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Blanqueza, Michael B.

Reaction Paper #1
12-TVL 7 Physical Science (Ms. Soronio)

The Importance of the Formation of Light Elements

The importance of the formation of light elements is to create or to make another elements or called heavy
elements which atomic number is greater than 92, The first heavy element is neptunium, which has an
atomic number of 93. Some heavy elements are produced in reactors, and some are produced artificially in
cyclotron experiments.

Heavy elements can be formed from light ones by nuclear fusion reactions; these are nuclear reactions in
which atomic nuclei merge together. The simplest reactions involve hydrogen, whose nucleus consists only
of a single proton, but other fusion reactions, involving mergers of heavier nuclei, are also possible. When
the universe formed in an initial state of very high temperature and density called the big bang, the first
elements to exist were the simplest ones: hydrogen, helium (two protons), and little else. But we and the
earth are made of much heavier elements, so a major question for scientists is how these heavier elements
were created.

What is Light Elements?

The lightest elements that are the hydrogen, helium, deuterium, lithium were produced in the Big Bang
nucleosynthesis. According to the Big Bang theory, the temperatures in the early universe were so high that
fusion reactions could take place. This resulted in the formation of light elements: hydrogen, deuterium,
helium the two isotopes, lithium and trace amounts of beryllium.

Elements higher than iron cannot be formed through fusion as one has to supply energy for the reaction to
take place. However, we do see elements higher than iron around us. So how did these elements form? The
answer is supernovae. In a supernova explosion, neutron capture reactions take place (this is not fusion),
leading to the formation of heavy elements. This is the reason why it is said that most of the stuff that we see
around us come from stars and supernovae (the heavy elements part). If you go into technical details, then
there are two processes of neutron capture called rapid process (r-process) and the slow process (s-process),
and these lead to formation of different elements.
ohms law

a law stating that electric current is proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to

voltage an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.

ampere a unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second.

resistance Resistance is an electrical quantity that measures how the device or material
reduces the electric current flow through it. The resistance is measured in units of ohms (Ω).
If we make an analogy to water flow in pipes, the resistance is bigger when the pipe is
thinner, so the water flow is decreased.

Electric power is the rate, per unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by an
electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Electric power is
usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied by sources such as electric

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