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™ American Chess Quarterly — wax 8 PRICE 75 CENTS Austria, 1956, Larry Evans on good will tour under au the United States State Department. SUMMER 1961 o—~ Statement of Policy\*— > The AMERICAN CHESS QUARTERLY provides a forum for readers’ well as a workshop for theoretical ideas. It is the first chess magazine in this jews as country dedicated fo the interests of the professional chess player. While recog: nizing that the popularity of chess rests on a broad base, we see no reascn why is is incompatible with the welfare of the talented few who have given of their blood to the game. Our avowed goal is to provide financial security for present and future Bobby Fischers. We believe this end can be accomplished within the framework of ing organizations—American Chess Foundation and United States Chess Fed- on. Our goals derive their inspiration and roots from the life and work of ex-World Champion Emanuel Lasker: 1 =A game of chess is a work of art representing a joint creative composition. We advocate an international copyright to cover every master game, with a royalty to be divided upon publication of the same (in percentages to be fixed) among the winner, the loser, and the chess federation of the nation which sponsored the event. 2—We advocate the formation of a society or federation of chessmasters which will be empowered to establish the minimum financial conditions to be met before @ professional may perticipate in a chess event. 3—We advocate scheduled nati -wide lecture and exhibition tours, arranged through existing chess clubs ond organizations, to help provide the professional player with adequate compensation and income to enable him to devote his time, energy and talent to chess. The lecture and ex hibition tours to be allocated on an alternating basis to qualified chess- masters. Contributing Editors LARRY EVANS BOBBY FISCHER EDWARD LASKER JOSEPH E, PECKOVER A Bust To The King’s Gambit By U. S. Champion BOBBY FISCHER INTERNATIONAL GRANDMASTER Biographical Sketch of Bobby Fischer In the winter of 1957 a bombshell burst upon the horizon of the chess world when 15-year-old Bobby Fischer wrested the United States National Title from defending Champion Arthur Bisquicr and Grand- master Samuel Reshevsky. True, he had previously shown tremen- dous talent. He had tied with Bisquier and nosed him out on a tie- break for the “Open” Title at Cleveland, but many considered this a “fluke.” No flash-in-the-pan, Bobby roundly consolidated his position as the world’s youngest Grandmaster by winning the United States Title again in 1958 and again in 1959-60. Bobby's international achievements are equally spectacular. They include a solid second (to World Champion Tal) at the powerful Zurich Tournament, 1959, and some notable victories over Keres, Smyslov, Gligorich, Euwe, and Unzicker, to name but a few out- standing European Grandmasters. At Mar Del Plata, 1960, Bobby tied for first with Russia's Boris Spassky—again ahead of a strong field. At this time of writing, Bobby has set off to lead the United States Team in the Olympics at Leipzig, Germany, and he has re- captured the U, S. title for the 4th time! “Bobby Fischer's Best Games of Chess,” published by Simon & Schuster, contains a collection of some fine chess gems by the youth- ful author. A Bust to the King’s Gambit The King’s Gambit has lost popularity, but not sympathy. Ana- lysts treat ic with kid gloves and seem reluctant to demonstrate an 3

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