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76 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

Performance Evaluation of MANET Routing

Protocols Under Black Hole Attack
M.Umaparvathi1 and Dr. Dharmishtan K Varughese2
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbaotre, India
Professor, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India

Abstract:- Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are open to a In a mobile ad hoc network, all the nodes co-
wide range of attacks due to their unique characteristics like operate amongst each other to forward the packets in the
dynamic topology, shared medium, absence of infrastructure, network and hence, each node is effectively a router. Several
multi-hop scenario and resource constraints. In such a network, routing protocols have been proposed for ad hoc networks.
each mobile node operates not only as a host but also as a The protocols AODV and AOMDV are the on-demand
router, forwarding packets for other nodes that may not be routing protocols, in which the protocols discover routes as
within direct wireless transmission range of each other. Thus,
needed. Due to the inherent characteristics of dynamic
nodes must discover and maintain routes to other nodes. . Data
packets sent by a source node may be reached to destination
topology and lack of centralized management, MANET is
node via a number of intermediate nodes. In the absence of a vulnerable to various kinds of attacks [1]. One such attack is
security mechanism, it is easy for an intermediate node to insert, the Black hole attack. In this attack, a malicious node sends
intercept or modify the messages thus attacking the normal a forged Route REPly (RREP) packet to a source node that
operation of MANET routing. One such attack is Black hole initiates the route discovery in order to pretend to be a
attack. Black hole is a type of routing attack where a malicious destination node. Use of reply from an intermediate node
node advertise itself as having the shortest path to all nodes in rather than the destination reduces the route establishment
the environment by sending fake route reply. By doing this, the time and also the control traffic in the network. This,
malicious node can attract the traffic from the source nodes. however, leads to vulnerabilities such as black holes [2].
And then all the packets will be dropped. This paper analyzes the Sequence numbers used in RREP messages serve as time
performance evaluation of Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector
stamps and allow nodes to compare how fresh their
(AODV) and its multipath variant Ad hoc On-demand Multi-
information on the other node is. When a node sends any
path Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocols under black
hole attack. Their performances were evaluated through type of routing control message, RREQ, RREP etc., it
simulations using network simulator (NS-2). The performance increases its own sequence number. Higher sequence
of these two protocols were analyzed and compared based on number is assumed to be more accurate information and
packet delivery ratio (%), throughput (kbps), average end to end whichever node sends the highest sequence number, its
delay (ms), and average jitter (ms). information is considered most up to date and route is
established over this node by the other nodes.
This paper analyses the effect of black hole attack
Keywords: MANET, Black hole attack, AODV, AOMDV on the reactive routing protocol, AODV and its variant
AOMDV via simulation. The paper is organized as follows:
1. Introduction Section 2 describes the background of the protocol AODV,
section 3 describes the multipath on-demand routing
Mobile ad hoc networks consist of a collection of wireless
protocol AOMDV, and section 4 discusses the
mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among
characteristics of black hole attack. Section 5 analyses the
themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a
effects of black hole attack in the two routing protocols
wired backbone network. These nodes generally have a
AODV and AOMDV through simulations followed by
limited transmission range and so, each node seeks the
conclusions in section 6.
assistance of its neighboring nodes in forwarding packets
and hence the nodes in an ad-hoc network can act as both
routers and hosts, thus a node may forward packets between 2. AODV Routing Protocol
other nodes as well as run user applications. MANETs have Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) [3] is a
potential use in a wide variety of disparate situations. Such reactive routing protocol in which the network generates
situations include moving battle field communications to routes at the start of communication. AODV uses traditional
disposable sensors which are dropped from high altitudes routing tables. This means that for each destination exist
and dispersed on the ground for hazardous materials one entry in routing table and uses sequence number, that
detection. Civilian applications include simple scenarios this number ensure the freshness of routes and guarantee the
such as people at a conference in a hotel where their laptops loop-free routing. It uses control messages such as Route
comprise a temporary MANET to more complicated Request (RREQ), and Route Reply (RREP) for establishing
scenarios such as highly mobile vehicles on the highway a path from the source to the destination. When the source
which form an ad hoc network in order to provide vehicular node wants to make a connection with the destination node,
traffic management. it broadcasts an RREQ message. This RREQ message is
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 77
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

propagated for the source, and received by neighbors of the The performance study of AOMDV relative to AODV
source node. Then these nodes broadcast the RREQ message under a wide range of mobility and traffic scenarios reveals
tot heir neighbors. that AOMDV offers a significant reduction in delay, often
This process goes on until the packet is received by more than a factor of two. It also provides reduction in the
destination node or an intermediate node that has a fresh routing load and the end to end delay.
enough means that the intermediate has a valid route to the
destination established earlier than a time period set as a 4. Black Hole Attack
threshold. Use of reply from an intermediate node rather
than the destination reduces the route establishment time In black hole attack, a malicious node injects false route
and also the control traffic in the network. This, however, replies to the route requests it receives advertising itself as
leads to vulnerabilities such as black holes [2]. Sequence having the shortest path to a destination [6]. These fake
numbers used in RREP messages serve as time stamps and replies can be fabricated to divert network traffic through
allow nodes to compare how fresh their information on the the malicious node for eavesdropping, or simply to attract
other node is. When a node sends any type of routing all traffic to it in order to perform a denial of service attack
control message, RREQ, RREP etc., it increases its own by dropping the received packets.
sequence number. Higher sequence number is assumed to be In AODV, the sequence number is used to determine
more accurate information and whichever node sends the the freshness of routing information contained in the
highest sequence number, its information is considered most message from the originating node. When generating RREP
up to date and route is established over this node by the message, a destination node compares its current sequence
other nodes. number, and the sequence number in the RREQ packet plus
one, and then selects the larger one as RREPs sequence
number. Upon receiving a number of RREP, the source node
3. Overview of AOMDV
selects the one with greatest sequence number in order to
The main idea in AOMDV [5] is to compute multiple paths construct a route. But, in the presence of black hole [8]
during route discovery. It is designed primarily for highly when a source node broadcasts the RREQ message for any
dynamic ad hoc networks where link failures and route destination, the black hole node immediately responds with
breaks occur frequently. When single path on-demand an RREP message that includes the highest sequence
routing protocol such as AODV is used in such networks, a number and this message is perceived as if it is coming from
new route discovery is needed in response to every route the destination or from a node which has a fresh enough
break. Each route discovery is associated with high overhead route to the destination. The source assumes that the
and latency. This inefficiency can be avoided by having destination is behind the black hole and discards the other
multiple redundant paths available. Now, a new route RREP packets coming from the other nodes. The source
discovery is needed only when all paths to the destination then starts to send out its packets to the black hole trusting
break. To keep track of multiple routes, the routing entries that these packets will reach the destination. Thus the black
for each destination contain a list of the next-hops along hole will attract all the packets from the source and instead
with the corresponding hop counts. All the next hops have of forwarding those packets to the destination it will simply
the same sequence number. For each destination, a node discard those [9]. Thus the packets attracted by the black
maintains the advertised hop count, which is defined as the hole node will not reach the destination.
maximum hop count for all the paths. This is the hop count
used for sending route advertisements of the destination. 5. Simulation Methodology
Each duplicate route advertisement received by a node
defines an alternate path to the destination. To ensure loop The performances of AOMDV and AODV routing protocols
freedom, a node only accepts an alternate path to the under the presence of black holes were evaluated using NS-2
destination if it has a lower hop count than the advertised simulator. The simulations have been carried out under a
hop count for that destination. AOMDV can be used to find wide range of mobility and traffic scenarios. The goal is to
node-disjoint or link-disjoint routes. To find node-disjoint study how AOMDV outperforms with AODV, particularly
routes, each node does not immediately reject duplicate in terms of end-to-end delay, jitter, through-put and packet
RREQs. Each RREQ arriving via a different neighbor of the delivery ratio.
source defines a node-disjoint path. This is because nodes
cannot broadcast duplicate RREQs, so any two RREQs 5.1. Network Simulator
arriving at an intermediate node via a different neighbor of The entire simulations were carried out using NS-2.34
the source could not have traversed the same node. In an network simulator which is a discrete event driven simulator
attempt to get multiple link-disjoint routes, the destination developed at UC Berkeley [4] as a part of the VINT project.
replies to duplicate RREQs regardless of their first hop. To The goal of NS-2 is to support research and education in
ensure link-disjoint ness in the first hop of the RREP, the networking. It is suitable for designing new protocols,
destination only replies to RREQs arriving via unique comparing different protocols and traffic evaluations. NS2 is
neighbors. After the first hop, the RREPs follow the reverse developed as a collaborative environment. It is distributed as
paths, which are node disjoint and thus link-disjoint. The open source software. The propagation model used in this
trajectories of each RREP may intersect at an intermediate simulation study is based on the two-ray ground reflection
node, but each takes a different reverse path to the source to model. The simulation also includes an accurate model of
ensure link-disjoint ness. the IEEE802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)
wireless MAC protocol.
78 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

Here the black hole attack takes place after the

Packet Delivery ratio
attacking node receives RREQ for the estimation node that
it is going to impersonate. To succeed in the black hole 100
attack, the attacker must generate its RREP with sequence 80
number greater than the sequence number of the destination

[6]. Upon receiving RREQ, the attacker set the sequence
number of REP as a very high number, so that the attacker 40

node can always attract all the data packets from the source 20
and then drop the packets [7]. 0
For the performance analysis of the network, a 0 1 2 3 4 5
regular well-behaved AODV network [AODV] was used as Number of block holes
a reference. Then black holes were introduced into the
network. Simulations were carried out for the MANET with Figure 2. Comparison of Packet Delivery ratio
one and more black holes. Then using the same set of
scenarios, the simulation was carried out with the variant
protocol AOMDV. The simulation parameters are tabulated Throughput - AODV & AOMDV
in Table 1.

Table 1: Simulation Parameters 8

Parameter Value 6 AODV
Simulator NS-2 (ver 2.34) AOMDV

Simulation Time 500 sec
Number of mobile nodes 50 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Topology 1000 m X 1000 m
Number of black holes
Transmission range 250 m
Routing Protocol AODV & AOMDV Figure 3. Comparison of Throughput
Maximum bandwidth 1Mbps
Traffic Constant Bit Rate
Maximum Speed
5 m/s End-to-end Delay - AODV & AOMDV
Source destination pairs 22
The sample screen shot of a scenario of 50 mobile nodes 300
End-to-end Delay

with five black holes is shown in the figure Fig.1. 250

200 AODV
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of black holes

Figure 4. Comparison of End-to-end Delay

Jitter - AODV & AOMDV

Figure 1. Sample simulation scenario with 5 black holes 140
The following figures show the performance comparison of 100

the two routing protocols AODV and AOMDV based on the AODV
routing parameters packet delivery ratio, average 60
throughput, average delay and average jitter. 40
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of black holes

Figure 5. Comparison of Average Jitter

(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 79
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

The performance study of AOMDV relative to AODV under [9] Deng, H., Li, W., Agrawal, D., “Routing Security in
a wide range of mobility and traffic scenarios reveals that Wireless Ad Hoc Networks” IEEE Communication
AOMDV offers better through-put, better packet delivery Magazine (October 2002) pp. 70-75.
ratio, reduction in jitter and significant reduction in delay
even with the presence of black hole nodes. Authors Profile

6. Conclusion Ms.Umaparvathi completed her

B.E.(ECE) from Madras University in
This paper analyses the effect of black hole in an AODV the year 1995. She completed her
and AOMDV network. For this purpose, a MANET with M.Tech (Communication Systems)
AODV and AOMDV routing protocol with black holes were from NIT, Trichirapalli in the year 2005.
implemented in NS-2. Using fifteen different scenarios each Currently she is doing Ph.D in
with 50 nodes and with five different speeds, the parameters Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore. Her research
packet delivery ratio, throughput, end-to-end delay and jitter interests are wireless networks, Information security and
were measured. Having simulated, it is seen that, the packet Digital Signal Processing.
loss is more with the presence of black hole in AODV than
in AOMDV. And also AOMDV produced more throughput, Dr. Dharmishtan K Varughese
less end-to end-delay and jitter when compared with AODV. completed his B.Sc.(Engg.) from College
In general, AOMDV always offers a superior immune of Engineering, Trivandrum in the year
routing performance against black hole attack than AODV 1972. He completed his M.Sc.(Engg.)
from College of Engineering,
in a variety of mobility and traffic conditions. Thus, it is
Trivandrum in the year 1981. He
better to consider the defense mechanism against the black completed his Ph.D from
hole attack in MANET based on AOMDV than that of
AODV. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in the year 1988. He
was working as Senior Joint Director from the year 2003 to
2007. Currently he is working as a Professor in Karpagam
References College of Engineering, Coimbatore. His research interests
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