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Since I was a boy I remember that always I liked practice any sport. When was a
boy many year ago my favorite sport was lift weights at the Gym. Also i had a good
diet I bought protein, amino acid, kreatine and other. My diet more hard was when I
ate only rice three times for day during a week. Currently I still do it sometimes I go
out to walk and run in the park or street. However today my favorite sport is
swimming I love it, because manage the stress, oxygen my brain and body. After
that I feel fantastic with much energy and focus in the thing i do. In swimming there
are four kinds of styles like; butterfly style, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.
I only practice three styles, because backstroke is very difficult for me. My favorite
swin style is butterfly it's very hard and tired, but I like it. I practice sometimes three
or four times for week, always I go every weekends. However I would like to practice
cardio at the Gym by lose fat, when I have time I try it.

I rommend practice any sport for 30 minutes for day. it's fantastic and funny I know
you sould do it.

Thank you for you time.


Mr. Zuawrly Samayoa

Mechanics Engineer
Project Management Proffesonal

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