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Chapter 1



The word ‘quality’ has different meanings under different circumstances. The

quality of a product may have greater or lesser significance depending on the need and

requirement of the user. The easiest way to define quality would be “the degree to which

a product meets the requirements of a customer.” Or still simply “the fitness of a product

or service for its intended use.” Quality control includes all efforts to manage quality

and maintain assurance of continued high quality of product or service. Thus, quality

control conveys an idea about determining and maintaining that quality of the product

or service which will satisfy the customer by its performance, cost and delivery.

Customer satisfaction is therefore the key to effective quality assurance. PL Jain


According to Joel E. Ross (2009), the concept and vocabulary of quality is

elusive. Different people interpret quality differently. Few can define quality in

measurable terms that can be operationalized. When asked what differentiate their

product or service.

According to Schewart (1924), quality was the responsibility of everyone right

from the drawing board stage through project definition, planning, material processing

and production, supply and customer service. Statistical quality control became an

essential technique to assist in quality control and production. The era of ‘quality

control’ changed to ‘quality assurance’. Deming and Juran contributed to a large extent

in the late forties by introducing statistical practices and ushering in the modern concept

of quality assurance.

In the early fifties, K. Ishikawa introduced a new technique of worker

motivation for improving quality and called it ‘quality circles’. Training tools, like the

cause and effect diagram and Pareto analysis were used. The ‘zero defect’ concept and

‘right first time’ concepts were introduced in the west at the same time. The emphasis

on the inspection of the final product to achieve the desired quality was shifted to

controlling quality at every stage of production and thus, the term ‘total quality control’

was introduced by Fiegenbaum in the year 1983, which was later changed to ‘total

quality management’.

There has been proposed, however, only one model, which specifically focuses

on quality perception of food. This is the Total Food Quality Model proposed by Klaus

G. Grunert (1996). It is essentially the only one in use in the food area and will hereby

receive more exhaustive discussion. The work will give a more detailed focus on the

Total Food Quality Model presenting relevant empirical data, which will describe the

various elements of the model according to four major quality dimensions – taste and

appearance, health, and convenience.

According to Grace P. Perdigon (2009), food is the major component of the

material resources required in attaining it is objective of serving quality meals. Food

does not only alleviate hunger ang nourish the body but also satisfies the human senses.

Food is also a reflection of the culture of a people, the economic level of a group, and

the extent of influence of science and technology in a society.

Korean town is a small stretch of Pampanga that houses many shops owned by

Koreans who settled down in Philippines for business or education purposes. Korean

Town blooms gradually as different kinds of Korean establishments sprout one by one.

From restaurants, KTV bars, spas to hotels and shopping marts. It was as it Koreans

have made their own haven within the district of Angeles City. (Richard TWB, 2014)

According to SBS Food (2008), Korean food is one of the healthiest on earth,

with an emphasis on vegetables, meats cooked simply and without much oil, and a near

obsession with the fermented vegetable kimchi, which can be something of an acquired

taste for non-Koreans. The Koreans have perfected the art of preserving food, so many

side dishes are picked, fermented or salted and many are spicy. Traditional restaurants

often feature charcoal grills in the middle of the table - a type of indoor barbecue.

According to Naomi Imatome-Yun (2014), Korean Food Expert, Korean

cuisine as a national cuisine known today has evolved through centuries of social and

political change. Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in

southern Manchuria and the Korean peninsula, Korean cuisine has evolved through a

complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends

According to Bruno (2013) Samgyeopsal (삼겹살) is a very popular Korean

dish. This dish is made with high-quality cuts of pork belly that are utterly delicious.

The dish looks like bacon but it is not cured like bacon, so the taste is rather different.

It tastes much earthier and more like pork cutlets than bacon. Either way the flavors are

unbelievable and the experience is visceral.

Theres a need of quality with Samgyeopsal according to Andre Schmitz (2013),

there is Korean BBQ with Samgyeopsal at so many different places. And people know

the differences not just between the restaurants designs but more between the different

qualities of Samgyeopsal. They will know which one is good and which one is not even


The restaurants in Korean Town is a potential target to identify the food quality

of Samgyeopsal through the customer’s feedback and potential growth and

development of hospitality care and tourism management. It is an exceptional study to

highlight a particular and specific service to see its effect as a whole. Through the result

of this study, customer’s awareness on the quality of Samgyeopsal will be a source for

their future plans regarding their stay in Korean Town.

Statement of the problem

To assess the food quality of Samgyeopsal that is served in Korean Town and

to ensure the potential growth of hospitality care and tourism management. The

following specific problems will be identified:

1. How may the respondents be described in terms of:

A. Age

B. Gender

2. How may the food quality of Samgyeopsal served in Korean Restaurant be

assessed according to:

A. Taste and Appearance

B. Health

C. Convenience

3. What conclusions may be drawn from the study?

4. What recommendations may be given based on the results of the study?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was described the quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants only in

Korean Town and any customer who has dined in at the Korean Restaurants with the

age limit of 14-60 years old.

Customer’s rate on the quality of Samgyeopsal is based on the Total Food

Quality Model of Klaus G. Grunert, the four major quality dimensions are taste and

appearance, health, convenience, and process.

This study focused on expected quality (before purchase) and experienced

quality (after purchase) of the Total Food Quality Model. The researchers do not

include the process dimension because customers are not capable of answering how the

Samgyeopsal has been processed and the way it is produced. This characteristic covers

organic production, production that takes into account animal welfare, and production

with no genetically modified organisms.

Significance of the Study

This study is on the different focal persons.

Management of Korean Restaurants. The description of this study regarding the

quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants is a great help on the management on identifying

their strength and weakness, through this the administration can plan a better


Korean Restaurant Customers. This study will benefit them because of the study’s

effect will maintain the management to take into consideration their strength to

maintain the Samgyeopsal quality and their weakness to improve most.

Local Government Unit. It is significant for them because this concern the health,

safety and the advancement of the public good or welfares as affecting the public


Students. Dealing with the food quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants is one factor on

promoting tourism inside the Korean Town this study realize that this factor should

not be behind.

Future Researchers. It is significant fot the future researchers for additional study

regarding the area on Samgyeopsal Restaurants, through this the future researchers

will have additional foundation regarding the topic.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the through and in-

depth search done by researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art,

theoretical framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the

definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Foreign Literature

Grunert (1996) developed the Total Food Quality (TFQ) Model, The TFQM

elaborates on the integration phase by including aspects like meal preparation and

extrinsic cues, and also incorporates purchase intention. The important credence

attributes such as safety, environmental quality, and health are recognized as important

food choice motivations by consumers yet have received far less attention in these

models. Grunert et al.’s (1996) model, however, includes such aspects as motives and

values in the quality perception process, so that consumer food choice is better


The TFQ model can serve as an overall framework for the analysis of

consumers’ food quality perception and its relation to intention to buy and to the design

of food products (Grunert et al., 1996). It incorporates the explanation of intention to

purchase, as a trade-off between give and get components, and the explanation of

consumer satisfaction, as the discrepancy between expected and experienced quality

(Brunsø et al., 2002). The model makes a distinction between “before” (the expected

quality) and “after” (the experienced quality) purchase evaluations. Many food

products has only search characteristics and the consumer will develop expectations

about the quality when she makes the choice. The experienced quality, however, can

be determined only after the consumption. In the “before” purchase part of the model

quality cues are formed on the base of the available cues. From them, consumer try to

evaluate expected quality.

According to the model, the desired quality of food helps satisfy purchase

motives and values. That is, food products contribute to the achievement of desired

consequences and values. The ‘after’ purchase part of the model describes the

experienced quality. Sometimes experienced quality deviates from the expected

quality, particularly when the used quality cues has low predictive value, as already

described. The experienced quality is influenced by many factors, as just few of them

are the consumer’s mood, previous experience, the preparation of the product, sensory

characteristics of the product. It is also true that the quality cues used to infer expected

quality may also influence experienced quality (Grunert, 1996).

Grunert et al. (1996) identified other four quality dimensions, They are called

taste and appearance, health, convenience and process.

Figure 1. The Total Food Quality Model

Source: Grunert et al. (1996)

According to John R. Walker (2012), some of the most common food safety

risks in day-to-day food production fall into three key areas: time/temperature abuse,

cross contamination, and poor personal hygiene.

According to Jonathan Gold (2011), Samgyeop-sal, fresh, Korean-style pork

belly, cut into thick slabs, cooked on a hot griddle, sliced into serving portions with

sharp scissors and folded into a bit of vegetation with bean sauce and a sliver of raw

garlic. The difference between Korean pork belly culture and American bacon fixation

is that a lot of Koreans tend to think of pork belly as health food — perhaps not health

food in the way that bracken ferns are health food, but as a magic, protein-rich substance

that clears the skin, protects the liver, detoxifies the lungs, even cleanses the system of


“The most common accompaniments for Samgyeopsal are lettuce (sangchu)

and sliced raw garlic, but very often the meat is served with other accompaniments,

such as perilla leaves (kkaennip), sliced green chili peppers, shredded green onions,

sliced raw onions, and aged kimchi (mugeunji). Garlic, onions, and kimchi can be either

grilled with the meat or consumed raw with the cooked meat. Mushrooms, such as

button mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, are also grilled with the meat.” (Dave Myers,


According to the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture (2012), There

were differences in food acceptance according to age and gender of visitors. Male

prefers Samgyeopsal-suyuk to Pyeonyuk. but female prefer Pyeonyuk to Samgyeopsal-

suyuk. Elder individuals preferred Kodarichim, Gaoricho-muchim. Younger

individuals preferred Jeon, Ojingeodorajimuchim, and Samgyeopsal-suyuk.

According to the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

(2011), The preference and satisfaction for Korean food by Chinese students studying

at Mokpo National University of Korea were surveyed. The students (n=167) were

53.9% males, 58.1% Korean residents for 6 months and 47.9% in healthy condition.

The recognition of Korean food was highly light taste () and the preference of Korean

food materials was in the order of beef (46.7%), hairtail fish (28.7%), baechu (24.4%),

tangerine (49.1%), milk (38.9%) in each food category. Eating habits were feeling of

hunger on reason for eating (43.1%), moderate satiety degree for a diet (58.7%), no

time for reason to skip diet (48.5%), family for impact factor of eating habits (55.1%)

and irregular diet time for the problem of eating habits (40.1%).

The South Korean government planned to import 70,000 of Samgyeopsal with

no tariff in the second half year of 2013. Thus, importation of Samgyeopsal was

expected to expand. Samgyeopsal is popularly consumed both at restaurants and at

home, and also used as an ingredient for other Korean dishes. (Violet Kim, 2013)

According to Violet Kim (2013) usually the Samgyeopsal tastes sweet and sour

and about the size of very thin. After it cooks on both sides it is cut and cooks for a

short while longer. It doesn’t take long at all for Samgyeopsal to cook. Once the meat

is cooked it is common to make a small wrap from a piece of lettuce or sesame leaf.

Inside the wrap you can put radish, kimchi, or onion.

In the survey, 85% of South Korean adults said it was their favorite pork meal.

Due to this popularity, its belly is the most expensive part of the pork. (Violet Kim,


According to Kath Not (2014), only does food nourish the body, it provides

nourishment for the soul. It’s because of taste that eating is considered a pleasurable

experience. One reason that taste sensations are important is that they prepare our

bodies for digesting food and these sense provide information about our food. The

ability to taste our food is vitally important for our health and well-being.

According to a 2006 survey by the Agricultural Cooperatives in Korea. 85% of

South Korea adults surveyed stated their favorite pork is Samgyeopsal.. The survey also

showed 70% of recipients eat the meat at least once a week. The high popularity of

Samgyeopsal makes it one of the most expensive parts of pork. South Korea imports

wholesale Samgyeopsal from Belgium, the Netherlands, and other countries for the

purpose of price stabilization as imported pork is much cheaper than domestic.

Local Literature

According to Ulysses C. Catchallar (2010), Hazard Analysis and Critical

Control Point, (HACCP), is a systematic preventive approach to food safety and

pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a

means of prevention rather than finished product inspection.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of

Agriculture (USDA) say that their mandatory HACCP programs for juice and meat are

an effective approach to food safety and protecting public health. Meat HACCP systems

are regulated by USDA. The FDA establishes minumum internal temperatures for

cooked foods. It is important to remember that these values can be superseded by state

or local health code requirements, but they cannot be below the FDA limits.

Temperatures should be measured with a probe thermometer in the thickest part of

meats. (Ulysses C. Catchalian, 2010)

According Celia E. Cariño (2009), for the preparation of vegetables. Because

heat affects the vegetable texture, flavor, color, and nutrient retention, limiting cooking

time helps preserve both flavor and appearance. Acidity and toughens vegetables, while

alkalinity causes excessive softening. Heating vegetables in a little water as possible

with the lid on is generally recommended, with a few exception, to retain flavor and

nutrients. Vegetable maybe prepared by either dry-heat (baking, frying) or moist-heat

(simmering, steaming, microwaving) cooking methods. Regardless of the method

selected, vegetables should be throughly cleaned before preparation to removed soil,

bacteria, and pesticide residues.

According to Lucio D. Asis (2010), food safety is a scientific discipline

describing handing, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne

illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially

severe health hazards. Debates on genetic food safety include such issues as impact on

genetically modified food on health of further generations and genetic pollution of

environment, which can destroy natural biological diversity.

Most fresh, unprocessed vegetables are naturally low in calories (kcall),

cholesterol, and sodium and fat. Vegetables are usually good sources of carbohydrates

(especially fiber) certain vitamins/minerals, and nonnutritive compounds called

phytochemicals, which possess health –protective benefits. Meat is defined as the

animal tissue considered specifically as food. Meat, when cooked properly, is very

nutritious, and flavorful component of a meal. Meat serves as important source of

complete protein. (Lucio D. Asis, 2010)

According to Rea S. J. De Vera (2009), meat should be sponged clean moisture

with paper towels and trimmed of fat before being prepared. Doneness of meats can be

determined by a combination of time/weight charts, color changes, internal temperature

and touch. Tender meats are best by dry heat (grilling).

According to Reyman M. Gapas (2010), the storage of perishable foods is an

important factor in their safety and retention of quality. Fresh and frozen foods should

be placed in refrigerated or frozen storage immediately after delivery and kept at these

temperatures until ready to use. Recommended holding temperatures for fresh fruits

and vegetables are 400F and 320F for meat.

Meat can be identified by the shape of the bones. Tenderness of the meat varies

by the movement the muscle performs. The more movement the muscle executes, the

more it is developed and the less tender it becomes. Because the muscles along the

backbone exercise very little movement, meat from that area is more tender than meat

from other parts. (Grace P. Perdigon, 2009)

According to Benita V. Villanueva Ed. D. (2010), it has been tested that when

food is stored correctly, the chances of contamination is eliminated. It should be noted

that the first precautionary measure to prevent the food from contamination is to keep

the food covered every time. This will protect food from the threat of infection by flies

and dust.

The process also involves some preparations such as studying the performance

of certain recipe and only popular recipes are to be standardized. Standardization

becomes easy and established by recording the sales and recipe had produced.

However, thinking of the advantages that the standardization could contribute in the

growth of business, there are some factors to consider in advance such as. 1.)

availability of cooking equipment necessary in the preparation of the menu. 2.)

maintaining the quality of the product. The outcome of food cooked in small quantity

is better than other when cooked in bigger volume. This practice generally affect the

taste, color, texture, and form of the cooked. Cooking with out accurate timing as to

when to stop destroys the vegetables and meat texture. (Benita V. Villanueva Ed. D.,


According to Mary Jean C. Ang (2010), all foods will be cooked using

appropriate practices and procedures to ensure safety. This includes properly cooking

foods with the internal temperatures.

Foreign Studies

According to Rosica Lazarova (2010), Quality of food is an extremely important

aspect of human life and people become more and more concerned about nutrition, food

safety and environmental issues that determine their acceptance of food products. Good

quality of food has not a constant definition but varies according to the food category

and to the consumers’ preferences. Food quality can be described by but not limited to

wholesomeness, freshness, nutritional value, texture, smell, color, fragrance, and

flavor. In addition to the intrinsic characteristics of the product, food quality can be

evaluated by the brand, shopping environment, price, origin, production processes and

so on.

Quality consciousness is defined as “A mental predisposition to respond in a

consistent way to quality-related aspects, which is organized through learning and

influences behavior” Steenkamp (1990). Quality consciousness is a motivational factor,

posited to lead to consistent responses with respect to quality-related aspects, meaning

that an individual exhibits approximately the same set of responses in different

situations, and for different products. However, quality consciousness is not regarded

as a generalized personality variable, but as a domain-specific concept. Quality

consciousness is organized through learning (Steenkamp, 1989).

According to the study of Klaus G. Grunert (1996), Research on consumer

quality perception is reviewed using the Total Food Quality Model as a structuring

device. The relationship between food safety and quality is addressed, and is discussed

in the context of research on consumer risk perception. Quality and safety perception

is linked to food choice and consumer demand, addressing questions of price perception

and the validity of willingness-to-pay measurements. It is concluded that food quality

and safety are central issues in today's food economics, though many research questions

remain to be addressed.

According to the study of Sang-Hee (2007), the study was conducted to provide

fundamental data for the Korean food service industry by researching the awareness

and consumption tendencies of 180 domestic foreign residents towards Korean meat

dishes. The results showed differences in the preferred types of food depending on

gender; men tended to like meats, followed by stews, and rice, whereas women tended

to like meats, followed by rice, and stew. The foreigners who participated in this

research dined at Korean restaurants at least 20 times per month on average, regardless

of their place of residence.

According to Choi, I. S. (2009), his study was conducted to survey the

preference and consumption patterns of foreign residents about Korean pork dishes.

The results of the survey showed that respondents took pork dishes below 2 times a

week on average and they replied the best pork dishes were Bulgogi and Samgyeopsal.

In the result of survey for the respondents only who have experienced Korean

traditional pork dishes to evaluate about appearance, flavor, taste, texture and


Local Studies

According to J. Andres Vasconcellos (2001), the total quality or an integral

quality program implies the establishment of specific goals for quality improvement

and the analysis of the cost to established quality levels. A company’s management

must provide total support to a total quality program, conveying a consistency of

purpose and continuity. A manager is responsible for the system as a whole and for its

continued improvement.

According to the study of Dave Drummond (2013), the changing taste of

consumers have vexed food marketers for years. Changes in ethnic composition,

attitudes of different age groups, health issues and the need for convenience have led

food marketers to invest heavily in consumer insights and research to determine what

consumers want. It is true that consumers are changing. They want more of this and

less of that. As well all get involved with convenience, health, value, etc.

According to the study of Luning (2011), food quality characteristics can be

defined as those properties like composition and processes of food products that

contribute to quality characteristics or properties of a product, content of health

supporting compounds, concentration of colour compounds or flavour compounds. A

basic objective of his research area is to obtain insight in the dynamics of food

properties (size, shape of variation profiles).

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of the Study
Quality of Samgyeopsal


Taste and Appearance Health

 Sweet and  Freshness  Easily cooked
sour  Ingredients  Easy to
 Juicy are clean prepare
 Thin cuts  Nutritious  Cleaning up of
and healthy leftovers is
done sanitarily

The important dimension of quality for consumers is related to the hedonic

characteristic of food, which is presented by taste and appearance. This can only be

ascertained after consumption and therefore, it is called experience characteristic of

food (Roininen, 1999).

Health has become a very important food characteristic. Consumers form

preferences for this food characteristic motivated by expectations for a longer, high-

quality life. This dimension includes functional qualities of food, but also safety and

risk-related issues. The health quality of food is a credence characteristic, because

consumers cannot establish the consequences for his/her health right after consumption

(Lähteenmäki, & Tuorila, 1999).

Consumers consider convenience as an important experience quality dimension

of food but it means much more than just ease of purchase or quick consumption.

Consumers perceive the quality dimension convenience as such that saves time in the

overall meal process: preparation, consumption, and the cleaning up and disposal of

leftovers (Gofton, 1995).

Definition of Terms

Appearance. The size, shape, color, and surface texture all play an important part in

helping to determine your first reaction to a food. Often if a food does not look

appetizing, then you will not eat it. Appearance is therefore vitally important if you

want your food to be eaten and enjoyed. (Kikumae Ikeda, 1908)

Clean. Cleanliness of food is important, as that which is dirty may cause indigestion,

colic, or serious disease. (George Flemming, 1997)

Customer. A customer is someone who pays goods or services from a store. All the

persons coming to your store are ‘ visitors’. When they buy something and pay they

become ‘customers’. While on the others hand, the person who actually

enjoys/consumes these things are ‘consumers’. (Rohan Agarwal, 1998)

Convenience. Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is food that is

commercially prepared (often through processing) to optimize ease of consumption.

Convenience food usually requires rudimentary preparation. Convenience foods and

restaurants are similar in that they save time. Convenience foods has also been

described as foods that have been created to “make them more appealing to the

consumer”. (Jean Anderson, 1995).

Fresh. The term “fresh” when used on the label or in labeling of a food in a manner

that suggests or implies that the food is unprocessed, means that the food is in its raw

state. (Ethel Tiersky, 2013).

HACCP. The HACCP system, which is science based and systematic, identifies

specific hazards and measures for their control to ensure the safety of food. HACCP is

a tool to assess hazards and establish control systems that focus on prevention rather

than relying mainly on end-product testing. (Annex, 1997).

Health. Health food is food considered beneficial to health in ways that go beyond a

normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods considered heathy may be

natural foods, organic foods, whole foods and sometimes vegetarian or dietary

supplements. (David S. Ludwig, 2007).

Hedonic. is "the drive to eat to obtain pleasure in the absence of an energy deficit."

Particular foods may have a high "hedonic rating" or individuals may have increased

susceptibility to environmental food cues. (Lowe MR, 2014)

Quality. Quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers. This includes

external factors as appearance ( size, shape, colour, gloss, and consistency ), texture

and flavour ; factors such as grade standards ( e.g. of eggs ) and internal ( chemical,

physical, microbial). (Andrews C., 1999)

Samgyeopsal. The literal meaning of the word is “three (sam) layered (gyeop) flesh

(sal)”, referring to what appears to be three layers that are visible in the meat. One can

also find Samgyeopsal, with o meaning “five” Yongchang (2014)

Standard. Standards create confidence in the products we eat or drink by ensuring the

world uses the same recipe when it comes to food quality, safety and efficiency. (ISO,


Taste. Taste is the sensation produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically

with taste receptor cells, mostly on the tongue. Taste determines flavors of food or other

substances. (Batorshud Linda, 1978)

Chapter 3


This chapter contains the research design and the methodology used in the

conduct of the study. It incorporated the sampling technique, source of data, the

research subjects, population of the study, the instrument utilized to gather data, as well

as the statistical tool employed in processing the data. This chapter showing how the

researcher came to the necessary data for this study, and how these data were analyzed,

interpreted and presented in the easiest way possible.

Research Design

Descriptive research was used in the study since it focused on how the food

quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants to be described by its customer. The descriptive

survey questionnaire consist of nine questions which will describe the various elements

of the Total Food Quality Model according to its quality dimensions – taste and

appearance, health and convenience.

Research Locale

The study was administered at Korean Town, where it can be found in

Friendship Highway, Angeles City, Pampanga, for knowing the food quality of

Samgyeopsal restaurants. The Korean Town was considered a choice of the researcher

because most of the Korean restaurants in the area offers Samgyeopsal, where their

food, products and other services are showcased. Most of the restaurants found in the

area has boldly offered unlimited servings of Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly).


The respondents and participants on our research are both local people and

tourists who has experienced the Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town. Since it

serves Korean foods some of their customers are local people who would like to try

how these foods taste like.

The researchers surveyed 70% of the total Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean

Town. Our sample size is limited only for 99 customers for the unknown population.

According to Cristobal Jr. And De la Cruz Cristobal (2013), when the total population

is equal or less than 100, this same number may serve as the sample size. This is called

universal sampling

Research Instrument

In this questionnaire, it contains the question that describe the food quality of

Samgyeopsal restaurants in Korean Town. It consist of 4 likert scale which is the

customer check if it is 4 – stongly agree, 3 – agree, 2 – disagree and 1 – strongly disagree

with the following factors like taste and appearance of the food when they serve and

how the guest will be attracted on it, healthiness of the food and convenience in the

overall meal process.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The acquired data will be process by the acquired frequency, percentage and

mean. The frequency is the number of respondents answer on every selection on the

questionnaire. The percentage is process by the formula: n / N x 100 = n represents the

result of the frequency, N represents the total population multiple it to 100.

Means were obtained using the formula:

Here, ∑ represents the summation; X, represents scores; N, represents number of


To properly describe the respondents answer an index, limit of index and

description. The likert scale was used to interpret items in the questionnaire. These

responses were based on the respondents assess Korean town’s Samgyeopsal

Restaurants. The range and interpretation of the four-point scale are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

The Four-point Likert Scale

Index Limit of Index Description

4 3.40 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.60 – 3.39 Agree

2 1.80 – 2.59 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Chapter 4


This chapter focus on the presentation of findings, a critical analysis of given

questionnaire to the respondent and the interpretation of the analysis.

Presentation of the Data

Age Frequency Percentage

14-18 16 16.16%

19-23 49 49.49%

24-28 11 11.11%

29-33 10 10.10%

34-39 9 9.09%

40-45 2 2.02%

46-51 2 2.02%

Age of the Customers of Samgyeopsal Restaurant in Korean Town

Table 2

The second table shows that the researchers surveyed 99 respondents and the

second table shows that 19-23 years old got the highest frequency with 49

respondents or 49.49% followed by 14-18 years old with 16 respondents or 16.16%

followed by 24-28 years old with 11 respondents or 11.11% followed by 29-33 years

old with 10 respondents or 10.10% followed by 34-39 years old with 9 respondents or

9.09% followed by 40-45 years old with 2 respondents or 2.02% and 46-51 years old

(2 respondents or 2.02%)

The Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town reveals that most of their

customers are adult with the age of 19 years old and above. Adults like Samgyeopsal

than seniors who have difficulty of chewing or swallowing.

According to the study of Elle (2012), 85% of South Korean adults (18 years

old+) surveyed stated their favorite pork is Samgyeopsal and 70% of those surveyed

eat the meat at least once a week.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 44 44.44%

Male 55 55.55%

Gender of the Customers of Samgyeopsal Restaurant in Korean Town

Table 3

The third table shows that most of the respondents are males with 55

respondents or 55.55% while the females are 44 respondents or 44.44%.

The Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town reveals that most of their

customers are male. Boys showed a clear preference for fatty foods like meats. Because

men need more protein that women in order to build muscle mass.

According to David Katz (2010), on how foods get gendered, men eat meat,

women eat chocolate. There may be a few male who are vegetarians. “Men and women

have differences in physiology which might have to do with access to different kinds

of food,” said Katz. That is, the different caloric requirements of men and women

because they had deffering access of foods as cavemen and cavewomen.

F % F % F % F % Mean Interpr
Taste and 4 3 2 1
Sweet and sour. 60 60.61 26 26.26% 12 12.12 1 1.01% 3.46 SA
% %
Juicy 53 53.53 39 39.40% 6 6.06% 1 1.01% 3.45 SA
Thin cuts. 64 64.65 22 22.22% 13 13.13 0 0 3.55 SA
% %
Description of the Taste and Appearance of Samgyeopsal in Korean Town

Table 4.

The fourth table shows that most of the respondents strongly agreed with the

first question that Samgyeopsal tastes sweet and sour with 60 respondents or 60.61%

who answered strongly agreed followed by 26 respondents or 26.26% who answered

agreed followed by 12 respondents or 12.12% who answered disagreed and 1

respondent or 1.01% answered strongly disagreed.

Most of the respondents answered strongly agreed with the second question that

Samgyeopsal looks juicy with 53 respondents or 53.53% who answered strongly agreed

followed by 39 respondents or 39.40% who answered agreed and some post on the

disagree (6 respondents or 6.06%) and strongly disagreed (1 respondent or 1.01%).

Most of the respondents answered strongly agreed with the third question that

cut of Samgyeopsal are thin with 64 respondents or 64.65% followed by 22 respondents

or 22.22% who answered agreed and some post on the disagree (13 respondents or

13.13%) and no one answered strongly disagree.

The taste and appearance dimension of Samgyeopsal quality reveals that the

customers strongly agreed with the different factors of the taste and appearance of

Samgyeopsal. And customers are satisfied with the cuts of Samgyeopsal which are thin

since it got the highest interpretation. Because the thin cuts of pork belly are important

for the texture of the meat and to make the meat tender and the fat savory and poppy.

According to Maria Hines (2014), slicing pork belly razor thin and marinated in

sauces makes it less fatty and tastier.

F % F % F % F % Mean Interpretation
Health 4 3 2 1
Freshness 71 71.72% 24 24.24% 0 0 4 4.04% 3.64 SA
Ingredients 43 43.43% 48 48.49% 3 3.03% 5 5.05% 3.33 A
are clean
Nutritious 62 62.63% 30 30.30% 4 4.04% 3 3.03% 3.48 SA
Description of the Health of Samgyeopsal in Korean Town

Table 5

The fifth table description of Samgyeopsal in Korean Town shows that most of

the respondents strongly agreed with the first question that Samgyeopsal is fresh with

71 respondents or 71.72% followed by 24 respondents or 24.24% who answered agreed

and no one answered disagree and some post on the strongly disagree (4 respondents

or 4.04%).

Most of the respondents answered agreed with the second question that

ingredients of Samgyeopsal are clean with 48 respondents or 48.49% followed by 43

respondents or 43.43% who answered strongly agreed and some post on the disagree

(3 respondents or 3.03%) and strongly disagree (5 respondents or 5.05%).

Most of the respondents answered strongly agreed with the third question that

Samgyeopsal is nutritious and healthy with 62 respondents or 62.63% followed by 30

respondents or 30.30% who answered agreed and some post on the disagree (4

respondents or 4.04%) and strongly disagreed (3 respondents or 3.03%).

The health dimension of Samgyeopsal quality reveals that customers are

satisfied with the freshness of Samgyeopsal since it got the highest interpretation. It is

an important factor because Samgyeopsal must be served with fresh veggies, meat and

fresh leaves for wrapping. Thus, the Samgyeopsal is vastly healthier.

According to Chow Ho (2010), eating Samgyeopsal occasionally is healthy.

Korean have a belief that the slippery and oily fat from the pork is good for removing

the dust from the lungs. Samgyeopsal barbecue dinner is an example of a balanced

Korean meal. And also, the clean taste of pork belly and other Samgyeopsal ingredients

is much tastier and healthy.

F % F % F % F % Mean interpre
Convenience 4 3 2 1
Easily 68 68.69% 22 22.22% 6 6.06% 3 3.03% 3.58 SA
Easy to 54 54.54% 37 37.38% 8 8.08 0 0 3.49 SA
Cleaning up 46 46.46% 33 33.33% 15 15.15% 5 5.05% 3.23 A
of leftovers
is done
Description of the Convenience of Samgyeopsal in Korean Town

Table 6

The table six shows that the question regarding the convenience of Samgyeopsal

in Korean Town shows that most of the respondents strongly agreed with the first

question that Samgyeopsal is easily cooked with 68 respondents or 68.69% followed

by 22 respondents or 22.22% who answered agreed and some post on the disagree (6

respondents or 6.06%) and strongly disagree (3 respondents or 3.03%).

Most of the respondents answered strongly agreed with the second question that

preparation process of Samgyeopsal is easy with 54 respondents or 54.54% followed

by 37 respondents or 37.38% who aswered agreed and some post on the disagree (8

respondents or 8.08%) and no one answered strongly disagree.

Most of the respondents answered strongly agreed with the third question that

bus out process of the meal is done sanitarily with 46 respondents or46.46% followed

by 33 respondents or 33.33% who answered agreed and some post on the disagree (15

respondents or 15.15%) and strongly disagree (5 respondents or 5.05%).

The convenience dimension of Samgyeopsal quality reveals that for the

customers, Samgyeopsal can be easily cooked and it is easy to prepare. It is convenient

for them because of its simple recipe, short cooking time, affordable price even when

there are huge number of diners.

According to Keun Hyeongnim (2014), it is easy to cook Samgyeopsal. If a grill

is not available, a non stick pan will do. As simple as frying an egg, or even easier than

that. People usually cook Samgyeopsal on a grill and eat directly from the grill.

Analysis of Data

Descriptive Mean on the Different Factors in Food Quality of Samgyeopsal

Restaurants in Korean Town

Factors in Food Quality of Samgyeopsal Total Descriptive Rating

Restaurants in Korean Town Mean

Taste and Appearance

Sweet and sour 3.46 Strongly Agreed

Juicy 3.45 Strongly Agreed

Thin cuts 3.55 Strongly Agreed


Freshness 3.64 Strongly Agreed

Ingredients are clean. 3.33 Agreed

Nutritious and healthy. 3.48 Strongly Agreed


Easily cooked. 3.58 Strongly Agreed

Easy to prepare 3.49 Strongly Agreed

Cleaning up of leftovers is done sanitarily. 3.23 Agreed

The seventh table shows the descriptive mean on the different factors in food

quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants reveals that most of the customers are strongly

agreed. It also shows that the Taste and Appearance of the Samgyeopsal Restaurants is

the only factor which the customers are strongly agreed. The customer’s satisfaction of

the Taste and Appearance is evident reason of customer choice of the Samgyeopsal

Restaurants in Korean Town. And the freshness of Samgyeopsal got the highest total

mean above all factors. It seems that the cleaning up of leftovers of the meal (x=3.23)

even in agreed statements got the lower men which reveals that customers are concern

about the cleanliness of the bus out process. The General Quality that adds the general

findings marks strongly agreed in the Samgyeopsal of Korean Town,

Apparently, the Samgyeopsal of Korean Town is generally strongly agreed by

the customers with a distinction of fresh and good quality of taste and appearance which

is a unique factor of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town in general. The

freshness, taste and appearance makes a customer think to select this place as their one

priority to visit.

Chapter 5


The whole chapter discusses the whole findings as well as the conclusion and

the giving of recommendation to the respective persons and organizations.

Summary of Findings

This study consists of an assessment of the food quality of customer satisfaction

on Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town and to ensure the potential growth of

hospitality care and tourism management on different factors like the taste and

appearance, health and convenience. The nature of descriptive research which describe

the strengths and weaknesses of the customer satisfaction on Samgyeopsal is also


 Regarding the age of the customers in Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean

Town, most of their customers are adults with the age of 19-23 years old with

49 respondents.

 The gender of the customers of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean town

shows that most of the customers are males with 55 or 55.55% while females

are 44 or 44.44%

 The food quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town shows that the

interpretation for the nine questions in the survey instrument is mostly strongly

agreed. The taste and appearance dimension is strongly agreed by the customer

and the freshness of Samgyeopsal got the highest interpretation (x=3.64).

 The weakness shows that the management of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in

Korean Town should take to consideration the clearing of the table right after

the guest were done with their meal as it acquired the lowest from of all the



The following conclusions derive after the presentation, interpretation and

analysis of data;

1. Based on our findings the strength of Samgyeopsal Restaurants which is the

taste and appearance dimension and the freshness of samgyeopsal.

Therefore conclude that the food quality of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in

Korean Town is in good standards because it ensures and uses the same

recipe to acquire a food quality.

2. Based on our findings we conclude that the removing leftovers of the meal

should improve most as it marks a weakness.


1. The continued improvement of Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town

should be taken into consideration because of mostly strongly agreed

interpretations. The improvement should be accompanied by a good strategic

planning. And the management of Samgyeopsal Restautaurants should maintain

the taste and appearance of Samgyeopsal and its freshness because of its highest


2. The management of Samgyeopsal Restaurants should take to consideration the

clearing up of leftovers of the meal as it marks a weakness. It should be done

sanitarily for the customer’s health and safety as one factor when it comes to

food quality.

3. The Samgyeopsal Restaurants in Korean Town should have a strategy that gives

free dessert for the customers. The management should give chocolates for free

to attract female customers.

Chapter 6



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Chapter 7


Name (optional):

Age: Gender:

4- Stongly Agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1--Stongly Disagree

Taste and 4 3 2 1
The Samgyeopsal
tastes sweet and

The Samgyeopsal
looks juicy

The cut of
Samgyeopsal are

Health 4 3 2 1

The Samgyeopsal
is fresh.

The ingredients
of Samgyeopsal
are clean.

The Samgyeopsal
is nutritious and

Convenience 4 3 2 1

The Samgyeopsal
is easily cooked.

The preparation
process of the
Samgyeopsal is
easy. (Include

The bus out

process of the
meal is done

What are your comments/suggestions regarding the quality of the samgyeopsal served by the
restaurants in Korean Town?


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