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‘OXFORD ENGLISH FOR CAREERS With additional material by Peter Astley | AT Cees Lolo) g | OXFORD OXFORD ENGLISH FOR CAREERS with additional material by Peter Astley Teacher’s Resource Book OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD (Great Clarendon Stet, Oxford ox2 So (ford Univesity Press is a department of che Univesity of Oxford Iefurthers the University’s objective ofexcllence in research schobship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York ‘Auckland Cape'Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexice City Nairobt [New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofices in ‘Argentina Aussi Branl Chile Caech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Haly Japan Poland Portgal Singapore South Korea Switzeviand halland Turkey Usmaine Vietnam oxroxb and oxronb ENGLISH are repistred trade marks of (ford University Press inthe UK and in certain other countries (© Oxford University Press 2013 ‘The moral rights ofthe author have been aserted Database right Oxford University Pres make Firs published 2011 10987654921 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Allsights reserved. No pat f this publication may be reproduced, ‘stored ina retrieval system. or transmitted, in ay frm or by ay means, ‘without the prior permission in weting of Oxford University Pres, ors ‘expressly permitted by lw er under terms agreed with the appropriate "eprographics sights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the BLT Rights Department, (Ovford University Press, 2t the address above ‘You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and yourmust impose this same condition on any acquirer ‘Any websites referred toin this publcation are in she public domain nd theiradreses are provide by Oxford University Pres for information only (Oxford Univesity Press disclaims any responsibility forthe content san: 9780194569699 Printed in China ‘This book sprinted on paper ftom certified and wellmanaged sources, "Masraton by: Sean Chabluk pp 101, 105; Marin Cottam p 3; Peters and “Zabransky UK Li pp.AS 91,97. (over mage cours: Masterfile (sore Ol Exploration. Loy) ‘The publisher wou ie thank the ollowingfo th ina pormiion to repredce otgraphs: Corbis p01 (Niger Delta i splsane Hahn} Getty Images ‘Ot [sing ol ankerStephane MariAPP; Oxford University Pes pp. (topical eachDgital Vision, 90 (ducksesign Pes, 96 (ol well Digital Vision, 100 (wind farm Photodisc. 104 engineersRadius Image), 107 defrestation/Cresive Sudo), 107 desert{orbiyDighal Sock, 107 {polar beaDigial Vision), 107 carfCoebis, 107 (Arazon/Amazon mages)

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