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In almost no field of technology are current developments as dramatic as in computing
hardware and software and their applications in scientific research. This article briefly
summarizes the history of computing and its applications in the laboratory, with particular
citation of developments supporting nuclear magnetic resonance research, including
increased use of graphics techniques. The article also attempts to forecast future trends
leading to automated intelligent molecular structure determination from nuclear magnetic
resonance and other experiments, coming to, utilize, the author believes, extensive use of
molecular graphics.

 5G
INTRODUCTION: summarized in two words: popularity and
We have enjoyed explosive growth parallelism.
in the performance and capability of According to a recent report
computer systems for over a decade. The released in the early months of year 2000,
theme of this dramatic success can be personal computers(PCs) continued to be
the top consumers of semiconductors
contributing 25% of total chip sales towards most common networked device is desktop
the end of last millennium. Communication PC, but the trend is on the course for a
equipment makers, currently ranked second world in which even the smallest embedded
wit consuming 22% of chip sales showed a processors have internet access.
higher growth compared to PCs. The networking technology behind
an internet appliance is one of the important
APPLICATION TRENDS: factors in determining its usefulness and
Understanding computer ease of use. Most of todays networking uses
application trends is crucial to predicting wired infrastructure such as already
where computer technology is heading in existing phone cables, or dedicated lines.
the future. The board diversity of future The main effect of internet
computer applications prevents a thorough appliances on computer technology is
classifications, but this article focuses on simply demanding stringent requirement in
the main aspects of the application trends terms of area, speed, and power. Due to
by presenting three examples. The first high popularity, the devices will be more
example set is tomorrows most popular cost-sensitive than PCs and their processor
computer applications that will substitute or should take les silicon rea for the same
even increase todays PC popularity. The functionality to be cost-effective.
prediction is based on the phenomenal
growth of internet(see networking) in INDUSTRIAL IOT:
recent years. The second sample Empowered by DL at the edge,
application is electronic design tools, which industrial IoT continues to be the most
can be considered as a high-end computer widely adopted use case for edge
application in the future. Finally this article computing. It is driven by real needs and
touches upon future smart vehicles, as an requirements. We anticipate that it will
example of how the dependency of human continue to be adopted with a border set of
typical daily life on computing devices will technical offerings enabled by DL, as well
increase in the future. as other uses of IoT (see C and E)


While billions of microprocessors Even though robotics research has
are at work in intelligent computing devices been performed for many decades, robotics
worldwide, less than 1% of them exchange adoption has not flourished. However, the
data with other computers. Perhaps the past few years have seen increased market
availability of consumer robots, as well as immune to cyberattacks. We will need to
more sophisticated military and industrial make AI/DL techniques more robust in the
robots. We predict that this will trigger presence of adversarial traffic in any
wide adoption of robotics in the medical application area.
space for caregiving and other healthcare
uses. Robotics will also motivate further 5G:
evolution of ethics. Promising speeds unimaginable by
todays standards -7.5 Gbps according to
ASSISTED REALITY AND VIRTUAL Samsung’s latest tests -5G is the real-time
REALITY(AR/VR): promise of the future. Enabling everything
Gaming and AR/VR gadgets have from interactive automobiles and super
grown in adoption in the past year. We gaming to the industrial internet of things,
anticipate that this trend will grow with 5G will take wireless to the future and
modern user interfaces such as 3D beyond, preparing for the rapidly
projections and movement detection. This approaching day when everything,
will allow for associating individuals with including the kitchen sink, might be
metadata that can be viewed subject to connected to a network, both local and
privacy configurations, which will continue internet.
to drive international policies for
cybersecurity and privacy. CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEMS(CPS):
Also used as the internet of things
(IOT), CPS are smart systems that have
cyber technologies, both hardware and
CYBERSECURITY AND AI: software, deeply embedded in and
Cybersecurity is becoming interacting with physical components, and
essential to everyday life and business, yet sensing and changing the state of the real
it is increasingly hard to manage. Exploits world. These systems have to operate with
have become extremely sophisticated and it high levels of reliability, safety, security
is hard for IT to keep up. Pure automation and usability since they must meet the
no longer suffices and AI is required to rapidly growing demand for applications
enhance data analytics and automated such as the smart grid. The next generation
scripts. It is expected that humans will still air transportation system, intelligent
be in the loop of taking actions; hence the transportation systems, smart medical
relationship to ethics. But AI itself is not
technologies, smart buildings and smart Software as a service opened a
medical manufacturing. flexible and financially attractive door for
businesses and consumers to try early cloud
ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING: services. The growth of infrastructure and
Impacting everything from game platform as a service has expanded the
playing and online advertising to number of cloud solutions available in the
brain/machine interfaces and medical public and private sectors. In 2018, we
diagnosis, machine learning explores the expect to see many more organizations take
construction of algorithms that can learn advantage of the simplicity and high-
from and make predictions on data. Rather performance the cloud guarantees.
than following strict program guidelines,
machine learning systems build a model THE MULTI-CLOUD STRATERGY:
based on examples and then make Opting for a multi-cloud
predictions and decisions based on data. strategy is then an option as it reduces risk
and provides more flexibility-but such
NETWORKFUNCTION flexibility comes with certain costs, as you
VIRTUALIZATION: need several providers as well as training
More and more, the world your teams to learn multiple platforms.
depends on cloud services. Due to Besides, you decrease your discount
limitations in technology security, these potential buy buying more, in a smaller
services have not been widely provided by quantity, and thus at a higher price.
telecommunications companies which is a
loss for the consumer. NFV is an emerging
technology which provides a virtualized COLLABORATIVEBUSINESS
infrastructure on which next generation INTELLIGENCE:
cloud services depend. With NFV, cloud Collaborative information,
services will be provided to users at a information enhancement and collaborative
greatly reduced price, with greater decision-making are the key focus of new
convenience and reliability by BI tools. But collaborative BI does not only
telecommunications companies with their remain around some documents exchanges
Standard communication services. or updates. It has to track the various
progress of meetings, calls, emails
EXPONENTIAL GROWTH IN exchanges and idea collection. As the
CLOUD SERVICES SOLUTIONS: founder of 9sight consulting Barry Devlin
says, “it is much than sharing the results people to make data-driven decisions faster
from a particular BI tool; it’s about sharing and on their own.
the set of information that is being gathered
within a team”. The future of business
intelligence is collaborative.

The greatest single problem of
every company and virtually every
individual in this cyber world is security.
The number of hacks rises exponentially
every year, and no one’s data is safe.
Finding a “better way” in the security world
is golden. Hardware capability-base
security ,while hardly a household name,
may be significant weapon in the security
Arsenal of programmers, providing more
data security for everyone.
Capability-based security will provide a
finer grain protection and defend against
many of the attacks that today are

Business intelligence trends,
embedded BI refers to the integration of a
BI tool are selected features, into another
business application to fill the gaps in the
applications analytics or reporting
functionality. You can turn raw data into
interactive dashboards, enhancing the user
experience with real-time analytics and
innovative data visualizations, enabling

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