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Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975

3rd International Workshop on Computational Antifragility and Antifragile Engineering


Improving software applications quality by considering the

contribution relationship among quality attributes
Fernando Pinciroli*
Faculty of Informatics and Design, Champagnat University, (5501) Godoy Cruz, Argentina


There is a number of quality models for the evaluation of software products. The final objective for these models is to obtain a
measure for the global quality of the software product and for each individual quality characteristic in order to select the more
accurate solutions to improve the lasts and, through them, the whole software product. However, software quality attributes have
positive and negative contribution relationships among them, which in fact restrict the selection of the best solutions. As one of
the solutions to improve some of them could negatively influence another one, the global quality could have a small
improvement, none improvement at all or what is worse, it could degrade. For this reason, we should measure the impact of the
selected set of solutions in order to choose the set presenting the best results for improvement. With these metrics, it is possible to
calculate the set of solutions that would improve a software product with the best quality gain according to the “system identity”,
composed by a set of quality attributes and its respective values, which therefore is one of the objectives of antifragility.

© 2016
© 2016TheTheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs
Keywords: Software quality; Software quality models; Software quality attributes; System/software product quality; System identity

1. Introduction

Form the quote attributed to Lord Kelvin: “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”, we can say that in
order to improve software and web applications we should consider these three following actions: to define, to

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +54-261-424-8443; fax: +54-261-424-8443.

E-mail address:

1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs
Fernando Pinciroli / Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975 971

measure and to improve. GOCAME1, which stands for Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation,
is a strategy to measure and to evaluate the quality of different focuses –systems from their internal and external
points of views, systems in use, resources and processes–, which allows reaching those three goals. The GOCAME
strategy is made up of a conceptual base and a framework that explicitly and formally specifies the measurement
and evaluation concepts, properties, relationships and constraints.

In Olsina et al.’s work2, we can observe the quality attributes structure that was developed to measure the
usability quality of Jira for its 1.0 and 1.1 versions using GOCAME. As it may be clearly seen on the tree-structure,
it is used to categorize and to present the quality attributes, the qualifications obtained for each leaf of the tree, the
accumulated qualifications for each attribute category on the nodes and, finally, the global improvement from the
first version and the following one.

Fig. 1. Improvement of Jira’s usability quality between two consecutive versions (taken from 2).

The measurement of quality attributes allows us to identify those attributes that could or should be improved in
order to increase the global quality of a web or software application. In the previous example, the attributes 1.1.1,
1.1.2 and 1.1.3 could be enhanced, but the rest of the attributes should be improved.

A number of possible solutions can be considered to enhance the quality attributes, and certainly some of them
were applied to the Jira’s version 1.0 to obtain better global results for the version 1.1. However, if we look at some
particular attributes, we can see that there was a descent on the qualifications. For instance, “Sub-task correctness
learnability” and “Task successfulness learnability” got lower qualifications on the last version. Even though it was
not possible to explain the exact cause of this degradation on some particular attributes, we can suppose that this
situation was caused by the negative contributions that exist among quality attributes. This is the point that we want
to focus on: to consider the contribution relationship among quality attributes before making a selection among
different possible solutions.

2. Contribution relationships among software quality attributes

Quality attributes, also known as non-functional attributes, can relate each other positively or negatively when
they are considered together on a software application. For instance, we can ask for portability on a software
application because we want it to run on different mobile operating systems, but this portability will produce a
negative impact on other quality attributes. For example, we could not reach all the performance needed due to
portability, since we are not able to make the most with specific resources of each operating system. On the other
hand, portability could be positively collaborating with other quality attributes like reusability.
972 Fernando Pinciroli / Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975

Wiegers3 explains that contributions among quality attributes can be represented by means of a matrix where a
plus sign, a minus sign and a blank cell are respectively indicating the positive, negative and the indifferent
relationships among them.

Fig. 2. Positive and negative relationships among quality attributes (taken from 3).

In addition to this, if we fold the matrix along its main diagonal, we could find some cells with two plus signs,
two minus signs or with both a minus and a plus sign. This is caused by the combined effect of contribution
relationships among attributes.

3. Analyzing the impact of negative relationships among quality attributes

Providing an example, take as a consideration an automated teller machine where we are evaluating three quality
attributes: usability, security and performance. Some of these attributes were subdivided into a new sublevel
according to SQuaRE’s system and software quality model for system/software product quality4.

1. Usability 2. Security 3. Performance efficiency

1.1. Learnability 2.1. Confidentiality 3.1. Time-behav ior

1.2. Operability 2.2. Integrity 3.2. Resource


1.3. User error 2.3. Authenticity


Fig. 3. SQuaRE’s system and software quality model for system/software product quality.

Let us now suppose that the technique to measure the quality level for these attributes was already applied and it
was found necessary to improve some of them: integrity, authenticity and time-behavior. In fact, there must be a
number of alternatives as possible solutions to enhance these attributes, but each of them could have a different level
of impact on the rest of the quality attributes, according to the contribution relationships among them.
Fernando Pinciroli / Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975 973

1. Usability 2. Security 3. Performance efficiency

1.1. Learnability 2.1. Confidentiality 3.1. Time-behav ior

1.2. Operability 2.2. Integrity 3.2. Resource


1.3. User error 2.3. Authenticity


Solution #1: Ask for Solution #2: Encrypt Solution #3: Add
client's ID number the information memory

Fig. 4. Selected solutions traced against the quality attributes that they are looking to improve.

In order to analyze the possible impacts of the selected solutions, first, we add the selected solutions into the
diagram, and then, we trace them with the quality attributes that they are going to improve. We could chose to “ask
for the client’s ID number” to enhance the authenticity, to “encrypt the information” looking to enhance the
integrity and to “add memory” in order to improve the time-behavior. We use solid lines to trace the solutions to
their respective quality attributes (figure 4). Naturally, these solid lines represent positive contributions.

Next, we analyze the impact for each solution on the rest of the quality attributes. If we find some impact, we
trace both elements with a dashed line with a stereotype indicating the kind of contribution: positive or negative. In
figure 5, we show some of the possible impacts, denoting the positive and the negative ones with lines stereotyped
with the corresponding labels.

1. Usability 2. Security 3. Performance efficiency

1.1. Learnability 2.1. Confidentiality 3.1. Time-behav ior

1.2. Operability 2.2. Integrity 3.2. Resource


1.3. User error 2.3. Authenticity


«negative» «negative» «negative»

«positive» «positive»

Solution #1: Ask for Solution #2: Encrypt Solution #3: Add
client's ID number the information memory

Fig. 5. Positive and negative impacts of the selected solutions.

We have chosen to “encrypt the information” in order to improve the integrity, but this solution will negatively
impact on time-behavior since it will require more time to encrypt and to decrypt the information. However, on the
other hand, the solution will positively affect the quality attribute resource utilization, as it will need less space to
store the information. In the case of solution #3, we can see that it affects both positively and negatively two
characteristics of performance efficiency, and at the same time it is possible to observe that improving the time-
behavior with the solution “add memory” may result into worse global performance efficiency due to the combined
effects of both impacts.
974 Fernando Pinciroli / Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975

4. Minimizing the impact of negative relationships among quality attributes

At the moment, we have just identified the impacts. Now it is time to analyze them objectively, so therefore we
should measure the global quality as a result from the application of these selected solutions. Then, we could choose
another set of solutions and repeat the process until we have a satisfactory result: to detect the positive and negative
impacts due to the contributions among quality attributes and to measure again the global quality of the system.

We will use the Olsina’s criteria5 to measure the impact of our selected solutions, so, we should select a set of
metrics according to the different types of solutions. Maybe some of the metrics used to measure the quality
attributes could be sufficiently suitable to measure the impacts of the solution. If not, we should configure new ones.

Let us take the solution #, “ask for client’s ID number”. First, we must create and define a set of attributes for
each characteristic traced with the solution. Since solution #1 has connectors against five characteristics, we will
define at least one attribute for each of them:

Table 1. Attributes defined for the selected solutions.

Characteristic Attribute Definition
1.1.1. Learnability
Learnability Time needed to complete the operation.
1.1.2. Transactions Transactions made without needing cancelation
made in one try or retry
1.1.3. Mistakes for Transactions made without mistakes on the ID
User error protection
ID entry entry
2.1.1. Transactions
Transaction data without problems of
Confidentiality made by the account
unauthorized access
2. 2.1. System
System ensures cannot have unauthorized
Integrity modules accessed by
authorized people

Next, we must create the metrics to measure each attribute. We will use a reduced template to define the metrics
(refer to Olsina’s work5 for the complete template) and here we will define only one direct metric as an example:

Attribute name: 1.1.1. Learnability time

Indirect metric name: Average transaction time (ATT).
Objective: Determine the average transaction time for all the transactions (n).

¦ TransactionTime
i 1

Function specification: ATT

Direct metric name: Number of attempts until average transaction time (TUATT).
Objective: To determine the number of transactions of each specific client (m) with a duration over
the average transaction time (ATT).
Function specification: TUATT ¦Transaction TransactionTime ! ATT
i 1
i i

Once we have the metric values for the entire set of attributes impacted for the set of solutions, we can select
another set of solutions, we must detect the positive and negative impacts because of the contributions among
quality attributes and we have to measure again the same metrics. We will repeat this process until we are satisfied
with the value of the whole quality for the system, as proposed by De Florio6: “Measure the effectiveness of the
Fernando Pinciroli / Procedia Computer Science 83 (2016) 970 – 975 975

attempted solutions, rank them with respect to past solutions, derive and persist conclusions, and update the
reactive and proactive models accordingly”.

5. Conclusion

There are different models and strategies to measure the quality of software and web applications, and also to
identify those characteristics that need to be improved, by means of a consistent set of metrics, some of them
urgently while others just in a convenient way. However, maybe all this effort could be vain if the global quality is
not improved according to the previous expectations due to the contribution relationships among non-functional
requirements. If we configure a consistent set of metrics to measure the global impact of the possible solutions that
would be applicable, it would be possible to measure the results of the application of different set of solutions until
the desired level of global quality is achieved. This level of quality is equivalent to the “system identity”, since the
set of non-functional requirements of a system must be coherent with the specifications of that system. Thus,
software applications could be adapted to the different situations depending on the values expected for their quality
attributes in a given moment.

We are following the studies about how to measure and evaluate software and web application headed by Olsina
et al.1,2,5,7,8,9,10,11 since we have found a very consistent way to measure and to evaluate software and web
applications. Miguel et al.12 have also presented a good review of several quality models that could complement the
Olsina’s work. Wiegers3 and Chung et al.13,14 have worked on the contributions about software quality attributes,
particularly the lasts, when they propose a mechanism composed by a technique and a notation to trace the possible
solutions against the non-functional requirements. Finally, Mairiza et al. 15 analyze and classify a set of proposals for
the identification, analysis and resolution of conflicts among software quality attributes.


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