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1) The following are illegal and destructive forms
of fishing in Philippine marine waters, except one.

A. Use of crude, traditional, or artisanal gadgets

B. use of dynamites and other explosives
C. Use of fine mesh nets
D. Muro-ami
E. Use of cyanide on reef-based or pelagic species
F. Use of beach seine and bottom-scouring trawls
1) The following are illegal and destructive forms
of fishing in Philippine marine waters, except one.

A. Use of crude, traditional, or artisanal gadgets

B. use of dynamites and other explosives
C. Use of fine mesh nets
D. Muro-ami
E. Use of cyanide on reef-based or pelagic species
F. Use of beach seine and bottom-scouring trawls
2) An industrial estate that is established to
develop new industries is called "developmental"
while an industrial estate meant to advance,
improve or increase the level of industrial activity
particularly in poor regions is called

A. "specialized"
B. "ancillary"
C. "promotional"
D. "survival"
E. "subsistential"
2) An industrial estate that is established to
develop new industries is called "developmental"
while an industrial estate meant to advance,
improve or increase the level of industrial activity
particularly in poor regions is called

A. "specialized"
B. "ancillary"
C. "promotional"
D. "survival"
E. "subsistential"
3) Under Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan 2011-2016, what is closest
to the meaning of 'inclusive growth'?

A. Compromise
B. Transactional
C. Equality
D. Beneficial to all particularly lagging groups
E. Only for the Yellow Army
3) Under Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan 2011-2016, what is closest
to the meaning of 'inclusive growth'?

A. Compromise
B. Transactional
C. Equality
D. Beneficial to all particularly lagging groups
E. Only for the Yellow Army
4) An American car company breaks up its production
process because of high wage cost of unionized Iabor in
Detroit and moves its manufacturing plants to China
where labor costs are low and sources of refined metals
are close by. What theory of firm location likely underpins
this decision?

A. Market-Oriented Approach by August Losch

B. Least Cost Approach by Alfred Weber
C. Profit-Maximizing Approach by Walter lsard
D. Organizational Theory (Segmentation & Mergers)
4) An American car company breaks up its production
process because of high wage cost of unionized Iabor in
Detroit and moves its manufacturing plants to China
where labor costs are low and sources of refined metals
are close by. What theory of firm location likely underpins
this decision?

A. Market-Oriented Approach by August Losch

B. Least Cost Approach by Alfred Weber
C. Profit-Maximizing Approach by Walter lsard
D. Organizational Theory (Segmentation & Mergers)
5) The phenomenon of 'urban primacy' mostly in Third World
countries wherein a single metropolis corners a disproportionate
share of a country's population, resources, and investments by
reason of historical or political precedence, or as a result of foreign
colonial influence, is also called "Manila imperialism" in the

A. It is desirable because of the efficient use of space and

economies of scale.
B. It proves that benefits from agglomeration outweigh the
disbenefits from congestion and overconcentration
C. It demonstrates that Third World countries remain as colonies
of Western imperialist powers.
D. It shows polarization within a country and siphoning off of
economic assets and human talent from hinterland
5) The phenomenon of 'urban primacy' mostly in Third World
countries wherein a single metropolis corners a disproportionate
share of a country's population, resources, and investments by
reason of historical or political precedence, or as a result of foreign
colonial influence, is also called "Manila imperialism" in the

A. It is desirable because of the efficient use of space and

economies of scale.
B. It proves that benefits from agglomeration outweigh the
disbenefits from congestion and overconcentration
C. It demonstrates that Third World countries remain as colonies
of Western imperialist powers.
D. It shows polarization within a country and siphoning off of
economic assets and human talent from hinterland
6) Which of the following is not among the
Philippine government strategies to attain
'concentrated decentralization'?

A. Regional industrial centers

B. Special economic zones
C. Growth corridors, growth triangles, growth
D. Agora and agurbia
6) Which of the following is not among the
Philippine government strategies to attain
'concentrated decentralization'?

A. Regional industrial centers

B. Special economic zones
C. Growth corridors, growth triangles, growth
D. Agora and agurbia
7) The declared strategy of the national
government since the 1980s to promote greater
complementarity between agriculture and industry
sectors and between urban and rural places is

A. Import Substitution Industrialization

B. Export Oriented Industrialization (EOI)
C. Countrywide urban-Rural Linkages (CURL)
D. Balanced Agro-Industrial Development Strategy
7) The declared strategy of the national
government since the 1980s to promote greater
complementarity between agriculture and industry
sectors and between urban and rural places is

A. Import Substitution Industrialization

B. Export Oriented Industrialization (EOI)
C. Countrywide urban-Rural Linkages (CURL)
D. Balanced Agro-Industrial Development Strategy
8) In John Friedman's (1966, 1973) taxonomy of
regions according to economic condition, which
refers to 'fagging regions'?

A. Core regions
B. Upward transitional areas
C. Resource frontier areas
D. Downward transitional areas
E. Special problem areas
F. Latifundio-minifundio
8) In John Friedman's (1966, 1973) taxonomy of
regions according to economic condition, which
refers to 'fagging regions'?

A. Core regions
B. Upward transitional areas
C. Resource frontier areas
D. Downward transitional areas
E. Special problem areas
F. Latifundio-minifundio
9) Basic principle of Heritage Conservation
which holds that historic structures and
treasures should be utilized by preserving as
much of their exteriors as possible while
adopting more modern uses in their interiors.

A. Total Makeover
B. Reconfigurative Renovation
C. Converted Property
D. Adaptive Re-use
9) Basic principle of Heritage Conservation
which holds that historic structures and
treasures should be utilized by preserving as
much of their exteriors as possible while
adopting more modern uses in their interiors.

A. Total Makeover
B. Reconfigurative Renovation
C. Converted Property
D. Adaptive Re-use
10) Despite global economic recession and
decline of demand for luxury goods, a watch
company decides to stay put in Switzerland
because of its secure market niche and proven
track record in producing Rolex timepieces. What
theory of firm location is likely at work here?

A. Comparative Advantage
B. Profit Maximizing Approach
C. Satisficing Theory
D. Behavioral Theory
10) Despite global economic recession and
decline of demand for luxury goods, a watch
company decides to stay put in Switzerland
because of its secure market niche and proven
track record in producing Rolex timepieces. What
theory of firm location is likely at work here?

A. Comparative Advantage
B. Profit Maximizing Approach
C. Satisficing Theory
D. Behavioral Theory
11) 'Industrial dispersal' began with Memorandum
Circular dated Dec 16, 1973 which banned
establishment of additional medium and heavy
industries in the national capital within a 50
kilometer radius from

A. Rizal Monument, Luneta

B. Malacariang Palace
C. Bonifacio Monument
D. Quezon Memorial Circle
11) 'Industrial dispersal' began with Memorandum
Circular dated Dec 16, 1973 which banned
establishment of additional medium and heavy
industries in the national capital within a 50
kilometer radius from

A. Rizal Monument, Luneta

B. Malacariang Palace
C. Bonifacio Monument
D. Quezon Memorial Circle
12) According to Gunnar Myrdal, 'forward linkage'
refers to the 'development of external economies
for an industry's products" while 'backward linkage'
refers to

A. Connection with lagging or backward enterprises in

the rural countryside
B. Development of auxiliary industries to supply input
C. Attraction of capital and enterprises to exploit
expanding demands
D. Expansion of service industries and others serving the
local market
12) According to Gunnar Myrdal, 'forward linkage'
refers to the 'development of external economies
for an industry's products" while 'backward linkage'
refers to

A. Connection with lagging or backward enterprises in

the rural countryside
B. Development of auxiliary industries to supply input
C. Attraction of capital and enterprises to exploit
expanding demands
D. Expansion of service industries and others serving the
local market
13) The 'center-down' paradigm of neo-classical
economics of the 1960s assumed that benefits
from the national-level or macro economic growth
trend to ________ component regions and lower
level communities.

A. Cascade
B. Sprinkle around in spurts
C. Trickle down
D. Pour down
13) The 'center-down' paradigm of neo-classical
economics of the 1960s assumed that benefits
from the national-level or macro economic growth
trend to ________ component regions and lower
level communities.

A. Cascade
B. Sprinkle around in spurts
C. Trickle down
D. Pour down
14) This refers to the part of a seashore which is
alternately covered by the ebb and flow of tide,
technically, to a string of land margining a body of water,
between the low-water line usually at the seaward margin
of a low tide terrace and the upper limit of wave wash at
high tide usually marked by a beach scarp or berm.

A. Seaside
B. Seaboard
C. Foreshore
D. Seagrass bed
E. Beachfront
14) This refers to the part of a seashore which is
alternately covered by the ebb and flow of tide,
technically, to a string of land margining a body of water,
between the low-water line usually at the seaward margin
of a low tide terrace and the upper limit of wave wash at
high tide usually marked by a beach scarp or berm.

A. Seaside
B. Seaboard
C. Foreshore
D. Seagrass bed
E. Beachfront
15) Because land use changes affect a
species' ability to migrate, ______ are
necessary to give species a route to reach
their new habitats

A. Science Reserves & Ranches

B. Zoos & Botanical Gardens
C. Lifelines
D. Wildlife Corridors
15) Because land use changes affect a
species' ability to migrate, ______ are
necessary to give species a route to reach
their new habitats

A. Science Reserves & Ranches

B. Zoos & Botanical Gardens
C. Lifelines
D. Wildlife Corridors
16) According to Francois Perroux (1955), this
phenomenon in economics refers to a propulsive
or expanding firm/industry, or cluster of such
firms/industries, which induces development of other
firms/industries that are technically or functionally related
to it, and stimulates prosperity of the locality or region
through the flow of goods and services.

A. Market town
B. Entrepot
C. Axis Mundi
D. Growth Pole
E. Ecozone
16) According to Francois Perroux (1955), this
phenomenon in economics refers to a propulsive
or expanding firm/industry, or cluster of such
firms/industries, which induces development of other
firms/industries that are technically or functionally related
to it, and stimulates prosperity of the locality or region
through the flow of goods and services.

A. Market town
B. Entrepot
C. Axis Mundi
D. Growth Pole
E. Ecozone
17) This process deals with efficient placement of
activities and land uses such as farms, settlements,
industries, transport hubs, infrastructure, wilderness
etc across a significantly large area broader than a
single city or town.

A. Watershed Planning
B. Area Development Planning
C. Regional Planning
D. Physical Planning
17) This process deals with efficient placement of
activities and land uses such as farms, settlements,
industries, transport hubs, infrastructure, wilderness
etc across a significantly large area broader than a
single city or town.

A. Watershed Planning
B. Area Development Planning
C. Regional Planning
D. Physical Planning
18) This sub-national development approach of government
from the mid-1970s to mid-1990s refers to the necessary
combination of agricultural, industrial, and institutional activities in
mutually reinforcing manner - fostering the growth of viable market
towns or mid-size cities that offer broad services and amenities
meant to achieve both stability of population movement and agro-
industrial growth; closely tied to, and integrated with, efficient
agricultural production.

A. Autonomous Autarchic Development

B. Integrated Area Development
C. Endogenous Self-Reliant Development
D. Selective Territorial Closure
18) This sub-national development approach of government
from the mid-1970s to mid-1990s refers to the necessary
combination of agricultural, industrial, and institutional activities in
mutually reinforcing manner - fostering the growth of viable market
towns or mid-size cities that offer broad services and amenities
meant to achieve both stability of population movement and agro-
industrial growth; closely tied to, and integrated with, efficient
agricultural production.

A. Autonomous Autarchic Development

B. Integrated Area Development
C. Endogenous Self-Reliant Development
D. Selective Territorial Closure
19) As conceptualized in 1989, the private-led
"Agro-Industrial Development Area (AIDA)"
scheme analogous to Japan's "One Town One
Product" model would cluster several villages to
carry out the following components except:

A. Family farm school or folk school

B. Small-scale agro-processing industries
C. Rural development center
D. Roll-on-roll-off (RORO) port
19) As conceptualized in 1989, the private-led
"Agro-Industrial Development Area (AIDA)"
scheme analogous to Japan's "One Town One
Product" model would cluster several villages to
carry out the following components except:

A. Family farm school or folk school

B. Small-scale agro-processing industries
C. Rural development center
D. Roll-on-roll-off (RORO) port
19) As conceptualized in 1989, the private-led
"Agro-Industrial Development Area (AIDA)"
scheme analogous to Japan's "One Town One
Product" model would cluster several villages to
carry out the following components except:

A. Family farm school or folk school

B. Small-scale agro-processing industries
C. Rural development center
D. Roll-on-roll-off (RORO) port
20) Philippines is one of 18 mega-diverse countries
which together contain two-thirds of the world's
biodiversity. Philippines has over 30% of Southeast Asia's
coral reef cover, a square kilometer of which can produce
between 30 to 40 metric tons of seafood annually. Which
area is considered among the most serious hotspots in
rapid coral reef destruction?

A. Sulu
B. Boracay
C. Palawan
D. Mindoro
20) Philippines is one of 18 mega-diverse countries
which together contain two-thirds of the world's
biodiversity. Philippines has over 30% of Southeast Asia's
coral reef cover, a square kilometer of which can produce
between 30 to 40 metric tons of seafood annually. Which
area is considered among the most serious hotspots in
rapid coral reef destruction?

A. Sulu
B. Boracay
C. Palawan
D. Mindoro
21) According to 1997 study on 775 coral
formations by Dr Edgardo Gomez, Dr Helen Yap of
UP Marine Science Institute, 30% of total Philippine
coral reef cover is dead, 39% dying, 25% in fair
condition, how much remains in excellent

A. Approximately 5%
B. Approx. 8%
C. Approx. 26%
D. Approx. 31 %
21) According to 1997 study on 775 coral
formations by Dr Edgardo Gomez, Dr Helen Yap of
UP Marine Science Institute, 30% of total Philippine
coral reef cover is dead, 39% dying, 25% in fair
condition, how much remains in excellent

A. Approximately 5%
B. Approx. 8%
C. Approx. 26%
D. Approx. 31 %
22) Which thrust of regional planning addresses core-
periphery, center-hinterland economic exchange & spatial

A. Enforce urban growth control such as greenbelts or analogous

schemes to protect the natural environment
B. Cultivate a role for each component-settlement such as
administrative center, manufacturing hub, tourism, zone, etc
C. Develop transport corridors in 'hub and spokes design' with
major infrastructure reaching out to population centers
D. Resist development in flood plains or on earthquake fault
zones by utilizing these areas as parks. farms, buffers, etc
22) Which thrust of regional planning addresses core-
periphery, center-hinterland economic exchange & spatial

A. Enforce urban growth control such as greenbelts or analogous

schemes to protect the natural environment
B. Cultivate a role for each component-settlement such as
administrative center, manufacturing hub, tourism, zone, etc
C. Develop transport corridors in 'hub and spokes design' with
major infrastructure reaching out to population centers
D. Resist development in flood plains or on earthquake fault
zones by utilizing these areas as parks. farms, buffers, etc
23) Under the 'super-region' concept of the PGMA
administration, Central Luzon as part of the
Mega Manila 'Extended Urban Region', would focus

A. Hacienda farming
B. Meat processing
C. Commodity logistics chain
D. Cyber services
E. Tourism
23) Under the 'super-region' concept of the PGMA
administration, Central Luzon as part of the
Mega Manila 'Extended Urban Region', would focus

A. Hacienda farming
B. Meat processing
C. Commodity logistics chain
D. Cyber services
E. Tourism
24) A Swedish computer company relocates to Silicon
Valley, California, where despite high wage costs, IT
companies boast of highest IQ points per square-meter of
floorspace, and have vibrant linkages with topnotch
universities to create state-of-the-art technologies. What
theory of firm location is operational here?

A. Theory of Human Capital

B. Profit Maximizing Approach
C. Satisficing Theory
D. Behavioral Theory
24) A Swedish computer company relocates to Silicon
Valley, California, where despite high wage costs, IT
companies boast of highest IQ points per square-meter of
floorspace, and have vibrant linkages with topnotch
universities to create state-of-the-art technologies. What
theory of firm location is operational here?

A. Theory of Human Capital

B. Profit Maximizing Approach
C. Satisficing Theory
D. Behavioral Theory
25) A region that is defined by common physical
features such as resource base, lake, coast, ecosystem is
called 'natural or ecological region'; while that which is
defined by extent of economic connectedness or market
exchange is called a "functional region"; that which is
created by law regardless of natural or economic
commonality is called

A. Homogenous region
B. Formal region
C. Historic region
D. Virtual region
25) A region that is defined by common physical
features such as resource base, lake, coast, ecosystem is
called 'natural or ecological region'; while that which is
defined by extent of economic connectedness or market
exchange is called a "functional region"; that which is
created by law regardless of natural or economic
commonality is called

A. Homogenous region
B. Formal region
C. Historic region
D. Virtual region
26) Which is not an element of Special
Economic Zone or ecozone under PEZA?

A. Free trade zone

B. Financial banking center
C. Export processing zone
D. Industrial park or industrial estate
26) Which is not an element of Special
Economic Zone or ecozone under PEZA?

A. Free trade zone

B. Financial banking center
C. Export processing zone
D. Industrial park or industrial estate
27)"High-growth regions with expanding economic activity
will attract net migration from other parts of the country,
thus favoring them further. Capital investments tend to
have a similar effect: increased demand in expanding
centers spur additional investments, which in turn will
increase incomes and demand or cause a further round
of investments.“

A. Cumulative Causation
B. Positive Reinforcement
C. Economic Modernization
D. Circuits of Capital
27)"High-growth regions with expanding economic activity
will attract net migration from other parts of the country,
thus favoring them further. Capital investments tend to
have a similar effect: increased demand in expanding
centers spur additional investments, which in turn will
increase incomes and demand or cause a further round
of investments.“

A. Cumulative Causation
B. Positive Reinforcement
C. Economic Modernization
D. Circuits of Capital
28) "Development process should be redefine
in such a way that urban development
promotes rural development while rural
development supports urban development."
(John Friedman)

A. Agropolis / agropolitan approach

B. Rurban interlink
C. Agro-based countryside development
D. Michael Lipton model
28) "Development process should be redefine
in such a way that urban development
promotes rural development while rural
development supports urban development."
(John Friedman)

A. Agropolis / agropolitan approach

B. Rurban interlink
C. Agro-based countryside development
D. Michael Lipton model
29) This refers to the totality of cultural
properties preserved and developed through
time and passed on for posterity.

A. National patrimony
B. Customs & traditions
C. Patriotic legacy
D. Cultural heritage
E. Bequeaths & bequests
29) This refers to the totality of cultural
properties preserved and developed through
time and passed on for posterity.

A. National patrimony
B. Customs & traditions
C. Patriotic legacy
D. Cultural heritage
E. Bequeaths & bequests
30) Klaasen enumerates the criteria for creating
planning regions as follows. Which criterion pertains to the
role of a leading center or a complex of exporting firms or
lead industries?

A. Must be large enough to take investment decisions of

an economic size
B. Must be able to supply its own industries with
necessary labor
C. Should have a homogenous economic structure
D. Must contain at least one growth point
E. Must have a common approach to and awareness of
its own problems
30) Klaasen enumerates the criteria for creating
planning regions as follows. Which criterion pertains to the
role of a leading center or a complex of exporting firms or
lead industries?

A. Must be large enough to take investment decisions of

an economic size
B. Must be able to supply its own industries with
necessary labor
C. Should have a homogenous economic structure
D. Must contain at least one growth point
E. Must have a common approach to and awareness of
its own problems
31) Under RA 8550 Fisheries Code of 1998, if the
total width of water body between two seaside
municipalities is less than 30 km, each one's
municipal waters is determined by using

A. Comparative sizes of fishing population

B. A median line on common water body
C. Preponderance of maritime and aquatic activities
D. Ratio and proportion according to length of
31) Under RA 8550 Fisheries Code of 1998, if the
total width of water body between two seaside
municipalities is less than 30 km, each one's
municipal waters is determined by using

A. Comparative sizes of fishing population

B. A median line on common water body
C. Preponderance of maritime and aquatic activities
D. Ratio and proportion according to length of
32) 'Residentiary services' refers to domestic
living-related services such as housing, grocery,
catering, recreation, etc while 'services that cut
across varied types of firms such as security,
banking, insurance, courier services, etc are called

A. Logistical
B. Financial
C. Diagonal
D. Interlocal
E. Messengerial
F. Transborder
32) 'Residentiary services' refers to domestic
living-related services such as housing, grocery,
catering, recreation, etc while 'services that cut
across varied types of firms such as security,
banking, insurance, courier services, etc are called

A. Logistical
B. Financial
C. Diagonal
D. Interlocal
E. Messengerial
F. Transborder
33) Presidential Decree 2146 defines 'amenity
areas' as those with high aesthetic values such as
the following, except one.

A. Outstanding landscapes, seascapes, and

B. Planetarium, space observatory, and science
C. Heritage sites and historic places
D. Municipal plazas and public parks
33) Presidential Decree 2146 defines 'amenity
areas' as those with high aesthetic values such as
the following, except one.

A. Outstanding landscapes, seascapes, and

B. Planetarium, space observatory, and science
C. Heritage sites and historic places
D. Municipal plazas and public parks
34) Wilson (1992) estimated that 90% habitat loss
of an area results in 50% reduction of number of
species Under RA 9174 "Wildlife Resources
Conservation & Protection Act", a species
or sub-species that faces high risk of extinction in
the immediate future is called

A. Acutely Threatened Species

B. Critically Endangered Species
C. Species Vulnerable to Extinction
D. Rapidly Vanishing Species
34) Wilson (1992) estimated that 90% habitat loss
of an area results in 50% reduction of number of
species Under RA 9174 "Wildlife Resources
Conservation & Protection Act", a species
or sub-species that faces high risk of extinction in
the immediate future is called

A. Acutely Threatened Species

B. Critically Endangered Species
C. Species Vulnerable to Extinction
D. Rapidly Vanishing Species
35) According to Walter lsard, firms or
industries that are indifferent to the physical
attributes of geographic location to carry out
profitable business are called:

A. Vagabond
B. Wanderlust
C. Itinerant
D. Footloose
35) According to Walter lsard, firms or
industries that are indifferent to the physical
attributes of geographic location to carry out
profitable business are called:

A. Vagabond
B. Wanderlust
C. Itinerant
D. Footloose
36) According to RA 7916 Sec 4, this refers to a tract of
land of at least 50 contiguous hectares which is
subdivided and developed according to a comprehensive
plan under a unified continuous management and with
provisions for basic infrastructure and utilities, with or
without pre-built standard factory buildings (SFBs)

A. Industrial corridor
B. Regional manufacturing hub
C. Export processing zone
D. Industrial estate
36) According to RA 7916 Sec 4, this refers to a tract of
land of at least 50 contiguous hectares which is
subdivided and developed according to a comprehensive
plan under a unified continuous management and with
provisions for basic infrastructure and utilities, with or
without pre-built standard factory buildings (SFBs)

A. Industrial corridor
B. Regional manufacturing hub
C. Export processing zone
D. Industrial estate
37) Of the so-called 'super-regions,' which
one is being promoted as having the
comparative advantage in 'tourism'?

A. North Luzon
B. Central Philippines
C. Baguio & Cordillera Autonomous Region
D. Davao Silicon Gulf
37) Of the so-called 'super-regions,' which
one is being promoted as having the
comparative advantage in 'tourism'?

A. North Luzon
B. Central Philippines
C. Baguio & Cordillera Autonomous Region
D. Davao Silicon Gulf
38)The Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
(CITES) on March 3, 1973 has been helpful in protecting
endangered animals and plants, of which the Philippines has
over 800, by

A. Listing all species that can be hunted, traded, and used

B. Listing those species and products whose international trade is
C. Funding projects for breeding endangered plants and animals
D. Preventing the hunting of whales and dolphins
E. Specifying prices for certain plant and animal products
38)The Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
(CITES) on March 3, 1973 has been helpful in protecting
endangered animals and plants, of which the Philippines has
over 800, by

A. Listing all species that can be hunted, traded, and used

B. Listing those species and products whose international trade is
C. Funding projects for breeding endangered plants and animals
D. Preventing the hunting of whales and dolphins
E. Specifying prices for certain plant and animal products
39) The first export processing zone in the
Philippines which became operational in 1972

A. Bataan EPZ
B. Mactan EPZ
C. Baguio EPZ
D. Zamboanga de Ayala EPZ
E. Phividec Misamis Oriental
39) The first export processing zone in the
Philippines which became operational in 1972

A. Bataan EPZ
B. Mactan EPZ
C. Baguio EPZ
D. Zamboanga de Ayala EPZ
E. Phividec Misamis Oriental
40) The following central variables except one
were used by Alfred Weber, August Losch, Walter
lsard, Melvin Greenhut and others, in so-called
classical theories of industrial location.

A. The costs of distributing and marketing finished

goods to the end-user
B. Wages of labor
C. The costs of transporting raw materials to the
D. Perks and privileges for managers
40) The following central variables except one
were used by Alfred Weber, August Losch, Walter
lsard, Melvin Greenhut and others, in so-called
classical theories of industrial location.

A. The costs of distributing and marketing finished

goods to the end-user
B. Wages of labor
C. The costs of transporting raw materials to the
D. Perks and privileges for managers
41) According to RA 10066 National Cultural
Heritage Act of 2009, this refers to "historical sites or
structures hallowed and revered for their history or
association as declared by the National Historical

A. Epochal Landmark
B. National Treasure
C. National Cultural Property
D. Historic Shrine
E. Sacred Place
41) According to RA 10066 National Cultural
Heritage Act of 2009, this refers to "historical sites or
structures hallowed and revered for their history or
association as declared by the National Historical

A. Epochal Landmark
B. National Treasure
C. National Cultural Property
D. Historic Shrine
E. Sacred Place
42)In 1970, the Presidential Advisory Council on
Public Works and Community Development and
the UP Institute of Environmental Planning
together drafted the first-ever national physical
framework plan that attempted to address spatial
inequity or imbalance among regions using the
concept of

A.Integrated area development

B.Growth pole/growth center
C.Selective territorial closure
D.New society
42)In 1970, the Presidential Advisory Council on
Public Works and Community Development and
the UP Institute of Environmental Planning
together drafted the first-ever national physical
framework plan that attempted to address spatial
inequity or imbalance among regions using the
concept of

A.Integrated area development

B.Growth pole/growth center
C.Selective territorial closure
D.New society
43) When a firm locates close to sources of
natural resources such as Pittsburg or Ruhr valley,
it is called "materials-oriented;" when a firm locates
close to where there are large populations such as
Shanghai or Tokyo, it is called --

A. Customer-friendly
B. Client-centered
C. Demographicaily-responsive
D. Market-oriented
43) When a firm locates close to sources of
natural resources such as Pittsburg or Ruhr valley,
it is called "materials-oriented;" when a firm locates
close to where there are large populations such as
Shanghai or Tokyo, it is called --

A. Customer-friendly
B. Client-centered
C. Demographicaily-responsive
D. Market-oriented
44) RA 7916 reiterates Sec. 12, Art XII of Philippine
Constitution,"The State shall promote the preferential use
of Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced
goods and adopt measures that help make them
competitive." What technical planning concept pertains
most aptly to this?

A. Inflow - outflow - backflow

B. Trickle up and trickle down
C. Economic nationalism or Filipinism
D. Forward linkages and backward linkages in production
44) RA 7916 reiterates Sec. 12, Art XII of Philippine
Constitution,"The State shall promote the preferential use
of Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced
goods and adopt measures that help make them
competitive." What technical planning concept pertains
most aptly to this?

A. Inflow - outflow - backflow

B. Trickle up and trickle down
C. Economic nationalism or Filipinism
D. Forward linkages and backward linkages in production
45) Which characteristic of megalopolis describes its
tendency to develop a multi-nuclei or multi-nodal spatial

A. Is an expansive urban region with over 10 million

population (Giles Clarke)
B. Tends to be dependent on food, water, and energy
supplies of its neighboring regions
C. Has complex form as 'mother city' breeds smaller
offspring-cities in sprawling manner
D. Requires broad type of regional governance beyond
the capacity and resources of asingle LGU authority
45) Which characteristic of megalopolis describes its
tendency to develop a multi-nuclei or multi-nodal spatial

A. Is an expansive urban region with over 10 million

population (Giles Clarke)
B. Tends to be dependent on food, water, and energy
supplies of its neighboring regions
C. Has complex form as 'mother city' breeds smaller
offspring-cities in sprawling manner
D. Requires broad type of regional governance beyond
the capacity and resources of asingle LGU authority
46) Which is not a method to delineate a

A. Force field analysis

B. Gravitational analysis
C. Factor analysis
D. Flow analysis
E. Ethno-lirguistic and socio-cultural profiling
F. Weighted index number method
46) Which is not a method to delineate a

A. Force field analysis

B. Gravitational analysis
C. Factor analysis
D. Flow analysis
E. Ethno-lirguistic and socio-cultural profiling
F. Weighted index number method
47) Which of the following is not a major Heritage
Site in the Philippines as declared by UNESCO?

A. Baroque churches of Manila, Sta. Maria, Paoay

& Miag-ao
B. Tubattaha Reef Marine Park
C. Magellan's Cross in Cebu
D. Rice Terraces of the Philippines
E. Puerto Princesa Underground River
F. Historic Town of Vigan
47) Which of the following is not a major Heritage
Site in the Philippines as declared by UNESCO?

A. Baroque churches of Manila, Sta. Maria, Paoay

& Miag-ao
B. Tubattaha Reef Marine Park
C. Magellan's Cross in Cebu
D. Rice Terraces of the Philippines
E. Puerto Princesa Underground River
F. Historic Town of Vigan
48) Under RA 8550, what is the extent of
municipal waters of a seaside town as
measured from its shoreline?

A.7 km
B.10 km
C.15 km
D.20 km
48) Under RA 8550, what is the extent of
municipal waters of a seaside town as
measured from its shoreline?

A.7 km
B.10 km
C.15 km
D.20 km
49) RA 8550 Fisheries Code defines it is a band of dry
land and adjacent ocean space in which terrestrial
processes and uses, as well as oceanic processes and
uses directly affect each other; its geographic extent has a
landmark limit of one (1) kilometer from the shoreline at
high tide to a seaward limit of 200 meters isobath.

A. Seashore land
B. Foreshore land
C. Coastal Zone
D. Aqua Marine Zone
49) RA 8550 Fisheries Code defines it is a band of dry
land and adjacent ocean space in which terrestrial
processes and uses, as well as oceanic processes and
uses directly affect each other; its geographic extent has a
landmark limit of one (1) kilometer from the shoreline at
high tide to a seaward limit of 200 meters isobath.

A. Seashore land
B. Foreshore land
C. Coastal Zone
D. Aqua Marine Zone
50) Although theoretically flawed, "Super-Region" as conceived
by the administration of Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sought to
build upon perceived comparative advantage of a cluster of
territories such as agri-processing, tourism, commodity logistics
chain, or cyber-services. Which 'super-region' ought to focus on

A. Northern Luzon Quadrangle

B. Metro Luzon Urban Beltway
C. CALABARZON Industrial Heartland
D. Central Philippines (Visayas, Palawan and parts of Mindanao)
E. Subic - Clark Freeport complex
F. Bangsa Moro Juridical Authority
50) Although theoretically flawed, "Super-Region" as conceived
by the administration of Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sought to
build upon perceived comparative advantage of a cluster of
territories such as agri-processing, tourism, commodity logistics
chain, or cyber-services. Which 'super-region' ought to focus on

A. Northern Luzon Quadrangle

B. Metro Luzon Urban Beltway
C. CALABARZON Industrial Heartland
D. Central Philippines (Visayas, Palawan and parts of Mindanao)
E. Subic - Clark Freeport complex
F. Bangsa Moro Juridical Authority
51) Which of those listed below is not a
'thematic' map?

A. Political - administrative boundaries

C. Slope map
D. Forest cover map
51) Which of those listed below is not a
'thematic' map?

A. Political - administrative boundaries

C. Slope map
D. Forest cover map
52) Under Executive Order 23 dated February
1,2011 declaring "moratorium on the cutting and
harvesting of timber," which of the following is
exempted from the total log ban until the year

A. Concessions signed by DENR secretary

B. Conversion of mangrove forests
C. Selective or rotational harvesting in industrial and
commercial plantations
D. Small-scale tree cutting, 'carabao logging,' and
52) Under Executive Order 23 dated February
1,2011 declaring "moratorium on the cutting and
harvesting of timber," which of the following is
exempted from the total log ban until the year

A. Concessions signed by DENR secretary

B. Conversion of mangrove forests
C. Selective or rotational harvesting in industrial and
commercial plantations
D. Small-scale tree cutting, 'carabao logging,' and
53) According to Prof. Ernesto Serote, this is the
process of putting two or more thematic maps on
top of each other to determine areas of
convergence of certain features of land contributing
to the suitability of the area to a particular purpose,
and conversely, to eliminate or screen out areas that
are not suitable for that purpose.

A. Thematic superimposition
B. Cartographic merging
C. Sieve analysis
D. Spatial modeling
53) According to Prof. Ernesto Serote, this is the
process of putting two or more thematic maps on
top of each other to determine areas of
convergence of certain features of land contributing
to the suitability of the area to a particular purpose,
and conversely, to eliminate or screen out areas that
are not suitable for that purpose.

A. Thematic superimposition
B. Cartographic merging
C. Sieve analysis
D. Spatial modeling
54) This is the scientific term for old-growth forest in tropical
countries that is dominated by broad-leaf trees which form thick
canopy thus allowing little sunlight on the forest floor, and includes
much-prized hardwood species such as red lauan, white lauan, red
narra, tanguile, tiaong, almon, bagtikan, apitong, kamagong, yakal,
and mayapis.

A. Dipterocarp Forest
B. Deciduous Forest
C. Coniferous or 'Pine' Forest
D. Tropical Scrub Forest
E. Mossy Forest
F. Sub-marginal Forest
G. Mangrove Forest
H. Ever-green Forest
54) This is the scientific term for old-growth forest in tropical
countries that is dominated by broad-leaf trees which form thick
canopy thus allowing little sunlight on the forest floor, and includes
much-prized hardwood species such as red lauan, white lauan, red
narra, tanguile, tiaong, almon, bagtikan, apitong, kamagong, yakal,
and mayapis.

A. Dipterocarp Forest
B. Deciduous Forest
C. Coniferous or 'Pine' Forest
D. Tropical Scrub Forest
E. Mossy Forest
F. Sub-marginal Forest
G. Mangrove Forest
H. Ever-green Forest
55) PD 705 Revised Forestry Code Section 16
affirms that, after a salvage zone of 40 meters from
the hightide-mark or shoreline, there shall be
protective strips of mangroves or swamps along the
coast with width of at least

A. 20 meters
B. 25 meters
C. 30 meters
D. 35 meters
E. 40 meters
55) PD 705 Revised Forestry Code Section 16
affirms that, after a salvage zone of 40 meters from
the hightide-mark or shoreline, there shall be
protective strips of mangroves or swamps along the
coast with width of at least

A. 20 meters
B. 25 meters
C. 30 meters
D. 35 meters
E. 40 meters
56) In all but one of the following measures, Land Use
Planning works with Nature by conserving natural

A. Interconnect open space and greenways to provide

corridors and refuge for wildlife
B. Delineate clear town edges or greenbelts to protect
surrounding farmland
C. Encourage quarrying near main rivers to generate
substantial revenues for the municipality
D. Create neighborhood pocket-parks and urban mini-
forests to serve as lungs of the city/town
56) In all but one of the following measures, Land Use
Planning works with Nature by conserving natural

A. Interconnect open space and greenways to provide

corridors and refuge for wildlife
B. Delineate clear town edges or greenbelts to protect
surrounding farmland
C. Encourage quarrying near main rivers to generate
substantial revenues for the municipality
D. Create neighborhood pocket-parks and urban mini-
forests to serve as lungs of the city/town
57) Which of the following is not a factor
to determine suitability of land for
agricultural use?

A. Climate and rainfall

B. Soil quality
C. Geologic fault lines
D. Slope
57) Which of the following is not a factor
to determine suitability of land for
agricultural use?

A. Climate and rainfall

B. Soil quality
C. Geologic fault lines
D. Slope
58) Which type of land use is most easily
reversible or convertible to its original

A. Forest land
B. Memorial park
C. Infrastructure land
D. Commercial
58) Which type of land use is most easily
reversible or convertible to its original

A. Forest land
B. Memorial park
C. Infrastructure land
D. Commercial
59) A 'watershed' is principally a source of

A. Timber for processing into lumber, shelter

materials, paper
B. Charcoal for grill requirements of five-star
C. Food and prey for biodiverse species in rivers,
D. Water for humans, animals, plants, and other
59) A 'watershed' is principally a source of

A. Timber for processing into lumber, shelter

materials, paper
B. Charcoal for grill requirements of five-star
C. Food and prey for biodiverse species in rivers,
D. Water for humans, animals, plants, and other
60) An innovation in land-use regulation in which the
right to develop a property can be separated or severed
from ownership of land in a particular zoning district, then
sold or passed on to another property owner, and
exercised in connection with the development of land in
some other part of the jurisdiction.

A. Market-based instrument
B. Commutation of Rights
C. Property Conversion
D. Transfer of Development Rights
60) An innovation in land-use regulation in which the
right to develop a property can be separated or severed
from ownership of land in a particular zoning district, then
sold or passed on to another property owner, and
exercised in connection with the development of land in
some other part of the jurisdiction.

A. Market-based instrument
B. Commutation of Rights
C. Property Conversion
D. Transfer of Development Rights
61) The recommended map scale for
provinces is 1:50,000 while that for town/city
CLUP should be at least

A. 1 :200,000
B. 1:100,000
C. 1:25,000
D. 1:10,000
61) The recommended map scale for
provinces is 1:50,000 while that for town/city
CLUP should be at least

A. 1 :200,000
B. 1:100,000
C. 1:25,000
D. 1:10,000
62) Under RA 8371, this refers to "all areas generally
belonging to ICCs/lPs comprising lands, inland waters,
coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a
claim of ownership, occupied or possessed by ICCs/lPs,
by themselves or through their ancestors, since time
immemorial, continuously up to the present."

A. Tribal land
B. Cultural heritage
C. Autonomous region
D. Ethnic realm
E. Ancestral domain
62) Under RA 8371, this refers to "all areas generally
belonging to ICCs/lPs comprising lands, inland waters,
coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a
claim of ownership, occupied or possessed by ICCs/lPs,
by themselves or through their ancestors, since time
immemorial, continuously up to the present."

A. Tribal land
B. Cultural heritage
C. Autonomous region
D. Ethnic realm
E. Ancestral domain
63) All but one of the following are sub-
categories of Forest Reserve.

A. Permanent Forest
B. Critical River Watershed
C. Mangrove Forest
D. Military and Civil Reservations
63) All but one of the following are sub-
categories of Forest Reserve.

A. Permanent Forest
B. Critical River Watershed
C. Mangrove Forest
D. Military and Civil Reservations
64) In slope analysis, land with slope 0%
to 3% is described as

A. Even and smooth

B. Flat to gently sloping
C. Level to nearly level
D. Gently to moderately undulating
64) In slope analysis, land with slope 0%
to 3% is described as

A. Even and smooth

B. Flat to gently sloping
C. Level to nearly level
D. Gently to moderately undulating
65) This refers to the division of a community
into districts or sections according to present
and potential uses of land in order to
maximize, regulate, and direct their use and

A. Wards & Precincts Planning

B. Subdivision Plats
C. Land Allocation and Apportionment
D. Zoning
65) This refers to the division of a community
into districts or sections according to present
and potential uses of land in order to
maximize, regulate, and direct their use and

A. Wards & Precincts Planning

B. Subdivision Plats
C. Land Allocation and Apportionment
D. Zoning
66) PD 1067 Water Code of 1976 Article 51 requires a
three-meter easement from the banks of creeks, canals,
and esteros, in urban areas, but MMDA Resolution 3 s.
1996, has expanded the easement for Metro Manila areas
adjoining water bodies as measured from the banks of
Pasig River, tributary streams and the shoreline, to be at

A. 10 meters
B. 20 meters
C. 40 meters
D. 5 meters
66) PD 1067 Water Code of 1976 Article 51 requires a
three-meter easement from the banks of creeks, canals,
and esteros, in urban areas, but MMDA Resolution 3 s.
1996, has expanded the easement for Metro Manila areas
adjoining water bodies as measured from the banks of
Pasig River, tributary streams and the shoreline, to be at

A. 10 meters
B. 20 meters
C. 40 meters
D. 5 meters
67) This refers to the wise and prudent
use of any resource that is held in trust.

A. Technocracy
B. Shepherding
C. Protectionism
D. Championing
E. Stewardship
67) This refers to the wise and prudent
use of any resource that is held in trust.

A. Technocracy
B. Shepherding
C. Protectionism
D. Championing
E. Stewardship
68) This refers to aerial photographs that have
been rectified to produce an accurate image of the
Earth by removing tilt of planet, relief
displacements, and topographic distortions which
occurred when the photo was taken from an

A. Photogrammetry
B. Orthophotography
C. Remote sensing
D. Geomatics E. Geodetics
68) This refers to aerial photographs that have
been rectified to produce an accurate image of the
Earth by removing tilt of planet, relief
displacements, and topographic distortions which
occurred when the photo was taken from an

A. Photogrammetry
B. Orthophotography
C. Remote sensing
D. Geomatics E. Geodetics
69) This concerns the arrangement, appearance and
functionality of a whole town or city, in particular the shape
and form of the city blocks, the uses of public space, the
articulation of physical features in three dimensions, so
that residents and visitors alike can make high- quality
connections between people, places and buildings.

A. Architectural Master Plan

B. Cityscape and Streetscape
C. Urban Design
D. Form and Style
E. Visual Panorama
69) This concerns the arrangement, appearance and
functionality of a whole town or city, in particular the shape
and form of the city blocks, the uses of public space, the
articulation of physical features in three dimensions, so
that residents and visitors alike can make high- quality
connections between people, places and buildings.

A. Architectural Master Plan

B. Cityscape and Streetscape
C. Urban Design
D. Form and Style
E. Visual Panorama
70) What rational tool do planners use in
selecting from alternative land use

A. Checklist of criteria
B. Linear programming
C. Cost-benefit analysis
D. Computer simulation
70) What rational tool do planners use in
selecting from alternative land use

A. Checklist of criteria
B. Linear programming
C. Cost-benefit analysis
D. Computer simulation
71) Which of the following soil types has the
greatest permeability, and hence has the least
nutrient-holding capacity?

A. Sand
B. Clay
C. Silt
D. Loam
E. Humus
71) Which of the following soil types has the
greatest permeability, and hence has the least
nutrient-holding capacity?

A. Sand
B. Clay
C. Silt
D. Loam
E. Humus
72) Under RA 7586, these are identified portions
of land and water, remarkable areas, biogeographic
zones, habitats of rare and endangered species- all
set aside by reason of their unique physical and
biological significance, to be managed to enhance
biological diversity, and to be secured from
destructive human exploitation.

A. National Heritage Parks and Reservations

B. Resource Reserve
C. Ecological Zones
D. Protected Areas
72) Under RA 7586, these are identified portions
of land and water, remarkable areas, biogeographic
zones, habitats of rare and endangered species- all
set aside by reason of their unique physical and
biological significance, to be managed to enhance
biological diversity, and to be secured from
destructive human exploitation.

A. National Heritage Parks and Reservations

B. Resource Reserve
C. Ecological Zones
D. Protected Areas
73) Which is not considered 'production land'
in a Philippine LGU?

A. Agro-industrial estate
B. Cropland
C. Orchard
D. Fishpond
E. Fishpen
73) Which is not considered 'production land'
in a Philippine LGU?

A. Agro-industrial estate
B. Cropland
C. Orchard
D. Fishpond
E. Fishpen
74) It is an integrated development scheme wherein a
defined area is comprehensively planned as a unitary
entity such that innovations in site design and building
design are rewarded by government with some flexibility
in zoning, usually relaxation of standards or their
replacement with negotiated agreement between the
developer and the LGU.

A. Enterprise Zone
B. Sites and Services model
C. Zonal Improvement Program
D. Planned Unit Development
74) It is an integrated development scheme wherein a
defined area is comprehensively planned as a unitary
entity such that innovations in site design and building
design are rewarded by government with some flexibility
in zoning, usually relaxation of standards or their
replacement with negotiated agreement between the
developer and the LGU.

A. Enterprise Zone
B. Sites and Services model
C. Zonal Improvement Program
D. Planned Unit Development
75) This type of land regulation says that man-
made structures should be of such height,bulk, or
design so as not to upstage, play down, or draw
attention away from a landmark (e.g. Rizal
Monument ), natural landscape, or character of

A. Design Aesthetics
B. Architectural Masterplan
C. Cultural Mapping
D. Form-Zoning
75) This type of land regulation says that man-
made structures should be of such height,bulk, or
design so as not to upstage, play down, or draw
attention away from a landmark (e.g. Rizal
Monument ), natural landscape, or character of

A. Design Aesthetics
B. Architectural Masterplan
C. Cultural Mapping
D. Form-Zoning
76) This process defines the physical platform of
development at the local level, and proceeds by
systematically evaluating alternative patterns of resource
use,choosing that use which meets specified goals, and
drawing-up appropriate policies and programs, directed to
the best use of land in view of accepted objectives, and of
environmental and societal opportunities and constraints.

A. Framework Planning
B. Strategic Planning
C. Land Use Planning
D. Development Planning
76) This process defines the physical platform of
development at the local level, and proceeds by
systematically evaluating alternative patterns of resource
use,choosing that use which meets specified goals, and
drawing-up appropriate policies and programs, directed to
the best use of land in view of accepted objectives, and of
environmental and societal opportunities and constraints.

A. Framework Planning
B. Strategic Planning
C. Land Use Planning
D. Development Planning
77) These are lands capable of intensive use or
cultivation over time and can sustain the productivity
levels of crops in a given climatic region without
adversely affecting the immediate or adjoining

A. Agro-industrial estate
B. Prime agricultural land
C. Alluvial fans
D. Icefields or mud paddies
77) These are lands capable of intensive use or
cultivation over time and can sustain the productivity
levels of crops in a given climatic region without
adversely affecting the immediate or adjoining

A. Agro-industrial estate
B. Prime agricultural land
C. Alluvial fans
D. Icefields or mud paddies
78) An essential part of land-use planning, this activity
occurs after strategic planning but before the detailed
layout of location, and aims to characterize and design a
parcel of land or specific section of town so that it can
function effectively in relation to the complexity and scale
of proposed development and the range of land uses
around it.

A. Estate Planning
B. Wards and Precincts Planning
C. Parcellary Planning
D. Site Planning
E. Project Planning
78) An essential part of land-use planning, this activity
occurs after strategic planning but before the detailed
layout of location, and aims to characterize and design a
parcel of land or specific section of town so that it can
function effectively in relation to the complexity and scale
of proposed development and the range of land uses
around it.

A. Estate Planning
B. Wards and Precincts Planning
C. Parcellary Planning
D. Site Planning
E. Project Planning
79) In a computer graphics/mapping system, this
is a data structure for representing point and line
data by means of x,y,z geometric coordinates; it can
also be a set of line segments joined end-to-end to
make a curved path in space.

A. Vector
B. Raster
C. Curvature
D. Field
E. Node
79) In a computer graphics/mapping system, this
is a data structure for representing point and line
data by means of x,y,z geometric coordinates; it can
also be a set of line segments joined end-to-end to
make a curved path in space.

A. Vector
B. Raster
C. Curvature
D. Field
E. Node
80) In HLURB Guidelines for CLUP, which of
the following does not fall under the 'economic

A. Housing
B. Mining
C. ICT and Business Process Outsourcing
D. Mariculture
E. Small Scale Industries
80) In HLURB Guidelines for CLUP, which of
the following does not fall under the 'economic

A. Housing
B. Mining
C. ICT and Business Process Outsourcing
D. Mariculture
E. Small Scale Industries
81) An 'analytical' map is a composite or
overlay of two or more

A. Base maps
B. Thematic maps
C. Aspect maps
D. Choropleth maps
81) An 'analytical' map is a composite or
overlay of two or more

A. Base maps
B. Thematic maps
C. Aspect maps
D. Choropleth maps
82) Which type of land use is not
described as 'urban'?

A. Residential
B. Institutional
C. Industrial
D. Mineral
82) Which type of land use is not
described as 'urban'?

A. Residential
B. Institutional
C. Industrial
D. Mineral
83) This is the legal term for forest at 1,000
meters elevation or more or with steep gradients at
50% or more, which perform vital ecological
functions and must therefore be kept perpetually in
natural state and free from human intrusion.

A. Everlasting Forest
B. Permanent Forest
C. Virginal Fores!
D. Primeval Forest
83) This is the legal term for forest at 1,000
meters elevation or more or with steep gradients at
50% or more, which perform vital ecological
functions and must therefore be kept perpetually in
natural state and free from human intrusion.

A. Everlasting Forest
B. Permanent Forest
C. Virginal Fores!
D. Primeval Forest
84) Under RA 7586, poor communities occupying
sections of forestland continuously for at least 5 years prior
to legal proclamations, who are dependent on the forest for
subsistence, are considered "tenured migrant
communities" and are engaged by government to
undertake reforestation and upland management under
this specific program.

A. Agro-Forestry
B. Sloping Agricultural Land Technology
C. Integrated Social Forestry
D. Industrial Forestry
84) Under RA 7586, poor communities occupying
sections of forestland continuously for at least 5 years prior
to legal proclamations, who are dependent on the forest for
subsistence, are considered "tenured migrant
communities" and are engaged by government to
undertake reforestation and upland management under
this specific program.

A. Agro-Forestry
B. Sloping Agricultural Land Technology
C. Integrated Social Forestry
D. Industrial Forestry
85) Which is not a benefit from having large
greenspace in cities?

A. Absorbs air pollution

B. Gives off oxygen
C. Cools the air as water transpires
D. Provides habitat to wild beasts
E. Provides shade with 1ess electricity required
F. Muffles noise and creates an island of peace
85) Which is not a benefit from having large
greenspace in cities?

A. Absorbs air pollution

B. Gives off oxygen
C. Cools the air as water transpires
D. Provides habitat to wild beasts
E. Provides shade with 1ess electricity required
F. Muffles noise and creates an island of peace
86) Under RA 9175 Chainsaw Act of 2002, one of the
following does not possess a chainsaw in a legal manner.

A. Has a subsisting timber license agreement, production

sharing agreement, or a private land timber permit
B. Is duly elected official of upland barangay
C. Is an orchard and fruit tree farmer
D. Is a licensed wood processor who cuts only timber
that has been legally sold
E. Is an industrial tree farmer
86) Under RA 9175 Chainsaw Act of 2002, one of the
following does not possess a chainsaw in a legal manner.

A. Has a subsisting timber license agreement, production

sharing agreement, or a private land timber permit
B. Is duly elected official of upland barangay
C. Is an orchard and fruit tree farmer
D. Is a licensed wood processor who cuts only timber
that has been legally sold
E. Is an industrial tree farmer
87) What is the percent slope of a land parcel
that has a change in elevation ('rise') of 8
meters and is 160 meters long?

A. 8%
B. 7%
C. 6%
D. 5%
E. 4%
87) What is the percent slope of a land parcel
that has a change in elevation ('rise') of 8
meters and is 160 meters long?

A. 8%
B. 7%
C. 6% slope= rise/run x 100
D. 5%
E. 4%
88) In agricultural land use planning, the soil
characteristics of solum depth and clay-silt
fraction that would ensure good plant growth

A. <50 cm and <80%

B. >100 cm and >80%
C. 50-100 cm and 40-80%
D. 10-50 cm and 10-40%
88) In agricultural land use planning, the soil
characteristics of solum depth and clay-silt
fraction that would ensure good plant growth

A. <50 cm and <80%

B. >100 cm and >80%
C. 50-100 cm and 40-80%
D. 10-50 cm and 10-40%
89) Prior to the development of computer mapping
software in the mid-1970s, spatial analysis was done
manually by overlaying different thematic maps of
the same scale, principally to determine

A.Geohazards and physical constraints

B. Areas that are ideal for urban development
C. Critical areas for rehabilitation or intervention
D. All of the choices
89) Prior to the development of computer mapping
software in the mid-1970s, spatial analysis was done
manually by overlaying different thematic maps of
the same scale, principally to determine

A.Geohazards and physical constraints

B. Areas that are ideal for urban development
C. Critical areas for rehabilitation or intervention
D. All of the choices
90) It is a computer system consisting of software
and hardware components that are used to
organize, store, process, analyze and display
multiple layers of spatially-referenced information
about geographically located features.

A. Geodesy and Geodetics

B. Global Positioning System
C. Electronic Cadastral System
D. Geographic Information System
90) It is a computer system consisting of software
and hardware components that are used to
organize, store, process, analyze and display
multiple layers of spatially-referenced information
about geographically located features.

A. Geodesy and Geodetics

B. Global Positioning System
C. Electronic Cadastral System
D. Geographic Information System
91) This document consists of specific proposals to
guide growth in a locality including statements about
community goals, priorities, strategies, and socially-
desired mix of resource uses. These are illustrated by
maps, diagrams,charts,tables that show a coherent spatial
framework for environment protection, economic
production, settlements, and infrastructure.

A. Charrette
B. Chatroulette
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
D. Strategic Plan
E. Framework Plan
91) This document consists of specific proposals to
guide growth in a locality including statements about
community goals, priorities, strategies, and socially-
desired mix of resource uses. These are illustrated by
maps, diagrams,charts,tables that show a coherent spatial
framework for environment protection, economic
production, settlements, and infrastructure.

A. Charrette
B. Chatroulette
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
D. Strategic Plan
E. Framework Plan
92) These are geometric coordinates for designating the
location of places on the surface of the Earth; the First gives the
location of a place above or below the equator, expressed by
angular measurements ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the
poles, while the Second gives the location of a place east or west
of an upright line called the prime meridian, and is measured in
angles ranging from 0° at the prime meridian to 180° at the
International Date Line.

A. Landmass and ocean

B. Cartesian x,y, points
C. North pole & south pole
D. Latitude and longitude
92) These are geometric coordinates for designating the
location of places on the surface of the Earth; the First gives the
location of a place above or below the equator, expressed by
angular measurements ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the
poles, while the Second gives the location of a place east or west
of an upright line called the prime meridian, and is measured in
angles ranging from 0° at the prime meridian to 180° at the
International Date Line.

A. Landmass and ocean

B. Cartesian x,y, points
C. North pole & south pole
D. Latitude and longitude
93) This broad category refers to land deliberately kept
undeveloped for its contribution to the amenity value of the
environment. It offers opportunities for adventure
recreation or passive leisure at low-cost, and at the same
time, serves as protection buffer around sensitive areas
and hazardous installations.

A. Wilderness
B. Tourism & Recreation Zone
C. Rangeland
D. Open Space
93) This broad category refers to land deliberately kept
undeveloped for its contribution to the amenity value of the
environment. It offers opportunities for adventure
recreation or passive leisure at low-cost, and at the same
time, serves as protection buffer around sensitive areas
and hazardous installations.

A. Wilderness
B. Tourism & Recreation Zone
C. Rangeland
D. Open Space
94) A 'drainage basin' is the total land area
that contributes runoff to a given stream. What
characteristic of a drainage basin causes it to
have an 'efficient' response to rainfall?

A. Sloping topography in bowl-like formation

B. Permeable soils
C. Plasticity of clay bottom
D. Filtration by its wetlands
94) A 'drainage basin' is the total land area
that contributes runoff to a given stream. What
characteristic of a drainage basin causes it to
have an 'efficient' response to rainfall?

A. Sloping topography in bowl-like formation

B. Permeable soils
C. Plasticity of clay bottom
D. Filtration by its wetlands
95) In HLURB Guidelines for CLUP, which
of the following does not fall under the
'social sector'?

A. Education
B. Tourism
C. Health
D. Police Protective Services
E. Sports and Recreation
95) In HLURB Guidelines for CLUP, which
of the following does not fall under the
'social sector'?

A. Education
B. Tourism
C. Health
D. Police Protective Services
E. Sports and Recreation
96) 'Contour lines' on a topographic map

A. Soil classes
B. Layers of vegetative cover
C. Demarcation lines
D. Elevation intervals
96) 'Contour lines' on a topographic map

A. Soil classes
B. Layers of vegetative cover
C. Demarcation lines
D. Elevation intervals
97) By taking into account both quantitative
values and non-quantitative values, 'Planning
Balance Sheet' is an 'extended' 'multiple-
criteria' form of

A. Cost-revenue analysis
B. Cost-benefit analysis
C. Cost-effectiveness analysis
D. Cost-estimate analysis
97) By taking into account both quantitative
values and non-quantitative values, 'Planning
Balance Sheet' is an 'extended' 'multiple-
criteria' form of

A. Cost-revenue analysis
B. Cost-benefit analysis
C. Cost-effectiveness analysis
D. Cost-estimate analysis
98) Republic Act that provides for
"conservation and protection of wildlife
resources and their habitats" is numbered as

A. RA 9147
B. RA 9714
C. RA 4791
D. RA147
98) Republic Act that provides for
"conservation and protection of wildlife
resources and their habitats" is numbered as

A. RA 9147
B. RA 9714
C. RA 4791
D. RA147
RA 9147 is "Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act" (2001)
99) Under Executive Order 26 series of 2011 which
declared the National Greening Program as DA-DAR-
DENR Convergence Initiative, how many tree seedlings
should each government employee plant each year, a
requirement that also applies to students identified by

A. 10
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30
E. 35
99) Under Executive Order 26 series of 2011 which
declared the National Greening Program as DA-DAR-
DENR Convergence Initiative, how many tree seedlings
should each government employee plant each year, a
requirement that also applies to students identified by

A. 10
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30
E. 35
100) According to RA 8749, this geographic-based document
integrates primary data and information on natural resources and
anthropogenic activities on the land as evaluated using various
risk assessment and forecasting methodologies, and evaluates
environment quality and carrying capacity of an area in such a
way that enables planners and government decision-makers to
anticipate the type of development control necessary in the
planning area.

A. Natural Resources Inventory

B. Environmental Accounting
C. Biogeographic Compendium
D. Eco-Profile
100) According to RA 8749, this geographic-based document
integrates primary data and information on natural resources and
anthropogenic activities on the land as evaluated using various
risk assessment and forecasting methodologies, and evaluates
environment quality and carrying capacity of an area in such a
way that enables planners and government decision-makers to
anticipate the type of development control necessary in the
planning area.

A. Natural Resources Inventory

B. Environmental Accounting
C. Biogeographic Compendium
D. Eco-Profile

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