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The bar graph shows data about total number of

traumas and murders in 2007 and 2010 in France,

while the table offers information about average
amount of accidents in 2010 in the same country.

Analysing in more detail the first graph, it is

noticeable that the minor damages’ number was
far higher than died cases. However, the traumas’
amount increased from 132,000 to 138,000 during
three time period, while reported murder
situations decreased from 5049 to 3986 from 2007
and 2010 respectively.

Turning to the next presented representation, the

number of casualties during the weekdays was
lower than the number of incidents happened at
the end of the week for all examined groups.
Moreover, for 18-24 sample the values in the
weekend were approximately doubled than those
during the week, 255 compared with 132
respectively. Similarly, sizeable difference pointed out 0-6 group as in Saturdays and Sundays the
average complains’ amount were about four times more than during the week days.

Overall, while the injuries cases increased in time, the kills’ complains diminished its values for
presented period. Also, it is evident that the incidents happened more in the weekend than the rest of
the days.

Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family
members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres provide
the best care. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In these modern day, the children’ education subject and who should take care by them, in cases when
both parents work, is a controversial one. While some affirm that grandparents should take this
responsibility, other sustain than special centres are more suitable. This essay will discuss both sides of
view and concluding with a view point.

On the one hand, supporters affirm that grandparents supervise strictly their nephews. Following that,
youngsters grow up healthy from mental point of view. In other words, the laptop and phone’s access is
limited and this aspect protects young generations by developing an aggressive behaviour. For instance,
BBC reporters examined in 2002 in Italy a group of pupils and concluded that those who were grew-up
home are more obedient and stress affected than those who had free access to interned area since

On the other hand, opponents sustain than comportment skills are achievable just in communities. Little
humans develop important qualities like sharing idea and being communicative, which are essential
characteristics for human beings, just when they are integrated into groups. Being surrounded by mates,
leader abilities and the need of affirmation can be crucial for juniors’ future. For example, The Guardian
in the UK shows in 2010 than the most well-known leaders around the world discovered that they were
born to do that since early ages when loved to coordinate groups.

To conclude, it is crucial for parents to take into consideration both this aspects when they choose a side
on the other. Indeed, being protected by sources which can affect minor’s brain is important, but from
my point of view, this way of thinking is not healthy for children anymore. They must interact with
humans of the same ages, really important pattern for their mental development.

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