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For immediate release For Further Information contact:

Tyra Gravesande
Phone: 561-331-1874

Large telecommunications & cable companies must be broken up. Mass Media too. -A plan by
Elijah Manley
It's past time to break up the largest telecommunications & cable companies.
The market is so concentrated to a handful of monopolies that consumers don't
have any real choice of providers. This must end.

"This is the reality I know. As someone who has used Comcast, I know the
financial scams they use against consumers. My debt went from $300 to $1400
in less than a month. These companies prey on low income families and saddle
poor people into lifelong debt. Especially POC." -Elijah Manley

The biggest home Internet providers in the US are Comcast, Charter, AT&T, and
Verizon. These companies account for most Americans' internet and cable
access. With no cost controls & lots of economic power, they've a blank check
to do whatever they want with no real consequences. Real & prosperous plans
are needed to address this. That's why Manley for America is proud to
announce a plan to break them up. First, we'll start by breaking up AT&T into
more than 15 companies, mostly public access companies, to provide internet &
cable to rural communities across the country. Then, we'll take on Comcast,
breaking them up into multiple companies. This requires us to take on Time
Warner which is "too damn big", according to Elijah Manley. We will use every
single relevant anti-trust law on the books to get it done. We must confront
mergers. No more merging large companies to consolidate economic power and
assets. To do this, we will attach a price tag. To merge, each merging entity
must surrender between 35% and 55% of its total assets. Those assets will be
used to fund social programs and federal grants. We will bring charter &
Verizon into public control, requiring them to provide public access
services. We must take on the mass media conglomerates. Break them all up. No
more of them. Entities must be singular. A President Manley will institute
the "Diverse Media Rule" which will end the travesty of 6 companies owning
all news and media. This rule starts by bringing half of all media into
public control. Manley's administration will use our #MergeTax revenue to
fund community broadband construction across the country so that communities
can have local broadband access.

"This is a fight to end concentration of wealth, resources, and information.

The American people have the right to more options. Capitalists need to live
up to their own "free market" ideas."

For more information on how we plan to break up monopolies in the

telecommunications and media sector, visit


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