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56 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

The Effect of Image Compression on Face

Recognition Algorithms
Qeethara Kadhim Al-Shayea1, Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani2 and Muna Suliman Abu Teamah3
Al-Zaytoonah University, Department of Management Information Systems,
Amman-Jordan, 11733
Amman Arab University, Department of Computer Science,
Amman-Jordan, 11953
Amman Arab University, Department of Computer Science,
Amman-Jordan, 11953

Abstract: Face recognition becomes an important field via the

revolution in technology and computer vision. This paper 2. Literature Reviews
concentrated on recognition rate of face recognition algorithms.
The algorithms examined are: Principal Component Analysis, There are many researches related to face recognition
Two Dimensional Principal Component Analysis in Column algorithms such as:
Direction, Two Dimensional Principal Component Analysis in Wang [1] presented a structural two dimensional principal
Row Direction and Two Dimensional Two Directional Principal component analysis for image recognition, which is a
Component Analysis. All these algorithms are implemented into subspace learning method that identifies the structural
two environments: training environment and recognition information for discrimination.
environment. Then a comparison between these four algorithms Norouzi, Ahmadabadi and Araabi [2] presented a new
with respect to recognition rate is implemented. The proposed
method for handling occlusion in face recognition. In this
algorithm is implemented via Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) that minimizes the images size. A complexity reduction
method the faces are partitioned into blocks and a sequential
is achieved by optimizing the number of operations needed. This recognition structure was developed, that increase the
optimization does not increase the recognition rate only, but also correct classification rate.
reduce the execution time. A recognition rate improvement of Sevcenco and Lu [3] presented an enhanced principal
4% to 5% is achieved by introducing DWT through PCA component analysis algorithm for improving rate of face
algorithms. recognition, in which modified the histogram to match a
Gaussian shaped tonal distribution in the face images.
Keywords: Face Recognition, Recognition Rate, Image Choudhury [4] proposed a 3D human face recognition, the
Compression, Principal Component Analysis and Wavelet face correlation task is completed by carrying out cross
Transform. correlation between the signature functions and of the faces
and analyzing the correlation peaks, where high correlation
1. Introduction peak signifies true class recognition and low or no peak
signifies false class rejection.
Face recognition becomes more popular via the fast growth
Wang, Ding, Ding and Fang [5] developed a 2D face fitting
in information and communication technology. It has been
assisted 3D face reconstruction algorithm that aims at the
introduced in many applications especially in access control
recognizing faces of different poses when each face class has
and information security that can be applied in building
only has only one frontal training sample. This algorithm so
access, internet access, medical records, car license plate
called Random forest Embedded active shape model, which
number, identification number, face recognition and
embeds random forest learning into the framework of active
surveillance system and so on [1].
shape model.
Face recognition system can be organized into two major
Sokolov et al. [6] constructed a face recognition system
areas; the first one called face detection in which the
using preliminary training based on sample images of object
algorithms focus on finding the face in an image, and the
and non objects, where the images are represented by
second one called face recognition, in which the algorithm
separate points in multidimensional space of features.
focus on recognizing the face. Recently, face recognition
Bourlai, Kittler and Messer [7] investigated different
becomes more important area, and many algorithms have
optimization strategies by considering both image
been developed to implement face recognition, also
compression and image resolution and demonstrate that
researchers have spent more effort on enhancing the
both the system performance and speed of access can be
performance of these algorithms in terms of quality and
improved by the jointly optimized parameter setting and the
recognition rate. This work aims to compare the recognition
level of probe compression.
rate between the four indicated algorithms, and also study
Ebrahimpour et al. [8] proposed a face models were
the effects of using DWT as compression approach via these
processed according to the human vision pathology. Three
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 57
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

different sets of anthropometric points were used for recognition accuracy. In general, face recognition
asymmetry estimations and the resulting asymmetry algorithms have two major phases; the training stage and
measure was calculated by averaging these estimations. the recognition stage.
Grgic, Delac and Grgic [9] described a database of static
3.1 Training Phase
images of human faces that proposed a tested protocol. A
simple baseline principal component analysis face Training phase represents the first phase where the database
recognition algorithm was tested following the proposed of images for known people is used, and at least one image
protocol, which proving their robustness and efficiency. per known person is available at the database. In this phase
Zhan et al. [10] presented an evolutionary classifier fusion the features for each known face image are extracted and
method inspired by biological evolution is presented to stored in the database. There are three main steps in the
optimize the performance of a face recognition system. training phase that shown in Figure 1, including calculating
Different illumination environments are modeled as a projection matrix from the trained images, then extracting
multiple contexts using unsupervised learning and then the features from the images and finally storing these features to
optimized classifiers are searched. be used in the recognition phase. First step concerns with
Saleh et al. [11] proposed a shift invariant pattern the calculation of the projection matrix, in which Face
recognition mechanism using a feature-sharing recognition algorithm use the training images to calculate
hypercolumn model. In this work a share mape is the projection matrix. For example in Principal Component
constructed to improve the recognition rate and to reduce Analysis (PCA) the projection matrix consists of
the memory requirements of the hypercolumn model. eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, where the covariance
Guoxing et al. [12] a local binary pattern (LPB) has been matrix is derived from the trained images. The second step
proved to be successful for face recognition. A new LPB- deals with the extraction of the features from images. In
based multi-scale illumination preprocessing method was PCA each image is multiplied by the projection matrix to
proposed, in which this method performs better than the formulate the eigenfaces. The eigenfaces represent the
existing LPB-based methods. principal component of the images, or in other words it
Sing, Thakur, Basu, Nasipuri and Kundu [13] proposed a represents the features of the image. Finally the last step in
self adaptive radial basis function neural network based the training phase is to store the features that are extracted
method for high speed recognition of human faces. It has from the trained images [1], [3].
been seen that the variations between the images of a
person, under varying pose, facial expirations, illumination, Calculate Calculate
etc. were quite high. projection feature
Face matrix extraction
Kumar et al. [14] presented a PCA memetic algorithm images as vector in
approach for feature selection of face recognition. PCA has input of
been extended by memetic algorithm, where the former was phase
used for feature extraction reduction and the later exploited Projection Feature
matrix vector
for feature selection.
Banerjee et al. [15] studied the performance of frequency Figure 1. Training phase of general face recognition
domain correlation filter for face recognition by considering algorithm.
only the phase part of the face images, in which the
dimensions of the phase spectra were reduced by using 3.2 Recognition Phase
frequency domain principal component analysis. Recognition phase represents the second phase, in which
Zhangand and Qiao [16] represented a new gradient Gabor each new unknown face image is analyzed to obtain its
filter to extract multi-scale and multi-orientation features to features, and then a comparison between its features and the
represent and classify faces. An efficient kernel fisher stored features from the training stage is performed to
analysis method was proposed to find multiple subspaces identify the unknown face image. Many algorithms for face
based on both gradient Gabor magnitude and phase features, recognition have both a training stage and a recognition
which is a local kernel mapping method to capture the stage. This phase consists of two main steps that shown in
structure information in faces. Figure 2, including extracting the features for the unknown
Huang, Yi and Pu [17] proposed a new mean shifting image and comparing it with the stored features. The
incremental PCA method based on the autocorrelation calculated projection matrix in the training phase is used to
matrix, which required lower computational time and extract the features of the unknown image. So in order to
storage capacity owing to the two transformation design. extract the features from the unknown image applying PCA
Chougdali, Jedra and Zahid [18] proposed kernel relevance algorithm, multiply the unknown elements of images by the
weighted discriminant analysis for face recognition which projection matrix which is derived from the training stage.
has several interesting characteristics. Two novel kernel When the feature of the unknown image is extracted, a
functions were introduced o improve the performance of the comparison process is performed between the extracted
proposed algorithm. features and the stored features from the training stage.
There are many methods to do such a comparison, such as
3. Face Recognition Algorithms the Euclidean distance measure. The distance between the
features of the unknown image and the stored features is
Face recognition algorithms are implemented in many forms
computed, and then the minimum distance corresponding to
to perform high efficiency of recognition. They are affected
the closest face features is selected as the matched face [17].
by many factors such as recognition rate, execution time and
58 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

5. Results and Discussion

Calculate Comparing
Identifying A different algorithm are implemented to present the
feature the result
Face extraction with the
the recognition rate for the PCA algorithm before and after
images as unknown
stored applying DWT. Applying DWT indicates that the
input of face images
recognitio recognition rate increases and also the size of the feature
n phase
Feature Decision
matrix is reduced. DWT can be implemented via different
vector making types of DWT filters such as Harr, Mallet, Daubechies and
other types.
Figure 2. Recognition stage of general face Figure 5-a shows the comparison between the recognition
recognition algorithm. rate of PCA, PCA using first level DWT and PCA using
second level DWT. The results shows that the recognition
4. Proposed System rate increase by 1.4% by using first level DWT and increase
The proposed system based on discreet wavelet transforms by 4.2% by using second level DWT.
(DWT) algorithm to minimize image size, then PCA Figure 5-b shows the comparison between the recognition
algorithm is applied for face recognition. DWT is used to rate of 2D-PCA-C, 2D-PCA-C using first level DWT and
decomposed the original image into four sub images each 2D-PCA-C using second level DWT. The results shows that
one contains some of the information of the original image. the recognition rate increase by 1.6% by using first level
The most important components of the original image are DWT and increase by 4.8% by using second level DWT.
stored in one part, which is the low low (LL) sub image that Figure 5-c shows the comparison between the recognition
represents identical features of the original image. This will rate of 2D-PCA-R, 2D-PCA-R using first level DWT and
increase the recognition rate even so it uses images of 2D-PCA-R using second level DWT. The results shows that
smaller size. Second level DWT is implemented to achieve the recognition rate increase by 1.0% by using first level
more reduction in image size, i.e. more reduction in DWT and increase by 4.2% by using second level DWT.
comparisons operations required. In addition this Figure 5-d shows the comparison between the recognition
improvement in recognition rate cases some reduction in rate of (2D)2-PCA, (2D)2-PCA using first level DWT and
image resolution as shown in Figure 3. (2D)2-PCA using second level DWT. The results shows that
Figure 3. Decomposing an image using DWT (second the recognition rate increase by 1.8% by using first level
DWT and increase by 4.6% by using second level DWT.

(a) Recognition rate of PCA before and after applying DWT


90 .... after applying 2nd level DWT

---- after applying 1st level DWT
percentage of the recognition rate

-.-. befor applying DWT






For each new image after applying feature extraction

process, then comparing the extracted features with the 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
number of images per person
features stored from the training stage. Two possibilities will
appear: the extracted features are matched one of the stored (b) Recognition rate of 2D - PCA - C before and after applying DWT
images, so this leads to a matching decision, other
possibility the extracted features are not matched one of the
90 .... after applying 2nd level DWT
stored images, so this leads to a mismatching decision, in
percentage of the recognition rate

---- after applying 1st level DWT

this case the features of the new image are added as a new -.-. befor applying DWT
features to the database, as shown in Figure 4.
Trained Feature Input of
images extraction new

Yes Identify
Add the It is
new image matched matching
to the the feature vector
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
number of images per person

Figure 4. Flow chart of the face recognition algorithm.

(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 59
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

(c) Recognition rate of 2D - PCA - R before and after applying DWT [4] T. Choudhury, "Three Dimensional Human Face
Recognition", Optical Society of India, Vol. 38, No. 1,
pp. 16-21, 2009.
90 .... after applying 2nd level DWT
[5] L. Wang, L. Ding, X. Ding and C. Fang, "2D Face
percentage of the recognition rate

---- after applying 1st level DWT

-.-. befor applying DWT Fitting-Assisted 3D Face Reconstruction for Pose-
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[7] T. Bourlai, J. Kittler and K. Messer, "On Design and
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1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 10 Feb. 2009.
number of images per person
[8] Ebrahimpour et al., "Applying Computer Stereovisio
(d) Recognition rate of (2D)2 - PCA before and after applying DWT
95 Algorithms to Study of Correlation between Face
Asymmetry and Human Vision Pathology", Pattern
90 .... after applying 2nd level DWT
Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp.
679-686, 2009.
percentage of the recognition rate

---- after applying 1st level DWT

-.-. befor applying DWT [9] M. Grgic, K. Delac and S. Grgic, "SCface – Surveillance
Cameras Face Database", Multimedia Tools and
80 Applications, 30 Oct. 2009.
[10] Y. Zhan et al., "Evolutionary Fusion of Multi-Classifier
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[11] A. Saleh et al., "Feature Map Sharing Hypercolumn
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[12] Guoxing et al., "An LPB-Based Multi-Scale
Figure 5. Comparison of recognition rate for different
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6. Conclusion [13] J. K. Sing, S. Thakur, D. K. Basu, M. Nasipuri and M.
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60 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

Authors Profile

Qeethara Kadhim Abdul Rahman Al-Shayea, has received Ph.

D. in Computer Science, Computer Science Department,
University of Technology, Iraq, 2005. She received her M.Sc.
degree in Computer Science, Computer Science Department from
University of Technology, Iraq, 2000. She has received her High
Diploma degree in information Security from Computer Science
Department, University of Technology, Iraq, 1997. She has
received B. Sc. Degree in Computer Science Department from
University of Technology, Iraq, 1992. She joined in September
(2001-2006), Computer Science Department, University of
Technology, Iraq as assistant professor. She joined in September
2006, Department of Management Information Systems Faculty of
Economics & Administrative Sciences Al-Zaytoonah University of
Jordan as assistant professor. She is interested in Artificial
intelligent, image processing, computer vision, coding theory and
information security.

Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani has received Ph. D. in Computer &

Communication Engineering Technology, ETSII, Valladolid
University, Spain, 1994. Assistant of Dean at Al-Anbar Technical
Institute (1985). Head of Electrical Department at Al-Anbar
Technical Institute, Iraq (1985-1988), Head of Computer and
Software Engineering Department at Al-Mustansyria University,
Iraq (1997-2001), Dean of Computer Science (CS) & Information
System (IS) faculty at University of Technology, Iraq (2001-2003).
He joined in 15 September 2003 Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Applied Science
University, Amman, Jordan, as Associated Professor. He joined in
15 September 2005 Management Information System Department,
Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan, as Associated Professor,
then he joined computer science department in 15 September 2008
at the same university.
Muna Suliman Abu-Teamah has received M.Sc in Computer
Science, Amman Arab University. (Oct 1998 to Oct 1999) Lab
Assistance in Zarqa Private University. (Oct 1999 to May 2000)
Technical & Administrator in Zarqa Private University.(Sep 2000
to Jan 2007) Teacher in Um Al-Drda'a School. (Dec 2002 to
March 2003) Teacher in Al-Dwali Center. (Dec 2008 pld assistent
in UNRWA HQA Amman. (Jan 1998 to Jan 2010) Teacher in Al
Huda-Wl-Nour Center.

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