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_________________ Chương trình chuẩn
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Use the pencil to bolden the correct answers in the answer sheet
A. Pronunciation:
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three:
l. A. whole B. way C. where D. wear
2. A. miner B. famine C. determine D. examine
3. A. delicious B. decent C. descend D. percent
4. A. knowledge B. flower C. shower D. coward
5. A. thus B. third C. enthusiasm D. thrill
II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three:
6. A. approximate B. conquest C. beautiful D. temperature
7. A. historic B. orbit C. cosmonaut D. weightless
8. A. temperature B. uncertainty C. react D. enormous
9. A. extreme B. technical C. tension D. failure
10. A. psychological B. success C. attract D. attention

B. Grammar:
I. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank of each sentence:
11. You look tired. _____ hard all day?
A. Have you been working B. Did you work C. Do you work D. Are you working
12. Tim looks so frightened and upset. He _____ something terrible.
A. must experience B. can have experienced C. should have experienced D. must have experienced
13. The tourists _____ on the beach when a big wave swept ashore, carrying everything to the sea.
A. were sunbathing B. are sunbathing C. had been sunbathed D. sunbathed
14. „When will we meet: at 7:30 or 8:00?‟ -- „I don‟t mind. _____ is convenient for me.‟
A. Either time B. Neither of them C. Both time D. Neither time
15. Dry cleaning is the process _____ clothes are cleaned in liquids other than water.
A. by which B. by C. which through D. through
16. _____ it not been for the torrential rain, we would have gone out.
A. Had B. If C. But D. Should
17. _____ in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten years.
A. The number of tigers B. That the number of tigers C. For a number of tigers D. A number of tigers
18. The letter _____ to our customers yesterday was full of mistakes.
A. sent B. was sent C. which sent D. you were sent
19. Here‟s the partner _____ my father used to work.
A. with whom B. who C. whom D. who with
20. Mary is the only person _____ for a business trip in that company.
A. to be interviewed B. interviewing C. to interview D. who interviewed
21. Gone with the wind, _____ in 1936, is my sister‟s favorite book.
A. a novel published B. is a novel published C. was a novel published D. a novel was published
22. I think he has known this one before, _____?
A. hasn‟t he B. has he C. don‟t you D. do you
23. Anyone could walk in here, _____?
A. couldn‟t they B. could they C. couldn‟t he D. could he
24. There are hundreds of convenience stores, _____ operate 7 days a week.
A. all of which B. which all of C. all of them D. they all of
25. I've thought of someone _____ Hike took along to my birthday.
A. that B. with whom C. who D. whom
26. Many diseases _____ are no longer dangerous today.
A. why people died of year ago C. of that people died years ago
B. which people died years ago D. that people died of years ago
27. Trinh Cong Son, _____ , composed many songs _____.
A. who is very famous / I like C. is very famous / which I like
B. that is very famous/I like D. very famous/I like
28. An Hien, _____ , has just come first in the entrance examination.
A. who studies very hard C. studies very hard
B. studying very hard D. all are correct
II. Choose the sentence that has the closest meaning to the original one:
29. They don‟t let anyone enter the area.
A. Nobody is allowed to enter the area.
B. Nobody is let to enter the area.
C. Nobody is allowed entering the area.
D. The area is not allowed entering.
30. It may work if you use a new battery.
A. Use a new battery and it will work.
B. Why don‟t you try to use a new battery?
C. You should try using a new battery.
D. It only works when you use a new battery.
31. It‟s no use trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.
A. It‟s a waste of time trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.
B. It‟s worth trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.
C. It‟s useful trying to persuade Tom to change his mind.
D. There‟s no point to try to persuade Tom to change his mind.
32. His story was so funny that it made us all laugh.
A. His story was very funny and we couldn‟t help laughing.
B. His story couldn‟t make us laugh.
C. His story was too funny to laugh.
D. We all laughed at him for his story.
33. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
A. Jane‟s refusal to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
B. He felt sad not to be able to attend her birthday party.
C. Jane made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party.
D. Jane refused to attend his birthday party because it made him sad.
III. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
34. My brother has a French elegant clock which he considers his property.
A. considers B. a French elegant C. which D. property
35. To save the California condor from extinct, a group of federal, local, and private organisations initiated a rescue
A. from extinct B. To save C. private D. programme
36. Some language students have difficulty to express exactly what they want to say.
A. to express B. Some C. have difficulty D. to say
37. I wondered about if we would really like each other when we met.
A. about B. if C. like D. each other
38. A chemical company employed over 3,000 people has gone bankrupt.
A. employed B. A chemical C. has gone D. bankrupt
39. We had a meal together and spent the whole of the day while talking about our shared interests.
A. while B. together C. of D. shared
40. Some weapons finding at a flat in Bristol belong to the IRA.
A. finding B. weapons C. at a D. belong to
41. When I was about twelve years old, one of the teachers at school asked if anyone had wanted to have an
English pen-friend.
A. had B. about C. teachers D. if
42. I had recently begun learning English and as I was finding it being rather difficult I thought this might help me.
A. being B. recently C. learning D. as
43. There are a large supply of pens and notebooks in the storeroom to the left of the library entrance.
A. to the B. There are C. of pens D. entrance

C. Reading comprehension:
I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to fill in each gap:
Adriano was brought up in a small town in northern Italy. Although his family worked in the clothing
industry, he had no (44) ___ in this, and even when very young, he (45) ___ cooking to be better than sewing. The
aroma of freshly roasted garlic and homemade tomato sauce (46) ___ more to him than the finest fabrics. His
passion for food (47) ___, so after leaving school, Adriano went (48) ___ to study cookery in a (49) ___ city. Later
he became apprentice to a celebrated cook in Paris, staying there for two years before moving to London. There he
got a good (50) ___ in a top hotel, cooking for such famous guests as the Queen of England and the President of
In 1991, he moved to San Francisco to take (51) ___ the kitchens of a famous restaurant, and two years
later, fulfilled his life-long dream of opening his own restaurant. It (52) ___ very well, and when a small building
next to his restaurant became (53) ___, he also opened a lunch-time pasta bar.
For Adriano, (54) ___ a restaurant is about hospitality, and, of course, eating. He still works in the kitchen
to (55) ___ that the customer gets good food prepared with the best ingredients.
44. A interest B ambition C desire D aim
45. A considered B concluded C preferred D chose
46. A meant B stated C expressed D indicated
47. A grew B extended C enlarged D raised
48. A on B through C in D by
49. A nearby B next C close D nearest
50. A position B work C employment D role
51. A over B to C out D up
52. A did B made C had D gave
53. A available B spare C achievable D extra
54. A running B heading C leading D commanding
55. A ensure B allow C enable D permit
II. Read the passage carefully and chose the best answer for each question:
Breaking the Ice
Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool
It's just before 7 a.m. and I'm at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water is
only 11degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming.
I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water.
However, in the end, I decided to ask people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming
every morning before work. It's wonderful on a cold winter morning,' he says. 'I thought it would make me
healthier and I haven't been ill once since I started.'
All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some
doctors say it helps fight illness, while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart.
I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. „That's easy,' he said. „There's a place in the
middle where the ice is thin and easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to
swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found that it woo impossible to break through the ice.‟
I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But
the truth is, fearing the worst, I walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out
again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!
56. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
A. explain why some people like swimming in the cold C. prove an idea he has had about keeping fit
B. warn people not to go swimming in cold water D. advise people on ways to stay healthy
57. What can a reader find out from this text?
A. what happened to the writer at the pool C. where to go swimming in London
B. how to keep warm in cold water D. how often the writer goes swimming
58. What does Peter Smith say about his morning swim?
A. It is the reason why he keeps well all year. C. He enjoys it when the pool is covered in ice.
B. It has helped him recover from a recent illness. D. He thinks it makes him work better.
59. What did the writer feel about swimming at the pool?
A. It was as cold as he expected. C. He did not like the ice.
B. It made him feel healthier. D. He enjoyed swimming up and down.
60. What do you think the writer would say to his friends?
A. “I was surprised at the number of people in the pool – they must be crazy.”
B. “My doctor has advised me not to go swimming there.”
C. “It‟s amazing how the pool stays clear of ice all winter.”
D. “I really enjoyed my early morning swim at the outdoor pool.”

D. Vocabulary:
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in the brackets:
1. The cleaning-up operation after the oil spill will be difficult but not ___. (solve)_________________
2. Tourists are appealed to Hoi An to admire its unique feature. (architecture)_________________
3. The government is encouraging the ___ use of coral reefs
for the fishkeeping hobby. (sustain) _________________
4. The city has recently spent $3 million on ___ its sports stadium. (grade) _________________
5. She gained ___ as an expert in energy conservation. (recognize) ________________
6. Campaigners are calling for a ___ ban on the use of land mines. (world)__________________
7. Proper ___ of sewage waste is an essential part of
health protection and disease prevention. (dispose)__________________
8. Since retiring Martha has been doing ___ work for the Red Cross. (volunteer)_________________
9. After ten years of training she is now a(n) ___ eye specialist. (qualify)__________________
10. Georgia‟s father encouraged him to have ___ such as
swimming and cycling to let steam off. (pursue)__________________

I. Do as instructed
1. The young girl has great experience of nursing. She has worked as a hospital volunteer for years.
(combine the two sentences using present participle phrase)
 ..........................................................................................................................................................

2. They were formally close friends. They have now been estranged from each other for some misunderstandings.
(combine the sentences using conjunction “although”)
 ..........................................................................................................................................................

3. The composer wrote hundreds of works. Many of them can be considered immortal.
(combine the sentences using a relative clause)
 ...........................................................................................................................................................

4. Those who wish to enjoy the facilities of urban life must get used to long distance commuting.
(reduce the relative clause, which is underlined)
 ..........................................................................................................................................................

5. TrangAn Scenic Landscape Complex is the eighth World Heritage Site in Viet Nam that has been recognized by
(reduce the relative clause, which is underlined)
 ...........................................................................................................................................................

II. Rewrite the sentence using the word given at the beginning.
6. He passed the exam. This has made me revise my original opinion of him.
 That he passed ................................................................................................................................
7. Many villagers apply for a job abroad because they want to earn more money for their family.
 In order to .......................................................................................................................................
8. The picnic was spoilt because of the ants.
 If it hadn‟t been ...............................................................................................................................
9. When did they get engaged?
 How long ........................................................................................................................................
10. I am finding it hard to get to grips with my new role at school.
 It is ...................................................................................................................................................

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