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Prof Cristina Andreescu


"Levels of Education
-Pre-school education, with either a half day sesion, or a full day session
-Elementary school, grades one to eight, primary between one and four
-Secondary education, grades nine to twelve (highschool, split between junior and senior h-school, either
Humanities ("uman"), or Sciences ("real"))
-Higher Education
First ten years are mandatory, or compulsory ("obligatoriu") and free of charge
A merge la scoala= To go to school
Scolarizare, studii= Schooling
a merge la univrsitate = to go to unversity
a studia la univ. = to study at university
an de studiu unversitar = academic year
a intra la scoala = to enter school
a intra la universitate = to enter higher education/ to get into a university
a se inscrie = to enroll
inscriere = enrolement
a frecventa = to attend
frecventa = attendance
lista de prezenta = attendance list
a face prezenta = to make the roll call
situatie scolara = school report
a termina un an = to complete an year
a termina facultatea/liceul/etc. = to graduate
a exmatricula = to expell
a suspenda = to suspend
abatere disciplinara = breach of discipline
a abandona scoala = to drop out of school
a ingheta anul = to take a year off
a repeta anul = to repeat/ to be held back/ to be kept down a year
a lipsi de la ora = to miss class
a chiuli = to skip class/ to cut a class
a continua studiile = to pursue one's studies/ to continue one's studies
a fi bun la engleza = to be good at english/ to be proficient in english
a avea baze solid = to have good grounding in
director de scoala = headmaster/ headmistress
director de liceu = principal
director adjunct = viceprincipal
a conduce o scoala = to run a school
cancelarie = teacher's room/ staff room
comitet de parinti = PTA (parents teacher asociation)
diploma de bac = baccalaureate diploma/ school-leaving diploma
postliceala = post-high-school education
clasa = form/ grade
pauza = break
semestru = semester/ semestre (brit)/ term
orar = schedule (amer)/timetable (brit)
vacanta de vara = summer holyday
nota = grade (am)/ mark (brit)
nota maxima = to give smb a fool mark
media = gpa (grade point average )
media generala a tuturor anilor = overall gpa
examen promovat = passed
examen picat = failed exam
scara e marcare = marking scale
restante = to reseat an exam
a da un examen = to seat an exam
a copia la un test = to cheat an exam
materii = subjects
analfabet = illiterate
analfabetism = illiteracy
tema = homework
tema (faculate) = assignment

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