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80 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

A Survey and Comparison of Various Routing

Protocols of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and a
Proposed New TTDD Protocol Based on LEACH
Md. Habibe Azam1, Abdullah-Al-Nahid2, Md. Abdul Alim3, Md. Ziaul Amin4
Khulna University, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Khulna University, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Lecturer, Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Khulna University, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Khulna University, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Lecturer, Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline

Abstract: In wireless sensor network, the lifetime of a sensor efficient routing protocol. Moreover, our proposed new
node depends on its battery. By energy efficient routing protocol, TTDD protocol will save the lifetime of the sensing node.
it can increase the lifetime of the network by minimizing the The reminder of this paper is organized as follows, in
energy consumption of each sensor node. Some energy efficient section 2, we briefly discuss the selected protocols, among
protocols have been developed for this purpose. Among those, which we have done the survey and made the comparative
we have made a survey on TTDD, LEACH, PEGASIS, SPIN and list. Section 3 represents the comparative list. we introduce
TEEN on the basis of some basis of some important evaluation
my proposed new TTDD protocol and its advantage in
matrix. Beside this, in this paper we have proposed new Two
Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) based on LEACH.
section 4. Finally, concluding remarks are given in section
Keywords: WSN, Cluster, Protocol, TTDD, LEACH.
2. Selected Protocols
1. Introduction
2.1 TTDD
Wireless sensor network (WSN) [1], [6] consists of small Two-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) approach is used to
tiny devices called sensor nodes distributed autonomously to address the multiple mobile sink problems. TTDD design
monitor physical or environmental conditions at different uses a grid structure so that only sensors located at grid
locations. These sensor nodes sense data in the environment points need to acquire the forwarding information such as
surrounding them and transmit the sensed data to the sink query and data [2]. When a node sense an event than the
or the base station. To transmit sensed data to the base source node proactively forms a grid structure throughout
station affects the power usage of sensor node. Typically, the sensor field and sets up the forwarding information at
wireless sensor network (WSN) contain a large number of the sensors closest to grid points. After forming this grid
sensor nodes and these sensor nodes have the ability to structure, a query from a sink traverses two tiers to reach a
communicate with either among each other or directly to the source. The lower tier is within the local grid square of the
base station. For this reason energy plays a vital role in sink's current location and the higher tier is made of all the
WSN and as much as possible less consumption of energy of dissemination nodes at grid points from source to sink. The
each node is an important goal that must be considered sink floods its query within a cell. Fig.1 shows the total
when designing a routing protocol for WSN. procedure.
Many routing protocol have been developed for this It is assumed that in TTDD’s design sensor nodes are
purpose. In this paper, we have made a survey among some both stationary and location-aware. For the static sensor’s
selected protocols and made a comparative list of those locations TTDD can use simple greedy geographical
protocols which will help to develop the new energy forwarding to construct and maintain the grid structure with
low overhead and their locations awareness TTDD can tag
the sensing data [3], [4], [5].
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 81
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

Set-up Phase
CH selection is done by considering two factors. First, the
desired percentage of nodes in the network and second the
history of node that has served as CH. This decision is made
by each node n based on the random number (between 0 and
1) generated. If the generated random number is less than a
threshold value T (n), then the corresponding nodes
becomes CH for that round. The threshold value T (n) is
calculated from equation 1as


Figure 1. TTDD protocol.

Where P is the desired percentage of cluster-head, r is the
When a sink moves more than a cell size away from its number of round and G is the set of nodes that have not
previous location, it performs another local flooding of data been cluster-heads in the last 1/P rounds. Nodes that have
query which will reach a new dissemination node. Along its been cluster heads cannot become cluster heads again for P
way toward the source this query will stop at a rounds. Thereafter, each node has a 1/p probability of
dissemination node that is already receiving data from the becoming a cluster head in each round. In the following
source. This dissemination node then forwards data advertisement phase, the CHs inform their neighborhood
downstream and finally to the sink. In this way, even when with an advertisement packet that they become CHs. Non-
sinks move continuously, higher-tier data forwarding CH nodes pick the advertisement packet with the strongest
changes incrementally and the sinks can receive data received signal strength.
without interruption. Thus TTDD can effectively scale to a In the next cluster setup phase, the member nodes inform
large number of sources and sinks. the CH that they become a member to that cluster with "join
packet" contains their IDs using CSMA. After the cluster-
2.2 LEACH setup sub phase, the CH knows the number of member
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is the nodes and their IDs. Based on all messages received within
first hierarchical cluster-based routing protocol for wireless the cluster, the CH creates a TDMA schedule, pick a CSMA
sensor network. In LEACH the nodes are partitions into code randomly, and broadcast the TDMA table to cluster
clusters and in each cluster there is a dedicated node with members. After that steady-state phase begins.
extra privileges called Cluster Head (CH). This CH creates
and manipulates a TDMA (Time division multiple access) Steady-state phase
schedule for the other nodes (cluster member) of that Nodes send their data during their allocated TDMA slot to
cluster. Those CHs aggregate and compress the sensing data the CH. This transmission uses a minimal amount of energy
and send to base Station (BS) [7]. Thus it extends the (chosen based on the received strength of the CH
lifetime of major nodes as shown in Fig. 2. advertisement). The radio of each non-CH node can be
turned off until the nodes allocated TDMA slot, thus
Base Station minimizing energy dissipation in these nodes. When all the
Cluster-head data has been received, the CH aggregate these data and
send it to the Base Station (BS).
LEACH is able to perform local aggregation data in each
Cluster cluster to reduce the amount of data that transmitted to the
Cluster member BS.

Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information System
(PEGASIS) is an energy efficient protocol and it is
guaranteed by two characteristics [8], only one node
Figure 2. LEACH protocol. communicates at a time with the base station, and the rest of
the nodes communicate locally only with their neighbours.
This protocol is divided into rounds [6]; each round consists Each node communicates only with the closest neighbour by
of two phases. adjusting its power signal. By using signal strength, each
Set-up Phase node measure the distance to neighbourhood nodes in order
(1) Advertisement Phase to locate the closest nodes. After chain formation PEGASIS
(2) Cluster Set-up Phase elects a leader from the chain in terms of residual energy in
Steady-state Phase every round. The leader collects data from the neighbours to
(1) Schedule Creation transmit to the base station. For this reason, the average
(2) Data Transmission energy spent by each node per round is reduced. Unlike
LEACH, PEGASIS avoids cluster formation and uses only
82 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

one leader in a chain to transmit to the BS instead of The nodes sense their environment continuously. The first
multiple CHs. This approach reduces the overhead and time a parameter from the attribute set reaches its hard
lowers the bandwidth requirements from the BS. Fig. 3 threshold value; the node switches on its transmitter and
shows that only one leader node forward the data to the BS. sends the sensed data. The sensed value is stored in an
internal variable in the node, called the sensed value (SV).
The nodes will next transmit data in the current cluster
period, only when both the following conditions are true.
1. The current value of the sensed attribute is greater
than the hard threshold.
2. The current value of the sensed attribute differs from
SV by an amount equal to or greater than the soft
Figure 3. PEGASIS protocol. Whenever a node transmits data, SV is set equal to the
current value of the sensed attribute. Thus, the hard
2.4 SPIN threshold tries to reduce the number of transmissions by
Sensor Protocol for Information via Negotiation (SPIN) [7] allowing the nodes to transmit only when the sensed
is one of the first data-centric dissemination protocols for attribute is in the range of interest. The soft threshold
wireless network. The target scenario is a network where further reduces the number of transmissions by eliminating
one, several, or possibly all nodes have data that should be all the transmissions which might have otherwise occurred
disseminated to the entire network. when there is little or no change in the sensed attribute once
This negotiation replaces the simple sending of data in a the hard threshold.
flooding protocol by a three step process. First, a node that 3. Comparison
has obtained new data either by local measurements or from
some other nodes, advertises the name of this data to its In this section we present the comparison among the above
neighbours. Second, the receiver of the advertisement can protocol based on their various evaluation matrices [10].
compare it with its local knowledge and if the advertised
data is as yet unknown, the receiver can request the actual Table 1. Comparison among the protocols
data. If the advertisement describes already known data (for
example, because it has been received via another path or Data
Routing Power Scala- Query Over
another node has already reported data about the same area), Aggre-
Protocol Usage bility Based hade
the advertisement is simply ignored. Third, only once a gation
request for data is received, the actual data is transmitted. TTDD Ltd No Ltd Yes Low
Fig. 4 represents the working procedure of SPIN protocol.
LEACH High Yes Good No High

PEGASIS Max No Good No Low

SPIN Ltd Yes Ltd Yes Low

TEEN High Yes Good No High

4. Proposed new TTDD

Main Features
Our proposed routing protocol includes the following
Figure 4. SPIN protocol. • Sensor nodes are homogeneous and energy
2.5 TEEN • Sensor nodes are stationary, the BS is mobile and
Threshold sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network located near from the sensing area.
protocol (TEEN) [9] is targeted at reactive networks. In this • Each node periodically senses its nearby
scheme, at every cluster change time, in addition to the environment and would like to send its data to the
attributes, the cluster-head broadcasts to its members. base station.
Hard Threshold (HT): This is a threshold value for the • A server is used for building a location database of
sensed attribute. It is the absolute value of the attribute sensor node.
beyond which, the node sensing this value must switch on • At first the total area is divided into grid when a
its transmitter and report to its CH. node senses any event and then there form a cluster
Soft Threshold (ST): This is a small change in the value keeping that node as CH.
of the sensed attribute which triggers the node to switch on • Data fusion or aggregation is used to reduce the
its transmitter and transmit. number of messages in the network. Assume that
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 83
Vol. 2, No. 8, August 2010

combining n packets of size k results in one packet

of size k instead of size nk. 5. Advantage
• Using TDMA, cluster sends their data to the CH.
Advantages of the proposed protocol
The routing process can be organized into two phases, • Lifetime of sensing node is greater than TTDD.
grid construction phase and cluster construction phase. • Node consumes less energy than TTDD by aggregating
the sensing data.
Grid Construction Phase • Data quality is batter than TTDD.
The sensing node builds a grid structure throughout the
6. Conclusion
sensor field. The grid size as R×R, where R is a sensor
node’s radio range. All sensor nodes in a grid are within
their radio range. It sets up the forwarding information at Every protocol has some advantages and disadvantages but
the sensors closest to grid points. The sink floods its query if we classify protocol according to their application and
within a cell. When the nearest dissemination node for the design those protocols only for specific purpose, then it will
requested data receives the query, it forwards the query to its be energy efficient otherwise not.
upstream dissemination node toward the source as like as
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Figure 5. Proposed new TTDD based on LEACH.

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