then the pancreas
stops producing insulin or producing insufficient qualities this prevents glucose from
entering the body cells which results high level of food in the form of glucose in the
blood stream this type of diabetes must inject themselves daily with insulin.

Juvenile Onset Diabetes: This sub-type commonly occurs in childhood and adolescent
but can occur in an age of both sexes.

Idiopathic Diabetes is also type of IDDM. Here diet plays an important part .there is no
evidence of B-cell destruction. Episodes of rise in blood glucose and ketene
accumulation may occur periodically. The patient may require insulin treatment for

2. Non-insulin decedent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) / Adult Onset Diabetes (AOD): In

this condition, pancreas produce insulin but it is either not enough for the present
needs of the body or cells of the body are unable to use it properly. For insulin to act
on various tissues, it must fit in certain sights on the self surface, which are called
insulin receptor. If these receptors decrease, insulin cannot be effectively even if
present in
adequate quantity. In some individuals, the defect in insulin action may be at the level
of receptors, certain factors like obesity and physical inactivity worsen insulin
resistance. This type of diabetes is called as Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
or NIDDM. The risks for developing this form of diabetes increase with the age and
hence called as adult onset diabetes or AOD.


1. Type 1 diabetes occurs due to heredity and auto-immunity.

2. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to heredity and over-weight and age.
Heredity: The heredity characteristics are if a parent has Type 1 diabetes i.e. IDDM,
a child has 2 to 5 % chance of developing DM. If a child has Type 1 DM, the chance
of a brother or sister developing DM is of the order 5 to 10 %
Page 144
● If a person with one parent with Type 2 diabetes has a chance of 25% of
developing Type 2 diabetes during adulthood.
● If both the parents have diabetes, it increases to 50%
● If a person has Type 2 diabetes, the chances of a brother or sister develop in the
order of 20 to 40 %
Overweight: 50 to 80 % of the people with Type 2 diabetes are overweight at the
time of diagnosis.

Auto-immunity: in this condition, the body immune system mistakenly attacks

and destroys of it own cells. Ex: Beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in Type 1

Age: when there are two children of parents with diabetes and one becomes over-
weight during adulthood and the other doesn’t one will be more likely to develop
Type 2 diabetes.

2.3Signs and symptoms:

Diabetes Mellitus usually occur with the following signs and symptoms

● Excessive urination
● Excessive thirst and appetite
● Loss of weight
● Weakness and inability to cope with daily routine
● Blurred vision
● Fatigue
● Pain in finger and toes
● Painful limbs
● Redness and irritation of genitalia
● Cramps or numbness of feet

2.4 General line of treatment :

Diabetes Mellitus cannot be cured completely but can be kept under control with the

Page 145
help of dietary change and regular physical activity and medicines. One has maintained
regular schedule of tablets, meals, snacks and exercises. One can take sulfonylurea
group of tablets 20 to 30 minutes before meal. Biguanide, group of tablets must be taken
immediately after meals in case of hypoglycaemic. We prepared for low sugar reactions
even after taking diabetes pills. Never skip meals after having the meals. It is advised to
keep some sweets so that under the attack of hypoglycaemic one can be given sugar
easily. All people with the Type 1(insulin dependent) diabetes must inject themselves
daily with insulin. A unit of insulin lowers the blood glucose by certain amount which
varies from person to person.

Insulin is produced of two different strengths. U-40 and U-100. U- 40 is the most
commonly used insulin strength in India (u-40 means that there are 40 units of insulin
per cubic centimetre (cc)). If you use u-40 strength insulin, you must a U – 49 syringes
to obtain the correct number of units of insulin.

Disease Frequency

Diabetes 8

Knee pain 2

BP 4

3.1Graph of frequency:

Page 146
Page 147

4.1 Biographic data:

Name: RB

Address: Bangalore

Age: 65

Sex: F

Marital status: Married

Educational qualification: MA, M.Sc

Occupation: Retired Head master

Start date: 17-8-15

End date: 24-8-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Diabetes since 7 years, poor control with medication, pain in B/L ankle joint since 3

4.3 History of present illness:

Participant was apparently normal before. She had RTA with fracture in left arm, got
operated. Later, she found that, had high sugar levels. Started OHA.

4.4 Past History:

1 Childhood disease: no
2 Allergies: No
3 Accidents and injuries: No
4 Hospitalization: Met with an accident on two-wheeler 7 years before
5 Medication: For diabetes

4.5 Family History of illness:

(1)Paternal: No illness

(2) Maternal: No illness

Page 148
(3) Sibling: Hernia

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Non - veg
3 meals, rice and dal with lot of
sabji. Breakfast usually is idli and
b. Typical daily food intake dosa

c.Typical daily fluid intake 3 liters of water

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight loss since 6 months
e. Appetite Ok
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel One time a day
b. Bladder 8 to 9 times a day
c. Sweat Sweating during exertion
4 Menstrual history Menopause 15 years back
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
Being school master walking
a. Duration/ type of exercise throughout the day
b. Spare time activity Teaching and playing with kids
6 Sleep Rest Pattern Sleep is good. Sleeps for 8 hours

4.7 Stress history:

Takes stress easily, keeps on thinking and introspecting

4.8 Physical Examination:

1 Vital signs
a. Pulse: 68 bpm
b. Respiratory Rate: 14 per minute
c. Blood Pressure : 110 / 70
2 Anthropometric measurement
a. Height: 156 cm
b. Weight: 67 kg

Page 149
c. BMI: 28

4.9 Investigations and findings:

FBS – 152
PPBS – 220
Lipid profile
TC – 156
Tri – 108
HDL – 61
LDL – 73
Sr. Creatinine – 0.9

Type 2 DM

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
Diabetic diet.Counselling by Dr. Ashwini, Yoga therapy – Sec ‘F’ special techniques.
IAYT for Section F
I. Annamaya Kosha
Annamaya kosa : - Physical exercise and sithili karana vyayama are effectively replaced by these
practices. Sankhapraksalana are of special use in reviving the hypoglycemic condition. Agnisara
performed daily help to revitalize the pancreas. Dhauthi kriyas are prescribed for the patient twice
a week. The special techniques of diabetes help to effectively revitalize the pancreas. Especially
Parivrtta Trikonasana, Ardha matsyendrasana and vakrasana would help in activating the pancreas.

Diet – Balanced diet is important to control the sugar level. Avoid junk foods and sweets. Eat
slowly& to eat satvik food.
1. Kriya
Kriyas to vitalize the internal organs. Once a week Vamana Dhauti, Laghu Sangha prakshalana daily
2. Breathing exercises
Hands stretch breathing
Hands in and out breathing
Sasanka breathing

Page 150
Tiger breathing
Rabbit breathing
Single leg Straight raising
Bhujangasana breathing
3. Loosening Exercises
Forward and Backward Bending

Side Bending
Pavanamuktasana Kriya
4. Quick Relaxation Technique (QRT)
5. Yogasana
Ardhakati Chakrasana
Pavitra Trikonasana
Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)

II.Pranamaya kosa: - The imbalance in thepranais caused due to psychological stress

andemotional upsurges. Sectional breathing, pranamaya like kapalabhati, Bhastrika which
emphasis on abdominal breathing will be helpful.

Vibhagiya Svasana

Page 151
(Sectional Breathing)
Nadi Suddhi Pranayama
III. Manomaya kosa: - Characterized by deep relaxation rest with awareness, single thought
andexpensive feeling. Meditation has proved to be a great boon and could become a find tool
in the management of diabetes. The devotional sessions using prayers, chants, bhajans etc.
bring about emotional control stabilizing the personality.
OM Meditation
IV. Vijnanamaya kosa: - National corrections through counseling brought at this level
variouslectures to achieve the same are also extremely helpful in correcting one’s attitude and

V. Anandamaya kosa: - Characterized by a state of total bliss in achievement through

varioussessions’ happy assembly and also by doing karma yoga where one learns to do action in
relaxation to feel that external bliss and silence.

Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 82 68 20

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 14 11 21.4

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 110 130 -18.18

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 70 78 -11.4

Breath holding time(sec) 10 11 10

Weight(kg) 67 65.3 2.53

Body mass index(kg/m 28 27 3.57

Symptom Score 4 0 100

Medication score 0 0 0

Page 152
Page 153
7.1 Graphs:

Pulse RR
100 30
60 20
Pulse RR
20 10
Before After Yoga % Change 0
Yoga Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

140 Breath Holding Time

100 11.5
80 11
60 Systolic BP 10.5
40 Diastolic BP Breath Holding
20 Time
0 9.5 Before After % Yoga
Before After % Change Yoga Change
Yoga Yoga

80 120
70 100
50 Symptom score
40 60
30 40
20 BMI Medication
10 20 score
0 0
Before After Yoga % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Change

Page 154
8.1 Participant Feedback:

Patient seems to be not much satisfied as there is no much improvement in her parameters. The
instructions should be clearer as suggested by her.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module :

Patient has liked more of meditation and breathing exercises. She has enjoyed all the classes
but not so satisfied as there is no improvement in her parameters.

Page 155
SECTION G – Gambhira (Gastro-intestinal Disorders)

1 Introduction to the Section:

1.1 Name : Gambhira
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna
2 Introduction : This section is dealt with gastro-intestinal disorders. IBS (irritable
bowel syndrome), acidity, gastritis, constipation are the various ailments that are being
treated here. These problems are because of disorders in the intestines.

3 Introduction to the Ailments

3.1 Definition:

Gastrointestinal Disorders mean improper functioning of the stomach and intestine

including other digestive organs due to stress, improper eating habit and poor standard of
living. It is said that disorders of the digestive system are the root causes of many of
modern diseases like heart trouble, cancer, arthritis etc. Of course, behind poor digestion
is the inability of mind to digest the situation of life and to metabolize the problem

∑ Classification:

1. Peptic Ulcer (Acid Peptic Disease)

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
3. Ulcerative Colitis/ Inflammatory Bowels Disorder (IBD)
4. Piles
5. Chronic Constipation

Page 156
3.2 Causes:

Psychosomatic immune disorders (stress)

3.3 Signs and symptoms:

The imbalance between protectors and aggressors results in breakdown of the barriers and
the acid with pepsin starts digesting the stomach lining. In the first stages it is just a mild
inflammation with redness and swelling of the lining which is called acute gastritis. If it is
not treated properly at primary stage, there are changes that it may lead to further

Other signs and symptoms

● Acute abdomen pain-continuous, localized or diffused.

● Vomiting, nausea.
● Fever
● Belching
● Gas and flatulence
● Reflex esophagitis
● Constipation and Diarrhoea
● Burning sensation and acidity
● Headache
● Fatigue/weakness/anaemic
● Insomnia
● Hard stools
● Bleeding in the rectum
● Obstruction in the oesophagus
● Loss of fluid in body (dehydration)
● Reduced appetite

Page 157
3.4 General line of treatment:

1. Investigation – Complete blood count, endoscopy, colonoscopy, Gastro copy,

stool test. According to diagnosis, physical symptomatic treatment should be
give and also to correct the causes of the disease, medicines are prescribed.
2. Drugs – Two types of drugs are used in combination for best results
a) Tranquilizers are used to combat the psychic and reflex components of gastro-
colic activity to ensure good night steep.
b) Soothe muscle relaxants like Anti-cholinergic diminish get activity both tonic
and static, resulting in a decrease in segmentation of the colon.
c) Tricycle antidepressant drugs especially amitryptlene or impripramine have
also shown benefits to the patient greatly.

4 Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 4

Acid peptic disease 3

Constipation 5

4.1 Graph of frequency:

Page 158
5.1 Biographic data:

Name: DM

Address: Bangalore

Age: 40 yrs

Sex: Male

Marital status: Married

Educational qualification: BBA

Occupation: Business

Start date: 17-09-2015

End date: 24-09-2015

5.2 Chief Complaint:

Sinusitis and gastritis

5.3 History of present illness:

Complains of bloating abdomen, burning sensation in epigultum, gaseous distention. Sleep

is always disturbed, morning headaches. Feels anxious when subjected to some talk and
don’t get sleep.

5.4 Past History:

1. Childhood disease: No
2. Allergies: Allergic rhinitis
3. Accidents and injuries: 15 years back met with accident,
hand surgery on elbow and wrist joint
4. Hospitalization: Hospitalised at the time of accident
5. Medication: No

Page 159
5.5 Family History of illness:

(1) Paternal: Father has BP and Diabetes

(2) Maternal: Mother has low BP and stomach ulcers

(3) Sibling: sister has BP

5.6 Personal History

1 Addictions if any No addictions

2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Non Veg

3 meals a day consisting of rice,

b. Typical daily food intake
chapattis and raw vegetables

c. Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres of water

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Stable since long time
e. Appetite Good
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel Once in 2 days
b. Bladder 7 to 8 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweats only during exertion
4 Menstrual history NA
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
a. Duration/ type of exercise No exercise
b. Spare time activity No activity
6 Sleep Rest Pattern Disturbed sleep. Gets anxious with the
thoughts and do not get sleep

5.7 Stress history:

Gets stressed up quite easily mainly because of the occupation

5.8 Physical Examination:

Vital signs

Page 160
a. Pulse: 84 Bpm
b. Respiratory Rate: 20 cpm
c. Blood Pressure : 120/78
Anthropometric measurement

a. Height: 165
b. Weight: 67
c. BMI: 23.079

5.9 Investigations and findings : Not available

6 Final Diagnosis
Gastritis and allergic rhinitis

7 Treatment /Management
(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)
Treatment is Ayurveda with yoga therapy. In Ayurveda medicines prescribed are Shankha
bhasma vati, kushmanda rasayanam

Yoga management:

It is the excess speed at Manomaya Kosa level that results in imbalances to settle down
in Annamaya Kosa as APD, IBS, constipation etc. This has to tackle by deep relaxation
to the digestive system. Yogic management of G.I.D involves correction at all the five

a. Annamaya kosa:

Annamaya kosa level practices include yoga ‘diet, kriyas and asanas. Since the
digestive system has to deal with all that is indigested in the form of food, it is
important to look into what we eat, how we eat so that imbalances caused by wrong
eating habit and stresses, can be corrected. Thus, the yogic management emphasizes the
role of sattvic diet.

b. Pranamaya kosa:

‘Prana’ quivers in the ‘Nadis’ and manifests as ‘Ajirnatvam’ (poor digestion) or

Page 161
‘Atijirnatvam’ (excessive digestion) or ‘Kujirnatvam ‘(irregular digestion). Due to
disturbance in the ‘Samana’ it leads within to domination of ‘Apana’ or ‘Udana’.
‘pranayama’ along with ‘A-U-M’ chanting clears the ‘Prana’ blocks. ‘Nadi Suddhi
performed in ‘Vajrasana’ after the meals; helps to reduce the gas formation, and
gastritis. ‘Bhramari’ performed in ‘Viparita karni’ helps to reduce IBS.

c. Manomaya kosa:
Yoga is “manah prasamana upayah” (Yoga Vasistha 3.9.32) the trick to slow down
the mind. This relaxed state of mind is achieved through OM meditation, Cyclic
Meditation, MSRT and devotional sessions. Try to control emotions by accepting,
appreciating, tolerating the surrounding which will help in overcoming negative
d. Vijnanamaya kosa:

In this level, intellect is provoked to analysis and understand the basic concept of life,
goals in life, search for truth, realizing silence which is happiness.

Thus, understand the art of being happy, at all times, and contended all times here and
now without waiting for things to happen.

e. Anandamaya kosa:

To realize the ultimate happiness, it is not somewhere outside but within you. Happy
assembly and karma yoga help to do one’s work in a relaxed way. To achieve this
state of bliss in action, you need to maintain an internal awareness of your mental
activities all the time

8 Parameters
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change
Pulse(beats/min) 84 100 -19.04
Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 20 cpm 16 cpm 20
Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 120 110 8.3

Page 162
Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 78 76 2.56
Breath holding time(sec) 10 10 0
Weight(kg) 67 67.9 -1.34
Body mass index(kg/m 23.079 24 -3.9
Symptom Score 3 0 100
Medication score

Page 163

100 25
80 20
60 15
40 Pulse 10
20 5
0 Before After Yoga % Change Yoga 0
Before After % Change
Yoga Yoga

120 Breath Holding Time
100 12
80 10
Systolic BP 8
40 Diastolic BP Breath Holding
20 Time
0 0
Before After % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Yoga Change

60 100
50 80
40 Weight Symptom
60 score
BMI 40
20 Medication
10 20 score
0 0
Before After Yoga % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Change


8.1Participant Feedback:

His stress levels decreased and started getting good sleep. His gastric problem reduced

8.2Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module:

No suggestions, satisfied by the module.

Page 164
SECTION G – Gambhira (Gastro-intestinal Disorders)

1. Introduction to the Section:

1.1Name : Gambhira
1.2Doctor in charge : Dr Nirmala
1.3Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna

1.5 Introduction : This section is dealt with gastro-intestinal disorders. IBS (irritable
bowel syndrome), acidity, gastritis, constipation are the various ailments that are being
treated here. These problems are because of disorders in the intestines.

Introduction to the Ailments

1.5 Definition:

Gastrointestinal Disorders mean improper functioning of the stomach and intestine

including other digestive organs due to stress, improper eating habit and poor standard of
living. It is said that disorders of the digestive system are the root causes of many of
modern diseases like heart trouble, cancer, arthritis etc. Of course, behind poor digestion
is the inability of mind to digest the situation of life and to metabolize the problem

∑ Classification:

6. Peptic Ulcer (Acid Peptic Disease)

7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
8. Ulcerative Colitis/ Inflammatory Bowels Disorder (IBD)
9. Piles
10. Chronic Constipation

1.6 Causes:

Psychosomatic immune disorders (stress)

Page 165
1.7 Signs and symptoms:

The imbalance between protectors and aggressors results in breakdown of the barriers and
the acid with pepsin starts digesting the stomach lining. In the first stages it is just a mild
inflammation with redness and swelling of the lining which is called acute gastritis. If it is
not treated properly at primary stage, there are changes that it may lead to further

Other signs and symptoms

● Acute abdomen pain-continuous, localized or diffused.

● Vomiting, nausea.
● Fever
● Belching
● Gas and flatulence
● Reflex esophagitis
● Constipation and Diarrhoea
● Burning sensation and acidity
● Headache
● Fatigue/weakness/anaemic
● Insomnia
● Hard stools
● Bleeding in the rectum
● Obstruction in the esophagus
● Loss of fluid in body (dehydration)
● Reduced appetite

1.8 General line of treatment:

3. Investigation – Complete blood count, endoscopy, colonoscopy, Gastro copy,

stool test. According to diagnosis, physical symptomatic treatment should be
give and also to correct the causes of the disease, medicines are prescribed.
4. Drugs – Two types of drugs are used in combination for best results
Page 166
d) Tranquilizers are used to combat the psychic and reflex components of gastro-
colic activity to ensure good night steep.
e) Soothe muscle relaxants like Anti-cholinergic diminish get activity both tonic
and static, resulting in a decrease in segmentation of the colon.
f) Tricycle antidepressant drugs especially amitryptlene or impripramine have
also shown benefits to the patient greatly.

3. Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 4

Acid peptic disease 3

Constipation 5

3.1Graph of frequency:

Page 167
SECTION NAME – ‘G’ Gastro-intestinal Disorders

1. Introduction to the Section:

1.1 Name : Gambhira
1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna
2 Introduction : This section is dealt with gastro-intestinal disorders. IBS (irritable
bowel syndrome), acidity, gastritis, constipation are the various ailments that are being
treated here. These problems are because of disorders in the intestines.

3 Introduction to the Ailments

3.1 Definition:

Gastrointestinal Disorders mean improper functioning of the stomach and intestine

including other digestive organs due to stress, improper eating habit and poor standard of
living. It is said that disorders of the digestive system are the root causes of many of
modern diseases like heart trouble, cancer, arthritis etc. Of course, behind poor digestion
is the inability of mind to digest the situation of life and to metabolize the problem

∑ Classification:

11. Peptic Ulcer (Acid Peptic Disease)

12. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
13. Ulcerative Colitis/ Inflammatory Bowels Disorder (IBD)
14. Piles
15. Chronic Constipation

3.2 Causes:

Psychosomatic immune disorders (stress)

Page 168
3.3 Signs and symptoms:

The imbalance between protectors and aggressors results in breakdown of the barriers and
the acid with pepsin starts digesting the stomach lining. In the first stages it is just a mild
inflammation with redness and swelling of the lining which is called acute gastritis. If it is
not treated properly at primary stage, there are changes that it may lead to further

Other signs and symptoms

● Acute abdomen pain-continuous, localized or diffused.

● Vomiting, nausea.
● Fever
● Belching
● Gas and flatulence
● Reflex esophagitis
● Constipation and Diarrhoea
● Burning sensation and acidity
● Headache
● Fatigue/weakness/anaemic
● Insomnia
● Hard stools
● Bleeding in the rectum
● Obstruction in the esophagus
● Loss of fluid in body (dehydration)
● Reduced appetite

3.4 General line of treatment:

Investigation – Complete blood count, endoscopy, colonoscopy, Gastro copy, stool test.
According to diagnosis, physical symptomatic treatment should be give and also to correct the

Page 169
causes of the disease, medicines are prescribed.
Drugs – Two types of drugs are used in combination for best results
1.Tranquilizers are used to combat the psychic and reflex components of gastro-colic activity to
ensure good night steep.
2. Soothe muscle relaxants like Anti-cholinergic diminish get activity both tonic and static,
resulting in a decrease in segmentation of the colon.
3. Tricycle antidepressant drugs especially amitryptlene or impripramine have also shown
benefits to the patient greatly.

4 Frequency of Disease:
Disease Frequency

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 4

Acid peptic disease 3

Constipation 5

4.1 Graph of frequency:

Page 170
4.1 Biographic data:
Name: MA

Address: Mysore

Age: 42 yrs

Sex: M

Marital status: Married

Educational qualification: B.Tech

Occupation: Business

Start date: 10-9-15

End date: 24-9-15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Knee pain and indigestion of fats

4.3 History of present illness:

Knee pain since 3 years and indigestion since one year. Patient was alright before 3 years,
then suddenly started eating oily foods, nuts. His bowels were not clear. He consulted
doctor who suggested him to go for less salt diet. This has lead him to low BP

4.4 Past History:

a. Childhood disease: No childhood disease. He was very healthy in
his childhood
b. Allergies: No allergies
c. Accidents and injuries: No injuries
d. Hospitalization: No hospitalization
e. Medication: No medication

Page 171
4.5 Family History of illness:
(1)Paternal: No illness

(2) Maternal: No illness

(3) Sibling: No

4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions
2 Nutrition pattern
a. Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

2 meals a day consisting of rice and

b. Typical daily food intake

c.Typical daily fluid intake 2 litres of water

d. Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight loss is more since 2 years
e. Appetite Normal
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2 times in a day
b. Bladder 6 to 7 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweating only during exercise
4 Menstrual history NA
5 Activity- Exercise pattern
Walking for 30 mins, Yoga/Pranayama
a. Duration/ type of exercise for one hour
b. Spare time activity No activity
6 Sleep Rest Pattern 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep

4.7 Stress history:

Not much stress, cool nature

4.8 Physical Examination:

1. Vital signs
(a)Pulse : 72 bpm

(b)Respiratory Rate: 18 cpm

Page 172
©Blood Pressure : 100/64

2. Anthropometric measurement:
(a)Height: 176 cm

(b)Weight: 50 kg

©BMI: 17

4.9 Investigations and findings:

17-2-14 – Both knees (AP/Lat)-No Bony injury / abnormality seen in both knees

5 Final Diagnosis :
Gastritis, OA knees, Low BP

6 Treatment and Management:

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)

Prescribed ayurvedic treatment-abhyanga to abdomen with normal diet.Counselling by Dr.

Komala followed by yoga special techniques in Sec – G and adding knee pain special

Yoga management:

It is the excess speed at Manomaya Kosa level that results in imbalances to settle
down in Annamaya Kosa as APD, IBS, constipation etc. This has to tackle by deep
relaxation to the digestive system. Yogic management of G.I.D involves correction at
all the five koshas.

I. Annamaya kosa:

Annamaya kosa level practices include yoga ‘diet, kriyas and asanas. Since the
digestive system has to deal with all that is indigested in the form of food, it is
important to look into what we eat, how we eat so that imbalances caused by wrong

Page 173
eating habit and stresses, can be corrected. Thus, the yogic management emphasizes
the role of sattvic diet.

II. Pranamaya kosa:

‘Prana’ quivers in the ‘Nadis’ and manifests as ‘Ajirnatvam’ (poor digestion) or

‘Atijirnatvam’ (excessive digestion) or ‘Kujirnatvam ‘(irregular digestion). Due to
disturbance in the ‘Samana’ it leads within to domination of ‘Apana’ or ‘Udana’.
‘pranayama’ along with ‘A-U-M’ chanting clears the ‘Prana’ blocks. ‘Nadi Suddhi
performed in ‘Vajrasana’ after the meals; helps to reduce the gas formation, and
gastritis. ‘Bhramari’ performed in ‘Viparita karni’ helps to reduce IBS.

III. Manomaya kosa:

Yoga is “manah prasamana upayah” (Yoga Vasistha 3.9.32) the trick to slow down
the mind. This relaxed state of mind is achieved through OM meditation, Cyclic
Meditation, MSRT and devotional sessions. Try to control emotions by accepting,
appreciating, tolerating the surrounding which will help in overcoming negative
IV. Vijnanamaya kosa:

In this level, intellect is provoked to analysis and understand the basic concept of life,
goals in life, search for truth, realizing silence which is happiness.

Thus, understand the art of being happy, at all times, and contended all times here and
now without waiting for things to happen.

V. Anandamaya kosa:

To realize the ultimate happiness, it is not somewhere outside but within you. Happy
assembly and karma yoga help to do one’s work in a relaxed way. To achieve this
state of bliss in action, you need to maintain an internal awareness of your mental
activities all the time

Page 174
7 Parameters :
Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 72 70 2.77

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 18 14 22.2

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 100 106 -6

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 64 68 -6.25

Breath holding time(sec) 9 14 -55.5

Weight(kg) 50 50 0
Body mass index(kg/m 17 17 0

Symptom Score 4 1 75

Medication score 0 0

Page 175

Pulse RR
Pulse 10 RR
0 5
Before After Yoga % Change 0
Yoga Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

Breath Holding Time
Systolic BP 40
40 Diastolic BP Breath
20 Holding Time
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

60 80
Symptom score
30 Weight 40
BMI 20 Medication
10 score
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

Page 176
8. Conclusion :
8.1 Participant Feedback:

Patient gained one kilogram of weight after a week’s. His digestion has improved. Knee
pain is still there.

8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module - Patient is happy
with IAYT module. F

Page 177


1.1 Name : Oudarya

1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna
1.5 Introduction : Obesity in medical term is evidence of strong genetic, metabolic
and environmental influence in the development of obesity. In general terms it is taken as
BMI (body mass index) need to be less than 25.


2.1 Definition:

Excess generalized accumulation of fat in adipose tissues of the body due to imbalance in
energy intake and energy expenditure is called obesity. This may lead to various other
ailments like cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, thyroid, arthritis especially of
knee and waist joints, digestive malfunctioning like gall bladder disease etc.

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of modern times. It can occur at any age
in either sex. Its incidence is high in persons who consume more food and lead sedentary
lives. Among women, obesity is liable to occur after pregnancy and menopause. It has
been aptly said “Longer the belt, shorter the life”. It is a serious health hazards. The extra
fat puts strain in the heart, kidneys, liver as well as weight bearing joints such as hips,
knees, ankles etc. overweight person are susceptible to various disease like ‘Coronary
thrombosis’, osteoarthritis, varicose veins, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Gout, Gall
bladder disorder, Menstrual Abnormalities, Metabolic disorders etc.

Page 178
If a person is 20% above his ideal body weight. He will be considered as an obese. Obesity
is common among people in western countries and the among the higher income group in
India and other developed countries.


1. Regulatory obesity: Defect is the central mechanism , regulating food intake

2. Metabolic obesity: Defect in the genetic origin.
3. Obesity: Android, Gynoid, Combination of Android and Gynoid.

● Android: It is the male type of obesity, where the upper half of portion of
the abdomen is bloated with excess fat. (Abdominal obesity). Back being
erect and neck compressed, the chest, hips, thighs and legs are thinner.
● Gynoid: The lower part of the body will have extra flesh (Pear shaped
obesity), flabbiness in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and legs, spine is
often not erect.
● Combination of Android and Gynoid: This type of obesity is the
combination of the android and gynoid where the whole body from toes to
head works like a barrel.


The main cause of the body is over eating i.e. in the intake of calories beyond the body’s
energy requirements. Person who are generally bored, unhappy, and lovely, unloved, those
who are discontented with their families and social and financial standing usually tend to
over eat.

Obesity is sometimes also the results of disturbance of the thyroid or pituitary glands. But
this factor accounts only 2% of total incidence of obesity. In such person the basal
metabolic rate is low and hence they gain weight. Other causes are family, tendency,
heredity and drug reaction (steroids etc.)

Page 179
Body Mass Index (BMI) which is weight in Kg divided by square of the height in
centimetres is a measure for obesity. If BMI is between18 to 25 then it is normal weight
range. If BMI is between 25 to 30 ranges, it is overweight; if BMI is between30 to 35 then
it is grade 1 obesity. If BMI is between35 to 40 then it is grade 2 obesity and if BMI is
more than 40 the it is grade 3 obesity.

2.3 Signs and symptoms:

1. Fatty body.
2. Get tired easily.
3. Edema around ankles and feet
4. High pulse rate
5. High B.P
6. More BMI

2.4 General line of treatment

1. Reducing food intake and by increasing output of energy.

2. Weight reducing diet
3. Exercise: Walking, swimming, gardening, skipping, dancing or regular
exercise like Aerobics, Gymnasium, Yoga etc.
4. Drug Therapy: Appetite reducing drugs like Amphetamine,
Diethylpropion, Phenmetrazine with full precaution.
5. Thyroid extract.
6. Diuretics and purgation.
7. Nature cure: Naturopathy treatment, diet exercise, yoga and
8. Fasting/lemon juice fasting.
9. Hip bath / steam bath/ immersion bath.

Page 180
Disease Frequency

Obesity 11

Depression 2

3.1 Graph of frequency:

4.1 Biographic data:

Name : PN

Address : Bangalore

Age : 37

Sex :F

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification: Bsc (Botany)

Occupation: Technical writer

Start date: 11/11/15

Page 181
End date: 17/11/15

4.2 Chief Complaint:

Overweight, cervical spondylosis

4.3 History of present illness

The participant came with complaints of overweight since one year, fatigue ability,
generalized body aches and pains especially in lower back and limbs since 2 years
associated with both shoulder pain and increased frequency of bowel evacuation whenever
anxious or under stress. No history of any other major illness in the past.

4.4 Past History:

1. Childhood disease: NIL
2. Allergies: NIL
3. Accidents and injuries: NIL
4. Hospitalization: NIL
5. Medication: NIL
4.5 Family History of illness:

(1)Paternal: Father is suffering from Hypertension

(2) Maternal: Mother – urge to pass bowel associated with anxiety and stress since
4 years.
(3) Sibling: No siblings
4.6 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions

2 Nutrition pattern
a.Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Veg

3 meals a day consisting of ragi

b.Typical daily food intake
and rice

c.Typical daily fluid intake 3 litres of fluid

d.Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight is stable
e.Appetite Good
Page 182
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2 times in a day
b. Bladder 7 to 8 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweating during exertion
4 Menstrual history
5/34-28 days regular, Normal flow
5 Activity- Exercise pattern interested in cooking
a. Duration/ type of exercise Walking for 30 mins
b. Spare time activity Reading books
6 Sleep Rest Pattern 5-6 hours of undisturbed sleep

4.7 Stress history:

Easily gets stressed about anything, particularly more stressed whenever

spouse gets stressed out. Procrastination.

4.8 Physical Examination

1. Vital signs:

a. Pulse: 74 bmp
b. Respiratory Rate: 16
c. Blood Pressure : 110/76

2. Anthropometric measurement
a. Height: 1.55
b. Weight: 70.2
c. BMI: 29.2
4.9 Investigations and findings:

Not available

Overweight, Cervical spondylosis, Low back pain

Page 183

(Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc/yogic management)

Ayurvedic treatment – Prakruthi/Body constitution – vatapittaja
- Ashwagandharishta – 2 tsp/OD
- Ashokarishtam – 2 tsp/OD
- Dashamoolarishtam – sos
Management through yoga:

Most often it is found that the cause of obesity lies in the mind. In obese person, there is more
calorie intake than the output and this is due to stress. When a person is under stress, he eats food
without being aware of quantity of foo d. Thus, the healthy and the natural reflexes of the system
are corrupted. Through yoga therapy, the person gets deep relaxation. This brings awareness in
him through which is understood himself and his environment in better way. A sense of
realization comes to him.
The integrated approach of yoga therapy deals all the five layers of human existence.

a. Annamaya kosa:

Asanas: Yogasana help mastery over mind. Helps to overcome cravings for junk food. At
this level, loosening exercises, dynamics and ‘surya namaskara’ are practiced to stimulate
the internal organ. It strengthens, purifies and relaxes the muscles. Also loosens the joints
and shatters the lethargy. And breaks limitation of laziness for regular exercise. Dynamic
yoga practices help to burn calories. In the beginning they may get easily tired. Make
them repeat it as per their capacity. Rest in between with QRT. Isometric effect burns
calories. Maintain the posture for longer duration to burn calories. Weight bearing joints
are to be taken care.

Diet: Reduce and avoid high calorie food like oils and sweets. Increase fiber and water
contents. Always take sattvic diet i.e. vegetarian with fruits, sprouts cooked as well as
raw, in limited quantity and served freshly with variety. It is recommended to take 600
cals less than required diet depending on age, gender and occupation.

Page 184
Kriyas: Vamana dhouti and shankaprakshalana practiced periodically reduce the craving
for food and also revitalize the sluggish internal organs with strong stimulation by kriyas
followed by deep rest. Also kapalabhati, agnisarakriya and nauli play an important role in
reducing especially abdominal obesity.

b. Pranayama kosa:

A basic set of breathing exercises, pranayama practices especially kapalabhati shatters the
tamasik tendencies, removes pranic blockages and energies the person by smooth flow of
prana all over the body. Due to wrong habits, some people may be left nostril dominant and
some may be right nostril dominant. Pranayama and breathing exercises help to give
awareness about one’s own breathing hence correction is possible. Surya anuloma viloma
followed by Nadi suddhi is practiced. This practice also helps in increasing oxygen
consumption in the body as well as balance in the prana. Right nostril breathing (Surya
anuloma viloma) practiced for 27 rounds, 4 times in a day reduces the body weight
effectively in obese participants.

c. Manomaya kosa:

At this level, CM and OM meditation as well as Nadanusandhana reduce speed of mind

and bring devotional stability. It brings mastery over mind and helps to maintain regularity
of exercise by breaking the limit of dizziness. Devotional session helps in reducing the
tension and calms down the mind.

Obesity is more intakes and less expenditure. A change in the nature of human being is
required to have control over the cravings for food, to be able to be contended with timely
regular food habits and regular exercises habit. Meditation makes the mind strong, relaxed
and expanded so that all above requirements can be easily achieved.

d. Vijnanamaya kosa:

Notional correction through counselling forms the important thing here. Intellectual
discussion, philosophical thinking helps the growth of intellect. Reading, listening to
lectures help to gain knowledge to come out distress.

e. Anandamaya kosa:

Page 185
Karma yoga which is to do work as an offering to the lord and whatever results are
obtained, be taken as Prasad from Him makes is the key to happiness. During happy
assembly, the patient forgets his pain and for that time, reaches the state of happiness. In
that movement he experiences Ananda.


Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 72 92 -27.7

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 16 16 0

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 110 110 0

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 76 60 21.05

Breath holding time(sec) 16 16 0

Weight(kg) 70.2 68.9 1.85

Body mass index(kg/m 29.22 28.68 1.84

Symptom Score 0 0 0

Medication score 0 0 0

Page 186

Pulse 20
60 10
40 RR
20 5
Before After % 0
Yoga Yoga Change Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

Breath Holding Time
60 Systolic BP
40 Diastolic BP 10 Breath Holding
20 5 Time
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

70 1
0.6 Symptom score
40 Weight
30 0.4
20 BMI Medication
10 score
0 0
Before After Yoga % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Change


8.1 Participant Feedback:

The participant is relaxed and better after taking classes, Aarogyadham. There has been
consistent improvement in all her vital and clinical parameters.

Page 187
8.2 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module :
The participant is very happy with the yoga module.

Page 188


1.1 Name : Oudarya

1.2 Doctor in charge : Dr Nirmala
1.3 Therapist : Ms Radhika
1.4 Consultant : Dr. Nagaratna
1.5 Introduction : Obesity in medical term is evidence of strong genetic, metabolic
and environmental influence in the development of obesity. In general terms it is taken as
BMI (body mass index) need to be less than 25.


2.2 Definition:

Excess generalized accumulation of fat in adipose tissues of the body due to imbalance in
energy intake and energy expenditure is called obesity. This may lead to various other
ailments like cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, thyroid, arthritis especially of
knee and waist joints, digestive malfunctioning like gall bladder disease etc.

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of modern times. It can occur at any age
in either sex. Its incidence is high in persons who consume more food and lead sedentary
lives. Among women, obesity is liable to occur after pregnancy and menopause. It has
been aptly said “Longer the belt, shorter the life”. It is a serious health hazards. The extra
fat puts strain in the heart, kidneys, liver as well as weight bearing joints such as hips,
knees, ankles etc. overweight person are susceptible to various disease like ‘Coronary
thrombosis’, osteoarthritis, varicose veins, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Gout, Gall
bladder disorder, Menstrual Abnormalities, Metabolic disorders etc.

Page 189
If a person is 20% above his ideal body weight. He will be considered as an obese. Obesity
is common among people in western countries and the among the higher income group in
India and other developed countries.


4. Regulatory obesity: Defect is the central mechanism , regulating food intake

5. Metabolic obesity: Defect in the genetic origin.
6. Obesity: Android, Gynoid, Combination of Android and Gynoid.

● Android: It is the male type of obesity, where the upper half of portion of
the abdomen is bloated with excess fat. (Abdominal obesity). Back being
erect and neck compressed, the chest, hips, thighs and legs are thinner.
● Gynoid: The lower part of the body will have extra flesh (Pear shaped
obesity), flabbiness in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and legs, spine is
often not erect.
● Combination of Android and Gynoid: This type of obesity is the
combination of the android and gynoid where the whole body from toes to
head works like a barrel.


The main cause of the body is over eating i.e. in the intake of calories beyond the body’s
energy requirements. Person who are generally bored, unhappy, and lovely, unloved, those
who are discontented with their families and social and financial standing usually tend to
over eat.

Obesity is sometimes also the results of disturbance of the thyroid or pituitary glands. But
this factor accounts only 2% of total incidence of obesity. In such person the basal
metabolic rate is low and hence they gain weight. Other causes are family, tendency,
heredity and drug reaction (steroids etc.)

Page 190
Body Mass Index (BMI) which is weight in Kg divided by square of the height in
centimetres is a measure for obesity. If BMI is between18 to 25 then it is normal weight
range. If BMI is between 25 to 30 ranges, it is overweight; if BMI is between30 to 35 then
it is grade 1 obesity. If BMI is between35 to 40 then it is grade 2 obesity and if BMI is
more than 40 the it is grade 3 obesity.

2.5 Signs and symptoms:

1. Fatty body.
2. Get tired easily.
3. Edema around ankles and feet
4. High pulse rate
5. High B.P
6. More BMI

2.6 General line of treatment

1. Reducing food intake and by increasing output of energy.

2. Weight reducing diet
3. Exercise: Walking, swimming, gardening, skipping, dancing or regular
exercise like Aerobics, Gymnasium, Yoga etc.
4. Drug Therapy: Appetite reducing drugs like Amphetamine,
Diethylpropion, Phenmetrazine with full precaution.
5. Thyroid extract.
6. Diuretics and purgation.
7. Nature cure: Naturopathy treatment, diet exercise, yoga and
8. Fasting/lemon juice fasting.
9. Hip bath / steam bath/ immersion bath.

Page 191
Disease Frequency

Obesity 11

Depression 2

3.1 Graph of frequency:

4.1 Biographic data:

Name : AA

Address : Bangalore

Age : 44

Sex :M

Marital status : Married

Educational qualification: Msc

Occupation: Technical writer

Start date: 11/08/15

Page 192
End date: 17/08/15

4.3 Chief Complaint:


4.6 History of present illness

The participant came with complaints of overweight since one year, fatigue ability,
generalized body aches and pains especially in lower back and limbs since 2 years
associated with both shoulder pain and increased frequency of bowel evacuation whenever
anxious or under stress. No history of any other major illness in the past.

4.7 Past History:

1. Childhood disease: NIL
2. Allergies: NIL
3. Accidents and injuries: NIL
4. Hospitalization: NIL
5. Medication: NIL
4.8 Family History of illness:

(1)Paternal: Father is suffering from Hypertension

(4) Maternal: Mother – urge to pass bowel associated with anxiety and stress since
4 years.
(5) Sibling: No siblings
4.7 Personal History:

1 Addictions if any No addictions

2 Nutrition pattern
a.Vegetarian/ non vegetarian Non Veg

3 meals a day consisting of ragi

b.Typical daily food intake
and rice

c.Typical daily fluid intake 3 litres of fluid

d.Weight loss/gain? Amount? Weight
gain Weight is stable
e.Appetite Good
Page 193
3 Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel 2 times in a day
b. Bladder 7 to 8 times in a day
c. Sweat Sweating during exertion
4 Menstrual history
Not Applicable
5 Activity- Exercise pattern interested in physical training
a. Duration/ type of exercise Walking for 30 mins
b. Spare time activity Reading books, watching tv
6 Sleep Rest Pattern 7 hours of undisturbed sleep

4.8 Stress history:

Easily gets stressed, esp. when the spouse is unwell or is stressed

4.10 Physical Examination

1. Vital signs:

a. Pulse: 74 bmp
b. Respiratory Rate: 16
c. Blood Pressure : 110/76

2. Anthropometric measurement
a. Height: 1.55
b. Weight: 70.2
c. BMI: 29.2
4.11 Investigations and findings:

Not available

Overweight. Almost bordering obesity.

Page 194

Management through yoga:

Most often it is found that the cause of obesity lies in the mind. In obese person, there is more
calorie intake than the output and this is due to stress. When a person is under stress, he eats food
without being aware of quantity of foo d. Thus, the healthy and the natural reflexes of the system
are corrupted. Through yoga therapy, the person gets deep relaxation. This brings awareness in
him through which is understood himself and his environment in better way. A sense of
realization comes to him.
The integrated approach of yoga therapy deals all the five layers of human existence.

a. Annamaya kosa:

Asanas: Yogasana help mastery over mind. Helps to overcome cravings for junk food. At
this level, loosening exercises, dynamics and ‘surya namaskara’ are practiced to stimulate
the internal organ. It strengthens, purifies and relaxes the muscles. Also loosens the joints
and shatters the lethargy. And breaks limitation of laziness for regular exercise. Dynamic
yoga practices help to burn calories. In the beginning they may get easily tired. Make
them repeat it as per their capacity. Rest in between with QRT. Maintain the posture for
longer duration to burn calories. Weight bearing joints are to be taken care.

Diet: Reduce and avoid high calorie food like oils and sweets. Increase fiber and water
contents. Always take sattvic diet i.e. vegetarian with fruits, sprouts cooked as well as
raw, in limited quantity and served freshly with variety. It is recommended to take 600
cals less than required diet depending on age, gender and occupation.

Page 195
Kriyas: Vamana dhouti and shankaprakshalana practiced periodically reduce the craving
for food and also revitalize the sluggish internal organs with strong stimulation by kriyas
followed by deep rest. Also kapalabhati, agnisarakriya and nauli play an important role in
reducing especially abdominal obesity.

b. Pranayama kosa:

A basic set of breathing exercises, pranayama practices especially kapalabhati shatters the
tamasik tendencies, removes pranic blockages and energies the person by smooth flow of
prana all over the body. Due to wrong habits, some people may be left nostril dominant and
some may be right nostril dominant. Pranayama and breathing exercises help to give
awareness about one’s own breathing hence correction is possible. Surya anuloma viloma
followed by Nadi suddhi is practiced. This practice also helps in increasing oxygen
consumption in the body as well as balance in the prana. Right nostril breathing (Surya
anuloma viloma) practiced for 27 rounds, 4 times in a day reduces the body weight
effectively in obese participants.

f. Manomaya kosa:

At this level, CM and OM meditation as well as Nadanusandhana reduce speed of mind

and bring devotional stability. It brings mastery over mind and helps to maintain regularity
of exercise by breaking the limit of dizziness. Devotional session helps in reducing the
tension and calms down the mind.

Obesity is more intakes and less expenditure. A change in the nature of human being is
required to have control over the cravings for food, to be able to be contended with timely
regular food habits and regular exercises habit. Meditation makes the mind strong, relaxed
and expanded so that all above requirements can be easily achieved.

g. Vijnanamaya kosa:

Notional correction through counseling forms the important thing here. Intellectual
discussion, philosophical thinking helps the growth of intellect. Reading, listening to
lectures help to gain knowledge to come out distress.

h. Anandamaya kosa:

Page 196
Karma yoga which is to do work as an offering to the lord and whatever results are
obtained, be taken as Prasad from Him makes is the key to happiness. During happy
assembly, the patient forgets his pain and for that time, reaches the state of happiness. In
that moment he experiences Ananda.


Variable Before yoga After yoga % change

Pulse(beats/min) 72 92 -27.7

Respiratory Rate(cycle/min) 16 16 0

Systolic blood pressure( mmHg) 110 110 0

Diastolic blood pressure(mmHg) 76 60 21.05

Breath holding time(sec) 16 16 0

Weight(kg) 70.2 68.9 1.85

Body mass index(kg/m 29.22 28.68 1.84

Symptom Score 0 0 0

Medication score 0 0 0

Page 197

Pulse 20
60 10
40 RR
20 5
Before After % 0
Yoga Yoga Change Before Yoga After Yoga % Change

Breath Holding Time
60 Systolic BP
40 Diastolic BP 10 Breath Holding
20 5 Time
0 0
Before After % Before After %
Yoga Yoga Change Yoga Yoga Change

70 1
0.6 Symptom score
40 Weight
30 0.4
20 BMI Medication
10 score
0 0
Before After Yoga % Change Before After %
Yoga Yoga Yoga Change


8.1 Participant Feedback:

The participant is relaxed and better after taking classes. There has been
consistent improvement in all his vital and clinical parameters.

Page 198
8.3 Positive Suggestion by Participant to improve the IAYT module :
The participant is very happy with the yoga module.

Page 199

SL. No. Name Ailment Start Date Date End Doctor /

1 JT Migraine 07/09/2015 13/09/2015
2 TB Knee Pain 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
3 RA Migraine 07/9/2015 13/9/2015
4 PN Backache 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
5 MS Parkinson 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
6 HG Obesity 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
7 AS Sciatica 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
8 VP Asthma 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
9 ST Varicose 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
10 SA Varicose 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
11 AB Hypertension 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
12 SG Uterus 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
13 UNU Frozen 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
14 KR Arthritis 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
15 RN Backache 07/09/2015 13/09/2015
16 SD PCOS 09/11/2015 15/11/2015
17 SR Obesity 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
18 KSR Vertigo 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
19 SKR Sciatica 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
20 AK Hypertension 07/09/2015 13/09/2015
21 SB Diabetes 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
22 PK PCOS 17/08/2015 23/08/2015
23 VD Diabetes 12/10/2015 18/10/2015
24 PS Vertigo 09/11/2015 15/11/2015

Page 200
A glance at all the results of therapy implies that IAYT is the most effective tool to cure psycho-
somatic and major disorders.

IAYT not only aims at curing the diseases but also creates a positive attitude towards life and
total wellbeing of the participants - physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, socially and
spiritually. This is the major objective of IAYT.

It is also evident that theenvironment factors and sattvic diet also helps a lot incuring major
percentage of the problem.IAYT changes the perspective of the participants towards life and they
not just improve their health but also influence the people around them with more positive
attitude towards life. What started as therapeutic slowly turned to being a regular practice for
positive health. It makes the world a better place to live in.

Page 201

BP : Blood Pressure
BMI : Body Mass Index
BHT : Breath holding time
GHQ : General Health Questionnaire
HC : Hip Circumference
H. : Height
hr. : Hours
Kg. : Kilogram
MAC : Mid Arm Circumference
MSRT : Mind Sound Resonance Technique
MS : Medication Score
PSS : Perceived Stress Scale
PR : Pulse Rate
PFR : Peak Flow Rate
PET : Pranic Energization Technique
RR : Respiratory rate
SLR : Strait Leg Rising
Sec. : Seconds
SCL90 : Symptom Check List 90
SS : Symptom Score
WC : Waist Circumference
Wt. : Weight
D.O.A. : Date of Admission
D.O.D. : Date Of Discharge

Page 202

1. Dr.Nagarathna, (1994), Yoga for Health, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Ptakashana;

2. Special Technique Book. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
3. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2002), Yoga for Gastro-Intestinal
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
4. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (1998). A New Light far Asthmatics.
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
5. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2001). Yoga for Back pain,
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
6. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (1999). Yoga its Basis and Application
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
7. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, S.S. Shrikantha, (2003). Yoga for Diabetes
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
8. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2001). IAYT for Positive Health,
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
9. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2002). Yoga for Hypertension and Heart
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
10. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2001). Yoga for Arthritis
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
11. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. R. Nagarathna, (2001). Yoga for Anxiety & Depression
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana; Bangalore
12. A Matter of Health by Dr. Krishna Raman
13. Yogic management of common diseases by Dr. Swami Karnananda

Page 203
14. Healthy Mind, Healthy body - Published by Sri Ramakrishna Math
15. Internet

Page 204
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