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The Thai People Need Leaders of International

Community To Voice Our Shared Human Principles

„ From March to April this year, hundreds of thousands of concerned Thai
citizens gathered in Bangkok.
„ They conducted peaceful protests, calling only for elections to establish a
legitimate government.
„ Vicious government military crackdowns on April 10th, and from May 13-19th,
unashamedly breached Rules of Engagement and International Legal
„ The government has continued a cruel regime of censorship, persecution,
disinformation, arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and murder against peaceful
political opponents.
„ These have no place in a purported democracy, closely allied to Australia and
UN Congress Basic Principles on the Use of Force
and Firearms are Clear (1990)

„ 9. officials shall not use firearms against persons except

in self-defence or defence of others against the
imminent threat of death or serious injury, to prevent
the perpetration of a particularly serious crime
involving grave threat to life, to arrest a person
presenting such a danger and resisting their authority,
or to prevent his or her escape, and only when less
extreme means are insufficient to achieve these
objectives. In any event, intentional lethal use of
firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable in
order to protect life.
A Peaceful Protest, With Music, Market Shopping,
Which Even Opened Roads During the Working Week
Threatened Noone

„ This lady democracy supporter was holding up a picture of the Thai King, hoping it would
dissuade the military from an unprovoked assault. The Thai Constitutional court has

This female demonstrator was holding a picture of the Thai King. When pressed by the
CRES The Thai Civil Court did not enact a Court Order to evict the peaceful protest.
On the 10th April the military first fired massive waves of plastic bullets
and live bullets at the heads and upper bodies of the protestors.
Plastic bullets are deadly weapons
Strict military protocol dictates they must be fired by aimed single shots below the waist

The International Committee of the Red Cross has advocated banning use
against a demonstration, Geneva Conventions Protocol II (1977), unnecessary
wounding or risk of killing. Force more than necessary to deter threat.
Colonel Sansern, CRES Spokesman, initially officially
denied any live bullets were used


Democracy Demonstrators Posed No Threat
to Persons or Property
„ After the unsuccessful April 10th assault, the demonstration moved to the
Rachaprasong area of Bangkok, combining in one area for visibility and
mutual security. They covered an immense commercial area, adjacent to major
foreign embassies.
„ The unarmed crowd was predominately female. It consisted of families from
all areas and social groups of Thailand. Not one employee or customer was
harassed. The demonstrators maintained discipline at all times.
„ In Thailand’s major up-market area of boutiques, jewellery stores, luxury cars
and expensive condominiums, no unusual property theft or destruction was
„ Not one window was broken
They Asked For International Monitors

„ The democracy protest leaders moderated their call for an immediate

dissolution of Parliament, asking for a dissolution within a month, elections
within three months.
„ Protest leaders asked for international monitors, stating that they and their
supporters were afraid the government would grossly violate International
Law, to imprison and murder democracy activists.
„ Their worst fears were realised.
The government’s goal to down size number of
„ the soldiers with snipers were located at many high rise buildings
and shot people to prevent them from joining the peaceful
protest, resulting in death of many innocent people.
One of the many victims of the sniper’s shooting.
Eza, A 12 Year Old Thai Islamic Child
This man shot dead while witnessing the
shooting from his 27th Floor apartment balcony.
A paramedic whom tried to carry the wounded/injured to
safety, sadly shot dead.
Military firing at 5 unarmed civilians, 2 dead, 2
crawling for life and one shot at again as he

Double click on the picture to watch video

None of the executed were recorded with
potentially lethal weapons

Friends who attempted to retrieve this man’s body, were shot at

by snipers
The Red Shirt’s only plea.
Cut Off, Terrorized by Sniper, Grenade Fire

„ The government moved in select military units to surround the protest.

„ In the Bangkok heat, they cut off supplies of medicine, food, electricity,
sanitation services and water to a massive crowd.
„ The demonstration was predominately female, included children and a very
large proportion of elderly.
„ The area was sealed; businesses were closed, Embassies shut.
„ The government rejected United Nations mediation, then rejected the offer
of the Speaker of the Thai Senate to mediate.
„ With efforts made to seal this huge area from witnesses,
„ Premeditated, willful murder could begin.
Thai Military Used NATO Weapons, in a Massacre

„ The Thai military has a long tradition of reciprocal training with the militaries
of the USA, Britain and Australia.
„ A democratic Thai government in 2003 (overthrown by coup in 2006) gained
Major Non-NATO Ally Status for Thailand.
„ In a public press conference the Thai government stated it would follow
generally accepted International/NATO Rules of Engagement.
„ You can only shoot at a person who has a potentially lethal weapon and
is visibly preparing to use it against you, or someone under your
„ This is a general rule, strictly enforced with coalition forces in Afghanistan
and Iraq, were the ‘threat force’ security forces have to deal with consists of
Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorists.
„ The Thai military ignored it unashamedly when dealing with democracy
demonstrators exercising their right to Freedom of Assembly.
These are the Facts
„ No property damage or deaths occurred in the area of the
protest until after the military assault.

From the 19th of May onwards

„ The government rejected United Nations or other international
„ The government rejected mediation by the speaker of the Thai
„ The handpicked military forces did not react to an assault,
they launched a full scale military assault on city streets,
heavy armored vehicles meant for conventional warfare, sniper
rifles, indirect fire support (40mm grenade launchers, heavy
machine guns, killing, maiming).
Agreed NATO/International Rules of Engagement

„ You can only shoot at a person who

has a potentially lethal weapon and
is visibly preparing to use it against
you, or someone under your
The Policy Expressed by Government Spokesmen Was Very
Different From That Practiced on the Ground

Double click on the picture to watch video

This 8 Year Old
Did Not Try To Shoot Anyone
Nor did this unarmed teenager carried by his
distraught mother
This unarmed man, clinically executed in the back of the head
by a high-calibre sniper round
threatened no soldiers lives
Graduated Response, Minimum Necessary Force,
Proportional Retaliation, Continuum of Force

Does not legally allow

Heavy Armor Vs a Tube Firing a Lemonade Can
A Retaliation of Bursts of
Automatic Live Fire
Against slingshots
You can only stand, and walk forward
shooting if you have no incoming shots to take
cover from
Turning the center of one of the busiest cities on
Earth into a Free Fire Execution Zone
Soldiers do not even pause to notice the
murdered unarmed poor
Holding Nothing Sacred
Monks Chanting For Peace Onstage
Demonstrators were told to run, the assault was
undiscriminating targeting woman, children, medics
Nearby Buddhist Wat Prathum had been
agreed to as a safe zone.
Soldiers fired directly from the sky rail above
into the holy site designated as a safe zone.
Bullets ricocheted throughout the temple
where medics struggled to treat the wounded
Indiscriminate shooting at unarmed civilians running
for their lives

Double click on the picture to watch video

The Thai government orchestrated a cover-up
to terrify or ‘disappear’ opponents into silence.
„ Protest leaders who had called for mediation were imprisoned,
charged with terrorism, accused of being responsible for the
death and destruction that only resulted upon military assault.
„ Hundreds were arbitrarily imprisoned without warrant,
charge or accusation, assets and property frozen without warrant.
These occurred under an EMERGENCY DECREE that
expressly confers immunity from prosecution for officials who
violate human rights law in the course of their duties, it allows
for secret, unofficial detention centers, disappearances.
„ It is in all practical aspects identical to ADOLF
DECREE which did not bring peace to the people or peace
to the region
Thai Government Breaches Rights of Accused to
Defence and Silences Factual Accounts of Massacre
„ Relatives of the murdered and defence counsel were denied access to autopsy
results, closed circuit CTV evidence.
„ Emergency Decree, Internal Security Act, Computer Crimes Act and Lese
Majeste laws are misused to create a legal ‘reign of terror’, to silence legitimate
political dissent.
„ Over 113,000 websites have been blocked in Thailand.
„ From the 20th of April, all investigations to do with deaths resulting from the
democracy demonstrations are to be investigated by the DSI. Ongoing police
investigations were halted. The DSI is under the authority of the CRES,
meaning the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity have authority
over those investigating them. Needless to say these investigations have gone
„ Factual accounts of what happened have been silenced, printing presses
seized, websites blocked or closed down.
Thai People Need
Interternational Help
„ The peaceful prodemocracy protestors were given a
violent repression.
„ It is tragic that almost 100 people killed, almost 2000
people injured and some permanently maimed. That
these extra judicial killings were committed by their
own government is worse but by a so called democratic
government is appalling
„ The international community has taken a stance of
business as usual which implies that as long as a
country has a democratic façade, violent repression of
its citizens will be tolerated
The Other Round of Massive
Killing is in Waiting
„ The fighting spirit of Thai people to protect
their rights, their freedoms is still there
„ Without international help the world community
will soon witness another round of massacre of
more Thai innocent civilians by military backed

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