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Anteromedial thigh (incomplete)

(Sept. 25, 2017)
Pics by Jhe Gorayeb

Labeled by Inelle Zshayra Ganayo

• Femoral nerve is the nerve supply of ALL muscles in the anterior
compartment of thigh.

• Femoral artery is the blood supply of ALL muscles in the anterior


• What are the muscles included in the anterior compartment?

1. Sartorius

2. Iliacus

3. Psoas

4. Pectineus

5. Quadriceps femoris which includes: a) Rectus femoris, b) Vastus lateralis,

c) Vastus medialis, and d) Vastus intermedius
• Obturator nerve is the nerve supply of ALL the muscles in the medial
compartment of the thigh.

• Profunda femoris artery is the blood supply of all muscles in the medial

• Medial compartment of the thigh:

1. Gracilis

2. Adductor longus

3. Adductor brevis

4. Adductor magnus

5. Obturator externus
Femoral Triangle
Femoral artery
Femoral nerve

Inguinal ligament
Femoral vein
Femoral Triangle Mnemonics
• Femoral triangle boundaries: So I May Always Love Sally

Superior: Inguinal Ligament

Medial: Adductor longus

Lateral: Sartorius

• Femoral triangle contents (from lateral to medial): NAVEL

Femoral Nerve / Femoral Artery / Femoral Vein / Empty Space

/ Lymph
Femoral sheath

• Femoral triangle is covered by femoral sheath. It extends

to the anterior thigh inferior to the inguinal ligament and
has three compartments - lateral, intermediate, and

• Note: Femoral nerve is NOT included inside the femoral

sheath, but is included inside the femoral triangle.
Adductor canal/ Hunter’s
canal/ subsartorial canal

• Adductor canal is a passageway through the middle third

of the thigh that allows the femoral vessels to pass
through to the adductor hiatus of the posterior thigh. The
saphenous nerve enters the canal with the femoral
vessels but pierces the medial fascial sleeve of the canal
to become cutaneous opposite the knee joint.

• Subsartorial because it is located below the sartorius.

Sartorius Anterior
nerve of thigh
femoris tendon

Rectus femoris
Vastus intermedius
Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis
Inguinal ligament

Femoral vein


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