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Research 2
Prepared by:
Crosel P. David
Lead you to ask the
1. Why
2. When
3. Who Flow of major activities
4. What
5. Where
accompanying an inquiry
6. How

Publicize Strategize


Synthesize Mobilize
Research Norms
Ethics - pertains to
the moral principles
that govern one’s
behavior in relation to
any activity
× Honesty
× Objectivity
× Integrity
× Care
× Openness
×Respect for intellectual
Intellectual Property Fabrication and Plagiarism
Rights (IPR) Falsification ▪ Appropriation of
▪ Other people’s ▪ Fabrication – act another person’s
contributions must of composing data idea, processes,
be acknowledged. and reporting them results, or words
▪ Falsification – act without giving
of manipulating appropriate credit
research materials
▪ Presentation of work of another
▪ Presentation of a collaborative
work as an individual work
▪ Improper citation of sources
▪ Non-acknowledgement of
▪ Stealing information from a work
done by another person
Importance of Citations
Compare Provide
support with
your and
regard to the
hypothesis in Contrast of level of
a research Review of expertise of a
proposal Literature researcher
What is
[ri-surch, ree-surch]
An inquiry is carried
out systematically to Particularly undertaken to
bring about new find an answer to a baffling
ideas, concepts,
technologies, and
question or come up with a
products for practical solution to a problem
applications (Apodaca, 2016).
(Apodaca, 2016).
• Research follows a step-by-step
process of investigation that uses a
standardized approach in answering
questions or solving problems.

(Polit & Beck, 2004)

• Research is a continuous undertaking
of making known the unknown. It entails
an investigation of new facts leading to
the discovery of new ideas, methods, or
improvements. (Sanchez, 2002)
• Research is a tested approach of thinking and
employing validated instruments and steps in
order to obtain a more adequate solution to a
problem that is otherwise impossible to address
under ordinary means.

(Crawford, as cited by Alcantara & Espina,1995)

•The research should be systematic.
• The research should be objective.
• The research should be feasible.
• The research should be empirical.
1. Research provides a scientific basis for any
practice or methodology in any field or discipline.

2. Research is undertaken for the continuous

development and further productivity in any field.

3. Research helps develop tools for assessing

effectiveness of any practice and operation.
4. Research provides solutions to problems concerning
almost all issues encountered in the different areas
of work.

5. Research impacts decision making.

6. Research aims to advance the personal and

professional qualifications of practitioners.
1.As principal investigator.
2.As member of the research team.
3.As identifier of researchable problems.
4.As evaluator of research findings.
5.As user of research findings.
6.As subject/respondent/participant.
1. To provide evidence-based practice.
2. To establish credibility in the profession.

4. To promote cost-effectiveness through

• is the process of looking for
information. Its main objectives are to
answer questions and to acquire new
information, whether to solve a problem
or to shed light on confusing facts.

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