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7 __RCAL THOR Poni etre marco television Adorno and reality 5 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER 1. What is the connection between the nature rn : ature of the modern metropolis and Why does Simmel argue that imitation is central to the social ute of fa Do you agree that fashion is as important as music with regard ic with regard to many contemporary pop stars? Why do you think that this isthe ease? FURTHER READING overviews of Simmel’s work see David Frisby’s books, Simmel and Since: Esays om Georg Simsmel’s Social Theory, Fragments of Modernity, and Georg Simmel. For @ contemporary overview sential relationship between pop celebrities and fashion, see Pamela Church Gibson's book, Fashion and Celebrity Culture. moving to Ametiea in the 1930s co escape the Nazi party, Adorno produced n ee 1 SOCALTHEORY IN POPULAR CULTURE ies OF apie & beter social sytem that wear Rom the inequalities ofan ae = 2nd insiled“tishine? desires Are (2003) , unlike previous theorists and arguat ae te Meth Are ER Lago Ce tus oop cine 2 eng Cur ce oF change, key aca oe ee ‘Adorno were alive today, ‘School angued that mi Iolo Toe X Buctr, Told stasis and social, cultural and political eens Manes wich pial values had spread to arer boy ‘ADORNO AND Culture that is commoditized, marketed, and standacloed ee brand of uniformiey th vvew such as cinema, radio Suita arefaces simply representing copies of previous) with litde innovation. To illustrate with reference v0 ci ‘Here then, we have an updated major forms of the mass com porary examples, ky Jton Statham or Dwayne ron Diaz, Eva Mendes, Olva Wik, Megen fo ey Coops or Steve Catal ten we csc te kinds of : also, interestingly, astrology this chapeer willbe tele- SCOAUTHEORY WN POPULAR CULTURE ject of calcul, - pena Petition; they ate noting more ‘marketability: Consequent pratt: 20¢ only ae ee Se peg Of he machinery’ Adora tose met seemin Fr ofee Progress inthe culture adit. the ncn sew which it offers up, remains the disguise for an eerat sameness; everywhere the SESUEEE DA 4 skleton which has changed ju fle wee ‘selfSnce the time it frst guned its predominance overeat, Coes, 100) Tg SSenaso that Adorno presents is one ofthe commoatiy, the pervasive capi- trating not only the major industrial compo: ‘expressions of popular culture. The resue i» that popular music takes, dardization ~ down to consuming public wants, as

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