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Available on: Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences Vol.

2, Issue 1, June 2017

An Overview on Unconventional Gas Resources: Future of Pakistan

Syed Haris Ali, Tahmina Fatima Siddiqui
Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Bahria University, Karachi Campus, Pakistan.
Corresponding Author Email:

Abstract – World’s conventional reserves are gradually gas resources and the contribution of unconventional gasesin
depleting and energy demand is tremendously increasing. The USA (North America) and China (South Asia) can be seen
petroleum industry is switching from conventional to in figure 1.
unconventional hydrocarbon resources. Not only the existing The estimated reserves of gas in Pakistan were 52 TCF,
reservoirs are depleting but the world is also running out of
from which only 23TCF are remaining and there will be no
novel conventional resources to discover, therefore
hydrocarbon explorers are focusing more towards gas by 2025 if the scenarios remain the same. Figure 2 shows
unconventional resources to fulfill the urgent need to develop triangulation of types of resources, technical advancement
unconventional energy resources. Pakistan must focus towards and economic evaluation. It predicts that unconventional gas
the unconventional resources because Pakistan’s conventional resources will ultimately have to be economic with the
reserves are also gradually depleting. Due to excessive advancement of technology and the gradual increasing of
dependence on the gas reserves there will be no gas in Pakistan conventional gas price.
by 2025 at current production rate and no further discoveries. This paper presents the fundamentals of geological
Pakistan has a proven petroleum system and the sedimentary review of unconventional gas reservoirs which can produce
area of Pakistan is enriched with thick shale formation
unconventional gas and also on the production mechanisms
sequences which act as a source. The conventional gas reservoir
has been explored and developed in Pakistan however very little of these gas resources. The total unconventional gas
work has been done in developing unconventional reservoirs. resources of Pakistan are predicted as 586 TCF shale gas, 40
Unconventional hydrocarbon resources are different from TCF tight gas and 35.3 TCF CMG. Clathrate gas is not figure
conventional hydrocarbon resources in their states of out yet because not much work is done for it, however huge
occurrence, models of distribution, mechanisms of quantities were observed. Good strategy and wise allocation
accumulation, and manners of exploration and development. for these resources is required. Energy is essential and crucial
Unconventional gas reservoirs can be defined by thermal for a country’s development. Unfortunately, Pakistan is
evaluation of source, presence of kerogen type, driving force, running out of conventional energy resources as it has a
trapping mechanism and pore system network. These types of
shortfall of 0.5 TCF annually but fortunately we have huge
resources are difficult to produce, consume more time, requires
new technologies and the cost of these resources are higher than unconventional resources to explore just novel approaches
that of the conventional ones. Unconventional resources include and critical analysis are needed to evaluate these resources.
very heavy crudes/bitumen, oil sands, synthetic crude oil/gas Enhancement in subsurface geologic theories, advancement
shale, tight sand gas, coal mine methane, and clathrate gas. in geophysical exploration techniques and improvement in
drilling and well completion techniques are leading towards
Keywords – Unconventional gas resources, Shale gas, Tight the recovery of these unconventional gas resources in much
sand gas, Coal mine gas, Clathrates gas. more economical way. As a result, today’s unconventional
gas resources are becoming tomorrow’s “conventional gas
INTRODUCTION resources”.
Unconventional resources are now becoming one of the
main and vital sources of energy (Jia et al., 2012; Caineng et
al., 2013a). As the conventional resources are depleting, the
world is moving towards the unconventional resources
which were earlier considered to be economically unfeasible
(Song et al., 2015; Johnson and Dore, 2010). Unconventional
resources are now becoming a decisive component of
petroleum industry and it account for intimately 10 percent
of the total global yield today (Caineng et al., 2013a). The
primary motivation of this paper is to highlight the
significance of unconventional gas resources as well as the
availability of extensive amount of these resources in
Pakistan. On comparison with other unconventional
resources, unconventional gas resources are most imperative
because of their huge reserves and potential. The
unconventional recoverable gas resources of the world are
about 141259 TCF, which are about eight times greater than Fig. 1 Contribution of unconventional gases with the
that of the conventional gas resources (EIA, 2009). total production of natural gas for USA and china in 2012
According to the estimates its recovery will increase and 2040 (modified from EIA, 2016).
drastically (McGlade et al., 2013). The future prediction of

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Unconventional and conventional hydrocarbon comes under the heading of unconventional gas resources but
resources are unalike from one another due to the states of it is now known as conventional (McGlade et al., 2013).
occurrence, models of distribution, mechanisms of Technology and economics are variable measurements,
accumulation, and manners of exploitation and development which can change with time. The relationship between these
(Caineng et al., 2012). Unconventional gas resources can be variables and the effect of their relationship on
identified by type of Kerogen, evolution of source rocks, conventionality and unconventionality of a resource can be
type of reservoir and absence of reservoir traps (Song et al., seen in Figure 2.
2013; Caineng et al., 2010). These types of resources are
considered difficult to produce, consume more time, requires The unconventional gas resources are generally classified as;
new technologies and the cost of these resources are higher
than that of the conventional ones (Sunjay and Kothari, 1. Shale Gas-Natural gas trapped into the self-source shale.
2011). 2. Tight Gas-Natural gas trapped into isolated rock pores.
3. Coal Bed Gas-Natural gas trapped into naturally
occurring coal seam.
4. Clathrates Gas -Natural gas trapped into the crystals of
iced water.

A) Shale Gas
Shale Gas is that type of natural gas which is
accumulated in shales (Max and Johnson, 2011) and
predominantly exists in self-controlled petroleum system
(Schmoker, 1995). Shale gas has a conflated system as some
gas is accumulated as free gas in pore spaces of shale while
some as adsorbed gas on to the clay minerals and organic
matter (Curtis 2002; Ross and Bustin, 2009; Schmoker,
1995). The production of free gas will start instantly however
the production of adsorbed gas is depends on the phenomena
of desorption which in turns depends on pressure drop
(Holmes et al., 2011). It is therefore significant to know the
relative amounts of free and adsorbed gas. Shale is the type
of sedimentary rock which is very fine grained and has high
Fig. 2 Technology, Resource and Economy Tri-plot fragility and ultra-low permeability, so in commercial
(adapted from Arthur and Cole, 2014). measures gas production requires artificial crevices to
alleviate production (Sunjay and Kothari, 2011). These
Unconventional hydrocarbons resources can be shales can be deposited in all environments whether it is
primarily classified, as unconventional oil resources and Marine, transitional or continental (Jia et al., 2012).
unconventional gas resources. The former one is further
classified as heavy crudes, bitumen, synthetic crude, oil B) Tight Sand Gas
sands, and oil shale while the latter one is classified as shale Tight sand gas is that type of natural gas which is
gas, tight sand gas, coal mine gas and clathrate gas (Caineng accumulated in any rock which has low porosity, ultra-low
et al., 2010). permeability which makes the rock tight reservoirs hence
known as the tight sand gas.
PHYSIOGNOMIES This gas is cemented so tight within the matrix that it
cannot flow effortlessly (Alam, 2011). It mostly exists in free
There are two basic descriptions through which the state and it is accumulated within the nano sized tight pores
concept of unconventional gas resources can be understood. of the reservoirs close to the source. Tight reservoirs are
The first is geologic perception which says that it is the mostly sandstone formations and are remarkably micro
natural gas trapped in the rocks of ultra-low permeability. porous however in some special case carbonates can also acts
The other is technical and economic perception according to as producers of tight gas.
which it is the natural gas that is not economically viable to The geologic difference between conventional and tight
produce without using new and advance technologies (Perry gas is not comprehensible. Indeed, tight sand gas is
and Lee, 2007). accumulated in tight reservoirs that are analogous to
Ultra-low permeability makes the reservoir resistive for conventional gas reservoirs. The only noticeable distinction
the natural flow of gas therefore, the gas remains into the is the primarily ultra-low permeability because of fine-
source rock until secondary or artificial permeability took grained sediments, their compaction, and/or filling of pore
place (Ratner and Tiemann, 2014). voids by cements of carbonate/silicate. Tight sand gas is
The second description of unconventional gas resources generally found in those sandstones which are deposited in
is debatable, as the technologies are continuously improving deep marine environments and are composed of very fine-
and advancing. For example; deep water gas was earlier

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grained almost Powderly and these grains are cemented with or very adjacent to reservoirs. The former one is self-
tightly. source-reservoirs in which gas have been held inside the
layers of the source rock after primary migration instead of
C) Coal Mine Gas being discharged from it e.g. shale gas, CMM and the later
Coal Mine gas is also the source of the natural gas. It is one is source-reservoir-contacts in which gas accumulated
initiated in natural coal reservoirs that are very poor for in various kinds of tight reservoir rocks adjacent to source
mining (Max and Johnson, 2011). It contains a high rocks after short distance secondary migration for e.g. tight
percentage of methane thus called as coal bed methane (Fan sand gas (Caineng et al., 2013a).
et al., 2013). It mostly exists as adsorbed gas on coal surfaces
and very lesser amount is available in the form of free gas
(Song et al., 2015). The ability of coal reservoirs to store gas
is depends upon the composition and rank of the coal,
porosity network, temperature and pressure of the reservoir,
relative amount and properties of adsorbed gas (Wilkins et
al., 2002). Coal reservoirs have a twofold porosity network
constituting of micro and macro sized pores. The former is
in the coal matrix and the latter are actually natural crevices,
known as cleats. Coals can produce much more amount of
gas than they can accumulate and absorb (Cook NRLC,
2002). In a CMM gas reservoir, water totally pervades into
the coal beds, and the gas is adsorbed onto the surfaces of the
coal because of its pressure. The gas is produced through the
depressurization by the pumping out reservoir water (Ren et Fig. 3 Unconventional recourse in accordance with
al., 2014; Li et al., 2010). There could have been significant source rock type and maturation (Song et al., 2013).
petroleum production from coals (Littke and Leythaeuser,
1993). The most generative coals are those that are highly B) Distribution
saturated with gas, extensively fractured and extremely The unconventional hydrocarbon has three models of
permeable. distribution the first one is intrasource rock model, the
second and third are basin-centered gas model, and the
D) Clathrates Gas source rock interlayer model respectively (Song et al., 2015).
Clathrate gas is the natural gas found in the cages of Each model concords that the unconventional and
iced-water crystals (Vedachalam et al., 2015). This type of conventional resources can coexist and they both are
unconventional gas is also known as Gas hydrates distributed orderly in sedimentary basins (Caineng et al.,
(Kvenvolden, 1993). The Clathrate gas resource deposits 2014; Song et al., 2015). Figure 4 demonstrates the
around the world are of widely different estimates (IEA, conversion of conventional resource into unconventional
2009) but this gas resource is estimated to be greater than all with the increase in burial depth.
other unconventional resources (Markogon, 2007). Even Resources can be classified as continuous and
though this gas is not considered viable and anticipated not discontinuous resources depending upon the distribution
to be a chief participator for more 20 years. However, they characteristics of the source (Caineng et al., 2010).
are proved potential and possible contributor for future Continuous resources include shale gas, tight sand gas, coal
(Leggett, 1990). This is all because of the lack of established mine gas and clathrate gas. They are termed as the
technologies which can extract gas from Clathrates (EIA, unconventional gas resources which with a continuous and
2011). Gas hydrates can only be formed in areas where the gradual distribution of organic matter. Discontinuous
temperature is approximate to 0oC such as polar high-altitude resources include heavy crudes and bitumen which are out
regions and in deep seas and oceans when the water depth the scope of this paper (Xiaosong and Zhanjiang, 2003).
transcends 100 ft. (Markogon, 2007).



If source rock has TOC and Ro values over 1 and 0.7
percent respectively, then the source rock can be considered
as potential unconventional source rock (Caineng et al.,
2010). Maturation of organic matter is indicated by the
increase in the value of Ro (Song et al., 2013). The formation
of unconventional resources is illustrated in figure 3 along Figure: 4 Conversion from conventional to unconventional
with the type and maturation of source kerogen. In resources (personalized after Song et al., 2015).
unconventional gas resources, source rocks are coexisting

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C) Generation but intra source primary migration or short distance

Unconventional gas resources are generated into the secondary migration might form unconventional reservoirs.
source rocks during the thermal maturation of preserved
organic matter, same as conventional one (Song et al, 2015).
The gas generation and expulsion from different types of
kerogen is different (Tissot and Welte, 1978; Martini et al.,
2003). Type 1, 2 and 3 kerogens are oil prone while Type 4
is gas prone. Figure 5 depicts that all these types can produce
gas too depending upon the maturity level of the organic
matter. At a relatively lower stage of maturity no gas is
formed from Type 1, 2 and 3 kerogens. During mature stage,
they can generate and expel some amount of gas along with
associated oil and/or condensate. During the stage of over
maturity, they mainly generate only gas (Song et al., 2015).
Natural gas is yielded from type 4 kerogen on enough
maturation stage (Dai et al., 1992). Coal mine gas is
generated into the beds of coals during maturation of coal
(Song et al., 2015).

Fig. 6 Reservoir type division based on migration (staged

after Caineng et al., 2010).

E) Accumulation
There are great differences in accumulation mechanisms
of conventional and unconventional gas resources. The
accumulation of unconventional gas resources are also not
affected by regional hydrodynamics, water column pressure
and buoyancy force (Caineng et al., 2013a). The factors
which control the process of accumulation are also different
in each case however the foremost accumulation mechanism
of unconventional resources is diffusion (Caineng et al.,
2010). In self-source-reservoirs unconventional gas
accumulates into the source rocks itself without buoyancy
effect and is mainly accumulated by adsorption on grain
surface. In source-reservoir-contacts these gases
accumulates in the reservoirs very near to the source with
micro sized pore throats. It accumulates mainly as free gas in
Fig. 5 Products of different source rock at different pore spaces of tight reservoirs (Caineng et al., 2013b). Non-
maturity levels. natural pores and artificial crevices are needed to develop
unconventional gas in commercial scale (Jia et al., 2012).
D) Migration
The Unconventional gases do not undergo long distance F) Pore Throats
migrations and are not significantly affected by local As mention earlier unconventional gases occur in tight
hydrodynamics. Water column pressure and buoyancy force reservoirs with micro sized pore throats (Jia et al., 2012;
also plays a limited role in the migration (Cainenget al., Caineng et al., 2010). Such micro pores usually necessitate
2013a). Conventionally shale gas, CMM and clathrate gas advanced technologies such as horizontal well drilling and/or
tends to accumulate into the source rock itself after primary artificial stimulation to produce economic values of gases
migration and do not undergo any secondary migration. (Jia et al., 2012). Generally, in unconventional resources, the
Tight gas may undergo some short distance secondary pore throat radius is smaller than 1 µm (Caineng et al.,
migration mainly in the form of percolation and diffusion (Li 2013a). Figure 7 represents the accumulation modes with
et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2014). The migration mechanisms of different pore throats sizes.
unconventional gases are very important because they
determine their exploration and development strategies (Jia
et al., 2012). Figure 6 reflect how the mechanism of
migration decides the reservoir type. The long distance
secondary migration might form the conventional reservoirs,

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basin and the latter is believed to be prospective as well, but

there is no discovery up till now. This is because of the
geologic complexity of the area, sparse drilling and
unavailability of appropriate technologies (Kadri, 1995).

Indus Basin
Indus basin of Pakistan is the largest basin of Pakistan
and therefore is further divided into Upper, Central and
Southern parts depending upon their geologic characteristics
(Kadri, 1995).
UIB is further divided into sub-basins, Potwar and
Kohat in the east and west respectively (Bender et al., 1995).
The unconventional hydrocarbon resources in UIB are
present but not tested up till now. This basin mainly
possesses oil-prone regions thus there is a possibility of
unconventional oil resources. CIB is the major gas
Fig. 7 Pore throat structure and type of reservoirs contributing area of Pakistan. This basin mainly possesses
(adumbrated from Caineng et al., 2013a). gas-prone regions thus there is a possibility of tight sand gas
and shale gas. SIB holds both oil and gas prone regions.
G) Trap Presence of compact sands and fractured limestones in this
Unconventional gas resources tend to be reservoirs of basin ascertains the presence of tight sand gas, shale gas and
large continuous areas, with no definite trap boundaries like CMG resources.
conventional gas resources (Caineng et al, 2009; Caineng et
al., 2015). They can be referred as unconventional, unclosed, Baluchistan Basin
invisible or subtle trap so they cannot be categorized on the This basin is bounded between right-lateral Chaman
cornerstone of traps (Caineng et al., 2010). transform fault, offshore Makran coast in the east and the
west respectively (Kazmi and Jan, 1997). Several seepages
H) Flow Characteristics are the proof of the potential of the basin (Kadri, 1995). The
Non-Darcy flow is a typical feature of unconventional hydrocarbons have already been generated in the basin.
petroleum accumulations however in tight sand gas flow Resources of clathrate gas are also possible near offshore
mechanisms depends upon both Darcy and non-Darcy flow Makran coast (Khan and Ali, 2016)
(Caineng et al., 2013a).
B) Resource Evaluation
I) Recovery Features
Recovery factors of unconventional gas from primary
recovery are much lower approximately in the range of 15 –
20 percent of the OGIP. This is mainly because of its tight
nature and the poor phase separation (Caineng et al., 2013a).
These gas recourses usually have no natural economic and
commercial recoveries, and must be produced with the aid of
technologies including stimulation, fracturing and/or
multilateral/ radial/horizontal wells (Jia et al., 2012).


Pakistan has very diverse geological formations being

geographically at the triple junction of Indian, Arabian and
Eurasian Plate (Kazmi and Jan, 1997) and is looking forward
for its unconventional resources now because it is entering
the stage of being an energy starved country (Hussain, 2013).
Its conventional resources are going to be depleted soon and
we have to switch for the unconventional resources now. Fig. 8 Estimated prospects of Unconventional resources
Unconventional gas resources can play momentous role in of Pakistan. Sourced from (EIA, 2013)
the development and progress of the country (EIA, 2014).
Shale Gas
A) Basin Wise Distribution Pakistan has a potential of shale gas with most
Pakistan has two primary sedimentary basins the Indus prospective lower Indus basin. Shale gas prospective
and the Baluchistan basin. The former is the major producing formations in IB are Sembar, Lower Goru shale members,

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Patiala, Hangu, Chichali, Datta formations and Ghazij, (Tabrez and Inam, 2012). All essentials are evident from
Sardhai, Mughal Kot formations while a generous reserve BSR observations and Marine seismic surveys done
might also found in Baluchistan Basin. Figure illustrates the previously and the presence of clathrates gas is also evident
Pakistan’s shale gas basins and their potential. In Pakistan, in Makran (Khan and Ali, 2016). A chain of more or less 18
total shale gas reserves predicted are 586 TCF of which 105 mud volcanoes are spread the on- and off- shore belt of
TCF is technically recoverable (EIA, 2013). Even though Makran coast. The Makran offshore region and the mud
Pakistan is currently facing a shortage of more than 0.5 TCF volcanoes are anticipated to produce gas hydrates. First
per year, as the current annual conventional gas consumption indication of gas concentrations was observed during seismic
of Pakistan is approximately 1.6 TCF (Tirmizi, 2011) and by survey (White, 1977). From last 20 years Makran have
2020, the demand will probably rise upto 2.9 TCF in turns become an interesting zone for many scientist and
generate a shortfall of greater than 2.1 TCF (Rana, 2011) researchers (Carson et al., 1990).
therefore shale gas development is considered crucial for
Pakistan to overcome the country’s energy shortfall. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS
However, billion-dollar capital is needed to drill new
wellbores because shale gas exploration, production and In general, the problems of unconventional resources in
development are extremely pricey, and need extensive Pakistan are variable depending upon the type of resource
expertise and novel technologies (APP, 2012). and the geology of the area. These problems can be overcome
through the understanding of geology of the area, better
Tight Sand Gas delineation of the area and new advance exploration and
Pakistan has a potential of tight sand gas with most production technologies. Furthermore, evaluation of
prospective lower Indus basin. Lower Goru deep, Pab and previous data and case histories can also lead towards the
Sembar Sandstone, Sui Upper, Habib Rahi and Pirkoh success. Figure 8 shows the systematic way towards
Limestone are the tight gas favorable formations of Pakistan unconventional successful gas recoveries.
(Alam, 2011). Figure 9 indicates the presence of tight sand
gas resources of Pakistan. Presence of some gas can also be A) Shale Gas
seen in Sulaiman Foldbelt, Middle Indus Basin, and Kirthar For these resources, there are lots of problems and
Foldbelt, Potwar region and Offshore Indus basin. These challenges regarding including;
estimated resources could produce significant quantities with  Variable thickness of shale formations in the country
the availability of modern technologies at economic price. may cause problems in estimation of bed thicknesses
Pakistan can produce unconventional gas from tight gas which in turns made the drilling and completion jobs
reservoirs to overcome the country’s energy shortfall. challenging.
According to an estimate, Pakistan has approximately  Geologic heterogeneities and accessibility issues can
33TCF reservoirs of tight gas (EIA, 2013). But this gas is also create difficulties.
more expansive because it requires fracturing, acidizing, and  Unavailability of geochemical data and technical
other costly and advanced treatments for the production. lacking must have to take into consideration.

Coal Mine Gas We can overcome these challenges by analyzing old

Pakistan has a potential of tight gas with most well’s samples characters and geochemical and core data,
prospective Lakhra and Thar coal fields. Thar coal field in Pakistan can develop its shale gas resources.
the district of Sindh was found in 1990’s and is identified as
the world’s biggest lignite reserve (PakTribune, 2010). High B) Tight Sand Gas
and constant lignite is dominant in the coal with R0 value For these resources, there are lots of uncertainties including;
ranging between 0.33 – 0.41 percent and with low content of  Irreducible water saturation and the connate gas
sulphur. Moisture content is also low but net thickness of saturation may cause problems.
coal bed is very good. Approximately 187 billion tons coal  Overburden correction factor that has a big impact on
reserves are present in Pakistan from which only Thar the low permeability range value can cause problems in
contains almost 185 billion tons. Coal was an historic drilling and completion jobs.
importance for Pakistan and was used as primary energy  Presence and absence of natural fractures must have to
source until 1960’s before the large Hydrocarbon discovered take into consideration.
(Kazmi, 2001) but now this is contributing only 6 percent to
the country’s energy (EIA, 2014). Now the scenario is The modern techniques like multi-lateral wells and
changed the hydrocarbon deposits are depleting and Pakistan fracking can optimize the production. Moreover, micro-
is facing energy shortfall due to a gap in demand and supply. seismic processing can also help in development of these
Unconventional resources like coal may play a significant resources.
role to overcome the crisis.
C) Coal Mine Gas
Clathrate Gas For these resources, there are lots of uncertainty and
Pakistan has a potential of clathrate gas with potential challenges including,
coastal region of Baluchistan basin .

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 The coal is covered with the recent unconsolidated China proves that the unconventional gas resources are
deposits which are sheltered by the sand dunes. The becoming conventional.
drilling and well completion jobs are technically tricky As we have discussed above that Pakistan has enormous
and difficult here because there is a risk of collapsing. potential of unconventional gas reserves. However, the
 The coal is sandwiched between aquifers, which in turns efforts which are required to fully explore the potential of
increases the formation pressure issues. these resources have never done. In a nutshell, the shortfall
 Hydrological expertise is needed for the proper of natural gas is found a manifestation of the policies of GOP
production, discharge and drainage of formation water. and MPNR. The exploration of unconventional gas resources
needed huge investment and development of gas reserves
Advanced technologies such as Fluidized Bed already been discovered was delayed in some cases. MPNR
Combustion, Pulverized Fuel and Coal-Briquetting are may conduct studies to discover the statistics of probable,
required for the purpose of CMM extraction in Pakistan possible and recoverable reserves in the country.
(PakTribune, 2010). Understanding of subsurface geology Unconventional gas resources just required to be evaluated
and Hydrogeology of the area can play a major role. by critical observation and detailed analysis. The exact
Moreover, advance micro seismic and enhanced geophysical estimates may attract foreign companies to recover these
exploration can lead to better understanding of resources. Moreover, we need to revolutionize the theories
geomechanics of coal mines. of unconventional petroleum geology. Unconventional gas
reserves development with advance technology is considered
D) Clathrates Gas crucial for Pakistan to fulfill the country’s energy
For these resources, there are lots of uncertainty and requirements. Figure projects that in near future,
challenges including, unconventional gas reserves are going to become
conventional, as the recovery of gas can increase
 The drilling and well completion jobs in clathrates are significantly with advancement in technology.
technically tricky and difficult because there is a risk of There is no shortcut to overcome the energy crisis of the
enlarged holes. state but it is hoped that critical thinking of experts,
 Collapse casing is another issue which can influence the advancement in technologies, foreign investments and
well-completion strategies. appropriate pricing can gear up exploration activities in the
 Gas plumes can be very dangerous and problematic. long run.
It is recommended that MPNR may facilitate the country
We can overcome this problem by using advance through a system of symposium and conferences which
technologies like De- Pressurization Hydrate Production and would lead to enable the Geophysists, Geologist and
Thermal- Injection Cycle Gas Hydrate production (Khan and Petroleum Engineers of the country working in the field to
Ali, 2016). Moreover, the understanding of the interact with each other. This could be a game changer in the
geomechanics of the area can give an edge. The collaboration long term. It is also advocated that a Research Institute is set
between N I O and the R&D sectors of the industry can play up in the country to accommodate the needs of the
a key role in order to overcome the economy and energy Researchers which in turns can accommodate the energy
shortfall of the country (Tabrez and Inam, 2012). needs of the country.


Unconventional gas resources include shale gas, tight We give sincere thanks to Dr. Mubarak Ali and the
sand gas, coal mine gas and clathrates gas. Theses all department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Karachi
resources are ascertained by the unconventional reservoirs Campus for substantive efforts, endless encouragement and
and type of source rocks. The unconventional oil/gas are continuous guidance. We would like to acknowledge the
generated in the source rock and accumulated into the source provision of our teachers and specialy respected teacher Mr.
and/or into the reservoir after short-distance secondary Zawar Hussain for his insightful reviews.
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