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PSCAD/EMTDC Model of a 3-Phase Grid

Connected Photovoltaic Solar System

Shah Arifur Rahman and Rajiv K. Varma
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Western Ontario
1151, Richmond Street
London, ON N6A5B9, Canada.
Email:{srahma32, rkvarma}

modeled using the softwares Matlab/Simulink, SPICE,

Abstract-- Photovoltaic (PV) solar farms are being increasingly SABER etc, [2]-[11]. In the models of solar farm and MPPT
utilized for producing energy, worldwide. To integrate such solar described in these papers, lookup tables [2], approximate
farms with the grid, a thorough technical study is required in current equations [3], equivalent linear DC voltage source [4],
terms of their impact on system voltage, power quality, response
program coding [5], predetermined constant from the V-I
to faults and short circuit contributions, etc. These studies require
a complete modeling of the PV solar system in an electromagnetic characteristic curve of PV cell [6] are used extensively.
transient software environment like PSCAD/EMTDC. This paper Although, these papers utilize standard diode equations to
presents a PSCAD/EMTDC model of PV solar panels, the grid model PV cells, it is more important to determine the series
connected three phase voltage sourced inverter (VSI) and its resistance (Rs) and the shunt resistance (Rsh) due to the non
controller system. The VSI control is implemented with current linearity of the equations. Some papers have used V-I
control loops. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
characteristic curves [5], [7] to determine Rs of the PV cell by
algorithm is implemented to get the maximum output power for
any given solar irradiation and temperature. This is integrated neglecting Rsh of the PV cell as the value of Rsh is high enough
with the inverter control in such a way that the requirement of and the effect of Rs is more dominant than Rsh in certain
DC-DC converter is eliminated to harvest the maximum power. operating regions. Alternatively, they have determined both
The inverter model also maintains near unity power factor the resistances through iterative techniques [8]-[11]. However
regardless of the level of power output and maintains an such iterative processes can considerably slow down the
acceptable level of current harmonics. Finally, the developed
model is validated with the output of a commercially used PV
simulation process in electromagnetic transient analysis
module. softwares, such as, PSCAD/EMTDC [12]. Moreover, the
iteration process may not converge sometimes, which may
Index Terms— Photovoltaic power systems, MPPT, inverter, return a wrong value of the above parameters.
pulse width modulation, filters, total harmonic distortion. Several models have also been developed in
PSCAD/EMTDC earlier [13]-[16]. Some models are
I. INTRODUCTION developed using approximate equations by neglecting both Rs

S OLAR energy is the most widely available source of

renewable and sustainable energy which can play a leading
role in the program of reducing the green house gas emissions.
and Rsh [13] which results in an inaccurate output. Some of
these models use a number of pre defined constant values with
FORTRAN coding [14] which is inconvenient. One of them
The most efficient means to capture this energy and transform [15] utilizes predefined constants derived from V-I
it into electricity is the photovoltaic (PV) technology. This characteristic curves. Another paper [16] has used the circuit
technology is getting more popular for connecting to the grid based piecewise linearization technique through trial and error
on a large scale. To be able to assess its technical impact on method to model the PV source, which is not only laborious
the overall network, detailed modeling of the complete solar and may result in some inaccuracies. In addition, these models
system in an electromagnetic transient analysis software, such [13], [15], [16] require repetitive refinement for different
as EMTP and PSCAD/EMTDC, is needed. Presently, grid levels of solar radiation and temperature. However, almost all
connected solar farms are using robust controllable three phase the papers use DC-DC converter for MPPT controller. This
inverters to supply high quality AC power to the grid by increases the complexity of the system and also potentially
collecting the maximum available DC power generated from increases power losses on the DC side, thereby reducing the
the solar panels. The power factor of the injected power in overall power conversion efficiency.
such solar systems is maintained at near unity [1]. There is a
vast literature in which the inverters and solar panels are In this paper, a complete grid connected PV solar system
PSCAD/EMTDC model is presented along with the solar
The financial support from Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) – Centre panel modeling which uses the standard datasheet values as
of Energy, NSERC, Bluewater Power, Sarnia, are gratefully acknowledged. input parameters, and MPPT modeling based on the
incremental conductance algorithm [17]. The major depicted in Fig. 1.
contribution of this paper is the complete development of a
converter-less grid connected PV system in PSCAD/EMTDC
software by using its available library blocks. Both Rsh and Rs
are determined through the implementation of diode equation
under different conditions without using any explicit iteration
process or program coding and hence makes the simulation
process faster and more accurate with minimal number of
Figure 1. Single line diagram of the study system
assumptions. The MPPT feature is embedded in the
bidirectional DC-AC converter controller logic to harvest
The study system comprises a 100 kW PV solar farm
maximum power from the PV panels which makes the system
having MPPT capability connected through a transformer with
‘converter-less’ to operate the system at MPP. As a result, this
the equivalent grid representation of the distribution network.
model can be used to simulate the maximum available power
The grid point-of-common-coupling (PCC) voltage is
output for any level of solar irradiation and ambient
considered to be 400 V. The short circuit inductance of the
temperature, efficiently.
400 V grid is 30µH. The transformer is configured as ∆-Y
grounded and has a turns ratio of 1:1. Transformer ∆ side is
Section II describes the study system and modeling of the
connected with the inverter side as shown in Fig. 1 and
system with mathematical manipulation in selecting the
therefore the voltage at the output side of the inverter is 230 V.
parameter values. Section III presents various simulation
The PV plant is capable of generating a DC voltage up to 887
results for different levels of power output of the solar farm
Volts. The MPPT can vary the voltage over a wide range of
and validates the result obtained from a commercial PV solar
reference values depending upon the solar irradiation. The
system [18]. Section IV finally concludes the paper.
system details are presented in Fig. 2 and described in
subsequent sections with necessary mathematical formulation
and parameter values.
The single line diagram of a simple study system is

Figure 2. System model (a) PV source (b) IGBT inverter (c) LCL filter (d) MPPT module and (e) inverter switching signal controller.
A. PV Source Model VOC =VOC( STC ) (1 + K v (T − TS ))KKKKKKKKKK(7)
The equivalent circuit model of a PV cell can be
represented as in Fig. 3. This is replaced with a controlled Here, Ki is the temperature co-efficient of PV short circuit
current source in this model as also shown in Fig. 2(a). current and Kv is the temperature co-efficient of PV open
circuit voltage at STC. Both are expressed in %/ ̊C. Ts is the
standard temperature at STC, Gnom is the solar radiation at
Now using (4)-(7) in (1), the final expression of the PV
output current becomes as follows:

Figure 3. Circuit model of PV Source and its equivalent representation in [I sc ( STC ) {1 + Ki (T − TS )}{nsR sh + Rs } − VOC ] eqVoc( STC ){1 + Kv(T − TS )} / nkTns − 1
  G
PSCAD.  qVoc( STC ){1 + Kv (T − TS )} / nkTns qIsc(STC){1 + Ki (T − TS )}Rs / nkTns  Gnom
nsRsh  e −e 
 
The relation between voltage and current with respect to
different solar irradiations and temperatures for a standard PV GVOC i
[ S
I sc( STC ) 1 + K (T − T ) {nsRsh + Rs } − VOC e }
 q (V + IRs ) / nkTns 
− 1

+ −
nsRsh Gnom n R  eqVoc( STC ){1 + Kv (T − TS )} / nkTns − eqIsc(STC){1 + Ki (T − TS )}Rs / nkTns 
source can be expressed by a set of basic diode equations: s sh
 
V + IRs
V + IRs nsRsh
I = I ph − I 0 e − 1 − KK (1)
q (V + IRs ) / nkTns
 
nsR sh
In this equation, all the parameters can be obtained from
where, V and I are the output voltage and current of the PV any standard datasheet except Rs, Rsh and n. To determine
cell at any temperature and radiation, respectively. In this these parameters the STC case is considered as they do not
equation, for an equivalent single string panel ns is the number vary significantly with different temperature and insolation.
of series cells in the string, Rs is the total series resistance of However, it is noted that,
the string expressed in ohm, k is the Boltzmann’s constant, n

>> e qIsc(STC)Rs{1 + Ki (T − TS )}/ nkTns

is the diode ideality factor, q is the charge of electron qVoc ( STC ){1 + Kv (T − TS )} / nkTns
expressed in ‘eV’ and Rsh is the leakage or shunt resistance e
expressed in ohm. The photo current, Iph, is a direct function
of solar radiation G and can be expressed as: Hence, as a first assumption, the term,
I ph = I ph(T ) G Gnom KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(2)
e qVoc ( STC ){1 + Kv (T − TS )}/ nkTns − 1
  ,
where, I ph (T ) , is the temperature dependent photocurrent at
 qVoc ( STC ){1 + Kv (T − TS )}/ nkTns qIsc(STC){1 + K i (T − TS )}Rs / nkTns 
e −e 
standard insolation level. The reverse saturation current I0 is a  
function of temperature and is usually expressed with a well can be approximated as unity which does not make any
known equation containing the energy band gap function [11], significant changes in the final value of the current but
[16]. However, this is yet another unknown parameter. Hence, reduces unnecessary complexity in the equation. Therefore, at
it is more convenient to directly use the expression of I0 as STC, by replacing T by Ts and G by Gnom, and using the
derived and manipulated in (4) by applying two conditions on above approximation, (8) can be re-written as follows:
(1); short circuit condition where V=0 and I=Isc and open
{nsRsh + Rs }] [Isc( STC) {nsRsh + Rs } − VOC (STC ) ]e
circuit condition where I=0 and V=Voc. In this procedure, no  q(V + IRs) / nkTsns 
energy band gap information is required to determine I0. I=
[I sc ( STC )

− 1

nsRsh  qVoc( STC ) / nkTS ns 
nsRsh  e − 1
I sc nsRsh + I sc Rs − Voc  
Io =
 qVoc / nkTns qIscRs / nkTns  −
V + IRs
nsRsh  e −e  nsR sh
 
Also, in the above two operating conditions, by using (2), the
Using (9), the expression for shunt resistance can be
expression of photo current I ph can be obtained as follows: derived by using the fact that at MPP the derivative of power
with respect to voltage is zero, i.e.,
   V  G
I ph = I  eqVoc / nkTns − 1 + OC KKKKKK(5)
 o  ∂P ∂I
 nsRsh  Gnom ∂V
= I +V
= 0 atmpp, where P=VI. Hence, differentiating (9),
Here, short circuit current Isc and open circuit voltage Voc can a simplified expression for Rsh at STC is obtained in (10).
be expressed in terms of temperature co-efficient to relate
them with the quantities at STC as follows:
[I sc ( STC ) Rs − VOC( STC ) ]eq (Vm + I m Rs ) / nkTsns − 1

 q  qVoc( STC ) / nkTsns 
+ e
 nsTskn 
− 1

Rsh = L (10)
 qVoc( STC ) / nkTS ns   q(Vm + I m Rs ) / nkTsns  I sc ( STC )q
I sc = I sc( STC ) (1 + Ki (T − TS ))KKKKKKKKKKK(6) nsI m  e − 1 − e
(Vm − I m Rs )  − 1
   Tskn
by the voltage at its terminal with the governing expression in
where, Vm and Im are the maximum power point voltage and (8).
current at STC, respectively. B. MPPT Model
In modeling the MPPT, incremental conductance
To deduce the expression of Rs, the leakage current
algorithm [17] is implemented in PSCAD/EMTDC with the
component in (1), (V+IRs)/nsRsh, can be neglected as the
standard mathematical and logical blocks available in the
current flowing through the leakage resistance, Rsh, is very
software library and illustrated in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig.
small. Therefore, (1) can be simplified by neglecting the end
2(d) the MPPT module takes the input of voltage and current
term in addition to the aforementioned first approximation at
from the PV source output and sets the DC link voltage
STC and is represented in (11).
reference at the inverter input side. As a result when the DC
link voltage maintains the reference value, the PV source can
Isc( STC) e q(V + IRs) / nkTsns − 1 KK (11)
I ≈ Isc( STC ) −
[e qVoc( STC ) / nkTsns
− 1  
inject the maximum available power at a certain irradiation
and temperature. As soon as the inverter output current
matches the MPPT current due to set point of MPPT voltage,
From this expression, by applying the MPP operating point at the inverter settles at the operating point of maximum power
STC, the expression for Rs is found as follows: output.

nkTsns  qVoc( STC) / nkTsns  V

Rs = lne
qIm 
− m eqVoc( STC) / nkTsns −1  − m L(12) )
I sc( STC)  I m

Usually, the standard datasheet of a solar module provides

the parameters as given in Table I [18].


Item Description Symbols FS270 FS272 Figure 4. MPPT module building blocks for Incremental Conductance
Nominal Power (±5%) PMPP (Watt) 70.0 72.5 algorithm.
Voltage at PMPP Vms (Volt) 65.5 66.6
C. Inverter model
Current at PMPP Ims (Amp) 1.07 1.09
Open Circuit Voltage VOC (Volt) 88.0 88.7 The inverter is composed of 6 IGBT devices with
Short Circuit Current ISC (Amp) 1.23 1.23 associated snubber circuits as shown in Fig. 2(b). This
Temperature Co-efficient of PMPP Kp (%/°C) -0.25 inverter transforms DC power to AC by using sinusoidal pulse
Temperature Co-efficient of VOC Kv (%/°C) -0.25
width modulation (SPWM) technique which uses a high
High temp>25°C
Temperature Co-efficient of VOC Kv (%/°C) -0.20 switching frequency of 5 kHz to avoid the excessive switching
Low Temp (-40°C to + 25°C) loss and audible range. A series of switching signal pulses of
Temperature Co-efficient of ISC Ki (%/°C) 0.04 different width resulting from the comparison between a high
Cell Type CdS/CdTe with 116 active cells. frequency triangular wave, known as carrier wave, and the
* At STC, AM=1.5, T=25°C and G=1000 watt/m 2
and all ratings ±10%, unless specified otherwise. sinusoidal modulating signals are fed from the controller. By
controlling the modulating signal, the switching pulse width
It is obvious from Table I and (1), that the variation in and switching instances can be controlled which ultimately
dataset values for the same material is caused by the variation controls the power flow from the inverter [22].
of the diode ideality factor n, which changes mainly due to the
manufacturing process [19]-[21]. Depending upon the value The detailed switching signal controller configuration is
of n, the maximum power point varies. Hence, the value of n shown in Fig. 2(e) in which two current control loops are
is determined by hit and trial method to satisfy the maximum used. In the controller the output current signals of the
power point voltage and current. Moreover, as a result of inverter is fed back to the controller and transformed into d-q
MPP matching procedure in determining n, the error in the reference axis. As a result, the reference of direct axis id,ref
determination of Rs and Rsh as illustrated in (10) and (12) are and quadrature axis iq,ref are compared with the measured
also compensated. Hence, a more precise output of PV transformed quantity. Two PI controllers are used to maintain
voltage and current can be achieved. the reference value and are tuned through simulation process
with hit and trial method [23]. The final output is then
In this model, the final expressions in (8), (10) and (12) are transformed back to ABC reference which then acts as the
implemented by using the PSCAD/EMTDC standard library sinusoidal modulating signal. From the derived mathematical
blocks where the PV source is modeled as a controlled current relation of power in d-q reference axis it can be written that,
source as shown in Fig. 2(a) whose current output is dictated
P = Vd .I d + Vq .I q LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (13) maintained to avoid excessive voltage drop in the ac side
across inductors, maintain better controllability of output
Q = −Vd .I q + Vq .I d LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (14) current and suppress the ripple in the AC side current. These
constraints are:
where, P and Q are the real and reactive power output a) The capacitor value should be limited such that it can
respectively, and Vd, Vq, are the d-q components of grid draw a maximum reactive power of not more than 5%
voltage and Id, Iq are the d-q components of current injected of the rated power in order to maintain almost unity
by the inverter. As the modulating signals are the feedback power factor.
signal of this current component, hence by controlling the b) The total value of inductance should be around 0.1 pu
reference signal, it automatically adjust the modulating signals to limit the ac voltage drop during operation.
with the help of PI controllers to control the switching pulse Otherwise, higher dc link voltage is required to ensure
width and switching instances. These eventually control the the current controllability.
flow of P and Q output from the inverter by adjusting the c) The resonant frequency should be in the range between
current output. ten times the line frequency and one-half of the
switching frequency, to avoid amplification of
The purpose of the inverter is to transfer all the available unwanted harmonics in the lower parts and upper parts
power from the solar farm to the grid by maintaining unity of the harmonics spectrum.
power factor. As seen earlier in (1) the output current and d) Passive damping must be sufficient to avoid oscillation
hence the power is dependent upon the voltage at the PV by taking the losses under consideration.
source output, therefore by adjusting the voltage output at the
PV source terminal the power output can be controlled. The In the modeled system, a filter capacitor of C=99 µF is
PV output voltage is the dc link voltage which is the input of selected which is determined by using (17).
the inverter and should maintain a constant reference value. 2 ) FaradLLLLLLLLLLL(17)
C = λPrated /(3 * 2πf1V pn
This reference value of dc link voltage is obtained from
MPPT to get the maximum power output from the solar farm
and, eventually, it sets the reference for the Iq. It is noted, that The inductances are used as L1=500 µH at inverter side and
in this simulation system, according to the settings of local L2=100 µH at the grid side. The ratio of L1 and L2 is
frame, the quadrature axis current component varies the active maintained as L1/L2=5=r, as recommended in [26] and [27] to
power proportionally according to the relation (13) and direct avoid the overlapping of the cut-off frequency of LCL filter
axis current component varies the reactive power according to with the bandwidth of grid connected current controller.
relation (14). Hence, the reference for direct axis current Besides, use of larger L1 suppresses the ripple current more
component Id,ref is set to zero to maintain unity power factor. effectively. Usually, the following formulae are used to find
out L1 [25].
D. DC Link Capacitor Modeling
As mentioned earlier that the DC link voltage must be ig (hsw) 1
maintained constant to get a good quality of power and i(hsw) 1 + r (1 − C.L1ω 2 )
minimize the ripple of the PV source current. To fulfill these sw
objectives usually a large size of DC link capacitor is used. where, ig(hsw) is the grid current at switching harmonic and
The following expressions in (15) and (16) are used to i(hsw) is the switching current output from the inverter. For a
determine the size of the DC link capacitor to limit the DC switching frequency of fs=5 kHz, the suppressed switching
ripple [24]. It is assumed in determining the size of DC link current harmonic at grid is calculated as 0.004 times the
capacitor that the output current is ripple free which is output switching current harmonics.
maintained by using high switching frequency and an LCL
filter at the output and is discussed in the next section. However, the total inductance LT = (L1+L2) is equal to 0.12
−3 2 2 pu for a base value of Lb=5.05mH, which is acceptable as the
Cdc = 2Pmax * 20*10 / V dc (1 − K )FaradLLLLLLL(15)
dc link voltage of about 650Volts (at rated solar irradiation) is
K = Vdc,min / Vdc LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(16) almost 2.8 times of ac output voltage and that is more than
enough to compensate the extra voltage drop across the
where, 20*10-3 is the time for one complete cycle in second inductors. The resonance frequency calculated with (19) gives
for 50Hz system which is the fundamental frequency for the a value of fr=1743 Hz, which is within the range of 10f1 and
worst case scenario (modulation index m>1) of switching 1/2fsw and hence satisfies the constraint (c).
frequency, Pmax is the maximum power output, Vdc is the DC
link voltage. [ ]
f r = 1 / 2π ( LT / L1 L2 C ) Hz LLLLLLLLLLLL(19)
E. LCL Filter Modeling
It is noted, that the L2 includes the transformer leakage
In modeling LCL filter some constraints [25] are
inductances. If the leakage inductance of the transformer is
large enough then the transformer itself can act as L2 branch in
the LCL filter configuration and is illustrated in fig. 2(c). The
damping resistor in series with capacitor is considered as 1/3rd
of the capacitive reactance at resonant frequency [25] to
effectively damp down the oscillation by considering the


In the simulation model, 10 x 138 numbers of series-
parallel combinations of FS 272 solar modules are connected
Figure 6. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) at different level of insolation
to make a total capacity of 100kW at STC. The measurements and temperature.
are taken at the PCC as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. In Fig. 5
and Fig. 6, the DC and AC side RMS voltages and currents, It can be seen from Fig. 5 that while the PV system is
PV power output and the variation of THD are illustrated for operating under STC without enabling the MPPT (10-15sec)
the solar radiation of 1 Sun at 25°C (0-40 sec) and solar it is operated in low power level (53.7kW) corresponding to
radiation of 0.8 Sun at 45°C (40-60 sec) while the system is 827.7 V DC. After 15 sec when the MPPT feature is enabled
run with MPPT for the duration of 15-60sec only. it reaches its maximum power point within next 10 sec which
is the time taken by the MPPT module to track the maximum
power. This can be made even faster with fine tuning of the
controller. Hence, at STC with MPPT enabled, the PV system
operates at 100kW at a DC voltage level of 666 V for the
duration of 25 to 40 sec which demonstrates the effectiveness
of the modeled MPPT. After 40 sec the solar insolation level
and temperature changes and the maximum power point goes
down to 74.7 kW with an operating voltage of 624 V and
continues to supply until 60 sec. The rms voltage and current
of each phase corresponding to DC power changes with the
radiation level and supply almost the same amount of AC
power to the grid. A small variation between the DC and AC
supply is maintained to compensate the losses in the inverter
and of its associated circuits. The voltage at the AC side is
almost constant as it is set by the grid voltage. However, the
level of harmonics remains within the acceptable limit (5% of
fundamental) while operating with MPPT and illustrated in
Fig. 6, for different operating condition which demonstrates
the effectiveness of the modeled LCL filter and the sizing of
DC link capacitor.

As illustrated in Fig. 7, the instantaneous phase voltage and

(b) currents are in phase which demonstrates that unity power
factor is maintained at the PCC by the solar inverter.


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