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The series consists of a Learner’s Book, Teacher’s Pack, Workbook and Digital Resource Pack for

each Cambridge Primary stage. Books in the Hodder Cambridge Primary Science series:
Learner’s Books Teacher’s Packs Workbooks Digital Resource Pack
Stage 1
9781471883910 9781471883965 9781471883941 9781471883989
(ages 5–6)*
Stage 2
9781471883835 9781471883866 9781471883880 9781471883903
(ages 6–7)*
Stage 3
9781471883996 9781471884115 9781471884191 9781471884276
(ages 7–8)*
Stage 4
9781471884023 9781471884139 9781471884214 9781471884283
(ages 8–9)*
Stage 5
9781471884054 9781471884153 9781471884245 9781471884290
(ages 9–10)*
Stage 6
9781471884085 9781471884177 9781471884252 9781471884306
(ages 10–11)*

* Age ranges are for guidance only

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5_V7.indd 2 26/04/2017 11:31

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 1 4/26/17 3:08 PM
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884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 2 4/26/17 3:08 PM


Being a scientist
What does a scientist do? 4
How to do a fair test 5

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant 6
Unit 2 Investigating plant growth 30
Practice test 1: Biology 42

Unit 3 States of matter 46
Practice test 2: Chemistry 74

Unit 4 The way we see things 78
Unit 5 Shadows 96
Unit 6 The Earth and beyond 115
Practice test 3: Physics 135

Scientific dictionary 139

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 3 4/26/17 3:08 PM

Being a scientist

What does a scientist do?

Scientists are people who are interested in the world around them. They ask questions and find the
answers by testing their ideas in different ways.

look for
in anything
they look
at. They
sort the
things into groups. This way, they can identify,
name and classify, for example, animals in
the ocean. Scientists compare what happens. For
example, they might test different mixtures.

Scientists use all their Scientific questions must be

senses when making measurable. Scientists look for
observations. Then they patterns in their results.
record the information.
Shoe length Number of people
21 cm 1
24 cm 3
Scientists share what
25 cm 3
they find out about the
world. They find new 26 cm 2
information by reading 27 cm 8
books, looking on the 28 cm 5
internet, watching videos
29 cm 1
and doing experiments.
30 cm 1
31 cm 1

Scientists test their ideas. They

observe the effect of one thing on
another thing in an investigation.
Scientists try to keep things fair.

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 4 4/26/17 3:08 PM

Being a scientist

How to do a fair test

Read the flow chart from 1 to 11. It describes what scientists think about and do to carry out a fair
test. A fair test is a way to investigate a scientific question.

Think about what you
11 want to find out.
After carrying out your fair test, Ask a scientific question. 2
you might have other questions to You should be able to Think about what
which you want answers. If you do, investigate, test, record you will do to answer
then you will have to carry out a new and measure the results. your question. Think
investigation for each new question. of a way to test it.

10 3
Think about these What
questions: equipment will you
Was my test a good test? need to help you?
Can I trust my results? You might need
How can I improve my test? measuring equipment
such as a timer, ruler
9 or scales.
Once you have finished
your fair test, use your
results to answer your 4 When you carry
scientific question. out a fair test, ask two
This is your conclusion. questions: What will I
change? What effect
will I measure?
8 The thing you change
Sometimes, you can and the effect you
plot the data in your measure are the
6 variables (factors).
table on a chart. Charts
While carrying
can help you to see the
out your fair test
pattern more easily.
you will observe 5
changes. You There might be
7 must measure many things in your
Record your observations (data), to remember these changes. test to change.
what happened. You could use a table. For example, You must change only
Record what you changed in one column. Record the changes one variable (factor).
what you measured in the second column. could be in time, Everything else must
temperature or stay the same.

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 5 4/26/17 3:08 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

What are plants?

Think like a scientist! Talk
There are many different types of plants.
Discuss these questions
with a partner:
a What is a plant?
b What characteristics
(features) do plants
share with all living
Share your ideas with
the class.
fern herbs: oregano, sweet basil, parsley

What can you
remember about Some Stage 5 learners had these questions
plants? about plants:
● How long have there been plants on Earth?

Scientific ● Where does the world’s largest plant grow?

words ● What is the world’s fastest-growing plant?

characteristics ● How many different species (types) of

species plants are there?

a Think of your own question about plants.
Or choose one of the learners’ questions.
b Use your research skills to find out the
A mind map is a useful diagram. We can use it answer.
to show what we know about a topic.
a Draw a mind map to show what you know
about plants. 3
b Swap mind maps with a partner.
Work together as a class. Create a display that
c Look at your partner’s mind map. Then, includes your mind map from Activity 1 and
on your own mind map, add anything that what you found out from your research in
you think you may have left out. Activity 2.

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 6 4/26/17 3:08 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Plants everywhere
Think like a scientist!

Different plants live in different

places or habitats. Different
habitats have different conditions.
For example, habitats can be wet,
dry, cold or hot. Habitats can also
be a mixture of these conditions.
Scientists have learnt that the
plant species living in each habitat
are suited, or adapted, to the
conditions of their habitat.

Very small habitats are called micro-habitats.
Stage 5 learners collected this data about
plants living in micro-habitats near their school. Talk
Micro- Conditions Plants
habitat living there
Discuss these questions with a partner:
tree trunk dry, shady lichens
a What are the names of the habitats in
cracks in dry, sunny dandelions the photographs above?
pavement b How would you describe the conditions
underside of damp, shady mosses in each habitat?
middle of wet, sunny pondweeds 2
edge of pond damp, shady reeds a Collect data of plants that live in micro-
habitats around your school. Present your
Which plants in the table data in a table.
are adapted to the Scientific b Choose one plant in your table. To what
following conditions:
words conditions is it adapted?
a damp? habitats
c Predict another habitat in your school
b dry? conditions
grounds where the plant might grow.
c sunny? data d Check this habitat to see if your prediction
d shady? predict is correct.

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 7 4/26/17 3:08 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Parts of a plant
1 What do you
remember about
Write the name of each plant part for a to g the parts of a plant,
in these pictures. and what they do?

b e


What job does each part of a plant do?

g Discuss your ideas with a partner.
Then share them with the rest of the class.

Daisy flowers are sometimes open and Discuss these questions in a group before
sometimes closed. writing your answers.
a What do you think makes a daisy flower
open? Why?
b What makes a daisy flower close? Why?
c How could you test your ideas?
d How would you make sure that your test
is fair?

a Carry out a test based on your ideas from Activity 2.
b Write a report about what you did and what you found out.

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 8 4/26/17 3:08 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Reproduction in plants
Think like a scientist!
Do you remember that all living things reproduce (make new living things)? Most plants
reproduce when the male and female parts from two plants of the same species combine
(join together).
A seed forms. If the conditions are right, a new plant will grow from the
seed. In flowering plants, the male and female parts are in the flower.

This young bean plant is growing

from a seed.

Some plants can

reproduce without
male and female
parts combining.
One way these plants
do this is by sending
out special shoots
called runners.
New plants grow These young strawberry plants
from the runners. are growing from runners.

partners 1
a Carry out the investigation you planned
Discuss these questions in a group: in your group in the Talk partners activity.
a Will young plants growing from runners b Do the results of your investigation
grow better if they are cut away from support your predictions?
the parent plant? Or should they stay
attached? Explain your thinking. c What conclusions can you draw from
your results?
b How could you test your ideas?
c What variables (factors) will
you need to keep the same
to make sure the test is fair?
Scientific words
d Would it be better to use
several plants rather than reproduce
just one? Explain why. runners

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 9 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Flowering plants
Do you think all plants
are flowering plants?
Think like a scientist! Why or why not?

There are hundreds of thousands of species Talk

of flowering plants. The flowers come in partners
many different shapes, sizes and colours.
Some flowers are brightly coloured – such
as hibiscus flowers. Other flowers are Discuss these questions with a partner:
scented and smell good – such as jasmine a Why are there so many different species
flowers. Some flowers, however, are neither (kinds) of flowering plants?
brightly coloured nor scented. An example b Why are some flowers brightly coloured or
is rice flowers. scented, and others are not?
hibiscus Share your ideas with another pair.

a Observe flowers in the local environment.
Record what each flower looks like.
Take a photograph or make a drawing.
rice flowers b Using the photographs or drawings, sort
the flowers into groups. Do not label the
c Give your groups to a partner. Challenge
your partner to work out the labels.
1 d Label your groups. Keep your photographs
or drawings for the next activity.
a Collect some real flowers or photographs
of flowers. If you collect real flowers, ask
for permission first.
b Sort the flowers into groups. You could do
this according to shape, number of petals,
or the arrangement of flowers on the stem. words
Do not label the groups yet. Give your scented
groups to your partner. petals
c What does your partner think the labels
should be? Did you label your groups in
the same way?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 10 4/26/17 3:09 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Parts of a flower
Think like a scientist!

This diagram shows the main parts of a flower.

The carpel is the female
part of a flower.
The stamen is the
The carpel receives the
male part of a flower.
pollen from the stamen
It produces a powder
of another flower.
called pollen.
Pollen spreads to the
carpel of another flower.

The sepals are on the

The petals of some flowers outside of the flower.
are large and brightly In a young flower, the
coloured. Petals may have sepals cover the other
a pleasant scent. parts and protect them.

1 2
Use your flower photographs or drawings a Think of a flowering plant that you like.
from Activity 2 on page 10. Make a detailed diagram of that flower.
a Label each with the following flower parts: Try to make it as lifelike or real as possible.
Your diagram could be:
• sepals
• a collage
• petals
• a painting
• stamen
• a model
• carpel.
• a digital image.
b Make a separate label for each part of
the flower. Use the scientific words from
the box and others you may know.
Scientific Keep your flower diagram and labels,
as you will add to them later.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 11 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Male flower parts

Think like a scientist!
a Choose one of the three flower photographs
from the Talk partners box below.
As you know, the male part of the flower is
the stamen. The stamen has two parts – the b Draw a diagram of the flower. Label the
anther and the filament. The anther is the stamen, anther and filament.
part that makes and stores pollen. It is at
the end of the stamen. The filament is the
stalk that holds up the anther. Look at the 2
diagram of the inside of a lily below. You will need…
The stamens of different flower species are a Collect some ● hand lens

different sizes and shapes. The arrangement flowers from the or microscope
of the stamens inside different flowers local environment. ● paper
varies (is not always the same). The number Make sure you ● pencil

of stamens also varies. have permission.

Remove the stamens.
anther b Use a hand lens or microscope to observe
the stamens closely.
filament c Draw what you observe and label your
d Compare your observations with those of
someone who chose a different flower.

words 3
filament Make labels with the names of the male
flower parts for the flower diagram you made
Talk microscope
in Activity 2 on page 11.

Look at the flowers in these

Find the stamens in each flower and
identify the anthers and filaments.
a How are the stamens similar?
How are they different?
b There are differences between the stamens
of different flowers. Why could this be?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 12 4/26/17 3:09 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Female flower parts

Think like a scientist! stigma

As you know, the female flower part is style carpel

the carpel. A carpel has three parts –
the stigma, the style and the ovary.
The stigma receives pollen.
The ovary contains ovules, which ovules
eventually become seeds.
The style joins the stigma to the ovary.
The carpels of different flower species are different Scientific
sizes and shapes. The carpel arrangement inside the words
flowers varies. In many flowers, the carpel is in the
centre of the flower, with the stamens around it.
You will need…
a Collect a flower ● hand lens
a Make labels with the names of the female
from the local or microscope flower parts for the flower diagram you
environment. ● craft knife
made in Activity 2 on page 11.
Remember to ask ● paper
permission first. ● pencil
b Challenge a partner to put the labels in the
Remove the carpel. right place.
b Use a hand lens or a microscope to look at c Use your flower diagram and labels to
the stigma. teach the flower parts to another learner in
your class.
c Record what you see by drawing a diagram.
d Cut open the ovary with a craft knife.
Draw what you observe. 3
Be careful a Create a game – a card game, an active
game or a computer game. Your game
An adult must be present when you must help the players to remember the
use a craft knife. names of the male and female parts of a
flower: stamen, anther, filament, carpel,
e Compare your observations with someone stigma, style, ovary, ovules.
who chose a different type of flower.
b Learn the names of the flower parts by
In what ways are the flowers similar or
playing your game in a group.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 13 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Think like a scientist! Talk
Talk to a partner.
Pollination happens when pollen from the
anther of one flower reaches the stigma a Have you ever seen wind carrying pollen?
of another flower of the same species. b Try to name other plants that make use
This starts the process of making seeds. of wind to carry their pollen.
Wind carries the pollen of some flowers that
may be dull-coloured with small petals. Scientific words


Discuss this with a partner:

Plants that are pollinated by animals have
three characteristics. Why?
flowers pollinated by wind

Animals such as mammals, birds and insects

carry the pollen of some plants.
We call these animals pollinators. a Look for signs of pollination near your
home or school. Record your observations.
b Explain how you know that your
observations are evidence
of pollination.

Plants that use pollinators to spread their

pollen must attract the pollinators. So they
often have flowers with brightly-coloured
petals or a pleasant scent. Some plants also
butterfly pollinating a flower produce sweet liquid called nectar.
When a pollinator visits the flower, pollen
Pollinators such as this butterfly carry grains stick to its body. The pollinator carries
the pollen of a daisy plant. the pollen to the next flower it visits.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 14 4/26/17 3:09 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

More about pollen

Think like a scientist!

Not all pollen is the same.

Different plants produce pollen of
different colours, sizes and shapes.
Look at these pollen grains from
various plants. They are shown
under a microscope.

Challenge yourself!
Look at the picture of pollen above. Discuss Use your research skills to find out the
these questions with a partner or in a group: answers to these questions:
a Which of the pollen grains does the wind a What is hay fever?
carry? Explain your thinking. b What does hay fever have to do with
b Which of the pollen grains do pollinators pollen?
carry? Explain your thinking. c Which types of pollen are most likely
to cause hay fever? Why?

Follow these instructions: You will need…
• Choose a flower that you think is pollinated by pollinators. ● sheet of white paper

● hand lens or microscope

• Shake the flower to release the pollen. Catch the pollen on
● paper
the white paper as it falls off.
● pencil
• Use a hand lens or a microscope to observe the
pollen closely.
• Now choose a flower that you think is pollinated by wind. Repeat the process.
• Compare the pollen grains of the two flowers.
a How are they different?
b Do your observations support your ideas about how each flower is pollinated?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 15 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Think like a scientist! partners

Fertilisation is the next stage in What do you remember about

reproduction, after pollination, pollination? Discuss these questions
and is when seeds are produced. with a partner:
The process of fertilisation happens a When does pollination happen?
like this: b How is pollen carried from
1 A pollen grain lands on the stigma of flower to flower?
a flower of the same species.
2 The pollen grain grows a pollen tube Scientific words
down through the centre of the style
towards the ovary.
pollen grain
pollen tube
pollen tube cell
a Observe flowering plants near your home
ovary or school. Look for flowers that have been
fertilised and are beginning to develop into
fruits. If you cannot find real examples, look
for photographs in books or on the internet.
b Compare the fertilised flowers with the
3 The male cell inside the pollen grain unfertilised flowers. How are they different?
passes down the tube to join with the
c Record your observations by writing and
female cell in the ovule.
drawing or taking photographs.
4 After fertilisation, the ovary develops into
a fruit. The ovules become the seeds.
At this stage, the seeds are produced. 2
fruit a Design a poster for learners of your age.
It should explain the process of pollination
and fertilisation in flowering plants. Use
card or a computer to make your poster.
Make sure you use the scientific language
of plant reproduction. To help you, look back
at the scientific words on pages 11 to 14.
b Show your poster to another Stage 5 class
at your school, or at a nearby school.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 16 4/26/17 3:09 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Think like a scientist!

A fruit is the part of a flowering

plant that contains the seeds – the
seeds are inside the fruit. Many fruits
are sweet. Some things that we eat
and may think of as vegetables are
actually fruits. Examples
are tomatoes and pumpkins.
They contain seeds!
There are many different
kinds of fruits but they
all have similar parts.
They have skin, flesh,
seeds and often a stem.

1 partners
You will need…
Work in a group. ● different fruits, Talk about these questions to a partner.
a Collect different knife, paper, a How many of the fruits in the picture
fruits. Choose pencil above can you identify?
one fruit to observe. b What other fruits do you know?
Cut it in half with a knife.
c Think about the description of a fruit.
b Make a detailed diagram of one of the fruit Which vegetables are actually fruits?
halves. Label your diagram with the name
of the fruit and its parts.
c Compare the fruit you cut with another of 2 Be careful
the fruits you collected.
What questions An adult must be
d In what ways are they similar? In what present when you
do you have
ways are they different? use a knife.
about fruits?
e Sort all the fruits into groups according
a Write down your
to their similarities and differences.
Record your groupings on paper but
do not label them. b Choose one of the questions.
f Challenge a group member to work out c Do some research to find out the answer.
how you sorted the fruits. d Share your findings with a partner.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 17 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Name as many seeds

Seeds in the photograph
as you can.

Think like a scientist!

Seed production is important for plant species to continue.
Different types of plants produce seeds of different shapes, sizes,
colours and textures.


Do you think large

plants grow from
large seeds? Why?
Discuss your ideas
with a partner.

1 2
a Collect different seeds. Identify each seed. Try to find out the answers to the
b Observe and measure the length of the seeds. question in the Talk partners activity.

c Draw an information table about the seeds, like this: a How will you find out if large
plants grow from large seeds?
Seed Length Shape Colour Texture b What measurements will you make?
almond about light rigid c What variables (factors) must you
24 mm brown (hard) keep the same to make sure that
your test is fair?
d Predict what you think will happen.
Explain your thinking.
Challenge yourself!
e This investigation will take time.
a Which plants produce the biggest/smallest seeds Decide when you will make and
in the world? record your observations. You will
b Which plant produces the most unusual seeds in need to take measurements.
the world? You could also take photographs or
record your observations in a diary.
c Use your research skills to find out the answers.
Share what you have found out with the rest f Present your results in the form of
of the class. a bar chart.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 18 4/26/17 3:09 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Parts of a seed
Think like a scientist! 1

A seed has three main parts: You will need…

● large beans sharp knife
• an embryo, which is the baby plant ●

● waterproof hand lens

• a food supply for the embryo

container (optional)
• a seed coat, which protects the seed ● water ● paper
from damage. ● paper towel ● pencil
seed coat
a Soak the beans in water overnight.
Remove the beans from the water and
food supply drain them on a paper towel.
b Pick up a bean and examine it.
embryo Draw a sketch to predict what the
inside of the bean will look like.
c Carefully split the bean in half. You may
want to use a sharp knife to help you.
An avocado seed, showing the three main parts Observe the inside of the bean.
Use a hand lens if you have one.

Be careful
partners An adult must be present when you
use the knife.

Why does the embryo d Draw a diagram of what you see, and
need a food supply? label it.
Discuss this question e Compare your diagram to your sketch.
with a partner. Share Was your prediction correct?
your ideas with
another pair.
a Soak and cut open other types of seeds.
Scientific words Compare them with the beans you used in
embryo Activity 1.
food supply b List the similarities and differences of the
seed coat different types of seeds.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 19 4/26/17 3:09 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Seed dispersal
Think like a scientist!
Seed dispersal happens when a fruit is ripe.
The seeds are ready to grow into new plants.
Seed dispersal is when the whole fruit or just
its seeds move away from the parent plant.
These dandelion fruits are moving away from
the parent plant. The wind is carrying them.
If conditions where each fruit lands are right,
the seed it carries will germinate. This means
it begins to grow into a plant. seed dispersal by wind

Name Features How I What I
a Look at these fruits.
of of fruit think the found
plant seeds are out from
dispersed research
burdock covered sticks to
in spikes animals’
with fur
burdock grapefruit water lily
hooks on
the end

Seed dispersal
• carried by the wind • carried by water
• rolls along the ground • explodes
• eaten by animals • sticks to animals’ fur
blackberry orchid lupin

b Copy and complete the table for the fruits

shown. Use the information in the box
Challenge yourself!
about seed dispersal to help you fill in
If an animal eats a seed, how might
the third column.
the seed be dispersed?
c Use your research skills to find out which
dispersal method each plant uses.
Were your predictions correct? Scientific
d Write what you have found out in the last words
column of the table. seed dispersal


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 20 4/26/17 3:10 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Seed dispersal – wind

Think like a scientist! 1
a Collect fruits that use the wind to disperse
We can divide fruits that use the wind to
their seeds.
disperse their seeds into three groups:
Gliders: Some tree fruits have stiff (firm) b Sort the fruits into gliders, parachutes and
wings. When these fruits fall off the tree, shakers.
they glide or spin in the wind.


Discuss these questions in a group:

a Think about the fruits you collected for
Javan cucumber seeds are gliders.
Activity 1. Which fruit or seed will travel
furthest in the wind? Explain your thinking.
Parachutes: Some fruits have very light, b How could you test your ideas?
fluffy parts that look like little parachutes. c What will you measure?
The wind blows these off the parent plant.
d How will you make sure the test is fair?
e Why will it be a good idea to repeat
your observations?

Work in a group.
Thistle fruits are parachutes.
a Carry out the investigation you planned in
Shakers: Some fruits have openings at the the Talk partners activity above.
top. When the wind bends the stalk, the
b Record your results in a table like this:
small, light seeds fall out. The wind blows
them away. Fruit Distance travelled
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average

c Use your results from your table to draw

a bar chart.
d Write a report about what you did and
Poppy fruits are shakers. what the results show.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 21 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Seed dispersal – animals

1 Think like a scientist!
a Collect some fruits that you think use
animals to disperse their seeds.
b Sort the fruits into these groups:
• those you think stick to the fur of
animals or clothing
• those you think are eaten by animals.
c Explain your thinking to a partner.

Have you ever returned from a walk and

2 noticed small seedpods sticking to your
clothing? These are dry fruits with lots of
a Collect some hooked seedpods. tiny hooks. The hooks catch on the fur of
Observe them closely. Use a hand lens or a passing animals or to our clothing.
microscope if you have one.
b Record your observations in a drawing.
Add labels.
c Write an explanation of how the seedpods

Did you know?

Swiss inventor,
George de Mestral,
An animal or human may travel a long way
got the idea for
before the seedpods fall off.
the hook and loop
fastener, Velcro®, Some fruits use animals to disperse their
after a walk in the seeds in a different way. Animals eat the
woods. fruits and their seeds. Later, the animals
His clothing pass the seeds in their droppings.
was covered in Fruits that spread in this way must attract
seedpods. animals to eat them. Therefore, these fruits
smell and taste good and may be soft and
juicy. They usually have small seeds.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 22 4/26/17 3:10 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Seed dispersal – other methods

Think like a scientist!
You have learnt about the characteristics of fruits that use wind or animals for seed dispersal.
Now you will learn about three other methods of seed dispersal.

balsam fruits
Explosion: Some fruits with a seedpod
disperse their disperse their seeds by exploding.
seeds using The seedpod bursts, flinging out the seeds.
the explosion

Coconut fruits
disperse their Drop and roll: Some tree fruits are heavy
seeds using the and round. When tree fruits drop from the
drop and roll tree they roll along the ground.

Water: Some plants that grow in or near

water have fruits that float. These fruits
Mangrove fruits may be small and light. Or they may be
disperse their larger, with air inside. The air makes them
seeds in water. float. Water currents carry
the fruits away from the
parent plant. Scientific
drop and roll

1 2
a Collect pictures of fruits from newspapers, a Choose three fruits from Activity 1.
magazines or the internet. Find out the name of each fruit if you do
not already know it.
b Use the information on pages 20 to 23.
Sort the fruits into groups by the method b Find out how each fruit disperses its seeds.
of seed dispersal you think they use. c Were your predictions in Activity 1 correct?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 23 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Making an identification key Scientific word

identification key

Think like a scientist!

In Stage 4, you used this identification key
to identify leaves.
a b

Is the leaf round?


c – lily pad Does it have thin needle-shaped leaves?

c d


Is it dark on top and

a – pine needles light underneath?

1 d – olive leaf b – banana leaf

Make an identification key. It will help you to work out

which seed dispersal method a fruit is most likely to use.
a Copy and complete this table. Use pages 21 to 23 to help you. Talk
Method of seed dispersal Features of fruit
wind: gliders stiff wings Discuss these questions:
wind: parachutes very light, fluffy parts a What are identification
wind: shakers keys used for?
b What are its features?
animals: fur
c How do you use it?
animals: eaten
drop and roll
water Make sure
each question
b Use the information in the table to help you to ask questions can have only
that you can use in your key. Follow Orlando’s tips. two answers:
c Make a rough version of your key in pencil. Ask a partner to use Yes or No.
the key to see if it works. Make changes if necessary.
d When you are sure your key works, make the final key in pen.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 24 4/26/17 3:10 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Design a plant
Think like a scientist!

Botanists are scientists who study plants.

Many botanists travel around the world
looking for new, undiscovered plant species.
Botanists who discover new plant species may
name them. They may also collect the seeds
from the plants, and grow them once they are
back at home. Botanists then study the plants
in more detail. Botanists discover new plant
species all the time.

1 Talk

Discuss these questions with a partner

or in a group:
a Why do botanists want to discover
new species of plants?
b How many different reasons can you
think of?

Imagine that you are a botanist who has
discovered a new species of flowering plant. a Make a model of the fruit you drew in
Activity 1. Use waste materials that you
a Describe where you found the plant would normally throw away.
(its habitat).
b Write an information card for the model.
b Draw labelled diagrams to show: Write the name of the plant.
• what the plant looks like Explain how the fruit disperses its seeds.
• what the flowers look like
• what the fruits look like
Scientific words
• how the fruit disperses its seeds. botanists
c Give the plant a name. materials


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 25 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Germination Scientific
Think like a scientist! light
You have learnt how plants partners
disperse their seeds. You know
that after seed dispersal,
a seed may land where What conditions do you
conditions are right for it to think seeds need so that they
germinate (begin growing). germinate? Discuss your ideas
with a partner. Explain your
This seed has germinated. thinking. Share your ideas with
another pair.

1 What conditions do seeds need

to germinate?

I think seeds I think seeds

need warmth to need soil to
germinate. germinate.

I think seeds
need light to

I think seeds
need water to
I think seeds
need air to

a Predict one condition you think seeds need before they can germinate. Explain your thinking.
b How could you find out if this condition is necessary for germination?
c What will you need to keep the same, to make sure your test is fair?
d Carry out the investigation. Use fast-growing seeds.
e Was your prediction correct? How do you know?
f Share your results with learners who have investigated a different condition.
g What conditions do seeds need before they can germinate?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 26 4/26/17 3:10 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

Life cycle diagrams

Scientific words
Do you know about the life
life cycle
cycles of any animals?
life cycle diagram
flow diagram

Think like a scientist!

A life cycle is the series of
stages in the growth of a flowering pollination
living thing.
When the living thing
reproduces, the same stages
happen to its offspring, in
the same order. life cycle of
Look at the stages of the a dandelion
life cycle of a dandelion in
the life cycle diagram, also growth fertilisation
called a flow diagram.

germination seed dispersal

a Choose a flowering plant and find out about • what its fruits look like
its life cycle. Find out: • how it disperses its seeds.
• the name of the plant b Use the information you have collected to
• what it looks like draw a life cycle diagram for your chosen plant.
• what the flowers look like Make your drawings detailed and accurate.
• how the flowers are pollinated Include close-up drawings of the flower,
showing and labelling the separate parts.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 27 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 1 The life cycle of a flowering plant

Life cycle games

You have learnt about the life cycle of a partners
flowering plant. Now you will design and
make a game to help you and your class
remember the information. Think about these a W
 ith a partner, decide what kind of
questions and write down your answers. game you want to make. It could be:
a What knowledge will you be practising • a quiz game
when you play the game? • a card game
Some suggestions: • a board game
• an active game
• the order of the life cycle stages
• a computer game
• what happens in each stage of the
• another kind of game.
life cycle
b W
 hat are the advantages and
• facts about a particular stage in the disadvantages of each kind of game?
life cycle Discuss your ideas with
• scientific words from this unit. a partner.
b What will the players have to do?
c How will the game end?
d How will the winner be decided?
e What materials will you need to make
your game?

Design, make and play the game you planned
in Activity 1.

Answer these questions about the game you made in Activity 2.
a Does the game help you to remember what you have learnt in this unit?
b Is the game fun to play?
c If you had to make your game again, what would you do differently? Why?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 28 4/26/17 3:10 PM

The life cycle of a flowering plant

What have you learnt about the life cycle

of flowering plants?
Discuss these questions with a partner:
a What do you know now about the life cycle of flowering Use your ideas from the
plants that you did not know before? Talk partners activity to make
b What is the most interesting thing you have learnt about a mind map about the life
the life cycle of flowering plants? cycle of flowering plants.
c What else would you like to find out about the life cycle Include as much information
of flowering plants? as you can.

a Number these pictures from 1 to 4 to show the correct order in the life cycle of a bean plant.
One picture has been numbered for you.

b Match these labels to the right pictures above:

seed dispersal germination fertilisation pollination

What can you remember?

You have been learning about the life cycle of flowering plants. Can you:
✔ identify the male and female parts of a flower?
✔ describe how flowers are pollinated?
✔ explain how seeds are formed?
✔ describe the different ways seeds can be dispersed?
✔ name and order the stages in the life cycle of flowering plants?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 29 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

The characteristics of plants

Think like a scientist!

Living plants have characteristics (features) One of the characteristics of living plants
that artificial plants do not have. is that they grow. In this unit, you will
investigate how plants grow. You will
build on what you have learnt about plant
growth in Stages 1, 3 and 4.


What can living plants do that

artificial plants cannot do?
a living hydrangea (left) and an artificial hydrangea (right) Talk about this question with
a partner. Share your ideas
with another pair.
1 Scientific words
Work in a group. artificial 2
a Draw a big
plant in the What questions do you have about plant growth?
middle of a large sheet of paper. a Write down your questions.
b Write what you already know about plant b Choose one of your questions.
growth around the plant. Include:
c Use your research skills to find out the answer.
• the stages in the growth of a flowering
plant d Share what you have found out with
a partner.
• what plants need to grow well
• how the roots of a plant help it to grow
• how the leaves of a plant help it to grow
• anything else you know about plant A friend is looking after your houseplants
growth. while you are away. Write a list of instructions
for your friend. Explain how to look after the
Keep this mind map. You will need it again at
houseplants so that they stay healthy and
the end of this unit.
grow well.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 30 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

Growth habits Can you think of a spreading,

climbing, clumping or mat-forming
Think like a scientist! plant in your local environment?

All living plants grow, but different plants grow in different ways. The way
a plant grows is called its growth habit. The photographs below show
some common growth habits.
spreading climbing

Plants with a spreading growth habit have Plants with a climbing growth habit grow
many sideways-growing stems or branches. upwards. Their stems trail along or wrap
around other plants or structures.

Plants with a mat-forming growth habit

Plants with a clumping growth habit have spread out along the ground or water to
many shoots growing upwards in a clump. form a mat-like cover.

Did you know? 1

a Observe plants in the local environment.
The world’s Scientific Take photographs or draw them.
fastest words b Identify the plants. Ask adults if
growing growth habit they know the names. Or use a plant
plant is bamboo. spreading identification guide.
Some bamboo climbing
species can grow c Use your photographs or drawings
clumping to sort the plants according to their
up to 91 cm
per day! mat-forming growth habits.
d Make an identification key for the plants
in your photographs or drawings.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 31 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

From seed to plant

What can you
1 remember about
how seeds grow into
flowering plants?
Look at the stages in the growth of a bean
plant. Put the stages in order.
a b c Think like a scientist!
When a seed begins to grow into a plant we
say it germinates.
For a seed to germinate, conditions must
be right. Most seeds need water, air and
d e f warmth. When a seed germinates:
• First, the roots grow downwards.
• Next, the shoot grows upwards.
• When the shoot has broken through the
soil, the first leaves unfold (open out).
The seed is now a seedling (a small plant).

2 Seeds from different plants have different

germination rates. This means that
different percentages of all the seeds
Use your research skills to find out about the
planted will germinate.
germination rate and time of three different
plants – fruits or vegetables. Look at packets A Stage 5 class planted 100 tomato seeds
of seeds or on the internet. in a tray; 88 germinated. Therefore, the
germination rate of the tomato seeds was
88 out of 100, or 88%.
3 Seeds from different plants have different
germination times. They take different
There are 13 scientific words in the boxes on lengths of time from when they are planted
pages 30 to 32. to the first shoot appearing. Seed packets
a Invent a two-player game that will provide give information about the germination
practice with spelling the words. time of the seeds.
b Play the game with a partner.
c Give each other a spelling test. How many
words did you spell correctly?
epper Basil
Chilli p ds about Sow seeds
Sow se eep. 1–2 mm deep.
Scientific words 5 mm mperature: Ideal temperature:
a l te
Ide 18 °C–24 °C
germinates conditions 7 ° C – 32 °C time:
2 ation Germination time:
Germ ays in
seedling germination rates 5–10 days
7–10 d
germination times


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 32 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

How water affects germination

Do you think seeds
Think like a scientist! can have too much
water? How can you
find out?

You will need…
Investigate, in ● seeds
groups, whether ● pots
seeds can have too ● potting compost
much water. or soil
a Decide what you ● water

will do to find out ● measuring spoons

if seeds can have ● calculator

too much water. (optional)

b Draw a labelled ● ruler (optional)

diagram to show
what you will do.
The previous page reminded you that seeds
need water to germinate. Now you will find c What things will you need to keep the
out if the amount of water affects how well same to make sure the test is fair?
seeds germinate. d How will you measure the water you will
give to each batch of seeds? Try to be as
accurate as you can.
partners You could measure the
germination rate (the
percentage of seeds
After you have done Activity 1, discuss these that germinate), the
questions in your group. Did some seeds get: germination time (how
a too little water? How did you know? long it takes seeds to
b too much water? How did you know? germinate), or the height
c the right amount of water? How did you of seedlings after a certain
know? number of days.
d What conclusion can you draw from your
e How will you record your results?
Swap your results with another group. What
do their results show? Did you draw the same f Carry out the investigation and record
conclusions? your results.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 33 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

How temperature affects germination

Think like a scientist!
Seeds need warmth to germinate. Soil temperature words
affects germination in two main ways. temperature
• It affects the percentage of seeds that germinate data
(germination rate).
• It affects how long it takes for seeds to germinate
(germination time).
seeds germinating

A group of Stage 5 learners planted some peas. They recorded the germination rate and
germination time of the peas at different soil temperatures. Here are their results.
Soil temperature (°C) 0 °C 5 °C 10 °C 15 °C 20 °C 25 °C 30 °C 35 °C 40 °C
Germination rate (%) 0% 89% 91% 93% 94% 94% 86% 46% 0%
Germination time (days) – 36 14 9 8 6 6 8 –

Use the data in the table to answer these questions.

At which temperatures was the germination rate: a the highest? b the lowest?
At which temperatures was the germination time: c the shortest? d the longest?
e Which soil temperature is best for germinating peas? Explain your answer.

The Stage 5 learners planted watermelon seeds. They recorded partners
the germination rate and germination time of the seeds at different
soil temperatures. Here are their results.
Soil temperature (°C) 0 °C 5 °C 10 °C 15 °C 20 °C 25 °C 30 °C 35 °C 40 °C
Germination rate (%) 0% 0% 0% 17% 90% 92% 94% 96% 0%
Germination time (days) – – – 15 12 5 4 3 –
Discuss these questions with a partner.
a Compare the data about watermelons with the data about peas. Explain how the two sets
of data are different.
b If you were growing pea seeds, what would be the best conditions for them?
c If you were to grow watermelon seeds, what would be the best conditions for them?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 34 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

How light affects germination

Think like a scientist! 1
Do seeds need light to germinate?
You have learnt that seeds need water and
Work in a group.
warmth to germinate. Now you will find out
if seeds also need light to germinate. a What test could you carry out to find
out the answer to this question? Draw a
labelled diagram to show what you will do.
Talk b What variables (factors) do you need to
partners keep the same to make sure the test is fair?
c What will you observe or measure?
The test may take a week or more to
Do seeds need light to germinate? complete. Decide how often you will make
observations and take measurements.
Seeds do Seeds do d How will you record your results?
need light to
not need light You may want to include photographs
to germinate, or diagrams.
because plants because seeds
need light to start growing e Predict what you think will happen.
grow. underground,
where it is f Carry out the test you planned and
dark. record your results.

Do you agree with Orlando or Afia? Why?

Why do you disagree with the other
statement? Discuss your ideas in a group germinating seeds
and explain your thinking. Share your
ideas with the rest of Talk
the class. partners

Share the results of your test in Activity 1 with

another group. Discuss these questions:
Scientific a Did your results support your predictions?
word b What conclusions can you draw from
light your results?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 35 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

Does light affect the growth of seedlings?

Think like a scientist! 1 You will need…
● shoebox with a hole in one end

A seed contains a supply of food. Class 5 agreed to set up a fair test to answer
The seed uses this food supply to the question they discussed in the Talk partners
germinate. However, the food supply activity. This is what they did.
soon runs out. You may remember that
for the seedling to continue to grow, it
must start making its own food.
To make its own food, the seedling
needs certain things:
• water
• light
• air
• nutrients hole to let light in
(these are found
in the soil).

They used a table like this to record their results:

words Amount Height of Leaf Leaf Other
food supply of light seedling colour size comments
Talk nutrients full
partners sunlight
no light
Class 5 wanted to find out the answer some
to Orlando’s question. light
How do different a Work in a small group. Use the information in
amounts of light the pictures to plan how Class 5 carried out a
affect the growth fair test to answer their question.
of seedlings?
b Swap your plan with another group.
Comment on each other’s plans. What do you
a What do you think would happen think is good about the plan? What advice
if seedlings were grown in different could you give to improve the plan?
amounts of light?
c Carry out your fair test.
b Discuss your ideas with a partner.
d Share and compare your results with the other
Explain your reasoning.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 36 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

Interpreting results
Here are the results of the Class 5 investigation to find out:
How do different amounts of light affect the growth of seedlings?
Amount of light Height of Leaf colour Leaf size Other comments
full sunlight 7 cm bright green 8 mm thick, bright and feel healthy
no light 4 cm brownish 4 mm thin
some light 9 cm light green and 7 mm thin, floppy and the plant was
yellowish long and spindly
Answer these questions.
a What relevant observations did Class 5 carry out? Write a list.
b What was the effect of light on the leaves in full sunlight?
c What were the differences between the plants in full sunlight and no light?
d What were the differences between the plants in full sunlight and some light?
e Explain why the seedling in some light was 9 cm in height, had yellowish leaves
and was long and spindly.

2 Challenge yourself!

a Do you think that what Class 5 did a Find out

was enough? Explain your answer. some names
b Could they use their conclusions of plants
to say that this would happen that grow
to all plants? Why? better in full

Class 5 only b Find out

put one plant some names
in each place. of plants that
What could grow well in
they have done shade.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 37 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

Roots, stems and leaves Scientific

carbon dioxide
Think like a scientist! gas
Different parts of a plant do different things dissolved
to help the plant to make its food. materials

The leaves take in carbon dioxide, a gas from

the air. The leaves use the carbon dioxide,
together with water taken in by the roots, to
make food for the plant. They do this using
the energy of sunlight, in a process called
photosynthesis (say foe-toe-SIN-thu-siss).

The stem carries water from the roots to

the leaves. The stem also carries the food
made in the leaves through the rest of the
plant. This way, the plant can grow.


Would a plant grow well if its roots, leaves The roots take in water from the soil. The water has
or stem were not healthy? If not, why not? nutrients dissolved in it (mixed in with it).
Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Here are the scientific words from page 36
Make a model to show what roots, leaves and to page 38:
stems do.
food supply nutrients carbon dioxide
a Think about the materials you will use for
each part of your model. photosynthesis dissolved materials
b Decide how you will join the materials. a Design a crossword puzzle using the
words above.
c Make your model and add labels.
b Write clues for your crossword puzzle.
d Use your model to explain to another
Stage 5 class what roots, leaves and c Give your crossword puzzle to a partner
stems do. to solve.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 38 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

How temperature affects plant growth

Think like a scientist!


A greenhouse is made of glass or plastic.

Both materials let in light and heat from the Sun.
The heat cannot escape. The temperature inside a
greenhouse is warmer than the temperature outside.

You will need…
Investigate how temperature affects plant growth. ● two small plants
Use a plastic bottle, which will act like a greenhouse. (same species and
• Put each plant in a pot with the same type and amount of soil. size), two identical
pots, soil, ruler,
• Label the plants A and B.
water, measuring jug,
• Give each plant the same amount of water. Put a thermometer two-litre plastic bottle,
in each pot. scissors, small pebbles,
• Cut off the top from the plastic bottle. Cover plant B with the two thermometers
bottom of the bottle. Raise it slightly on pebbles to let in air.
Also place pebbles in the same way in pot A.
• Put the pots together in a sunny place such as a windowsill.
a Predict what will happen. Discuss your ideas with a partner.
b Observe the plants for ten days. At the same time each day,
measure the height of each plant, and the temperature.
Record your results in a table like this:
Day Uncovered plant Plant in ‘greenhouse’
Temperature Height Temperature Height

c When watering, give each pot the same amount of water.

d After ten days, calculate the average temperature of each pot.
(Add the temperature readings and divide by ten.)
e Draw a line graph to show the height data. Plot the data for both
plants on the same graph. Scientific words
f Write a short report to explain what the graphs show. greenhouse
line graph


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 39 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 2 Investigating plant growth

How light affects plant growth

As you already know, plants need light to grow well. Work with a partner or in a small group.
Plan an investigation to find out how lack of light affects plant growth. Talk about:
a what you will do, including what you will measure
b how you will make sure it is a fair test
c what you think will happen.
d Write a plan of your investigation. Include information about these things:
• the question you want to answer
• what you will do to try to answer the question
• the equipment you will need
• what you will change
• what you will measure
• what you will keep the same to make sure the test is fair
• what you think will happen and why.

How does lack

of light affect
plant growth?
How could you Carry out the investigation you planned
find out? in Activity 1.


After doing Activity 2, discuss these questions with a partner

or in a group:
a Why might it be a good idea to look at several sets of results
before drawing any conclusions?
b Look at several sets of results. What conclusions can you
draw from the combined results?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 40 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Investigating plant growth

What have you learnt about plant growth?

Help Afia to design a machine that will help people to germinate beans at home.
a What conditions do bean seeds need to germinate?
b Draw a labelled diagram of the machine. It should show how it gives the bean seeds the right
conditions for germination.

Work in the same group you worked in for Activity 1 on page 30.
a Look at the mind map the group drew at the beginning of the unit.
b What have you learnt since then? Add what you have learnt in this unit to the mind map.
Use a different-coloured pen.
Discuss these questions in your group:
c What is the most interesting thing you have learnt about plant growth?
d What is the most useful thing you have learnt about plant growth?
e What has been the most difficult thing to understand?

What else would you like to find out about plant growth?
a Write down one question for which you would like to know the answer.
b Use your research or investigation skills to find out the answer.
c Share what you have found out with the rest of the class.

What can you remember?

You have been learning about plant growth. Can you:

✔ describe the characteristics of plants, including their growth habit?
✔ explain what seeds need in order to germinate?
✔ describe how differences in light, temperature and water affect germination?
✔ describe how differences in light and temperature affect plant growth?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 41 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Practice test 1: Biology

1 Name TWO things a living plant can do that an artificial plant cannot do. (2)

2 Look at these fruits. Match each fruit to the way it disperses its seeds.

a b

burdock dandelion


carried by the wind eaten by animals sticks to animals’ fur (3)

3 When does fertilisation happen? Choose the correct answer.

a When pollen leaves the anther
b When pollen lands on the stigma
c When pollen reaches the ovary
d When seeds are dispersed (1)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 42 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Practice test 1: Biology

4 a What is pollination? (1)

b Why do some flowers have brightly-coloured petals or a pleasant scent? (1)

5 Rashid has planted two trays, A and B, with seeds.

He wants to see how temperature affects the way the seeds germinate.
He puts both trays on a windowsill. He puts a heating pad underneath tray B.


a Predict which tray of seeds will germinate faster. (1)

b Explain why. (1)

6 Rashid has planted another two trays, C and D, with seeds. He puts both trays on a
windowsill. He covers tray D with a sheet of cardboard.


a Will there be a difference in how long the seeds in the two trays take to germinate?
Explain your thinking. (2)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 43 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Practice test 1: Biology

7 Lien wants to grow herbs for cooking, but she does not have a garden.
a Which of these places would be best for growing herbs?
• In a dark corner of the house
• On a windowsill (1)
b Explain why. (1)

8 Write the correct word for each lettered label. Choose from:
anther carpel filament ovary

ovule stamen stigma style


9 Write the part of the flower that performs (does) each function, below.
Choose from these words:
anther ovary filament stigma

a Receives the pollen

b Holds up the anther
c Makes and stores pollen
d Contains ovules that eventually become seeds (4)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 44 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Practice test 1: Biology

10 Match the method of seed dispersal to the fruit features.

Method of seed dispersal Fruit features

a shaker 1 small and light or large with air inside

b water 2 heavy and round

c drop and roll 3 openings at the top and small, light seeds

11 These pictures show the stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant.
Match each picture to the right label.
fertilisation seed production germination

seed dispersal pollination

a b c

d e
12 Look at the stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant in question 11.
Draw a life cycle diagram showing these stages in the correct order. (5)
Total marks: 35


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 45 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Solids, liquids and gases

Think like a scientist! words
Have a look around you. mass
Everything you see is matter. What do volume
All matter has mass (it weighs something). you already
know about states
All matter has volume (it takes up space).
solids, liquids solid
All matter on Earth exists in one of three
and gases? liquid
states: solid, liquid or gas.
You started learning about solids, liquids
and gases in Stage 4. material

ice helium

Look at the pictures and discuss
with a partner: Which are solids?

Which are liquids? Which are gases?

1 2
Copy the table below. Write each word or Work in a group to play a game.
phrase in the correct column. Hint: Some
belong in more than one column. • Your teacher will give instructions to make
a set of 30 cards.
can be poured keep their shape wet
• Write the name of one material on each
card. Include all three states of matter
can be cut or shaped not easy to hold
(solids, liquids and gases).
move around fill up spaces can be held • Place the cards face down in the middle
of the table. Take turns to turn over the
take the shape of their container top card.
• The first person to name the state of the
usually invisible
material (solid, liquid or gas) takes the card.
Solids Liquids Gases • Play until you have turned over all the
cards. Then the game is over. The winner
is the person with the most cards.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 46 4/26/17 3:10 PM

States of matter

Solids and liquids Scientific words

1 compressed
Think like a scientist! applying force
Write two
examples of solids that:
Solids have a fixed a return to their old shape when you stop
shape and volume. applying a force
They cannot b keep their new shape when you stop
be compressed applying a force
(squashed) when
c do not change shape when you apply
applying a force.
a force.
Liquids do not have
a fixed shape.
They flow. You can 2
pour them and they
take the shape of the Copy and complete each sentence below.
container. They are wet. Choose from these scientific words (from
pages 46 and 47).

Talk matter mass volume states

partners solid liquid gas material

compressed applying force

a What happens when
you squeeze a Matter that has a fixed shape is
a sponge? _______________________.
Are you compressing b The amount of space matter takes up is its
a solid? _______________________.
b What else in the c You can change the shape of some solids
sponge could you by _______________________ a force.
be compressing?
d One example of a _______________________
Discuss your ideas is air.
with a partner.
e All matter takes up space and has

Challenge yourself!
a Write a missing word sentence for each
scientific word that you did not use in Activity 2.
b Give the sentences to a partner to complete.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 47 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Which is the runniest liquid?

1 2
One of the properties of liquids is that Two Class 5 learners used a balloon, a bottle
they flow. Some liquids flow more easily and a bowl of hot water.
than others.
Class 5 carried out a fair test to find out which balloon
liquid flows fastest. Here is the bar chart of
their results. neck of bottle

Bar chart to show which liquid flows fastest

Time (seconds)



bowl of
cooking oil shampoo treacle washing-up liquid
hot water

Type of liquid

Use the data on the graph to answer

these questions.
Be careful
a How do you think Class 5 kept their Be careful when working with hot
test fair? water and glass.
b Should they repeat their readings?
Explain your answer. They put the balloon over the neck of the
c Use the results to answer the Class 5 bottle. Then they put the bottle into a bowl of
question: Which liquid flows fastest? hot water. The balloon started to inflate.
Write answers to these questions.
a What was in the bottle?
b Why did the balloon start to inflate?

What other
liquids could
Class 5
Scientific words
have used? properties


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 48 4/26/17 3:10 PM

States of matter

Gases are everywhere

Think like a scientist! 2 You will need…
● balloon

● sponge in water

You know that gases are everywhere.

Gases are, for example, in balloons and a Use the balloon and sponge to
fizzy drinks. demonstrate that gases can be everywhere
Gases can fill a container of any size and that gases can be squashed.
or shape. Look at these balloons.
b Explain this to a partner.

a Do some research to find out about two
gases that are useful to humans and two
gases that can be harmful.
b Present your research as a fact file called:
Gas can be compressed (squashed). GASES.
This means that if you put gas into a
balloon you can squeeze the balloon –
you are squashing the gas in the balloon. Challenge yourself!

1 Find out the name of

the gas that is used in
Where else can you find gas? fizzy drinks.
Write down your ideas.

a Explain how gases are
used in each picture.
b Do you think that the
gas in the underwater
diver’s tank or in the hot
air balloon is compressed?
Explain your answer.
hot air balloon
underwater diver


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 49 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Investigating gases
Think like a scientist! 2
The gas that is trapped in the gaps in the rice
grains used in Activity 1 is air. When you pour
Plastic beads are water onto rice, you should see air bubbles
solids, made from rising to the surface of the water.
Now imagine that you have three jars – soil,
Look closely at the
rice and beads.
jar of beads.
Do you see the a Which solid might have the most air
gaps between trapped in the gaps between particles?
the beads? b Discuss this question with a partner and
explain your thinking.

Scientific words

Talk 3
You will need…
Imagine pouring a cup of water onto half ● three solids (one with small particles

a cup of rice. Predict what might happen. such as soil or sand, one with medium-
Why do you say so? Discuss your ideas with sized particles such as rice or lentils,
a partner. Share them with the class. one with large particles such as beads
or coins)
● three identical transparent containers

1 ● two measuring cups ● water

You will need…

a Pour one cup of a Choose the three solids with gaps between
● container
water onto half a the particles that you wish to use.
● measuring cup
cup of rice. ● rice b Predict which solid has the most air
b Do you see any ● water trapped in the gaps between the particles.
evidence of gas Explain your thinking.
trapped in the gaps between the rice grains? c Pour half a cup of each solid into the
c Record your observations. Try to explain containers. Then pour one cup of water into
why this happened. the containers at the same time. Compare
the air bubbles released from each solid.
d How accurate was your prediction? Was your prediction correct?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 50 4/26/17 3:10 PM

States of matter

Changes of state
What other examples
Think like a scientist! of matter changing
state can you think of?
Matter can change from one state to another.
• Matter can change state when we heat it.
For example, ice that is heated changes state
from a solid to a liquid – water. This process
is called melting.
• When we heat water, it changes from a liquid
to a gas – water vapour. We call this process
• Matter can change state once cooled.
For example, when water cools, it changes
from a liquid to a solid – ice. We call this
process freezing.
• When water vapour cools, it changes
from a gas to a liquid – water.
We call this process condensation.

Scientific words
Talk condensation
Look at the pictures above. Make a flow chart to show the changing
Discuss this question with a partner: states of matter. Use these words:
Which change of state does each picture
show: melting, freezing, evaporation or evaporation gas condensation
melting solid freezing liquid


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 51 4/26/17 3:10 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Think like a scientist!

You know that liquids can freeze if you cool them. For example, when water
cools, it changes from a liquid to a solid called ice. We call this process freezing. ice

Class 5 carried out a fair test. Here are their results:
used same volume Liquid Time to freeze (minutes)
chocolate syrup of liquid
juice 30
juice ketchup
vinegar 45
vinegar ketchup 60
chocolate syrup did not freeze properly
Use the information given to the left and
in the table above to write answers for the
following questions.
juice 1st a What was the question that Class 5 asked?
ketchup 2nd observed every
vinegar 3rd 15 minutes b How did Class 5 keep their test fair?
chocolate syrup 4th c How often did they make observations?
d What other relevant observations could
Did you know? they have made?
e Should Class 5 have repeated their
Water is the only material on Earth that occurs
readings? Explain.
naturally in all three states – as a solid, a liquid
and a gas. f Use the Class 5 results to draw a conclusion
about how different liquids freeze.
g Does Class 5 have enough data to draw a
conclusion about how different liquids freeze?

Scientific words
The iceberg is solid water. The melting point of naturally
ice is 0 °C. The air around ice contains a gas called melting point
water vapour. The ocean is liquid water.
water vapour


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 52 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Freezing liquids
Think like a scientist!

You have already found out that liquids can freeze if you cool them. This means that liquids can
change state to become solid. Different liquids freeze in different ways. Water freezes at 0 °C.

You will need… Talk
● five types of water (for example, tap partners
water, boiled water, salty water, fizzy
water, water with food colouring)
● five plastic cups In Activity 1 on page 52 Class 5 found out
● labelling items that some liquids freeze more quickly than
● freezer others.
What other kinds of liquids would you like
to test? Share ideas with a partner.

You will need…
a Look back at the ● selection of

test Class 5 did in different liquids

Activity 1 on page ● ice cube tray

52. Carry out the ● freezer

same test but use ● clock or timer

a Choose five different types of water the liquids you

to freeze. discussed with your partner.
Do you need to improve the test?
• Fill a plastic cup with each type of
water. Label each cup. b Observe the liquids every
15 minutes. Which liquids have started to
• Put the plastic cups in a freezer freeze?
overnight. How can you tell? How have they changed?
• Turn the plastic cups upside down. Record your observations.
The ice will loosen as it melts. c If you can, continue observing the liquids
b Observe each block of ice closely. every 15 minutes until they have all
What differences can you see between frozen. What patterns can you see?
the different blocks of ice? d What conclusions can you draw about
Try to explain the differences. how quickly liquids freeze?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 53 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

More about freezing

Do you think different

Think like a scientist!
liquids freeze at
different temperatures? The temperature at which a particular liquid
If so, why? Discuss your freezes is its freezing point.
ideas with a partner.

A group of Stage 5 learners carried out a
fair test investigation. They compared the
freezing points of tap water and three types
of salt water. The three types of salt water
contained different amounts of salt.
This table shows the results.
Liquid Freezing point
tap water 0 °C Scientific
salt water 1 (4% salt) –2 °C word
freezing point
salt water 2 (8% salt) –5 °C
salt water 3 (16% salt) –12 °C

Discuss these questions with a partner

or in a group: 2
a What is the pattern between the amount
of salt in water and its freezing point? Someone has jumbled the letters in some of
b Learners found that the freezing point the scientific words you have learnt so far.
of a fourth type of salt water was –10 °C. Write the letters in the correct order.
What does this tell you about this type of a spractile
salt water?
c Learners found that the freezing point of b gemlint
a fifth type of salt water was –16 °C. c tepovaronia
What does this tell you about this type of d zigferen
salt water?
d In countries with cold winters, people e deancootnins
sprinkle salt on roads. Why? Write a sentence with each word.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 54 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Evaporation and condensation

Go back to page 51. Read the definitions
What is happening in these pictures?
of the processes of evaporation and
Write down your answers.
Look at the two pictures below and talk to a
partner: a
a Which picture shows the process of b
b Which picture shows the process of
For each, explain how you know.

a Match these processes into two pairs.
freezing evaporation melting

b Explain why you have put each pair

Copy and complete this flow diagram to show the changes in state.
puddle ice cube puddle


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 55 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Think like a scientist! 1
Class 5 noticed that a puddle had formed
You know that materials can be changed outside their classroom after a rainstorm.
from one state to another by heating or It was a hot day and by afternoon the puddle
cooling. You also know that the scientific was half the size.
word for when a liquid changes to a gas is
‘evaporation’. You will need to remember a What happened to the water?
this word. b Where do you think the water went?

You will need…
● two paper towels

a Read these instructions:
• Wet your hands.
Talk to your partner. Think of two ways
• Place each wet hand on a paper towel.
that will help you to learn how to spell
‘evaporation’ correctly. • Leave the paper towel for 30 minutes.
• Observe what happens.
b Predict what will happen.
c Explain your prediction.
d Carry out the activity and record your
e What happened? Was your prediction
f What is your conclusion?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 56 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Where does evaporation happen?

Think like a scientist!

Evaporation happens when particles of water or other

liquids, escape from the liquid and turn into a vapour
(gas). In Activity 2 on page 56 you watched the water
on the paper towel evaporate into the air. You thought
about what happened to the water in the puddle.
Some of this water also evaporated into the air.

Talk 1
Write a list of other examples of where
evaporation happens in the world.
Look at each picture with a partner.

a Think of a way to show that evaporation
b Draw and label a diagram of what you
will do.
c Show your diagram to someone else in
your class. Ask if they think your idea will
work and how you could improve it.
C d Try your idea.
e Record and explain what happens.
a Discuss what will happen to the water in Use photographs with labels. Or, make a
each picture and why. Use these words: video while talking about what happens.
f Share what you have done with another
water particles liquid
person in your class. What do they think of
vapour gas evaporate your work?

Challenge yourself!
b Now use the key words to write your
explanation of what is happening in Think about your body. What evaporates
each picture. from your body?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 57 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Water vapour

Think like a scientist! Talk

Earlier in this unit, you discussed
evaporation. This happens when a liquid Which pictures show water evaporating to
changes state to become a gas. become water vapour? Discuss your ideas
When water evaporates, it becomes with a partner.
a gas called water vapour.

You will need… b
Start this a
● measuring jug
investigation to ● water
observe water ● saucer
evaporation in
the morning. This way, you will be able to
complete it the same day.
• Pour 100 ml water into the saucer. c
• Place the saucer in a warm place.
This could be outside in direct sunlight,
or on a sunny windowsill.
a A few hours later, measure the volume of
water in the saucer. What do you observe?
Record your observations. e
b Explain what has happened to the missing
water. Use the correct scientific words. f

Discuss these questions with a partner:
a Carry out the test you discussed in the
a Will water evaporate faster in a sunny Talk partners activity.
place, or in a shady place? Why?
b What test could you do to find out b Describe the results of the test.
the answer? c Was your prediction correct?
c How could you make sure that the test Use your scientific knowledge to explain
is fair? why or why not.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 58 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Investigating evaporation 1
Does washing dry more
quickly on windy days than
it does on still days?

You will need…
Investigate how
● electronic scale
wind affects
● two flannels
the speed of
● bowl of water
● washing line

• Weigh each dry ● clothes pegs

flannel. Record
each mass.
● electric fan

● circuit breaker
• Soak both
flannels for the same length of time in Work in a group.
the bowl of water. Wring the water from a How does the temperature of the air
both flannels. affect how quickly water evaporates?
• Weigh each wrung-out flannel. Discuss your ideas.
Record its mass. b Write down your predictions.
• Fix a length of washing line somewhere
c Plan and carry out a fair test.
safe in the classroom.
d Decide how you will present the results
Be careful of your test.

For safety, the washing line should be

above your head. But it should be low Talk
enough to reach without stretching. partners

• Peg the flannels on the washing line.

Discuss these questions in your group:
• Place the electric fan so that it faces one of
a What have you found out from doing the
the flannels. Plug it into the circuit breaker
test? Was your prediction correct?
and switch it on.
b How good was your test?
• Every 30 minutes, weigh each flannel.
c If you did your test again, would you
Record each mass.
do it differently? If so, what would you
a Do the flannels dry at different speeds? change?
If so, which flannel dried faster? d Do you think you collected enough data
b Explain why. to draw a conclusion?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 59 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Investigating evaporation 2
partners Scientific
surface area
Each container holds the same volume of water. The surface area
(size of the top) of the water is different in each container.

Discuss these questions with a partner:

a Which container has the largest surface area?
b Which container has the smallest surface area?
c From which container do you think water will evaporate
fastest? Why?

You will need… Area = length × width
● rectangular containers in different
Area is measured in square units (such as: mm2 or cm2)
sizes with different areas
● sticky labels ● pencil

● measuring jug ● water

• Leave the containers together in
a sunny place.
Investigate how surface area affects the • After a few days,
speed of evaporation. measure the volume
• Label each container with numbers or of water that is left in
letters for easy identification. each container.
• Pour the same volume of water into
each container. What conclusion can you
• Calculate and record the surface area draw from your results?
of the water in each container.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 60 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter


Discuss these questions with a partner or in a group:

a What is happening to the water in the kettle?
b What are the bubbles in the water made of?
c What is the steam made of?
d Why is there a gap (a space) between the kettle
spout and the steam?

Think like a scientist!

When we let water heat to a high enough temperature,

it boils. When water boils, it changes to water vapour.
This happens throughout the liquid, not just on the
surface. The bubbles in boiling water are water vapour!

water vapour

condensed 1
(liquid) water

Answer these questions about

a What must you do to water
Water vapour is invisible. Water vapour is in the kettle to make it boil?
above the surface of the water. You cannot see it.
Water vapour escapes from the kettle. It meets the b Which gas forms bubbles in
cooler air outside. Some of it condenses into tiny water boiling water?
droplets. It forms a cloud of steam. c What is steam made from?
There is a gap between the kettle spout and the cloud d Why is there a gap between
of steam. This is because it takes the water vapour that the kettle spout and the cloud
is escaping from the kettle a little time to cool down of steam?
enough to condense.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 61 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Investigating boiling
Be careful 3
ONLY an adult should You have watched your teacher carry out
carry out the activities the fair test.
on this page.
a Was your prediction in Activity 1 correct?
Stand well back while
If not, try to explain why.
you are observing.
b Draw a diagram to show what happened
in this demonstration. Add labels and
1 a caption.

The temperature at which water boils is

its boiling point. What do you think is the 4
boiling point of water?
a Do you think salt water boils at the same
temperature as freshwater? Your teacher
2 will demonstrate finding the boiling point
of salt water.
b Was your prediction correct?
Your teacher
will place two A c Now ask four questions that you would like
identical pans answered. Use your knowledge about the
of water on effect of salt on the boiling point of water.
two identical Use these question starters: What if…?
hot plates to How does…? Which…? How much…?
boil. The heat
under pan A
is higher than
the heat under
pan B.
a Predict what
will happen B
to the
temperature Think like a scientist!
of the water
in the two
pans. You know that the boiling point of water is
100 °C. Boiling water does not get hotter
b Discuss your than 100 °C, even if it boils for longer. You
ideas with have found out that adding salt to water
a partner. makes it boil at a higher temperature.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 62 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Condensation Scientific
Think like a scientist! 1 mirror

You now know that condensation happens Be careful

when a gas cools. It then changes state into
a liquid. When water vapour condenses, Only an adult should carry out this
it becomes water. activity. Stand well back while observing.

Your teacher will use an oven glove to hold

Talk a cold mirror above a saucepan of boiling
partners water.
a Observe the surface of the mirror.
Which pictures show water vapour b What happens? Why?
condensing to become water?
c Why does your teacher need an oven glove
Discuss your ideas with a partner.
to hold the mirror?
a b
a Use two identical drink cans. Leave one can
in the classroom. Put the other can in the
fridge for a few hours.
b Take the can out of the fridge. Put the two
saucer cans side by side and observe them for a
water few minutes.
c d c Record your observations.


Discuss these questions about the cans in

e Activity 2 with a partner:
f a What appeared on the outside of the
cold can?
b Where did this come from?
c Explain why this happened.
Share your ideas with another pair.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 63 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Investigating condensation 1
Think like a scientist!

How quickly a liquid condenses is its rate of condensation.

You will need… a Carefully observe the inside surface of the
● four clear plastic cups
base of the two top cups. Use a hand lens if
● hot tap water ● ice cube
you have one.
● paper towel b Compare the amount of water on the inside
● hand lens (optional) surface in each cup.

How could you speed up the rate of

condensation? Why do you think that? Talk
Discuss your ideas with a partner. partners
Investigate how cooling affects the rate
of condensation.
Discuss these questions about Activity 1
with a partner or in a group:
Be careful a Which surface had more water on it?
Was it the cooled surface (by the ice),
Take care when working with hot water! or the surface that was not cooled?
b Where did the water
• Fill two of the cups,
come from?
about two-thirds
full, with water c Does cooling water
from the vapour increase the
hot tap. rate of condensation?
Explain your answer,
• Now use the
based on your
other two
cups. Place
each one
upside down
on the first 2
two cups.
a Record your observations from the
• Place an ice cube
investigation in Activity 1 by making
on top of one cup.
• Wait a few minutes.
b Label your diagrams to explain what
• Remove the ice. Use a paper towel to dry
you think happened.
the part of each cup where the ice was.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 64 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Investigating condensation 2
Think like a scientist!
You have found out these things about water vapour and condensation:
• When water vapour in the air (touches) a cooler surface, it condenses to form droplets
of water.
• The colder the surface water vapour touches, the faster it condenses.

I could
try using cooler water
in the shower.
Afia noticed that after her shower, there was
I could try to heat
a lot of condensation on her bathroom mirror. the mirror.
Afia wants to find a way to slow down the rate
I could try to clean
at which condensation forms on the mirror. the mirror with
She has three ideas she thinks might work. vinegar.
Which idea do you think will work best? Why?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Investigate ways to slow down the rate of d Discuss which idea you think will work best,
condensation. and why.
Work in a group. e Carry out the investigation.
a Decide how you will test each idea from f Write a short report. Explain what you did
the Talk partners activity. Think about and what you found out. Share your report
what you will need. with other groups.
b Discuss what you will keep the same to
make sure the test is fair.
c What relevant observations will you make What advice
during your test? would you give
Afia to reduce
Be careful the amount of
condensation on
An adult must be present when you her bathroom
heat water. mirror?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 65 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Think like a scientist! words
When some solids with small particles mix with a liquid, they dissolve. solution
When a solid dissolves in a liquid it forms a mixture called a solution. soluble
A solution is clear. You cannot see any particles of the solid. suspension
Salt forms a solution when it is mixed with water. insoluble
A solid that forms a solution when it is mixed with water is soluble.
When a solid is mixed with a liquid but does not dissolve in it, a different
kind of mixture forms. This is called a suspension. A suspension is cloudy.
You can see particles of the solid floating in the liquid.
Flour forms a suspension when it is mixed with water.
A solid that forms a suspension when it is mixed with water is insoluble.

instant coffee coffee grounds sugar salt powder paint

laundry powder flour vitamin tablet tea cocoa

a Predict whether each material shown is soluble or insoluble.

b Record your predictions in a table.
c Collect some of the materials from the pictures and test your predictions.

Work with a partner.
a Make up a game for practising the scientific words on this page.
b Teach another pair how to play your game.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 66 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Separating solutions

How could you separate partners
a solution? In other
words, how could you
Discuss these questions with a partner or in
remove solid material
a group:
dissolved in water?
a What type of mixtures could not be
separated by putting them through a
filter? Suspensions or solutions?
b Can you explain this?
You will need… 2
● transparent plastic cups

● water ● jug ● teaspoon

You will need…
● solid materials to mix with water
● the mixtures from Activity 1 that
(such as sugar, cornflour, salt, soil,
filtering did not separate
flour, coffee grounds, tea leaves)
● saucers ● measuring jug
● coffee filters ● funnel
● labels ● pencil

Investigate separating solutions. • Put the saucers on a windowsill, in sunlight

• Pour half a cup of water into a jug and mix if possible.
in a teaspoon of one of the solids. Stir well. • Pour the same volume of mixture into
a Observe the mixture. Label it as a solution each saucer.
or a suspension. • Label each saucer with the ingredients in
• Put a coffee filter into a funnel. Put the the mixture.
funnel in a cup. • Leave the saucers for a few days.
• Pour the mixture into the funnel. a Observe the contents of each saucer.
b Observe and record what happens. b Record your observations.
• Repeat for the other solid materials.
Use a new coffee filter and a clean cup
each time. What process took
• Do not throw anything away. You will place in the saucers in
need the solutions and suspensions in Activity 2?
the next activity.
c What kind of pattern did you notice in
your results?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 67 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

Investigating solutions 1
I always put Scientific
the sugar in my word
coffee before the
milk. The sugar solvent
dissolves faster this
way, because the
liquid is
hotter. partners

Does the temperature of a liquid make a

difference to how quickly sugar dissolves
in it? If so, how? Explain your thinking.

Think like a scientist!

1 As you have already found out, sugar
You will need… dissolves in water. We say that water is
Investigate whether ● chilled water a solvent for sugar. Which other liquids
sugar dissolves faster ● hot water are solvents for sugar?
in hot or cold water. ● measuring jug

Work with a partner ● teaspoon

or a group. ● sugar 2
● timer
a Stir one level
teaspoon of sugar into 100 millilitres of a Collect some liquids to test. Examples are
chilled water. Time how long it takes for all cooking oil, milk, vinegar, washing-up liquid
the sugar to dissolve. and orange juice. Which of the liquids you
have collected do you think are solvents
b Stir one level teaspoon of sugar into for sugar? Why?
100 millilitres of hot water. Time how long
it takes for all the sugar to dissolve. b Decide what you will do to find out.
c Record your results. c Decide how you will make sure your test
is fair.
Share your results with another pair or group.
Discuss these questions: d Do you think that you will need to make
repeated readings? Why?
d How are your results different?
e Decide how you will record the results of
e How are they similar? your investigation.
f Explain the differences you discussed with f Carry out your investigation.
your partner or group.
g Record your results in a table and share
g Write down your conclusion. Decide which them with the rest of the class.
scientific words to use.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 68 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Investigating solutions 2 Scientific

Think like a scientist! line graph

You know that sugar dissolves faster in hot water than in cold water. Is there a pattern that
links water temperature and the length of time it takes sugar to dissolve?

Here are some tips for drawing
You will need… the line graph:
Plot the temperature on the
● teaspoon
x-axis and the time on the
● sugar
y-axis. Label them.
● ice
Think about the scale you will
● measuring jug
use on each axis. Give the graph
● cold water
a title.
● hot water

● thermometer
e Copy and complete these sentences to
● stopwatch
describe the pattern in the data.
The colder the water, ______________________.
a Stir one level teaspoon of sugar into
100 millilitres of water that is 0 °C The hotter the water, ______________________.
(from ice that has just melted). Keep
stirring until all the sugar has dissolved.
Time how long it takes. 2
b Repeat part a for water at each of the
temperatures in the table. Mix cold a Use your graph to predict the time it will
and hot water to get water at the right take to dissolve one teaspoon of sugar in
temperature. 100 ml of water:
• at 30 °C
c Record your results in a table like this:
• at 80 °C.
Temperature Time taken to dissolve b Test your predictions. How accurate were they?
of water (°C) one teaspoon of sugar
(in seconds)
0 °C Challenge yourself!
20 °C
Investigate the effect of particle size on
40 °C dissolving times. For example, try to dissolve
sugar with grains of different sizes (such as
60 °C
castor sugar, granulated sugar and demerara
d Present your results in a line graph. or brown sugar).


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 69 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

The water cycle Scientific words

Think like a scientist! water cycle
Water is everywhere on Earth: • underground
• in the atmosphere • as ice and snow on mountains
• on the surface of the Earth • as ice and snow near the Poles.
• in the soil The water on Earth constantly moves
• in living things around, in a process called the water cycle.

b Read the captions from 1 to 7. Write
a Copy or trace this diagram of the water cycle. each number in the correct place on your
diagram. You may need to write some
numbers in more than one place.
Sun rain and snow
1 The Sun gives off heat.
2 The heat warms the water in the ocean.
Some of the water evaporates.
3 Living things also give off water vapour.
4 When the water vapour hits cooler air,
it condenses into tiny water droplets.
These form clouds.
evaporation 5 Water from clouds falls as precipitation.
Most often, this is in the form of rain
or snow.
ocean 6 Some rainwater flows into rivers.
Rivers then flow into the ocean.
underground water
7 Some rainwater sinks into the ground.
Eventually this water flows into the ocean.

Talk 2
Imagine that you are a drop of water.
Tell the story of what happens to you as you
Why do you think that the way make your way through the water cycle.
water on Earth moves is called Tell your story in one of the following ways:
the water ‘cycle’? Discuss your • as a play
ideas with a partner.
• as a song
Then share them with the class.
• as a cartoon strip or comic strip.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 70 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

Water cycle models

Stage 5 learners have been
making models of the water cycle.
Discuss these questions with a partner:
a What materials have the learners used to make their water cycles?
b Why do you think they chose these materials?
c How do you think they put together the materials?
d Which features do you like? Why?

Design and make your own water cycle model.
Evaluate your model. Discuss these questions with a partner:
a Did you have any problems while making your model? If so, how did you solve the problems?
b Did you make changes to your model as you worked? If so, what were the changes?
Why did you make them?
c Is your finished model different from your design? If it is, explain how it is different.
d Imagine making your model again. What would you change or improve?

Show your water cycle model to someone in your class. Ask these questions:
a Which parts of the model are best? Why?
b Does the model help you to understand the water cycle? Why?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 71 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 3 States of matter

How do we know about states of matter?

Think like a scientist!

We know a lot about states of matter. This is thanks to the work of many scientists over a very
long time. Here are a few of these scientists:

a b c d

a R obert Boyle (1627–1691) made discoveries about how gases behave.

b J oseph Priestley (1733–1804) discovered that air is not a single gas. Air is a mixture of gases.
c A
 ntoine Lavoisier (1743–1794) discovered
that air is made up mostly of the gases
nitrogen and oxygen. 2
d J ohn Dalton (1766–1844) made
discoveries about how materials combine Hold a class debate about: Which scientist’s
to form new materials. work was most important?
a Divide into four groups. Each group should
support one of the four scientists. In your
1 group, collect the arguments you will use
to put forward your scientist’s case.
Choose one of the four scientists above. b Choose one person from your group to be
the spokesperson.
a Use your research skills to find out about
the scientist’s life and work. How did c The spokesperson should present the
the work of the scientist help to develop group’s arguments to the class.
understanding of the states of matter? d Complete the debate by voting.
b Present your research in an interesting way Choose the scientist who was supported
to a partner. by the best arguments.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 72 4/26/17 3:11 PM

States of matter

What have you learnt about states of matter?


Discuss these questions with a partner:

a What do you know now about
100 ºC 100 ºC 100 ºC 100 ºC
states of matter that you did not 90 ºC 90 ºC 90 ºC 90 ºC
know before? 80 ºC 80 ºC 80 ºC 80 ºC
b What is the most interesting 70 ºC 70 ºC 70 ºC 70 ºC
thing you have learnt about 60 ºC 60 ºC 60 ºC 60 ºC
states of matter? 50 ºC 50 ºC 50 ºC 50 ºC
40 ºC 40 ºC 40 ºC 40 ºC
30 ºC 30 ºC 30 ºC 30 ºC
20 ºC 20 ºC 20 ºC 20 ºC
2 10 ºC 10 ºC 10 ºC 10 ºC
0 ºC 0 ºC 0 ºC 0 ºC
Read these descriptions of things happening.
Label each event ‘evaporation’ or a b c d
a Clouds forming a Which thermometer shows the boiling
point of water?
b A puddle drying up
b Which thermometer shows the freezing
c Dew forming point of water?
d Water on the surface of a lake being
heated by the Sun
e Washing drying 3
f Steam rising from a kettle
Draw a mind map to show what you know
g A bathroom mirror misting up about evaporation and condensation.

What can you remember?

You have been learning about states of matter. Can you:

✔ explain what evaporation is?
✔ explain what condensation is and how it is related to evaporation?
✔ explain why condensation forms on a bathroom mirror?
✔ give the boiling point and freezing point of water?
✔ describe what happens when a liquid evaporates from a solution?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 73 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Practice test 2: Chemistry

1 Here are some properties of matter:

fixed shape no fixed shape fixed volume

no fixed volume can be compressed cannot be compressed

Copy the following table. Write each property in the correct column of the table.
Some properties belong in more than one column.

Properties of solids Properties of liquids Properties of gases

2 Sort the following materials into solids, liquids and gases:
water vapour oil sand ice water wood

milk oxygen fruit juice air nitrogen sugar


3 Which change of state is taking place in each description below?

Use these words:

melting freezing evaporation condensation

a Wet washing drying on a line
b A bathroom mirror steaming up
c An ice cube turning to water
d Water turning to ice in a freezer (4)

4 a T  roy put some oil in the fridge. He took it out a few hours later. It had become solid.
What word do scientists use to describe what happened to the oil?  (1)
b Darnel put some butter in a pan and heated it. After a few seconds, it started to
become liquid. What word describes what happened to the butter?  (1)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 74 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Practice test 2: Chemistry

5 Stage 5 learners heated some water in a pan.

They measured the water temperature every minute.
They drew this graph of their results.
Water-heating experiment
Temperature ºC

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (minutes)

a What happened to the water temperature between 0 and 6 minutes? (1)

b How long did it take the water to reach boiling point? (1)
c What happened to the water temperature between 6 and 9 minutes? (1)
d Explain what happened in question c. (1)

6 Fatima pours water

onto some rice.

a What are the bubbles made of? (1)

b Where did the bubbles come from? (1)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 75 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Practice test 2: Chemistry

7 Which picture shows evaporation? (1)


8 Jazmine stirred some salt into water to form a solution.

She poured the solution into a saucer and left it on the windowsill.
A few days later, the saucer was dry. There were some white crystals on it.
a Why was the saucer dry? (1)
b What were the crystals in the saucer? (1)

9 Mr Gallego wants to know what day will be best for him to do his laundry.
Here is the weather forecast for the week ahead.





Temperature (°C) 24 30 28 30 25 27 30

Chance of rain (%) 25 0 10 0 100 85 0

Wind (mph) 8 6 9 12 15 10 2

a Which day is best for Mr Gallego to do his laundry? (1)

b Give TWO reasons why your answer for question a is the best day. (2)

10 a What is the name of the process that changes a liquid to a gas? (1)
b What is the name of the process that changes a gas to a liquid? (1)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 76 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Practice test 2: Chemistry

11 One of these cans has been in the fridge. One has not.


a Which can has been in the fridge?  (1)

b How do you know?  (1)
c Where did the water droplets on can B come from?  (1)
d Why are there no water droplets on can A?  (1)

12 a The stages of the water cycle listed below are in the wrong order.
Put them in the correct order using the letters A to D.  (4)

Water from When water vapour
clouds falls as hits cooler air, it
rain or snow. condenses into
tiny water droplets.
These form clouds.

Some rainwater The heat from the
flows into rivers. Sun warms the
The rivers flow water in the ocean.
into the ocean. Some of the water

b Which stage, A, B, C or D, involves precipitation?  (1)

 Total marks: 35


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 77 4/26/17 3:11 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Light sources
Think like a scientist! 1
Discuss these questions with a partner:
An object that gives out light is a
a Which objects in the photographs are light sources?
light source. Some light sources
are natural. We find them in b Which is the most important light source? Why?
nature. Other light sources are
artificial. People make them.
Not all bright objects are light
sources. Some objects reflect light
from the light sources around
them. For example, the Moon is the Moon Sun mirror
brightest object in the night sky
but it does not give out any light of street lights
its own. It seems bright because it
reflects light from the Sun.

Northern lights

Challenge yourself!
diamonds fireworks display
The Northern lights are an
example of an aurora, a natural c Copy and complete this table by adding the
light display in the sky. names of the light sources in the photographs.
a Where in the world might you Natural light sources Artificial light sources
see an aurora?
b Do some research to find out
how an aurora forms. d Add four more natural light sources.
e Add four more artificial light sources.

Scientific words 2
light source a Make a crossword puzzle using the words in the scientific
natural words box.
artificial b Write a clue for each word and number it. Add the numbers to
reflect your crossword where the first letter of each word should start.
aurora c Give your clues and the blank crossword to a partner to solve.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 78 4/26/17 3:11 PM

The way we see things

Uses of light
How are people using
light in the photographs?
Discuss your ideas with
a partner.


Discuss these questions in a group:

a How many ways do you use light in
Think like a scientist! a day?
b What do you know about microscopes
and telescopes?
We could not live without light. We need
light to grow food. Many foods come from
plants. Plants need sunlight to grow. Other Scientific
foods come from animals, which eat plants. 2 words
We also need light to see things around us. microscopes
During the day we have sunlight. At night Start a fact file about the
different uses of light. telescopes
we have little or no natural light. We need to
use artificial light sources, like electric lights. laser
Scientists use light to make discoveries.
For example, microscopes are instruments Challenge yourself!
that use light. They help us to see objects
that are too small to see without help. A laser is a special type of light. Use your
research skills to answer these questions:
Telescopes are instruments that also use
light. They allow scientists to see distant a What is special about laser light?
(far away) objects in space. This helps them b Who invented the laser?
to learn more about the universe. c What are lasers used for?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 79 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Brighter and dimmer

Think like a scientist! 2
You will need…
Investigate how ● two identical
Some light sources give out brighter lights distance affects the
than others. For example, a reading light is electrical torches
brightness of a light with new
usually brighter than a night-light. source. batteries
As light travels further from a light source,
Read the instructions ● whiteboard or
it spreads out to cover a wider area. So less
first and predict space on a light-
light reaches any particular point in the
what you think will coloured wall
distance, and the light seems dimmer.
• Make the room as dark as possible.
1 • Hold the torches an equal distance from
the whiteboard or wall. Turn them on and
Order these light sources from brightest compare the light that they cast.
to dimmest:
• Move one torch a few steps further away
• digital watch from the whiteboard or wall. Compare the
• the Sun light that the two torches cast.
• campfire • Move the same torch even further away
• lit match from the whiteboard or wall. Compare the
• table lamp light that the two torches cast now.
• car headlamp
• glow-worm
Scientific word
• floodlight in a stadium.

a Copy and complete this statement:
The further away a light source is, the
_______________ the light seems.
b Explain why this happens.
Challenge yourself!
Discuss this question with a Imagine switching on a light during the
partner: Does distance affect day. Does the light appear as bright as
the brightness of a light source? it does at night? Plan and carry out an
Explain your thinking. investigation to answer this question.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 80 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Measuring brightness When

might you
Think like a scientist! want to
You have found out that light sources vary
(have differences) in brightness. Some light
sources are brighter than others. You will find
out how to measure brightness. Scientific
A device that we use to measure the brightness words
of light is a light meter.
light meter
Photographers and filmmakers use light meters.
Light meters help these professionals to adjust
(change) the settings on their cameras. This light meter
way, images will not be too light or too dark.

You will need…
Follow these ● table

instructions to make ● whiteboard or

and use a simple light-coloured wall partners
light meter. ● modelling clay

● stick
• Put the table right Discuss these questions
● protractor
in front of the about Activity 1 with
● two light sources
whiteboard. a partner:
● metre rule
• Use modelling a What do you notice about
clay to position the stick vertically (upright) the darkness of the two
on the tabletop. shadows?
• Using a protractor, place one light source b What can you say about
at an angle of about 45° to the stick on the brightness of the two
the left. Place the other at a similar angle light sources?
to the right of the stick. Each light source
must be the same distance from the stick.
Measure this using the metre rule.
• Make the room as dark as possible.
• Switch on the light sources.
• The stick will cast two shadows on the
whiteboard or wall. The left-hand light Use your light meter from Activity 1 to
source will cast a shadow to the right. compare the brightness of light sources such
The right-hand light source will cast a as a candle, lamps and torches. Order the light
shadow to the left. sources from dimmest to brightest.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 81 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

How light travels

Think like a scientist! 2
You will need…
In Activity 1, you saw ● three index cards
You have learnt that light travels outwards that light spreads ● ruler
from a light source. These activities will out as it travels away ● pencil
help you to find out how light travels. from its source. ● hole punch
Now you will find ● modelling clay
out something else ● torch
about how light
• On each index card, use a ruler to draw
diagonal lines joining opposite corners.
• Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the
centre of each index card – where the
diagonal lines cross.
• Use a piece of modelling clay to make a
1 stand for each card.
You will need…
a Darken the room. • Place the cards so that they stand vertically
● torch
Hold a torch (upright), equal distances from each other.
● wall space
close to a wall ● paper • Darken the room.
and switch it on. ● pencil
Record your • Shine the torch at one end of the row of
observations. cards. Arrange the cards so that you can
see light through all the holes.
b Move the torch further away from the wall.
What changes do you observe?
c Explain the changes as carefully as you
can. Use diagrams to help you. Talk
Think about what
you did in Activity 1. Discuss these questions with a partner or
What have you in a group:
found out about a How did you place the cards, so that you
how light travels? could see light through all the holes?
Discuss this with b What does this tell you about how light
a partner. travels?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 82 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Ray diagrams
Think like a scientist! 2
You have found out that as a beam of light Draw a ray diagram to show how the beam of
travels outwards from a light source, it light from this torch is travelling.
spreads to cover a wider area. You have also
found out that light travels in straight lines.
Scientists find it useful to draw diagrams
to show how light travels. Imagine a beam
of light as lots of rays of light. Look at the
ray diagram. It shows how the light from
a lamp
rays are
arrow on
each line Talk
shows the partners
in which
the light Discuss these questions with a partner:
ray is travelling. a What is the difference between a ‘beam
of light’ and a ‘ray of light’?
b In Activity 2 you drew a ray diagram. In
Scientific words what way is it similar to the ray diagram
of the lamp, above left?
beam ray diagram
c In what way is it different, and why?
rays light ray

Study the ray diagram above. Discuss these questions with a partner or in a group:
a Are all the rays of light travelling in the same direction?
b What is the same about the way the rays of light are travelling?
c How many rays of light can you count? Do you think a lamp really gives out that many rays?
d Imagine drawing the same diagram. How could you change the way the rays have been drawn?
Explain your thinking.


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Unit 4 The way we see things

Reflecting light
Think like a scientist! 1
a Collect different materials and observe
When light shines on an object, some light them. Are they dark and dull or bright
bounces off. This light is reflected. The and shiny?
amount of light that is reflected depends
on the material the object is made from. b Compare them. Then order them by the
amount of light they reflect.
Some materials do not reflect much light.
When light shines on these materials, very
little light bounces off. The objects seem
dark and dull. 2
Objects that reflect a lot of light seem
bright and shiny. The more light an object Design a safety vest for pedestrians to wear
reflects, the brighter it seems. The Moon at night, so that drivers can see them. Choose
looks bright because it reflects a lot of light materials that reflect as much light as
from the Sun. possible.
Discuss these questions with a partner or
in a group:
• What other properties should the
materials have? Think about the
properties of all items of clothing.
• What materials could you test?
a Choose the materials you will test.
b Predict the results by ordering the
materials from least reflective to most
c Write down your predictions. Explain why
you ordered the materials in this way.
d When you test the materials, why is it wise
Moonlight is just reflected sunlight.
to make repeated observations?
e Carry out a fair test.
Use a light meter to measure
the amount of light each material reflects.
words f Record the light meter measurements in
a bar chart.
material g Were your predictions correct?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 84 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Where have you seen a reflection?

Think like a scientist!

When rays of light hit (shine
on) most surfaces, the rays are
All objects reflect light. Some objects, reflected in different directions.
however, reflect light in a special way. There is no reflection.
They allow you to see images of other
objects in them. These images are incoming rays of light
called reflections.
reflected rays

uneven surface

When rays of light hit a very smooth surface

such as a calm lake, all the rays reflect in the
same direction. This produces a reflection.
incoming rays of light
In the picture above, you can see reflected rays
mountains reflected in the lake.
The surface of the lake is reflecting light
in a special way to make the reflection.

1 very smooth surface

A mirror produces (makes) a reflection.

Mirrors are used in many places.
Discuss this question with a partner: words
What job does each of these mirrors do?
Talk reflections
• Rear-view mirror in a car partners mirror
• Dental mirror
• Baby toy with a small mirror Discuss these questions in a group:
• Security mirror (such as in a shop) a What other types of mirrors can you
think of?
• Mirror wall in a dance studio
b What job does each mirror do?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 85 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Investigating reflections
Think like a scientist! 2
Try writing your own secret messages using
The reflection of an object is its mirror mirror writing.
image. If you compare an object to its
mirror image, you will notice that the
mirror image is in reverse (back to front). Did you know?
For example, if you look at the letter ‘r’
in a mirror, you will see it in reverse. There is a mirror on the Moon. Astronauts
left it there in the 1970s. Scientists aim laser
Mirror writing is writing that uses mirror beams at the mirror from telescopes on Earth.
images of letters. Complete Activity 1 to They measure the time it takes for the laser
learn more. light to travel to the Moon, hit the mirror
and reflect back to the Earth. They can then
calculate the exact distance to the Moon.
1 Scientists have found out that the Moon is
moving away from the Earth by about
Aanya wrote a secret message to her friend
four centimetres every year.
using mirror writing. She held a mirror next to
a sheet of paper. Then she wrote her message
on the paper. She formed the letters so that
they were the right way around in the mirror.
When Aanya had finished writing her secret
message it looked like this.

a What does the message say?

b Here is the reply. What does it say?

mirror image


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 86 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Reflecting light rays

The diagram shows a light ray reflecting incoming light ray
from a mirror. Angle a is the angle at
which the light ray hits the mirror.
Angle b is the angle at which the reflected
light ray is reflected from the mirror. light ray
If angle a gets bigger, what happens to
angle b?
If angle a gets smaller, what a b
happens to angle b? mirror

Discuss your ideas with a partner.

You will need…
Investigate how the ● torch
• Darken the room as much as you can.
angle at which a ● card • Lay the torch on the table and switch it on.
light ray is reflected ● scissors
from a mirror is • Shine the torch onto the mirror at an angle.
● sticky tape
related to the angle ● table
at which it hits the ● flat mirror a Use the protractor to measure and record the
mirror. ● protractor angle of the incoming light ray and of the
• Cut out a circle of reflected light ray.
card to cover the front of the torch. b Shine the torch onto the mirror at a different
• Cut a narrow slit in the circle of card. angle and measure again.
• Tape the circle of card with the slit over
the front of the torch. Talk
• Place a mirror on its edge on a table. partners
Hold it up against something.

What did you

find out from
doing the
in Activity 2?
Discuss your
ideas in a group.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 87 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Think like a scientist! 2
a Design and make your own periscope.
You have seen that light always reflects b Use your periscope to look around
from a mirror at the same angle that it hits your classroom.
the mirror.
A periscope lets you see places you might c Use the scientific words you have learnt,
not otherwise be able to see. Examples to help you to:
are over the top of walls or fences, or • Describe what you did and saw.
around corners. • Draw a labelled diagram to show how
Periscopes were first used in submarines, your periscope works.
so that sailors could see above the water. • Write a set of instructions that explain
A simple periscope is a long tube with a clearly how to make your periscope.
flat mirror at each end. The mirrors are at
an angle of exactly 45°. Light rays hit the
top mirror at 45° and reflect off it at the
same angle. The light then travels down to
Scientific word
the bottom mirror. When the light hits the
Talk periscope
bottom mirror, it is again reflected at 45°,
and into the eyepiece.
mirror Look at this homemade periscope.
Discuss these questions with a partner:
a What material is the periscope
made from?
b How do you think the periscope was
constructed (made)?

45° angle

Use angled mirrors to send a beam of light
from a torch:
a around a corner
b over the top of an obstacle
c through a maze.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 88 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Think like a scientist! 1
You will need…
• Join the two ● two flat mirrors
A kaleidoscope is a cylinder with mirrors mirrors together ● masking tape
inside it. It contains loose objects such as along one edge ● sheet of plain
small pieces of coloured plastic or glass. by putting paper
You look into one end of the kaleidoscope, masking tape ● protractor
and hold the other end up to the light. The along the back ● pencil
mirrors and objects inside it create colourful of them.
patterns, made up of many reflections.
• On the sheet of paper, use a protractor to
measure and draw angles of 90°, 60°, 45°,
36°, 30° and 20°.
• Stand the mirrors on the paper so that
their edges line up with the arms of the
angle that measures 90°.
• Put the pencil between the mirrors.
a How many pencils can you see? (Include
the real pencil.)
b Repeat the activity, placing the mirrors
on each of the other angles. Record your
results in a table like this:

Angle of mirrors Number of pencils

A kaleidoscope pattern made up of multiple reflections

Scientific 36°
2 word 30°
kaleidoscope 20°
a Use mirrors and small
beads or sequins to make c What pattern do you notice between the
patterns you might find in a kaleidoscope. angle between the mirrors and the number
b Use your research skills to find out how to of pencils you see?
make your own kaleidoscope. d Predict how many pencils you would see if
c Make your kaleidoscope. the mirrors were placed at an angle of 120°
to each other.
d Present your kaleidoscope to learners in
another class, explaining how it works. e Test your prediction. Was it correct?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 89 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Curved mirrors
Think like a scientist! Scientific
A mirror that curves outwards is convex. convex
A mirror that curves inwards is concave.
Cars have convex mirrors, used as wing
(side) mirrors. Convex mirrors let the driver
see more of the road than a flat mirror
does. Convex mirrors are used as safety
mirrors in places where you
need to see 1
corners, for
example, on You will need…
roads and ● convex mirror or an object that

driveways. has a convex surface (such as the

Convex mirrors back of a metal spoon)
also make good ● concave mirror or an object that has

security mirrors. a concave surface (such as the inside

of a metal spoon)

wing (side) mirror a Move the mirrors or spoons backwards and

of a car forwards. How does your reflection change
in each type of surface? Draw what
you see.
Concave mirrors are used in reflecting
telescopes. Concave mirrors on shaving b Can you explain why the reflections
mirrors magnify (enlarge) the reflection of are different?
the face. Torches and headlights also have
concave mirrors, to direct light outwards in
a beam.
A mnemonic is a method that helps you
to remember something. For example, the
phrase ‘There’s a rat in separate’ can help
you to remember how to spell ‘separate’.
Make up a mnemonic to help you to
remember this fact:
Convex mirrors curve outwards and concave
shaving mirror mirrors curve inwards.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 90 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

Light and seeing

What is the relationship
1 between light and sight,
or seeing?
In the four diagrams below, the straight lines
are rays of light. The arrows show the direction
in which they are travelling. Think like a scientist!
Discuss this question with a partner:
Which diagram correctly shows how the We can see light sources when the light they
person sees the butterfly? give out enters our eyes.
We can also see objects that are not light
Share your ideas with another pair. sources, when light from a light source
reflects from them and enters our eyes.
a b

c d When the lid of the box is

closed, no light enters. Nina
cannot see the toy. She sees
the toy when light entering
the box reflects from it and
enters her eye. The more
light that enters the box,
the more clearly Nina can
see the toy.

partners a Plan a fair test to investigate how the
amount of light that reaches your eyes
affects how well you can see. You could
Discuss these questions with a partner: use a closed cardboard box with a small
a Does the amount of light reaching your eyehole, as in the pictures above.
eyes affect how well you can see? Give
b Predict what you think will happen.
examples from experiences you have had.
Explain your thinking.
b Where or when might there be no light
at all? c Carry out the test and record your results.
c Would you be able to see if there was no d Was your prediction correct? If not, what
light at all? Explain your answer. have you found out from your results?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 91 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Your eyes What do you already

know about how your
eyes work?
Think like a scientist!

This diagram shows the parts of the eye you Scientific

can see from the outside. words
tear duct

sclera Sit opposite a partner.
a Draw a detailed diagram of their eye.
b Label all the parts you can see.
eyelashes tear duct

Discuss these questions with a partner
Copy and complete this table. Write the name or in a group:
of each part of the eye next to the correct
description. a What do eyebrows do?
b What do eyelashes do?
Part of Description c What do eyelids do?
the eye
d What do the pupils do?
a hole in the centre of the iris e What do tears do?
hairs on the eyelid
a fold of skin above the eye
the coloured part of the eye 3
the hole through which tears a Use a Science dictionary to check the ideas
flow onto the eye you have just discussed in the Talk partners
hairs on the forehead above activity.
the eye b Add descriptions to the labels on the
diagram you drew in Activity 2.
the white part of the eye
Explain what each part of the eye does.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 92 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

How your eyes work

Why do you think the
Think like a scientist! retina has so many
light-sensitive cells?
We see objects when light given out or
reflected by them enters our eyes.

Light rays given out or reflected by an

lens retina
object, pass through the transparent
layer that covers the eye (the cornea),
through the pupil, and then through the
lens. The lens focuses the light rays onto
the retina on the back of the eye.
The lens bends the rays of light, so the
image that hits the retina is upside
down. The retina contains millions of iris
light-sensitive cells. These cells change
light into electrical signals. The signals cornea
travel along the optic nerve to the brain. optic nerve
Automatically, the brain turns the image
received by the retina the right way up. inside the eye, showing what happens
We can then see the object. when light reflected from an object enters it

Scientific words
1 cornea
You will need… retina
● paper and pencil or camera cells
optic nerve
a Sit opposite a partner in a place where there is not much light.
Look at your partner’s eyes. Draw or take a photograph of your partner’s pupil and iris.
b Sit opposite each other in a place where there is a lot of light. Look at your partner’s eyes.
Draw or take a photograph of your partner’s pupil and iris.
c Copy and complete these sentences.
• When there is not much light, the pupil is ______________.
This lets ______________ light into the eye.
• When there is a lot of light, the pupil becomes ______________.
This lets ______________ light into the eye.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 93 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 4 The way we see things

Is seeing believing?
Think like a scientist! 1
a How many black dots can you see?
Your brain does not always interpret
the messages it receives from your eyes
correctly. This means that you cannot
always believe what you see.

You will need…
• Roll the sheet of ● sheet of paper

paper lengthwise ● sticky tape

into a tube about

1.5 cm across. Fasten it with sticky tape.
• Hold the tube horizontally in your right
hand. b Stare closely at the lamp for 30 seconds.
• Raise your left hand, palm facing you, Then stare at the blank space next to it.
fingers pointing upwards. What do you see?
• Rest your left hand against the left side of
the tube, about halfway down.
a Look through the tube with your right eye,
while looking at your left hand with your
left eye. What do you see?
b Does the same effect happen when you
replace your left hand with something else?


Choose a, b or c in Activity 1. c Look at the two vertical lines. Which line

How do you think it works? is longer?
Discuss your ideas with
a partner.



884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 94 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The way we see things

What have you learnt about the way

we see things?
Talk 1
partners You now know a lot about light and the
way we see. This is thanks to scientists from
around the world. Over many centuries, they
Explain the investigated light and the way we see.
meaning of these
words to a partner: a Choose one of these scientists:
a reflection • Euclid • Ibn al-Haytham
b beam • Isaac Newton • Augustin-Jean Fresnel
c ray b Find a picture of the scientist you chose.
d convex
c Explain what the scientist found out about
e concave. Draw a diagram to light and the way we see.
show how Dandan
sees the football.
3 partners
Discuss these questions with a partner
or in a group: a In a group, share what you wrote
a An object casts a faint shadow that you for Activity 2. What did each of your
can hardly see. Why might this happen? scientists find out?
b Listen to one another. Then, as a group,
b How could you measure the brightness decide which scientist you think is most
of a light source? important. Take a vote. For which scientist
c What is the most interesting thing you have did your group vote?
found out in this unit? c Share your result with other groups.
d What else would you like to find out about Did they vote for the same scientist
light and sight, or seeing? or a different scientist? Why?

What can you remember?

You have been learning about the way we see things. Can you:
✔ describe how to measure the brightness of a light source?
✔ explain when and how light is reflected?
✔ draw a diagram to show how light is reflected from a flat mirror?
✔ draw a diagram to show how we see objects?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 95 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Shadows around us

Discuss these questions with a partner:

a What is a shadow?
b What is making the shadow in each
of these photographs?

Scientific words
casts Think like a scientist!
light source
A shadow is a dark area. A shadow forms
when an object blocks light. Usually, we see
1 the shadow when it falls on the surface of
another object. When an object blocks light
a Set a timer for one minute. Look around the to form a shadow, we say it casts a shadow.
classroom. Count all the shadows you can Light travels in straight lines, so the shape
see. How many shadows did you count? of a shadow is similar to the object that
b Go on a ‘shadow hunt’ around the school. casts the shadow. You can often identify an
Draw the most interesting shadows you find. object from the shape of its shadow.

a b c d e

a Look at the shadow images. Try to identify what they are from their shadows.
b Make the classroom as dark as you can. Work with a partner. Use a torch or other light source
to cast a shadow of an object onto a flat surface such as the wall. Show a partner the shadow
but not the object. Can your partner guess what the object is? Swap roles.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 96 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Shadow shapes What

affects the
Think like a scientist! shape of a

The shape of a shadow does not only depend on the shape of the
object that casts it. It also depends on the position of the light
source, and the shape of the surface on which the shadow is cast.

Before doing this activity, make the classroom
as dark as you can.
a Choose an object to cast a shadow. Talk
Use a torch or other light source to cast partners
a shadow of the object onto a flat surface.
b Change the position of the light source. Discuss these questions with a partner or
Describe or draw what happens to the in a group.
shape of the shadow. When or where do you think a shadow:
c Cast the shadow onto a surface that is a might be useful?
not flat, such as a sheet of curved card. b might be a problem?
Describe or draw what happens to the
Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
shape of the shadow.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 97 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

How shadows form

Think like a scientist!

The torch gives off a beam of light. As the

beam travels outwards from the torch, it shadow beam of light
gets wider. Scientists say that a beam of
light is made up of lots of rays of light.
Each ray travels in a straight line, in a
certain direction. In the diagram, the
straight lines coming from the torch
represent rays of light. The arrows show torch
the direction of travel of the light.
A shadow forms when the tennis ball blocks object (tennis ball) ray of light
the light from the torch. The shadow forms
on the opposite side of the tennis ball to the
torch. It is cast on the wall. a tennis ball casting a shadow on a wall

Talk 2
a Copy the following diagram.
Complete it by adding rays of light and
Look at the diagram above again. the area of shadow. Label the diagram.
Discuss the following with a partner:
a Predict what shape the shadow on the
wall will be. Explain your thinking.
b Predict whether the shadow on the wall
will be smaller, larger or the same size as
the tennis ball. How do you know?

Scientific words
1 beam
b Draw the shadow the watering can will
rays cast on the wall.
Work with a partner.
a Make the room as dark as possible.
b Use a torch and a ball to cast a shadow on
Challenge yourself!
the wall. Investigate forming shadows using two
c Think about the predictions you made in light sources. Draw diagrams to show
the Talk partners activity. Were they correct? what happens.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 98 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Fun with shadows – hand shadows

What other animal
hand shadows can
Some people can make shadow images you make?
using only their hands. Look at the
examples of hand shadows.
Can you identify each shadow image?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.
a b
Practise making hand shadows by copying
the pictures.

c d Choose one of the following investigations
to carry out.
a Investigate using different light sources.
Which light source makes the best hand
shadows? Can you explain why?
b Investigate casting shadows on different
surfaces. Which surface makes the best
e f hand shadows? Can you explain why?

a Work in a group
to rehearse
g h making) your
own hand
b Share your
hand shadow
with the class.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 99 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Fun with shadows – silhouettes

Think like a scientist!
How could
Silhouettes are shadow portraits (pictures of
you make a
the head or face). Here are some examples.

Silhouettes were popular about 200 years ago. This was before the invention of photography.
Many people had their portrait painted. However, it took a long time and cost a lot of money.
Creating a silhouette was the quickest and cheapest way to make a portrait.

Traditionally, artists made silhouettes by looking at the person. Then they cut out the portrait
from black card. These artists did no drawing. They cut out the shape freehand.
However, there is an easier way to make a silhouette, and you do not need any artistic talent.
You can simply cast a shadow of a person’s face and draw around it!

Scientific word
Discuss this question with a partner:
In a silhouette, we see the person’s face
in profile, from the side. We do not see the
face from the front. Why?


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Making silhouette portraits


You will need…

● chair ● bright light source

● sheet of white paper ● sticky tape

● pencil ● scissors ● glue stick

● sheet each of black card and white card

Work in a group of three to make silhouette portraits.

• Make the classroom as dark as possible.
• Put a chair in front of a wall, sideways.
• One learner must sit on the chair.
• A second learner must hold the light source so that it points towards the wall. The light source
must shine onto the side of the seated learner’s face.
• Tape a sheet of white paper to the wall. The shadow of the seated learner’s face should fall onto
the paper. Make sure the shadow is the right size for the paper. The learner holding the light
source may need to move it closer or further away.
• The seated learner must sit as still as possible.
• A third learner must use a pencil to draw carefully around the shadow of the seated learner’s face,
including as much detail as possible.
• One learner should cut carefully around the shadow outline on the white paper.
• Stick the white paper outline onto a sheet of black card.
• Carefully cut around the edges of the white paper outline.
• Turn over the black card to see the silhouette.
• Stick the silhouette onto a sheet of white card, black side on top.
• Take turns so that all three of you have a silhouette.

Talk Discuss these questions in small groups:

partners a How did moving the light source closer or further away affect the size
of the seated learner’s shadow?
b Explain why this happened.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 101 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Fun with shadows – shadow puppets

Think like a scientist!

Shadow puppetry is a very old form of storytelling. It is still popular in many parts of Asia,
including China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
Shadow puppets are flat figures attached to rods or sticks. The style of shadow puppets varies
from region to region. Many shadow puppets have cut-out parts. The cut-outs let through light
and add detail.

shadow puppets from China

Performing a shadow puppet play is an art.

Puppeteers hold the puppets between a light
source and a cloth screen. The puppets cast
shadows on the screen.
The audience sits on the other side of the screen.
They cannot see the puppeteer or the puppets.
Asian shadow puppet play
They can only see the shadows.

a Make a simple shadow puppet. Cut out some parts of the puppet to let light through.
Add detail to your puppet.
b Use your shadow puppet to make a shadow on the wall.
c Draw a diagram to show how the shadow is made.
d How can you change the shadow your puppet makes?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 102 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Light and materials

Think like a scientist!

Some materials cast better shadows

than others. This is because light The plastic is transparent.
behaves differently when it hits Almost all the light that hits it
different types of materials. passes through. You can see
the clock clearly through it.
For example, when light hits a
transparent material, almost all the
light passes through it to the other
side. You can see clearly through a
transparent material.

When light hits an opaque

Cardboard is opaque. Light
material, no light passes through cannot pass through it, so you
it to the other side. You cannot see cannot see through it.
through opaque materials.

When light hits a translucent material,

some light passes through the material Tracing paper is translucent.
to the other side. You can see through Some light passes through
translucent materials slightly, but it. You can see through it
slightly, but not clearly.
not clearly.

Scientific words
Talk transparent
partners opaque
Discuss these questions with a partner:
a Which type of material (transparent, Challenge yourself!
opaque or translucent) do you think
is best for making shadow puppets? Draw three diagrams. Show what happens
b Explain your thinking to your partner. to light when it hits transparent, opaque
and translucent materials.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 103 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Shadow puppet materials

1 What is the best type
Your teacher will give you a collection of of material for making
different materials. shadow puppets?

a Sort the materials into three groups:

transparent, opaque and translucent.
b Copy this table to record your groupings:

Transparent materials Opaque materials Translucent materials

c Look around the classroom. Find objects that are made from different materials to add
to each group.
d Add the names of the other materials to your table.

a Work with a partner or in a small group. Plan a fair test investigation. Find out if
transparent, opaque or translucent materials are best for making shadow puppets.
b Talk about:
• what you are trying to find out
• what you will need
• what you will do, including:
o what you will observe or measure
o whether it will be a good idea to make repeated observations or measurements
o how you will record your results
• how you will make sure your test is fair • what you think will happen.
c Write a plan of your investigation. Include information about these things:
• the question you want to answer • what you will do to try to answer the question
• the equipment you will need • what you will change
• what you will measure
• what you will keep the same to make sure the test is fair
• what you think will happen and why.
d Carry out the investigation you planned. Record your results as you choose.


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More about shadow puppet materials


Discuss Activity 2 on the previous page with another pair or group:

a Did your investigation go according to plan? If not, why not?
b Are you surprised by your results? If so, why? If not, why not?
c Which materials will you use to make your shadow puppets? Why?
d Which parts of a shadow puppet might you choose to make from
translucent materials? Why?

a Think about the materials you will use to make your shadow puppets. You will need to choose an
opaque material. You may also want to choose a translucent material for making some parts.
b What other properties do the materials you choose need to have?
c Write down your ideas and then share them with a partner.

a Work in a group. Choose a story to tell using shadow puppets. This might be a traditional story,
or a story you have read in class.
b Make a list of all the shadow puppets you will need to tell the story.
c Decide on the materials you will use to make the shadow puppets. Add detail using cut-outs.
Add colour by covering the cut-outs with translucent materials.
d Think about how you will make the shadow puppets. Make a list of everything you will need.
e Collect what you need. Then make the shadow puppets.

Turkish shadow Scientific



884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 105 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Changing shadows

Think like a scientist!

Orlando and his sisters, Aanya and Nadina, In our play, a dragon
have made some shadow puppets. grows larger and larger.
They will put on a shadow puppet play We need to find a way to
make the shadow
for their family and friends. grow larger.
The learners have been practising their shadow
puppet play. However, they have a problem
that they need to solve.

Talk 2
The shadows are not
very dark, so you cannot see them
Discuss this question with a partner: very well. We need to find a way
to make the shadows darker.
How can the learners make the shadow
Also, the shadows are fuzzy, so you
grow larger? cannot see the puppet shapes very
clearly. We need to find a way
to make the shadows
1 clearer.

Work in a group.
a Test your ideas for making the shadow
grow larger.
b Write a report about what you did and
what you found out. Use these headings:
What we did Work in a group.
a Choose one of these questions:
What happened
(Include ray diagrams in this part.) • How could the learners make the
shadows darker?
What we found out • How could they make the shadows
b Test your ideas.
c Tell another group what you did and what
you found out.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 106 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Making a shadow puppet theatre

You will need…
● large cardboard box

● masking tape

● scissors

● greaseproof paper

● materials for decorating

the box

Work with a partner or small

group to make a shadow
puppet theatre.
• Close the box by taping the
flaps together with masking
• Turn the box so that the
taped faces are at the top
and bottom.
• Cut out the whole of the back of the box
(one of the large faces without flaps). Can you use what
• Cut out a large shape in the front of you have made
the box (the other large face without and learnt to give
flaps). For example, you could cut out a a shadow puppet
rectangle, or a fancy shape with pillars performance?
and an arch.
• Decorate the outside of the box any way
you like. For example, you could paint it or
cover it in coloured paper.
• If you painted the box, leave it to dry. Do you remember the story you and your
• On the inside of the box, tape a piece of group decided on? It is time to tell the story in
greaseproof paper. It should cover the a shadow puppet performance.
opening at the front of the box. • Use the shadow puppets and theatre that
• Place the puppet theatre on the edge of you made.
a table. Your puppet theatre is now ready • Apply what you have found out about
to use. changing shadows to help you.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 107 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

The Sun and shadows

1 Think like a scientist!
Look at the pictures. Discuss these questions The shadows that the Sun casts are
with a partner or in a group: different at different times of day. As the
a What time of day do you think it is in day goes by, the Sun appears to move
each picture? across the sky. The Sun does not really
move. It just seems to move because the
b What makes you say these times? Earth rotates. As the Sun appears to move
across the sky, the shadows it casts change.

8 a.m. 10 a.m.


12 p.m. 3 p.m.

Scientific word
rotates The shadows cast
Talk by the Sun as the
partners day goes by vary in
length and direction.
5 p.m.
Look at the pictures of the tree and its
shadows. Discuss these questions with
a partner: 2
a How does the position of the shadow
change during the day? How does a Look at old magazines, newspapers or
this happen? the internet. Find photographs showing
b How does the length of the shadow shadows cast by the Sun. Cut them out or
change during the day? print them.
c At what time of day is the shadow b Sort the photographs into groups
shortest? At what times of day is depending on the time of day you think
it longest? they were taken.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 108 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Sticks and shadows

Some Stage 5 learners collected data on how c Does the data tell us exactly when the
the length of shadows cast by the Sun changes shadow was shortest? Explain your answer.
during a day. They measured the length of a
shadow cast by a vertical metre stick at different d Predict how long the shadow was
times of day. Here is their data: at 4:30 pm.

Time Length of shadow (cm)

What else would you like to know about
8:30 a.m. 123 shadows? Talk about this with a partner.
9:30 a.m. 85.5 Think about how you could find out the
answers to your questions.
10:30 a.m. 66
11:30 a.m. 55
12:30 p.m. 52.5 Scientific words
1:30 p.m. 55.5 data
2:30 p.m. 71
line graph
3:30 p.m. 90
They used their data to draw a line graph.
Have a look at it. Plan and carry out an investigation
like the one the Stage 5 learners did.
a Draw diagrams to show what you will
Length of shadows (cm)

do. Include where you will put the

100 metre stick. How will you make sure
80 it is vertical?
Length of
shadows 60 60 b Think about your school day. When do
you start? When do you finish?
When could you take measurements?
20 Make a table for recording your data.
00 c Carry out the investigation.
8:30 9:30
8:30 9:30 10:30
10:30 11:30
11:30 12:30
12:30 1:30
1:30 2:30
2:30 3:30

Time of day d Draw a line graph to present your data.

Time of day
Discuss in a small group: e Can you see any patterns in your data?

a How did the length of the shadow change f Compare your data and the data
during the day? collected by the Stage 5 learners.
What similarities and differences do
b Why do you think these changes happen? you notice? Explain them.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 109 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Why did people in
Think like a scientist! ancient cultures need
to tell the time?

A sundial uses the shadows that the Sun

casts to tell the time during the day.
Before the invention of clocks, many
cultures around the world used sundials
to tell the time.
A sundial has:
• a gnomon (an object that casts a
shadow). The gnomon may be a thin rod
or any other object with a sharp tip or a
straight edge. Depending on the type of
sundial, the position of the gnomon may
be horizontal, vertical or at an angle.
• a dial (the surface onto which the
gnomon’s shadow is cast). The dial has
numbered markings showing the hours
of daylight. The position of the dial may
be horizontal, vertical or at an angle.
The dial may be flat or curved. There are many different types of sundials.

Scientific words
gnomon Challenge yourself!
a Find a photograph of each of the
1 following types of sundials:
• equatorial
Look at the photographs above. • horizontal
Discuss these questions with a partner: • vertical
a Find the gnomon in each sundial. • polar
Compare them. How are they similar? • analemmatic.
How are they different?
b Label each photograph with the parts of
b Find the dial in each sundial. the sundial.
Compare them. How are the dials similar? c Write a paragraph to explain the
How are they different? differences between the sundials.
c What materials is each sundial made from? d Present your findings to the class.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 110 4/26/17 3:12 PM


How sundials work

Think like a scientist!

Sundials measure the direction in which shadows cast by the Sun point.
The Earth rotates from west to east, making the Sun appear to move across the sky from east
to west. Shadows are cast on the opposite side of an object to the light source. So, as the Sun
appears to move from east to west, the shadows it casts move from west to east.
These pictures show the changing position of the Sun and shadows in the northern hemisphere.

a E W
b E W
Mid-morning: As the Sun gets
Early morning: The Sun is low higher in the sky, shadows
in the sky in the east. It casts get shorter. The Sun is in the
long shadows that point west. southeast. Shadows point

c E W
d E W
Midday: The Sun is at its NE
Mid-afternoon: As the Sun
highest point and shadows gets lower in the sky, shadows
are at their shortest. The get longer. The Sun is in the
Sun is to the south. Shadows southwest. Shadows point
point north. northeast.

e E

Late evening: The Sun is low

in the sky in the west. It casts
long shadows that point east. Scientific word
northern hemisphere

You will need… a First thing in the morning, stand a metre stick vertically, in a
sunny place outdoors. Mark the compass directions on the
● metre stick
ground around the metre stick.
● chalk in two

colours b Use chalk to record the position of the stick’s shadow. Write
● watch the time next to the chalk line you have drawn. Repeat this
● compass every hour during the day. You should observe that the
shadow moves from west to east during the day.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 111 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

Shadow investigation
You will need…
● compass

● chalk

SW SE ● metre stick
● pot filled with wet sand



Carry out an investigation in the area where you live. Collect data SW SE
about the directions in which shadows point during a day.
S compass rose
• Find an open area outdoors that gets the Sun all day long.
• On a sunny day, go into the area you have chosen. Turn the compass until the needle is pointing
• Use the chalk to draw a compass rose on the ground, about one metre in diameter. Line up the
directions of the compass rose with the directions on the real compass.
• Place a pot filled with wet sand in the centre of the compass rose. Stand the metre stick vertically
in the pot. Look at the picture above.

Observe and record the compass direction in which the shadow of the stick is pointing, at different
times of day.

Scientific Challenge yourself!

word Discuss these questions with a partner:
compass rose a What patterns can you see in the data
you have collected?
b Compare the data that you have
collected to the pictures on page 111.
How is it similar? How is it different?
What reasons might there be for
the differences?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 112 4/26/17 3:12 PM


Making sundials Scientific word

You will need… Make a portable sundial that you can use at school or at home.
● two sheets of • Use the compasses to draw a large circle onto one sheet of card.
A4 card, pair of Cut it out.
compasses, pencil, • Draw two right-angled triangles with flaps on the other sheet of
ruler, protractor, card, like this:
scissors, glue,
compass, pen
fold here
• Angle L should be equal to the fold here
angle of latitude where you are.
For example, if you are in Dammam, Saudi L
Arabia, at latitude 26°, angle L should be 26°.
Find out the latitude where you are by asking
your teacher. Or look on a globe or map.
• Cut out the shapes.
• Fold out the two long straight flaps so that
they are in opposite directions.
• Glue together the two triangles – this is L
your gnomon.
• Place the low end of the gnomon at the centre
of the circle. Use the flaps to glue it in place.
• Place your sundial in sunlight on a level surface.
• Turn the sundial until the high end of the gnomon is pointing north (northern hemisphere)
or south (southern hemisphere). Use a compass to do this. If you are unsure how to use it,
ask your teacher to help you.
• On the edge of the circular dial, mark the place where the
shadow of the slanting edge of the gnomon falls, with
10 11 1
a pencil. When you are sure it is right, go over it in pen. 9 21
Repeat every hour, on the hour.


• Your sundial is complete. To use it, make sure the gnomon


is pointing north (or south).


Take your sundial home, or to another class. 6

Demonstrate how to use it.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 113 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 5 Shadows

What have you learnt about shadows?

partners 2
Draw a series of diagrams to show how
Discuss these questions with a partner: shadows cast by the Sun change during the
a What do you know now about shadows day. Show these five times during a day:
that you did not know before? • early morning
b What is the most interesting thing you
• mid-morning
have learnt about shadows?
• midday
• mid-afternoon
1 • late evening.
You use a torch to cast the shadow of a ball
against a wall.
a What will happen to the shadow that is
cast on the wall if you move the ball closer
to the wall? Why?
b What else could you do to change the
shadow that is cast on the wall? In what
way would this change the shadow?

What can you remember?

You have been learning about shadows. Can you:

✔ explain how shadows are formed?
✔ describe how to change the size of a shadow?
✔ describe the shadows made by transparent, opaque and translucent
✔ explain why the shadows made by transparent, opaque and
translucent materials are different?
✔ draw a diagram to show how the length and position of shadows
cast by the Sun change throughout the day?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 114 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond
Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Earth, Sun and Moon

Think like a scientist!
Can you think of five
things that you know
about the Earth, Sun In this unit,
and Moon? you will learn
about our
place in space.
This includes
our solar
Talk system (our
partners neighbourhood
in space) and
its place in the
Look at the four diagrams. In a group, discuss universe.
which diagram correctly shows the Earth, Sun
and Moon. Explain your thinking.
Scientific words
solar system
Sun Earth anticlockwise
Moon b

Moon 1
Work in a group of three. Find an open
• Decide who will be the Sun, the Earth,
and the Moon.
c Earth • The ‘Sun’ stands still in the middle of
the open space.
• The ‘Earth’ walks around the Sun in
Sun d a circular path – in an anticlockwise
Earth direction. While walking around the Sun,
the ‘Earth’ turns around (anticlockwise).
• The ‘Moon’ walks around the
Sun ‘Earth’ in a circular path – in an
anticlockwise direction. While walking
the ‘Moon’ turns around slowly – in
an anticlockwise direction. The ‘Moon’
must always face the Earth.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 115 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

The Sun’s apparent motion

Think like a scientist!
Does the Sun
always appear
When scientists talk about the Sun’s to move in the
apparent motion, they mean the way the same path
Sun appears to move across the sky during across the sky?
the course of a day.
This led ancient people to think that the
Sun travelled around the Earth. We know
now that the Sun does not move. It only
appears to be moving because the Earth
is spinning.
The Sun appears over the eastern horizon 2
at dawn. In the morning, the Sun rises.
It reaches its maximum height around a Observe the direction in which the Sun
noon. In the shines into the classroom during the day.
afternoon, the Also, observe the direction of the shadow
Sun sinks, or that is cast by a shadow stick during the day.
sets. The Sun b Make these observations every day for
disappears over two weeks. Record your observations as
the western diagrams or photographs.
horizon at
sunset. c What patterns do you notice?
d What conclusions can you draw?

1 Scientific words
apparent motion
Draw a diagram to show the Sun’s apparent shadow
motion across the sky during the day. cast
a Where is the Sun in the morning?
b Where is it later in the day? 3
a Look at your observations from Activity 2.
b Draw a diagram to show what you know
Be careful now about the Sun’s apparent motion.
NEVER look directly at the Sun, even when c Compare this diagram to the diagram you
wearing sunglasses. The Sun can damage drew for Activity 1.
your eyes. d What have you found out?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 116 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond

The spinning Earth

Think like a scientist! North Pole


The Earth is rotating (spinning) all the equator

time. It spins around an imaginary line
called an axis. The Earth’s rotation
causes day and night. It takes the
Earth one day (24 hours) to make
one complete rotation.

South Pole

You will need…
a Darken the room
● globe
as much as
possible. Place
● lamp
the globe on a
● two tables

● plastic figure
table. Place the
● sticky putty
lamp on another
table, in line with Discuss these questions in a group:
the globe. Switch on the lamp, making sure a Which side of the globe represents
that the light shines directly towards the daytime?
centre of the globe. b What fraction of the Earth is in daylight/
b Find the place where you live on the globe. darkness at any time?
Stick a plastic figure on the place where c Name some countries where it is night
you live with sticky putty. time when it is daytime where you live.
Use the globe and lamp to help you.
c Slowly rotate the globe anticlockwise.
Observe the areas of light and shadow.
Discuss the questions in the Talk partners
box with your group.
Scientific words Imagine that you have a friend who lives on
the other side of the world. What would be
rotating axis
the best time of day to phone your friend?
rotation equator Make sure you choose a time when you are
light rotate both awake!


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 117 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Hours of daylight Scientific words

line graphs data
Think like a scientist! 1
Find the two cities on a world map or globe.
These line graphs show the number of hours a Where is each city: north of the equator or
of daylight during
Daylightthe year
hours for inFinland
Helsinki, two cities: south of the equator?
24 Finland and La Paz, Bolivia.
b Which city is closer to the equator?
21 Daylight hours for Helsinki, Finland Which city is further from the equator?
1919 Use the graphs to answer these questions:
1717 c Which city has the greatest change in
1515 daylight hours during the year?
1313 d Which city has its lowest number of hours
1111 of daylight in June and July?

44 a On a world map, compare the location of
22 where you live to the location of the two
11 cities used for the graphs.




b Draw what you think a line graph of

Daylight hoursMonth
for La Paz, Bolivia daylight hours might look like for the place
where you live. Use the format of the
22 graphs shown.
21 Daylight hours for La Paz, Bolivia
1717 Challenge yourself!
1414 Collect data about hours of daylight during
1313 the year where you live. Do some research.
1111 Draw a line graph of your data. Compare

1010 your graph to your diagram in Activity 2.

88 Was your prediction correct? If not,
66 explain why not.
11 What conclusions can
00 you draw from Activity 1?




Discuss this with a partner

Month or in a group.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 118 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond

Earth’s orbit
Think like a scientist!
The Earth moves around the Sun.
Every object in the universe pulls on every
other object. We call this pull gravity.
The larger the mass of an object is, the
greater its gravity.. Only massive objects
such as stars and planets have gravity
that is large enough to feel. Earth travels
around the Sun because of the force
of gravity.

The Sun’s gravity pulls the Earth

towards it. However, the Earth does
not fall into the Sun because it is
moving at such a high speed
(about 108 000 kilometres per hour). Instead, the Earth
moves around the Sun in a curved path that is almost a perfect circle.
It takes the Earth about 365 days to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Did you know? 1

You will need…
The first person to explain how gravity worked Complete this ● tennis ball

was Sir Isaac Newton. He was one of the activity to see how ● ball of string

greatest scientists who ever lived. His ‘law of the Earth orbits ● scissors ● tape

universal gravitation’ was published in 1687. the Sun.

It helped to explain and predict the • Cut off about 1.5 m of string.
movements of the Earth and the other planets
• Wrap one end of the string around the
around the Sun.
tennis ball several times. Fasten with tape.
Legend has it that Newton first got the idea
for his ‘law’ when he saw an apple fall from • Tie the string to the ball firmly.
a tree. • Go outside into an open space.
• Holding the end of the string, carefully twirl
the ball around your head.

Scientific words
gravity mass


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 119 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Talk What causes the
partners seasons on Earth?

Some people think the Earth has seasons because it is closer to

the Sun at some times of the year than at other times of the year.
Could they be correct? How do you know?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Akira lives in Japan. He has been learning a Which diagram shows summer in
about the seasons. Here is a report he wrote: Japan? Explain your thinking.
The Earth is tilted on its axis. This means that at some b Which diagram shows winter in Japan?
times of the year Japan is tilted towards the Sun. Explain your thinking.
At other times Japan is tilted away from the Sun.
c Look at the diagrams. Do all parts of
When Japan is tilted towards the Sun, the Sun’s rays the Earth have summer and winter at
strike the ground at a steep angle. They do not spread
out very much. the same time? Explain your thinking.
When Japan is tilted away from the Sun, the Sun’s d What do you think of Akira’s report?
rays strike the ground at a shallow angle. They spread Is it clear and easy to understand?
out over a wide area.
Earth’s axis
North Pole
Sun’s rays Find out about the seasons
where you live. Then find out
equator about the seasons in a place that
is very far away. For each place,
Earth’s axis answer these questions:
South North Pole
Pole a How many seasons are there?
b How are the seasons different
Sun’s rays
to each other?
b c Which months are linked with
which season?

Scientific word
South Pole rays


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 120 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond

Our solar system Scientific

Think like a scientist! star
gas giants
The solar system is our neighbourhood in space. At its centre is a star telescope
(a huge ball of super-hot gas), the Sun. Eight planets orbit the Sun.

Mercury Earth Uranus


Venus Mars Neptune


The solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago. It came from a huge disc of gas and dust
left behind after the Sun formed. Near the Sun, where gravity was stronger, heavier elements
clumped together to form the rocky inner planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Further
out, the Sun’s gravity was weaker. Lighter elements formed the outer planets – the gas giants
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Venus is the second-brightest object in the night sky after the Moon. It is bright white.
Sometimes you can see Venus in the east just before sunrise. Other times you can see it in the
west just after sunset. You do not need a telescope to see Venus, Mars or Jupiter. However, they
do not often all appear in the sky at once!

A mnemonic helps you to remember
something. You could use the mnemonic
‘Ripen Off Your Green Bananas In Vinegar’
to remember the order of the colours in the
rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Challenge yourself!
Indigo and Violet).
Find out where and when Mars and Jupiter
Make a mnemonic to help you to remember will be visible in the night sky, and try
the order of the planets: Mercury, Venus, to observe them. Keep a record of your
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. observations.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 121 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

The Sun
Think like a scientist! Scientific words
nuclear fusion
The Sun is a star – a huge ball of super-hot sunspots
gas. Its mass is so large that the pressure plasma
and heat at its core are high enough to start
a process called nuclear fusion. This process
releases (lets out) huge amounts of light 1
and heat. You will need…
● pin
The Sun’s surface features are always
● two sheets of stiff white paper
changing, with sunspots (cooler, darker
● telescope or binoculars
areas) and active regions (hotter, lighter
areas) constantly on the move.
The Sun also experiences violent storms. Be careful
The storms fling (throw out) huge plumes
(columns) of super-heated gas, known as NEVER look directly at the Sun. You could
plasma, into space. damage your eyesight permanently.
• Use the pin to make a small hole in the
centre of one sheet of paper.
• Go outside. Hold up the paper and point
the hole at the Sun.
• Ask a partner to ‘catch’ the light that
comes through the hole on the other sheet
of paper.
• Ask your partner to move the paper back
and forth until the circle of light is sharp
(clear). This is an image of the Sun!
• To make a larger image of the Sun, replace
the pinhole with a telescope or a pair of
• Observe the image of the Sun on the paper
and record your observations.

Challenge yourself!
The storms on the Sun can affect the Earth.
For example, on March 13, 1989, a solar Experiment by making the pinhole
storm caused a power blackout in Quebec, in Activity 1 larger or smaller.
Canada. It lasted for nine hours. What happens to the image?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 122 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond

Phases of the Moon

Think like a scientist!

First quarter
As the Moon orbits the
Earth, it spins slowly. gibbous
This is why the same side
of the Moon always faces
the Earth. S
When viewed from Earth, New Moon U
Full Moon
the Moon appears to N
change shape. These L
apparent changes in I
shape are called phases. G
We can only see the H
sunlit side of the Moon. T
In different places in the
Moon’s orbit around the
Earth, different amounts Waning Waxing
of the Moon’s sunlit side gibbous crescent
are facing the Earth.
Third quarter

1 Talk
a Observe the Moon on the next clear night.
Record its apparent shape. Discuss these questions with a partner or in
b Use the diagram above to work out where a group:
the Moon is in its orbit around the Earth. a Why might it be useful for several people
c Predict how the Moon’s apparent shape to combine the observations they made
will change over the next few nights. of the phases of the Moon?
b What conclusions can you make from
d Observe and record the apparent shape your combined observations?
the Moon for a few nights. Were your
predictions correct?
e Continue observing and recording the
apparent shape of the Moon until it is the Scientific word
same shape as when you started. phases


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 123 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

The rocky planets Scientific

Think like a scientist! temperature

The rocky planets are the four planets closest to the Sun. The following table gives some
information about them.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Diameter 4 879 km 12 104 km 12 756 km 6 974 km
Distance 57.9 million km 108.2 million km 149.6 million km 227.9 million km
from the Sun
Length of 59 Earth days 243 Earth days 1 Earth day Just over 1 Earth
day day
Length of 88 Earth days 225 Earth days Just over 365 687 Earth days
year Earth days
Average 167 °C 462 °C 15 °C –50 °C

Venus is further away from 1

the Sun than Mercury.
Why is Venus hotter? Choose one of the rocky planets.
a Use your research skills to find out five
Talk interesting facts about your chosen planet.
partners b Find or make something to illustrate each
fact. This could be a picture or an object.
Discuss these questions with a partner: c Present your five interesting facts to the
a How does the average temperature whole class. Illustrate the facts with the
on Mars compare to the average pictures or objects you have collected.
temperature on Mercury?
b Can you explain this difference? 2
c What is the relationship between a
planet’s distance from the Sun and the Create a group display of the rocky planets.
length of its year? Can you explain this? Include all your facts from Activity 1.


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The Earth and beyond

The gas giants In what ways are the

gas giants different
from the rocky planets?

Think like a scientist!

The gas giants are the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These
planets are made up mainly of gases. They are all much larger than the Earth.
This is why scientists call these planets the gas giants!

Uranus Neptune

partners 2
Work in a group.
Look at the pictures of the gas giants above.
Make a model or a collage of one of the
What questions do you have about these
gas giants.
planets? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Work with a partner.
Work as a class.
Use your research skills to find out three facts
about each gas giant. You could start by Create a display of the gas giants that
finding out the answers to the questions you includes the facts you have found out and the
discussed in the Talk partners activity. models or collages you have made.


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Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Planet experts
Think like a scientist!

Do the activities on this page and become an expert on one of the planets in our solar system!

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter

Create a slideshow with four slides to present
information about your chosen planet.
Work on your own or with learners who are
Saturn Uranus Neptune becoming experts about the same planet.

a Choose one of the planets in our

solar system. 3
b Ask ten questions about the planet you a Present the slideshow that you made in
chose. Use these ideas as question starters. Activity 2 to the rest of the class.
Use each question starter only once:
b Afterwards, answer any questions that your
When…? Who…? teacher and the class may have.
c There may be questions to which you do
How…? How much…? not know the answer. If so, find out the
answers later and report back.
How many…? What…?

Where…? Which…? 4
Does…? Could…?
a Work together as a class to start making
a book about space.
c Use your research skills to find out the
answers to your questions. b Write about the planet as the ‘expert’!
d Make notes about what you find out. c You will add your information to the class
book later, so keep it safe.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 126 4/26/17 3:12 PM

The Earth and beyond

Planet distances Scientific word

You will need… • Ask one person to stand on each orbit,
In this activity, ● ball of string
to represent each planet.
you will make a ● metre stick • Ask each ‘planet’ to move along the
scale model of the ● playground chalk orbit path in an anticlockwise direction.
solar system. Work ● eight people The further the planet is from the Sun,
together as a class the slower it moves.
and let your teacher help you.
• Walk into the centre of a large, open area. a Observe what happens.
Use chalk to mark the Sun on the ground
with a cross. b Answer the questions in the Talk partners
box below.
• Measure the scale distance of one of the
planets from the Sun, as shown below.
Planet Scale distance from the Sun partners
Mercury 40 cm
Discuss these questions with a partner:
Venus 70 cm a What do you think conditions might be
like on Mercury and Neptune? Why?
Earth 1m b What patterns do you notice in the sizes
of the orbits?
Mars 1.4 m c Choose two planets in your scale model.
Observe them for a few minutes. What do
Jupiter 4.9 m you notice about the distances between
Saturn 8.9 m

Uranus 17.9 m Did you know?

Neptune 28.1 m
If you wanted to add the nearest star,
• Use the string to draw a circular orbit for Proxima Centauri, to the scale model from
the planet. Activity 1, you would have to ask someone
to stand 279 kilometres away!
• Label the orbit with the name of the
planet. Proxima Centauri

• Repeat the two steps above for every

• Ask one person to stand still on the cross in
the centre, to represent the Sun.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 127 4/26/17 3:12 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Asteroids and comets Scientific

Think like a scientist! asteroids
asteroid belt
Asteroids are fragments (pieces) of rock and ice – there are millions of
solar wind
them. Most of them are in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter.
Some asteroids have orbits that
pass close to Earth’s orbit. Many
scientists believe that one of these
asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs
when it crashed into the Earth Mars
65 million years ago.
Comets are big lumps of ice that
travel to the outer reaches of the asteroid belt
solar system at one end of their
orbit, and very close to the Sun at
the other end. When a comet gets Jupiter
close to the Sun, the Sun’s heat
causes ice on the comet to turn into
gas. This makes the comet glow.
Solar wind blows the glowing gas
away from the Sun, which then
creates the comet’s tail.

Discuss these questions with a partner:
a What is the difference between an
asteroid and a comet? Halley’s Comet – view from space
b What else would you like to find out
about asteroids or comets? 2
c Find out the answer to one of your own
questions about asteroids or comets. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs became extinct.
d Add what you have a One theory suggests that an asteroid wiped out
found out to the class dinosaurs. What are the details of this theory?
book about space. b What other theories are there to explain how
dinosaurs became extinct?
c Which theory do you think is the most likely to be
correct? Why?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 128 4/26/17 3:13 PM

The Earth and beyond

Meteoroids, meteors and meteorites

Talk Scientific
partners words
Look at the pictures below. Discuss these questions with a partner: meteorites
a How do you think meteoroids, meteors and meteorites are different? atmosphere
b How do you think meteoroids, meteors and meteorites are similar?

Location: Space Location: Earth’s atmosphere Location: The ground

Object: Meteoroid Object: Meteor Object: Meteorite

1 2
a Use your research skills to find out how a Carry out the ideas you have just discussed
meteoroids, meteors and meteorites are in the Talk partners activity below.
different and how they are similar. b Write a report to explain what you did and
b Make notes about what you find out. how well it worked.
c What would you do differently next time?
Discuss these questions with a partner or A meteor shower calendar shows the best
in a group: times of year to look for meteors.
a What are the differences between a Search online for a meteor shower calendar
meteoroids, meteors and meteorites? for the area where you live. Write down the
b How could you explain the difference dates and times of when next you can see
between meteoroids, meteors and some good meteor showers.
meteorites to a younger learner? b To observe meteors, go outside at night
c How could you find out if the learner has with an adult member of your family. Look
understood your explanation? for fast-moving streaks of light in the sky.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 129 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Constellations Why do you think

ancient people named
the patterns they saw
Think like a scientist! in the stars?

A constellation is an area of the sky that contains a group of stars, which form a
pattern when seen from the Earth. In ancient times, people named the patterns
they saw in the stars after characters from myths and legends. Four well-known
constellations are shown in the following table.
Star pattern Name of Origin of
constellation name 1
Gemini Latin for You will need…
‘twins’, Make a pinhole ● drawing pin

Gemini drawing. ● black paper

refers to the ● sticky tape

a Use a drawing
twins Castor pin to make
and Pollux holes in black paper to match the stars
from Greek in one of the patterns in the table.
b Tape the black paper on a window.
Orion Orion was Sunlight will stream through the
a hunter holes you made and they will seem
in Greek to shine, like stars.
a Choose one of these constellations:
Pegasus Pegasus was Pisces, Sagittarius, Ursa Major,
a winged Canis Major, Libra, Taurus, Scorpius.
horse in b Find out as much as you can about
Greek your chosen constellation.
mythology. c Share what you have found out with
the rest of the class.
d Make a pinhole drawing of the
Leo Leo was the constellation, as you did in Activity 1.
lion killed e You could go outside at night with
by the hero an adult member of your family and
Hercules look for constellations you recognise.
in Greek
Scientific word


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 130 4/26/17 3:13 PM

The Earth and beyond

Think like a scientist!
Did you know?
A galaxy is a group of billions of stars held
together by gravity. There are more than 100 billion is one hundred thousand million.
100 billion galaxies in the known universe. If you could count from 1 to 100 billion, it
Scientists classify galaxies into four main would take you 9,500 years!
types, depending on their shape: If you could make a stack of 100 billion sheets
• spiral galaxy of paper, it would be 5,000 km high!
• barred spiral galaxy If you put 100 billion sheets of A4 paper end
to end, they could wrap around the Earth more
• elliptical galaxy than 741 times!
• irregular galaxy.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a barred spiral
galaxy containing more than 200 billion
stars. Our solar system is on one of the spiral 1
arms of the Milky Way, about halfway out
from the centre. Work in a group of four.
a Give each person in the group one type of
galaxy to find out about.
b Have a ‘teach meet’. Meet and teach each
other about the different types of galaxies.

Collect photographs of galaxies. Sort them
into groups according to their type.

our galaxy, the Milky Way

Scientific words
Challenge yourself! galaxy
spiral galaxy
Find out about numbers that are even
barred spiral galaxy
larger than 100 billion. How big is a trillion,
a googol, or a googolplex? elliptical galaxy
irregular galaxy


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 131 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

Changing ideas about the universe

Think like a scientist!

Even after discovering that the Earth was

spherical (ball-shaped), scientists did not realise
that it was spinning. They thought the Earth
stood still and that the Sun, Moon, planets and
stars moved around it. This idea was called the
geocentric (Earth-centred) model of the universe.
Scientists accepted the geocentric model
for centuries. But, over time, scientists
made many more observations that did not geocentric model of the universe
fit the geocentric model. They needed a
new model. The model that later took over 1
was the heliocentric (Sun-centred) model.
In this model, the Sun is at the centre of the a Choose one of these three people:
solar system and the Earth and the other • Aristarchus
planets are in orbit around it.
• Nicolaus Copernicus
• Johannes Kepler
b Find out how the person you chose helped
to change ideas about the universe.
How did the
c Share what you have found out with
heliocentric model
a partner.

Talk Do this role-play activity in pairs.
partners a Play the part of the person you found out
about in Activity 1. Ask a partner to play
the part of someone who still believes in
Discuss these questions with a partner:
the old ideas about the universe.
What evidence did ancient people have for
thinking that: b Try to convince your partner of your new
ideas about the universe.
a the Earth was flat?
b the Earth was standing still?
c the Sun, Moon, planets and stars moved Scientific words
around the Earth? spherical


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 132 4/26/17 3:13 PM

The Earth and beyond

How do we know about the Earth and beyond?

Think like a scientist!

Humans first explored space simply by

looking at the sky. During the day, they
observed the apparent motion of the Sun.
At night, they observed the apparent
motion of the Moon, planets and stars.
From these observations, they began to
understand how the universe worked.
Then the telescope was invented.
Improvements in its design over four
centuries have allowed us to see more
and more of the universe. These
improvements have led to many new
For the past 60 years, there has been
another way to explore space – space
flight. Space flight has allowed us
to orbit the Earth, visit the Moon and launch
telescopes into orbit. We can also send unmanned spacecraft without any
crew to explore our solar system.

1 2
a Choose one of these astronomers: Do this activity as a class.
• Zhang Heng a Take turns to sit in the ‘hot seat’ and play
• Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir the part of the astronomer you researched
al-Farghani in Activity 1.

• Galileo Galilei b The rest of the class will ask questions,

which you should try to answer.
• Edwin Hubble
b Find out:
• when and where they lived
• the discoveries they made
Scientific word
• anything else about them that you
think is interesting.


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 133 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Unit 6 The Earth and beyond

What have you learnt about the Earth

and beyond?

Discuss these questions with a partner:

a What do you know now about the Earth and beyond that you did not know before?
b What is the most interesting thing you have learnt about the Earth and beyond?

1 3
a Collect three balls of different sizes to The city of Pontianak in Indonesia is on
represent the Sun, Earth and Moon. the equator.
b Use the three balls to explain to a partner
the relative positions and movements of
the Sun, Earth and Moon. Pontianak

a Compared to the way the Sun appears
from the Earth, how would it appear from
Mercury? Explain your answer.
b Compared to the way the Sun appears a Draw what a bar chart of daylight hours
from the Earth, how would it appear from might look like for Pontianak.
Neptune? Explain your answer. b Explain your diagram.

What can you remember?

You have been learning about the Earth and beyond. Can you:
✔ draw a diagram or make a model to show how the motion of the Earth creates the
apparent motion of the Sun?
✔ explain how the unit of time, ‘day’, relates to the motion of the Earth?
✔ explain how the unit of time, ‘year’, relates to the motion of the Earth?
✔ name one or more famous astronomers and explain how they contributed
to scientific knowledge?


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 134 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Practice test 3: Physics

1 Diagrams a to e show the position of the Sun in the sky during a day. Write the letters
in the correct order. Start with the diagram of the earliest time of day. End with the
diagram that shows the latest time of day.
a b

East West East West

c d

East West East West

East West

2 Draw a diagram to show the positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon. (3)

3 Match each term to the right definition.

asteroid comet galaxy meteor star

a A rock from space burning up in Earth’s atmosphere

b A huge ball of super-hot gas
c Fragments of rock orbiting the Sun
d A group of billions of stars held together by gravity
e Big lumps of ice that travel to the outer reaches of the solar system at one end
of their orbit and very close to the Sun at the other end (5)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 135 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Practice test 3: Physics

4 Some learners are putting on a shadow play.

They have these materials: black poster paper, tracing paper, corrugated (wavy) card,
wallpaper, aluminium foil and clear plastic.
a Which material could the learners use to make the Moon? Explain your choice.  (2)
b Which material could the learners use to make a foggy or misty scene?
Explain your choice. (2)

5 Copy this diagram. Draw the shadow that the mug will cast on the table when the lamp is on.




6 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Choose from:
pupil optic nerve retina cornea

a Light rays from an object pass through the ___________________ (the transparent layer that
covers the eye).
b Next, the light rays pass through the ___________________, and then through the lens.
c The lens focuses the light rays onto the ___________________ on the back of the eye.
d Electrical signals travel along the ___________________ to the brain.  (4)

7 Copy and complete the following sentences.

a A day is the time it takes the Earth to ___________________.  (1)
b One day equals ___________________ hours.  (1)
c A year is the time it takes the Earth to ___________________.  (1)
d One year equals ___________________ days.  (1)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 136 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Practice test 3: Physics

8 Which diagram shows how a mirror reflects light?

a b c d

9 a To which learner will the light from the torch appear brighter? Learner A or B? (1)
b Explain your answer to question a.



10 It is midday in Hong Kong. Jeddah

What time of day is it in Jeddah?
a midday midnight Hong Kong

late evening early morning N


(1) W E

b Explain how you worked SW SE

out the answer you gave S

in question a. (2)

11 Orlando is running towards a football. Draw a diagram to show how he sees the ball. (3)


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 137 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Practice test 3: Physics

12 E
 arly in the morning a tall tree casts a long shadow pointing west.
Draw a tall tree and its shadow:
a at midday  (1)
b in the late afternoon.  (1)

13 a The shadow made by a shadow puppet changes

from this: to this:

Describe what might have happened

for the shadow to change in this way. (2)

b The shadow made by a shadow puppet changes

from this to this:

Describe what might have

happened for the shadow
to change in this way.  (2)

14 Preeti looks at her reflection in three different mirrors. Match each reflection to
the correct type of mirror. Choose from: 
flat convex concave

a b c


Total marks: 45


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 138 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary
Unit 6 Sound

Adapted When a living thing is suited to live in Carbon dioxide One of the gases that makes
a particular place up the air; plants take in carbon dioxide and
Anther Part of a flower; anther use it in the process of photosynthesis
the part of the stamen Carpel The female part of a flower
that makes and Cast(s) Throws or makes (a shadow)
stores pollen Cell The basic unit that makes up all living
Anticlockwise Turning things; there are many different kinds of cells
in the opposite direction Characteristics Features
to the hands of a clock
moving round Climbing A type of growth habit in plants;
climbing plants grow upwards, supported by
Apparent motion When other plants or structures
something that is not really moving appears
to move; for example, the Sun is not moving, Clumping A type of growth habit in plants;
but it appears to move across the sky because clumping plants have lots of shoots growing
the Earth is spinning upwards in a clump
Applying ‘Applying a force’ to something Comets Icy bodies that travel to the outer
means pushing or pulling it reaches of the solar system at one end of their
orbit and very close to the Sun at the other end
Artificial Not natural; made by humans
Compass rose A drawing showing the points of
Asteroid belt An area between Mars and the compass
Jupiter where most asteroids are found
Compressed Squashed
Asteroids Fragments of rock and ice orbiting
the Sun that form part of the solar system Concave Curved inwards (like the inside of
a spoon)
Astronomers Scientists who study the solar
system, galaxies and the universe Condensation The process in which a gas
changes state into a liquid
Atmosphere The layer of air surrounding
the Earth Conditions What things are like; in a habitat
this may include how hot it is, how wet it is,
Aurora A natural light display in the sky, and how good the soil is
seen at certain times near the Earth’s Poles
Constellation An area of the sky containing
Axis The imaginary line around which an object a group of stars that form a pattern when
spins, or the axis of a chart seen from the Earth
Convex Curved outwards (like the back of
B a spoon)
Barred spiral galaxy A type of galaxy with Cornea The transparent
a bar-shaped bulge in its centre and arms layer that covers the
spiralling off each end of the bar front of the eye
Beam Made up of lots of rays of light
Botanists Scientists who study plants

139 139

884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 139 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary

What is a magnet?
Data Information (often in the form of
Filament Part of
a flower; the part
numbers) of the stamen
Dial (on a sundial) The surface onto which the that holds up the
gnomon’s shadow is cast anther filament

Dissolve A solid that mixes in a liquid until it Food supply The

cannot be seen part in seeds that
gives the embryo
Dissolved A solid that is mixed with a liquid the food it needs
until it cannot be seen to start growing
Drop and roll One way in which seeds are Force A push or a pull
spread; plants that use drop and roll have fruits
that are heavy and round Freezing The process in which a liquid changes
state into a solid; for example, water freezes to
become ice
E Freezing point The temperature at which
Elliptical galaxy A type of galaxy that is a particular liquid freezes; for example, the
roughly oval in shape freezing point of water is 0 °C
Embryo (in seeds) The part of the seed that
grows into a plant G
Galaxy A group of billions of stars held
together by gravity; our solar system is part of
the galaxy we call the Milky Way


Equator An imaginary line around the Earth

halfway between the North Pole and the South
Evaporation The process in which a liquid
changes state into a gas; for example, water
evaporates to become water vapour
Milky Way
Explosion One way in which seeds are spread;
plants that use explosion have fruits that burst
open suddenly
Gas One of the three states of matter;
substance that has no fixed shape or volume
F and spreads out to fill any container; most
Fertilisation The process in which a male cell gases are invisible
from a grain of pollen combines with a female Gas giants Very large planets made up mostly
cell in a flower’s ovule; fertilisation must take of gas; in our solar system we have four gas
place before a fruit grows and seeds form giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 140 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary

Useful magnets
Geocentric An old model of the universe that
placed the Earth at the centre with everything
Kaleidoscope A tube with mirrors and pieces
else orbiting around it of coloured plastic or glass, that make patterns
Germinate (of seeds) Begin to grow that change when the tube is turned
Germination The stage in a plant’s life when it
begins to grow
Germination rates The percentage of seeds
that germinate out of the total number of
seeds planted; for example, if 100 tomato
seeds are planted and 75 of them germinate,
the germination rate is 75%
Germination time How long it takes seeds
to germinate
Gnomon The part of a sundial that casts the
shadow and points to the time on the dial
Gravity The force that keeps the planets in kaleidoscope pattern
motion around the Sun and causes objects
near the Earth to fall towards it L
Greenhouse Made of glass or plastic, which Laser An instrument that produces a bright
keeps in heat; good for growing plants that light whose beam does not spread out
need warmer conditions Latitude Parallel lines given in degrees, north or
Growth habit The way a plant grows south of the Earth’s equator
Lens The part of the eye that focuses light rays
H onto the retina
Habitat The place where an animal or plant Life cycle The series of stages in the growth of
(a living thing) lives a living thing
Healthy Well; free from disease Life cycle diagram A diagram showing the
series of stages in the growth of a living thing
Heliocentric A model of the universe with the
Sun at the centre of the solar system, with the Light Allows us to see things
Earth and the other planets orbiting around it Light meter An instrument that measures
the brightness of light
I Light ray Pathway along which light travels
from a light source
Identification key A diagram that helps you
sort living things into groups and name them;
used to identify (find the name of) a plant,
animal or material; gives choices that lead
the user to the correct name light
Inflate Fill with gas and get larger rays
Insoluble Does not dissolve in a liquid
Iris The coloured part of the eye
Irregular galaxy A type of galaxy that does
not have any particular shape


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 141 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary

Light source An object that gives out light N

Line graph Ahave you
type of graph learnt
where the data isabout magnetism?
Natural/Naturally Occurring in nature
marked in dots (a series of points) joined by Nectar A sweet liquid made by some flowers;
straight lines it attracts pollinators to visit the flower
Liquid One of the three states of matter; a Northern hemisphere The half of the Earth
substance that takes the shape of a container that is north of the equator
and can be poured Nuclear fusion The process taking place in
the centre of the Sun; nuclear fusion releases
M (lets out) huge amounts of light and heat
Magnify Make something look larger Nutrients (in plants) Substances found in the
Mass A measure of the amount of matter in soil that plants need in order to grow and be
an object; mass is measured in kilograms healthy
Material A substance that can be used to make
an object (for example, wood, glass, plastic) O cardboard is opaque
Mat-forming A type of growth habit in plants; Opaque A material
mat-forming plants spread out along the through which you
ground or water to form a mat-like cover cannot see
Matter Everything around us, including Optic nerve
ourselves The part of the
Melting The process in which a solid changes eye that carries
state to become a liquid; for example, ice messages from the
changing to water when heated retina to the brain
Meteor A meteoroid that gets caught by the Ovary Part of a
Earth’s gravity and burns as it falls through flower; the part
the Earth’s atmosphere of the carpel that
Meteorite Any part of a meteor that survives becomes the fruit after fertilisation
the fall through Earth’s atmosphere and hits Ovules Parts of a flower; parts inside the ovary
the ground that become the seeds after fertilisation
Meteoroids Pieces of rock travelling through
space P
Microscopes Instruments for observing very Particles Very small pieces of anything
small objects, or very small details on normal- Periscope An instrument that uses mirrors to
sized objects see over or around things
Mirror An object designed to create reflections Petals The parts of a flower that attract
Mirror image pollinators; in many flowers they are brightly
The image coloured and have a pleasant scent
of an object Phases (of the Moon) The movement of the
reflected in a Moon around the Earth makes it look as though
mirror the Moon is changing shape
Photosynthesis The process by which plants
make their own food, using water, carbon
Aanya’s mirror image
dioxide and sunlight


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 142 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary

can turn into ifmagnets
Plasma A fourth state of matter that gases
they are heated to very high
Reproduce When living things make copies of
themselves, for example, animals have young,
temperatures plants make new plants
Pollen A fine powder on the male part of the Reproduction (in animals) The process of
flower; pollen contains the male cell needed for making new living things of the same kind
reproduction Reproduction (in plants) When a male cell
Pollen tube A tube that grows from a grain of from one plant combines with a female cell of
pollen when it falls on the stigma of a flower; it another plant to make seeds that grow into
grows down the style until it reaches the ovary new plants
Pollination The transfer of pollen from the Retina The back surface of the eye that is
stamen of one flower to the carpel of another sensitive to light
flower of the same species Rotate(s) Spin(s)
Pollinators Animals that plants use to spread Rotating Spinning
their pollen; pollinators include birds, bats, and Rotation The action of spinning
insects such as butterflies and bees
Runners Special shoots (long thing stems) that
Precipitation Water that falls from clouds, grow along the surface of the soil to reproduce
usually in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail new plants without male and female parts
Properties Features, characteristics; thing or combining
things that we can use to identify something
Pupil The hole in the iris that lets light into S
the eye; the pupil looks like a black circle
Scented Having a noticeable (pleasant) smell
Sclera The white part of the eye
Seed coat The outside covering on a seed
Ray diagram A diagram that shows the path
of light Seed dispersal The process of spreading seeds
away from the parent plant
Seedling A seed that has begun growing and
whose shoot has come through the soil
Sepals Outer parts of a flower that cover and
protect the flower when it is still a bud
Shadow An area of darkness created when
light from a light source is blocked

ray diagram

Rays Straight lines that describe the way light

Reflect Bounce off
Reflected Bounced off
Reflections Images of objects created when
a very smooth surface reflects light in
a special way shadows


884054_SCIENCE_LEARNER_S5.indb 143 4/26/17 3:13 PM

Scientific dictionary

Silhouette A shadow portrait Telescopes Instruments for observing very

Solar system Everything in orbit around the Sun distant objects, such as planets
Solar wind A stream of particles given off by
the Sun telescope
Solid One of the three states of matter; material
that is hard and cannot be changed easily
Soluble Dissolves in a liquid
Solution A mixture of a solid and a liquid that
looks clear and has no particles floating in it
Solvent In a solution, the liquid into which a
solid has dissolved
Species A group of living things of the same
kind that are able to reproduce
Spherical Ball-shaped
Spiral galaxy A type of galaxy with a round
bulge in its centre and a series of arms spiralling
outwards Temperature A measure of how hot something
Spreading A type of growth habit in plants; is, measured in °C
spreading plants have lots of stems or branches Translucent Slightly see-through; a material
that grow sideways that lets some light through but you cannot see
Stamen The male part of a flower clearly through it
Star A huge ball of very hot gas that produces Transparent See-through; material that lets
a lot of light and heat; our Sun is a star light through and you can see clearly
States Matter exists in one of three states: solid, through it
liquid or gas
Stigma Part of a flower; the part of the carpel V
that receives pollen Vertical Going straight up and down; upright
Style Part of a flower; the part of the carpel Volume A measure of how much space matter
that joins the stigma to the ovary takes up; volume is measured in litres
Sunspots Cooler, darker areas on the Sun’s
surface W
Surface area Size of the top (whole outer layer Water cycle The process in which the water on
or surface) of an object Earth is continually moving around, by repeated
Suspension A mixture of materials in which evaporation and condensation
a solid is mixed with a liquid, but has not
dissolved; you can see particles floating
in a suspension

Tear duct An opening in the corner of the eye
through which salty water flows, to keep the
eyes moist


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