A Research Paper Marcos

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Marcos Regime

A Research Paper



Mrs. Lyravel Humbe

In Partial Fulfillment of

21st Century Literature

Submitted by:

Alfrence Ac-ac

Joreen Mercado

Angelo Ramirez

Arabella Amistoso

Sharon Belotindos

Marianne Comcom

Ferly Anne Gabas

Engelica Ladion

Mae Angelie Mananquil

Kyla Celine Pascua

Azel Mae Roque

Rhiza Tampioc

Presidents play a major role in governing the country. Political management skills is a

significant factor in maintaining the economic and financial stability of a nation. We have had

outstanding ups and depressing downs but we have never been able to lift ourselves to a

spectacular progress. We have also been managed by several presidents, some strived hard to

uplift the country, and some did everything to improve anything about our country while some

organized plans to bring this nation to a higher level. But all of the presidents are different from

each other. Some were like martyrs, heroes, and peacemakers while others were corrupt, unjust

and abusive of their power.

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin y Marcos Sr., the 10th President of the Republic of the

Philippines, is one of the most controversial presidents of all time. His ideas about innovation,

risk-taking and economic growth and development, made him a great and amazing ruler.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to:

A. Determine Marcos’ legacy to the country.

B. Know what happened during martial law.

Review of Related Literature

Former President Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin y Marcos Sr. (September 11, 1917 –

September 28, 1989) was a Filipino politician and was President of the Philippines from 1965-

1986. President Marcos was not different from other Presidents, he also wants our country to

improve the way of living of the Filipinos. During the Marcos administration, social justice finds

concrete translation in development of plans and programs. This interventions where focused on

eliminating illiteracy, expanding employment opportunities, sharing the fruits of development

equitably and introducing requisite of institutional change. The measures of development – the

Gross National Product (GNP) literacy rate and life expectancy had been secured during his lead.

Striving to bring back the good relationship of the countries in Southeast Asia was also his

desire. Upon his affiliation with Saudi Arabia various kinds of progressive techniques were

talked about. Due to this, many Filipinos were employed. Ferdinand Marcos implemented

beneficial policies. The maritime industry was also dominated by Filipinos wherein 50,000

seaman were employed by various world shipping companies. He helped the people who were in

need of medical treatment by constructing infrastructures like the Children's Medical Center. He

also built buildings that attracts tourists like the Coconut Palace.

Even though his presidency caused minimal growth in the Philippines it also lead us

Filipinos to great distress. As time passed, the power got to his head, thus losing focus and letting

the Philippines down. When Marcos' second term was coming to an end, he wanted Imelda (his

wife) to run. When he realized she would not win, he declared Martial Law to keep his

power. From that event, he abused the Philippines by taking away the people's rights and

His regime was infamous for its corruption, extravagance, and brutality. He ruled as a

dictator under martial law from 1972 until 1981. It was on September 21, 1972 when he declared

martial law. The declaration issued under Proclamation 1081 suspended the civil rights and

imposed military authority in the country. Marcos defended that he need extra powers quell the

rising wave of violence allegedly caused by communists. Marcos also explained that martial law

was not a military takeover but was then the only option to resolve the countries dilemma on

rebellion that stages national chaos threatening the peace and order of the country. Marcos stated

citing the provisions from the Philippine Constitution that martial law is a strategic approach to

legally defend the Constitution and protect the welfare of the Filipino people from the dangerous

threats posed by Muslim rebel groups and Christians vigilantes that places national security at

risk during the time. The emergency rule according to Marcos’s plan was to lead the country into

what he calls a “New Society”. During his martial law regime, Marcos confiscated and

appropriated many businesses and institutions, both private and public and redistributed them to

his own family members and close personal friends.

Marcos also silenced the free press. This show how Marcos love himself and his power.

During the martial law the Amnesty International (AI) has estimated that during martial law,

70,000 people were imprisoned, 34,000 were tortured, and 3,240 were killed. The AI mission,

which visited the Philippines from November to December 1975, found that 71 of the 107

prisoners interviewed alleged that they have been tortured. According to the historian Michael

Charleston Chua on his study entitled “TORTYUR: Human Rights Violations During The

Marcos Regime”, he detailed the different kinds of torture used by authorities during this dark

chapter in Philippine history, as recounted by victims and published in different reports.

According to Chua, the physical torture during the Martial law are: Electric shock,

electric wires are attached to the victim’s fingers, arms, head, and in some cases, genitalia; San

Juanico Bridge, the victim lies between two beds and if his or her body falls, he or she will be

beaten; Truth serum, an injection administered in hospitals and used for interrogation, making a

victim “talk drunkenly”; Russian roulette, loading a bullet into one chamber of a revolver,

spinning the cylinder and then forcing the victim to pull the trigger while pointing the gun at his

or her own head; Beating, victim is beaten by a group of soldiers; Pistol-whipping, the victim is

beaten with a rifle butt; Water cure, water is forced through the victim’s mouth and then forced

out by beating; Strangulation, constriction of the victim’s neck done by hand, electric wire or

steel bar; Cigar and flat iron burns, victims of torture are inflicted with burns using cigarettes,

and even a flat iron; Pepper torture, a “concentrated pepper substance” is put on the victim’s lips

or rubbed on his or her genitalia; animal treatment, the victim is shackled, caged, treated, and fed

like an animal; and sexual harassment. Survivors and families left behind by victims of the

regime are still haunted by the trauma they and their loved ones suffered at the hands of those

who had sworn to protect them. Decades after Marcos regime, these stories continue to be told,

serving as stark reminders of the country’s legacies.

The deterioration of the political and economic condition in the Philippines triggered the

decline of support on Marcos’s plans. More and more Filipinos took arms to dislodge the regime.

Marcos held a snap election in 1986 but what he hoped will satisfy the masses only increased

their determination to end his rule that seated Corazon Aquino, widow of Benigno Aquino, as

President of the Philippines ousting Marcos from Malacañang Palace and ending the twenty-one

years of tyrant rule.


By the time Marcos declared martial law, Philippine society besieged by political

instability, endless investigations in Congress, a rise in criminality, and a communist movement

attracting the youth into its ranks. There was an unbelievable level of corruption in the country.

In addition to the suffering and misery of so many, the nation lost priceless years, ultimately its

scarcest, irretrievable resource. Aside from the billions in illegally amassed wealth, human rights

abuses were rampant during those days. Thousands of people were subject to various forms of

torture. Prisoners were electrocuted, beaten up, and strangled. The hopes for the future of

enumerable young men and women were crushed.

But after stealing billions of money and his wife having enormous amount of shoes and

jewelries, Marcos is indeed someone to talk about because of his situational issues and character.

The laws that he implemented hidden over the years that made an unforgettable experience to the

Philippines. He is definitely a president worth knowing about.

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