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1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:

a woman
an unit
The United States of America
The Johnsons
an elephant
a beauty
an hour
The Thames

2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:

a) An old woman laughed at him.

b) A cat and a dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw an elephant at the zoo.
d) It was an excellent movie.
e) She watched a TV show

3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:

Daniel is a teacher. He likes the Physics very much. He teaches at aTheoretical

Highschool from the Bucharest. The pupils like him very much. One day, he
decided to take the children to see a laboratory from another highschool. There,
they made an experiment. All the children considered the experiment the most
interesting they have ever made

1. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele cifre:
123 - one hundred and twenty-three
1,450 - one thousand four hundred and fifty
58 - fifty-eight
33 - thirty-three
1,024 - one thousand and twnty-four
985 - nine hundred and eighty-five
24 - twenty-four
48 - forty-eight

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

a) Ziua mea de nastere este pe data de 22 mai.
My birthday is on 22nd of May.
b) Am ajuns in Bucuresti pe data de 14 iunie.
I arrived in Bucharest on 14th of June.
c) John este al patrulea elev din clasa.
John is the fourth pupil from his classroom.
d) 4 Iulie este ziua nationala a Americii.
4th of July is the National Day of the United States of America.
e) Primul autobuz din parcare este al nostru.
The first bus from the parking is ours.
f) Sunt 14 elevi in aceasta clasa.
There are fourteen pupils in this classroom.

3. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele ore:

10:45 - a quarter to eleven
11:25 - twenty-five minutes past eleven
12:40 - twenty minutes to one
13:30 - half past one
14:05 - five minutes past two

1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:
1) I enjoyed myself at the party
2) My father didn't buy the book for himself
3) The dog cut itself while running in the street.
4) Help yourselves with some fruit, John and Mary.
5) We saw ourselves in the snow.

2. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu forma corecta a pronumelui posesiv:

1) This is my cat. It is mine
2) That is his lamp. It is his
3) These are our maps. They are ours
4) Those are their shoes. They are their
5) This is her shirt. It is hers

3. Completati corect spatiile goale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze:

1) I saw Mr. Thompson who is John's father. (that, who, which)
2) Who did you meet last week, John or Steve? (which, who, whose)
3) Puffy, which is a big cat, is very lazy. (which, who, whose)
4) What are you doing? (whom, what, that)
5) Who is going with you at the theatre? (who, that, whom)

1. Completati spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:
a) Forma afirmativa:
I am in the classroom.
He is in the garden.
They are in the house
b) Forma negativa:
You are in the office.
She is in the bathroom.
We are in the restaurant.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1. Eu am 12 ani.
I have twelve years.
2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.
You are in the house with my father.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
We have two bunch of flowers.
4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.
You aren't in fourth class.
5 El are un mar si doua portocale.
He has un apple an two orange.
6. Ea este in curtea scolii cu prietena ei.
She is in the schoolyard with her friend.

3. Completati spatiile goale cu forma interogativa a verbului TO BE:

1. Are you a good friend?
2. Is he your father?
3. Are they your colleagues?
4. Is she in the living room?
5. Are we in the courtyard?

1. Alcatuiti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:

table ---> tables

clock ---> clocks
leaf ---> leaves
gentleman ---> gentlemen
baby ---> babies
tooth ---> teeth
friend ---> friends
city ---> cities
life ---> lives
chief ---> chiefs

2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:

the girl --- she

the dog --- it
the actor --- he
the schoolboy --- he
the pencil --- it
the grandmother --- she

3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor


dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl,
board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.

dining-room; schoolgirl; classmate; kinder-garden; blackboard;

grandfather; living-room; notebook; grandparents; schoolboy

1. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
a) Aceasta masina este rosie.
This car is red.
b) Acele fete sunt in clasa intai.
Those girls are in the first grade.
c) Acei barbati sunt doctori.
Those men are doctors.
d) Aceasta este clasa mea.
This is my classroom.
e) Acela este cainele ei.
That is her dog.
f) Acestea sunt caietele noastre.
These are our notebooks.

2. Completati spatiile libere de mai jos, cu forma corecta a adjectivelor, la gradul de

comparatie indicat:
Adjectiv Comparativ Superlativ
bad worse the worst
fast faster the fastest
good better the best
cheap cheaper the cheapest
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
thin thinner the thinnest
fat fatter the fattest
3. Potriviti adjectivele la substantivele respective:
cold ---> weather
nice ---> blouse
beautiful ---> girl
long ---> hair
delicious ---> food
traditional ---> dance

1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa,
realizati propozitiile de mai jos, conform modelului.
never ---> 0%
rarely ---> 10%
sometimes ---> 25%
often ---> 50%
usually ---> 75%
always ---> 100%

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%)

I sometimes eat cake in the afternoon.
b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%)
Tim often sleeps in the living-room.
c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)
I never go to school on Sunday.
d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)
Dennis always plays tennis on weekends.
e) She / run / park / morning (10%)
She rarely runs in the park in the morning.

2. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe:

horrible ---> horribly
careful ---> carefully
nervous ---> nervously
desperate ---> desperately
slow ---> slowly
sudden ---> suddenly
bright ---> brightly
proud ---> proudly

3. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii:

a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding.
b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night.
c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam.
d) She was walking rapid / rapidly.
e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French.
f) Was your grammar test easy / easily?
g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them.

4) Alegeti varianta corecta:

1. Please don't talk so loudly. I'm trying to sleep.
2. We usually go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air.
3. The bouquet was beautiful. She loved it.
4. James carefully put the broken glass into the rubbish bin.

1. Completati cu prepozitia corecta:
of, on, at, to, with, in, for, along

1) His t-shirt has a picture on it.

2) The queen of England wanted to wear golden dress at her wedding.
3) I went in Brussels last week.
4) She spent the afternoon with her friends.
5) We walked along the banks of River Seine.
6) She's been waiting for me for about four hours.
7) What's the weather like in Paris?
8) She was at the cinema last evening.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1) Mihaela a plecat la munte la ora 8 dimineata.

Mihaela went to the mountain at 8 o’clock in the morning.
2) Statuia este in fata stadionului.
The statue is in front of the stadium.
3) In spatele operei se afla un hotel.
Behind the opera there is a hotel.
4) Trenul a trecut prin tunel foarte rapid.
The train passed through the tunnel rapidly.
5) Lui Philip ii place sa zboare deasupra oceanului.
Philip likes flying across the ocean.

3. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitia corecta:

in, on, at, to

1) They live in Dubai.

2) We are staying at a nice hotel.
3) Philip always plays tennis in the afternoon.
4) They where very close to their cat.
5) We got on the first train to Sibiu.
6) Romania is in Europe.
7) You are going on a city tour tomorrow.

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