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Felongco, Gerald Paul Theology 131 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Miranda, Miguel Florence Architecture 4D

Zarsosa, Zyrone

Technological Development

I. Introduction

Technological change, technological achievement or

technological progress is the overall process of invention, innovation and
diffusion of technology or processes. Technological change covers the
invention of technologies and their commercialization or release as open
source via research and development, the continual improvement of
technologies, and the diffusion of technologies throughout industry or
society. In short, technological change is based on both better and more

Technology runs our lives these days. Smartphones, tablets and

computers – we really can’t seem to function without them. In a very short
amount of time, technology has exploded in the market and now, many
people cannot imagine a life without it. All technologies are born out of
purpose. For example, search engines were created to sort through the
massive amounts of data online. With each new upgrade technology
compounds existing technologies to create something better than what
was previously used before. With the lightning speed of technological
evolution, it is no wonder many people have struggled to keep up. To be
fair, the scope of technology’s expanse is so great, wrapping everything up
into a single blog post is practically impossible.
II. Christian Perspective

There are many biblical teachings that talks about technological

development in this modern world. Even in the old times, technological
development is usually talked about because of how it helps the people in
their daily lives. But it doesn’t mean that it only brings positive impact to the
people, some creates chaos and destruction for they tend to abuse the
benefits of technological development.

Here are some biblical scriptures and Christian views that tackles
about the technological development:

First example, in Matthew 28:16-20, Great Commission: Go make

disciples of all nations. Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of all
nations – to spread the Word to people wherever they are. These days,
people spend an increasing amount of time on their laptops, tablets and
iPhone. Should we not use the technology available to us and meet them
there? We are called to extend the message to people wherever they are,
and technology allows us to do exactly that.

Second example, in 2 Timothy 3:17, That the man of God may be

Competent, equipped for every good work. God tells us that humans should
utilized every bit of resources for it is God’s gift to the humans, in the phrase
“for every good work” – humans need to use this resource in accordance
to God’s will. Theses resources could be the technologies that are present
right now and we need to use it in a good purpose.

Lastly, The Instrumental Value of Technology: From a Christian

perspective, technology must be judged with respect to its instrumental
value in realizing the good and fulfilling the moral obligations that Jesus
taught. With respect to the non-human creation, many technological
objects are valuable in managing and preserving natural systems, but
others serve only to destroy or pollute them. With respect to people,
technology is essential in providing food, clothing, and shelter. But
technological objects and their products intentionally or unintentionally
maim and kill, and the byproducts of their production and use often cause
injury, illness, and death. With respect to God and His kingdom,
technological objects play an important role in helping people know about
Him. But the same technologies are used to mislead and draw people
away from Him. On balance, it is difficult to judge the net value of
technology -- technology is both good and bad. But the argument cannot
stop there.

III. Issues

Alienation. Someone shared that they had been excluded from

social events because they didn’t have a Facebook account. That’s not
very nice. If lack of access to technology excludes people from
community, this should raise warning bells. At the very least, there should be
more than one way for people to access information – limiting
communication about an event to one channel is exclusive as it assumes
that people a) have access to technology and b) want to use it. We should
assume neither.

Addiction. This example of a South Korean couple starving their child

to death while caring for a virtual child is at the extreme end of the
spectrum. But the need to be plugged-in, to know what’s happening, to
read updates, to share updates is a modern and unhelpful phenomenon
that has the Center for Internet Addiction. If only we felt the same
eagerness to read God’s word and pursue our relationship with Him.

Laziness. Some things are best communicated face-to-face, or at

least over the phone. Technology allows us to be lazy and laziness is never
good. For example, sending your Bible study leader a text message to let
them know that you won’t be coming tonight. That’s lazy – if you are not
going to be there, it’s courteous to pick up the phone and apologies and
explain. It’s easier to send a text, but for the benefit of your leader who has
spent hours preparing and who is responsible for caring for you, it’s not a
good option.

Potential to Sin. Our opportunities to sin have increased with

technology, or if we’re simply more aware of them. But take for example
Facebook – it can prompt jealousy and envy, lust, gossip about others. Sure,
Facebook didn’t invent jealousy, envy, pride, lust and gossip – but it sure
makes these sins easy to fall into!

Wasting Time. Nielsen recently revealed the extent of time spent on

Facebook, and how this is increasing. It shared how Australians spend 29%
of all time online, on Facebook. It seems to be picking on Facebook – I’m
not, it just provides lots of good examples! Technology can make us more
efficient and productive, but it can also just help us to waste time. And we
waste a lot. When the Master returns, I want to be busy doing his business,
not procrastinating on Facebook.

Principle of human/Realities of Humanity that are violated

Values. The moral values of one person are violated because people
tend to do immoral acts to gain pleasure and desires which is connected
to the use of technological development.

Sociality. In some cases, the technological development such as

social media can cause destruction of relationship like friendship, families,
and colleagues.

Freedom. Since people nowadays revolve their lives in the

development of technology, people usually forget the true meaning of life
and tend to adjust in order to adapt the present environment which leads
them to lessen their freedom.

Future. The impact of the technological development in the future

generation is much bigger than its impact in the present time because the
future generation will rely heavily on the things we have today.
IV. Commentary
Gerald Paul S. Felongco

The technological development has changed our perception of life

in this generation. Technology makes our life easier and make us better
than usual. It helps our modern word to repair and adjust to the changes
that is happening now, also technology help us to maintain our lives here
on earth.
In this generation we need technological development to care and
cure other disease that human person can’t, technology help us to create
electricity, water, food and even air supply, without the help of the
technological development our world may be doomed and useless
because we are now control by technology. In this case, we must accept
that we need technology in our life and because of the technology our
world is turning into a robot. The negative side of the technology is
destroying our nature and environment in exchange of materials and things
that we don’t usually need. Hurting others just to some enjoyment in the
social media that makes the people worse. It is hard to adjust in this modern
world if you lack knowledge about technology because people might
discriminate and hurt you for it.
Technologies might be good and bad for us. Our moral values
depend on how we used the technology, It only depends on how we
control the power of technology, we might get on with it and we might
fight for it. We must control the technology not way around. We must
understand that technology won’t work without us, but we can work
without the use of technology.
Zyrone Zarsosa
Technological Development is constant will always be a part of life.
From the smallest up to the biggest thing that could possibly exist, there will
be always be an innovation to that thing. That is why development is a
good thing for us for it makes life convenient and easy especially in the
technologies we have now. But the gift of freedom that God gave us made
it more complicated. People tend to misuse the gift and abuse its sole
purpose which leads to chaos and evilness.

The life on a modern world which is technologically developed is a

big dream to humans in the old times. They think if we are very developed,
life will become peaceful and less stressful. But selfishness in people’s mind
will always dominate individually. We always want to gain more so that we
are not be left by others, which I think the primary source of misuse of
Technological Development. We abuse the power of technology and we
tend to forget its sole purpose, which is to make life comfortable. Instead
of creating a strong relationship, sometimes, internet made us forget that
we have families that supports us, or friends that are active in reality and
colleagues that could be our teammates in work and job.

I couldn’t say that the development of technology always brings

negative effects. But I want to say is that all things, when abused, will always
put negativity our life. Our freedom to create choice is a very huge factor
on how things goes bad. Our actins will affect other even if we didn’t want
to. As long as we will utilize things in accordance to God’s principles, then
life would be much more easy and livable.

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