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StuCo minutes 2/1/17

Absent: Fairouz (excused), Merissa (excused), Parris, Alexis.

Tardy: Olavi


 ExEd-limitation discussion with Naomi.

 Field House Day
 Graduation speaker
 Check
 StuCo attendance policy
 Strategic plan w/Victoria
 StuCo response/activism after Muslim Ban
 Pool sticks in game room
 Recycling
 Green/Red card for dorms
 Laundry room

Field house day. Carmen is concerned about lack of volunteers to the Homeless Shelter
fundraiser. HP was not aware that a considerable amount of people was going to attend the
fundraiser. Possibilities of moving the field house day to Saturday, or having it earlier on
Friday? Pizza will be served on Friday either way. Three options: Option 1) move on with
original plans. Option 2) do it earlier on Friday. Option 3) Doing it on Saturday 18th.
Result = Saturday evening event. Option of organizing a field day during daytime.
Lauren will be responsible for the dance workshop.
Andy will be responsible for screening a movie.
Hugh proposes to change check on Saturday to 5pm.
This will be the weekend before Yule Ball, have to make sure we don’t interfere with any
arrangement. Also, there is a Youth Detention Center excursion to ABQ, possibilities of a
faculty member doing check on the bus, as they will come back after 5pm?
There might be a Santa Fe bus on Saturday.
HP will follow up on the specifics with Linda.

Graduation speaker
Martina got our email. By Friday, we must generate a generic letter that can be sent to the
5-6 possible candidates. Also, write a specific paragraph for each speaker.
Gary Johnson has been added to the list.
Lauren proposes to write one letter to the alumni, and one for the rest.
Lauren will be responsible for the generic letter to the alumni.
Jacob will write the generic letter to the non-alumni candidates.
Hugh will revise the letters by Friday.
Victoria will write a supplementary letter.

Green and red cards outside dorms

Even though some people might not want green/red cards, it would be beneficial to
distribute cards to every dorm.
Lauren will talk to RAs/RTs about the cards.

Student Council Attendance policy

According to the StuCo charter, 3 unexcused absences will revoke your StuCo membership.
Excused absences will not revoke your StuCo membership.
Lauren raises the issue of lack of clarity of the difference between excused/unexcused.
What constitutes an excused absence? Inform the day before a meeting. Requires
What is an excused tardy? Justify your tardiness, and message the StuCo group chat.
Is Wal-Mart an excused tardy? Official vote: No. New official policy: Wal-Mart is not an
unexcused absence. StuCo members will have to go to Wal-Mart on Friday or Saturday.
Official vote: 3 tardies equals 1 absence.
What constitutes tardy? After 5:18pm.

Laundry Room
Permanent, clear signs concerning the bleach section of the laundry machines + other
laundry room rules.
Re-introduce the whiteboard.
Simen will make new signs and instructions. Where does detergent go? By Sunday.
Lauren suggested replacing all paper in printers with recycled paper. Lauren will research the
price of recycled paper.
How do we know where the paper in the shredder go? Do we know where the paper in the
bin underneath the printer go?
The pull-out paper towels in dorms generate tons of paper waste. Possible to buy hand-
dryers to each dorm?
Lauren suggest to have one roll per bathroom for a limited time. After this time period is
over, there will be no more roll-out paper. Andy suggest to find out the spending on roll-out
paper versus new blow-dryers.
Maintenance in different dorms have different practices. Jacob suggest this should be
implemented on a dorm-to-dorm basis.

StuCo transparancy
Lauryn suggests more transparency from StuCo. Monthly updates? Re-introduce the
Facebook page?
Minutes needs to be uploaded right after the meeting on the Class Facebook page, once a
Monthly updates in Assembly: video format. Starting on the 14th of February.

ExEds limitations
Naomi came to the meeting at 6:15.
Naomi is planning to have a M-code meeting to inform the first years of the new ExEds rule.
Making Sasakawa a student space
From 5pm-12pm, the Sasakawa could become a student space.
If check is moved from 9.30pm to 8.15pm, Sasakawa could become a place for students to

Annual Conference
Naomi is encouraging us to encourage students to show up at Annual Conference, and
interact with other high school students.
Coffee cups
There are only 40 cups in the cafeteria.

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