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Vol XII No.

1 June - October 2018

Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
“Bedrock of Quality Education”
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School The FootPrints 1

The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School Division of Compostela Valley Region XI

News Science & Technology Feature

2 9 Blessings in

an Extraordinary
Grass Disguise
TESDA Career Ambassador
attests personal success story
Kishia Melv’s C. Pasinabo

Gastanes: We
should intensify
students’ safety
Keith Avegail O. Agres
Bernadette B. Gastanes, School
Principal told the teachers that there
is a need to construct perimeter fence
and metal gate to ensure and heighten
the safety of the students.
“It is our duty to keep the
students away from harm while they
are in school,” Gastanes explained
to the teachers of Camanlangan
National High School during the
teachers’ conference.
She added that the teachers
will be responsible to whatever
untoward incidences that may
happen to the students during classes’
hours. The ribbon cutting ceremony signals the formal opening of Regional Career Guidance Week 2018.

“The construction of additional
perimeter fence and metal gate will echnical Education and Skills Authority (TESDA) Career Ambassador “Our students at this stage
surely block outsiders from coming in Mary Jane P. Trinidad concretized the concept of success as she shared are very fragile and vulnerable. They
to school premises without permission,” her personal story of struggles and victories. have to be well-educated and most
the school principal said. Trinidad hoped to inspire and so I worked hard for it and importantly they should know what
the people especially the youth by achieved it,” she shared. they want in life and then work for it,”
emphasizing that success is just within Moreover, the TESDA Trinidad added.
reach especially with perseverance, Ambassador mentioned that there is Harlie Sheen Medalle, a grade
hard word, and focus. no other way to uplift the economic 12 ICT student of Camanlangan
Students passed the pedes- “Looking at me now, you condition of every Filipino but National High School was inspired
trian lanes as provided by the wouldn’t recognize that I really came through education that is, acquiring and challenged by the success story of
Department of Public Works
from a poor family but I had a dream enough skill and attitude. Trinidad.

CNHS bags 5th Place in Kadayawan Festival 2018

and Highways (DPWH).

2018 at Kadayawan Square, San Pedro, John Cloma said – choreographer.

Davao City as to showcase the skills He added “It was an honor to
and talents of ComValenyos. represents Compostela Valley in
There were 9 contingents in a big competition.” It was a great
open category vying for the title Grand challenge for me to improve the
Champion for this year’s Kadayawan. performance of the students for
All contingents prepared for the the next Kadayawan, John Cloma
competition but only five contingent stated.”
can win the major prizes. Luckily, “For second time around of
the only contigent from province of joining the competition we finally
Compostela Valley grabbed the 5th bring the bacon,” Bernadette B.
spot of the major awards. Gastanes- School Principal said. She
“It was my first time to join the added, “We’re so blessed because we
The CNHS Dance Ensemble Indak-Indak sa Kadayawan,” said John had given a chance to represent our
performed their street dancing. Foe Ugsad – a dancer. He added“It was province in Kadayawan Festival.”
an honor to be part of the contingent It was indeed, a great

amanlangan National High Kadalanan 2018 (Street Dancing) bringing the name of the province of experienced of the students and
School (CNHS) bagged 5th competition in celebration of the 33rd Compostela Valley”. teachers of Camanlangan National
Place in Indak-Indak sa Kadayawan Festival on August 18, “Better luck next time,” High School.
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
2 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

Students plant
hundreds of trees
Eric Glenn L. Siton

he Camanlangan National High School (CNHS) bility for students to protect the
students spread 200 seedlings of Mahogany trees ecosystem.
along Agusan River at Purok 5, Camanlangan,New “This activity saves not only
Bataan, Compostela Valley on July 28,2018 together with the environment but as well as the
the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers and New lives of students and the people
Bataan Municipal Environment and Natural Resources around barangay Camanlangan.”
Office (MENRO) to mitigate global warning and climate He added, “We all know that
change and save lives. Camanlangan was damaged by
New Bataan Field Office Manager Renato L. Bermejo flood during the Typhoon Pablo in
said that tree planting activity creates sense of responsi- 2012, Bermejo added.

93.75 % of CNHS G12 Info Graphics

students decide to
enrol SUCs
Jamila Cabillon
More than Ninety three Free tuition in SUC’s are very much
percent of Camanlangan National important since it will help students
High School’s Grade 12 students de- specially those who lack money to
cided to study in SUCs as President continue their studies,” said Clesper
Rodrigo Duterte signed the Republic Sabay, a grade 12 Agriculture
Act 10931 otherwise known as student.
“Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Most students who chose
Education Act” letting State Univer- public SUC’s as their choice stated
sities and Colleges (SUC) be free of that it is because of their financial
charge in terms of their tuition fees. aspects why they have the same stan-
Out of 48 grade 12 students dard with that of the private ones.
of Camanlangan National High The survey also identified that of the
School, 45 of them decide to pursue students who chose public SUC’s as
their college study upon hearing that their college institution, Compostela
SUC’s will be free.“This is good news Valley State College (CVSC).
for us because education will be at Compostela Valley State
hand already and those that aim for College is the only institution in the
college degree will have the opportu- province of Compostela Valley who
nity to study in higher education for offers free tuition fees to all college
free, “said Carlo Rey G. Pasinabo, a students in all branches of the said
grade 12 ICT student. institution. “We don’t need to enrol
Yet out of 48 students who in other universities because we have
will pursue a college education our own college near in our homes
only 41 of them decided to study in and less expenses, “said Rashme
SUC’s while 4 students opted to go Lozada, a grade 12 student of Gener-
to private colleges and universities.“- al Academic Strand.

Lantecse to vie at RSSPC’18

Jamila Cabillon
Laidelyn Lantecse a Senior High School student of CNHS grabbed the
first place of the Copy Reading and Headline Writing English competition
during the Division Secondary Schools Press Conference 2018 (DSSPC) at
Mawab, Compostela Valley on September 12 – 15, 2018 and she represents
the division all the way to the Regional level that will be held in Digos City,
this November 15-18, 2018.
Before the DSSPC, Mr. Pastrano said, “There are possibilities that one
of you will qualify to the regional level,” and really did come true. Only one
writer qualified to regional level. It’s a great challenge for me as a coach to
train many writers to qualify for RSSPC next year.
As a part of their preparation for the incoming Regional Schools Press
Conference, Pastrano said that “she need to upgrade her competitive level
and undergo training.” He added, “She should have more exposure then have
grammatical competence. It is also a must to spend time to read and explore.”
On the other hand, Filipino student writer Sherlwyn Henry Medalle
Laidelyn C. Lantecse received her medal and certificate as 1st Placer in won 7th place in event Pagwawasto na Sipi at Pag-uulo ng Balita under Ms.
copy reading and headline writing. Sheryl Mae Q. Otom, Filipino School Paper Adviser.
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School The FootPrints 3

CNHS prepares for 7.5 magnitude of Earthquake Jean Pearl Amamangpang

he Camanlangan Nation- standards of the DRRMC. “You
al High School partic- surpass your rating last time,”
ipated the nationwide he said. He added “Talagang
simultaneous earthquake drill nag improve yung performance
on June 22, 2018 to prepare the ninyo ngayon, Congratulations..
7.5 magnitude earthquake. The keep it up!
Municipal Disaster Risk Re- The result of the eval-
duction Management Council uation was positive. The
(MDRRMC) officer Mr. Celso school passed the standards of
Casia evaluates the performance DRRMC. The evaluator rated
of the school in conducting the school outstanding in per-
The students actively participated the nationwide simultaneous earthquake. the drills in accordance to the forming their drills.

CNHS Population increase, G7 biggest contributor

Queen Queen Dologuin

amanlangan National High – Guidance Counselor desig-
School (CNHS) in terms of enrol- nate. For now there are 282 of
ment experienced an increasing the students on Grade 7, 252
number of students from the 842 stu- on Grade 8, 221 on Grade 9,
dents in the year 2016 up until this year 174 on Grade 10, and in total
with a total number of 1,070 students. there are students in Junior
There are 976 students reported High School (JHS).
in the school year 2016-2017 while While the Senior High
there are 1,070 number of students in School (SHS) total of 148
the school year 2018-2019. Every year which is composed of 87
increases the population of the school. students on Grade 11 and 61
It is good sign that the number of students on Grade 12.
the students increased because it will While the Senior High
contribute for the additional funds for School administration along
the Maintenance and Other Operating with the teachers are hoping
Expenses (MOOE)”, said the school that the number of students
Principal Mrs. Bernadette B. Gastanes. for the next school year will
“Perhaps this happened because increase because of various
they saw the quality of teaching in achievements by the school on
school,” said Mrs. Mylene Rose S. Bag-ao different competitions.

Campus Journalism Leads Off Sheil Lou Medalle

oung writers and school paper advisers of the province of Com-
postela Valley participated the four days Division Schools Press
Conference 2018 on September 12-15, 2018 held at municipality
of Mawab to search for the best writers to represent the province all the
way to the Regional level.
There were 950 secondary student writers and 95 school paper
advisers, 450 elementary writers and 80 school paper advisers. The OIC,
Schools Division Superintendent Reynante A. Solitario graced the said
“To look for the brightest journalist in the land honed by the
dynamic advisers,” Solitario said in his message. The Schools Division Su-
perintendent even emphasized in his address the 4Cs- Communication,
Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity, that will lead the young
writers not to settle for less but to strive excellence according to him.
Showing their support, Hon. Ruel Peter Gonzaga, Congressman of
the second district gave an amount of Php100, 000.00 for cash prize. He
also gave 22 sacks of rice to be divided by the participating municipali-
ties. The participants were lucky enough because Hon. Ruperto Gonzaga
III, father of the municipality of Mawab also gave Php 30, 000.00 for
additional cash prize.
The opening program was commendable and remarkable. “The
program is like an opening program of Regional Schools Press Confer-
ence,” said Dr. Eldecris Calzadora- Education Program Supervisor of
The hoisting banner signals the opening ceremony of It was indeed a successful program which marks the hearts and
Division Secondary Schools Press Conference 2018. memorable experience of every participants.
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
4 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

Genuine face
of election ‘19
By: Allyssa Marie G. Pasinabo

“Money plus liquor and cigarette

equals one vote?”
The decision of the Filipino is sacred
as stated in our Philippine constitution.
Being a democratic country, we owe “the
freedom of suffrage”.
What is the reality about the Election
’19 is it true that Filipinos are selling their
votes and that the candidates are buying
votes? Do we still have the pride to be
called as the Filipinos?
In our culture, we were oriented by
our ancestors to be honest for they believe
that “Honesty is the best policy”. Moreover,
Filipino culture is considered as one of the Choose your Priority
world class cultures. We are known to be

hospitable, industrious, thrifty, considerate,
patient and many more valuable traits.
However, is it still true as of today?
Are Filipinos still honest and good decision
By: Kishia Melv’s Pasinabo
makers? How about in the latest and hottest

issue about Election ’19? Do Filipinos follow
eople nowadays can’t move without money, is this true? That’s why
their conscience to whom to vote or by just whatever they have and how hard it is, they grab the opportunity just
close their eyes and fallow the new trend, to have money for their daily needs. One of these is mining.
which is vote buying as many said?” We all know the effects of mining but most of us have no other
The only pride a person has is not his choice because of financial problem, but what do you think will happen
money but of what he is! We all know that if this mining activity will continue? Mines can make us rich, they make
attitudes count most than any other things. our lives better, our place popular, but sad to say, they can also make us
Because of attitude, a person may either be suffer!
failed or be successful in life. Mines are God-given treasures, but for what? To have money or to
Therefore, true victorious competitors put ourselves in danger? These natural resources should be taken care of
are those who are honest and not those ourselves.
who are doing tricks, because only MAGI- But what did others do? It seems that they do not know the effects of
CIANS can do tricks. this mining activity. Don’t they really don’t?
Time will come that people will love money more than life. If this is

the case, what if time will come that the nature will gives us this revenge?
Nobody knows when it will be. So, while the sun still shines, better
think first before doing everything because “Repentance always comes
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

Education vs. Child Labor

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor By: Laidelyn C. Lantecse


News Editor education is sacrificed as well as their

KISHIA MELV’Z C. PASINABO future. They were bereaved of the oppor-
tunity to be educated and to know how to
Feature Editor read and write.
They cannot apply their Mathematics
Science & Technology Editor in the blackboard instead they are using
JAMILA KAYE CABILLON this to count their essential needs in daily
It might be true that knowledge activities that are needed to survive.
Sports Editor is what is left when everything else As you see, these young fellows are
perish. working as house helpers, labourers’ in
Editorial Cartoonist It is said that education is the haciendas, paputok makers, construction
ERIC GLEEN L. SITON only thing you can bring till death. workers and miners. They even sell mari-
Wherever you may go, no matter juana and illegal drugs in order to support
Copy Reader what happens and no matter how their families’ needs.
things will go. There is a strong suspicion that
Photo Journalist It is a sad fact that some of these children are forced to work for their
HARLIE SHEEN M. MEDALLE the young ones were not educated family because of poverty. Poverty is also
and they are working from sunrise the biggest reason why children cannot
School Paper Adviser: RAMEL V. PASTRANO till the sun sets to earn for their life’s afford to go to school. Yes to education!
necessities. Because of this, their No to child labor!
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School The FootPrints 5

Distraction So called
or New
Inspiration? Generation?
By: Laidelyn C. Lantecse
By: Alyssa Marie G. Pasinabo
How ca be Youth be the hope of our country if in the first
place Youth is the problem?
“My girlfriend is my inspiration,” stated a student
We are now on what we call the new generation or mil-
from Camanlangan National High School. lennial age. At this generation, technology is rising. Almost all
It is true that our loved ones can be our inspiration. the people have new phones, tablets, ipads, and all types of
We show good deeds and do good things for them to ap- gadgets. Most people even have social media accounts. Even a
preciate. We also do our best in school to excel in class pet dog has an account.
to impress them. Technology is made to make people’s works faster and
easier. It is also made for good communication and transpor-
But, what else could be the biggest effect of hav- tation. Technology is also used to educate and teach young
ing a romantic relationship with fellow student at a very
However, while technology was rising, humankind is
young age of 12? 13? 14 years old? sinking. This is because people are not contented to the simple
use of technology. They abused it and used it as a weapons
It is observed that students with relationship are of- to destroy other people’s lives especially by the use of social
ten doing their best in school to get ready for their future. media-the Facebook.
They are feeling as if they cannot live without each other. Now, students especially from high schools are very fond of
They are cuddling and nuzzling like there’s no tomorrow. social media. They post their pictures, feelings and they are free
whatever they want to post. But you should be aware. Some use
technology and social media in threatening and wrecking their
At a very young age, students are experiencing rival’s image, instead of using it for research and other educa-
such feelings towards another but it is completely nor- tional purposes.
mal. Students must be guided well and must know their Perhaps, this behaviour isn’t right. This may cause one to
limitations and responsibilities. lose his or her self-esteem and it may lead them to have emo-
tional breakdown, to do suicide, and may cause trauma.
Love isn’t a bad thing, but crossing the limitations is Many people; especially students’ use social media like
definitely a different thing. Love should be an inspiration Facebook, to start a fight. They think it is fun to argue with
someone on public. Didn’t they think that it’s so embarrassing?
and not a distraction.
Or they just used to it and consider it as an opportunity to get
Exchanging hurtful words can’t only affect the victim but
also the netizens who saw the post. The one that posted could
be bashed without him or her knowing it. It can affect the mental
English? capacity of the victim and also the poster. The post can cause to
bring down his/her reputation.

Bashing, one of the favourite doing of teens in social media
which is also a big problem. They think that bashing is fun and
never thought of what it may result. It is free to express your
emotions, feelings and opinions on the interest but you should
By: Sherlwyn Medalle think of ways on how to express without hurting someone’s
We should instead appreciate the beauty of the life of
others and just respect what they want to post. Respect instead
of looking at the flaws and weaknesses.
“An English word a day, one step to proficiency.” Chatting is also a great factor to contribute the social media
problems. Chatting people you don’t know is very risky. Since
All our classes have English subjects. We are obligated teens are not yet matured enough, they can be easily convinced
to speak English during the class in order to improve our En- to send private and sexy pictures like naked ones. This leads to
glish vocabulary and speaking skills.
cyberbullying specially threatening teens to post it if they can’t
give money.
It is important to learn how to speak English because it is
an international language. If we know how to speak English, it These are just few examples on how we can say that social
would be easy for us to communicate with foreign people in the media is abused. We should know what we post can also affect
terms of businesses or national tournaments. us. The victim can become depressed and suffer in thinking that
they are not good enough.
When students hear their fellow students speaking However, these can be avoided using in a right way. Sym-
English, they would give comment or reaction about it. Why is posiums, seminars, and orientations on how to do the correct us-
that so? It is because they themselves cannot afford to speak age of social media. Discussing the negative effects can educate
English. They get awkward and afraid about their grammars. students on how to avoid hurting the feelings of others.
Blaming criminals is sometimes not acceptable because
As we all know, Filipinos are linguistic people. We are we allowed them to do so such things. If we don’t give them
articulate in conversations with the use of English language. It credits to abuse us, they can’t easily step on us. Thinking before
is the brand Filipinos are known for. clicking is the best way to be on effective user of social media.
According to Dr. Jose Rizal,” The youth is the hope of
We students should grow and be awakened of how im- our country. We should act like one rather than being the first
portant English is. The opportunity and privilege to use English problem of our country. We should use social media correctly as
is already given. The decision is in your hands if you want to
a stepping stone to achieve a greater life. Always remember,”
use it or not. But for us, better English, better future.
Think before you click”.
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
6 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

Investing in Teenage Girls

By: Alyssa Marie G. Pasinabo

“C oward, my child that’s what I am. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry. I was afraid. I am torn between you
and my future.”
In order for us to avoid those problems and to
invest more good teenagers it should begin in our
homes. Parents should start teaching their child
These are some lines in an article entitled “The A teenager good things and mould them how to be a good
Realm of Forgiving”, written by Marilyn Sanchez. person. They should teach them on how to be fearful
This article tells about a teenage girl whom got
pregnant at the age of 16. This is just one example of
should have the to God for He is our greatest sword. By this way they
can be morally and spiritually upright. Every child
the problems our country is facing about the teenage has the right to be sent into school. In this away they
nowadays. It might be affect to the teenage girls who good thoughts can learn things academically. In their adolescence
are lack of attention, care, moral support, and love they can have some sports competitions, community
their parents. of their parents and church services instead of going somewhere
A teenager should have the good thoughts of with friends after school. In these activities ways
their parents especially the girls because girls are especially the their attentions to some things that are not good for
more fragile than boys. In order to invest and em- them will be on good instead.
power our teenage girls it should start in our homes
because from childhood as what the child saw on
girls because They will spend their time for some more good
things and will make their time productive. Thus
what does his/her parents do, it will mark the child’s they are on the right way to take. On the right turn
mind that what his/her parent does is right. girls are more and on the right path for their brighter future that
Whether we like it or not the issue about awaits ahead. And our profit in our investments
pre-marital sex is a huge problem of our teenage fragile than would be the good teenagers of our country.
girls. We have many teenagers who are caught in To our teenage girls they do not need to be
doing illegal things. But the most alarming problem boys. turned in their fear for their future anymore and no
is about this pre-marital sex. By this we now have need to utter the words “I was just 16 when I had
many teenage girls who are suffering the negative you. My child, you just didn’t know how much I suf-
effects of this problem such as humiliation, belittled fered. I was humiliated and at the brink of insanity
and self-destruction. Many of them made abortion, and we all and self-destruction. I just couldn’t contain the pain that you have
know this is not the way to invest our teenage girls. unintentionally caused me.”

Move on People of Camanlangan

By: Harlie Sheen Medalle
Awake People… Wake Up!
T he proposed bill on divorce to end up flawed marriages is
relatively depressing and disheartening.
Divorced advocates reasoned out that the dissolution of
By: Shie Lou Medalle
White turns to black! This is the fact that we have ob-
marriage which is beyond repair. They further said that di- served in some rivers in our country. As we had heard and
vorced is a measure to stop the incessant spouse abuse, marital seen it in the television
infidelity and among other some of the rivers were
abuses. polluted be- Rivers serve cause of some
None- theless, the abused people who are not
dissolution of marriage concerned
as passage of on the effects
could only put As Chris- wives at risk of the rivers
water going which were
because most of them are polluted.
economically tians, let us dependent on The clear to other rivers color was lost
their hus- bands. because of the pollutants
It would not forget also put the found in the and to the seas. rivers. These
lives of their children, of pollutants came from the
the pupils, at that only stake as they factories and They serve also garbage being
would feel continuous thrown into them. Rivers
harm. death, and serve as pas- as sources of sage of water
Yes, it is an undeniable going to other rivers and to
fact that there death alone, are already the seas. They drinking wa- serve also
thousands of separation as sources of drinking
cases in our can separate country, and water. As we ter. As we all all known,
even in our locality, but, “Water is life!”
whether we what God like it or not, it Howev- known, “Water er, we kill this
is normal for the married God given treasures.
couples, who has united. have unique What can we is life!” expect in the
attitudes and differences, to future? Do we still have clear
feel unhappy sometimes; rivers for people’s need? If we continue treating our rivers as a
and being un- happy is not trash cans, then we will expect, like flash floods and diseases.
enough reason to split. On the other hand, if we keep rivers clean, then we will be the
As Christians, let us not forget that only death, and death one who will have advantages in the uses of water and other
alone, can separate what God has united. resources which we get out of them.
Instead of proposing a divorced, let us proposed alterna- Moreover, this can be realized through the national
tives to save the marriage of unhappy couples. Let us always efforts of all the people.
bear in mind that dissolution is not a solution. “Be aware and concerned for the benefits of everybody”.
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School The FootPrints 7

Plight of a
Clip Lip Boy
By: Keith Avegail O. Agres

hile heading to school As expected, they gave me a
on one cold gloomy loud, silly laugh and made scornful
day, I passed a group jokes at me. Some of them mim-
of students tickling each other and icked the way I talk, while others
laughing loudly, with wide smiles tried to impersonate me.
up to their ears. It was a typical scenario for
Looking at them closely, me. It happens daily for several
I could see a pure and genuine years. Nonetheless, all I can do is My mother’s reminder is the only
happiness from their hearts, but I But even how hard I tried to to snub them and their abusive thing that keeps s me intact, that
could not help to get jealous at the ignore their mistreatments, I could remarks. makes me a stronger person.
innocent student. I felt something still feel deep down in my heart the I do not have the nerves to Despite the discrimination
unexplainable, perhaps guilt or pain, the agitating agony made by fight them back because for me, I suffered, I am still hopeful and
envy. their inhumane remarks. revenge is ungodly. optimistic. I believe that life has a
As I entered the school, I Their insulting and em- My mother always reminded lot to offer to me in the future.
saw some of my schoolmates-the barrassing word echo deep down me to disregard the bullies. She What matters most now to
bullies. I hurriedly backed off so inside me. I know I am bleeding repeatedly told me to study hard me is how I celebrate and enjoy
that our paths will not cross again. inside. I know I am deeply tor- to prove to them that I am better life even if I am a girl born with a
But it was too late. mented. and I deserve to be respected. cleft lip.

Blessings in
By: Kishia Melz’s Pasinabo

“I don’t care if hard for her daughter.

they judge me, as long For Dada, her being a mother at the
as I study for my future and for my young age is not a hindrance to pursue her
baby.” dreams to finish her studies.
Determination pushes a Grade “I will continue my studies because this is
12 student to pursue her studies the last year in my high school and for at least I
amidst being judged by the people have something to be proud of.” Said Dada.
around her. Moreover, her husband is also helping her
She is Danica D. Baruiz, a Grade in her studies. Her husband fetch her at school
12 Venus, who by all other means, stand every day and have a job to sustain their needs.
proud and shrugs off her shoulder and Furthermore, her teachers and parents
never cares of people who despise of her advices her to continue her studies and taking
situation. care of her daughter.

“Not all failures Danica also known as “Dada” is cur-

rently residing at Purok- 1, Camanlangan,
“Not all failures are bad, sometimes failure
is a blessing”

are bad, some- New bataan. She is 17 years old and has six
months old baby girl.
Dada is very thankful for the people who
supported her. Instead of listening to negative

times failure is a
Dada inspired others to study even if feedbacks from other people, she makes it as
she heard many negative feedbacks about a positive reaction in pursuing her passion in
her situation. education.
blessing” At first sight you would not wonder After all, not all failures are bad, some-
that behind her fainted look, she is working times failure is a blessing.

onesty is the best policy.”
A quotation that this boy
believes the most. He
One returns 1,000 pesos
By: Harlie Sheen Medalle
showed an exceptional attitude toward
things that needs proper handling. are so proud of him because of such W.A.T.C.H coordinator, Ma’am Dioleta L.
In life, many things could heroic deed. “Meljune said. Pabuaya.
possibly happen. Either in a good way A 15 year’s old, Grade 7 student Meljune’s honesty goes to show that
or in a bad way. It is just a matter of of section Garnet. He is Meljune Alvi- anyone can be a hero on their own.
choice and how to handle a situation. ola, one who returned the money with “I am very fortunate
At his young years, he knows no hesitation-amounting 1,000 Pesos because the person who found
how to separate right from wrong to Ma’am Dioleta L. Pabuaya, school my lost money is very truthful
making him decide on his own things W.A.T.C.H coordinator. and honest. Perhaps, it is an
that supposedly not his. It was during EKAP, he found overwhelming the feeling
“This is one of his biggest the money in the ground while the thinking that in this world
achievements and a very heart-felt teacher was instructing the students full of tricker’s, there’ still
experience, because he was able to for their area. “The first thing that someone who remains to prac-
return the money without any hesi- came into his mind is the owner of tice good and right moral, “said
tations. At the same time, his parents the money. She gave the money to the Ma’am Marjorie L. Ganaden.
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
8 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

“School is
We hear from our elders saying that the best time of their lives
were during their high school days. There was a song of Sharon Cuneta
goes, “High School Life, oh my high school life, so exciting”. We want to

enjoy life, right? So it’s up to us to make our school life more enjoyable.
We should consider our school as our second home. However, this
is the place where we learn, acquire knowledge and mold us for who
we are now. Teachers are our second parents and our classmates are our
brothers and sisters. They make us feel warmth of acceptance and give
us a sense of belongingness. We should remember that education is the
key to achieve our goals in life and formal quality education is done in
school. The school serves as the fountain of knowledge, transformers
of values, and develops our personality. Always remember that we are
Keith Avegail O. Agres special. We are gifted. Each one of us is endowed with unique talents and
potentials. As a student, we should take all the chances to learn, to grow,

H ey! Who says school is boring? What makes it boring? Do you really
think that school work is intended to be such?
When the vacation ends, I heard some students saying,
and to become a better person. Surely, we will enjoy every minute of our
stay in school.
Despite of the problems and difficulties that we experience in
“Whooaaahhh!!!” It’s a back to school again! I wish I could just stay home school, we have to continue going to school because we need to learn a
and watch TV, listen to cool music, play or lying on the bed. I really hate lot of things so that we will become a better individual. We have a right
school. So many assignments and projects, a lot of research work and to education, so we need to prepare ourselves for greater responsibilities
other things to do. But why they didn’t enjoy their school days being high in the future. We have to finish our studies so that we can land a god job.
school students? Think about it! If school was boring, then how did those You can be a “cool “student who can help to create a “cool “school.
successful professionals survive the years of schoolwork’s? You can be cool like me!

I Hidden
t’s more than a place, be- that something which covers
cause it’s a home. It’s not it was drawn by the typhoon
just a home, it’s a paradise. and now was completely
A paradise where unity is shown. Showing its real
present. A paradise that is beauty and the true colors of
a perfect place to meditate. the people living in it.
Most of all a paradise where Laidelyn C. Lantecse
you can really appreciate the Do you know where
beauty of God’s masterpiece, Crystals of water in the springs one that in need. Protects its this place is?
the nature within this place. and rivers. Green leaves in nature as long as can be.
Green, blue, and clear, huge branches of trees, cov- Yes, the care is there but This is the Barangay
are the domain colors of this ering the ones who wants to it wouldn’t be nicer without Camanlangan. Have you
place. Blue for the skies that rest. Paradise won’t be com- challenges that makes it even been in this place? If not, you
are always present witness- plete without its shepherds more beautiful and resilient. should be, at the very least
ing every day the rise of living and taking good care of It’s been hit by a typhoon and once you should be. For you
every one’s hope, the rise of it. In this paradise you would was devastated. The nature to witness and feel to be in a
the brightest sun. Clear for encounter hospitable people. and people was devastated. paradise. The feeling to be in
the cold water where can Caring to others and caring But after that struggle it be- Barangay Camanlangan.
be compare to crystal clear.

to Mother Nature. Helps the came more shining. It was like

My Guiding What’s even more

interesting about her
is that I’m not the only
one that she thought
and helps. She has been
a part of the success of
thousands of people
through her help. She
truly is my guiding
star that lights my way
through a better life.
Jamila Cabillon Her brightness has
helped thousands of

people including me
omeone that lights my way in times of my darkest days. Some-
one that never gets tired of being my side even through the and my family.
roughest journeys of my life. A person that I’ve always looked From the begin-
up to, a person I couldn’t imagine my life without her existence. She ning, from her womb
is everything, my treasure, my light, my strength, most importantly up until now, she never
“My Guiding Star”. fails to provide me and
I know life can be hard sometimes, but whenever I’m with other people the guid-
her, everything seems possible. It feels like I can conquer the world ance that we need. She
as long as I know that she’s with me. She always taught me a lot of may not be perfect, but
things, from learning how to stand, walk, talk, count, read, love, I’m always proud to tell
respect, and care. She’s the one that made ordinary things, extraor- everyone that “She’s my
dinary. Every time I look at her, it makes me think that I want to guiding star and she’s
become like her someday. A brave, independent, and loving woman. my mom.”
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School The FootPrints 9

he is sweating very hard, her
heart is palpitating fast, she
feels nervous, fear and may
imagine negative things that can
Anxiety: some self-medication that she
did know for the past therapy she
It is really makes us worry if
happen to her. That is how her
anxiety attacks.
Nicole is a girl who experi-
Small Cause, Big Impact it will happen to us, because this
anxiety only has a simple cause but
have a very big impacts to each one
Jamila Cabillon
ence this mental disorder, anxiety, of us. Self-confidence, and self-love
since she was in her grade school will be talking to other people that She experienced it for long is the most important weapon to
years and up until now. But, she really not closed with. years, before she knew that she al- avoid this kind of disorder, be-
during those days where in she Stress and taking-up drugs ready has an anxiety disorder. She cause if you love yourself you can
first experienced it she didn’t know (cocaine) are some causes that will made research, asking questions fight all the hurdles that we will
that it is already a sign of having result into an anxiety disorder. But until she ask for the help of her encounter. And also, consulting to
anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a gen- in Nicole’s case, it is because she aunt to help her consult to the psy- a psychiatrist is a big help too, to
eral term for several disorders that was being bullied in her child- chiatrist. After some test, she truly lessen and to avoid the worse situa-
cause nervousness, fear, apprehen- hood days, stress and pressured to a victim of anxiety disorder. And, tion as a result of anxiety disorder.
sion, and worrying according to her family because of the grades she was advice to take medication This disorder is curable so we don’t
Medical News Today. This disorder she has to maintain for her to be and a therapy to conquer this kind have to hide it to ourselves, instead
may affect how a person can appreciate by her parents and it is of dilemma. let it out and we will help each
behave and these things was what because she is alone, no friends in After that she followed the other to solve this problem, and
Nicole is experiencing. It attacks school, that cause her only to lose advice of the psychiatrist but after gain back the self-love, confidence
usually when she is standing in her confidence to stand in front of some sessions she stop the therapy, and true smiles in our lives.

front of many people or when she many people and in doing tasks. and she only continue it by doing

all eating greasy foods.

This Kudyapa grass taste bitter that
makes it prove itself better that it is a nutritious
vegetable and trusted medical herb.

an Extraordinary Grass
According to the Philippines Medical
Plants “Kudyapa is an erect, smooth branded
unharmed herb, thirty to sixty ( 30-60 ) centi-
meters long usually notched and base truncate
Queen Queen Dologuin or deccurent.”
We love to see our dish with a little Instead of drinking some energy drink,
leafy and green color in our food, isn’t why not drink the juice of Kudyapa serves as
it? It makes us hungry that when we see a tea every day. We can also use Kudyapa as a
green vegetables placing in front of us substitute of “sili” leaves in our dishes, especial-
that makes us eat more not mending how ly the soup dishes.
many cups of rice you will consume. It has power to heal sickness and has a
Kudyapa (Amarantus Vidis L.) is a power to develop personal health benefits. By
grass that we can see everywhere in the the use of eating it regularly our body becomes
Philippine ground, that we chose to ignore healthier and we can prevent those sickness
because we don’t have the knowledge that that only Kudyapa can cure, that what experts
this grass is not just an ordinary but it is said.
an extraordinary because it is truly rich Now, that we are already knowledgeable
in calcium and iron in making our bones about what Kudyapa can do to our health, let us
strong. It is also good source of Vitamins promote it, and eat it, use in dishes or you can
B and C and it is an excellent source of add it in making granules, to avoid drinking
protein, hence it is also a good solution medicines and confine in hospital, we have to
to people who suffered from high blood do something just like the saying and what we
pressure that we usually get when we are always say, “Prevention is better than cure.”
stress, lack of sleep, pressure and most of And Kudyapa is the best.

besity has become a major
problem in the Philippines
are overweight. This is
Cause and Effect: ness and clamp in our minds what
to and what not to eat. Health may
not be a fashion but it will always

Ob es it y
a difficult problem with many play a great action. Let us awaken
serious effects on the individual that business doesn’t always
and country. mean money, sometimes it means
Obesity can be divided into quality.
three main causes – diet, lifestyle Chiqui D. Valiente In the end, we will still end
and education. One of the chief up with the saying “Health is
causes is diet. Young Filipinos eat ciety’s attitude to food often leads Another result is lack of self-es- Wealth”. We both need to take ac-
more and more high-carbohy- to over-consumption. Parents do teem. This can lead to depression, tion to examine the causes of this
drate, high-fat burgers and pizza not teach good eating habits to eating disorders, and crash diets. problem and find solutions.
in fast-food restaurants. However, children, and many people lack The country is also affected. It
some traditional foods are also knowledge about good nutrition becomes very expensive
very oily, and because of increasing or a balanced diet. for the government to
affluence are eaten more often than Obesity affects the individual provide advanced medical
in the past. Lifestyle is a second and the country. The biggest effect care such as heart trans-
main cause of obesity. As a result is on the individual. First of all, plants. Unhealthy citizens
of cheap foreign labor, many Filipi- being overweight has health risks. are also less productive.
nos now have sedentary jobs, and Obesity can lead to heart disease, And their children learn
do not exercise regularly. However, diabetes, and other conditions. poor eating habits.
one of the main causes is lack of The quality of life suffers, as it is Let this be a wake –
education and awareness. The so- difficult to enjoy exercise or move. up call for our conscious-
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
10 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

e live in this house, our patch, but whatever we do in it
Save Mother Earth,
Save Life!
dwelling place in the affects the movements of the entire
universe – God’s home universe.
and our home, too. The life of human beings
Imagine what the world originated on the planet Earth. The
would be like if it is incomplete! “Earth” is calling us for her protec-
What if there were no rains that tion. People have become selfish and
poured and cooled down an most of us are killing the beautiful Jamila Cabillon
extremely hot earth, do you think forests, damming the rivers and
organisms would grow to inhabit making more concrete walls without would be the youth of the present. are threatening the existence of the
the earth and to give rise to other even realizing that by doing these Therefore, even we are so young s of earth.
organisms? Would you be able to activities, we are giving invitation to now; we should practice to take care Who will act if we don’t? Who
enjoy a swim in the sea or a thrill- the termination of their existence. of our Mother Earth. However, it is will start if we don’t? The future
ing trek up a mountain? Do you Our earth is burning from both the only planet in our solar system depends on us. If I could love the
think you would be here reading ends as the rivers beds are running on which life exists with incredible environment, why can’t you? ... We
this article with the help of the dry. The plants and mammals are and biodiversity. The noble” Earth” may be young, but we should care.
light of the sun that is reflected in like us living things. The biggest has bestowed the human beings The time to act is now! Let’s all
your eyes? challenge that our earth is facing to- with incredible and beautiful nature green the Mother Earth and save
The earth is an enormous day is “global warming”, the glaciers in the form of mountains, rivers, more lives. When we destroy our
home. Entrusted to us is a little are melting sea level is rising, and forests, and various natural resourc- home, we destroy ourselves. Once
patch of this wide universe – the climate is changing on a fast pace. es that helped human beings to a part of creation is destroyed, the
home where our family dwells, We have a Mother Earth to survive and initiated our evolution. universe losses. Possibilities to give
our school, our barangay, our city, save. You and I know that the future So, now it’s our time to save our birth to other creatures to enrich
and our country. True, it is a little leaders and citizens of this country planet from the challenges which our home.

that Gives

Chiqui D. Valiente

icture a world without order to live. Nowadays, water
the most essential thing is no longer free to everyone.
in order to survive life. Some require pay for it. They
Without it, the world will be said that the intention of it is to
nothing and all its creations in avoid few people from wasting
it. It might be colorless in your it. God gives us this consecra-
sight, but this gives color in our tion, and anyone doesn’t have will die because they take their water? How long will it takes to
lives. People say we can’t live the right to abuse what God food from plants. Even people keep you alive?
without love, I think water is has given us. Remember, spilled could die without it too. Just like The whole world has its
more important. water is not picked up again. in our daily lives we use water. color because of water. So be
“Water is Life”. Animals, Water is important. Did you think all living things thankful and protect it. “Every
plants, and all living things in- Without it, plants won’t survive. in it will be able to survive? Do drop counts” we say.
cluding humans, need water in Without plants, some animals you dare yourself living without

How can we lead a

healthy lifestyle means parents, due to time constraints,
maintaining a balanced usually find the easy way out by
and nutritious diet as cooking two-minute noodles
well as engaging in sports or or heading towards the nearest
other fitness related activities. fast foods joint for quick meal.

A healthy diet alone however is They do not realize however that
inadequate to ensure a healthy sets the stage for an unhealthy
body as physical activity help one lifestyle for their children who
in shape and free of sickness and quickly become addicted to such
disease. foods. Thus, parents can counter
According to the World this problem by cooking or pre-
Health Organization, only one in Jean Peal Amamangpang paring meals that do not take up
ten people exercise regularly and time such as cheese sandwiches,
a majority does not follow diet. soup, stir friend, or buy pre-
The main culprit is our penchant obese people suffer from many packed meals from supermarkets
for junk food as be seen from the health complications such as di- which can be warmed up in the
popularity of fast food chains and abetes, high blood pressure, high microwave oven.
other western eateries. Even local cholesterol and even cancer. Dining out usually involves
foods such as fried noodles, fried Hence, the emphasis on eating heavily and unhealthily.
rice and snacks and savories are healthy lifestyle should start at Most of us are prone to ordering
laden with fat and calories. Thus, young age. Our parents must deep fried food and oily dishes
consuming this type of food on urge us to eat more vegetables, as opposed to steamed or baked
a daily basis can contribute to fruits, juices, whole meal and food. Thus, though eating out is
weight gain. Overweight and whole grain foods. Most of our an unavoidable, our parents.
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
The FootPrints 11

Red Phoenix
The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

throws out
Blue Eagles
Shie Lou Medalle

n the score of 2-1, Red
Phoenix won against the
Blue Eagles and declared
as champion in the men’s
volleyball competition during
the Intramurals Meet 2018 of
Camanlangan National High
School on September 27-29.
Junrey Manlanot spiked the ball.
Red Phoenix won in the
first set, 21-19, by the consecu-
tive points made by the Yellow both teams shouted cause of “We have enough Spiker Junrey Manlanot
Bees. The attack of Blue Eagles excessive fight of both teams. preparation for the game,” – Red Phoenix- garnered 15
didn’t affect to the Red Phoe- But the strong blocks of Red said Junrey Manlanot- Team points and leads the team to
nix. Phoenix made the Blue Eagles Captain. He added “We able to win again the men’s volleyball
In the third set or the lost their spikes, 21-14, in the win because of the unity and of the intramurals.
decision game, the fans of last set. cooperation of the team.”

Camanlangan NHS Whip Small but

Terrible, 26-22
Jhon Rovic Gamana At this point Reynante L. Ando
showed his skills, defense and pro-
tects the basket thru his high flying
rebounds and tremendous blocks
and pull off the fight with 20-19,
CNHS leads.
At this moment, teamwork oc-
curs from both teams but there’s no
one can beat the spectacular ankle
and breaking moves that the CNHS
Erol Musca made a two points a shot. players showed that made the game

n the preparation for the “Araw after an equal and perfect combination The game continues to rock more exciting.
ng Camanlangan”, Camanlangan of Spencer Ambayec and Jhon Eroll the court, CNHS players planned on CNHS players are almost
NHS raised the banner and got Musca that contributed big jumps how they’re going to beat their oppo- losing their hoes but they never
the victory after the momentous fight and smashing lay ups that gives them nents but unfortunately they didn’t surrender and decided to finish the
with Small but Terrible (SBT) team 10 points in the league. On the other succeed but in fact the other team game with a big smile on their faces
on October 14, 2018 at Camanlangan side, fans of the CNHS players we’re took the moment again and won the and indeed their right.
covered court. dismayed, at first, after they scored 2 second quarter, 16-12. The game is over by the score
As the game started, Small but points in the game but the supports, as Supporters from both sides, of 26-22. And the victory belongs to
terrible players first pull off the game well as the players, never losses hope. cheered until they lose their voices. Camanlangan NHS players.

63% of CNHS student’s criticism

intramurals celebration Sherlyn Medalle

big number of fast “said Noel Cagnaan, Grade 9 events that lead to the schedule of
students, totaling student. the game.” she added.
to 63 %of the entire Though students are not “We are really complaining
CNHS population expresses satisfied with the outcome of the in- about the schedule because it is
dissatisfaction on the con- tramurals, most of them stated that physically exhausting for the ath-
duct of the school intramu- the result of the over-all champion letes” said Aileen Legaspi, student
rals celebration citing their is deemed acceptable as both teams athlete.
sentiments on the school’s were performed well. On the other hand, of the 59
lack of preparation and “We understand if the student % unsatisfied students, 41 % are
intense schedule. will not become unsatisfied with the positive that the school adminis-
“This year’s intramu- celebration of the intramurals “said tration can somehow improve the
rals is very different from Mrs. Marjorie L. Ganaden, School celebration of the school intramu-
Kick off to signals the formal opening the previous year, because Sports Coordinator. “It was the rals especially on the scheduling of
of the intramural meet 2018 the game schedule is very changing schedule and unexpected the game.
The FootPrints
Volume XII. No. 1 June-October 2018
12 The Official Publication of Camanlangan National High School

CNHS Partakes NBSAA Meet 18‘

Shei lou Medalle

ore than 100 athletes
from Camanlan-
gan National High
School have been sent to qual-
ify and battle for New Bataan
Schools Athletic Association
(NBSAAA) Meet 2018 last
October 25-26, 2018 at Don
Lorenzo Sports Complex, New
Most of the teams from
CNHS have been defeated.
However, there are many of
them has been selected to
qualify for the Provincial Meet.
Klent Jay Aviso , Christian
Mark Villacruz, and Alvin Roy
Valiente for Sepak Takraw-
Anelfa Badilla (Coach), Le- Mayor Geraldford N. Balbin gave his challenges to all the athletes.
mark Anagdong, James Lebert
Dapitanon, and Jhun Rey Lord Grace Cabutotan, Rhea Enanoria, and Reyles Macaven- ings to improve the skills of
Manlanot for Volleyball boys Kristine Ambrad for Basketball ta for Baminton Boys, Badmin- the players,” said Marjorie L.
– Christoper Cruda (Coach), girls- Mary Baruiz (Coach), ton girls Single A and Badmin- Ganaden – Sports Coordinator.
Jirah Queen Bundas, Edneth Jhun Rey Ayno, Leslie Demoral ton boys Single A, Richmond He added “These qualifiers will
Deliman for Volleyball girls – for Athletics and girls, Rina Villarosa for Chess boys. undergo training for the Provin-
Mary Rose Loberanes (Coach), Mae Brandino, Christian Dave “We need more train- cial Meet preparation.”

CNHS Slams
Jhon Rovic Gamana

amanlangan Nation-
al High School
thumps New
FOR THE WIN. Green team’s Enderez showed agility and Bataan National High
powerful smashes learning red team on the losing side of School (NBNHS) 2-1,
the game during the CNHS intramurals. in the volleyball com-

Badminton Championship: Green

petition during the New Junrey Manlanot
Bataan Schools Athletic saved the ball for

Team smashes Red team

Association (NBSAA) last.
at Don Lorenzo Sports
Complex, New Bataan on
Sherlwyn Medalle October 25-26, 2018.

t was intense game between Green and enormous saves on the midpoint Junrey Manlanot, one of
and Red team as Enderez of Green of the first set. the players of CNHS garnered 15
team smashed out Red team’s un- Yet, this forced the Green points, 5 spikes and 8 blocks that
disputed smasher, Baruiz, 2-1 showing defender to multiply his game, lead the team to win over the NBNHS
some strong offensive plays on their executing some successful baseline 25-19, in the first set.
championship match on the CNHS wallops thus ending the game with a
In the second set, NBNHS magic wor-
Intramurals MEN’S Singles Badmin- score of 15 against to 12 of Baruiz.
ton 2018. Entering the second set, Ba-
ried after they feel the CNHS hard spikes in
Enderez petrified the defender ruiz penetrated some strategic play, the erratic second set down to them. CNHS lost
with his decisive serves and unpredict- confusing his opponent’s defense their poise when they failed to block the attacks
able hits deflecting Baruiz’s defense at thus starting to rebuild his incite- of NBNHS, 15-25, in the favor of NBNHS.
the Camanlangan NHS covered court. ment inside the gym. Playing under the pressure in the third set
Providing to be an experienced “I really wanted to win and made the players tired in the last set, CNHS
athlete, Enderez manipulated a four defeat Enderez,” said Baruiz “yes, he melted the attacks of NBNHS when CNHS
straight point leaving Baruiz frustrated was experience yet I was able to give recovered and committed hard attacks and
as he cannot snatch a point against him a good game”, he added.
uncontrolled feeds.
Enderez. With his aim of come back.
However, Baruiz’s fighting Baruiz continuously deflected En-
NBNHS looked down when they take
spirit abled himself bounce back and derez momentum, shutting Green’s the consecutive spikes of CNHS and made the
started heating up his game, shocking hope on hooking an easy win against NBNHS down in the third set, 25-10, in the last
Enderez with his back hand smashes him. set.

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