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Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Past

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

A song was su
1. She sang a song. -

2. Somebody hit me. -

3. We stopped the bus. -

4. A thief stole my car. -

5. They didn't let him go. -

6. She didn't win the prize. -

7. They didn't make their beds. -

8. I did not tell them. -

9. Did you tell them? -

10. Did he send the letter? -

3.Put the verbs into the correct form, present

or past. Please, try to use full form:
1. While I was travelling around the country my camera
(steal)from my hotel room.
2. The policemen (call) by our friends.
3. The road (use) very often.
4. Originaly the book (write) in Spanish, and a few years
ago it (translate)into English.
5. The islands (wash) by the Atlantic ocean.
6. Telephone (invent) in the ninteenth century.
7. About this event (speak much) now.
8. We (not allow) to make personal calls at work.
9. Our project (make) a week ago.
10. Three boys (inform) about test results last lesson.
1. The post (deliver) at about 7 o'clock every morning.

2. Dinner (serve) at 8:30pm. in this hotel.

3. His travel expenses (pay) by his company.

4. The rubbish (take) away three times a week.

5. The name of the person who committed the crime (not


6. What kinds of things (sell) in that supermarket ?

7. The building (not /use) anymore.

8. These computers (make) in Taiwan.

1. If they (to listen) carefully, they might hear the woodpecker.

2. If I had lain down on the sofa, I (to fall) asleep.
3. Susan could have worked as a model if she (to be) taller.
4. The soil (not/to dry out) if you water the plants regularly.
5. If you (to give) the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself.
6. We (not/to take) the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman.
7. If the cat hides in the tree, the dog (not/to find) it.
8. The students would have solved the problem if they (to use) their
9. If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend (to visit) him more often.
10. Max (to read) the newspaper if he went by train.

1. I don´t suppose I ever a million euro. But if I won a million, I

around the world. (win/travel)

2. Yesterday it snowed. The pupils at home if it . (not stay/not


3. She didn´t do her homework. If she her homework, the teacher so

angry. (do/not be)

4. She feels ill. I to the doctor´s if I her. (go/be)

5. John will take the DLR. If he the DLR, he home more quickly. (take/be)

6. I hope the doctor will give her some tablets. If she the tablets then she
better. (take/feel)

7. She didn´t go to the doctor`s. He her to the hospital if she in great

pain. (send/be)

8. Peter will light a campfire. If he a campfire, the children . (light/sing)

9. Peter doesn´t have enough money to buy a car. If he enough, he a

Merceghini. (have/buy)

10. Jake didn´t buy any flowers. If he some flowers, Lucy happy.

1. I have a (bottle) of water, but I want two !

2. There is one (beach) in this town, but there are two in

that town.

3. There are seven (day) in one week.

4. She has one (box), but she needs three .

5. Aladdin gave the little girl three (wish) .

6. The shy, young man gave his girlfriend not one (kiss), but two
on her cheek!!

7. There was only one (candy) left in the jar, so I added more

8. Her house has one (room), but my house has five !

9. She has one (recipe) for pancakes, but I have many .

10. My sister eats one (sandwich) each day, but my brother eats two

11. Her sister has one (baby). Her brother has two .

12. I saw a (mouse) in my house, but she saw three in her


1. Students are excited that economics (is, are) being taught this semester.

2. Unfortunately, dishonest politics (was, were) used to win the election.

3. Athletics (provides, provide) important opportunities for physical development.

4. Good news usually (travels, travel) fast.

5. Because of the mood in the Senate, statistics (was, were) compiled quickly for
the report.

6. For some time now civics have been a required course in the curriculum.

7. Ceramics takes a great deal of practice for proficiency.

8. In this particular situation, the economics are hard to determine.

9. Because of constantly changing public opinion, politics offer a challenging career

to both men and women.

10. Indeed, mumps is a painful illness.

1. This pair of sunglasses (be) really expensive. I'm not paying that

2. These scissors (be) blunt. Get me another pair.

3. That jacket you're wearing is really nice but those green jeans
(be) horrible.

4. Physics (be) the study of the natural world.

5. A lot of the news we hear on the TV (be) bad. It's so depressing.

6. The police (investigate) a break-in at the National Bank last night.

7. People (be) are always likely to tell lies to protect themselves.

8. Think carefully before you spend that amount of money. A thousand

pounds (be) a lot!

9. You should try walking so far just to find an open supermarket! Three
miles (tire) you out so quickly, I'm telling you!

10. They have exaggerated a little with that new swimming pool. Did you
see the temperature of the water? Forty one degrees (be) too high!


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