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Seismic Design Of Under Ground Forebay Tank




Weight calculations:-
2× (48+0.55+6+0.55)
Weight of the tank wall 7273.2 KN

Mass of the tank wall (mw) (7273.2×1000)/9.81 741406.7278 KG

Mass of the base slab (mb) [(49.8X

7.8)×0.7×25×1000]/9.81 692935.7798 KG

Weight of the water 48×6×4.8×9.81 13561.344 KN

Mass of the water
(m) (13561.34×1000)/9.81 1382400 KG


Analysis along X=direction

For this case L=48m B=6

Parameters of spring mass model

H/L=4.8/48=.1 (from the curve)

mi /m=0.1 hi/h=0.375
mc/m=0.8 hc / h=0.51
mi=impulsive mass of the liquid
mc=convective mass of the liquid

hi=height of the impulsive mass above the bottom of the tank(without connecting the base pressure)
hc= height of the convective mass above the bottom of the tank(without connecting the base pressure)

mi=impulsive mass of the liquid mi= 0.1×1382400 165888 Kg

Seismic X direction 1
mc=convective mass of the liquid mc=.8x1382400 1105920 Kg
hi =Hieght of the impulsive mass above the hi 1.8
bottom of tank wall m
hc=Hieght of theconvective mass above the hc 2.448
bottom of tank wall m

mass of one tank wall perpendicular to the mw 40366.97248 Kg

direction of loading considering the inner
direction only
=(6×0.55×4.8×25×1000)/9.81=40,366.97 kg

Seismic X direction 2
Time period=T = 2π√(d/g)
d=deflection of the tank wall on the vertical centre line at the height h when loaded by a uniformly distributed
pressure q

{mi/2+mw} = 1.9964154771 m

q={(mi/2+mw)/Bh}g={(262656/2+40366.97)/6×4.8}×9.81 = 42002.8 N/m2

To find the deflection of the wall due to this pressure it can be considered to be fixed at three edges and free at the
top. A strip of unit width of the wall is considered as cantilever and subjected to concentrated load P and length of
cantilever as ħ

P=q×h×1=58483.6x4.8= 201613.44 N

Length of the cantilever is h 1.9964154771 m

deflection={ph3/3EIW}= 0.0014083596 m M.I =I=(bd3/12)=

Time period of the inductive mode
Time period=Ti = 2π√(d/g) = 0.07524574 sec

Time period of the convective mode

for h/L =.1 Cc= 6.2

Time period=Tc = Tc=Cc√L/g = 13.71443134 sec

Design horizontal seismic coefficient for impulsive

Ah(i)=(Z/2) (Sa/g)(I/R)

As per IS 1893 part-1, pg 5 fig 10.1 zone(IV) and zone factor (severe) vide pg-16 of IS 1893 z=0.24 seismic zone
(Darjeeling) of IS 1893-2002 is considered. The site has a hard soil therefore considering damping of 5% of the
critical.Importance factor=1.5 pg no-18 table no-6 of IS 1893-2002 response reduction factor(R) =4 (pg-30 for
guidance of seismic design)

Sa/g= 1+15T 2.275 For Rocky or hard soil sites

Ah(i)= 0.102375
t= 0.07524574 sec
Z/2= 0.12

Seismic X direction 3
I/R 0.375
Sa/g 0.25 For Rocky or hard soil sites
Ah(c)= 0.01125
t= 13.7144313375 sec
Z/2= 0.12
I/R 0.375

Base shear at the bottom of the wall due to impulsive mode

Vi= Ah(i)×(mi+mw)×g = 911194.96104 N
Base shear at the bottom of the wall due to convective mode
Vc= Ah(c)×(mi+mw)×g= 100131.3144 N
Total base shear at the bottom
Vc= √ Vi +V =
916680.171678301 N 6.5147230929
The lateral base shear is about 6.51% of the total seismic weight of tank

Moment at the bottom of the wall due to impulsive mode:

Mi=Ahi[mihi+mwhw+mtht]xg= 2122647.744672 N-m

Similarly bending moment in convective mode

298783.531008 N-m
Total Bending Moment at the bottom of the wall

Mc=√(mi2+mw2) 2143572.962687 N-m

Hydrodynamic pressure
Impulsive Hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall
Qiw(y)=0.866[1-(y/h)2]×tanh(0.866 L/H)

Base of the wall

i.e. y=0 0.8659999479
Qiw(y)=0.866 tanh(8.66)
=0.866 e8.66-e-8.66

Piw=Qiw(y)(Ahi)(egh) 4174.6687930012 N/m2

Impulsive hydrodynamic pressure on the base slab(y=0)

Qib(x)= Sinh(0.866 L/H)
Cosh(0.866 L/H)

Pib=Qib(x) Ahi egh 4820.6337101631 N/m2

Seismic X direction 4
Convective hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall
Pcw=Qcw(y)Ah(c) egL

Qcw=0.4165xCosh(3.162 y/L) =
Cosh(3.162 h/L) 0.3965121663

Pcw=Qcw(y)Ah(c) egL = 2100.4835496162 N/m2

Convective hydrodynamic pressure on the base slab(y=0)

Qcb(x)=1.25[L/2L-4/3(L/2L)3]sech(3.162×h/L) = 0.396720418

Pcb=Qcb(x)Ah(c)PgL= 2101.5867447578 N/m2

Seismic X direction 5
Pressure due to wall inertia
Pww=Ah(i)×t×em×g 1.40765625 KN/m2
The presssure due to vertical excitation
Time period of vertical mode of Vibration=3 sec as per sec 4.10 of IITK GSDMA
Av=2/3(Z/2×I/R×Sa/g) 0.07500375
Pv=(Av)(egh)(1-y/h) 3531.77658 N/m2

Max hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall

P=√((piw+pww)2+pcw2+pv2 ) 6931.6541921076 N/m2 Design Of the tank will Be influen
by it
Hydrostatic pressure 47088 N/m2
Percentage of Hydro static Pressure 14.7206383624 %
Similarly, equivalent linear distribution for impulsive liquid mass per unit circumferential length q i
qi={(Ahi)(mig)}/2B 13883.42592 N/m2
Value of the linearised pressure at the bottom and the top is given by
ai={qi/h2(4h-6hi)} Bottom Pr 5061.6657 N/m2
bi=qi/h2(6hi-2h) Top pr 723.0951 N/m2

Similarly, equivalent linear distribution for convective liquid mass per unit circumferential length q c
qc=(Ah(c) mcg )/2B
10171.008 N/m2
ac={qc/h2(4h-6hc)} Bottom Pr 991.24286625 N/m2
bi=qc/h2(6hc-2h) Top pr 2246.0976 N/m2

Sloshing Wave hieght

Max Sloshing wave hieght

dmax =(Ah)c R L/2= 1.08 m
Where R = Response Reduction Factor
Therefore freeboard of 1m is recommended

Seismic X direction 6
Seismic X direction 7
Moment Due To Max Hydrodynamic Pr Pxhieght2/6 26617.5521 N-m

Seismic X direction 8

27386.128 N/mm2


Seismic X direction 9
ormly distributed

edges and free at the

load P and length of

0.0138646 m4

.24 seismic zone

ping of 5% of the
R) =4 (pg-30 for

Seismic X direction 10
Seismic X direction 11
Sa/g (5% 2.5

gn Of the tank will Be influenced

by it

mferential length q i

ntial length q c

Seismic X direction 12
Seismic X direction 13
Seismic Design Of Under Ground Forebay Tank

EC=5000 27386.13

Weight calculations:-

Weight of the tank wall (48+0.55+6+0.55) 7273.2 KN

Mass of the tank wall (mw) (7273.2×1000)/9.8 741406.7 KG

Mass of the base slab (mb) 7.8)×0.7×25×1000] 692935.8 KG
Weight of the water 48×6×4.8×9.81 13561.34 KN
Mass of the water
(m) (13561.34×1000)/9 1382400 KG

Analysis along y=direction
For this case L=6m h=4.8

Parameters of spring mass model

H/L=4.8/6=0.8 (from the curve)

mi /m=0.7 hi/h=0.375
mc/m=0.3 hc / h=0.625
mi=impulsive mass of the liquid
m =convective
c of themass of themass
impulsive liquidabove the bottom of the tank(without connecting the base
hc= height of the convective mass above the bottom of the tank(without connecting the base

Seismic Y direction Page 14

mi=impulsive mass of the liquid mi= 0.7×1382400 967680 Kg
mc=convective mass of the liquid mc=.3x1382400 414720 Kg

hi =Hieght of the impulsive mass above the hi 1.8

bottom of tank wall m
hc=Hieght of theconvective mass above the hc 3
bottom of tank wall m

mass of one tank wall perpendicular to the

direction of loading considering the inner mw 40366.97 Kg
direction only
=(6×0.55×4.8×25×1000)/9.81=40,366.97 kg
Time period=T = 2π√(d/g)
d=deflection of the tank wall on the vertical centre line at the height h when loaded by a uniformly
distributed pressure q

{mi/2+mw} = 1.8462034745 m

q={(mi/2+mw)/Bh}g={(262656/2+40366.97)/6×4.8}×9.81 = 178558 N/m2

To find the direction of the wall due to this pressure it can be considered to be fixed at three edges
and free at the top. A strip of unit width of the wall is considered as cantilever and subjected to
concentrated load

P=q×h×1=58483.6x4.8= 857078.4 N

Length of the cantilever is h 1.8462034745 m

deflection={ph3/3EIW}= 0.0047347879 m 2) 0.013865 m4
Time period of the inductive mode
Time period=Ti = 2π√(d/g) = 0.137967 sec

Time period of the convective mode

for h/L =.8 Cc= 3.5

Time period=Tc = Tc=Cc√L/g = 7.742018 sec

Design horizontal seismic coefficient for impulsive

Ah(i)=(Z/2) (Sa/g)(I/R)

Seismic Y direction Page 15

As per IS 1893 part-1, pg 5 fig 10.1 zone(IV) and zone factor (severe) vide pg-16 of IS 1893 z=0.24
seismic zone (Darjeeling) of IS 1893-2002 is considered. The site has a hard soil therefore
considering damping of 5% of the critical.Importance factor=1.5 pg no-18 table no-6 of IS 1893-
2002 response reduction factor(R) =4 (pg-30 for guidance of seismic design)

Sa/g= 1+15T 2.5

For Rocky or hard soil sites
Ah(i)= 0.1125
t= 0.137967059 sec
Z/2= 0.12
I/R 0.375
Sa/g 0.25
For Rocky or hard soil sites
Ah(c)= 0.01125
t= 7.7420176905 sec
Z/2= 0.12
I/R 0.375

Base shear at the bottom of the wall due to impulsive mode

Vi= Ah(i)×(mi+mw)×g = 1886190.84 N
Base shear at the bottom of the wall due to convective mode
Vc= Ah(c)×(mi+mw)×g= 188619.084 N
Total base shear at the bottom
Vc= √ Vi2+Vc2= 1895598.33396975 N 13.47176
The lateral base shear is about 13.471% of the total seismic weight of tank

Moment at the bottom of the wall due to impulsive mode:

Mi=Ahi[mihi+mwhw+mtht]xg= 4377025.512 N-m

Similarly bending moment in convective mode


137308.608 N-m
Total Bending Moment at the bottom of the wall
Mc=√(mi2+mw2) 4379178.68858188 N-m
Hydrodynamic pressure

Impulsive Hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall

Qiw(y)=0.866[1-(y/h)2]×tanh(0.866 L/H)

Seismic Y direction Page 16

Base of the wall
i.e. y=0 0.8659999479
Qiw(y)=0.866 tanh(8.66)
=0.866 e8.66-e-8.66

Piw=Qiw(y)(Ahi)(egh) 4587.5481241772 N/m2

Impulsive hydrodynamic pressure on the base slab(y=0)

Qib(x)= Sinh(0.866 L/H)
Cosh(0.866 L/H)

Pib=Qib(x) Ahi egh 5297.3996814979 N/m2

Convective hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall

Pcw=Qcw(y)Ah(c) egL

Qcw=0.4165xCosh(3.162 y/L) =
Cosh(3.162 h/L) 0.3965121663

Pcw=Qcw(y)Ah(c) egL = 2100.4835496162 N/m2

Convective hydrodynamic pressure on the base slab(y=0)

Qcb(x)=1.25[L/2L-4/3(L/2L)3]sech(3.162×h/L) = 0.39672

Pcb=Qcb(x)Ah(c)PgL= 2101.5867447578 N/m2

Pressure due to wall inertia

Pww=Ah(i)×t×em×g 1.546875 KN/m2
The presssure due to vertical excitation
Time period of vertical mode of Vibration=3 sec as per sec 4.10 of IITK GSDMA Sa/g (5% 2.5
Av=2/3(Z/2×I/R×Sa/g) 0.07500375 Damping)
Pv=(Av)(egh)(1-y/h) 3531.77658 N/m2

Max hydrodynamic pressure at the base of wall

P=√((piw+pww)2+pcw2+pv2 ) 7383.5373649548 N/m2

Hydrostatic pressure 47088 N/m2

Percentage of Hydro static Pressure 15.6802951176 %
Similarly, equivalent linear distribution for impulsive liquid mass per unit circumferential length q i
qi={(Ahi)(mig)}/2B 88996.32 N/m2

Seismic Y direction Page 17

Value of the linearised pressure at the bottom and the top is given by
ai={qi/h2(4h-6hi)} Bottom Pr 32446.575 N/m2
bi=qi/h2(6hi-2h) Top pr 4635.225 N/m2

Similarly, equivalent linear distribution for convective liquid mass per unit circumferential length q c
qc=(Ah(c) mcg )/2B

3814.128 N/m2
ac={qc/h2(4h-6hc)} Bottom Pr 1689.92578125 N/m2
bi=qc/h2(6hc-2h) Top pr 1390.5675 N/m2

Sloshing Wave hieght

Max Sloshing wave hieght

dmax =(Ah)c R L/2= 1.08 m
Where R = Response Reduction Factor
Therefore freeboard of 1m is recommended

Seismic Y direction Page 18

Seismic Y direction Page 19
Two critical condition have been considered

(i)Tank empty (ii) tank full L

As the L/B ratio is 48/6 >2 the long walls are to be designed as cantilevers. B
The bottom H/4 of the Short Walls will be designed as cantilever while the top portion will be designed as
slab supported by long walls
Case-I When tank is empty
Hieght of the wall 4.8 m
Backfill With sloping surface
unit wt of soil 21.09 KN/m3

Ka=coefficient of active earth pressure 0.866

Cosß+√(cos2ß- cos2Ø)

Empty case with short wall for backfill of Ø=30° (sloping angle)
BM at the base long wall due to earth
pr 1/2kaγH3/3 336.6409421 KN-m

Short wall act as slab supported on long wall from H/4 to H i.e. from 1.5 to 4.8 M from the bottom

Pa=(ka)(γ)(H-1.5) 60.271002 KN/m2

Direct Comp developed in the long 180.813006 KN

wall due to short wall

Empty case with short wall for backfill of Ø=30° (sloping angle)
Short wall Slab top portion
Mf At support =paL2/12 180.813006 KN-m
Mf At centre =paL2/24 90.406503 KN-m

Short wall Slab bottom portion 1.2 m

cantilever for a ht of
Soil Pr at the base for 4.8 m kaγH = 87.666912 KN/m2
Moment due to 1.5m Hieght 21.04005888 KN-m

Case-II tank full

Long wall will bent like cantilever fixed at the bottom

W= unit weight of the water 9800 N/m3

Cantilever Retaining wall 20

Pressure at the bottom =w*H 47040 N/m2
Force at the bottom 112896 N
Moment at the bottom 180633.6 N-m

Direct pull developed In the long wall

due to short wall 105840 N

Cantilever Retaining wall 21

Short wall
Top portion of the wall will bend like
pa=wx(H-h)= 35280 N

Mf At support =paL2/12 105840 N-m

Mf At centre =paL /24 2
52920 N-m
Short wall Slab bottom portion 1.2 m
cantilever for a ht of
water Pr at the base for 4.8 m γH = 47040 N/m2
Moment due to 1.5m Hieght 11289.6 N-m
Design of the long wall
Case I design of long wall due to
empty condition

Total B.M at the base of of Long Wall = seismicMoment+Static Moment 363258.4942 N-m
Permissible Stress in steel σsc 140 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in steel σst 130 N/mm2
Permissible Bending Stress for M30 σ
cbc 10 N/mm2
m 9.3333333333
Kc =mxσ cbc/( mxσ cbc+σst) 0.4179104478
Jc= 0.8606965174
Rc 1.7984703349
Ka 0.866

d eff = 449.423988676 mm
Doverall 550 mm
Final d eff 492 mm

Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 6598.6831843707 mm2

Dia (Ø) Area

8 50.2592
10 78.53
12 113.0832
16 201.0368
18 254.4372
20 314.12
22 380.0852
25 490.8125
28 615.6752

Cantilever Retaining wall 22

32 804.1472
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 121.8647990109 mm c/c Ø=32mm

Hence provide Verical reinforcement 32Ø@120mm c/c spacing

at outside face of the long wall

Curtailment of the reinforcement

(Asth/Ast)=(h3/H3) since the BM is proportional to

To curtail 50% of Reinforcement (Asth/Ast) = 0.5
(Asth/Ast)=(h3/H3) 3.8097625247 m

As per code the bar should continue

for 12Ø/deff whicever is greater 384 mm
Final d eff 492 mm
Hence continue the reinforcement for 492 mm

Curtailment 50% of reinforcement 4.3017625247 m

from bottom at a distance

Cantilever Retaining wall 23

Therefore provide 32Ø@240 mm c/c spacing for a distance of 500 mm from top

Distribution bar as per code 0.2% of

the area of wall c/s
(0.2×550×1000)/100 1100 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 182.7607272727 mm
Hence provide Dist Reinforcement 16mmØ@300 mm c/c spacing both face
Direct Compression developed in The 180.813006 KN
long wall due to short wall
Ast=Fcomp/(σsc) 1291.5214714286 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 155.6588910424 mm
Hence provide Dist Reinforcement 16mmØ@300 mm c/c spacing bot
both side

Case II design of long wall due to fill condition

Total B.M at the base of of Long Wall =

seismicMoment+Static Moment due
to water 207251.152097693 N-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 3764.7700307306 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 163.5359384436 mm

Hence provide Verical reinforcement

at inside face of the long wall 28Ø@150 mm c/c spacing mm

Therefore provide 28Ø@300mm c/c

spacing for a distance of 500 mm from Curtail 50% of bar

Direct tension developed in long wall

due to short wall 105840 N
Ast=Fcomp/(σsc) 814.1538461538 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 246.9272864701 mm
16mmØ@300 mm c/c spacing mm
Hence provide Dist Reinforcement both face

Design of the short wall

Case-I tank empty

Mf At supports=paL2/12 causes
tension outside the short wall 180.813006 KN-m

Cantilever Retaining wall 24

Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 3284.5143646499 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 115.7203646575 mm

Hence provide main Reinforcement at 22mmØ@100 mm c/c spacing mm

the top of the two ends of short wall

Mf At centre =paL2/24 causes

compression outside the short wall
90.406503 KN-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 1642.2571823249 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 122.4149312079 mm

Hence provide main Reinforcement at 16mmØ@120 mm c/c spacing mm

the top middle of short wall

Bottom 1.5m of the short wall as

Moment due to 1.5m Hieght 21.04005888 KN-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 382.1980351593 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 295.8759323629 mm
Hence provide vertical Reinforcement 12mmØ@300 mm c/c spacing mm
of short wall

Cantilever Retaining wall 25

Case-II tank Full

Mf At supports=paL2/12 causes
tension outside the short wall 105840 N-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 1922.6105911571 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 163.3820189303 mm

Hence provide main Reinforcement at 20mmØ@150 mm c/c spacing mm

the top of the two ends of short wall

Mf At centre =paL2/24 causes compression outside the short wall52920 N-m

Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 961.3052955785 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 209.1289842308 mm

Hence provide main Reinforcement at 16mmØ@200 mm c/c spacing mm

the top middle of short wall

Bottom 1.5m of the short wall as

Moment due to 1.5m Hieght 11289.6 N-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 205.0784630568 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 382.9266068679 mm
Hence provide vertical Reinforcement 10mmØ@300 mm c/c spacing mm
of short wall

Cantilever Retaining wall 26


Cantilever Retaining wall 27

Design of Ogee Spillway With vertical upstream face


C=Coeff 1.8
H=HEAD= 0.5 m
L= 5.342585 m
P= 1.24 m
P/H 2.48
A/H= 0.28 IS 6934:1998 Fig 2, Pg 6
A= 0.14 m
B/H= 0.165 IS 6934:1998 Fig 2, Pg 6
B= 0.0825 m

X=(2*H.85 *Y)1/1.85 1.18804 m


Ogee Spill way 28

Design of base slab of Forebay Tank

Floor Area = 338.927

Hieght = 4.8 m
thickness of bottom slab 0.7 m
wall thickness 0.55 m
unit wt of soil 21090 N/m3
Uplift Pressure (u) 47088 N/m2
Wt of the bottom Slab (d) 17500 N/m2
Offset Of heel slab 0.7 m
Net upward Pr=Uplift-wt of bottom 29588 N/m2
slab (u)
Wt of the wall per m run (d) 66000 N/m
Wt of earth projection (d) 101232 N/m2

Active Earth Pr = Pa= kaγ`H+γwH 93976.704 N/m2

Active Force = 225544.0896 N/m
Active Earth force Acting at 2.3 m
Bending moment at the edge of the cantilever

B.M at the edge of cantilever Tension

portion =Net upward Pr+Active 501198.6261 N-m at the
Earth Pr - Wt of projected earth bottom

√(M/(Rc×b))=deff 527.9019869 mm
D= 600 mm
deff final= 536 mm
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 8357.024668 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 96.22410271 mm
Hence provide reinforcement at 32Ø@90mm mm
bottom face of thebase slab c/c spacing

Area Dist Bar along the long side 11900 mm2

Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 51.73741176 mm

Hence provide distribution 28Ø@

reinforcement at the top & bottom 100mm c/c mm
face of the base slab spacing

Bending moment at the centre of the span

B.M=Net upward Pr+Active Earth
Pr-Due to Earth for projected 287408.2311 N-m Bottom
portion -wall tension

Design of Base Slab Of forebay 29

√(M/(Rc×b))=deff 399.7587344 mm
D overall 475 mm
deff final= 415 mm
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 6189.530495
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 99.47042033 mm

Hence provide reinforcement at 28Ø@100m mm

bottom face of thebase slab m c/c spacing

Design of Heel slab

About the
Three forces acts on it Force in KN base of Moment
the stem

1. Downward Weight of soil 70.8624 0.9 63.77616

2.Downward Weight of the Heel 10.5 0.9 9.45
3.Upward Soil Pr 47.088 0.625 -29.43
43.79616 KN-m
Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 730.2605602 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 275.2946153 mm
Hence provide reinforcement at 16Ø@250 mmmm
c/c spacing
bottom face of thebase slab

Design of Base Slab Of forebay 30

Design of Water Conductor
L (m) B (m) Thickness
Top slab (w1) 1 2.2 0.25
Left Side wall(w2) 1.75 1 0.25
right Side wall(w3) 1.75 1 0.25
Bottom Slab(w3) 1 2.2 0.25
Water 1.2 1.7 1
Calculation Of vertical forces

Item Forces(KN) Lever arm from Point A Moment (KN-m)
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 0.125 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 2.075 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 1.1 15.125
Water 20.4 0.85 17.34

Hydrostatic water pressure

Item Forces(KN) Lever arm from Point A Moment (KN-m)

Water Pr on the left Side 7.2 0.65 4.68

water Pr on the right Side 7.2 0.65 4.68

Ka=1-sinØ/1+sinØ 0.333
unit wt of soil γ 18.639 KN/m3
Active earth Pr Pa=(ka)(γ)(H) 10.86187725 KN/m2
Force .5*Pa*H 9.5041425938
Point Of application of
load 0.5833333333 m

Horizontal Seismic Forces and Moment for water

Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)

Water Pr
Seismic Coeff=.15) 3.06 0.85 2.601
Vertical Seismic Forces and Moment for water
Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)

Water Pr column(Vertical
Seismic Coeff=.1) 2.04 1.1 2.244

Water Conductor inside Adit 31

Horizontal Seismic Forces and Moment for Channel
Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625 0.875 1.435546875
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625 0.875 1.435546875
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625 0.125 0.2578125

Vertical Seismic Forces and Moment for Channel

Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375 0.125 0.13671875
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375 2.075 2.26953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375 1.1 1.5125

Water Conductor inside Adit 32

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing

Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Inertia Due
Water Force 3.06
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Inertia Due
Water Force 2.04
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 25.1078925938 7.2 58.065 3.5625 61.2075
Resultant 17.9078925938 54.5025 39.0907605703

Stability Analysis for the Design Condition

A ) When the channel is empty 1) Static Condition
2) Dynamic Condition
B ) When the channel is full 1) Static Condition
2) Dynamic Condition

A ) When the channel is empty 1) Static Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Total 9.5041425938 35.625 39.1875
Resultant 9.5041425938 35.625 33.6434168203

Water Conductor inside Adit 33

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 7.0683463307 >2 Hence Safee

Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 35.625

Resultant Distance R 0.9443766125 m

from point A from the
toe =Resultant
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.1556233875 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 23.0660122062 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 9.3203514301 <71.024 KN/m2

Water Conductor inside Adit 34

Stability against sliding
Sliding Force 9.5041425938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 20.555625
Factor of Safety sliding 2.162806881 >1.75 Hence Safee

A ) When the channel is empty 2) Dynamic Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Seismic
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Seismic
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 14.8478925938 35.625 3.5625 39.1875
Resultant 14.8478925938 32.0625 26.5957605703

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 3.1121593819 >1.5 Hence Safee


Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 32.0625

Resultant Distance R 0.8294974057 m

from point A from the
toe =Resultant
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.2705025943 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 25.3255034252 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 3.8222238475 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 14.8478925938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 18.5000625

Water Conductor inside Adit 35

Hence Anchorage
Factor of Safety sliding 1.2459722741 >1.5 Hence Safee is provided

B ) When the channel is full 1) Static Condition

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing

Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Total 16.7041425938 7.2 56.025 61.2075
Resultant 9.5041425938 56.025 50.9834168203

Water Conductor inside Adit 36

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 5.9866003557 >2 Hence Safee

Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 56.025

Resultant Distance R 0.9100119022 m

from point A from the
toe =Resultant
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.1899880978 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 38.6610535285 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 12.2707646533 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 9.5041425938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 32.326425
Factor of Safety sliding 3.4012984003 >1.75 Hence Safee

B ) When the channel is full 2) Dynamic Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Inertia Due
Water Force 3.06
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Inertia Due
Water Force 2.04
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 25.1078925938 7.2 58.065 3.5625 61.2075

Water Conductor inside Adit 37

Resultant 17.9078925938 54.5025 39.0907605703

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 2.7674739396 >1.5 Hence Safee


Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 54.5025

Resultant Distance R 0.7172287614 m

from point A from the
toe =Resultant
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.3827712386 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 50.6358340037 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) -1.088106731 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 17.9078925938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 31.4479425
Factor of Safety sliding 1.7560939868 >1.5 Hence Safee

Provide nominal Reinforcement of 0.2% of c/s area considering the temp stress

Area of C/s 875 mm2

Using 10 mm Ø 78.5 mm2

Spacing S= Spacing=(1000*A
)/Ast 89.7142857143 mm

100 c/c @ 10mm

Hence Provide bothways

Provide Nominal Reinforcement of 0.2 % at The bottom Of the Slab

Area of C/s 1100 mm2

Using 10 mm Ø 78.5 mm2

Using 12 mm Ø 113 mm2

Spacing S= Spacing=(1000*A
)/Ast 71.3636363636 mm

Water Conductor inside Adit 38

100 c/c @ 12mm
Hence Provide bothways

Water Conductor inside Adit 39

Moment (KN-m)






Moment (KN-m)


Water Conductor inside Adit 40

Moment (KN-m)




Water Conductor inside Adit 41




Water Conductor inside Adit 42

Moment (KN-m)





Water Conductor inside Adit 43


Water Conductor inside Adit 44

Design of Water Conductor outside Adit
L (m) B (m) Thickness
Top slab (w1) 1 2.2 0.25
Left Side wall(w2) 1.75 1 0.25
right Side wall(w3) 1.75 1 0.25
Bottom Slab(w3) 1 2.2 0.25
Water 1.2 1.7 1
Calculation Of vertical forces

Item Lever arm from Point A Moment (KN-m)
Top slab (w1) 13.75 1.1 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 0.125 1.3671875
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 2.075 22.6953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 1.1 15.125
Water 20.4 0.85 17.34

Hydrostatic water pressure

Item Lever arm from Point A Moment (KN-m)

Water Pr on the left Side 7.2 0.65 4.68

water Pr on the right Side 7.2 0.65 4.68

Ka=1-sinØ/1+sinØ 0.333
unit wt of soil γ 18.639 KN/m3
Active earth Pr Pa=(ka)(γ)(H) 10.86187725 KN/m2
Force .5*Pa*H 9.5041425938
Point Of application of
load 0.5833333333 m

Horizontal Seismic Forces and Moment for water

Item Lever arm Moment (KN-m)

Water Pr
column(horizontal Seismic
Coeff=.15) 3.06 0.85 2.601
Vertical Seismic Forces and Moment for water
Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)

Water conductor outside aadit 45

Water Pr column(Vertical
Seismic Coeff=.1) 2.04 1.1 2.244

Water conductor outside aadit 46

Horizontal Seismic Forces and Moment for Channel
Item Lever arm Moment (KN-m)
Top slab (w1) 2.0625 1.875 3.8671875
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625 0.875 1.435546875
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625 0.875 1.435546875
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625 0.125 0.2578125

Vertical Seismic Forces and Moment for Channel

Item Forces(KN) Lever arm Moment (KN-m)
Top slab (w1) 1.375 1.1 1.5125
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375 0.125 0.13671875
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375 2.075 2.26953125
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375 1.1 1.5125

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Top slab (w1) 13.75 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.367188
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.69531
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Inertia Due
Water Force 3.06
Top slab (w1) 2.0625
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Inertia Due
Water Force 2.04
Top slab (w1) 1.375
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 27.170392594 7.2 71.815 4.9375 76.3325
Resultant 19.9703925938 66.8775 48.8360730703

Stability Analysis for the Design Condition

Water conductor outside aadit 47

A ) When the channel is empty 1) Static Condition
2) Dynamic Condition
B ) When the channel is full 1) Static Condition
2) Dynamic Condition

Water conductor outside aadit 48

A ) When the channel is empty 1) Static Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Top slab (w1) 13.75 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.367188
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.69531
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Total 9.5041425938 49.375 54.3125
Resultant 9.5041425938 49.375 48.7684168203

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 9.7964800021 >2 Hence Safee


Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical

Resultant Distance R from 0.987714771 m

point A from the toe
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.112285229 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 29.316012206 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 15.57035143 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 9.5041425938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 28.489375
Factor of Safety sliding 2.9975744491 >1.75 Hence Safee

A ) When the channel is empty 2) Dynamic Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Top slab (w1) 13.75 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.367188
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.69531
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Seismic
Top slab (w1) 2.0625
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625

Water conductor outside aadit 49

right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Seismic
Top slab (w1) 1.375
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 16.910392594 49.375 4.9375 54.3125
Resultant 16.9103925938 44.4375 36.3410730703

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 3.0221584637 >1.5 Hence Safee


Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 44.4375

Resultant Distance R from 0.8178019256 m

point A from the toe
Moment/Vertical Forces
Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.2821980744 <B/6= 0.3666666667
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 35.744537516 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 4.6531897566 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 16.910392594
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 25.6404375
Factor of Safety sliding 1.5162532365 >1.5 Hence Safee

B ) When the channel is full 1) Static Condition

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing

Top slab (w1) 13.75 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.367188
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.69531
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Total 16.704142594 7.2 69.775 76.3325
Resultant 9.5041425938 69.775 66.1084168203

Water conductor outside aadit 50

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 7.4659506049 >2 Hence Safee

Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 69.775

Resultant Distance R from

point A from the toe 0.9474513339 m
Moment/Vertical Forces

Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.1525486661 <B/6= 0.3666666667

q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 44.911053529 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) 18.520764653 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 9.5041425938
µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 40.260175
Factor of Safety sliding 4.2360659684 >1.75 Hence Safee

Water conductor outside aadit 51

B ) When the channel is full 2) Dynamic Condition

Item Horizontal Forces(KN) Vertical Forces (KN) Moment (KN-m)

Normal condition + - + - Stabilizing
Top slab (w1) 13.75 15.125
Left Side wall(w2) 10.9375 1.367188
right Side wall(w3) 10.9375 22.69531
Bottom Slab(w3) 13.75 15.125
Water Pr On Left 7.2 20.4 17.34
Water Pr On Right 7.2 4.68
Active Earth Pr force 9.5041425938
Horizontal Inertia Due
Water Force 3.06
Top slab (w1) 2.0625
Left Side wall(w2) 1.640625
right Side wall(w3) 1.640625
Bottom Slab(w3) 2.0625
Vertical Inertia Due
Water Force 2.04
Top slab (w1) 1.375
Left Side wall(w2) 1.09375
right Side wall(w3) 1.09375
Bottom Slab(w3) 1.375
Total 27.170392594 7.2 71.815 4.9375 76.3325
Resultant 19.9703925938 66.8775 48.8360730703

Factor of Safety against Ms/Mo 2.7760879694 >1.5 Hence Safee


Soil pressure at the footing base

Resultant Vertical
Reaction 66.8775

Resultant Distance R from

point A from the toe 0.7302317382 m
Moment/Vertical Forces

Ecentricity=(B/2)-R 0.3697682618 <B/6= 0.3666666667

q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) 61.054868095 <71.024 KN/m2
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) -0.257140822 <71.024 KN/m2

Stability against sliding

Sliding Force 19.970392594

Water conductor outside aadit 52

µ= 0.577
Resisting Force 38.5883175
Factor of Safety sliding 1.9322763596 >1.5 Hence Safee

Provide nominal Reinforcement of 0.2% of c/s area considering the temp stress

Area of C/s 875 mm2

Using 10 mm Ø 78.5 mm2

Spacing S= Spacing=(1000
*AØ)/Ast 89.7142857143

100 c/c @
Hence Provide bothways
10mm Ø

Water conductor outside aadit 53

Provide Nominal Reinforcement of 0.2 % at The bottom Of the Slab
Area of C/s 1100 mm2

Using 10 mm Ø 78.5 mm2

Using 12 mm Ø 113 mm2

Spacing S= Spacing=(1000
*AØ)/Ast 71.3636363636

100 c/c @
Hence Provide bothways
12mm Ø

Water conductor outside aadit 54

Moment (KN-m)





Water conductor outside aadit 55

Moment (KN-m)


Moment (KN-m)



Water conductor outside aadit 56






Water conductor outside aadit 57

Moment (KN-m)





Water conductor outside aadit 58

Design Of Counterfort Wall

Permissible Stress in steel σsc 140 N/mm2

Permissible Stress in steel σst 130 N/mm2

Permissible Bending Stress for
M30 σ cbc 10 N/mm2
m 9.3333333333
Kc =mxσ cbc/( mxσ cbc+σst) 0.4179104478
Jc= 0.8606965174
Rc 1.7984703349
Ka 0.866
Hieght of the wall 4.8 m

Backfill With sloping surface

unit wt of soil 21.09 KN/m3
Ka=coefficient of active earth
Cosß+√(cos2ß- cos2Ø) 0.866

Clear Spacing Of the

counterforts 3.5*(H/γ).25 2.41746 m
Clear Spacing Of the
counterforts 2.5 m
Stability of the wall
W1 Wt of the stem/m length
W2 Wt of the base slab
W3 Wt of the earth on the heel
Stem Thickness 0.6 m
base slab thickness 0.6 m
width of base slab 3.8 m
width of toe slab 1.6 m
width of heel slab 1.6 m

Sl no. Designation Force Lever Arm about Toe

1 W1 (Wt of the stem/m

length) 72 1.9 136.8
2 W2 (Wt of the base slab) 57 1.9 108.3
3 W3 (Wt of the earth on the
heel slab) 161.9712 3 485.9136

59 Design of Counterfort
W total 290.9712 M total 731.0136

60 Design of Counterfort
Horizontal Earth Pressure .5* Ka * γ * H2 210.4006 KN
Lever arm 1.6 m
Overturning Moment 336.64094208 KN-m
Factor of safety = Mr/Mo 2.1714934478 >2 Hence Safee
Net Moment =Mr-M0 394.37265792 KN-m
X=Net moment/ƩW total 1.3553666408
e=(b/2)-x 0.5446333592 < b/6= 0.633333
q=(P/BxL)(1+6*e/L) Toe 142.4187183158
q=(P/BxL)(1-6*e/L) Heel 10.7240185263
q @ 1.6m from heel 66.1744184377 1.6 m
q @ 2.2m from heel 86.9683184044 2.2 m
Design Of Heel Slab
1)Downward Load Due To the
Weight Of the earth 101.232 KN/m2

2) Upward Soil Pr at the heel 10.7240185263 KN/m2

3) Downward load of the base
slab 15 KN/m2
Net Downward Load= 105.5079814737 KN/m2
Deff= 538 mm

Max Negative moment due to

Heel slab at the counterfort =-
WL2/12 -54.9520736842 KN-m
√(M/(Rc×b))=d 0.1747995875 m <.6m Hence safe
Shear Force=W*L/2 131.8849768421
Pg 3 of IS
For M30 Grade Ƭc =.487 3370
0.487 N/mm 2
d=V/(Ƭc*b) 270.8110407435 mm <600mm Hence safe
Area of the steel Ast=M/(σst Jc deff) 912.8689 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 220.2252698116 mm

Hence provide top

reinforcement at the two ends 16Ø@200mm c/c spacing 16 mm
of the Heel Slab

Check for Development Length M/V+L0>=Ld

For a Fixed Beam Point of

Contra Flexture =.211L 0.5275 m
S.F at a distance of .211L from WL/2-Wx
the ends = 76.22952 KN
Actual area of steel provided 1005.184 mm2

61 Design of Counterfort
M=Astσst Jc deff 60509176.2690547 N-mm
Lo=12Ø or deff Whichever is
greater 538 mm
M/V+L0>=Ld 985.7762031848 mm > 720 mm Safe

Bars will be provided at the top

face of the heel slab from the 1065.5 mm Say 1100 mm
end upto

62 Design of Counterfort
Max + ve B.M at the Middle 41.2140552632 KN-m
between the counterforts
Ast2 684.6516756638 mm

Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 165.1689523587 mm

Hence provide top

reinforcement at the middle of 12Ø@200mm c/c spacing 12 mm
the Heel Slab

Check for Development Length M/V+L0>=Ld

For a Fixed Beam Point of

Contra Flexture =.211L 0.5275 m
S.F at a distance of .211L from WL/2-Wx
the ends = 57.17214 KN
Actual area of steel provided 753.888 mm2
M=Astσst Jc deff 45381882.2017911 N-mm
Lo=12Ø or deff Whichever is
greater 538 mm
M/V+L0>=Ld 937.7762031848 mm > 540 mm Safe

Bars will be provided at the

bottom face of the heel slab 1065.5 mm Say 1100 mm
upto the centre of counter

Design of the stem

The stem acts as a continous

slab between the counter forts
ph=Ka*γ*H 87.66691 KN/m2
Intensity of Earth Pr is Given By
negative B.M near the
Counterfort 45659850 N-mm
√(M/(Rc×b))=d 159.3366202246 mm < 600 mm Safe
Deff= 538 mm
S.F = WL/2 109.58364 KN
0.487 N/m
(Ƭv=V/bxd) 0.2036870632 <
No shear Reinforcement Required
Area of steel bar near the counterforts
M=Astσst Jc deff
Ast 700.0388571429 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 161.5384615385 mm

63 Design of Counterfort
At the Ends of the
12 mm Ø= 150 mm c/c counterfort

64 Design of Counterfort
Area of the steel reinfiorcement near the counterfort
Max +ve B.M at the middle 34244887.5 N-mm

Area of the steel =.75*+ve Ast 525.0291428571 mm2

Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 215.3846153846 mm
At the middle of the
12 mm Ø= 200 mm c/c counterforts

Dist Steel bar (vertical Bar) 720 mm2

Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 157.06 mm
12 mm Ø=300 mm c/c vertical rods both side of the stem

Design of the main counterforts

Let the thickness of the counterfort is 600 mm 0.6

Net downward pressure at

heel = Earth Wt +Wt of 105.5079814737 KN/m2
Counterfort wall-Upward Pr <240
Net downward pressure at end
of the heel slab = Earth Wt <240
50.0575815623 KN/m2
+Wt of Counterfort wall- KN/m2
Upward Pr

The counterfort acts as a T beam

Bending Moment = (Ka * γ * H3)/6 336.6409 KN-m

√(M/(Rc×b))=d 558.5424712553 mm
tanØ=base/ht 18.4442992966 Ø
Depth of the 4411.206008982 mm >600mm
Deff = 4200 mm
M=Astσst Jc deff 716.3483173271 mm Ø
No. Of bars 16 mm Ø 3.563269597 nos
Hence Provide 4 bars @ 16 mm Ø in two layers

Design of horizontal ties 1600

The Vertical atem slab has the tendency to separate out from the counterfort and hence should be Tied
by horizontal ties

65 Design of Counterfort
The horizontal presssure ph=Ka*γ*H KN/m
causing seperation 87.66691
Steel Area Reqd= ph*1000/σst 674.3609 mm2
Spacing=(1000*AØ)/Ast 167.6894470744 mm
hence provide 12mm Ø 2 legged stirrup @ 150mm c/c

66 Design of Counterfort
67 Design of Counterfort
68 Design of Counterfort

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