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The Effectiveness of Multimedia-Based Education Game Development on

Students' Learning Psychological Perception of Grade IX Junior High

School in Facing Computer-Based National Exam

Nasrudin1, Ika Agustina2, Akrim3, Syahripal Putra 4

Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia
Negeri Media Kreatif, Medan, Indonesia
3Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
4SMA Negeri 19 Medan, Medan, Indonesia,,,

Keywords: Multimedia-based edu game, psychological perception, Computer-based National Exam

Abstract: This study verifies the effect of Multimedia-based edu game on students’ psychological perception in facing
Computer-based National Exam (UNBK). This research is conducted in Research and Development and the
effectiveness is analyzed by a quantitative approach to the comparative causal method. This study takes
purposive sampling technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. Data are collected by observation, and
questionnaire. The variables of this research are divided into two independent variables (X) and the dependent
variable (Y). The independent variable in this research is the use of Multimedia-based edu game as learning
media. The dependent variable in this research is students’ psychological perception (Y). The testing verifies
that the use of Multimedia-based edu game does not give a significant effect on the positive perception of
facing UNBK. This can be seen from the t-count value is smaller than t-table. In Multimedia-based edu game
variable, t-count <t-table (2,166 <2,771). Multimedia-based edu game proves to have an effect of only 24.8
(25%) on students' positive perceptions.

1 BACKGROUND mandated by the Government Regulation of the

Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 on
The National Examination is one of the National Education Standards Article number 63
requirements of graduation from educational unit as paragraph (1) Assessment of education at the level of
mandated by Government Regulation of the Republic primary and secondary education consists of
of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 regarding Assessment of learning outcomes by:
National Education Standards Article number 72 a. educators;
paragraph (1) Students are declared to graduate from b. educational unit;
education unit in primary and secondary education c. government.
after: Assessment of learning outcomes by
1. complete the entire learning program; educators is done continuously to monitor the
2. earns a minimum score both on the final process, progress, and improvement of results in the
assessment for all subjects of religious form of daily repetition, midterm replay, semester
subjects and morals, civics and personality final repetition, and repeat class increase. Assessment
classes, aesthetic subjects, and physical, of learning outcomes by educators is used to assess
sports, and health subjects; the achievement of the competencies of learners;
3. passing school / madrasah examinations for preparation of reports of learning outcomes; and
science and technology subjects; and improve the learning process. Assessment of learning
4. pass the National Exam. outcomes by educational unit aims to assess the
In school, students should be familiar with achievement of graduate competency standards for all
the assessment of learning outcomes done by subjects. Assessment of the results of learning by the
educators (teachers) and schools. This is because government in the form of National Exam aims to
assess the achievement of national graduate relationship between the learning experience and
competence on certain subjects in science and learning outcomes is the learning experience is one of
technology subjects. National examination is the factors that affect the student learning outcomes.
conducted in an objective, fair, and accountable Arsyad (2002) argues that the practical benefits of
manner. National exam results are used as a using instructional media in teaching and learning are
consideration for: (a) mapping of program quality and to clarify the presentation of messages and
/ or educational unit; (b) the basis for selection of information to facilitate and improve the learning
entry into the next level of education; (c) process and outcomes. In its development, learning
determination of students' graduation from education media follow the development of technology. The
programs and / or units; and coaching and assisting grouping of various types of media when viewed in
the educational unit in its efforts to improve the terms of technological developments by Seels &
quality of education. Glasgow (1990) is divided into two broad categories,
In preparation for the UN, students in namely the choice of traditional media and the choice
addition to studying the subjects tested also need to of cutting-edge media technology. In the latest media
prepare themselves in terms of psychological in order technology there is a microprocessor-based media
to follow the UN optimally. Many students are smart, one such example is computer games (Arsyad, 2002).
smart in a variety of successful subjects in national Educational games are a fairly popular medium and
exams. Similarly, students who are smart and smart are being developed to support the learning process in
in the subjects feel pessimistic, looking for leaks the classroom. Educational game is a game that aims
about, buy answer keys, receive keys from SMS less to provoke interest in children's learning while
fit. Some students do not know anymore, and resign playing in accordance with that proposed by Henry
in distress, memory degradation, unstructured and (2007) that educational games actually refers more to
tangled memories of the test, shadows of the mind the content and purpose of the game, not included in
haunting the failures of the test, the chaotic mind, rush the genre of the actual game and aims to lure
of shyness and the fear of not being able to answer the children's interest while learning. Therefore required
true exam questions. Such psychological conditions the existence of a media in the form of educational
of students are important to obtain a solution to be games that can provide interesting and fun effects for
successful in the National Exam. Psychological students in the learning process. Making this
conditions of students vary in the face of National educational game based on multimedia, where
Examination; this is due to the psychic dynamics that multimedia is a combination of several elements of
vary in students. Students who have good psychic text, audio, graphics, animation and video to process
dynamics do not experience anxiety or fear in facing and communicate information. The use of this
the national exam. Conversely, students who are Educational Game requires a computer or laptop as
psychic dynamics are not good will experience its platform, and in the making of this educational
anxiety or fear in the face of National Examination. game the author uses adobe Flash Professional CS6
Anxiety arises because of various causes, one of and Corel Draw X7 authoring software as a
which is a stressful learning situation. Teachers play supporting medium for the design and appearance in
an important role in finding alternatives to overcome the design of this application.
student anxiety, such as by creating a structured,
enjoyable, and enjoyable learning situation and
experience that can provide students with a sense of 2 METHODOLOGY
security. Psychiatric conditions are filled with
pressure requires the handling of learning conditions
This research uses Research and Development
that affect the condition of calm and fun. Learning and to see how far the Edu Game influence the
experience refers to the interaction between learners students’ learning psycological perception, the
and their external conditions. The external conditions researcher applies a quantitative approach to the
in question are ICT, competence (educator comparative causal method. This method is used to
performance and teaching method applied by
analyze the effectness of using Multimedia-based
educator), environment, learning process, skill, class Edu Game on students’ psychological perception to
condition, and instructional media. One of the factors face UNBK (Computer-based National Exam). The
that influence the learning experience is learning data used in this research is quantitative data
media. Appropriate and interesting learning media supported by qualitative data. Quantitative data is
can improve and direct the attention of the child so
obtained from the measurement. Meanwhile,
that it can create comfort and tranquility. Thus, the
qualitative data is descriptive data obtained from the
behavior of the people observed (Arikunto, 2012). Table 1: Validity Test Result
The sample technique of the study was purposive
Variables Item Correlation
sampling. The sample of this research is 30 students
r- r-table Note
students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Medan chosen count
randomly. Multimedia- 1 0,405 0,367 Valid
The research variables are divided into two: based Edu 2 0,405 0,367 Valid
independent variable (x) and the dependent variable Game (X1) 3 0,404 0,367 Valid
(y). Independent variables are variables that affect or 4 0,405 0,367 Valid
cause other problems occur, while the dependent 5 0,407 0,367 Valid
variable is a variable that is influenced by other 6 0,387 0,367 Valid
independent variables. The independent variable in 7 0,723 0,367 Valid
8 0,397 0,367 Valid
this research is using Multimedia-based Edu Game
9 0,682 0,367 Valid
(X). The dependent variable in this research is 10 1 0,367 Valid
students’ psychological perception to face UNBK Students’ 1 0,378 0,367 Valid
(Computer-based National Exam). learning 2 0,389 0,367 Valid
Quantitative data are examined using SPSS 19 psychological 3 0,455 0,367 Valid
application and the qualitative data are analyzed and perception 4 0,487 0,367 Valid
elaborated. The data collected and tested the validity (Y) 5 0,398 0,367 Valid
and reliability to see how far the reliability of the 6 0,455 0,367 Valid
questionnaire and multiple linear regression analysis 7 0,433 0,367 Valid
to see the effect of using Multimedia-based Edu 8 0,377 0,367 Valid
9 0,378 0,367 Valid
Game on students’ psychological perception to face 10 0,389 0,367 Valid
UNBK (Computer-based National Exam).
From table 1, it can be seen that all the questions
for each variable are valid and feasible to be given
3 RESULT IN AND DISCUSSION to the respondent.

3.1 Validity Test 3.2 Reliability Test

A variable is said to be reliable if it has
To find questionnaire validity, then it was tested Cronbach Alpha larger than r-table. By looking at
to 30 respondents by providing 10 questions to test the r distribution table, for n = 30 it can be seen that
the validity and reliability of all questions. the r-table is 0.367. The results of calculation of
Standardized questionnaires were conducted after a reliability with SPSS 19 program is depicted in the
try-out of 30 respondents. The questionnaire is table below.
divided into two main variables namely using
Multimedia-based Edu Game variables. Table 2: Reliability Test Result
Multimedia-based Edu Game variables were divided Reliability Statistics
into several indicators that must possess positive
Cronbach's N of
meaning, quality, competitiveness, positive image,
Alpha Items
the foreign language used comes from the language
of the country with a good image the selected name 0.558 32
has the meaning corresponding to the product.
Based on the above table, it can be displayed
Validity test was done by Product Moment that variable X and Y has Cronbach Alpha higher
Pearson correlation formula was processed than 0.367 Then it can be concluded tested
automatically through SPSS program 19. For the instrument is reliable.
validity level was tested significance by comparing
the value of r arithmetic with r value table. The
freedom degree (df) = n-2, in this case, n is the
number of correspondents. In this case, the 3.3 Normality Test
magnitude of df can be estimated 30-3 or df = 27 Normality test proposed to test if in the regression the
with alpha 0.05 obtained r-table 0.367, if the r-count dependent and independent variables having a normal
is higher than r-table, then the question was stated to distribution. In this study, the normality test was
be valid. performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula.
3.5 Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 3: Normality Test Result The heteroscedasticity test result obtained in this
Unstandardized study can be seen in Table 5.
N Table 5: Heteroscedasticity Test
30 Unstandard Stand.
Coefficients Coeffic.
Norm Mean .0000000
al Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
Parameter Std. Deviation 1.42354362 1 -2.213 15.962 -0.139 0.891
sa,,b X1 0.548 0.253 0.386 2.166 0.039
Most Absolute 0.196 X2 0.506 0.189 0.478 2.682 0.012
Extreme Positive 0.172
Negative -0.196 Based on table 5 it can be seen that the
significance value (sig) of the three independent
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.074 variables is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be decided
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.199 that no heteroscedasticity got in the regression
The data is said to be normally distributed
because table 2 shows that normality test by using 3.6 Regression Test
Kolmogorov- Smirnov results in an Asymp value. a. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05. Multiple linear regression analysis is an
analysis used to see whether there is the influence of
3.4 Multicollinearity Test Multimedia-based Edu Game on students’ positive
Multicollinearity check was intended to examine perception. Below is the table from the results of
if in a model of regression detected a correlation Multiple Linear Regression Analysis obtained with
between independent variables. A good regression SPSS 19 program.
design must not experience multicollinearity (no
correlation between independent variables). If the Table 6: Multiple Linear Regression Test Result
Tolerance value is higher than 0.10, and the Variance Unstandard. Standard.
Inflation Factor (VIP) value is less than 10 it can be Coefficients Coeffic
stated that no multicollinearity between independent Std.
variables. Model B Error Beta T Sig.
1 -2.213 15.962 -0.139 0.891
Table 4: Multicollinearity Test Result X1 0.548 0.253 0.386 2.166 0.039
Stand. X2 0.506 0.189 0.478 2.682 0.012
Unstandardized Coefficie Collinearity
Coefficients nts Statistics
From result of regression analysis obtained
Std. Toler
Model B Error Beta T Sig. ance VIF
coefficient for variable of Using Multimedia-based
Edu Game (X) equal to 0,548 with constant equal to
1 -2.213 15.962 - 0.891
0.139 -2.213 so regression equation model obtained:
X 0.548 0.253 0.386 2.166 0.039 0.878 1.139
Y = -2.213 + 0.548 X

From the regression equation, it can be

The result of calculation of tolerance value interpreted and taken the conclusions:
shows independent variable having tolerance value 1. The constant of -2.213 states that if there is no
more than 0,10 that is for the variable of Using Multimedia-based Edu Game variable then the
Multimedia-based Edu Game equal to 0,878 students’ perception of culinary in the city of
variable equal to 0,878 meaning, not Medan amounted to -2.213.
Multicollinearity. The VIP calculation results also 2. The regression coefficient of 0.548 indicates
show the same thing where the independent variable that every increase of Using Multimedia-based
has a VIF value of less than 10. Based on table 4 it Edu Game activity as much as 1 time then
can be verified that no multicollinearity among students’ learning psychological perception
independent variables in the study. towards facing UNBK will increase by 0.548.
b. The coefficient of Determination (R2) count> t-table or if the significance value <0.05. In
The coefficient of determination which has a this case, the t-table can be figured in the distribution
function to explain how far independent variable table t with df = n-k, where n is the total of
(Using Multimedia-based Edu Game) can influence respondents and k is the sum of all variables (df = 30-
dependent variable (students’ learning psychological 3: 27), so the known t-table is 2,771. Therefore, some
perception ). It can be displayed in table 7. conclusions regarding this partial test can be drawn:
1. In Multimedia-based Edu Game variable, t-
Table 7: Coefficient of Determination Result count <t-table (2,166 <2,771) with significance
Std. The error value higher than 0.05. Thus, Ho accepted and
Adjusted of the Ha rejected, meaning Multimedia-based Edu
Model R R Square R Square Estimate Game does not have a significant effect on
1 0.498a 0.248 0.193 2.779 students’ learning psychological perception to
face Computer-based National Exam.
The number R Square or Coefficient of
Determination is 0.248. This means the variable of 3.8. The Effect of Using Multimedia-based
students’ learning psychological perception is Edu Game to Students’ learning
influenced by a variable of Using Multimedia-based psychological perception
Edu Game equals to 24,8% (25%). While the rest Regarding the result of tests conducted,
(100% - 25% = 75%) is influenced by other factors Multimedia-based Edu Game is the type of learning
not examined in this study. media that mostly influential on the positive
perception of consumers. This is evidenced by the
3.7 Hypothetical Test results of partial test calculations using the program
a. Simultaneous Test or F Test SPSS 19 where t-count> t-table (2.166 <2.771) with
F Test has the objective to decide if the a significance value greater than 0.05. Thus, it can be
independent variables simultaneously affect the concluded Using Multimedia-based Edu Game there
dependent variable. This simultaneous test intends to is a significant efffect on students’ learning
examine or confirm the hypothesis that explains "Is psychological perception to face Computer-based
there any influence of Multimedia-based Edu Game National Exam .
on students’ learning psychological perceptions of In addition, from the results of multiple linear
facing UNBK”. The result of F test analysis is regression analysis found that the regression
described in table 8 coefficient on Using Multimedia-based Edu Game
amounted to 0.548 which means that every learning
Table 8: F Test Result media with Using Multimedia-based Edu Game
Sum of Mean occurs an increase of 1 time then the positive learning
Model Squares Df Square F Sig. psycological perceptions of UNBK will increase by
1 Regression 68.854 2 34.427 3.258 0.061a 0.548. From the answers of the SMP students on the
questionnaire sheet that the researchers distributed, it
Residual 208.513 27 7.723
was found that 30 respondents thought that learning
Total 277.367 29 media using Multimedia-based Edu Game only had
an effect of 24.8 (25%) on their perception to face
From ANOVA test, it can be known F-count Computer-based National Exam .
as 3.258 with significant value 0.021 To know F- The use of Using Multimedia-based Edu Game is
table, first calculated df1 = 3-1 = 2 while df2 = 30-3 not significantly influenced in improving students’
= 27. By looking at the distribution table f, it is known learning psychological perception because Using
that F - the table is 3.35. Then the value of F-count Multimedia-based Edu Game can only give 25%
(3.258) <F-tabel (3.35) and the substantial value is influence on students’ learning psychological
higher than the probability value (0.061> 0.05). From perception to face Computer-based National Exam.
the comparison result then Ha is rejected and H0
accepted. So it can be drawn that Multimedia-based
Edu Game variable has no significant influence on
the positive perception of facing Computer-based
National Exam.
Based on the results of research and
From the calculation using SPSS, it can be
discussion can be concluded that learning media of
known Variable X is said to affect Y if the value t-
Multimedia-based Edu Game is well implemeted to
give positive learning psychological perception of REFERENCES
students in UNBK. However, based on test results,
partially the use of Multimedia-based Edu Game does Arikunto, S. (2012) Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta:
not have a significant effect on the positive learning Rineka Cipta.
psychological perception of students in UNBK Arsyad, A. (2002). Media pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.
because the value of t-count is smaller than t-table. In Raja Grafindo Persada.
code-mixing variable, t-count <t-table (2,166 <2,771) Dwyer, Francis M. (1978). Strategies for Improving
while in code-switching variable, t-count <t-table is Visual Learning a Handbook for the Effective Selection
(2,682 <2,771). Design and Use of Visualized Materials. Pennsylvania :
Learning media of Multimedia-based Edu Learning Services
Ramaiah, Savitri (2003). Kecemasan Bagaimana
Game proved to have an effect of 24.8 (25%) on
Mengatasi Penyebabnya. Jakarta: Pustaka Populer Obor
consumers' positive perceptions. It shows that there Semiun, Yustinus. (2013). Teori-teori Kpribadian
are other elements of 75% that influence learning Psikoanalitik Kontemporer. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
psychological perception to face UNBK. UU Sisdiknas. (2003). Undang-undang Sistem
Implementation of learning media of Multimedia- Pendidikan Nasional
based Edu Game does not have a crucial effect on Standar Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia. (2005).
students’ positive perception on facing UNBK. This
can be seen from the simultaneous test results where
the value of F-count (3.258)> F-table (3.35) and
significant value is higher than probability value
(0.061> 0.05). From the comparison result then Ha is
rejected and H0 accepted. So it can be concluded that
learning media of Multimedia-based Edu Game
variable do not significantly influence the positive
perception of facing UNBK.

The researchers would like to expand their
heartfelt thanks to those who shared and supported to
the study. Next, sincere gratitude to Politeknik Negeri
Media Kreatif, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Medan
supporting the research on the effect of Learning
media of Multimedia-based Edu Game on students’
learning psychological perception. As the expression
gives ‘close to perfection’ would seem a bit difficult
to achieve, but they had done to fulfill the standard
requirements. It is expected that this article would be
constructive and contributive in education technology
and academic process.

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