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Maël Lemoine* and Thomas Pradeu*

ImmunoConcept, UMR5164, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, Published June 6, 2018; doi:10.1152/physiol.00015.2018
Bordeaux, France

Dissecting the Meanings of “Physiology” to Aristotle and Galen, and the term physi-
ology was first coined by the French phy-
Assess the Vitality of the Discipline sician Jean Fernel in his De Naturali Parte
Medicinae in 1542 (34). However, the
meaning of physiology has changed sig-
nificantly during the course of the history
Introduction the claims about the vitality of physiol-
of this domain. In the 18th century, in
ogy. We will consider the specific features
particular, physiology had a broad, not
Physiology is one of the central disci- of physiology and whether it can continue
specifically medical sense, encompassing
plines on which all biological and medical to play the integrative role it has played in
animals and plants, very much like the
sciences were historically built (63). How- the past, with the capacity to unify diverse
modern term “biology” (114). This tradi-
ever, questions have recently been raised biological approaches and experimental
tion culminated at the start of the 19th
concerning the relevance and vitality of data through common concepts or ex-
century with Dutrochet’s claim of the
physiology and its ability to make a useful planatory principles. The results of this
unification of the general science of phys-
contribution to biological and medical conceptual investigation are shown in Ta-
iology around phenomena such as osmo-
sciences. Physiology is sometimes seen as ble 1.
sis (1). At around the same time, Schwann
a discipline of the past that is “dying” in In a nutshell, physiology can be viewed
generalized the notion of metabolism,
the era of molecular biology and high- from two different angles. If we use a line of
and both of these scientists promoted the
throughput DNA sequencing (5, 50, 77, reasoning according to which each biolog-
ical science provides its own contribution idea of cellular physiology as a funda-
96). However, close scrutiny would sug-
to the general functional explanation, then mental biological science applicable to all
gest a less clear-cut picture. Not everyone
physiology now coexists with other disci- living things (28). Cuvier, through his
would agree with claims that the intellec-
plines. On the other hand, as a science with conception of comparative anatomy
tual discipline of physiology is dying, or
a specific object, the normal state of the based on functional correlations between
perhaps even already dead (97). They feel
whole organism, characterized by homeo- organs, also contributed to this idea of a
that physiology has gradually “disinte-
stasis, physiology is constantly reinventing broad science (3), and “comparative
grated” precisely because it has given rise
itself and will continue to make a crucial physiology” developed in parallel with
to a series of daughter disciplines, such
contribution to other disciplines. “comparative anatomy.” However, the
as neurosciences, immunology, and en-
term physiology has also been used in a
docrinology (45, 74, 84). According to
What is Physiology? Lessons more restricted, medical, and human-
this view, physiology is not so much
from the Historical centered sense (22, 23), which has also
“dead” as a key element underlying
Development of a Discipline undergone major shifts in meaning. Phys-
some of the most dynamic fields in the
iology was long considered a branch of
biological sciences of today, including
Physiology has very deep, rich historical anatomy (54), particularly at the institu-
the various -omics disciplines (120).
roots providing important insight into the tional level, but also, to a lesser extent,
Some would even defend the view that
current status of this discipline. A quick intellectually. However, in the 18th and
physiology remains a key field in mod-
glance at the history of physiology high- 19th centuries, physiologists began to
ern-day biology and that it could per-
haps inspire renewal in other biological lights three key debates: show that function could not necessarily
disciplines, including molecular biology 1) Is physiology a general all-encom- be deduced from structure (13), thereby
and evolution (24, 51, 84, 86). passing biological science, or, much relegating anatomy to an ancillary role
This conceptual review aims to intro- more modestly, simply the medical (63, 114). This development led to a large
duce physiologists to the philosophy of investigation of the functions of hu- number of physiology laboratories, de-
biology and medicine. We argue here that man organs? partments, and societies being created in
the claims made about the vitality and 2) Can a single, highly general phe- a general movement of liberation from
utility of physiology depend heavily on nomenon, such as homeostasis, both the anatomical and medical con-
the definition of “physiology” adopted. serve as the basis for integrating texts. This debate about the object of
We distinguish between two families of knowledge about organisms? physiology and its degree of generality
definitions of physiology found in the sci- 3) Can physiology be identified with a (i.e., is its object limited to human health,
entific literature. Some focus on what specific experimental method? or much more broadly, the entire living
physiology is about—its object—whereas The first of these debates concerns the world?) is still alive today.
others focus on how physiology is used to status of physiology as either the broadest The second debate concerns the possi-
study the biological reality—its method. biological science or, much more humbly, bility of using a single phenomenon as
Within each definition, we will examine a domain focusing primarily on humans the unifying basis of physiology in gen-
and their health. Physiology has a long eral. Historically, physiologists endowed
*M. Lemoine and T. Pradeu contributed history. It has often been stressed that the various phenomena with a central ex-
equally to this work. roots of physiology lie in the works of planatory power in the general science of

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Table 1. An examination of the most frequent definitions of the discipline of ‘physiology’ in the scientific literature
Definition of Physiology in the
Literature Explication of This Definition Is Physiology Alive in This Sense?
Physiology is the science of functions Physiology focuses on identifying the causal Alive but complemented by emerging
contribution of a part to the whole biological disciplines not based on
organism. the explanation of biological
phenomena through the assignment
of causal roles.
Physiology is the main explanatory In this view, many life sciences are Alive but complemented by emerging
domain of the biological sciences descriptive, but physiology is distinctive in biological disciplines that do not
that it aims to provide explanations of provide explanations.
biological phenomena.
Physiology is the basic science of In this view, biological data become Alive since physiology is indeed a
organisms intelligible only after their integration into a basic science based on a template of
physiological framework. multiple layers of functions, but it is
not necessarily the basic science in
organism biology.
Physiology as the science of Insofar as it includes pathophysiology, Alive and necessary, but not sufficient
physiological and pathological physiology can be defined as the science of to explain how physiological
phenomena healthy and pathological phenomena. phenomena become pathological
Physiology as the science of the This definition is understood in at least two Alive, but often vague. Physiological
integrity of the organism senses:1) Physiology takes into account the integration (in a hierarchy of
organism as a whole when considering embedded functions) must be
biological phenomena.2) Physiology complemented by other forms of
investigates the role played by “unifying integration. The nervous and immune
systems”—particularly the nervous and systems are endowed with the
immune systems—in the integrity of the capacity to unify the organism into a
organism. cohesive whole.
Physiology as the science of a highly Physiology has focused on phenomena Alive but requiring complementation
general, almost universal, biological observable at all levels in all living beings, when the identification of interactions
process: the case of homeostasis including homeostasis in particular. between physiological systems leads
to the search for non-physiological
explanations. Alive and fruitful when a
homeostasis-based reasoning leads to
the discovery of novel, “cross-
system,” physiological phenomenon.
Since it would be impossible to investigate systematically all published definitions of physiology, we tried to group together consensual and
common views (left), especially in the context of the alleged crisis in physiology. We then used the philosophical method of conceptual
analysis, or “explication,” to explain what these definitions refer to (middle). Finally, we propose a critical assessment of these definitions
in terms of the vitality of physiology in modern science (right). One of the results of our analysis was the distinction between object-based
(bottom) and method-based (top) definitions of physiology.

organisms. In the 18th century, living or- common the idea that it is possible to many to be the “founder” of experimental
ganisms were characterized by integrated unify physiological processes under the physiology (29, 43, 82), although other pi-
mechanisms, systemic properties, or banner of a single fundamental phe- oneers preceded him (42). One key ques-
what was then called “living economy” nomenon of life. Again, as we will see tion concerns the extent to which
and later became “animal economy” below, many modern physiologists physiology can be identified with the use
(114). This aspect was seen as the specific continue to share this ambition for their of what were then new, cutting-edge, spe-
object of physiology at the beginning of the discipline (108). cific detection and intervention tech-
19th century. By focusing on how organ- The third debate concerns the possibil- niques, such as electrophysiology or
isms become autonomous with respect to ity of identifying physiology with a spe- experimental lesions, as in the work of
variations of their environment, Claude cific experimental method. Physiology François Magendie, Johannes Müller,
Bernard defined the milieu intérieur, a ba- became a fully fledged experimental sci- Claude Bernard, Herman von Helmoltz,
sic phenomenon in every organism (6). ence in the second half of the 19th cen- Ivan Pavlov, and Charles Sherrington
Cannon stressed the importance of a dy- tury. At the time, physiology was firmly (63). Were the continual, rapid changes in
namic equilibrium between essential entrenched in a hypothesis-driven ap- technology accompanied by changes in
parameters, which he referred to as homeo- proach, promoted, in particular, by physiology? Or did physiology remain as-
stasis (15). These different views have in Claude Bernard (6, 8), considered by sociated with technologies invented at

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the end of the 19th and beginning of the based on function. It remains unclear the effect of interest. Each of these inter-
20th centuries? The influence of new ex- whether these approaches should be seen actions can, in turn, be broken down into
perimental tools, transforming the field of as offshoots of physiology or of other dis- causal interactions between subparts.
physiology, continues to be a matter of ciplines. As we shall see, those inclined to The result is an explanation. There is
debate for the physiologists of today (98). see them as offshoots of physiology tend some debate among philosophers of biol-
The definition of the discipline of phys- to view physiology as an integrative sci- ogy and medicine as to whether this is
iology and estimations of its current rel- ence, at the risk of reducing it to a syn- sufficient to define a biological function
evance depend very much on which of thesis of preexisting knowledge rather (41). However, physiology has been based
these historical debates is considered the than a source of new knowledge. on such functional analyses since its in-
most important. Evaluation of the status In this examination of the methods of ception. In our view, therefore, the most
of physiology in modern life sciences de- physiology, we will begin by considering adequate definition of physiology is a sci-
pends heavily on, for example, whether why attempts to explain phenomena on ence explaining functional organization.
physiology is still seen as an all-encom- the basis of biological functions play such If this characterization of physiology is
passing discipline, whether it is seen as a key role in physiological science. We correct, then the strongest challenge to
associated with a general phenomenon, will then show that the relevance of this domain is not the appearance of
such as homeostasis, or whether it is con- physiology has been called into ques- other experimental sciences but the re-
sidered to be based on the use of specific tion precisely because emerging biolog- cent emergence of both non-functional
experimental methods, such as electro- ical disciplines either do not explain explanations and non-explanatory ap-
physiology. These different standpoints biological phenomena in terms of func- proaches in biology.
make it difficult to propose a general tion or do not explain them at all. Fi-
characterization of physiology, and at nally, we examine the claim, often made Non-Functional Explanations of
least some of the disagreements concern- by physiologists themselves, that phys- Biological Phenomena
ing the vitality of this discipline arise from iological methods remain the best way
the different conceptions of physiology to integrate biological knowledge. Innovative approaches, such as systems
held by different researchers. biology, have recently provided explana-
Despite these uncertainties, history The Central Role of Function in tions for biological phenomena that are
suggests that a possible overall definition Physiology not functional in nature. If such non-
of physiology can be devised from its functional explanations are valid, then it
One hallmark of physiology is its search for
method and object (Table 2; see also Table would be overstretching the mark to sug-
functional explanations. The identification
1). Such a definition would probably also gest, as some have done, that systems
of functions through their experimental
be representative of the views of contem- biology, in its entirety, is just a new incar-
neutralization provides information about
porary physiologists concerning their nation of physiology.
the contribution of part of the organism to
discipline. Methodologically speaking, Let us begin by considering one of the
the whole, and an explanation of this
physiology is explanatory, its explana- many examples of a non-functional ex-
tions are of a functional kind, and it is planation. The Gomperz-Makeham equa-
integrative. Thematically, it focuses on tion describes changes in the probability of
“Successful physiological analysis re-
phenomena considered normal or patho- death over time in a living organism:
quires an understanding of the func-
logical, on the integrity of organisms or on m共t兲 ⫽ I.eGt ⫹ E, where I is intrinsic vul-
tional interactions between the key
general phenomena common to many nerability, G is the rate of aging, and E rep-
components of cells, organs, and sys-
or even all living things, such as resents environmental risk. G has been
tems, as well as how these interactions
homeostasis. observed to be constant. Kowald recently
change in disease states” (79).
Below, we provide a detailed justifica- proposed a simplified systems biology hy-
“Physiology, in my view, is clearly char-
tion of this characterization of physiology pothesis concerning aging in which G is
acterized by asking the truly functional
in terms of its method and object, and we expressed in terms of mathematical func-
questions. These questions can only be
show that the current vitality of physiol- tions describing the stochastic accumula-
answered by continuously integrating
ogy can be assessed with reference to this tion of mitochondrial defects (62).
knowledge from other disciplines into
classification. The explanandum (i.e., what is to be
the larger scheme of mechanisms that
allow organisms to actually live” (97). explained) is the change in the probability
Physiological Methods of death over time. The explanans (i.e.,
Philosophers of science have character- what the explanation is based on) is this
In this section, we show that the primor- ized “functional analysis” as the decom- mathematical function expressing the
dial goal of physiology is explaining a sys- position of a causal role of part of a stochastic accumulation of defects. This
tem’s behavior, rather than predicting or system into a flowchart of functions (21). explanation must be considered “non-
controlling it, and that the explanations Functional analyses generally consider functional” because it is not based on
provided are based on function. Some re- one of the effects or outputs of a system. biological functions. Indeed, physiologi-
cent, innovative approaches have di- They consider the causal interactions be- cal functions, or at least their loss, instead
verged from this rationale of explanation tween parts, called “functions,” relative to define the explanandum.

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Table 2. Characterization of physiology on the basis of its method and object
Method Object
Physiology is: Physiology is the science of:
● An explanatory, as opposed to observational or predictive ● Normal and pathological phenomena
● The science of functional explanations of living phenomena ● The integrity of the organism
● A basic science into which all the results of other biological ● General phenomena common to many specialist
sciences must ultimately be translatable fields in biology

Philosophers have pointed out that sys- organisms. Non-functional explanations view, the findings of systems biology,
tems biology sometimes resorts to expla- also exist and are increasing in impor- for example, become meaningful and
nations of functions by an explanans that tance in modern biology. explanatory only when re-interpreted
is not itself a set of functions: physiologically. The general idea is that
Non-Explanatory Approaches in systems biology provides tools for data
“In a first approximation, systems biol-
Modern Biology collection, whereas only physiology can
ogy may be said to study the interactions There has recently been an increase in render the results intelligible. As Joyner
between the components of biological the use of approaches that do not seek put it:
systems, and how they give rise to func- primarily to provide an explanation of the
tion and behavior by using a series of phenomenon considered but rather to “. . . without a narrative approach
‘omics’ operational protocols” (12). predict and control it. This is particularly that includes hypothesis testing and
true of approaches based on systems bi- key concepts like homeostasis, systems
Moreover, one of the aims of systems ology and computer models. One of the biology runs the risk of becoming sci-
biology is to decompartmentalize knowl- many possible illustrations of this trend is entific ‘Abstract Expressionism’” (51).
edge about the interactions occurring provided by research on cancer treat-
within physiologically defined systems ments. In particular, “immunoscore,” ex- According to the defenders of this
performing particular functions, to pressing the degree of immune cell view, clarity can only be achieved by
achieve generalization to the interactions infiltration into the tumor, has recently placing the knowledge gathered in non-
of various components of various sys- been proposed as an alternative to the physiological approaches into a frame-
tems, as highlighted by the philosophers traditional TNM score, based on the pres- work, by integrating it into a phy-
O’Malley and Soyer (90). In this respect, ence of cancer cells in the tumor (T) and siological picture (52, 78, 79, 97). Without
systems biology contrasts with physiol- lymph node (N), and the presence of me- this integration into a physiological
ogy, and with the major result of a long tastasis (M) (2). The advocates of immu- framework, biological claims cannot be
physiological tradition: the “breaking up” noscore use have claimed that this score correctly understood and explained. This
of the organism into well-delineated and is superior to TNM for predicting disease is one of the implications of the notion
functional “apparatuses” or “systems.” outcome and treatment response for that physiology is an integrative science
This tidy view of the concatenation of some cancers (37). This approach, which and has been used to support the claim
compartmentalized functional systems is based on systems biology, the use of that physiology should be seen as the ba-
into a whole may, in some cases, hinder complex computer models, bioinformat- sic science of organisms.
understanding of how organisms work. ics, and big data (36), does not seek ex- One argument that can be used in sup-
Along the same lines, the philosopher planations in the way that physiology has port of this view is that the functional
Philippe Huneman provided several ex- traditionally done. More generally, ap- template provided by physiology is not
amples of explanations of robustness—an proaches focusing on prediction and con- generally likely to be called into question
essential property of biological systems at trol rather than explanation have rapidly by the results of non-physiological
several levels, but not a function—in risen to the fore in many areas of biology approaches. Indeed, in most cases, non-
terms of topological properties (47). For and medicine over the last 10 years. These physiological approaches do not provide
instance, scale-free networks, in which a approaches can inspire, and be inspired a novel functional explanation; they
small number of nodes are highly con- by, physiology, but are not themselves merely provide more detail and fill in
nected and large numbers of nodes are physiological, in that they do not focus on gaps in our knowledge. This is what No-
poorly connected, are rarely disrupted by explanation. ble calls the “boundary conditions” of the
random mutations, which have an equal higher level on the lower level (82), mean-
likelihood of striking any of the nodes of
Is Physiology the Basic Science of ing that results must be assimilated into a
the network (4).
Organisms? template at the organism level, just as the
Functional explanation is a crucial el- In the eyes of many physiologists, non- inner workings of ion channels cannot be
ement in physiology. However, func- physiological scientific results, such as understood without looking at the bigger
tional explanations, although not those described above, acquire explan- picture of cell voltage.
obsolete, naïve, or inadequate, are not the atory or predictive power only at the However, we think that this argument
only possible explanations applicable to expense of clarity. According to this can be taken further since, in principle,

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there should always be a conceivable of physiology, as opposed to other biolog- become dispensable or is a remnant of the
functional explanation of the phenom- ical sciences? What we refer to here as the past. Physiology remains a basic medical
enon considered. The real question, “object” of physiology is a highly general and biological science. Rough physiological
therefore, is not so much whether phys- property of living beings forming a dis- descriptions of mechanisms serve as op-
iology is a basic science but whether it is tinctive focus of interest for physiology. erational and objective proxies for our in-
the basic science. The question thus As reported in Table 2, this object has tuition that some states are “bad.” These
boils down to what we consider to be ulti- been defined in the physiological litera- states may be considered to be natural-
mately clear or intelligible, which remains a ture as “normal” as opposed to “patho- ized clinical entities, in that they provide
matter of debate. As pointed out above, logical” processes, as the integrity of the a robust causal model of the basis for
some would argue that systems biology organism as a whole, and as universal or clinical manifestations of disease (64).
provides intelligibility through mathemati- quasi-universal biological processes, such When a molecular biologist scrutinizes
cal models rather than functional templates as homeostasis. Below, we consider these complex processes, such as cascades of
(49), whereas others might claim that three conceptions of the object of biochemical reactions, it is tacitly as-
chains of chemical reactions or an evolu- physiology. sumed that these processes are involved
tionary perspective also provide intelligibil-
Physiology as the Science of in physiological phenomena, pathological
ity without being based on function.
Physiological and Pathological phenomena, or both, in that they can be
There is no reason a priori to suppose
Phenomena causally linked to physiological or patho-
that our understanding of what an organ-
logical, that is, biological processes,
ism does should necessarily involve the Physiology has sometimes been defined
themselves known to underlie certain
interplay of functions, or for assuming as the science of healthy phenomena, and
states or behaviors. We know what hap-
that anything the organism does could sometimes as the science of both healthy
pens during fever, cardiac insufficiency,
not be understood in this way. Thus phys- and pathological phenomena. This dis-
bronchial asthma, vomiting, diarrhea,
iology is indeed a basic science based on tinction, however, has been blurred by
cramps, fainting, headaches, and so on,
a template of multiple layers of functions, the emergence of molecular biology. In-
possibly encompassing all the knowledge deed, it is not always clear at the molec- although we do not always know why
about organisms collected, but it is not ular level whether a phenomenon is these phenomena occur. In philosophical
necessarily the basic science (i.e., the ul- “physiological” (normal) or “pathologi- terms, physiology is, in such cases, the
timate or most elementary science) in or- cal” (abnormal). It has been suggested science of the explanandum of molecular
ganism biology. As such, physiology is that this distinction is no longer relevant biology, that is, the prima facie biological
neither timeless nor outdated, because its to the general science of living organisms. phenomenon to be explained, rather than
descriptions of higher-level systems are It has even been argued, by most philos- the science of the explanans, that is, the
not necessarily final and can, in principle, ophers of medicine (14, 19, 32, 87), with underlying processes explaining the phe-
be modified in line with the results of the notable exception of Christopher nomenon (see FIGURE 1).
data-intensive biology, certain phenom- Boorse and some of his followers (10, 46), Thus, as the science of the nonspecific
ena may remain unexplained, and the de- that this distinction is not grounded in phenomena explaining the states we
scriptions generated are relevant for the hard science but merely reflects our deem normal or abnormal in daily life,
organization of the information gener- values. physiology plays a key role in describing
ated by this approach into a base of This argument may be robust, but it does what requires further explanation, al-
knowledge. not necessarily imply that physiology has though the explanation is often obtained
Thus physiology is primarily defined
by a specific approach, a functional, ex-
planatory, and integrative approach. As
such, physiology is alive and well, but it
cannot be the all-encompassing disci-
pline that it once was. Over the last de-
cade, it has become increasingly clear
that physiology must coexist with other
approaches because it is not the only
way to explain phenomena and because
explanation need not be the sole goal of

Objects of Physiology

We will now turn our attention to defini- FIGURE 1. Levels of explanation (explanandum and explananda)
Clinical phenomena (explandum) are first explained by physiological phenomena (explanans).
tions of physiology based on its object of These physiological phenomena (explandum) can then be explained by molecular phenomena
investigation. What is the specific object (explanans) or by phenomena described by other innovative sciences.

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through other sciences, such as molecular level on the others (79). However, physi- physiology of today (81, 82, 92, 98, 117)
biology. ology is also “horizontally integrative,” in but that it may not be as specific to
that it compares and combines knowl- physiology as physiologists generally
Physiology as the Science of the edge accumulated in studies of different claim. Systems biology, as we have al-
Integrity of the Organism body components at the same level (16). ready seen, also combines data from dif-
For example, physiology combines what ferent levels and often adopts a holistic
Physiology has often been described as
is known about the kidney, heart, and perspective, without necessarily trying to
the science of whole organisms (15, 53,
liver (organ level), or about different types establish functional explanations be-
93). According to this view, rather than
of barriers in the body [such as the gut tween these components and levels in the
being restricted to one particular biolog-
immune barrier and the blood-brain bar- way that physiology does. Consequently,
ical level or organ, physiology involves the
rier (25) (structure-type level), or about physiology can still be seen as an integra-
study of biological phenomena across all
microglia in the brain and other phago- tive discipline, but it can no longer be
levels. This implies that physiological
cytic cells in the body (cell level)]. It also considered the only integrative discipline.
processes can occur at any level of orga-
involves studies of the ways in which dif- It would, therefore, be inappropriate to
nization in the organism, as testified by
the existence of subfields such as “cel- ferent body organs and subsystems inter- consider integration to be a feature
lular physiology” (119) and “molecular act and are regulated, such as studies of unique to physiology.
physiology” (88). It also implies that how the digestive, nervous, immune and However, some physiologists go further
physiology is “integrative,” in that it endocrine systems communicate and when considering the “integrity of the
brings together knowledge accumulated influence each other (101), and how body organism.” They claim that the organism
about different body compartments rhythms interact and are regulated (40). is causally special, since the way in which
(107). We suggest that physiology can be Many biologists (6, 65, 78, 96, 112) have it is constructed and self-regulated ren-
seen as “integrative” in two ways: “verti- highlighted the risks associated with try- ders it unique in the living world (15).
cally” and “horizontally” (FIGURE 2; see ing to explain biological phenomena with Commenting on the views of Claude Ber-
also Ref. 117, p. 3). “analytic” or “reductive” methods, in nard, Cannon explained how organisms
Physiology is “vertically integrative” in which the organism is broken down into are unique: “as organisms become more
that it brings together knowledge about a isolated elements or subsystems. Most independent, freer from changes in the
given organ or system at different levels— physiologists avoid conflict between the outer world, they do so by preserving uni-
genes, proteins, cells, tissues, etc, (66, 82). study of “parts” and the “whole.” Instead, form their own inner world in spite of
For example, a physiological account of they suggest that physiology is “integra- shifts of outer circumstances.” This idea
the functioning of the heart requires an tive” in that it combines and connects was later taken up and refined by the
understanding of the roles of the entities all the constituent parts of the organism proponents of “autopoiesis” (68, 102).
located at different levels (genes, pro- and all the biological processes occur- The integrity of the organism is some-
teins, cells, tissues, etc.) in this function- ring within it. We feel that this “integra- times interpreted more specifically as re-
ing, and the potential influence of each tive” aim is still a key component of the sulting from one particular biological
process or system, typically the nervous
(7, 15, 17, 18, 105) or immune (11, 73)
system. The nervous system integrates in-
formation originating from all body com-
ponents, controls a myriad of biological
processes, accounts for a very large pro-
Organ Organ portion of the energy consumed by the
body (100), and, in some circumstances,
Tissue Tissue is given priority over other body constit-
integration uents (94). The immune system consti-
tutes a mechanism of discrimination that
Cell Cell includes and excludes elements, thereby
making a decisive contribution to delin-
Protein Protein eation of the boundaries of the organism
and to the constant aggregation of its
constituents (99). Both the nervous and
Gene Gene the immune systems may play a unifying
role, and they may even do so in concert
via the complex neuroimmunoendocrine
Horizontal system (44).
Are all these views still held in the phys-
FIGURE 2. Physiology is both vertically (between different levels within an or- iology of today? We think so. Many au-
gan) and horizontally (between different organs) integrative thors stress the importance of taking the

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whole organism into account in biologi- concatenation of various mechanisms homeostasis is background knowledge
cal and medical phenomena, and in in- resulting in stability. He also stressed and does not play a key role in
vestigations of the contributions of the the notion of boundaries for fluctua- discovery.
nervous and immune systems to organ- tions and described other parameters In a second type of discovery, these in-
ism integrity. For example, recent studies subject to homeostatic regulation, such teractions are themselves described as a
have highlighted the control over many as glucose concentration and pH (15). new instance of homeostasis, calling into
metabolic processes wielded by the ner- Wiener generalized the description of question the original distinction between
vous system (76), and the contribution of homeostasis to all cybernetic systems systems. As the object of the investigation is
the immune system, as a whole, to the and introduced the notion of a feedback then a new homeostatic system, the discov-
surveillance of anomalies in the organism loop (118): he pioneered a tradition in ery legitimately counts as progress in
(61, 109). Moreover, these contributions mathematical biology that culminated physiology. For instance, McEwen’s work
are often presented as “physiological” in the development of dynamic systems on “allostasis” proposes the integration of
(61), suggesting that traditional physio- theory between the 1960s and 1980s (9). cytokines into the normal, but enhanced
logical views about the nature of organ- Since the 1980s, there has been much balance we generally call “stress” (69 –72).
isms persist in some of the biological discussion of new concepts thought to McEwen and coworkers illustrate this idea
disciplines that have arisen from physiol- expand the explanatory power of homeo- with the example of the “regulation” of pro-
ogy (31). stasis, such as “rheostasis” (75) and “al- and anti-inflammatory cytokines by gluco-
lostasis,” originally described by Sterling corticoids and catecholamines and the
Physiology as the Science of a and Eyer as a form of cognitive anticipa-
Highly General, Almost Universal, “feedback” of peripheral IL-6 on central
tion of potential changes in the environ- IL-6, contribution to regulation of the
Biological Process: The Case of ment, selected during evolution due to
Homeostasis stress axis via the hippocampus. An-
the improvements in fitness it provides
other example is provided by the so-
Physiology has focused on phenomena (103, 104, 110, 111). The contribution of
called “neurovascular unit,” in which
observable at all levels, in all living beings, these new concepts has been called into
neurons, astrocytes, smooth muscle
such as homeostasis in particular. Ho- question (27). More recently, attempts
cells, and endothelial cells are involved
meostasis has played the role of a central, have been made to redefine homeostasis
in the “homeostasis of the brain mi-
all-encompassing phenomenon forming through comparison with the concept of
croenvironment” (48): instead of think-
the principal object of physiology: “ho- robustness (56 – 60). Homeostasis is a key
ing of the neuronal network, circulatory
meostasis is the process that gave birth to concept for understanding organisms,
system, and neuroglia as generally sep-
physiology and continues to define it” and conceptual breakthroughs and em-
arate coordinated systems, a neurovas-
(Ref. 78; see also Refs. 20, 82, 106). This pirical discoveries about its various forms
cular unit is defined as a locally
term is still widely used today in physiol- and scope are still being made. The im-
regulated “functional unit” (48) acting
ogy and the biological domains that it has perfect description and mapping of ho-
in coordination and competition with
spawned, such as neurosciences, immu- meostasis is sufficient to demonstrate the
other such neurovascular units.
nology, endocrinology, and stem cell bi- potential vitality of physiology.
Similarly, recent findings concerning
ology (30, 39, 61, 67, 89). Other concepts, A further illustration of this vitality is
provided by the observation that many the intimate interactions and between the
such as stress, could be considered here,
newly discovered mechanisms are not ex- nervous and immune systems and the
but homeostasis has greater generality.
ceptions to known instances of homeosta- molecular pathways common to these
No precise description or assessment of
sis, instead being embedded in unexpected two systems (55, 91, 113) have led several
the extent of the phenomenon of homeo-
forms of homeostasis, thereby extending authors to propose the concept of a “neu-
stasis is yet available. The first vague and
the scope of this concept. An example is roimmune unit” (115) or a “neuroim-
limited description of this phenomena
was humoralism, the ancient theory that provided by studies of interactions between mune cell unit” (NICU) (116) based on
health results from a general balance be- the immune and neurological systems in the general idea that “the nervous system
tween blood components. Claude Ber- the onset of mental disorders (26, 33, 38). In and immune system have evolved to work
nard (7) converted this vague idea of such studies, these interactions are seen as in a concerted manner to promote tissue
humoralism (i.e., a balance of components constituting a deregulation of homeostatic homeostasis and defense” (116). Ongoing
in the blood) into a much more accurate processes, the understanding of which discoveries about the dialog between the
description under the label of “fixité du mi- lies outside the traditional boundaries microbiota (the microbes residing in and
lieu intérieur,” defined as the active main- of physiological systems. For instance, on the host), the nervous system, and the
tenance, in organisms, of certain values physiological knowledge suggests that immune system provide strong support
within fixed boundaries (water, nutrients, the immune system should not interfere for this view (35). Some have gone even
oxygen, salt, and, in some cases, tempera- with tryptophan catabolism. Accidental further, proposing the concept of a single
ture, etc.). Cannon gave homeostasis its interactions cannot be studied by tradi- and encompassing “neuroendocrine-im-
name and focused on the description of tional physiological approaches and mune system” (95), which is understood
physiological systems fulfilling the vari- must therefore be studied by molecular to be the actual protector of homeostasis
ous functions of stability, and on the biology methods instead. In such cases, in the organism.

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