Kumang and The Dragon - Script 2018

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Adapted from Borneo Tales – Kumang and the Dragon


Narrator Dragon Bongsu

Kumang Uduk Villagers

Indai Sigat

SCENE 1 (at the river)

NARRATOR : Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…

Greetings we bid all of you, we hope you’ll listen here;

We hope you’ll pay attention, on this morning full of cheer.

Today we’ll tell you a story, from a long, long time ago;

Entitled “Kumang and the Dragon”; please enjoy to the show!

Once upon a time, in the olden days of Sarawak, lived a beautiful girl called
KUMANG. She was a true beauty, the talk of the town. She was also very hard-
working, and she often spent the entire day fishing from morning to night to
catch as many fish as possible.

KUMANG : *sighs* What a beautiful day to fish! Hopefully, I will catch a lot of fish for
dinner. Perhaps, some for “salai” and “kasam”. Emm…my favourite food.

*fishing action, looking up and down, falling in the river, wiping sweat etc*

KUMANG : *angrily* Haiya! I still haven’t caught any fish and I’ve been fishing the entire
day! *holds stomach, sighs* I am sooooooooo hungry!

*looks around at the river* I thought this river always has a lot of fish? Why is
this river so empty today? This is very… Fishy. Hmm…

*throws a net into the river and continues to complain. Suddenly, stops and looks at the net*

KUMANG : WAIT!!! *makes aunty noises* Stop complaining… I feel something…

THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE NET! *struggles to pull up net, falls
KUMANG : Ow, my back! Hmm, what did I catch?

*looks in the net, screams while throwing away the net*


*runs around, suddenly stops to look at the net*

KUMANG : Hmm, it’s in a net so it won’t hurt me. *peers at the net* It’s such a tiny

snake. Poor thing… it looks so helpless.

*picks up net and looks at it*

KUMANG : You know what, I’m going to take it home with me. Poor little snake, it

looks hungry and sick. I’ll be your new mother! I’ll take good care of you.

*walks off stage while cooing at the snake like a baby*


SCENE 2 (in the kitchen)

NARRATOR : So our lovely KUMANG ended up bringing the tiny snake home.

KUMANG : INDAI… *calls while holding the net* INDAI… Where are you?

*INDAI shuffles out like an old lady, squinting at KUMANG*

INDAI : Yes, yes, I’m here… Aiyo, no need to shout. I’m old, KUMANG, not deaf.

KUMANG : Ah, there you are! Do you have a large jar?

INDAI : Jar…? What do you need it for? *scratches head* I thought you went to fish,

not make jam…

KUMANG : Don’t be silly, INDAI, I need it for this! *brandishes the snake* Ta-daaaa!

*INDAI looks at the net and screams*


*INDAI runs around. KUMANG tries to stop her and calm her down*

INDAI : KUMANG!!! What did you bring home???

KUMANG : I’m sorry INDAI, I didn’t catch any fish today. Instead, I found this little

snake trapped in my net. I’m its mommy now!

INDAI : Hmph! Mommy, mommy… Who do you think you are, crocodile hunter is it?

I’m warning you, you better feed it, KUMANG. Or else… it will eat you!

KUMANG : Yes, yes, INDAI. I will. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure it doesn’t eat you, either.

SCENE 3 (At home)

NARRATOR : So KUMANG took her mother’s advice and diligently cared for and fed the
snake every day. She continued to do this even after INDAI’s death. As time
went by, the tiny snake eventually grew into a large one – until finally, it was
no longer a snake! Instead, it had grown into a DRAGON! Since KUMANG
knew that it was no longer possible to keep such a big dragon in the jar, she
allowed the DRAGON to live with her and her dog UDUK in her house.

KUMANG : *grumpily* Why do you eat so much?

DRAGON : *breathes fire from its mouth*

KUMANG : *sadly* I don’t know how to keep up with your appetite. I’ve sold everything
to buy food for you… I’ve got nothing left now. These things are all I have left.
*walks around with bags of miscellaneous items, fretting*

DRAGON : *breathes fire from its mouth*

UDUK : I’ll follow you, KUMANG! *barks*

KUMANG : *bends down and pats dog* UDUK, stay here. I’ll be home with some food
after I’ve sold all these.

UDUK : Okay, KUMANG. I’ll watch the house while you are away! *barks*

KUMANG : Thank you, UDUK. You’re such a good dog. *walks away from stage with

SCENE 4 (Market)

NARRATOR : Poor KUMANG had sold all her family’s valuable tajau (jars) which she kept
in the house, as well as clothes, pua kumbu and many more. In the Iban
community, weaving pua kumbu (woven blankets) is the women’s warpath,
while tajau (jars), chapak (plates) and tawak (gong) are a symbol of a person’s
wealth in the community. KUMANG knew how greatly symbolic and
significant all these items were to her family, yet she had no choice but to sell it

KUMANG : *walking in the market while calling* Come and buy from me!! I have old
tajau! Old clothes! Terabai shield, parang ilang, pua kumbu, tikai anyam and
bakak. Come and buy!!

*a villager spots KUMANG and stops while peering interestedly at her wares*

VILLAGER : Ai! KUMANG, fancy seeing you here. How much is this pua kumbu?

KUMANG : Hello!... I weaved this pua kumbu myself. *bragging, shows pattern* You
see, I weaved Gajah Meram motives which I learned from my grandmother.
Look at how detailed these elephants are! For such quality work, I’ll charge
you… Five shillings. What a bargain, no?

VILLAGER : Wow, what intricate work! You know, some people call this motive the “Bali
Bugau Kantu”. They tell The Legend of Remi, whose brothers were murdered
by the enemies. This must be very valuable, since it captures the legend so
beautifully. I’d love to buy this, KUMANG. *roots in bag before handing
money* Here you are, five shillings.

KUMANG : Wow, that was fast. Thank you!

VILLAGER : I was scared you would change your mind, or charge me more money. Thank
you, KUMANG. Bye for now!

KUMANG : Goodbye! *watches the villager walk away before continuing to sell things*

KUMANG : *calls* Come and buy from me!

VILLAGERS : *gather around KUMANG, buzzing interestedly. Show sales before each one

departs with an item, chattering happily while admiring the goods*

KUMANG : Finally, I’ve sold everything. I only have 5, 10, 15, 20 shillings. I better hurry
and buy some food on the way home.


SCENE 5 (Home)

NARRATOR : As yet more time passed, KUMANG eventually ran out of things to sell. She
wondered how she would be able to buy the DRAGON any more food. She
decided to try fishing, but she had no luck there either.

KUMANG : *worrying* What am I going to do? The DRAGON eats and eats and eats, and
never gets full. I don’t have anything else to sell, and I haven’t had a proper
catch since the last time I caught this DRAGON.

DRAGON : *breathes fire, slowly clears throat to talk* KUMANG… KUMANG… Can
you hear me?

KUMANG : *whips head around to look, gasps loudly* You… You can talk? Are you
talking to me?!

DRAGON : No, I’m talking to the house although it cannot listen to me. Obviously I’m
talking to you, silly! Do you see anyone else called KUMANG here?

KUMANG : I didn’t know you could talk after all! What do you want?

DRAGON : *groans* I’m hungry, KUMANG… You haven’t brought me any food to eat.
Hmm… how big is your heart?

KUMANG : *stammers* M-m-my heart…? Um… Uh…. It is only the size of a small leaf.

DRAGON : Aww man… *disappointed*

NARRATOR : This repeated itself for the next few days. Day after day, the DRAGON
continued to ask her the same question, and KUMANG continued to give it the
same nervous reply. KUMANG thought she could delay the inevitable, but one
day, the DRAGON finally got tired of waiting.

DRAGON : I-I’m sorry KUMANG… I haven’t had anything to eat for several days. I

cannot wait any longer. I am dying of hunger. *groans* I must eat your heart!
KUMANG : Wait!!! If you want to eat my heart, I shall give it to you. But first, please look
for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice
and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better that way.

DRAGON : You want me to cook it like pansuh. Very well. It will be a treat for me.
*smacks lips, pats tummy* Yummy!! Wait… *glares at KUMANG
suspiciously* You’re not trying to run away… Are you?

KUMANG : No, no! I’ll be right here…

DRAGON : Goodie. I’ll go find that piece of hollow bamboo. *skips away happily*


UDUK : Yes, KUMANG! *barks*

KUMANG : Help me, please! When the DRAGON returns, tell him I’ve gone out for a
walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.

UDUK : Okay, KUMANG…but what if the DRAGON tries to eat me instead?


KUMANG : It won’t. Don’t worry. The DRAGON only wants my heart.

UDUK : Okay. Be careful, KUMANG! *barks*


SCENE 6 (Escape)

NARRATOR : Panicking, KUMANG ran into the nearby rubber estate owned by her friend,
SIGAT. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find, sat on the highest
branch, and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree. Not long
after her escape, the DRAGON returned home with the bamboo. It had been
running and was out of breath.

DRAGON : KUMANG! KUMANG! Here is the hollow bamboo! Time for dinner… and
what a HEARTY one it will be! *laughs, suddenly stops and looks around*

UDUK : *whimpers fearfully* She is not here… She went for a walk. Wanted to get
her heart in the best condition for you, I think. She won’t be back for an hour or
DRAGON : *roars* You’re lying!!! She ran away… didn’t she?

UDUK : N-n-n-no…

DRAGON : LIAR!! *throws bamboo forcefully at UDUK, UDUK falls and whimpers in

DRAGON : I’ll find you KUMANG, if it’s the last thing I do!! You promised me your
heart, and it is your heart I will be eating tonight!


SCENE 7 (Estate)

NARRATOR : The DRAGON followed KUMANG’s footprints to the tall tree where she was
hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery, because of the oil. He
decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. Just then, SIGAT’s friend BONGSU
visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a
tree, and a much fiercer, deeper one.

KUMANG : *whispers* Psst! BONGSU… BONGSU! Please tell SIGAT to set fire to the
estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.

DRAGON : Ehh, no, no, no! Don’t do anything of the sort! If SIGAT sets fire to trees,
he’ll cause himself a lot of trouble and lose all his money.

BONGSU : *fearfully* I hear your voices! Who are you…? Show yourself!

KUMANG : Go, BONGSU. Tell SIGAT what I told you to do.

DRAGON : No!! SIGAT, don’t listen to that voice! Pick me! Pick me!

BONGSU : Hmm… One sounds like a fairy’s voice, and the other like an evil spirit’s
voice. Look!! I don’t know who you are… I’m going home! *runs away*

DRAGON : *laughs loudly* See? BONGSU didn’t believe you! Come on down,
KUMANG, you can’t stay up there forever…!


SCENE 8 (SIGAT’s house)

NARRATOR : So, BONGSU ran straight to SIGAT’s house to tell him what had happened
and what he had heard.

SIGAT : Oi, oi! *runs to the door* There’s no need to shout, BONGSU, you nearly
gave me a heart attack. What’s wrong? You look as if you have seen a ghost.

BONGSU : SIGAT! Thank goodness you’re here. I heard voices from your estate. There
was the gentle voice of a fairy asking you to burn your trees, and the other
voice forbidding you to do so sounded like an evil spirit. I didn’t know what to
do, so I ran all the way here to tell you.

SIGAT : The voice of a fairy? … Hmm. If a fairy asked me to burn down the trees, I’m
sure there must be a good reason. I will always obey what fairies tell me.

BONGSU : Are you sure, SIGAT?

SIGAT : Yes, let’s burn the trees as the fairy requested.

BONGSU : But what about the other voice?

SIGAT : You say it sounded like an evil spirit? Well then, I think the other voice was
lying. I won’t lose anything because the trees are old and dry. They don’t
produce rubber anymore.

BONGSU : Alright, SIGAT. I trust you. Come, I’ll help you set fire to the old trees.

SIGAT : Thank you, dear friend. I’ll get torches for us.


SCENE 9 (The Discovery)

NARRATOR : So, SIGAT and BONGSU worked together to burn down all the trees in the
estate. The next day, when they walked round the estate, there were only burnt
and blackened tree trunks left. Soon, they became tired and sat down to rest on
one of the tree trunks. SIGAT took out his parang to cut open a coconut he was
carrying, as he wanted to drink the coconut juice inside. However, he
accidentally cut the trunk of the tree as well, and was surprised to see some
blood flow out from the cut.

SIGAT : What’s this?? *inspects blood* It’s blood!

BONGSU : Look, SIGAT! It’s not a tree trunk. It’s a DRAGON!

SIGAT : A DRAGON? Hmm. It seems the DRAGON was killed in the fire. *looks up*
Look, BONGSU!!! How strange this tree is! Although we set everything on fire
yesterday, it’s still standing. There is also a single fruit on top of the branch. It
did not get burnt at all! *hands BONGSU his things* Hold these, BONGSU. I
will get that fruit. *starts climbing, falls because of the oily trunk*

SIGAT : Ouch! I can’t climb this tree, BONGSU. It’s much too slippery!

BONGSU : Let me try, SIGAT. *climbs and falls too* OUCH! *rubs back, examines
hands* Oh dear, we can’t climb this tree. The trunk is covered in oil!

SIGAT : There must be some way to get that fruit… *thinking hard* Ah-ha! We’ll
make a ladder so we won’t have to touch the slippery trunk.

BONGSU : That’s a great idea!

*SIGAT and BONGSU start building a ladder. Finally, they manage to assemble one, prop it against

the tree, and get the fruit.*

SIGAT : What a large fruit! Wait, why is it glowing? Look, BONGSU! Something is

*music starts playing, a disembodied voice whispers: Close your eyes and count to ten!*

*fruit splits in two, KUMANG crawls out and smiles at SIGAT and BONGSU*

KUMANG : Hello, SIGAT! Hi, BONGSU! Don’t be afraid. Let me tell you what
happened. Once upon a time, I caught a snake while fishing, and I decided to
bring it home and make it my pet. As time went by, it grew into a DRAGON.
Unfortunately, it wanted to eat my heart. I had to think of a plan to escape… So
I lied to it and ran into your estate to hide. I prayed to our ancestors to help me,
and they sent a fairy to save me by hiding me inside this fruit so I wouldn’t get

SIGAT : You are really very lucky, KUMANG. It must have been a terrible nightmare
for you.

BONGSU : Anyway, now that the wicked DRAGON is dead and won’t cause you any
more trouble, you must be happy.
KUMANG : I am happy… happy that the DRAGON is dead. I am finally safe. *happy

SIGAT : You poor thing. The DRAGON should have been grateful. You should never
bite the hand that feeds you. If you do, you will get what you deserve.

BONGSU : I’m glad you’re safe now, KUMANG. But I don’t think you should live alone
again. *smirks and teases SIGAT* Hmm… My friend here is single and
available… *nudges KUMANG* Maybe what you need is a strong man to
protect you. *giggles*

KUMANG : *shyly* Eh, no… Don’t tease me…

SIGAT : BONGSU’s right, you know. *goes to KUMANG, holds her hand, gets down
on one knee to propose* I can take care of you properly and keep you safe.
Why don’t you become my wife and live here with me?

KUMANG : Really… you will accept me even though I have nothing to offer?

SIGAT : Yes, KUMANG. I accept you the way you are. You are beautiful,
hardworking, kind, and gentle. I will protect you and keep you safe.

KUMANG : Alright, SIGAT, I’ll marry you!

BONGSU : Congratulations, you two! Let’s ‘melah pinang’ and have merry-making till

NARRATOR :And so KUMANG and SIGAT lived happily ever after.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…

Here’s the moral value of our little story:

Appreciate those that help you rise from sadness to glory.

Never bite the hand that feeds you, or you will surely cry

And that’s the end of our drama; thank you and goodbye!


Scripted by Madam Azlina Matnor

Proofreading by Madam Fiona Wong Lin

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