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Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship: Final Reflection

Stefanie Rodriguez

Lamar University
Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship: Final Reflection

Throughout this course I have learned very valuable information about digital citizenship

that will not only help me in my personal life but will be of value in my role as instructional

coach in the public-school setting. Digital citizenship is the appropriate way that people interact

in the digital world (Ribble, 2015). I had not really thought much about digital citizenship before

this course. I did not grow up with technology as a child. When the digital age hit, I was an

adult and was capable and competent to navigate the digital world in a responsible manner. I did

not realize the impact that the digital world places on educators to offer opportunities for

students to practice using technology and the importance of creating a digital citizenship

program within the school environment. A digital citizenship program provides education on

nine elements- digital etiquette, digital access, digital law, digital literacy, digital commerce,

digital communication, digital rights and responsibility, digital security, and digital health and

wellness (Ribble, 2015).

Looking Back

Reflecting on the course from the beginning, my biggest challenge was simply getting

everything done. The coursework was heavier in this class and as an instructional coach for my

campus I work longer than the teachers. When this course started, I was still working full time

and juggling the extensive assignments. It was a bit overwhelming at times, but I was able to

complete the course work in a timely manner from week to week. My greatest accomplishment

was just getting it done and being proud of the learning products that I created.

The work that I am most proud of in this course is the final presentation. I enjoy creating

presentations and feel it is a way that I can communicate information effectively. By pulling all
Digital Citizenship

the knowledge together at the end of the course I was able to reflect on the learning and

internalize key ideas to build on. If I could change anything in this course, it would be to allow

more freedom when showing evidence of learning. I feel that COVA is an important element

that I would have liked to practice throughout this course. Being able to experiment in the

classroom setting is important for students of all ages.

Moving Forward

My biggest take away from this course is that my school is not really prepared to educate

students digitally. On my campus we are becoming more technology independent. Classrooms

are being equipped with 1:1 devices but there is not training for teachers or a digital citizenship

program that is embedded with the use of these devices. The knowledge that I have gained

through this course has allowed me to see the need to teach students and teachers about digital

citizenship and help me to realize each person’s role and responsibility in the digital world. The

internet is continuing to evolve and if we are to be lifetime learners, we must continue to

understand how to be a part of the digital world and instill that knowledge in the students that we


Not an Ending

Although this course has come to an end the information that I have learned is so

important. The digital world is embedded in our lives daily. As individuals we must be able to

interact appropriately online and as educators, we must instill that knowledge in others. I have

already begun to use this knowledge in my plc’s that I hold with teachers. I feel that this class

would be valuable for teachers as a topic during professional development. Teachers and

administrators would benefit from understanding the importance of digital citizenship and how it
Digital Citizenship

plays a role in our lives daily. The course has given me valuable knowledge to be a good digital

citizen and to help create a responsible digital environment on my campus.

Ribble, M. (2015). Digital citizenship in schools (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society of
Technology in Education

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