A Detailed Lesson Plan Choral Music

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Music for Grade 7 3rd Quarter

Content Standard:
a. Develops musical awareness and creativity in expressing oneself while doing the fundamental
processes in Music.
Performance Standards:
a. Recognizes the contributions of the prime exponents of music
Learning Competencies:
a. Describe how specific idea or story is communicated through Philippine Traditional Musical
b. Creates/ improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements and costume for a rendition
of particular Philippine Traditional Music Forms.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
a. Recognize a Filipino Representative composer of Choral music.
b. Analyze the song “Payapang Daigdig”.
c. Participate actively during oral recitation.
d. Appreciate the beauty of early Filipino musical compositions.

II. Subject Matter: Choral Music (Payapang Daigdig)

Materials: a. Pictures
b. Laptop
c. Speakers
Reference: Music Learning Module for Grade 7

III. Procedure:
A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3.Review of the past lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

B. Activity
Picture Presentation
(The teacher will post 3 pictures on the board)
a. A tank at the Sta. Lucia gate in Intramuros.

b. Dead soldiers lying on the ground.

c. Choir and conductor

Class, I have here some pictures.

Look at the first set of pictures. Is this familiar to

you? What can you see? Sir, there is a tank.
What else? Sir, a church.
Sir, a gate
What happened to the gate? The tank destroyed it.

How about the next picture? What can you see? Sir, there are lots of dead people.
Who are those wearing uniforms? Sir, they are dead soldiers.
What do you think happened to them? Sir, they were shot/ killed by enemies in the war

And for the last picture, what can you see? Sir I can see a choir.
Sir, there is a conductor
What does the choir do? Sir, they sing.

Ok, let’s go back to the first set of pictures.

Do you know where is this place? Sir, in Intramuros, Manila.
Very good!

When was the picture taken? The picture was taken on February 28, 1945
Correct. In this picture, a Sherman tank attacked the
Sta. Lucia gate in Intramuros, Manila.
As you can see, lots of soldiers and civilians were
killed during this time.

What world event did the pictures show?

Arrange the jumbled letter to find the answer. (Students will raise their hands to answer)
L O W R D R A W 2 W O R L D W A R 2

Very good! How about the next picture?

If a group of persons are singing,
What do you call the music that they create?
Arrange the jumbled letter to find the answer. (Students will raise their hands to answer)
That is correct!

C. Analysis
Now, since we are talking about World War 2, I Yes Sir!
have here a song that was composed during that
time so listen attentively and focus to its lyrics and
its message. The title is “Payapang Daigdig”.
Are you ready? Yes Sir!
(the teacher will play the song “Payapang (the students are listening to the song)
Class, did you like the song? Yes, Sir
Did you understand the song? Yes
What did you feel after listening to the song Sir, I feel happy.
“Payapang Daigdig? Sir, I feel sad.
Sir, I feel sorry for those who were caught in
the war.
I feel amazed on how they expressed their
feelings through a song.
(the teacher will post a Song Analysis Chart)
Ok, using this chart, we are going to analyze the
song that we heard.

Song Analysis Chart

Title: Payapang Daigdig
Composer: Felipe De Leon
Year of Composition: 1946
How many voices are
heard? Choral

Time Signature: 3
Instruments Heard: Piano, violin, bell,
Tempo: Slow
Message of the song:
The peacefulness after a war.
Life is a blessing from God.
People’s love for peace.

A choir is also known as chorale or chorus which

means a musical ensemble of singers.

What do you call the music written specifically for Sir, it is called choral music
a choir to perform?

Who is the person that typically stands on a raised

flatform? He/ she usually uses a baton or hands,
arms, face, and head gestures. Sir, that person is a conductor.
Good, the conductor is also called Choral Director.

So what does the conductor do? Sir, a conductor guides the choir.
They choose the works to be performed.
Sir, they interpret a musical piece and relay
their vision to the singers.
Sir, they attend organizational matters, such as
scheduling rehearsals, planning a concert,
hearing auditions, and promote their ensemble
in media.
D. Abstraction
What do you think is the importance of a musical Sir, it will make us remember the hardships of
composition like “Payapang Daigdig” in Philippine those people and soldier that fought for freedom
history? during the World War 2
Sir, it tells us that there are people who didn’t
lose hope even there is war.
Sir, it expressed the feeling of having a peaceful
life after experiencing the war.

Why did National Artists like Felipe De Leon Sir, to express their feelings towards an event
create musical compositions? through the use of music.

E. Application
Now class, prepare 1 short typewriting and coloring
You are going a Melodic Contour of the song
“Payapang Daigdig”.
Do you know what a melodic contour is? Yes, a melodic contour is the outline or curves
which shows the melody of a song.
(the teacher will play again the song “Payapang (the students are drawing the melodic contour
Daigdig”) using coloring materials)

Okay, pass your papers forward.

IV. Assignment:
1. What is Instrumental Music?
2. Give examples of Filipino Composers of Instrumental Music.
3. Give examples of Instrumental Music composed by Filipino Composers

Prepared by: Approved by:

Rhene M. Alvarez Ms. Ma. Elenita E. Garin

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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