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4. You are given a piece of audio and some text with spaces. Use HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL
the information from the audio to complete the spaces by typing
the words. ANCASH
With modern copiers, an (1) appears if a bank note is put
in the scanner.
Machines know they are seeing money because it has a special
(2) .

Every (3) carries this special symbol.

Modern copiers now use a counterfeit (4) system.

The photo editing software Photoshop can also (5) money.

It can also recognise an area of the money which may have been
(6) .

It is also illegal in the US to publish (7) of currency.

Defacing money is illegal as is its use in any (8) .

If prop money is used, it must be destroyed (9) after use.

1.Work in groups. Look at the photos and discuss the questions.
Some prop manufacturers use large quantities of green paper to create

the illusion of (10) of currency.

The Herald History of the film.

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………
CLASS:…………. DATE:…………………………………………….
A world full of opportunities is waiting for you! HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOL ANCASH

2. You are going to watch a video about the history of film. Tick the things and 5. Watch the video again. Complete the phrases with the missing time expressions.
people you think you will see in the video.

3. Watch the first part of the video (to 01.36). Number the events in the order
they happened.

a) The projector was developed.

b) People watched films in arcades.
c) Hollywood became the centre of the studio system. 6. Role-play an interview with an actor or actress.
d) Melodramas became popular.
e) Actors became part of a new American aristocracy. Work in pairs
f) Edison and Dickson invented the kinetoscope.
Student A: Imagine you are a famous Hollywood actor or actress. Choose who you
4. Watch the second part of the video (01.37 to the end). Answer the want to be. Read the information below and make notes.
Student B: You are going to interview a famous Hollywood actor or actress. Read the
What has film allowed us to do outside of Hollywood? information below and prepare questions.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....  Background
Name four events that the video shows being covered by early newsmen.  Career to date (films and other work)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  How Hollywood has changed over the years
Act out the interview, then change roles and act out the interview again
Name two unusual activities you see as examples of how documentary
filmmakers have used the camera in new ways. 7. Work in groups and discuss these questions.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....  What kind of films do you prefer watching?
How have studio blockbusters influenced documentaries?  How important is the film industry in Peru?

WORKSHEET TEACHERS: William Andahua and Alan Campos Saad’d AlDin, k; Abu Abad, Jeehan and Morley, Kevin. (2014). English B

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