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Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168

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Forest fragmentation and landscape connectivity change associated

with road network extension and city expansion: A case study in the
Lancang River Valley
Shiliang Liu a , Yuhong Dong b,∗ , Li Deng a , Qi Liu a , Haidi Zhao a , Shikui Dong a
School of Environment, State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, Beijing Normal University, No. 19, Xinjiekowai Street, Beijing 100875,
Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Human disturbances contribute significantly to the decrease in the quantity and connectivity of the
Received 5 January 2013 natural habitats. Taking Lincang City in Lancang River Valley as a case study, we focused on the forest
Received in revised form 11 July 2013 fragmentation and habitat connectivity loss associated with its road network and expansion in the past 15
Accepted 15 July 2013
years. Our findings show that, from 1991 to 2006, its forest habitat (>25 ha) decreased to 18.3% of the total
area due to fragmentation. Landscape fragmentation indices (NP, PLAND, and LPI) changed more than
the landscape shapes and the aggregation indices (SHAPE, FRAC, and DIVISION). Habitat loss occurred
Road effect zone
more often in the lower elevations and in areas near the city and road network. Landscape connectivity
Habitat change
loss was 91.3%, which showed a more significant decrease than did the landscape pattern changes. With
Landscape connectivity sensitivity analysis of different animals’ dispersal abilities and landscape resistance consideration, our
Dispersal distance study reveals that landscape connectivity could be more effective in showing the potential ecological
effects caused by city and road network extension.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction conservation given the absence of focal species (Fu et al., 2010;
Li et al., 2010).
Landscape fragmentation as a breakup of a continuous habitat Landscape connectivity is a major concern for the maintenance
into smaller, less connected patches can impose devastat- of wildlife populations and is considered important for ecological
ing and irreversible consequences on the regional biodiversity processes such as the movements of genes, individuals, species,
(Trakhtenbrot et al., 2005; Brooks et al., 2006). Transportation and populations over multiple scales, especially in fragmented
infrastructures built in line with a city’s expansion, particularly landscapes (Saura et al., 2011). Currently, landscape connectivity
road networks, cause both direct and indirect losses of habitat, is viewed both structurally (spatial arrangement of the habitat)
which, in turn, influence the abundance and distribution of plant and functionally (focal species to the physical structure of the
and animal species (Geneletti, 2003; Eigenbrod et al., 2007). landscape) (Saura and Torné, 2009). Many indices have been
Most studies of the effects of roads on biodiversity are carried developed and those based on graph theory (e.g. Probability of
out separately on different scales, with little effort to integrate Connectivity) perform well in practical landscape analysis (Bodin
the results of these multiple scales (Laurance et al., 2004). On a and Saura, 2010; Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006). These new
local scale, biodiversity characteristics such as mortality, move- indices with underlying ecological processes overcome the limi-
ment, distribution, and species richness are more often investigated tations of small-scale empirical indices and large-scale landscape
(Gibbs and Steen, 2005). At the landscape level, fragmentation pattern indices (Fu et al., 2010). However, studies on the ecological
and land cover changes can be quantified using GIS methods for effects caused by road network expansion mainly focus on pattern
habitat changes. However, biodiversity evaluations on a small analysis (Liu et al., 2011).
scale due to road construction are far from comprehensive due China’s road network has been growing rapidly during the past
to the lack of related knowledge, especially the species’ behav- three decades, in accordance with the government’s reform policy.
iors, while landscape-level analyses such as pattern and spatial Landscape fragmentation and the subsequent effects of roads are
analysis often have limited ecological meanings for biodiversity widely studied in many countries, but similar studies have just been
initiated in China (Forman et al., 2002; Li et al., 2010). As China con-
tinues to develop its western provinces, many high-level roads are
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 13681018528. being constructed, especially in Yunnan Province where highways
E-mail address: (Y. Dong). account for 93% of the total transportation routes. In Yunnan, there

1470-160X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168 161

Fig. 1. Study area of Yunnan Province, China.

are more than 18,000 higher plant species (51.6% of China’s total), reach of the Lancang River, was selected as the study site (Fig. 1).
1836 vertebrate species (54.8%), and 15,000 seed plant species Two features of this zone make it suitable for this study: (1) inten-
(50%) (Yang et al., 2004). The richness value, endemic value, and sive road networks of different levels total 0.54 km km−2 with city
endemic rate in biodiversity all rank first in China, although this expansion and (2) biodiversity in this zone has been subjected to
province accounts for only 4.1% of the country’s land area, or eighth severe disturbances by these roads.
largest, with a total area of 394,000 square kilometers (WWF, 1996).
Research on the ecological effects of road networks will therefore
have significant practical applications in this region. 2.2. Data acquisition
Although biodiversity includes diversity at the genetic, species,
ecosystem, and landscape levels (Lindenmayer et al., 2000), species The road data was digitized based on the transportation maps
could benefit from increasing connectivity from a landscape-level of Yunnan Province in 1990 and 2010 and rectified by 1:250,000
perspective. Within this more restricted arena, the indicators of road databases from the National Fundamental Geographical Infor-
biodiversity should consist of habitat pattern, habitat quality, and mation Center in 2002. According to Liu et al. (2008a), the roads
connectivity. As landscapes are viewed as at least partially consist- are divided into four categories: (1) first level (national roads),
ing of highly interconnected linear features known as networks, (2) second level (mainly county, city-county, city roads), (3)
the network properties of connectivity are useful predictors of bio- third level (mainly county, city-town roads), and (4) fourth level
diversity (Forman, 1995). In conclusion, the analyses of habitat (mainly town-village and village-village roads). Landsat TM images
fragmentation, heterogeneity, and connectivity at the landscape (#131/043) in 1991 (February 17, 1991) and 2006 (December 11,
level should supply additional important information within the 2006) were used for landscape mapping after interpretation and
context of environmental management for biodiversity conserva- supervised classification. We compared our classification of the
tion. 1991 images with land-use status maps (Yunnan land use status
In this paper, our study was conducted to investigate the degree map in 1990), and the classification of the 2006 images were val-
of habitat change due to road networks and cities’ expansion in idated by using the ground truth data (53 points, 2009), which
Yunnan Province. The objectives are as follows: (1) find the rela- indicated the accuracy level of the land cover map was 83.5%. The
tionship between road network and habitat fragmentation and images were classified into seven categories: grassland, farmland,
(2) assess the landscape connectivity change by sensitivity analy- shrub land, forestland, water, urban land, and rural residential land.
sis of ecological processes. Here, the different dispersal/movement
distances are considered broadly representative of ecological pro- 2.3. Analysis methods
cesses. The effectiveness of different methods from pattern and
process perspectives is also discussed. 2.3.1. Habitat selection
According to local conditions and animals’ behavior, for connec-
2. Materials and methods tivity analysis, we selected forest land-cover types with a greater
than 30% closed canopy dominated by broadleaf and coniferous
2.1. Study area forests as the habitat. The main forest types are Lithocarpus glaber
and Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon var. langbianensis (A.Chev) Gaussen.
A 40 km × 40 km square zone (23.7◦ –24.1◦ N, 99.8◦ –100.2◦ E) in According to the characteristics of the local environment and refer-
Lincang City in southwest Yunnan Province, located in the middle ring to previous studies, the minimum ecological threshold patch
162 S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168

size was set at 25 ha (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006; Saura et al., Table 1
Resistance values of different layers.
Layer Classification Buffer Resistance
2.3.2. Habitat change analysis Road First level 500 m 7
For habitat change analysis, the following commonly used pat- Second level 250 m 7
tern indices were examined: number of patches (NP), percentage Third level 100 m 7
Fourth level 25 m 7
of landscape (PLAND), largest patch index (LPI), mean shape index
(SHAPE), mean fractal dimension (FRAC), division index (DIVISION), Land cover Forest (except the source patches) – 2
and total change in habitat area from 1991 to 2006. These indices, Shrub – 2
Grassland – 3
indicating landscape fragmentation, shape, and aggregation infor-
Farmland – 4
mation, were calculated using the Fragstats 3.3 program to quantify Water – 5
the landscape changes (Mcgarigal et al., 2002). Furthermore, to test Urban land – 6
the sensitivity of pattern metrics for habitat loss to altered surface Rural residential land – 6
area and to perimeter, we calculated the selected pattern metrics Slope 0◦ –19.28◦ – 1
after serial removal of each habitat patch from a small to a large 19.29◦ –38.57◦ – 2
size in 1991 and correlated them with habitat area changes. 38.58◦ –57.86◦ – 3
57.87◦ –77.15◦ – 4

2.3.3. Landscape connectivity analysis

In this study, several local species were considered to determine
distance in the least-cost modeling method requires two raster-
the dispersal distances for the analysis of landscape connectivity
based data inputs, including the resistance layer, indicating the
in 1991 and 2006. The species that mainly inhabit the broadleaf
travel cost through each cell and the source patch layer to which
and coniferous forests include Prebytis phayrei, Lophura nythemera,
the cumulative travel cost for each cell is measured. The output is
Phasianidae, and Phasianus colchicus. According to studies by Yun-
a raster cost surface indicating the effective distance from every
nan University on the dispersal distances of terrestrial mammals
cell in the landscape to a source patch (Adriaensen et al., 2003;
and the investigative reports about animals in Lancang River val-
Levin et al., 2007).
ley, the four comparative dispersal distances of 4 km, 8 km, 12 km,
and 16 km were defined for connectivity sensitivity analysis (van
Vuren, 1998). 3. Results
The integral index of connectivity (IIC) selected for landscape
connectivity analysis was developed by Pascual-Hortal and Saura 3.1. Habitat changes from 1991 to 2006
(2006). It ranges from 0 to 1 and increases with improved connec-
tivity. It is given by: 3.1.1. Landscape fragmentation
Fig. 2 shows the landscape dynamics from 1991 to 2006. Forest-

ai aj /(1 + nlij ) land as habitat patches occupied 35.2% and 18.9% of the area in
IIC = (1)
A2L 1991 and 2006, and shrub land occupied 18.1% and 36.8%, respec-
i=1 j=1 tively. So 18.3% of the study area was converted from natural habitat
where ai is the area of habitat patch i, aj is the area of habitat j, AL into other land uses as a whole, thus decreasing the area from
is the total landscape area, and nlij is the number of linkages in the 525.27 km2 to 226.81 km2 and becoming more fragmented during
shortest path between patches i and j with the threshold dispersal this time period. The average habitat patch area decreased from
distance. 43.77 km2 to 14.18 km2 . The largest habitat patch reduced in size
The relative ranking of habitat patches by their contribution to from 497.78 km2 to 123.21 km2 .
overall landscape connectivity based on the percentage of impor- As shown in Fig. 2, the characteristics of the habitat changed in
tance (dI) of each individual element is given by the following line with the land cover dynamics. The forests in the central and
expression (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006): south-east part of the area almost vanished. Approximately 98% of
the habitats lost from 1991 to 2006 were converted into shrub land
I − I that cannot be considered as a habitat. Large patches of homoge-
dI(%) = 100 × (2)
I neous forest land cover were separated into several small parts.
where I is the IIC index value when the patch is present in the land- However, the bulk of patches maintained the natural and semi-
scape and I is the IIC index value after removal of that patch. The natural attributes as total area percentage of forest land and shrub
ranking of the dI value is used to indicate the influence of road land accounted for more than 53% and changed little from 1991 to
networks on the importance of patches. 2006.
Improved connectivity analysis with path determination for The changes of different selected landscape metrics are shown
animal movement uses effective distances and not just Euclidean in Fig. 3. In the study area, NP increased from 25 to 29. PLAND and
distances. The least-cost modeling method is increasingly used to LPI decreased greatly from 32.8 to 14.2 and from 30.9 to 7.7, respec-
measure the effective distance between habitat patches. tively, indicating the habitat patches became more fragmented. The
In our calculation, we define the habitat patches as the source slight decline of SHAPE and FRAC that reflected shape complexity
layer. We define land cover, road network buffer zone, and slope also indicated that the landscape was composed of less complex
gradient as resistance layers. The first-, second-, third-, and patches. DIVISION is based on the cumulative patch area distribu-
fourth-level roads are buffered at 500 m, 250 m, 100 m, and 25 m, tion and is interpreted as the probability that two randomly chosen
respectively, depending on the impact degree on the ecosystems pixels in the landscape are not situated in the same patch of the cor-
(Li et al., 2004). The slope gradient layer is classified into four levels responding patch type. The results showed that the value increased
with an equal interval of 19.28% according to local conditions (Liu from 0.89 to 0.99, indicating the proportion of the habitat patch type
et al., 2008a,b). The resistance values for classifying each layer are decreased and the patches decreased in size.
shown in Table 1 (Marulli and Mallarach, 2005). The overlay of dif- We also tested the sensitivity of pattern metrics for habitat loss
ferent resistance layers was converted to a raster format with a grid to altered surface area and to perimeters based on the landscape
size of 25 m × 25 m for distance calculations in ArcGIS. Effective in 1991. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between pattern metrics
S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168 163

Fig. 2. Forest changes from 1991 to 2006.

the average distances from the habitats to the nearest road

and city center and the average elevation of the habitats.
The distances were reclassified into five levels with equal
intervals (Fig. 5).
We calculated that the total area of habitat patches with the
average distances from 361 m to 720 m to the road network (light-
blue area) was about 262 km2 . As shown in Fig. 5, habitat changes
(the red boundary line) mainly occurred in those patches with a
light-blue color, which indicated there is a concentration of the
habitat loss within a 720-m distance zone. Also, the habitats in
the elevation ranging from 2025 m to 2301 m have been reduced
Fig. 6 shows the average values for elevation and distances from
Fig. 3. Landscape pattern index values for habitats in 1991 and 2006.
the city and roads of the habitats in 1991 and 2006. The average
elevation of the habitats was 2287 m in 2006, which was a little
changes with area changes under the scenarios of one habitat higher than in 1991 (2167 m). The average distance from the habitat
patch removal each time. The results show that NP, PLAND, and LPI to the city in 1991 was 15,336 m, which increased to 18,518 m in
are positively related with area changes, while SHAPE, FRAC, and 2006. The average distances to roads also increased from 814 m in
DIVISION have large fluctuations. There also exists a high linear cor- 1991 to 1077 in 2006.
relation coefficient between area and perimeter (R2 = 0.989). These
results indicate that the fragmentation indices performed better for
habitat loss than the shape indices in the study area. 3.2. Landscape connectivity change

3.1.2. Relationship between habitat loss and influencing factors Based on Eq. (1), we calculated the IIC values from 1991 to
With GIS spatial analysis, we identified the habitat loss 2006. The results show that landscape connectivity increased
distribution. Using GIS zonal statistics analysis, we calculated with the dispersal distances. In 1991, the IIC indices were 0.054,
164 S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168

Fig. 4. The landscape pattern metrics changed with the habitat area loss.

0.064, 0.0945, and 0.0965 under 4 km, 8 km, 12 km, and 16 km dis- aspect, corridor design for improving connectivity is needed more
persal distances, respectively, and decreased in 2006 to 0.0060, between these patches.
0.0062, 0.0065, and 0.0071, respectively. The landscape con-
nectivity decreased 88.5%, 90.3%, 93.8%, and 92.6% for 4 km, 4. Discussion
8 km, 12 km, and 16 km dispersal distances, respectively, for an
average of 91.32%. Obviously, the fragmentation and isolation This case study combined landscape pattern and landscape con-
of the habitats, especially the habitat loss in the southeastern nectivity methods to assess the ecological effects of road network
part, caused this significant reduction of landscape connectiv- extension and city expansion. An improved connectivity index (IIC)
ity. The sensitivity analysis of serial dispersal distances shows with its depiction of important habitats was used and different
that the connectivity loss reached a maximum at the 12-km dispersal/movement distances broadly representative of selected
threshold. ecological processes were compared for sensitivity analysis.
Fig. 7 shows the habitat importance distribution based on the
DI index in Eq. (2) for the two periods under different sensitivity 4.1.1. Landscape pattern analysis with GIS methods
levels. The importance is classified into five equal interval levels:
low importance, medium low importance, medium importance, Landscape patterns can be directly estimated by various land-
medium-to-high importance and high importance. The distribu- scape pattern metrics. These metrics are measures for quantifying
tion of habitat importance varied greatly in 1991 and 2006 and it the composition and configuration of ecosystems across a region
became more fragmented and isolated. The habitat patches, which (Mcgarigal et al., 2002). For assessing the potential effects of road
were presented as a well-connected network in 1991, were divided construction or city expansion, a comparison of landscape pattern
into three components in the northern, western, and eastern parts metrics is a basic way for describing the landscape changes due to
in 2006. The eastern component was degraded due to its complete all disturbances. However, pattern analysis alone may not be suffi-
isolation from the other patches. The patches of high importance cient as landscape changes due to disturbances are limited within
were not well protected from road network disturbance and expe- a specific zone known as the disturbance zone (Liu et al., 2008a,b).
rienced a large extent loss of 96.2%. Moreover, it is difficult to discern the exact disturbance distances of
Fig. 7 shows the potential dispersal paths between different every pattern index or ecological factor. Usually, GIS methods such
patches. Habitat patches in 1991 had 20, 18, 10, and 8 least-cost as buffer analysis and spatial statistics are used for the analyses.
dispersal paths between habitat patches at respective threshold In our case, we compared the changes in the landscape fragmen-
distances of 16 km, 12 km, 8 km, and 4 km. In 2006, the number of tation indices, landscape shape, and aggregation indices. We then
dispersal paths decreased to 16 at the 16-km threshold and 12 at used spatial analysis to identify the relationship between habitat
the 12-km threshold. However, they remained the same at the 8- loss and the influencing factors. Our results show that most of the
km and 4-km thresholds. Though the main path loss occurred in the selected indices changed greatly. More specifically, zonal statis-
north, which contributed to patch isolation in that region, there was tics show that the elevation of habitat increased about 5.5% from
no real path between the three main components in 2006. From this 1991 to 2006, while the distances of habitats to the city and roads
S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168 165

Fig. 5. Habitats in areas with elevation and different distances to roads. (For interpretation of the references to color in text, the reader is referred to the web version of the

increased 20.7% and 32.3%, respectively (Fig. 6). Obviously, those Roads could be considered as the sources of fragmentation,
patches near the road network and city were more affected by the barriers for most of the species related, and causes of landscape
landscape fragmentation. Previous studies show the roads as the function degradation (Fu et al., 2010). For the ecological process,
driving forces in defining landscape patterns and the developments especially species movement, landscape connectivity has attracted
and changes in land use near road corridors, often causing further much attention with the natural habitats being lost and fragmented
fragmentation (Hawbaker et al., 2005). These results clearly eluci- due to urban expansion, transport development, and intensive agri-
date the effects of road construction and city expansion on habitat culture (Foltête et al., 2012). In a review of landscape connectivity
losses. metrics, the more popular CS22 program can quantify the impor-
tance of habitat patches in terms of connectivity (Saura et al., 2011).
4.2. Advantage of landscape connectivity method Owing to the combination with the preferred IIC index of func-
tional connectivity, the habitat of high conservation importance
A substantial shortcoming is that pattern metrics have not been could provide references for the improvement of management
explicitly linked with ecological processes as indirect ecological practices. Though scale variation will affect the precise location
effects. Previously, the road effect on landscape pattern and the and orientation of linear elements of effective distances, sensitiv-
regional ecological risk in Yunnan Province were studied, but with- ity analysis can be compared in a quantitative way at the landscape
out the advent of ecological processes (Liu et al., 2008a,b; Wen et al., level as well as for individual grid cells (Foltête and Giraudoux,
2007). 2012).
166 S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168

different importance levels, which is helpful for biodiversity con-

servation. Until now, few studies have incorporated a series of
species’ movements in the quantification of road effects. The effec-
tiveness of pattern and connectivity analysis implies the direct and
the potential effects of road construction and city expansion.

4.4. Landscape connectivity and species consideration

Empirical proofs frequently find that habitat loss and fragmen-

tation result, and will continue to result, in the loss of biodiversity
both in terms of species and genetic variation (Bailey, 2007). During
the habitat change, landscape connectivity is a significant consid-
eration for species’ population survival, which can be interpreted
as the degree to which the landscape impedes the dispersal move-
ment of populations across habitat patches (Taylor et al., 1993).
In particular, integrating landscape connectivity into biodiversity
conservation can identify the patches that should be given extra
protection (Wu et al., 2010).
Estimations of the dispersal behavior and movement abilities
Fig. 6. Average values of the habitat distribution (elevation, distances from city and
roads) in 1991 and 2006.
of the focal species are necessary to measure functional connectiv-
ity. As field observations of animal species may take a long time
and often provide a meaningless and insufficient overview of these
connections, a collective library of empirical studies in which eco-
4.3. Comparison of landscape pattern and landscape connectivity
logical responses are related to particular landscape patterns was
difficult to build. Therefore, sensitivity analysis used for compari-
In our study, it is obvious that the landscape metrics vary greatly son could complement pattern analysis and provide a quantitative
for different index groups. For the change ratios, landscape frag- description for the impact on species’ movements.
mentation indices (NP, PLAND, and LPI) have larger values than Until now, the studies of behaviors of plants and animals in Yun-
landscape shape indices (SHAPE, FRAC) and landscape aggrega- nan Province are still limited. In the published literature (Table 2),
tion index (DIVISION). The rates of change of NP, PLAND, and LPI the dispersal abilities below or near 1 km are reported more often,
indices were 16.0%, −46.8% and −72.8%, while those for the SHAPE, and so the long-dispersal abilities need to be investigated more
FRAC, and DIVISION indices were −11.1%, −0.67%, and 10.6%. But for thoroughly, not just qualitatively described (Gan and Hu, 2008).
the IIC index, the values for different dispersal distances decreased However, quantitatively predicting and evaluating the effects of
more significantly than pattern indices from 88.5% to 93.8%, which human disturbance on the flow of species among habitats is still a
means the potential effects on species movement may be more challenge for biodiversity protection. In our studies, although fea-
severe than the direct effects on the pattern. Furthermore, the tures of the species can be identified, species type and dynamic
dI values of each habitat under different movement abilities can changes were more complicated to predict in more detail.
be shown explicitly on a map and quantitatively classified into

Fig. 7. Landscape connectivity in 1991 and 2006 for different dispersal sets.
S. Liu et al. / Ecological Indicators 36 (2014) 160–168 167

Table 2
Dispersal abilities of different species in Yunnan Province as reported in research studies.

Type Name Dispersal distance (km) Source

Plant Himalayan Mulberry (Morus macroura) 0.5 Tang et al. (2008)

Plant Wild banana (Musa acuminata) 0.2 Tang et al. (2007)
Plant Chinese tulip tree (Liriodendron chinense) 0.1 Huang et al. (1998)
Animal Tiger (Pantheratigris) 10 (female) 33 (male) Seidensticker and Lumpkin (1991)
Animal Black-crested Gibbon (Hylobates concolor furvogaster) 1.3 Sheeran et al. (1998)

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