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PROBLEMS B24, Find the Laplace transforms of the following functions ® fore <0 tore =0 o) ft) = 0, fort <0 in(a+2), orem B-2-2. Find the Laplace transforms of the following functions: @) flr) =0, for <0 Bsin(Sr + 45°), for = 0 fl) =, fors <0 0.03(1 ~ cos2t), fore = 0 B-2-3, Obtain the Laplace transform of the function de- fined by $=, fort <0 o B-2-4, Obtain the Laplace transforms of the following functions: fore @ fit) =0, fort <0 sino + coset, fore = 0 o Fl) = 0, fore <0 = te sin5t, fort = 0 B-2-S. Obtain the Laplace transform of the function de- fined by KO 9, fort <0 = cos + cosa, fors = 0 B-2-6, What isthe Laplace transform of the function f() shown in Figure 2-5? fo Figure 2-5 ath Function f(). Problems B-2-7. Obtain the Laplace transform of the function f(¢) shown in Figure 2-6. 7) Figure 2-6 * Function f(6) B-Z4, Find the Laplace transform of the funetion f(e) showin in Figure 2-7. Also, ind the limiting value of #1/(0)] 38a approaches zee. f0 2 @ Figure 2-7 Function f(¢). 8-2-9, By applying the final-value theorem, find the final valve of f(?) whose Laplace transform fs given by _ 10 ser) Verify this rest by taking the inverse Laplace transform of F(a) and letting # => co B-2-40 Given F(s) (s) = FO) = ae determine the values of f(0+) and (OF). (Use the initial- value theorem.) st B-2-IL, Find the inverse Laplace transform of att qees4i) B-2-12, Obtain the inverse Laplace transform of the fol- lowing function: F(s) = set sai 1B-2-13. Find the inverse Laplace transforms ofthe follow. ing functions: Fs 643 S542 o) AL) = GaGa B-2-44, Find the inverse Laplace transforms ofthe follow- ing functions: @ Ais) = © AOA O) Onarga) B-2-15, Obtain the partial-fraction expansion of the fol- lowing function with MATLAB: 10(s +2)(s + 4) Gres a+ oF ‘Theo, obtain the inverse Laplace transform of F(s)- B-2-16, Consider the following function F(s) ste Se +62 495 +30 FF Oe + st + 465 + 30 Using MATLAB, obtain the patia-fraction expansion of F(s). Then, obtain the inverse Laplace transform of F(}. F(s) = Fs) = 52 B-2-17. A function B(s)/A(s) consists of the following, zeros, poles, and gain K: zeros at s = poles at s sain K Obtain the expression for B(s}/A(s) = num/den with, MATLAB, 8-218, What is the solution of the following differential ‘equation? W+Te+3x=0, x(0) (0) B-2-19, Solve the differential equation E+2=8(), x(0-) 90 B-2-20, Solve the following differential equation: B+ Mott ae=0, x0)=a, x0) =b where a and 6 are constants B-2-21, Obtain the solution of the differential equation Xhar=Asinat, x(0) = 5 B-2-22, Obtain the solution ofthe differential equation B+3E+Or=0, x0) =O, *(0) 3 B-2-23, Solve the following differential equation: ¥+2+1r=e%, x(0) 0, (0) =0 “The forcing function ¢“is given at = Owhen the system is at rest ‘Chapter 2. / ‘The Laplace Transform

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