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Testing 7-Wire Strand for

Prestressed Concrete
The State of the Art

H. Kent Preston
Senior Consultant
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Princeton, New Jersey

S pecial equipment and some experi-

ence in the details of its use are re-
quired to obtain the necessary degree of
wires .. ." means that the outer wires
shall be neither overpreformed nor un-
derpreformed. See comments near the
accuracy in testing 7-wire prestressed end of "Modulus of Elasticity" and
concrete strand, "Definitions."
ASTM A416 is the Standard Specifi- Section 5 Materials and Manufac-
cation for Uncoated 7-Wire Stress- ture — This section does not require
Relieved Steel Strand for Prestressed action by the testing agency. Subse-
Concrete. The Supplement to ASTM quent tests will show whether or not
A416 covers Low-Relaxation 7-Wire the requirements of Section 5 have
Strand. been met.
AASHTO M203 is the same as ASTM Section 6.1 Breaking Strength—
A416. Minimum breaking strengths are tabu-
Testing equipment and procedures lated in ASTM A416. Special problems
are covered by Section VII of ASTM in testing strand are discussed later in
A370. Definitions of terms common to this paper under "Gripping a 7-Wire
7-wire strand and prestressed concrete Strand."
are given at the end of this paper. Section 6.2 Yield Strength — If a
ASTM A416 addresses the following_ load-elongation curve is plotted, the
properties for stress-relieved strand: yield strength can be read directly from
Section 3.1 Strand — The require- it. If not, the yield strength can be ob-
ment of "... a center wire tightly en- tained by the test described in Section
closed by six helically placed outer 6.2.2 using equipment of the type dis-

cussed under "Modulus of Elasticity."
Section 6.3 Elongation — In order to Synopsis
reach the required 3' percent elonga-
tion, it is almost always necessary to use Presents the state-of-the-art of
grips of the type described under testing procedures for stress-relieved
"Gripping a 7-Wire Strand." and low-relaxation 7-wire strand.
It is dangerous to leave sensitive ex- Specific information is given on
tensometer equipment on the strand material properties, gripping devices,
until a 3' percent elongation has been determining the modulus of elasticity,
reached. A premature failure due to a testing equipment, and short-term re-
wire weld or a gripping problem could laxation test.
ruin the extensometer. Since strands Definitions common to 7-wire strand
generally have an elongation of 4½ per- and prestressed concrete are in-
cent or more, perfect accuracy is not re- cluded.
quired for this measurement. One type Discussions of some of the testing
of device that can be used is shown in methods are given together with sug-
Fig. 8. gested procedures.
Section 6.4 — This section calls for a
retest if the specimen fails in the grip
without meeting the required ultimate
strength and/or elongation. Some
laboratories interpret this to mean that spotty or for the full length of the pack-
one retest is required and that the strand age of strand. If the loose wires can be
is rejected if the retest has a premature twisted back into place and held by
failure in the grip. Section 6.4 actually taping at the end, the strand should have
means that all tests which fail prema- its normal properties except for a prob-
turely in the grips without meeting the able foot at the beginning of the load-
required ultimate and elongation are in- elongation curve.
valid. Section 8.4 — Oil and grease prevent
Section 7.2 — The requirement that proper bond to the concrete and an oily
the center wire be at least so much center wire will often slide through the
larger than any outside wire is very im- outer wires and not carry its share of
portant. If a proper relation is not main- load. Many oils and greases become acidic
tained, the outer wires can form a pipe with the passage of time and invite cor-
around the center wire without bearing rosion.
on it and the center wire will slip and Light rust improves bond and is not
not carry its share of the load. detrimental in typical applications. A pit
Section 7.3 Permissible Variations in large enough to be seen without a mag-
Diameter — These limitations were es- nifying glass is a stress raiser. A strand
tablished many years ago in collabora- with a pitted wire can fail at 30,000 cy-
tion with the producers of strand an- cles of repeated load when a strand with
chors and gripping devices. A strand of a no pits will carry 2,000,000 cycles with-
given nominal diameter meeting these out failure.
tolerances should work in a grip
specified for the same nominal diame- ASTM A416 Supplement -
ter. Section 7.4 permits any size up to Low-Relaxation Strand
0.75 in. diameter as a special case.
Section 8.3 — If one or more wires fly The requirements for low-relaxation
out of position when cut and cannot be strand are the same as those for stress-
replaced by hand, that wire is under- relieved strand with the following two
preformed. This condition may be exceptions:

PCI JOURNAIJMay-June 1985 135

Table 1. Thin Line Splice for 270K Strand.

Standard carton
Strand Spliced Splice Rated
size, Catalog Color diameter, length, strength, Splice Weight, Units,
in. number code in. in, lbs sets lbs in.
3/8 TLS 1120 Yellow 0.615 52 23000 1@3, 26–b4 55 25
7116 TLS 1121 White 0.718 60 31000 1@3, 2@4 35 10
112 TLS 1122 Red 0.854 70 41300 2@3, 1@4 55 10

Section S5 Yield Strength — The strand is described under "Short-Term

yield strength must be at least 90 per- Relaxation Test."
cent of the specified minimum breaking
strength instead of the 85 percent re-
quired for stress-relieved strand. GRIPPING A
Sections S2, S3, S4, and S6 — Low- 7-WIRE STRAND
relaxation strand must have a stress loss
that does not exceed the specified The configuration and metallurgical
amount when loaded to the specified properties of a 7-wire strand are such
load for the specified time under the that premature failure of the strand in
specified conditions listed in these sec- the gripping devices occurs when the
tions. strand is tested using grips that are nor-
Very special equipment is required to mally used for testing steel bars. A typi-
conduct the relaxation test required by cal grip designed for a round steel bar
these sections. The strand being tested will bear on only a small part of the
must be held at exactly constant length, outer surface of some of the outside
and the load measuring device must wires.
read load changes that are very small in The resulting load per tooth from
comparison with the total load on the the grip is excessive and the wires fail in
strand. shear at a load below their actual tensile
Temperature must be constant at capacity.
68°F for the duration of the test. The The problem is increased because the
special equipment required for this test wire, with a strength in excess of
is generally available only in the 270,000 psi, is more notch sensitive than
laboratories of fabricators of low- most steel bars. The occurrence of pre-
relaxation strand. mature breaks has been so prevalent
Since it is not practical to conduct that ASTM A416 now includes Section
long-term relaxation tests on every 20 6.4 which makes the test invalid if faiI-
tons of strand, as required by Section 9 ure occurs in a grip before the specified
for all other tests, Section 56.1 permits ultimate tensile strength and elongation
use of data from tests on similarly pro- are reached.
cessed strand. Some fabricators of strand The true properties of a 7-wire strand
have had long-term tests in their labo- can be measured only if an efficient
ratory witnessed and certified by repre- gripping procedure is used. ASTM re-
sentatives of a commercial testing labo- quirements are met if the specified
ratory. minimum ultimate load and elongation
A 30-minute relaxation test having the are reached prior to failure. It is prefer-
sole purpose of separating stress- able to use equipment that will develop
relieved strand and low-relaxation the full ultimate strength and elongation


- - -y^^-- -- - - ^- THIN LAYER CF TAPE


Fig. 1. Installing Thin Line Splice.

Fig. 2. Installing Thin Line Splice

of the strand being tested. This means section on gripping devices. It includes
that a reasonable number of failures a discussion of the use of cushioning
should occur in the clear between the material such as lead foil, aluminum foil,
grips. carborundum cloth, brass shims, etc.,
All of the reusable wedge grips cur- between the strand and the teeth in the
rently being used in casting yards cause testing machine grip. These methods
shear failure of wires in the grip before have been successful where special long
the required ultimate load andlor elon- jaws with fine teeth have been used.
gation has been reached. Four methods of gripping strand
None of the post-tensioned anchors which have given good results are dis-
available will consistently reach the re- cussed in the following paragraphs. The
quired 3.5 percent elongation before Sand Grip yields about 50 percent clear
failure. breaks. The PLP, the Tinius Olsen, and
Section VII of ASTM A370 includes a the aluminum insert method yield 90

PCI JOURNALMay -June 1985ҟ 137

t .. +ҟI5°ҟ 15
I° ±

L-- 3--------------



Fig. 3. Placement of Thin Line Splice on test specimen.

percent or better clear breaks. Dimensions of the Thin Line Splice

Under "Specimen Preparation" are shown in Table 1 and details in Figs.
ASTM A370 says "Wire slippage may be 1 and 2. The splice for 1 -in, diameter
minimized by fusing together the cut 270 Grade strand is composed of two
ends of the specimen......" ASTM sets of three wires each plus one set of
A416 requires the center wire to be four wires and has an outside diameter
larger than the outer wires by a of about Ifs in. Each set of wires is heli-
specified amount. This difference is re- cally preformed so that it will fit tightly
quired to make sure each outer wire around the strand for which it is de-
bears on the center wire and grips it as signed.
there is no other means of applying and The three or four wires in each set are
keeping tension in the center wire dur- cemented together and the inside sur-
ing its service life as a tendon. face of the set is coated with a grit which
If the wires are properly dimensioned keeps the strand from slipping. When
and the wires are not lubricated, it used to splice a ' -in, diameter 270
should not be necessary to fuse the ends Grade strand, the TLS 1122 Thin Line
of the specimen. After all, the center Splice will develop the full ultimate
wire of an unbonded post-tensioned strength and elongation of the strand.
strand is gripped only by the outer wires Fig. 3 shows details of the assembly of
of the strand and the ends are often cut a strand and PLP Grips in a testing
off with a carborundum wheel rather machine. Best results are obtained using
than with a torch. the longest strand "V" grips and finest
teeth available. In the unlikely event
The PLP Grip that failure occurs at a grip because of
coarse teeth or too short a grip, using a
The PLP Grip is made from devices piece of 50 grit carborundum cloth be-
for splicing 7-wire strand that are man- tween the jaws and the PLP Grip with
ufactured by the Preformed Line Prod- the grit against the PLP Grip may cor-
ucts Company, P.O. Box 91129, Cleve- rect the problem. Fig. 4 shows a PLP
land, Ohio 44101 and marketed as the Grip and strand assembly in a testing
Thin Line Splice by Spancrete North- machine and Fig. 5 shows the resulting
east Inc., 8 Cairn Street, Rochester, New clear break with pure tensile failures of
York 14611. the wires.

Fig. 4. Test assembly with Thin Line Splice in testing machine.

As shown in Table 1, the Thin Line straight portion of this is approximately

Splice for ½-in. diameter 270 Grade 54 in. long and could he used to make
strand is 70 in. plus or minus 3/a in. long. two PLP Grips each about 27 in. long.
Using a carhorundum disc, one such There are no reports of testing with this
splice can he cut into three lengths to but, unless the inside diameter is too
make three PLP Grips. When used for large, it should work for 0.60-in. strand.
testing strand, PLP Grips have been re-
moved and reused but the cost of the The Sand Grip
labor involved more or less offsets the
saving achieved. Details of a Sand Grip are shown in
Table 1 does not include a Thin Line Fig. 6. These are U grips with no teeth
Splice for 0.60 -in, diameter strand. The in the gripping faces. In the area where
cost of making one as a special item the strand is gripped it is covered with a
would probably be high. gritty mixture which prevents slippage.
Preformed Line Products Company The grips are not patented and can be
snakes dead end anchors for all sizes of fabricated by any reasonably well
strand. Their Number BG 2111 is for a equipped machine shop. Details can be
%-in, diameter galvanized strand. The obtained from major strand producers.

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985ҟ 139

Two types of grit have been used:
1. Ordinary sharp concrete sand
screened to remove any oversize parti-
cles. The sand is mixed with enough
SAE-10 or SAE-20 oil to make a cohe-
sive but not wet mixture. Ifwater is used
in place of oil, the mixture will also
function satisfactorily but it dries if al-
lowed to stand and must be remixed.
2. 80 grit aluminum oxide and water.
Use enough water to form a cohesive but
not wet mix.
Sand Grip Testing Procedure:
(1) Install testing machine grips with
flat file faces.
(2) Apply sand or grit mixture to en-
tire surface of U grooves in Sand
(3) Install Sand Grips and strand in
testing machine.
(4) Apply hydraulic pressure or other
means to cause U grips to squeeze
(5) Apply tension to strand.
Note that a little of the grit mixture
may fall from the grips during the test.
Therefore, consider the need to protect
any measuring devices attached to the

The Tinius Olsen Grip

The Tinius Olsen Testing Machine
Company, Inc., P.O. Box 429, Willow
Grove, PA 19090 has developed and fab-
ricates the SLS grip for testing 7-wire
strand (see Figs. 7 and 16).
The SLS grips are toothless U grips
that have a 10 in. length of contact with
the strand. They are designed so that
pressure on the strand is very light
where it enters the grip and becomes
heavier further into the grip after some
of the tension has been transferred from
the strand to the grip.
Since the gripping faces of the U are
inclined to wear with the repeated use
they get in a production laboratory, the
U's are 10 in. long relatively small steel
Fig. 5. Pure tension failure between Thin inserts that can be removed and re-
Line Splice grips. placed as necessary, Although the strand

3" 3"

Iҟ ^ 7/32ҟ

Iҟ 1





5/32 9/64 .',020
., 11/64" ".020
1/4" I%4..

3/8 23,,..
27/64.. ".025
1/2 , 3%64., .025
2 I/2' 3%4'•
.600 19/32" .025

Fig. 6. Details of Sand Grips.

may be gripped directly in the U's with- the application of silicon carbide grit.
out any special preparation, it has been 2. A mixture of epoxy compound with
found that the number of clear breaks sand or grit is applied to the inner face of
decreases as the grips wear and the use the aluminum insert.
of aluminum oxide grit improves the A more recently installed procedure
performance of worn grips. uses a machine with hydraulic grips
which press the serrated teeth of the
90-deg V groove machine grips into the
The Aluminum Insert
outer faces of the aluminum angle. The
Aluminum insert angles have been pressure also forces the strand config-
used successfully in several ways. Two uration into the inner faces of the
procedures have been used in machines aluminum angles. With this procedure
that have tapered mechanical or wedge clear breaks are experienced all the
grips: time.
1. A thin layer of grease is applied to The testing machine being used to
the ends of the test piece followed by obtain these results is a 750 KN Avery

PCI JOURNAL Way-June 1985 ҟ 141

Denison 7155. The aluminum angles are quired almost every time a 7-wire strand
12 x 12 x 1.4 mm to 1.6 mm thick and is installed in a prestressed concrete
±120 mm long (% x ' x 0.055 in. to member. Most specifications governing
0.063 x 43/1 in.). They are not reusable. the fabrication of prestressed concrete
members require the load indicated by
the tensioning jack and the computed
MODULUS OF strand elongation to agree within 5 per-
ELASTICITY cent or work must be halted until that
degree of agreement is achieved.
ASTM A416 does not require a mod- Although a possible error of 5 percent
ulus of elasticity (MOE) test, but data on in initial tension may seem rather large
its load vs elongation properties are re- from the designer's viewpoint, it re-

Fig. 7. Tinius Olsen SLS Grips, new liners for grips and strand that broke in clear
between grips.

quires a considerable degree of accuracy yield strength.
at the job site and in the laboratory. Sev- The MOE of a strand is affected by the
eral things, including variations in pis- total area of the seven wires and, to a
ton friction and gage accuracy, can cause lesser degree, by the pitch or lay of the
an error in the hydraulic jack's mea- six outside wires.
surement of load in the strand. If this ASTM A416 permits a pitch of any-
amounts to 2.5 percent of the load, then thing from 12 to 16 diameters but re-
the measured elongation must be within quires that whatever pitch is used be
2.5 percent of the computed elongation. constant for the full length of the strand.
Extremely good laboratory equipment A strand with a long pitch has a larger
and procedures are needed if the MOE MOE than a strand with a short pitch.
established in the laboratory is to always ASTM A416 gives a nominal area for
be within 2.5 percent of the actual MOE each strand but permits a considerable
of the strand being tensioned at the job tolerance with respect to actual area as
site. As indicated in the following dis- long as the specified minimum ultimate
cussion, strand fabricating tolerances load is met, Because of different rod
are such that the actual MOE of two properties and wire drawing proce-
lengths of strand fabricated on the same dures, there is a very appreciable differ-
equipment to the same specification can ence between the actual area of the
differ by as much as 2.4 percent. In ad- strand with the smallest area on the
dition, it is difficult to attach a strain market in the United States and that of
gage to a member composed of seven the strand with the largest area.
individual wires so that it will measure When wire is drawn for a prestressed
the MOE with complete accuracy across concrete strand, the shop practice of the
a relatively small gage length. strand manufacturer will specify a di-
In order to reduce the effect of shop ameter, but it must also permit some de-
tolerances to a minimum, some strand gree of tolerance. The wires of a viz-in.
fabricators furnish a typical curve which diameter strand have a diameter of
is the average of the last 30 to 50 tests on about 0.167 in. The minimum reason-
the specific size and grade being fur- able tolerance is ±0.001 in. This varia-
nished. If the MOE test of the strand tion in diameter of 0.001 in, represents a
being shipped is within 2.5 percent of change in area, and MOE, of 1.2 per-
the typical, it is within the accuracy that cent.
can be expected and is considered ade- The diameter of the bole in the last
quate. Tensioning to the typical curve die of the wire drawing operation de-
eliminates the large differences that can termines the diameter of the finished
come from testing a strand that happens wire. Since the diameter of this hole in-
to have a maximum MOE and then get- creases with wear as wire is drawn
ting a strand with a minimum MOE at through it, it is standard practice to start
the job site. a new die with a hole slightly under size
ASTM A416 requires a minimum and continue to use the die until the
yield strength of 85 percent of the ulti- hole is producing wire that meets the
mate for stress-relieved and 90 percent maximum permissible oversize toler-
of ultimate for low-relaxation strand. ance. The result is a deliberately created
This is defined as the load at which the variation in area, and MOE, of-_* 1.2 per-
strand reaches 1.0 percent elongation cent from the nominal.
and the straight line MOE does not ex- It is essential that a standard proce-
tend to these values. The load- dure for computing MOE be established
elongation curve furnished by the strand and adhered to. A complete series of
fabricator should be consulted for ten- tests on a strand includes measuring the
sions within 10 percent of the specified diameter of each wire to he sure that the

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1985 ҟ 143

required difference between center and and computed elongation has caused a
outside wires is met. Some laboratories work stoppage finally traced to an error
compute the actual strand area from in MOE. The laboratory reported a
these diameters and use this area in MOE which they computed using actual
conjunction with the load-elongation area. The field engineer, not knowing
curve to compute MOE. Other this, used the laboratory's MOE and the
laboratories use the nominal area from nominal area of the strand with a resul-
ASTM A416 in conjunction with the tant error in computed elongation.
load-elongation curve to compute MOE. In order to eliminate the type of error
In a number of instances, an excessive illustrated in the previous paragraph, it
discrepancy between jack load reading is strongly recommended that the area
used in its computation be given at the
same time the MOE of a strand is given.
Although the MOE of most 7-wire
stress-relieved and low-relaxation
strands is a little above 28,500,000 psi, it
-ҟ cL ҟTO is common practice for the design en-
t*ҟ STRAND AT TOP ONLY gineer to use 28,000,000 psi and the
nominal area of the strand for structural
design calculations. The 28,000,000 psi
value should not be used when com-
puting the elongation required to pull
TECHNICIAN READING the strand to specified tension at the job
Testing Equipment and
ASTM EI11 covers standard details of
testing for Young's modulus or MOE.
N The chief difference between conduct-
ing a load-elongation or stress-strain test
on a 7-wire strand and on a single wire
or a steel bar is that of attaching the ex-
tensometer to the six outside wires of
the strand so that it does not slip or ro-
tate and so that any effect of bending as
load is applied is cancelled out.
SCALE CLAMPED Experience has shown that the exten-
y^ TO STRAND someters which are normally attached to
wires or steel bars for making auto-
READ CHANGE IN graphic curves, generally do not perform
ELONGATION AS properly when attached to a 7-wire
BOTTOM EDGE OF strand. One laboratory reports improved
results when masking tape is placed on
the strand at the points where the gage
points contact the strand.
A procedure which gives excellent re-
sults using parts that can be fabricated
Fig. 8. Device for measuring total elonga- by a good machine shop is the Double
tion in 24 in. at failure. Dial method devised by Howard J.


Iϗ O.I" I, 1



0.5"r > I
< DRILL FOR 1/4"



2 2 7••

I--1 0.75 ^ 1
L0" 1 10..
I 4 / I
LFl 25"
A / A





Fig. 9. Details of extensometer for Double Dial method of measuring elongation.

Godfrey who is now a consultant in that the extensometer will hang verti-
Pennington, New Jersey. The following cally. The flexible fitting is fastened to
discussion and illustrations have been the strand by split collets which have an
furnished by Mr. Godfrey. internal diameter equal to the strand di-
The dimensions of the collets shown
THE 50-IN. EXTENSOMETER in Fig. 9 are those of the solid sleeve
FOR PRESTRESSED before slitting with a milling cutter. The
CONCRETE STRAND cut allows the two halves of the split
collet to be pressed against the strand by
The 50-in. extensometer consists of an means of the 1'a in. hollow flat point
aluminum tube somewhat less than 50 setscrew which is held in a 1.3 in. out-
in. in length. A flexible fitting is at- side diameter (OD) steel ring.
tached to the upper end of the tube so The 1.3 in. OD ring is pivoted inside a

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 ҟ 145

2 in. OD steel ring by' in. hollow cone ting are shown in Fig. 10 and consist of a
point setscrews. 6 in. OD aluminum disc and two steel
The 2.0 in. OD ring is pivoted in a 2.7 bars which are machined to hold the
in. OD steel bracket which is attached to split collets. One of the steel bars is
the top end of the aluminum tube. The permanently fastened to the bottom of
pivot axis of the 2.0 in. OD ring is at 90 the aluminum disc and the second bar is
deg to the pivot axis of the 2.7 in. OD attached to the permanent bar after the
bracket. Only a limited amount of mo- strand is under an initial load.
tion is required of the upper fitting be- Before placing the strand in the test-
cause the extensometer is not attached ing machine grips, it is threaded through
to the strand until an initial load has the aluminum tube and the top fitting
been applied. However, the available without the collets in place. The top end
movement allows the extensometer to of the strand is then fixed in the testing
adjust for any further straightening of machine grips, after which the lower
the strand during testing. gage point fitting is threaded on to the
The various parts of the upper flexible strand. The bottom end of the strand is
fitting are shown in Fig. 9 and a photo- then placed in the testing machine grips
graph of the assembled fitting is pre- and the initial load applied.
sented in Fig, 9a. The dimensions have The split collets are then placed in the
been estimated and may be revised as upper fitting and attached to the strand
required. by means of the setscrew. The lower fit-
The parts for the lower gage point fit- ting is then attached to the strand by a
second set of collets held in the two bar
clamp under the aluminum disc. The
50-in, gage length is measured by a steel
tape from the top edge of the upper col-
lets to the top edge of the lower collets.
The dial gages reading to 0.001 in.
should then be attached to the lower
end of the aluminum tube by an adjust-
able aluminum clamp as shown in Fig.
11. The aluminum clamp should be so
designed that the dial stems are
equidistant from the centerline of the
strand and are on the same axis through
the center of the strand. Under these
conditions any rotation of the aluminum
disc or tube, or any change in the level
of the disc during testing will not result
in an incorrect measurement of the
In order to eliminate excessive lateral
movement of the bottom end of the
aluminum tube due to accidental con-
tact, a slit cork stopper should be in-
serted into the lower end of the tube.
Before slitting, a hole should be drilled
on the vertical axis of the cork stopper
slightly larger than the diameter of the
strand. A view of the stopper in place is
Fig. 9a. Top clamp for Double Dial method shown in Fig. 11. This guide system


r" 4 -DRILL 0.4"

0.4,.ҟ a TAP
a TA P
---5^6n ud
3/$3 ..

3/4 ' 6"



3/ ҟ21/4„


Fig. 10, Details of extensometer for Double Dial method of measuring elongation.

does not result in any friction between is presented in Fig. 12 and a typical
the strand and the stopper. load-elongation curve is shown in Fig.
Either 1 in. or 2 in. travel dial gages 13.
may be used for measuring the elonga- Curves produced by the Double Dial
tion of the strand as the load is applied. method and a testing machine with a
The full range of 1 in. travel dial gages is load scale that permits the reading in-
equivalent to an elongation of 2.0 per- crements to be determined with accu-
cent. In general, load-elongation tests racy have given very good results. If it is
are discontinued when the elongation not possible to get a 50-in, gage length
has exceeded 1.0 percent which is the in a machine, the equipment can be de-
extension for determining the yield signed for a shorter length but some ac-
strength according to ASTM A421. curacy will be sacrificed.
The 50-in, extensometer is not de- The Double Dial test is run at a con-
signed to be left on the strand when stant speed. As each increment of load is
fracture takes place so it is necessary to reached the machine operator calls
remove the extensometer before testing "Mark" and the two assistants reading
the strand to failure. A view of the ex- the dials record the dial readings at that
tensometer attached to a test specimen instant. At the conclusion of the test, a

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985 147

Fig. 11. Dial gages and base plate for Fig. 12. 50-in, Double Dial extensometer
Double Dial method. ҟ in use.

curve is plotted using the load incre- strand. There are several models from
ments and the average of the two dial which to choose and they can be used on
readings. Experience has shown that all types of specimens in addition to
this method gives more consistent and strand. Users report good results.
accurate results than any other method In the United States, Wallace Exten-
that requires attaching the gage points to someters are available through:
the strand. Testing Machines Inc.
Experience has shown that the exten- 400 Bayview Avenue
someters which are normally attached to Amityville, New York 11701
wires or steel bars for making auto- (516) 842-5400
graphic curves do not perform properly In 1984, for an extensometer suitable
when attached to a 7-wire strand. After a for use with 7-wire strand, Testing
considerable development effort Tinius Machines Inc. quoted a price of
Olsen Testing Machine Company, Inc., $16,565.00 plus freight and installation.
succeeded in developing and now mar- Since the test for yield strength begins
kets an extensometer that can be at- with a 10 percent load on the strand,
tached to a strand to produce good and some laboratories begin their load-
consistent autographic curves (see Figs. elongation curve at this point and then
14, 15, and 16). Fig. 17 shows a curve project it downward to zero load as a
made with Olsen equipment. projection of the line from 10 percent
The Wallace No-Contact Extensome- upward. If the strand is overpreformed,
ter eliminates the problem of slippage of the bottom part of the curve is not a
the contact points by using optical straight line and this procedure fails to
reading devices which do not touch the detect the condition. When load is first








4 12,000





REEL NO. 639K-5572L

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016

Fig. 13. Load-elongation curve plotted by Double Dial method.

applied to an overpreformed strand, a curve increases until the wires are all
small increase in load causes a large in- tight and the remaining curve is a
crease in elongation creating a nearly straight line to the point where yielding
flat line called a foot at the beginning of begins.
the curve. As the outer wires pull down In almost all tendon installations, both
against the center wire, the slope of the pretensioned and post-tensioned, each

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985ҟ 149

Fig. 14. Gage point on Tinius Olsen extensometer prior to clamping.

Fig. 15. Gage point on Tinius Olsen extensometer after clamping.

strand is pulled to a tension of 1000 lbs
or more before elongation mea-
surements are begun. Since this load
will pull down all but very severely
overpreformed outside wires, failure to
detect the foot when plotting the load-
elongation curve is not critical. It should
be noted that the low-relaxation process
eliminates both the overpreformed and
underpreformed condition as a result of
the permanent stretching of the wires.
Under "Specimen Preparation"
ASTM A370 states "Wire slippage may
be minimized by fusing together the cut
ends of the specimen ..." ASTM A416
requires the center wire to be larger
than the outer wires by a specified
amount. This difference is required to
make sure each outer wire bears on the
center wire and grips it as there is no
other means of applying and keeping
tension on the center wire during its
service life as a tendon. If the wires are
properly dimensioned and are not lubri-
cated it should not be necessary to fuse
the ends of the specimen.
If the center wire slips during testing
of an unfused strand, the cause should
be investigated. It could be oily wires,
undersize center wire or over or under-
preforming. The author does not ap-
prove of fusing the cut ends of the
specimen. If one of the wires is in any
way out of place at the time of fusing,
the resultant load-elongation curve will
be inaccurate. Fig. 16. Tinius Olsen testing machine with
SLS grips and extensometer for strand in
sured as a percent of initial tension, in-
The purpose of the 30-minute short- creases as the initial tension is in-
term relaxation test is to determine creased, the short-term test is conducted
whether the sample of 7-wire strand at a high initial tension (80 percent of
being tested is of stress-relieved grade GUTS) to create as large a difference as
(SR) or low-relaxation grade (LR). It is possible during the short term of the
not intended to provide data that could test.
be used to project long-term losses In the 1000 hour relaxation test re-
under service life conditions. quired by ASTM A416, the specimen is
Since the difference in relaxation loaded to a prescribed tension and then
losses between SR and LR strand, mea- held at constant length for the duration

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1985ҟ 151

of the test. Loss due to relaxation is the large tensile force must be measured re-
difference in load in the tendon be- quire special equipment that is not
tween the start of the test and its conclu- available in otherwise fully equipped
sion. The degree of accuracy with which testing laboratories. For example, each
the constant length must be maintained of the relaxation units in the laboratory
and with which the small changes in a of one strand producer uses a double
dial extensometer with a 192-in, gage
length and dial gages that read to 0.001

Basic Principles of Short-Term

The purpose of this test is to deter-
mine within a reasonable degree of ac-
curacy the loss due to relaxation of a
strand loaded to a high tension for a
short period of time.
V) It will be necessary to record with
z considerable accuracy the:
1. Change in tension in the specimen.
z 2. Change in length of the portion
being measured by the extensometer.
0 3. Change in temperature.
Also, it will be necessary to adjust the
results accordingly. Let the:
Effective change in load = PE
Measured change in load = PM
Change in load due to the measured
change in length = Pr
The effective change in load is:
PE _ ± PM + Pr.(1)

and the percentage of loss, P, is:

v 0ҟ1ҟ 2ҟ3
P = (Ps/P,) 100 (2)

TEST NO-: 1234 DATE: 1-19-84 where P, = initial tension.

SIZE a GRADE : 1/2 f DIA. LOW-RELAXATION The change in load due to change in
COIL NO: 54321 length resulting from slippage in the
BREAKING LOAD IN POUNDS : 43, 300 grips is:
1.o % EXTENSION IN POUNDS ' 40,250 PL = (A. E L 1 ) /L (3)
in which
AT 30,970 POUNDS=0.870° A = cross section area of strand (in.2)
E = modulus of elasticity of strand
ELONGATION IN INCHES PER L = gage length of extensometer
INCH AT 30,970 POUNDS = 0.00725
L I = change in extensometer reading
It is not feasible to adjust the reading
Fig. 17. Load- elongation curve made with for an appreciable change in air tem-
Tinius Olsen extensometer. perature because the effect on the strand

and other items of small mass will not he 9. At end of 30 minutes read and re-
the same as the effect on the testing ma- cord extensometer reading, load in
chine and other items of large mass. A strand and temperature.
maximum permissible temperature 10. Compute percentage of loss using
change, say ±3°F, should be established foregoing Egs.(1), (2), and (3),
and maintained. The specimen being
tested as well as the environment of the
testing machine must be maintained Notes on Short-Term Test
within the limited temperature range for It must be remembered that the func-
a considerable period of time prior to tion of the 30-minute test is solely to
the start of the test as well as for the determine whether or not the strand
duration of the test. being tested is the low-relaxation grade.
Test data used to make any sort of pre-
Procedure for Short-Term diction with regard to long-term losses
must be made in equipment capable of
Relaxation Test making the 1000-hour test and should be
1. Make sure that strand, testing ma- of at least 100 hours duration.
chine, extensometer, etc., have been in The P, used in the short-term test
the same constant temperature en- should be 80 percent of the GUTS of the
vironment long enough for all parts of all specimen being tested.
items to reach the same temperature. Since the change in load being re-
2. It is not permitted to perform plastic corded is a very small percentage of the
bending or straightening on the sample total load in the strand, it is important
to be tested for relaxation behavior. that the machine being used be able to
3. Place strand in testing machine and record small load increments with accu-
load to approximately 5 percent of spec- racy.
ified minimum ultimate strength. Use Maintaining a constant length for the
gripping devices with an efficiency that 30-minute duration of the test is of ex-
will provide a comfortable factor of treme importance. This means pre-
safety above the load to be applied and venting movement of the head of the
that will not allow the strand to slip testing machine. By the time the speci-
during the period of the relaxation test. men has been loaded to P, and held at
Slippage and/or seating of wedges dur- that load for 1 minute, all seating of
ing the application of P, is not detri- gripping wedges or slippage within the
mental to the test. grips should have taken place.
4. Attach extensometer to strand using The old style mechanical testing ma-
a long gage length, preferably 24 in. or chine is best suited for this purpose; as
more. long as the driving gears are not oper-
5. Load at a uniform rate to P,. Loading ated, the head remains motionless and
time should take not less than 3 minutes the operator simply balances the beam
and not more than 5 minutes and should to weigh the load as relaxation takes
be approximately the same for all tests. place. Depending on their design, hy-
6. Maintain the load atP, for 1 minute. draulic testing machines can hold a con-
During this period make any desirable stant length with anything from a fair to
adjustments to extensometer equipment a very poor degree of accuracy.
such as setting dial gages to zero, etc. Theoretically the results obtained
7. At end of I minute hold, read and using Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) should be the
record extensometer reading, load in same whether the value of P L, is rela-
strand and temperature. tively small and the value of P M is rela-
8. Maintain length constant for 30 tively large or the reverse is true. The
minutes. data from some tests suggest that the re-

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1985 ҟ 153

because of a slight hysteresis at the
clamps when the direction of motion is
Metric (SI) Conversion reversed or just stopped. There is no
Factors hysteresis in the spring loaded dial
gages of the Double Dial system.
1 ft=0.305m
1 in. = 25.4 mm
Several factors must be considered in
establishing the maximum allowable
1 lb = 4.448 N
loss for the 30-minute test:
1 ksi = 6.895 MPa 1. Temperature
1 psi = 0.006895 MPa The 1000-hour test specified by
ASTM is conducted at a constant tem-
1°C = (519) (°F-32)
perature of 68°F ± 3.5°F. Test data
show that a low-relaxation strand will
have more relaxation at 78°F than at
68° F.
2. Consistency of Test Results
suits are appreciably more accurate (A) Although 1000-hour tests show
when P, is small indicating a very small reasonably good agreement at 1000
or zero change in length during the test. hours, the spread between different
Accuracy in measuring any change in tests is greater for the points plotted
length is imperative. The maximum al- early in the test.
lowable relaxation for the 30-minute (B) The load and length measuring
period will be small; probably not more devices being used for this test by a
than 1.5 percent of initial tension. For an commercial laboratory may be less accu-
extensometer with a gage length of 24 rate than the equipment used by a
in., an error of 0.003 in. in measurement strand producer for the 1000-hour test.
of change in length represents '/a of I 3. Relaxation Properties of Strand
percent of the initial tension or about 17 (A) Tests run on 1000-hour equip-
percent of the total allowable loss_ ment, at 68°F at a tension of 80 percent
This could easily result in the rejec- of minimum specified ultimate show a
tion of a specimen that actually had ac- 30-minute relaxation of 0.50 percent for
ceptable properties. An accuracy of low-relaxation strand and 2.6 percent for
0.005 percent in measuring length is stress-relieved strand. There was no
recommended. Comments on the design tension on the stress-relieved strands
and use of extensometers are presented during the stress-relieving process.
under the heading of "Modulus of Elas- (B) Some strand fabricators make
ticity." stress-relieved and low-relaxation
If a mechanical machine is used and strand on the same equipment. Thus,
the gears are not engaged during the there may be some tension on the
30-minute test, there should be no mo- stress-relieved strand during the stress-
tion of the head and an extensometer relieving process. The resulting product
may not he needed. may have relaxation properties better
When a testing machine is used that than those of stress-relieved but not as
may have even the slightest adjustment good as those of low-relaxation strand.
of the head position during the test, the It is suggested that low-relaxation
accuracy of the extensometer is critical strand subjected to the foregoing 30-
and the 50-in. Double Dial system is minute test be required to show a re-
recommended. Experience with other laxation loss of not more than 1.20 per-
types, even those that give good results cent of the initial tension with an ad-
when plotting load-elongation curves, justment for test temperatures over
has not been satisfactory. This may be 72°F. If the initial 30-minute test ex-

seeds 1.20 percent, two additional tests of ASTM A416 Section 8.3 is underpre-
should be made of strand from the same formed.
pack and both tests must he equal to or Overpreformed — If the outside wires
less than 1.20 percent for acceptance. are too heavily preformed they do not fly
It is further suggested that any lab- open when the strand is cut, but there is
oratory planning to conduct 30-minute open space between some of the outside
tests obtain a length of low-relaxation wires and the center wire. This causes
strand with known relaxation properties an undesirable foot on the bottom of the
and conduct several trial runs to make load-elongation curve as discussed
sure that its equipment and procedure under "Modulus of Elasticity."
produce correct results. Stress-Relieved — When a 7-wire
strand emerges from the stranding ma-
DEFINITIONS chine which twists the six outer wires
around the center wire, all of the wires
Wire — A wire of the type used in have high internal stresses as a result of
7-wire strand is a single, round, high the wire drawing and stranding process.
tensile strength, high carbon steel unit This is called a "green" strand. The
of considerable length. green strand is passed through a heating
7-Wire Strand — A 7-wire strand is device which raises its temperature to
composed of six wires wrapped helically about 725°F for a few seconds before it
around a center wire. is water cooled. While it is at the ele-
Cable — A cable is a tension carrying vated temperature its yield strength is
tendon composed of two or more paral- appreciably reduced, the high internal
lel 7-wire strands (or wires) installed to- stresses cause local yielding and the
gether and functioning as one unit. stress-relieved strand emerges with far
Nominal Area — The nominal area of less internal stress than was present in
a strand as shown in ASTM A416 Table the green strand.
1 is the theoretical cross-sectional area Low-Relaxation — Low-relaxation
computed by dividing the minimum strand is made from the same green
specified ultimate strength by the unit strand as stress-relieved and subjected
strength of the grade specified. Thus, to the same stress-relieving elevated
the nominal area of a ½-in. diameter 270 temperature. While at the elevated tem-
Grade strand is 41,300/270,000 = 0.153 perature, it is tensioned to a high stress
sq in. Since the diameter tolerances which causes a permanent elongation of
specified in Section 7.3 of ASTM A416 approximately 1 percent. The resulting
are the only items which limit actual strand has very little remaining capacity
area, the actual area of the strand for creep or relaxation. The 1.0 percent
supplied may differ appreciably from elongation also eliminates any overpre-
the nominal area. formed or underpreformed condition.
Pitch or Lay — The pitch, specified in
Section 3.1 of ASTM A416, is the dis-
tance along the strand in which an out- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
side wire makes one complete turn
around the center wire. The information presented herein is
Underpreformed — During the based upon a study on "Testing 7-Wire
standing operation the outside wires are Strand for Prestressed Concrete," spon-
preformed so they will fit snugly around sored by the Post-Tensioning Institute,
the center wire. If the amount of pre- Phoenix, Arizona. This paper has been
forming is insufficient they do not re- reviewed and recommended for publi-
main in place when the strand is cut. A cation by the PT! Ad Hoc Committee on
strand that fails to meet the requirement Strand Identification and Testing.

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1985 155

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