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1) wat is d govt aim for agricultural growth accor to budget 2009-10?

a)3% B)4% c)5% d)6% e)none of these

2) mahrashtra implemented cooperative farming to success in which crop(correct me if

a)BT cotton b)basmati rice c)sunflower d)

3) which among d following is a GM crop?

A)BT cotton(dun remmbr otha options)

4) which scheme among d following is for development of farmers?

5) in which project is d network of 12 lakh optical fibre lines is to b made?


6) Author of Development as Freedom?

answer : Amartya sen

7) largest milk producing country?

A: India

8) Ramon Magsaysay Award 2009 Indian winner?

A: Deep Joshi

9) Non conventional source of energy?

A: solar power

10) which is not a green house gas?

A: oxygen

11) headqarters of WTO

12) which state first to implement Rs2/- for rice.... 35 kg rice provided per month?
op: orissa, tamil nadu, maharashtra, (other choices)

13) which is/are GM crops?

options:- BT, Deva potato, totapali mango, (1 more choice), all of these

14) Full form of SHG?

op:self-help group
15)which scheme was launched to fill the gaps in agriculture section?
options: annapurna yojana, rashtriya krishi vikas yojna, NSAP, SGRY, (1 more choice)

16) How many gram panchayats are there in india?

17)panchayati raj was instituted according to which amendment?


18)Bill Gates was awarded with which prize recently?

op:Indira Gandhi peace prize 2009, man of the year award, pulitzer award

19)Famous economist and noble prize winner?

Amartya Sen

20)which is not related to agriculture?

op:cryogenics, jatropha, rhizobium, NPK

21) Which of the fol. is a non-conventional source of energy?

op:thermal, solar, hydro, nuclear, all of these

22)Which of the states can't be considered as a major jute-producing state of india?

op:Bihar,assam, orissa, tamil nadu,west bengal

23) under which project there is plan to lay down 12 lakh optical fibres network?
op: pmgsy, nrega, sgry, none

24) which is related to health sector is rural areas?


25) which is the singlemost private sector service provider in india?

op:Agriculture, power, banking, none

26) In a village in West Bengal which is the most common occupation?

op: Pisciculture

27) who is the head of National Farmers Association?

op:deep joshi, sam pitroda, (2 more), none

28) Rainfall has been bad this season. which kharif crop is to be affected?
op:rice, sugarcane, bajra

29) agriculture is a source of livelihood for what percentage of people?

op:40%, 20%, 60%
30) Doha meet related to what?
op:G20, other options

31) what is main objective of Doha meet? (kind of)

32) Who is the author of Development n Freedom?

33) which country is latest to join wto (dont know exactly)?

op:russia, brazil, india, china

34)which of the following is the amount of relief package announced for farmers?

35)which is the most effective irrigation system that will lead to water conservation and
is economical too?

36) which of the following schemes is for the development of farmers?

37)Which initiative was taken by Govt. of India for universalisation of education?

op:sarva shiksa aviyan, mid-day meal, (other choices)

38) APEDA was launched in the year.


* Major Jute producing State- West bengal

* Major occupation in West Bengal- Pisciculture
* fibre optic cable- NREGS
* Nobel winner -Amartya Sen
* Bill Gates was awarded- Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
* Agri growth rate- 4%
* NFC chairman- M.S.Swaminathan
* WTO Hq- None of these (Geneva)
* NOT a Green house gas -Oxygen
* Mah adopted Co-op soc pattern for- BT Cotton (n failed :P)
* non conventional src o energy -Solar (NOTE: Nuclear is NOT one. Check the
MNES site for details)
* Milk producer state- Gujarat
* Commodity trading - MCX and NCDEX
* Agri related employment- 60%
* Biggest pvt sector empolyment- Agri
* Doha - g20
* Universal Elementary Education- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
* GM seed - BT Cotton
* 1st in production of Milk - India
* Scheme recently done for FS/ shortfalls in agri - Rashtriya Krishi Yojana
* SHG- Self Help Group
* Annapurna Yojana idea was first adopted by- Tamil Nadu
* Health related org- ASHA
* programme to listen to farmers' grievances directly- Kisan Call Centre
* PDS was modified to - Targetted PDS or TPDS
* Panchayat Raj Institutes get their resources from - CSS( Centrally Sponsored Schemes)

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