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I. Choose the one right answer!

4. What do you call a baby elephant?

The text for No.1 to 5 a. a dog
The Sumatran elephant‟s habitat is in b. a cow
Sumatra, Indonesia. The average male c. a calf
elephant reaches eight feet high and weighs d. a puppy
up to six tons. A baby elephant can weigh up e. a cat
to one ton. The males are always larger than
the females. They are massive creatures. 5. Where do you find the tusks?
Elephants have a trunk, two tusks, two eyes, a. under the nose
two ears and two lumps on their head. They b. on the head
are known to be clever animals. When an c. below the trunk
elephant is hot, they fan themselves by d. in the neck
flapping their ears back and forth. When an e. on the back
elephant herd wants to move they use their
ears as a guide. Their hearing range is very The text for No. 6 to 10
large. Elephants hear some noises that cannot Spider
be heard by a human ear.
Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals.
Sumatran elephants have enough strength to
They are not classified in the class of insect.
knock down a tree. They can also pick up a
A spider has eight legs while an insect never
log using just their trunk and their tusks. Their
has more than six legs.
trunk is their nose. They also use it like a
Spiders have a body with two main divisions,
hand. Just below their trunk they have their
four legs and two other pairs of abdominal
tusks. Only male Sumatran elephants have
spinnerets for spinning threads of silk. This
tusks. A baby elephants is called a calf; the
silk can be used to aid in climbing, build egg
females are called cows.
sacs and catch pray.
1. How do elephants guide each other to move
Spiders kill so many insects, but they never
in direction?
do the least harm to man‟s belonging. Spiders
a. They use their head as a guide
are busy for at least half of the year killing
b. They use their tusks as a guide
insects. It is impossible to find out how many
c. They use their trunk as a guide
insects they kill, since they are hungry
d. They use their nose as a guide
creature which cannot be content with only
e. They use their ears as a guide
three meals a day.
2. What are the uses of an elephant‟s trunk?
6. The purpose of the text is to…
a. can be used as eyes and head
a. explain about spiders
b. can be used as a nose and hand
b. tell a particular spiders in chronological
c. can be used as legs and tail
d. can be used as a trunk and tusks order
c. describe an insect
e. can be used as ears and hand
d. persuade people about spiders
e. retell about spiders
3. What do elephants use to pick up a log?
a. they use their eyes and head 7. Why can‟t spider be classified in the class
b. they use their nose and hand
of insect?
c. they use their legs and tail
d. they use their trunk and tusks a. Because spiders have more than six legs
e. they use their ears and hand b. Because spider‟s bodies have two main
c. Because they have walking legs
d. Because spiders kill many insects
e. Because spiders are hungry creature pale tens, and basic browns.

8. Which sentences describe the behavior of

spiders? Queen of ants is for one colony.
a. a spider has eight legs
b. a spider has a body with two main 11. What are the section of the ant body?
divisions c. a spider has four pairs of walking a. The waist, the thorax, the gaster
legs and two pairs of abdominal spinnerets b. The head, the abdomen, the gaster
d. a spider kills so many insects c. The head, the thorax, the gaster
e. a spider is a hungry creature d. The gaster, the segment, the thorax
e. The abdomen, the queen, the head
9. The following sentences are true about
spiders, except 12. The first paragraph tells about…
a. they belong to insect a. how the colonies of ants work
b. they have eight legs b. the sections of ants' body
c. they eat many insects c. the function of ants abdomen
d. they are not dangerous for people d. the classification of ants
e. they eat more than three meals a day e. many kinds of ant species

10. They never do the least harm to man‟s 13. The text is focused on….
a. features appearance of ants
b. species of ants
The underlined word has almost the same
c. social life of ants
meaning as the word
d. size of ants
a. useless
e. the body of ants
b. damage
c. bothering
The text for No. 14 to 17
d. intervention
Polar Bear
e. relation
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We
The text for No. 11 to 13 call it the polar bear because it lives inside the
Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are
no polar bear at the South Pole.
Ants are small insect. The body of an ant is
The polar bears live in the North Pole. There
clearly divided into three sections; the head,
is only snow, ice and water. There is not any
the thorax, and the gaster. (The narrow waist
is actually within the abdomen, so the part
These bears are three meters long and weight
of the abdomen behind the waist is called
the gaster.) The waist can be made up of one 450 kilos. They can stand up on their back
or two small segments, depending on the legs because they have very wide feet. They
species. can use their front legs like arms. The polar
Ants are social insects living in colonies bears can swim very well. They can swim 120
comprised of one or a few queens, and many kilometers out into the water. They catch fish
workers. The queen generally stays deep and and sea animals for food. They go into the sea
safe within a nest. Most ants that you see are when they are afraid.
workers and these are all females. Depending People like to kill the polar bears for their
on species, workers may be similar in size, beautiful white coats. The government of
or come in a range of sizes, Canada, The United States, and Russia say
Ants tend to corne in dark or earth-tones. that no one can kill polar bears now. They do
Different species are black, earth-tone not want all of these beautiful animals to die.
14. What does the passage mainly discus? For three papers, we take six eggs, break them
a. The size of polar bear
b. Where polar bears live
c. The habitats of polar bears.
d. Why people hunt polar bears
e. A brief description of polar bears

15. What is the main idea of the last

a. Polar bears are very big animals
b. The polar bears are tame animals
c. Polar bears live at the North Pole
d. There are no polar bears at the South Pole
e. Polar bears are hunted because of the
beautiful white coats.

16. Which of the following statements is NOT

TRUE about a polar bear?
a. A polar bear weighs 450 kilos
b. A polar bear is three meters long
c. A polar bear catches fish for food
d. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is
e. A polar bear can swim 120 kilometers out
into the water

17. What is the generic structure of the text?

a. Orientation>Complication>Resolution>Re-
b. Identification>Description
c. General Classification> Description
d. Orientation>Events>Reorientation
e. Orientation>Description

The text for No. 18 to 23

Making an Omelet
This is the way an omelet should be made. It
is important that the frying-pan should be
proportionate to the number of eggs; in
other word, to the size of the omelet. The
frying- pan must be made of iron not of
aluminum, tin or enamel. And here I fell I
must stress a point, essential to what might
be called the background of omelet-making,
namely that the frying-pan must never be
washed with water but rubbed, when hot,
with salt and
tissue paper, as this is the only way to
prevent sticking.
into a bowl, season them with salt and freshly easiest if we fold over and pin down with two
ground pepper, and add a good teaspoonful of or three fork-pricks about an inch and-a-half
water. We beat this lightly with a fork or the of the omelet along one side. Then it is quite
wire-broom, not the whisk, until large bubbles easy to roll it into shape. Our omelet should
from on the top. This takes half a minute; it is be golden brown outside and wet inside:
fatal to beat too long. Meanwhile, our frying- because, as is the classical French term. It is
pan is getting heat, not too hot, and we drop then slid on to a hot plate and its surface made
in an ounce and a half of butter and best lard, shiny with a little butter. This last touch
over quick flame for a minute or two, until it makes all the difference.
gives no more froth and has turned light
golden. We give our egg-mixture another stir 18. What is important about the frying-pan?
and pour it into the fat, letting it spread evenly a. It should be the same size as the eggs.
over the frying-pan. b. It should never be a small one.
All this is a swift business, and we may well c. It should never be too small to hold the
feel a few extra hearts-beats and a little eggs.
breathlessness at that moment. The flame is
d. It should never be a very flat one.
now turned down a little. With a fork or
e. It should be a big one.
palette-knife (a fork seems to work
particularly well) we loosen the edges of the
19. Which of the following frying-pans is
omelet all round and, once or twice, in the
among those mentioned by the writer?
middle, letting the liquid flow into the empty
a. One made of aluminum.
spaces, taking care always to move towards
b. One made of aluminum and enamel.
the middle.
c. One made of iron.
This takes about two minutes. Then, keeping
d. One made of gold.
as calm as we possibly can, we fold it. This is
e. One made of paper.
23. What makes all the difference to the
20. What is the only way to prevent sticking?
a. making a plate shiny with a little butter
a. Rubbing with hot salt and tissue-paper. b. putting something on it
b. Rubbing with hot water. c. touching the omelet
c. Rubbing with salt and paper.
d. sliding the omelet on to a plate
d. Washing with salt and paper.
e. putting the omelet on butter
e. Washing with water.
The text for No. 24 to 28
21. When the writer uses the word because,
she means .
a. The states of an omelet
• 1 cup whole meal self-raising flour
b. An omelet made in ancient Rome
• ½ cup brown sugar
c. The size of an omelet
d. The shape of an omelet • ½ cup oat bran
e. An omelet made in France • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• ¼ cup almond flakes
22. Where the empty spaces we let the liquid • 2 large green apples
flow into? • 1 egg
a. all round the edged of the omelet • 2/3 cup milk
b. At some edges of the omelet • 60 g butter, melted
c. In and round the pan
d. in the omelet
1 Turn oven to 220oC (425oF).
e. Around the pan
2 Grease 12 muffin pans.
3 Sift flour into a bowl. Add sugar, oat bran, cinnamon and almonds.
4 Peel and grate the apples.
5 Put them into the bowl.
6 Mix egg, milk and melted butter in a jug.
7 Add to bowl all at once.
8 Stir with a fork
9 Stir until just mixed.
10 Almost fill the muffin pans with the batter.
11 Bake in oven for 15 to 20 minutes until
12 Serve the muffins warm with butter and

24. When do you consider that the muffins

should be served?
a. When they are still warm
b. When they are still cold
c. When they are in the oven
d. When they are in the bowl
e. When they are ripe

25. Why do people use self-raising flour?

Because …..
a. You don‟t have to use fork
b. You don‟t have to use butter
c. You don‟t have to use cinnamon
d. You don‟t have to use baking powder
e. You don‟t have to use oven

26. How many muffins will you get out of the

a. Fifteen muffins
b. Fifty muffins
c. Twenty muffins
d. Two muffins
e. Twelve muffins

27. What do you think „almost fill the muffin

pans‟ means? It means …..
a. We don‟t fill the pans with the muffin
b. We don‟t fill the pans to the brim
c. We don‟t fill the pans with the apple
d. We don‟t fill the pans to the bowl
e. We don‟t fill the pans to the oven

28. Where do you cook the muffins?

a. In a bowl
b. In a teaspoon
c. In an oven
d. In a jug John's.
e. In a fork a. Worst

29. The bag : Rp 87.625,-

The watch : Rp 129.999,-
Choose the right sentence according to the
chart above…
a. The bag is as expensive as the watch
b. The watch is cheaper than the bag
c. The watch is more expensive than the bag
d. The bag is more cheap the watch
e. The bag is expensiver than the watch

30. Cisadane river : 9.478 m

Citarum river : 6.231 m
Ciliwung river :13.238 m
Choose the right sentence to the chart
a. Cisadane river is deeper than Citarum
river b. Citarum river is the shortest of all
c. Cisadane river is lower than Citarum
river d. Cisadane river is the longest of all
e. Cisadane river is faster than Citarum river

31. Mount Krakatau : 3.471 m

Mount Merapi : 2.834 m
Mount Semeru : 1.934 m
Choose the sentence which is not true
according to the chart above….
a. Mount Merapi is lower than mount
b. Mount Krakatau is the highest of all
c. Mount Semeru is lower than mount Merapi
d. Mount Krakatau is the highest of all
e. Mount Merapi is higher than mount

32. This exercise is not difficult. Its

I expected.
a. More difficult than
b. The most difficult
c. Easier than
d. The most easy
e. More easy than

33. John's results were bad. Fred's

results were very poor. Fred's results
b. Bader It‟s much ……..
than c. The a. Further
Best b. Tastier
d. Better c. Healthier
than e. d. More expensive
Worse than e. Tastyier

34. People say that Chinese is

to learn than
English. a. More difficult than 37. Shinta :“What is that in your hand ?”
b. The most Tessa :“It is an umbrella”
difficult c. Easier Shinta :“Why do you bring it”
than “It is not raining,……?
d. The most easy Tessa : “It‟s ok !”
e. More easy The right tag question to fill in the blank is.…
than a. Was it
b. Don‟t you
35. Money is great. But it‟s not
c. Is it
the…….thing in life
a. Most d. Didn‟t she
comfortable b. e. Isn‟t it
c. Most serious 38. Siti :“What happened with you ?”
d. Most Monica :“There was a traffic jam in the
important e. street”
Worst “I am late,………?
Siti : “Yes you are. The meeting was over an
36. I like the chicken sate near our school. hour ago.
The right tag question to fill in the blank b. does he ?
is…… c. does she ?
a. Do I d. didn‟t he ?
b. Didn‟t I e. is he ?
c. Aren‟t I
d. Are I 40. Wasis :“You spent a lot of money in the
e. Amn‟t I supermarket yesterday ….?
Fesa : “You‟re right. Everything is so
39. Merlion :“My father always goes to the expensive now”
The right tag question to fill in the blank is …
lake to fishing every Sunday”
a. are you
Rahmi : “Your father likes fishing very b. did I
c. does he
Merlion : “Yes, he almost spends all weekend
d. won‟t you
in the lake. e. didn‟t you
The right tag question to fill in the blank is…
a. doesn‟t he ?

1. E 11. B 21. E 31. E

2. B 12. B 22. C 32. C
3. D 13. B 23. E 33. E
4. C 14. E 24. A 34. A
5. C 15. E 25. D 35. D
6. A 16. D 26. E 36. B
7. A 17. C 27. B 37. C
8. E 18. A 28. C 38. C
9. A 19. C 29. C 39. A
10. B 20. C 30. B 40. E

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