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Mental Illness and Sentencing in New South Wales

There are many ways in which mental health issues are taken into account
in the criminal justice system. It may have some bearing on the proceedings
and the way they are conducted, and it may also factor in if the matter
proceeds to sentence.

In relation to indictable matters, mental health issues may raise questions in

respect of fitness to plead, or the criminal responsibility of the accused (such
as whether to pursue a defence of not guilty by reason of mental illness, or
the partial defence of substantial impairment).

In respect of matters which are triable summarily, an application can be

made to the court to divert the offender out of the criminal justice system
and into a treatment program.[1]

Where the above applications are not applicable or they are not successful,
the person will stand trial (or plead guilty), and if convicted they will be
subject to the normal sentencing process.

In order for mental illnesses to be taken into account on sentence, the mental
illness must have been present at the time of the commission of the offence,
and/or at the time of sentence.[2]

The following is a summary of the sentencing considerations when a person

with mental health issues is before the court.

General sentencing principles:

There are five general principles which are applicable when sentencing
those with a mental or cognitive condition or intellectual disability.[3] The
principles are:

Principle 1: Where the state of a person’s mental health contributes to the

commission of the offence in a material way, the offender’s moral
culpability may be reduced. Consequently, the need to denounce the crime
may be reduced with a reduction in sentence.

Principle 2: It may also have the consequence that an offender is an

inappropriate vehicle for general deterrence resulting in the reduction in the
sentence which would otherwise have been imposed.

Principle 3: It may mean that a custodial sentence may weigh more heavily
on the person. Because the sentence will be more onerous for that person
the length of the prison term or the conditions under which it is served may
be reduced.

Principle 4: It may reduce or eliminate the significance of specific


Principle 5: Conversely, it may be that because of a person’s mental illness,

they present more of a danger to the community. In those circumstances,
considerations of specific deterrence may result in an increased sentence.
Where a person has been diagnosed with an Antisocial Personality Disorder
there may be a particular need to give consideration to the protection of the

Although, it has recently been remarked that none of these principles are
stated as absolute but rather they “direct attention to considerations that
experience has shown commonly arise in such cases. There is, however, no
presumption.”[4] Each particular matter will turn on the facts.
Objective seriousness and moral culpability:

In assessing the objective seriousness of an offence, the Court is to have

regard to facts which directly relate to its commission. This includes factors
which may explain why the offence was committed.[5]

The mental condition of the offender at the time of the offence is a critical
component of moral culpability, which in turn affects the assessment of the
objective seriousness of the offence.[6]

The reason for this is:

“To the extent that mental illness explains the offence…then an offender’s
ability to understand the wrongfulness of his actions, or to make reasonable
judgments, or to control his or her faculties and emotions, will impact on
the level of culpability of the offender.”[7]

If the offender’s moral culpability is to be reduced, there must be some

causal link between the impairment and the offending.[8] In determining
whether there is a link is a matter particular to the circumstances of the
individual case.

Prospects of rehabilitation:

When assessing the prospects of rehabilitation of an offender at sentence,

mental health may be considered, even in situations where the mental
disorder has no causal connection to the commission of the offence.[9]

General deterrence:
Ordinarily, the court factors in that the sentence imposed on the offender
should also send a message to the public at large – it should be a future
deterrent for other potential offenders. This is referred to as general

When an offender is suffering from a mental disorder or abnormality,

general deterrence should be given very little weight.[10] It should be given
little weight because an offender not in full control of his/her conduct is not
an appropriate medium to be making an example to others.[11]

The psychiatric illness does not need to be sufficiently serious before it is

relevant to the sentencing process. It has been stated that:

“The circumstances may indicate that when an offender has a mental

disorder of modest severity it may nevertheless be appropriate to moderate
the need for general or specific deterrence.”[12]

The moderation need not be great if the offender acts with knowledge of
what he is doing and has knowledge of the gravity of his actions,[13] or if the
mental health issue was self-induced (e.g. drug use)[14].

Specific deterrence:

Specific deterrence is intended to discourage future criminal behaviour by

the offender.

The requirement for specific deterrence on sentence may be reduced or

eliminated as a sentencing requirement when an offender suffers from a
mental illness.
The following will likely factor into consideration: the nature and severity
of the symptoms of the condition, the effect of the condition on the mental
capacity of the offender and whether the symptoms occurred at the time of
the offending or at the date of sentence or both.[15]

Protection of the community and future dangerousness:

One of the purposes of sentencing is to protect the community from the

offender.[16] If an offender appears to present more of a danger to the
community because of a mental illness, there may be more emphasis placed
on specific deterrence.[17]

Findings of future dangerousness do not need to be established beyond

reasonable doubt[18], it has been held to be sufficient that a risk of re-
offending is established by the Crown.[19] In the prediction of future risk,
the presence of a mental disorder is not the sole indicator of dangerousness,
but other factors such as drug dependency and history of prior offending are

While a person’s risk of future violent offending is relevant to the

assessment of the need for protection of society, it must not lead to a
sentence disproportionate to the gravity of the offence.[20]

Proportionality requires the upper boundary of a sentence to be set by the

objective circumstances of the offence, which does not encompass prior
convictions. Prior criminal history can aggravate the sentence, but it can not
be used to increase the upper limit of objective seriousness of the offence.[21]

Custodial hardship:
People with mental illnesses can be more vulnerable in prison than the
general prison population.

For this reason, the court may consider if the imposition of a custodial
sentence may weigh more heavily on the offender due to the mental illness.

Evidence should be provided to the court about the particular difficulties the
offender will face in custody.[22] For example: whether or not the offender
would be able to obtain treatment in custody, whether the mental illness
would place him in protected custody, the offenders ability to socialise with
other inmates.

[1] Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (NSW), Part 3.

[2] R v Anderson [1981] VR 155; (1980) 2 A Crim R 379.
[3] DPP v De La Rosa [2010] NSWCCA 194; 69 NSWLR 1, at [177].
[4] Aslan v R [2014] NSWCCA 114 per Simpson J, at [34].
[5] R v Way (2004) 60 NSWLR 168, at [118].
[6]Yun v R [2017] NSWCCA 317 per Latham and Bellew JJ, at [47].
[7]R v Israil [2002] NSWCCA 255 per Spigelman CJ, at [23].
[8]See for example: R v Cotterill [2012] NSWSC 89 per McCallum J, at
[30]; R v Mohammed Fahda [2012] NSWSC 114 per Harrison K, at [38].
[9] R v Engert (1995) 84 A Crim R 67 per Gleeson CJ at [71].
[10] Muldrock v The Queen [2011] HCA 39, at [53].
[11] R v Windle [2012] NSWCCA 222, at [41].
[12] DPP (Cth) v De La Rosa [2010] NSWCCA 194, at [168].
[13] Clay v R [2007] NSWCCA 106; Carroll v R [2012] NSWCCA 118.
[14] R v Wright (1997) 93 A Crim R 49, at 51-52.
[15] R v Verdins [2007] VSCA 102, at [32].
[16] Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW), s 3A(c).
[17] Barbieri v R [2016] NSWCCA 295 per Simpson J, at [54].
[18] R v SLD (2003) 58 NSWLR 589, at [40].
[19] R v Harrison (1997) 93 A Crim R 314, at [319].
[20] Potts v R [2012] NSWCCA 229.
R v McNaughton (2006) 66 NSWLR 566; [2006] NSWCCA 242, per
Spigelman CJ.
[22] R v Wright [2013] NSWCCA 82.

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