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{99}{149}ovitz! Hit the bricks!

{153}{184}See you at the oscars, pal.
{188}{225}He ruined my career.
{229}{302}Look -- daisy's family, and you|fucked her shit up. Fix this.
{306}{347}"vaginatown" is probably|not gonna happen anyway.
{351}{378}The financing fell through.
{382}{425}You're shitting me! I wish I was.
{429}{464}The "wall of cocks" sequence alone
{468}{504}would have blown people's minds.
{508}{547}The "wall of cocks"...
{551}{623}Oh, hells, yeah! You got daisy the part.
{627}{676}I had to invest 100 grand in his movie.
{680}{707}Yeah. I am, uh, I am pregnant.
{711}{732}I'm not the father.
{736}{791}There was only one guy,|according to sonja.
{795}{821}Correct me if I'm wrong,
{825}{915}but hank could very well be|the father of the child.
{919}{943}Hank: what the fuck is this?
{947}{979}Just giving you a little|something to put in your book.
{983}{1013}We drove out here together.
{1017}{1069}I ended up producing.|She ended up alone.
{1094}{1244}Advertise your product or brand here|contact
{1325}{1364}{Y:i}[ rock music plays ]
{1368}{1415}{Y:i}�... deep inside �
{1419}{1470}{Y:i}� I say, yeah,|{Y:i}yeah, can't you see? �
{1474}{1497}{Y:i}� I say, yeah �
{1501}{1549}{Y:i}[ music stops ]
{2011}{2043}[ vehicle approaches ]
{2047}{2112}oh, hey.
{2161}{2199}Oh. Greetings.
{2203}{2229}Just, uh...
{2233}{2301}You want to tell me what|you're doing on my property?
{2305}{2358}Oh, yeah, I'm just, uh,|i, uh, I wanted to know
{2362}{2398}if the lady of the house was home.
{2402}{2432}And you are?
{2436}{2465}I'm a friend.
{2469}{2525}Well, I'm -- I'm more of a|friend of a friend, actually.
{2529}{2572}My wife doesn't have any|friends that I don't know.
{2576}{2605}Oh, so you're married?
{2609}{2657}[ chuckles ] that's none|of your goddamn business.
{2661}{2698}Well, no, look, i-I|appreciate the hostility.
{2702}{2760}But I'm not trying to break into|your castle and your keep here.
{2764}{2801}I'm a writer. I'm doing some research.
{2805}{2853}My name is hank moody. It's a pleasure.
{2857}{2894}There's no smoking here.
{2956}{2998}There's no smoking outside? Really?
{3002}{3065}Woman: is everything okay|out here? Oh, is this her?
{3069}{3111}Honey, it's okay. Go back inside.
{3115}{3149}Hey, my name is hank|moody. I'm a writer.
{3153}{3216}And I was just -- I was|doing some research.
{3220}{3271}Did I... say that you could talk to her?
{3275}{3359}Jesus, you got a bit of an|overprotective vibe happening here.
{3363}{3429}I want to ask you a question|about lew, lew ashby.
{3433}{3517}Hey! Hey, I asked you nicely|to get off my property.
{3521}{3576}I don't know about|"nicely," motherfucker.
{3580}{3641}I will leave your property|when I'm good and ready...
{3841}{3868}[ gate opens ]
{3872}{3918}{Y:i}who puts a fuckin' bush there?!
{4953}{4980}charlie: i'm just saying,
{4984}{5039}ashby manor might not be|the best place for you
{5043}{5095}in your current depressed frame of mind.
{5099}{5147}It's not the best place for anybody
{5151}{5197}since asbhy let the douche|bag within take up residence.
{5201}{5239}Oh, your favorite. You|really like that guy.
{5243}{5293}Oh, who? Julian self,|the snake-oil salesman?
{5297}{5343}10 grand a week that|bearded bozo's making,
{5347}{5386}dispensing his|diarrhea-of-the-mouth therapies
{5390}{5430}to the creatively blocked.
{5434}{5474}Can you believe that shit? 10 grand.
{5478}{5525}That's what you should have|put the runkle nest egg into --
{5564}{5606}Oh, wait a minute --|That's sleazier than porn.
{5610}{5663}So I think you made the right|choice. Laugh it up, pal.
{5667}{5697}Only one more day of shooting,
{5701}{5744}we sell this puppy, and|I double my investment.
{5748}{5784}So you're sanguine about the whole...
{5788}{5827}I am sanguinissimo, baby. Sanguinissimo.
{5831}{5867}Although I got to say, you know what?
{5871}{5937}I'm -- I'm a little worried about|being on that porn set. Yeah?
{5941}{5995}'cause I'm starting to|feel like a gynecologist.
{5999}{6041}Yikes. Did you ever think of that girl?
{6045}{6095}You know, she looks down|between the stirrups
{6099}{6152}and she sees your gleaming orb|looming straight up at her.
{6156}{6187}You ever think about that?
{6191}{6219}So, did I ever think about
{6223}{6264}penetrating someone with my head?
{6268}{6325}No, I never did think about that. Good.
{6496}{6547}Hey, lew?
{6673}{6712}[ woman moaning in distance ]
{6716}{6784}hey, lew!
{6788}{6838}Hey, lew, you decent?
{6923}{6963}Oh! Oh!
{6967}{6995}{Y:i}I knew you were a dick!
{6999}{7033}[ panting ]
{7037}{7060}I knew it.
{7064}{7106}Okay, can we -- can we|do this later, please?
{7110}{7162}Sure, no problem.
{7199}{7224}[ woman moaning ]
{7228}{7267}come on. Let go of it.
{7271}{7342}You can do it.
{7377}{7431}All right, just smile.
{7456}{7505}[ camera shutter clicks ] nice.
{7509}{7558}Please. Please.
{7562}{7625}[ chuckling ] oh. Oh,|that's good. We're done.
{7629}{7671}Charlie: nice and secure on there.
{7675}{7720}I'm a little concerned|with the bump here.
{7724}{7779}If you could just -- I|don't want it to fall off.
{7783}{7863}Geez! For the love of fuck, guys!
{7867}{7891}Careful, huh?!
{7895}{7944}I love this thing --|More than life itself.
{7948}{8005}Thank you very much.
{8059}{8106}[ chuckles ] baby!
{8110}{8170}What have you done to my house?
{8174}{8196}I'm sorry, okay?
{8200}{8255}It's just -- you know,|the location fell through.
{8259}{8319}So, look, we have one more scene,
{8323}{8354}and "vaginatown" is a wrap, okay?
{8358}{8395}I just -- I-i-I figured|you'd be working.
{8399}{8471}What, a girl can't come|home a little early?
{8475}{8529}Knock off, relax, watch a little "opes"?
{8533}{8560}Ronny: runkle!
{8564}{8615}I'm gonna need to knock a|couple walls down in there.
{8619}{8645}What is he talking about?
{8649}{8699}What's that? Is that the spinner?
{8703}{8750}Didn't we shoot that scene already?
{8754}{8807}This is my wife.
{8828}{8871}Oh. Sorry.
{8875}{8937}'ello. Ronny praeger. Filmmaker.
{8941}{8967}You never told me your old dear
{8971}{9023}was such a lovely bit of filth.
{9027}{9055}You dirty bastard.
{9059}{9119}What do you reckon, sweetheart?|Do you want to be in it?
{9123}{9167}I could easily see you and daisy
{9171}{9228}engaged in a nice little|bit of stand-up 69.
{9232}{9309}69 is a waste of time,|stand-up or otherwise.
{9313}{9372}And don't you dare touch my walls.
{9376}{9427}You are spicy. I like it.
{9460}{9491}There she is.
{9495}{9544}My leading lady.
{9548}{9621}Can you feel it -- The sexual tension?
{9625}{9667}[ sighs ]
{9671}{9707}how do I look?
{9711}{9763}Ohh! [ marcy clears throat ]
{9767}{9833}don't stare, you fucking|baboon. It's rude!
{9837}{9896}Christ on the cross, what|did you do to yourself?
{9900}{9939}You look like a fuckin' child!
{9943}{9971}{Y:i}A very hot child.
{9975}{10047}Who's been poorly waxed.|You cheated on me.
{10051}{10099}I couldn't get an appointment,|and he told me to shave.
{10103}{10134}I told you to trim.
{10138}{10173}This is "vaginatown," sweetheart.
{10177}{10255}They didn't have little heart-shaped|tufts of pubis in 1930's l. a.
{10259}{10338}Maybe not, but I think my|character was before her time.
{10342}{10404}{Y:i}Sorry. Who said|{Y:i}it's your character?
{10408}{10460}We need a fuckin' merkin!
{10464}{10534}Okay, you know what? We've got|a few of those lying around.
{10538}{10580}You do? Why?
{10584}{10636}Don't you tell him, marce!
{10686}{10747}Turn it this way, it's|like he's staring at you.
{10751}{10815}Hank, you got to be kidding me, right?
{10819}{10851}That could be anybody.|Yeah, but it's not.
{10855}{10922}It's "the artist within" a very|nice young girl named holly.
{10926}{10978}Look. Look, it's like one|of those jesus pictures,
{10982}{11036}except it's his balls that|follow you wherever you move.
{11040}{11087}See that brute-like appendage|there? It's actual-size.
{11091}{11156}You came all the way over|here to show me that?
{11183}{11202}You're 12.
{11206}{11243}Well, this -- No, this vindicates me.
{11247}{11279}Proves the guy's a douche bag.
{11283}{11328}He's a danger to women.|He has to be stopped.
{11332}{11363}{Y:i}He's got to be stopped?
{11367}{11413}He manipulates them. He|fucks with their minds.
{11417}{11451}You're friends with sonja, right?
{11455}{11493}Why don't you go tell her? You should.
{11497}{11565}Possibly. But you're the|father of her unborn child.
{11569}{11634}So I think that trumps "friend."|We don't know that for certain.
{11638}{11663}We don't know for certain
{11667}{11726}what kind of arrangement|they have, either.
{11730}{11767}They live together --|That's their arrangement.
{11771}{11799}Maybe they have one of those,
{11803}{11855}you know, like, open|relationship or something.
{11859}{11887}ew. No, no, no, no, no.
{11891}{11925}That -- that -- That is disgusting.
{11929}{11965}That is not a possibility.
{11969}{12011}The open relationship does not exist.
{12015}{12071}It's like an oxymoron,|like "jumbo shrimp" or --
{12075}{12126}Oh, okay. So that's|where you draw the line?
{12130}{12154}At open relationships?
{12158}{12199}Yes, that's thoroughly offensive to me.
{12203}{12281}Huh. The mouth-rapist who sleeps|with prostitutes is offended.
{12285}{12317}No, come on. Look --
{12321}{12351}Look, my ethical unpredictability
{12355}{12399}is default proof of|its hard-won vitality.
{12403}{12465}Because I'm not, like, by rote|or programmatic about it.
{12469}{12509}I think this shit through, every issue.
{12513}{12556}Anyway, are you gonna go tattle to sonja
{12560}{12600}or do I have to, 'cause I'd be glad to.
{12604}{12634}Hank, shut up, okay?|Mind your own business.
{12638}{12662}Get out of here.
{12666}{12692}{Y:i}I'm minding our business.
{12696}{12727}Go pick up becca. She's at school.
{12731}{12767}This conversation is not over.
{12814}{12854}Okay, captain. What's the plan? Hmm?
{12858}{12914}We gonna be shooting|something at some point?
{12918}{12971}I kind of -- I promised|my wife, you know,
{12975}{13035}that the, you know, things|would clear out by, say...
{13039}{13075}Oh, you promised your|wife, did you? Yeah.
{13079}{13135}What is it you think|we're doing here, runkle?
{13139}{13172}Does this look like chatsworth?
{13176}{13227}Do I look like a|ukrainian sex worker? No.
{13231}{13290}We are making erotic art here...
{13294}{13366}Something men -- And|women, god-willing --
{13370}{13429}Will be pleasuring themselves|to for decades to come.
{13433}{13452}Okay, okay. I get that.
{13456}{13491}And I respect your vision. Really, I do.
{13495}{13544}It's just, the neighbors are|getting a little restless.
{13548}{13583}And I would rather they|don't call the cops
{13587}{13607}and have us shut down.
{13611}{13636}Hey, look -- It's your money.
{13640}{13690}But if you're looking|for transcendence...
{13694}{13739}Man: we should start shooting.
{13743}{13797}Bring in first team! [ sighs ]
{13801}{13872}[ intro to poets & pornstars'|"rock and roll" plays ]
{13961}{13988}where's clittes?
{14051}{14103}[ snorting, sniffles ]
{14107}{14138}[ coughs softly ]
{14142}{14169}[ chuckles ]
{14173}{14251}man, you look smokin' in that picture.
{14255}{14287}Happiest day of my life.
{14291}{14323}Yeah, your dad looks so proud.
{14327}{14365}That's not my dad.
{14369}{14430}For christ's sake, marce.
{14434}{14488}�... like it's a lost|dark heart that sees... �
{14492}{14583}you -- it's time to go down and|unleash the monster of cock.
{14619}{14674}Be careful what you wish for.
{14678}{14765}�... call it my constitution �
{14769}{14853}� call it the common need �
{14857}{14931}� call it a strange devotion, man... �
{14935}{14982}this is what you came|home early for, isn't it?
{14986}{15028}To do some cocaine.
{15032}{15071}And watch some "oprah."
{15075}{15117}�... it's just rock and roll to me �
{15184}{15214}[ sighs ]
{15218}{15286}that thirsty little nose of|yours is costing us some money.
{15290}{15339}Have you checked our|bank balance lately?
{15343}{15369}[ sniffs ]
{15373}{15445}asshole, you just put|the bulk of our nest egg
{15449}{15510}into a movie called "vaginatown."
{15514}{15565}And you're gonna make me feel bad
{15569}{15620}about a little afternoon|snack with jake clittes?
{15624}{15668}This movie is an investment,
{15672}{15716}which we're in together, remember?
{15720}{15762}A little bit of support, please.
{15766}{15833}And it's "clittes" --|Sounds like "titties."
{15857}{15900}[ sniffs forcefully ]
{15904}{15932}well, if memory serves,
{15936}{15999}uh, this is the part where|you say you can handle it
{16003}{16048}and that you can stop whenever you want.
{16052}{16085}Oh, I can stop.
{16089}{16124}Then stop.
{16128}{16159}For a day.
{16163}{16194}For an hour.
{16198}{16282}Yeah, you can say "no, no, no"|all you want, Miss winehouse.
{16286}{16338}I'm this close to booking|you a room at wishes.
{16342}{16391}What happened to promises?
{16395}{16463}Promises of malibu is no longer|in the runkle family budget.
{16467}{16515}Wishes is in oxnard.
{16519}{16573}Runkle, bad news.|Daisy's in her trailer.
{16577}{16643}She won't come out.|She'll only talk to you.
{16647}{16667}[ sighs ]
{16671}{16739}we'll finish this conversation later.
{16790}{16872}Don't you be condescending|to me, motherfucker.
{16876}{16910}[ sniffs ]
{16914}{16966}I can stop.
{16970}{17060}[ sniffs ] I can stop|whenever the fuck I want.
{17064}{17119}�... it's just rock and roll �
{17152}{17214}{Y:i}[ static, music|{Y:i}alternate on radio ]
{17277}{17327}{Y:i}[ funk music plays ]
{17331}{17390}good afternoon, ladies.
{17394}{17478}Ah, it's the sisterhood|of the traveling flannel.
{17482}{17543}On time for a change. Impressive.
{17547}{17594}We're still going to lew ashby's, right?
{17598}{17643}Yeah, we want to go, too.
{17647}{17705}"we"? Oh, sorry.
{17709}{17751}Hank moody, this is annika staley
{17755}{17784}{Y:i}of rolling stone magazine.
{17788}{17819}{Y:i}Really? The rolling stone magazine?
{17823}{17867}The one that used to have|some cultural relevance?
{17871}{17905}Well, I am delighted to meet you,
{17909}{17951}{Y:i}annika staley from|{Y:i}rolling stone magazine.
{17955}{17998}Sorry to crash the party.
{18002}{18059}I'm just trailing mia for the day.
{18063}{18087}She's gonna be in our "hot" issue.
{18091}{18134}Oh, she's hot, is she?
{18232}{18279}Will you excuse me a moment?
{18359}{18407}[ annika chuckles ]
{18411}{18456}it's you, isn't it?
{18460}{18531}I made a mess of your bush this morning.
{18554}{18626}That's, uh... Shit, that came out wrong.
{18630}{18653}Flowers. She's got this...
{18657}{18711}Wow. ... potted-flower thing, and I...
{18715}{18739}I'll see you guys.
{18743}{18782}It was nice talking|to you, ladies. Yeah.
{18786}{18813}Hey, this is a coincidence.
{18817}{18852}I'm here picking up my daughter, and --
{18856}{18901}Well, I got some mail for you.
{18905}{18931}You do? Yeah.
{18935}{19010}You are -- you are|"resident," aren't you?
{19014}{19060}But I-I doubt that you|need your carpets cleaned.
{19064}{19107}Or your drapes. I bet your|carpets are immaculate.
{19111}{19143}I bet the carpets match the drapes.
{19147}{19191}Do you always make this|good of a first impression?
{19195}{19227}Well, it's a second|impression, actually.
{19231}{19256}Hank. Hank moody.
{19260}{19315}And they're only gonna|get worse from here on in,
{19319}{19365}so I'm just gonna lay|my cards on the table.
{19369}{19406}Do you know a guy named lew ashby?
{19410}{19456}Yeah, sure. He's some famous|record producer, right?
{19460}{19484}A rock-'n'-roll legend.
{19488}{19535}I'm writing a book on|him. Oh? Good luck.
{19539}{19599}Yeah. I'm gonna need it|because the guy's a cypher.
{19603}{19629}I can't get anywhere.
{19633}{19678}Well, then why do the research?|Just print the legend.
{19682}{19712}That's what people want to read, right?
{19716}{19751}One long rock-'n'-roll bacchanalia
{19755}{19827}where the music never ends,|the groupies never get older,
{19831}{19879}and your dick never|shrivels up and falls off
{19883}{19933}from some unspecified venereal disease.
{19937}{20003}Wow. That was unkind to my dick.
{20007}{20051}I had to get you back|for ruining my bush.
{20055}{20128}Hmm. Well, I've known the|guy for like six weeks now,
{20132}{20171}and the only genuine|moment I've had with him
{20175}{20223}is when he told me about this|woman that he never got over
{20227}{20261}and a mustang that|wouldn't go in reverse.
{20265}{20320}That's why I was snooping|around your house today.
{20324}{20367}I think you'd have better|luck finding the mustang.
{20371}{20401}Why is that?
{20405}{20455}'cause it actually existed.|Blue with grey interior.
{20459}{20495}And what about the girl?
{20499}{20561}Figment of lew's imagination.
{20735}{20783}[ dog barking ]
{20932}{20975}[ sighs ]
{21025}{21085}I like your trailer.
{21089}{21169}I drove out here in this piece of shit.
{21173}{21246}[ sighs ] I was gonna|be a big, big star.
{21250}{21277}Look at me now.
{21281}{21322}Look, if you don't want to do this,
{21326}{21374}if you want to get out of porn, just --
{21378}{21419}I don't want to get out of porn.
{21423}{21459}{Y:i}I love porn.
{21529}{21570}'cause I love sex.
{21574}{21635}And I lost it at the movies.
{21678}{21781}I was 15, and my boyfriend|took me to the drive-in.
{21785}{21858}They were showing a|revival of "dirty dancing."
{21862}{21936}I love that movie!|Definitely in my top 10.
{21940}{21971}Mine too.
{21975}{22047}{Y:i}I just -- I got so turned on,
{22051}{22111}I just jumped his bones then and there.
{22115}{22202}And ever since, I've|associated movies and sex.
{22206}{22234}And I started to think,
{22238}{22303}"why does it have to|be a guilty pleasure?"
{22307}{22335}everybody watches it.
{22339}{22371}You do, right?
{22375}{22411}Very much so, yes.
{22415}{22462}Some might call it a soft addiction.
{22466}{22529}But then I got out here and...
{22533}{22595}I just -- I saw what it really is.
{22599}{22677}Just an endless series|of disgusting scenes
{22681}{22759}shot by disgusting people.
{22763}{22831}But then you came along.
{22835}{22887}And you got me this close to my dreams.
{22891}{22939}Well, that's a good thing, right?
{22943}{22965}But it's scary.
{22969}{23011}I mean, what if I suck?
{23015}{23080}You do not suck, daisy. Trust me.
{23084}{23160}If there's one thing I|know, it's porn, okay?
{23164}{23191}And you got something
{23195}{23251}that those silicone valley|gals don't -- the 'x' factor.
{23255}{23281}It sets you apart.
{23285}{23339}You're the girl next door,
{23343}{23415}america's fuckable sweetheart.
{23464}{23532}I'm starting to get|that feeling, charlie.
{23536}{23582}What feeling would that be?
{23586}{23635}The same one I got at the drive-in.
{23694}{23763}We better get you inside, then.
{23767}{23832}Please. [ grunts ] I beg you...
{23836}{23908}Okay, people, let's do this thing!
{23912}{23949}Come on...
{23953}{23995}W-w-what's wrong with clittes?
{23999}{24029}Coke dick.
{24033}{24060}Coke dick?
{24064}{24134}Too much blow, and the cock won't grow.
{24138}{24179}Wha-wha-wha-wha? Ronny:|thanks to your old lady,
{24183}{24251}jake here is about as|useful as tits on a nun.
{24255}{24297}We're gonna need a stunt cock.
{24301}{24330}Stunt cock?
{24334}{24396}You -- drop your pants.
{24467}{24527}Call yourself a man?
{24558}{24599}I weep for you.
{24603}{24672}Runkle, what are you packing?
{24676}{24716}{Y:i}Me? What about you?
{24720}{24793}why don't you whip out your|hitchcock and give it a cameo?
{24797}{24838}Our leading man is circumcised.
{24842}{24880}Can't say the same for myself.
{24884}{24964}Besides, I can go for hours.|We don't have time for that.
{24968}{25012}Oh, well, in that case...
{25016}{25077}Honey... What?
{25081}{25144}You've delivered plenty of one-minute|money shots in this living
{25148}{25176}One more's not gonna kill you.
{25180}{25236}Have you lost your mind, woman?
{25240}{25279}You actually want me to do this?
{25283}{25338}No, but I also don't want|to live in park la brea
{25342}{25395}and eat cat food when I'm old.
{25399}{25453}100 grand, runkle -- The nest egg.
{25457}{25535}And if our blessed union|means anything to you,
{25539}{25626}you will get in there|and drive Miss daisy, ho.
{25844}{25895}Holly: � now I know �
{25938}{25989}� spanish harlem �
{25993}{26142}� are not just pretty words to say... �
{26146}{26201}I think what I love|most about mia's book
{26205}{26245}is how visceral it is.
{26249}{26299}That's my daughter.
{26303}{26373}Oh, yeah. Yeah, great.
{26377}{26441}{Y:i}I guess it's too much to ask|{Y:i}of a writer from rolling stone
{26445}{26481}to love music. It's not my beat.
{26485}{26547}You cover words. Mm-hmm.
{26551}{26603}All words or just...
{26607}{26647}Just the hot ones?
{26651}{26712}Why don't you find out?|Let me interview you.
{26716}{26743}Oh, god, no. No.
{26747}{26803}Come on, come on. You know you want to.
{26807}{26832}No, I don't want to.
{26836}{26897}Come on. We can have a|drink, we'll talk about mia.
{26901}{26957}Oh, I'm sure mia is perfectly capable
{26961}{26995}of talking about herself.
{26999}{27051}Will you excuse me for a moment?
{27112}{27193}That is a lovely shade of|blue your face is wearing.
{27197}{27262}Oh, god. I think I'm --|I'm gonna -- You gonna --
{27266}{27311}[ vomits ]
{27315}{27373}oh. [ sighs ]
{27377}{27439}you know, everyone said it would|stop in the second trimester.
{27443}{27518}Oh, crap, did I get some on|your foot? Oh, no. No worries.
{27522}{27591}Unlike you, I'm not a|big sympathetic vomiter.
{27595}{27624}Oh, thanks.
{27628}{27700}Julian -- julian thinks|that all... Here you go.
{27704}{27739}...physical illness -- Oh, thank you --
{27743}{27811}Is -- is due to some, you|know, mental weakness.
{27815}{27847}Oh, really? Yeah.
{27851}{27899}Wow. What causes cancer?
{27903}{27947}Bitter-- no. Bitterness.
{27951}{27975}Hang on. That's not it.
{27979}{28021}Sloth. No. No, it's not that.
{28025}{28071}Wait, wait, wait,|wait, wait, wait. Fear.
{28075}{28112}Fear. Well, let's alert|the fuckin' media!
{28116}{28156}Let's get that shit taken care of.
{28160}{28227}End suffering in our time.
{28231}{28280}Sonja: [ sighs ] isn't he here?
{28284}{28344}I thought he was working|with lew this week.
{28348}{28381}No. He was. Earlier.
{28385}{28422}Laying hands on the faithful.
{28426}{28489}Oh, gee. Only his hands? Possibly more.
{28493}{28526}Oh, god, I knew it.
{28530}{28589}Every time he comes over here,|he ends up boning some groupie.
{28593}{28618}And that's fucked up, right?
{28622}{28679}I mean, when you're with|somebody, you shouldn't be off,
{28683}{28723}boning some stranger,|doggy-style, right?
{28756}{28796}That's bullshit. [ sighs ]
{28800}{28879}right? You're not reacting|the way I thought you'd react.
{28883}{28924}We kind of have an open|relationship, so...
{28928}{28967}No shit.
{28971}{29029}Yeah. Well, it's how you grow.
{29033}{29084}Is that how you grow? You|have to validate yourself,
{29088}{29138}assuage your own insecurities|because you can't rely
{29142}{29189}on other people to bring|that shit to the table.
{29193}{29238}All right, if you don't mind my asking,
{29242}{29283}if he's not being faithful to you
{29287}{29331}and he's not the father of your child,
{29335}{29374}{Y:i}what is he bringing to the table?
{29378}{29425}Aside from the facial hair.
{29429}{29506}Okay, look. This could|be my last chance.
{29510}{29535}And fuck it.
{29539}{29625}I'm not -- I'm not one of|those people who works alone.
{29629}{29667}I need to be with somebody.
{29671}{29706}I mean, for christ sakes,
{29710}{29776}I was married to a big homo|for like 10 years, right?
{29780}{29811}[ winces ] shit.
{29815}{29870}What? You all right? No.|I mean, I don't know.
{29874}{29918}You got to puke again? You got to poop?
{29922}{29975}No, I don't have to poop!|I felt something move!
{29979}{30037}It moved, and I've never|felt that before. oh.
{30041}{30114}Hang on. Here, here. Just feel that.
{30118}{30165}[ clears throat ] anything?
{30169}{30222}No. Little gas, maybe. No, it's not gas.
{30226}{30251}[ chuckles ]
{30255}{30292}no. Nothing.
{30296}{30360}[ sighs ] I swear. Hold on. Let me.
{30364}{30402}Hello, in there.
{30406}{30503}Anybody home?
{30504}{30553}Oh, shit, I felt --
{30557}{30602}Right? Right? Isn't that weird? Yeah.
{30606}{30662}Hey, guys. This feels kind of familiar.
{30666}{30707}Oh, god, karen. Hey.
{30711}{30763}Sounds good. Sounds good. Thanks.
{30767}{30803}Okay. All right, i'm gonna, um...
{30807}{30883}I'm gonna go try to find julian.
{30887}{30943}Thank you. Okay.
{30947}{30979}[ exhales sharply ]
{30983}{31022}I don't say this often enough,
{31026}{31090}so I'm just gonna -- I'm|gonna come out and say it.
{31094}{31135}What? You were right.
{31139}{31166}About what?
{31170}{31218}They do have an open relationship.
{31222}{31264}You just couldn't stay|out of it, could you? no.
{31295}{31337}Why is that good? What does that mean?
{31341}{31392}You know, only a total asshole|would get someone pregnant
{31396}{31438}and then sit back and|do nothing about it.
{31442}{31482}And you got involved.|I mean, that's good.
{31486}{31527}That's progress for you. Hey, well done.
{31531}{31587}Hey, becca. Come on, let's go.
{31591}{31651}No way. This is too much|fun. Grab your stuff.
{31655}{31695}It's late. Don't argue|with me. We're going.
{31738}{31801}Don't worry, karen. I've|been keeping an eye on her.
{31805}{31883}{Y:i}Well, that's great. And|{Y:i}who's been keeping an eye on you?
{31887}{31948}good night, sweetie.
{31952}{32017}Such nice friends.
{32092}{32147}You kind of look like|you could use that drink.
{32151}{32193}[ mid-tempo music plays ]
{32233}{32266}[ scissors snipping ]
{32270}{32311}aiee! Not so rough.
{32315}{32350}Would you quit squirming around?
{32354}{32390}I'm just trying to make your man-bush
{32394}{32424}a little more camera-ready.
{32428}{32478}Yeah, and I'm getting the feeling
{32482}{32521}that you're not so okay about this.
{32525}{32582}Look, I'm as okay as I can possibly be.
{32586}{32651}You, on the other hand,|don't seem that excited,
{32655}{32683}especially for a guy
{32687}{32763}who's about to get a little|wife-sanctioned strizz-ange.
{32767}{32821}Well, you know, maybe a|little less with the scissor.
{32825}{32851}And, I don't know.
{32855}{32883}Could you, like...
{32887}{32958}Do that thing... you do?
{33019}{33064}Oh, jesus.
{33106}{33153}[ sighs ]
{33221}{33275}[ exhales deeply ]
{33279}{33338}almost ready for you, runkle.
{33342}{33385}I knew you had it in you, missus.
{33389}{33435}Do you mind?
{33559}{33622}[ clears throat ]
{33626}{33724}{Y:i}now there's the porcelain|{Y:i}monkey I know and love.
{33785}{33826}{Y:i}I'm doing this for us.
{33830}{33871}[ inhales, exhales deeply ]
{33875}{33907}I know.
{33911}{33975}Now go get 'em, quickdraw.
{33979}{34045}[ film noir music plays ]
{34083}{34124}[ exhales deeply ]
{34339}{34411}you're gonna be great, co-star.
{34415}{34455}[ sighs ]
{34459}{34509}how's it look? Does it|-- does it look okay?
{34513}{34559}It's perfect, charlie.
{34563}{34608}You're perfect.
{34612}{34671}All right, quiet, please!
{34727}{34783}And... action!
{34787}{34836}[ panting, moaning ]
{34936}{34987}Oh, shit. Charlie...
{34991}{35043}I know that look. He's gonna blow.
{35047}{35095}Slow it down, runkle.
{35099}{35143}Aah! Ah! Aah!
{35147}{35194}Forget it, jake.
{35198}{35242}It's vaginatown!
{35246}{35309}Aaah! Oh...
{35363}{35415}[ shudders ]
{35419}{35441}and cut!
{35445}{35467}Did we get that?
{35471}{35531}Did we get it? Please|tell me you got that.
{35535}{35633}That'll do, runkle. That'll do.
{35637}{35666}[ applause ]
{36038}{36107}God, you're... Exactly like your books.
{36111}{36158}I'm exactly like my books?
{36162}{36230}Yes -- Totally puerile...
{36322}{36366}No, I know what "puerile" means. Yeah.
{36370}{36411}I'm actually just a little surprised
{36415}{36455}that you read my books at all.
{36459}{36487}Oh, yeah. Well, sure.
{36491}{36555}You know, I try to read|all the great misogynists.
{36559}{36631}It really fuels my feminist fire.
{36635}{36736}In fact, I-I actually wrote|a review of your first novel.
{36740}{36771}Did you? What'd you say?
{36775}{36843}Yeah, for a little magazine back|in chicago. What'd you say?
{36847}{36911}I said the main character|was a self-righteous prick
{36915}{36990}no woman in a million years|would ever actually sleep with.
{36994}{37057}I called it "a retarded|man's"... "portnoy's complaint."
{37061}{37083}I remember that review.
{37087}{37139}That was one of the|worst reviews I ever got.
{37143}{37199}I'm don't know if we can be|drinking buddies anymore,
{37203}{37224}annika staley.
{37228}{37275}That was downright vicious. Thank you.
{37279}{37345}What would possess you to|write something like that?
{37349}{37402}I was kind of going through a|little rough patch in my life,
{37406}{37444}was working out my issues with guys.
{37448}{37472}You think? Yeah.
{37476}{37507}You know, when I read that,
{37511}{37561}I wanted to muff-punch|you with my typewriter.
{37565}{37597}[ chuckling ] oh. Yeah.
{37699}{37737}You still want to?
{37741}{37808}[ intro to "have love,|will travel" plays
{37812}{37872}aah! Oh! Fuck!
{37876}{37935}[ moaning loudly ] okay, okay, okay!
{37939}{37967}[ chuckles ] okay...
{38010}{38078}Oh, I may need to take back "puerile."
{38082}{38108}Mm, so you're saying
{38112}{38189}you're willing to reevaluate my oeuvre.
{38193}{38250}Ow! Ooh! Aah! What,|do we got aftershock?
{38254}{38286}Ah, no, no. Toe cramp.
{38290}{38334}Flex that shit. Ow! Fuck, that hurts!
{38338}{38367}I got it. Like a doctor.
{38371}{38431}Please stop this. Please,|I just need some water.
{38435}{38467}I'm just really dehydrated.
{38471}{38532}I just need -- just need|something with electrolytes.
{38536}{38561}Oh, okay.
{38635}{38698}Yeah. Good one. That was nice.
{38702}{38771}� have love �
{38775}{38853}� yeah, baby, will travel... �
{38892}{38929}Who's the screamer?
{38933}{38995}{Y:i}Oh, it's the, uh, writer|{Y:i}woman from rolling stone.
{38999}{39062}Ooh, nice! Got me off my rhythm, though.
{39066}{39119}The chick I was with|-- Just about to come.
{39123}{39177}Hears the other one scream,|jumps right out of her skin.
{39181}{39207}[ both chuckle ]
{39211}{39255}sorry. I swear, for a second there,
{39259}{39308}I thought she was gonna hit|me or something, punch me.
{39312}{39338}[ chuckles ] me likey.
{39342}{39399}�... yeah, baby, will travel... �
{39403}{39442}excuse me, gents.
{39446}{39485}�... have love... �
{39489}{39547}me likey.
{39551}{39596}Hail, caesar.
{39638}{40085}� I said, if you need lovin', baby �
{40133}{40205}.:: Napisy24 - Nowy Wymiar Napis�w ::.|
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