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Name of Project: hhghh General Notes:

Job No.: hhghh gkg

Client: yyy uyuu
Designed by: uuu hgh
Date: tyyuy
Sheet: 2 Of 5
Jerv Works Const. Ref: RC Design vol. 2 by Besavilla


Cantilever canopy no. fff

fc' 28 MPa
fy 248 MPa

service live load 1.9 kPa
service dead load 4 kPa (excluding wt. of concrete canopy)

h 200 mm >>== 200 mm (calculated base on min h & ρ)
steel cover 20 mm

d= 2 m P concentrated load = 6 kN/m

main bar
20mm @ 330 mm c to c

beam edge

200 mm

temperature bar
10mm @ 210 mm c to c

s= 2 m

Reinforcing bars to be used

Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars to reduced deflection
suggested p=1/2 of .75Pb
main bar temp bar reinforcement ratio
r-bar r-bar .75Pb ρ 1.4/fy
20mm 10mm 0.0433 0.01 0.0056
1. Resisting Mu = 35073 >= Applied Mu = 30865 'OK'
2. Canopy slab thickness 200 mm
3. Main reinforcement 20mm - 330 mm c to c
4. Temperature bar 10mm - 210 mm c to c


service live load 1900 N/m2

service dead load 4000 N/m2
consider 1 meter strip of canopy
assume h = 200 mm
wt. of slab 4.7088 kN/m2
4708.8 N/m2
wu=1.4DL+1.7LL 15422.32 N/m2
Mu = wu*s2 + P*d*1.7 30865 N-m

β=.85 if fc'<30 0.85

β=.85-.008(fc'-30) select 0.866
β= not less than .65 max 0.65
= 0.866
finalβ 0.85
ρb=(.85fc'β600)/(fy(600+fy)) 0.057716
ρbmax=.75ρb 0.0433
ρmin=1.4/fy 0.0056
selected ρ 0.01
m = fy/.85fc' 10.42017
coefficient of resistance Rn = Pfy(1-Pm/2) 2.35079 Mpa
Mn = Mu/Ф 34294.44 N-m
bd2 = Mn/Rn
required d = 120.7828 mm
required h = 150.7828
min slab thickness=L/10 200 mm
max h = 200 mm
actual h = 200 mm
actual d = 170 mm

recalculate based on actual d

coefficient of resistance Rn = Mn/bd2 1.186659 Mpa
p = 1/m(1-sqrt(1-2mRn/fy)) 0.004911
hence p (considering required min p=1.4/fy) 0.0056
As = pbd 952 mm2
spacing s = Ab * 1000/required As 20mm 330 mm c to c
actual As = Ab * 1000/spacing 952.1212 mm2
Check design
T = As*fy 236126.1 N
a = C or T/(.85fc'b) 9.921263 mm
Mn = (C or T)*(d-a/2) 38970.1 N-m
Mu = .90Mn 35073 N-m >>== 30865
temperature steel in transverse direction
As=.0018bt 360 mm2
spacing 210 mm c to c
min s = 5t 1000 mm
or 450mm 450 mm
hence spacing = 210 mm c to c

Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars

r-bar area dia.
6mm 28.27 6
10mm 78.54 10
12mm 113.10 12
16mm 201.1 16
20mm 314.2 20
25mm 491.90 25
28mm 615.75 28
32mm 804.25 32
main bar 314.2 20
temp bar 78.54 10
ASTM Standard Reinforcing Bars
Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars

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