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Lauris Jiménez Giraldo

Claudia Pineda Céspedes

University of Los Llanos

School of Economics

Nocturnal Public Accounting

Module III English




Access to bank loans in urder to increase the countries productivity


 Train small traders on the importance of keeping accounts

 Learn to take acconunting records of purchases and sales

 Make monthly reports to more decisions about their performance


Accounting is an information system that classifies, records, summarizes and

presents the transactions of economic entities. Thanks to it we can know at any
time how many are the exact amounts that we owe and which are the ones that
owe us, it allows us to differentiate the expenses created by the owners over those
generated by the business itself, it helps us to know what the production cost is of
a specific service or product, allowing us to find out the price for which it should be
sold and at any time we can know the money we are earning, or losing.

Due to this information provided by the accounting it is essential to carry it in every

business in order to identify if it is viable or not to continue with it.


The development economic has always been driven by classes and groups
interested in a new economic and social order, always encountering opposition and
obstacles on the part of those that seek the preservation of the status quo, which
are embedded in the existing social conventions. (Baran, 1959)

In the field of production the term entrepreneurship was included by Alfred Marshall
in 1880 and adds one more to the traditional factors of production: land, capital,
work and organization, as the coordinating factor, which attracts other factors and
group them. Thus, attitude constitutes a differentiating feature between a common
individual and an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is identified as having skills to do
something new, to give another use to something that already exists and thus
participate in the transformation of his own life and that of his environment, has the
capacity to generate ideas, transform them, adapt them, propose different
alternatives and see in a problem an opportunity. (Duarte & Ruiz, 2009)

In this same sense, (McClelland, 1977, cited in Espinoza, Amezcua & Arroyo,
2014) entrepreneur is a person who has basic psychological needs, which, as in
every human being, are three: needs for achievement, affiliation and power, but in
it the first is more important, the one that determines their attitudes and
performances In addition, these authors mention more that could be considered in
the previous ones: the need for independence and autonomy, the need to control
its medium and need to create.


For the analysis of the feasibility of the project was based on the methodology
provided by our teachers from the university of the area of accounting and related
areas, where a business plan is developed under parameters established in the
modules: markets, operation, organization, finances, and operational plan
providing the necessary tools to develop a coherent business plan and the
justification of the whole development of the project to encourage accounting in
small businesses such as neighborhood stores and thus easily access bank loans .

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