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Cocame-lts History, Uses and Effects, by RICHARD ASH- patterns of use were stable and appeared to have been
LEY St Martm’s Press New York, 1975 232 pp $795 a part of the culture for many years (ganJd complex)
Laboratory studies showed only one interesting finding
The author revlewed the hterature on cocame He also which was a trend of mild functional hypoxia among
noted ins own biases m the Preface He beheves that drug heavy, long-term chronic smokers Since tobacco and ganJa
experts select facts wluch support their own preJudlces He are usually smoked as a nnxture, it was not possible to
also (correctly) IS not Impressed by authorltatlve state- sort out the relative contrlbutlon of the substances m pro-
ments which ignore facts Fmally, he states that he beheves ducmg the results There were no significant differences
that llhclt drugs should be legahzed and controlled m the between users and controls with respect to chromosome
way that alcohol 1s regulated The book thus provides an damage, brain damage, or psychlatnc problems
mterestmg overvlew of cocame but 1s wrltten m such a Although its production and use 1s illegal. ganJa IS a
way that the author’s liberal views on cocame regulation part of everyday life for the many people who grow, sell
are often m evidence and consume the plant A poor man can make a little
Ashley accurately states that cocame 1s not a narcotic extra money by being mvolved m the cultlvatmg or selhng
drug It 1s a stimulant and euphorlant Physlcal depen- A sphff (cigarette) containing tobacco as well as marlJuana
dence and tolerance do not occur although psychologuzal 1s usually smoked socially However, many people, partlcu-
dependence certamly does WIthdrawal symptoms do not larly women and children, drmk a ganJa tea m private
usually occur One exception to this 1s the “cocame blues” Sometimes a smoker has a bad first experience and decides
which some regular users report after stopping the drug not to continue smoking He 1s then excused by the smok-
The author also lists some of the psychoactlve and phy- mg group with the excuse that “he doesn’t have the head
slologlcal effects of cocame Most experts report euphoria, for it” Those who habitually smoke beheve that ganJa
increased energy. sexual stimulation and decreased fatigue “bramlfies” them and keeps them healthy
and appetite The drug also increases the SubJectlve feeling This book 1s a significant contrtbutlon to our knowledge
01 muscular strength, has a vasoconstrlctlve action, m- of marlJuana use One of Its great pluses 1s the fact that
creases body temperature and dries the mucous mem- part of the proJect was carried out via field observattons
branes Adverse reactIons include central nervous system Thus, the patterns of use m the naturahstlc settmg could
stimulation with tremors and convulsions, cardiac failure, be well documented GanJa consumption 1s endemic as a
anxiety and msomma Evidently parancna and hallucma- part of the culture and appears to be used as an energizer
tions are rare The latter. when they occur, are usually The facts that there was no progression to other drug use
of the tactile variety The most common reaction 1s a and no amotlvatlonal syndrome are heartening The labor-
tender nose among those who “snort” the drug atory proJect came up with no findings of slgmficance save
The book gives a lively history of cocaine from its one (functional hypoxia among chrome users who smoked
growth m Bohvla and Peru to its consumption there, as a mixture of ganJa and tobacco) The paucity of untoward
well as elsewhere The early experlmentatlon of Freud 1s results 1s also encouraging On balance, this scientific study
recounted, as 1s the discovery of the usefulness of cocame provided a good, ObJective documentation of ganJa use via
as an ophthalmological anesthetlc by Keller The mclusion field observation, and provided data to show that pro-
of cocame m cola dnnks and patent medlcmes, particularly longed use has little effect on the parameters measured
m the late 19th century also makes interesting readmg m the laboratory
I found the book to be intriguing as well as irritating
What was good was very good The reader will have to McLean Hoqtal, CHESTER SWEIT,JR
Judge for hlmself as to the merits of legalizing cocaine and Harvard Me&Cal School,
controllmg it m the way that alcohol 1s regulated Belmont, MA, US A


Harvard Medical School,
Belmont, MA, U S A
Gehandicapten wel Geteld. (Study of the Physically Handi-
capped Persons in the Netherlands). Centraal bureau voor
statlstlek, StaatsmtgeveriJ, Den Haag, 1974 46 pp f 7 50

In many countries there 1s a lack of mformatlon about

Ganjain Jamaica,by VERA RUBIN and LAMBROS COMITAS the number and percentage of physically handicapped per-
Mouton The Hague, 1975 205 pp No price given sons Three Mmlstrles have carried out a survey to obtain
information on this SubJect
The book summarizes the findmgs of research studies of In this study a good solution was found for the problem
marlJuana use m Jamaica One proJect mvolved mtervlews of defining “physically handicapped” (one can have a
and observations carried out li the naturahstlc settings physical disorder without bemg handicapped, and vice
of selected rural and urban areas The findings indicated versa) only those persons wth one or more functional
that 60-70”, of the lower class rural population ingest hmitatlons, together with a physical deviation, were con-
ganJa (mtermedlate strength marlJuana) m some form For sidered handicapped FunctIonal hmltations are dlstur-
such users there was no evidence that there IS reliance bances m the working of legs, arms/hands, eyes, ears.
on other types of drugs and no escalation to the use of speech, stamina (mainly heart/lungs), urmatmg. defecatmg.
narcotics Alcohol use has also remamed at a low level epllepsy/eqmhbrmm, or other body potentials However,
Also the use of ganJa was not related to crime (except the decision not to consider those persons who are both
for the crimes of growmg selhng and using ganJa) The physically and mentally handicapped IS questlonable

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