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Oitg sf Anrnntu


ANSONIA. CONNECTICUT 0640 I t0 t{0y - t Pt{ 2: 5
James Della Volpe
E-mail: j

November 1,2010



Pursuant to Section 17 of the Municipal Charter, I hereby submit the following report on the
State of the City for the period ending June 30, 2010.


. The budget set for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 is $57,632,873.00
' The mill rate is25.75
'. Collection of taxes in the amount of $29,088,985.00
Total education grants $13,990,678.00
. Supplemental Education Grants of 88,277,519.00
. Total State Grants.of $3,070,577.00
'. Penlits and Fines in the amount of $287,300.00
Miscellaneous grants in the amount of $16,100.00
. Held meetings and training programs with our insurance carriers in an effort to control
claims and reduce costs.
. Change of group health insurance administrator resulting in a saving to the City of


The Police Deparlment has continued its very successful efforts to reduce serious cnme
in the city.
I 18,694 calls were received by the Police Deparlment
I Department continues to officer superb professional training to patrol offrcers
I The speed trailer is placed throughout the city to enforce speed limits
I Increased enforcement of the hand-held telephone law
I Replaced older vehicles in the fleet
I Department continues to participate as a member of the Public Safety Committee to
continue to enhance emergency responses
Collection of $302,880.32 from licenses permits and miscellaneous frees.

' Fire Deparlment responded to more than 546 calls in which two of the structure fires
resulted in the loss of three lives
' Firefighters continue to train in Homeland Security, bioterrorism,HAZMAT awareness
operations and MRT
. Purchased new fire chief and fire marshal vehicles
' Purchased new ambulance for Ansonia Rescue Medical Services


. Continued enforcement of zoning, building, and anti-blight regulations with the

assistance of city officers to bring properties into compliance
. Reviewed contracts and bids for various departments including, but not limited to, fire,
police, public works and Ansonia Rescue Medical Services
. Responded to Freedom of Information requests
. Continr-red recovery of delinquent motor vehicle and property taxes
. Defended the City of Ansonia in various workers' compensation claims before the
Wor kers' Compensation Commission
. Responded to public inquiries
Monitored pending litigation assigned to outside counsel

. Continue to demand improved academic achievements as a priority for our city's children
. Improvement seen on the state's mastery tests
. The Human Relation Club continues to provide leadership for racial equality and
' Welcomed Anthony Gasper as the new Assistant Superintendent of Public Schools


. Authorized hiring of fulltime zoning enforcement officer/anti-blight officer

. The bulk pick up policy continues to be successful in eliminating unnecessary and
unsightlybulk throughout the city
. Continued enforcement and cleaning up of the city's neighborhood
. Wolked closely with the building deparhnent and anti-blight enforcement officer to
enforce regulations in order to bring properties into compliance


' Continued progress of the sale of both the Palmer Building and the ATP Building to
private developers as the environmental clean-up of properties is nearing completion
. Several new upscale restaurants preparing to open downtown
' Strong storefront occupancy in downtown continues despite downturn in economic
clirnate throughout the region


. Mayol continues to conduct ward meetings for public input

' Mayor ald department heads continue to attend and participate in numerous events
throughout the year in the city
. Held another successful annual Ansonia High School all-class reunion
. Seventh Annual Harvest Festival was a tremendous success drawing many to downtown


'. Approxirnately 200 nature day classes and school classes

68 farnily and day classes
'. Almost 19,000 individuals attended various classes or activities at the Nature Center
Received grants and fees in the amount of $53,298.54
r In-kind services to the Ansonia Public Schools
. Work with community gardener to improve the garden

' The recreation department continues to offer various sports programs to the youth
' Increased use of the former National Guard Armory for use by all age groups
' Commenced sponsoring travel trips opened for all residents


' Continued road repaving and curbing on various streets throughout the city
. Repaired various drain pipes and sidewalks
. Continued to install or replace street signs throughout the city
. Construction nearing completion of the new keatment facility plant
. Cleaned city streets and sidewalks during last year's snowstorms
. Responded to numerous sewer backups and conducted tree trimming and removal
. Responded and removed fumiture from housing evictions throughout the city
' Progress on obtaining a State of Connecticut approval for the Ansonia Riverwalk


My administration has concluded its year. I must admit that this though has been the
toughest year due not only because of my own personal concerns issues but also of the continued
economic problems facing both this region and our country. However, my administration strives
to continue to provide the community with the necessary services as well as to improve the
quality of life.
My administration listened to the fiscal problems facing the many families and businesses about
keeping the control of the city expenses. This attentionto detail and fiscal restraint resulted in
only a modest increase in this year's budget with the additional funds allocated to the Board of
Education. i a:n happy to report that this has provided dividends as the Connecticut Mastery
Test and the Connecticut Academic Performance Test scores in the grammar schools have
improved. I am proud of the school administration and teachers whose dedication to our children
is providing a quality education in order to prepare them for the challenges that are ahead of

I rurderstand that the cost of doing business is difficult at this time during this economic unrest.
But, I am happy to report that our storefronts overall in the City of Ansonia'have remained
occupied. In fact, several new businesses will soon be opening downtown.

I commend the many people whom volunteer their time and expertise by serving on various
boards and commissions. Their hard work and dedication serves to better our community.

Our many volunteers and part-time staff in our emergency and fire services continue to respond
to the needs of the citizens and businesses in the City of Ansonia although unfortunately, over
the last year we have suffered tragedy with the loss of three residents of the City of Ansonia in
two devastating house fires. I am committed to providing these departments with the necessary
training and equipment in order to continue the highest level of service to the community.

I am always striving to enrich our children by having access to out of school activities such as
sports. The Recreation Commission along with the many volunteer coaches dedicated parents to
ensure the continuation of the many programs available to our children. Furthermore, the Joel E.
Smilow Clubhouse, part of the Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, has been a
tremendous additional after school place for our children.

The Ansonia Nature Center continues to be a gem for the community as the staff provides rnany
natulal based educational experiences to both our school children and residents.

I am happy to announce that construction has commenced of the first section of the Ansonia
Riverwalk. I look forward very soon to the day that it opens up so that I and many others may
enjoy taking a walk in our own community instead of one of the neighboring communities.

We are nearing compietion of the new waste facility treatment plant which will reduce the
discharge of nitrogen and as a result reduce violations being assessed by the State of Connecticut
Departnent of Environmental Protection. The city is also working with engineers to constluct a
new transfer station that will replace both the incinerator building and fire ravaged shredder.

The city looks forward, to increase its green footprint that will provide energy to the City of
Ansonia residents and businesses but at the same time reduce costs and provide environmental
fiiendly energy.
As I have stated in my last annual report, Ansonia is not immune from the problems facing our
nation during these difficult economic times. However, my adminiskatiorcontinues to fa-ce
these challenges head on by running a tight fisca1 ship with my goal as always, providing this
community with honest and open leadership that makes our city safer, smarter and u good place
in which to raise our families and to conduct business.

Resp ectflilly sribmitted

f, ,^rrrrT. Della Volpe

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