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Talking USB From Python

Colin O’Flynn – NewAE Technology Inc.
Live Links Available at
Welcome to the Jungle!
There will be no fun or games. There will be:
• Introduction to USB (2.0 and 3.0)
• Learning about Interface Options
• Figuring out how to use USB Microcontrollers
• Python interfaces to USB Devices
• Examples of GUIs (Bonus!)
• Debugging USB Protocols
• Driver Signing, Distribution, and getting a VID
About this Presentation
There will be many things done roughly/quickly, meaning:
• “Bad” Python code
• Skipping over details of proper use of USB classes
• Misusing said USB classes for our own purpose
About Me
• EE from Halifax, Canada
• Worked on some fun projects – IPv6 Stacks for sensor
networks, USB-Based sniffers, various wireless protocols,
analog capture hardware
• Write for Circuit Cellar every two months on FPGAs
• Closing up a PhD on embedded security
– Find me at Blackhat/DEFCON/etc.
About NewAE Technology Inc.
• Canadian company started in 2013
• Prime product: embedded security
analysis tools, training, and
– Do you have an AES256 bootloader?
It’s probably trivial to break it, even
with no errors in your implementation
see proof:
AWESOME: Live Workshop
• Atmel has donated a number of SAM D21 Xplained Pro Boards
– I’m going to use them to give you the hands-on experience.
– Note I don’t have a connection to Atmel. Am just familiar with their
products and have used them previously.
– 90% of what I’ll take you through is portable across other devices and
families or USB stacks.
Software Setup While I Talk
• Download and install Atmel
Studio (6.2 latest as of these
slides, use 7.x if possible)
All links available from here
• Download and install
WinPython-2.7 (latest version)

• Download and install libusb-

win32-devel-filter from
Part #1: USB Overview
WARNING: I assume you have some experience with USB already, but
provide this very brief summary anyway. This summary will provide
you with just enough information, but you’ll be on the wrong side of
the Dunning-Kruger curve.
What the heck is USB?
Finding USB Resources

Get the original docs at - the USB specs are very
well written for “regular users”
• Be sure to get the USB 2.0 docs, not latest 3.x!
• Original spec is updated with ECN

Example page from the USB Spec

USB Crash Course
An ENDPOINT is a bucket which sends or
receives data

Special ENDPOINT 0 is called the

CONTROL ENDPOINT, used for configuring
the device, can be used for data transfer

An INTERFACE encompasses a number of


Figure from USB 2.0 Specs

USB Descriptors
• Descriptors… describe things
– Device Descriptor describes entire device (general class, Vendor ID, if
has serial number)
– Configuration Descriptor describes specific configuration of device
(possible to have multiple), such as:
• Interfaces, endpoints within Interfaces
– String Descriptors for device name, manufacture, etc.
USB Classes
• Classes define how certain devices interact, provide standard
to the Operating System
– Human Interface Device (HID) defines keyboards, mice, joysticks
– Mass Storage Controller (MSC) allows USB-key to work without
needing special drivers
IAD Device
IAD allows you to mash together multiple devices
such they appear as separate to the user, i.e.:

• Mass Storage to provide drivers and

application software

• CDC (Serial Port) for debug logging

• Proprietary interface for high-speed data

transfer to your application
USB 2.0 Important Speed Notes
Almost only used by
• Low Speed = 1.5 Mbit/s keyboard/mice or similar.

Common for many simple

• Full Speed = 12 Mbit/s USB peripherals.

USB 2.0 high speed is fairly

• High Speed = 480 Mbit/s common as well now.
What Speed is that?
• Various methods to determine USB speed a peripheral
– Specific resistors on data lines
– Special signalling sequence
– Most of this can be opaque to you however (but if a design has a
resistor on the lines that is why)
More Resources
USB Complete book is probably best known resource!
More Resources
Also useful:
USB in a Nutshell:
What about USB 3.0????

USB 3.0 effectively adds a separate channel for 3.x traffic… the cable still has the 2.0
signals. But honestly let’s start with slower 2.0 for now…
Part #2: USB Solutions

• Easy solution: ignore everything, just

pretend we still have our serial port

• Legacy Equipment being upgraded….

Ok makes sense.

• Debug serial port… yes I guess too.

• As your main connection for your

product? That’s getting a little sloppy!
Faster USB Interface Chips

• Allows more complex protocols  Still

some “stream-oriented” protocol

• Doesn’t take full use of USB

USB Custom Interfaces
• Can do much more than just sling data:
– Enumerate a mass storage interface to allow user to copy stored data
off without any application

– Enumerate an Ethernet adapter to allow used to get internet


– Enumerate as proprietary interface for fast data-slinging

• How does computer know what was plugged in?
• VID = Vendor ID (who made this)
• PID = Product ID (what product of theirs is it)
USB Vendor ID
• USB requires devices to provide 16-bit Vendor ID (VID), and
16-bit Product ID (PID)
– VID assigned globally by USB-IF to a company
– PID assigned by company who owns that VID

• VID technically needs to be purchased from USB-IF (or by

joining USB-IF) at cost of ~$4000 USD.
USB Vendor ID
USB Vendor ID
• If you later want to have drivers appear as part of Windows
Update you will need a VID.
• If you want to use trademarked USB logo you will need to join
USB-IF (and thus be assigned a VID).
• If using a device such as FTDI you can re-use their VID & PID.
• Microcontroller manufactures might allow you to use their VID
with permission, do not just re-use and select random PID.
USB Vendor ID
• A few well-known “pirate VIDs”:
– Either have been revoked, OR a large group just started using them
– Users of those VIDs do not (and cannot) use trademarked logo
anywhere since under no agreement with USB-IF… but no law against
setting some bits somewhere (i.e. the VID)
Custom vs. Off-The-Shelf
Off-the-Shelf (i.e. USB-Serial):
• Limited functions, but certified drivers available (easy for users to install)
• Do not need a VID
• Little development effort (possibly just a soldering iron)
• Flexible functionality, allows excellent user experience
• More development effort
• Require a VID
• Possibly require driver development + certification
Part #3: USB Microcontrollers
Selecting a Microcontroller
• Features to consider:
– Full or High Speed?
– Ability to operate without crystal (uses USB signals for timing)  ONLY
possible for Full Speed, NOT for High Speed
– Additional interfaces you might require (external memory?)
– Useful references for your intended application
Selecting a Microcontroller
• Options from almost every major vendor!
• Atmel, NXP, Microchip, etc.
Typical Features
• Integrated resistors (avoids external parts)
• Ping-Pong buffers (i.e., one buffer is being processed while
another is being filled)
• For high-speed common to have > 2 buffers…
• Possible to watch number of endpoints you might need for
Endpoint Exhaustion

i.e… RNDIS + CDC-Serial + Mass Storage = 8 endpoints + 1 control endpoint

Example of USB Product

Atmel SAM3S USB Microcontroller

• Provides serial port,
programming interface for
FPGA, and high-speed data
transfer for analog samples

NewAE Technology Inc. ChipWhisperer-Lite

USB to FPGA Communication

External Memory Registers inside FPGA


• Can use DMA to dump data from USB to memory-mapped FPGA registers
Part #4: Python Intro

WARNING: I assume you have some experience with Python already,

but provide this very brief summary anyway. This summary will
provide you with just enough information…
Basics of Python
• Python makes you feel dirty
because it’s so easy
– Very easy to write bad code
– Example: Despite not needing
semicolons, Python will ignore
them if added at the end of
lines. This looks terrible but
Python knows what you want
so just ignores it…
Basics of Python (The Shortcut)

• Python is whitespace-sensitive:

if a < 4:
print("That is wrong you jerk")
Basics of Python (The Shortcut)

• Python normally uses implicit types… can cast/control if

#Here is some integers
theyear = 2015
theyear = int(2015)

myname = "Colin"
Basics of Python (The Shortcut)

• Can use Python console for executing instructions

>>> test = 123

>>> type(123)
<type 'int'>
Basics of Python (The Shortcut)

• Python has lists…

>>> something = [1,4,5,6]
>>> something
[1, 4, 5, 6]
>>> something[2]
>>> something[2] = 8
>>> something
[1, 4, 8, 6]
Basics of Python (The Shortcut)

• Also supports other similar data types:

– Dictionaries (dicts)
– Tuples
Part #5: Python To USB
About LibUSB/PyUSB
• C library for accessing USB devices.. Available for many
systems (Linux, Win, Mac)
• We will use wrapper for C functions (PyUSB)
• Easiest way to see how it works is with an example…
Lab #1: HID Based USB Communication
Introduction to Hardware

SAMD11 USB (For our Debugger USB (debug

application to use) device on underside)

User Button Reset Button

Software Setup
• Assuming you had installed Atmel Studio 6 or 7 successfully
• Also installed WinPython-2.7 (it’s slow)
• Start Atmel Studio now!
Making HID Demo Project
Making HID Demo Project

Select “Kit” then expand “Atmel” examples…

Making HID Demo Project

Expand SAM D21 Xplained Pro board…

Making HID Demo Project

Select “USB Device HID Generic Example”, give appropriate

path/name for where you wish to save.
Build the Project…
• SAMD21 Xplained Pro has integrated debugger for full source-
level debugging
• Can also just use as programmer
• Choice of how to program (via debug or programmer dialog)
Option #1: Debug Programming
Option #2: Programmer Interface

1. Select Tools Device

2. Select interface, Hit Apply
3. Switch to Memories tab
4. Hit Program
Debug Firmware Upgrade

…This might happen to you the first time, just upgrade.

Checking it Works
• If using one USB cable, move cable to “TARGET USB” section
– If you have a second cable, just plug second in now
– If already second cable plugged in, hit “RESET” button
• Hopefully Windows detects device…
Checking With Device Manager

Before Plugging in Target After Plugging In

Checking with USBView
• USBView provided by Microsoft as part of Windows Driver
Development Kit
• Download just the tool at
Working System
Not Working System
Work-Around for SAMD11 (NOT D21 I think)
• Appears to be incorrect calibration bytes for 48 MHz oscillator
loaded on certain devices
• If you want to test this, output clock on PA08 using this:

//Output GCLK on PA08

struct system_pinmux_config pin_config;
pin_config.mux_position = PINMUX_PA08H_GCLK_IO0;
system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PA08H_GCLK_IO0, &pin_config);

// Start USB stack to authorize VBus monitoring

Work-Around for SAMD11

• Select “Find in Files”

Work-Around for SAMD11

• Search for “dfll_conf.coarse_value”

Work-Around for SAMD11

1. Switch back USB to Debug port (if not using two USB cables)
2. Select Device Programming

3. Select “Apply” to open programmer

Work-Around for SAMD11

4. Read value of “DFLL48M_COARSE_CAL” from Fuses tab:

Work-Around for SAMD11

Overwrite the coarse variable at this point… start with HEX value read from fuses
(so don’t forget 0x), and go up a few numbers… here 0x26 works for me
Work-Around for SAMD11
• Re-build and re-program
• Switch USB cable from DEBUG to TARGET (or if have two USB
cables, just hit RESET button)

• If still a USB error, try larger number (or smaller maybe)

Assuming everyone has working USB…
• Pause a moment for people to fix all these issues, and get a
USB device detected by Windows
• Next step is to do basic communications from Python
Python Setup

Navigate to WinPython install directory (NB: by default

wherever installer was located, can change to something
convenient like c:\WinPyton-xxxx\):
Run WinPython
Command Prompt
Python Setup #1

Run this command:

pip install pyusb
Python Setup #2

Run this command:

pip install pyside
Running Spyder…

Run Spyder
Checking for Python Console
Example – NOT a Python Console
Open a Python Console (if not running)
Testing Basic USB Connectivity
Need to Insert Filter Driver!

NOTE: Provided by libusb-win32-devel-filter which you should have

Installing Filter Driver

VID = 03EB
PID = 2402
Install Successful
NOTE: Remove to restore
• If other driver/program needed this device, be sure to remove
the filter driver to restore original operation once you are
done tinkering!
• In our case just leave it in…
Re-Trying Test from Python
Simple Test File

import usb.core
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x03eb, idProduct=0x2402)
print dev

Press this button to GO

Control Transfer Example
Getting Report… (~page 61)

Getting Report… (~page 61)

Getting Report… (cont’d) (~page 61)

Getting Report via Python

data = dev.ctrl_transfer(0b10100001, 0x01, 3<<8, 0, 4)

bmRequestType bRequest ReportType = 3 wIndex = 0 4 Bytes

Checking Source code….
Let’s Try It!
import usb.core
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x03eb, idProduct=0x2402)

data = dev.ctrl_transfer(0b10100001, 0x01, 3<<8, 0, 4)

print data
Problems with Control Endpoint
• Limited endpoint size
• Should try to avoid using for real data transfer!
Input and Output Reports
• INPUT reports are sent TO the computer
• OUTPUT reports are sent FROM the computer

• HID by default only sends reports when things change… i.e.

when you move your mouse or type on keyboard
Input and Output Reports
• We can misuse reports for generic data transfer if we want
– Send input reports as just a chunk of data
– Send output reports also as a chunk of data
• More convenient than serial port, since no issue with
start/stop of packet! Always know when a new block is there.
Getting Endpoint Addresses

Input Report Here

Output Report Here

Output Report Processing
void ui_led_change(uint8_t *report)
if (report[0]=='1') {
// A led must be on
switch(report[1]) {
case '1':
ui_b_led_blink = false;
LED_On(LED_0_PIN); C code is expecting this array:
[‘1’, ‘1’, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
} else {
// A led can blink
switch(report[1]) {
case '1': To turn on the LED. Anything else allows it
ui_b_led_blink = true;
to blink (NB: Check current ASF release as
} they might have changed this).
Sending Output Report
data = [ord('1'), ord('1'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
dev.write(0x02, data)

LED should turn on solid.

Brief Note: Debugging USB Flow

Input Report

Pressing SW0 causes an INPUT

REPORT to be sent
Getting Input Report, 8, timeout=500)
Getting Input Report

for i in range(0, 10):

while True:
test =, 8, timeout=50)
except usb.core.USBError, e:
if str(e).find("timeout") >= 0:
raise IOError("USB Error: %s"%str(e))

print test
Running This Demo

Just hit reset button to

reconnect USB
Running This Demo

Prints 10 state
changes… press
button to generate
state changes.
Want the full source code for copy/paste? See
Making a Simple GUI
• No longer doing this inside Spyder… instead open actual
• Use IDLE that ships with Python
Making a Simple GUI

1. Make a new file

2. Save it somewhere with .py name… i.e.:
GUI: Step #1

from PySide.QtCore import *

from PySide.QtGui import *
import usb.core
import sys

class USBForm(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(USBForm, self).__init__(parent)
self.setWindowTitle(“Hackaday 2015 Demo")

if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
form = USBForm()

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #1

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #2A
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(USBForm, self).__init__(parent)
self.setWindowTitle("ESC 2015 Demo")

layout = QVBoxLayout()

self.pbConnect = QPushButton("Connect")
self.isConnected = False

self.pbLED = QPushButton("LED Blinking")



Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #2B
def con(self):
if self.isConnected == False:
#Do USB Connect Here
self.isConnected = True
self.isConnected = False

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #2C
def changeLED(self):
if self.pbLED.isChecked():
#Send command to make LED on
self.pbLED.setText("LED On")
#Send command to make LED blink
self.pbLED.setText("LED Blinking")

Buttons do
nothing yet…

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #3A
def con(self):
if self.isConnected == False: = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x03eb, idProduct=0x2402)

#Sync changeLED

self.isConnected = True
…rest of code from before…

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI: Step #3B
def changeLED(self):
if self.pbLED.isChecked():
#Send command to make LED on, [ord('1'), ord('1'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
self.pbLED.setText("LED On")
#Send command to make LED blink, [0, ord('1'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
self.pbLED.setText("LED Blinking")

Want the full source code for copy/paste? See

GUI Test
Adding Button Reading…
def __init__(self, parent=None):
… original stuff still here…

self.swStatus = QLineEdit()

self.butTimer = QTimer(self)
Adding Button Reading…
def con(self):
if self.isConnected == False:
… original stuff still here…
#Sync changeLED

self.isConnected = True
self.isConnected = False
…again rest of code stil here…
Adding Button Reading…
def pollButton(self):
data =, 8, timeout=50)
if data[0]:
self.swStatus.setText("Button Pressed")
self.swStatus.setText("Button Released")

except usb.core.USBError, e:
if str(e).find("timeout") >= 0:
raise IOError("USB Error: %s"%str(e))
You did it! USB Communication and a Windows GUI all without
any terribly bad hacks!
Part #6: Vendor-Specific Bulk Transfer
From HID to Bulk Transfer
• You probably just want to shovel bytes across interface
• Possible with HID, but limited speed
• Instead let’s use vendor-specific Bulk Transfer
– Just send a packet to the IN or OUT bulk endpoint
– Will require a simple driver
ASF Demos
• ASF has vendor-specific demo as example project
– Same idea of using dev.write() and
• Also what is used in my ChipWhisperer-Lite project
– Lots of examples there, also uses USB high-speed mode (not
supported in SAMD21 chips)
ASF Demos
Making a Driver

• Run Inf Wizard to generate a .inf file

• Windows will load libusb driver for
this device
• You can then access it inside of
• NB: For development can use
same “Filter Wizard” to install
Making a Driver

Specify device name etc as you want to

appear in Windows.
Distribution to Users

Just need to sign driver! We’ll talk about that later…

Part #7: Debugging USB & Micros
Basics of Protocol Analyzers
Software Protocol Analyzers
• Cheap/Free
• Useful for higher-level problems… more difficult for testing
problems with enumeration where OS might not “see” device!
Software Protocol Analyzers

• Wireshark!
Using a Virtual Machine

USB Driver/App

Your PC

USB Device
Hardware Protocol Analyzers

• If doing USB where your time has value, these will pay for
themselves VERY quickly
– Example from these slides: Finding that bug in my SAMD11 dev-kit,
using USB Hardware Analyzer I could easily see corrupt packets going
across the wire
• Suggests something very wrong at lower layers
• First thing to check: clock reliability  Problem Solved in ~30 mins.
• w/o Hardware analyzer might have wasted time thinking it was SW issue
causing device to not enter correct mode
Hardware Protocol Analyzer

Several companies offer these, for example:

• Teledyne Mercury T2
• Ellisys USB Explorer
• Total Phase (the Beagle 480 at left)

Most of them in $1000-$4000 price range

Debugging Firmware
• Serious Issue:
– Setting a breakpoint will cause USB to disconnect (since device is no
longer responding to requests) unless very careful
– Makes debugging tricky!

Breakpoint Here
Debugging Firmware
• If just checking a single packet is OK, since don’t care about
lost connection
• But harder when checking more complex protocols…
Debugging Firmware
• Use hardware I/O lines in protocol analyzer (Beagle USB 480
supports this feature, others probably do too)
– #1: Toggle lines when certain areas of software are run
– #2: Trigger interrupts when specific errors occur
Debugging Firmware Example #1
Debugging Firmware Example #1


Debugging Firmware Example #1
• Use IO Pins to get real time ability to link USB packets to
• This is a very useful ability – highly recommend purchasing a
USB analyzer with trigger(s) input
Debugging Firmware Example #2

Requires hardware packet matching logic:

• Again Total Phase Beagle 480 / 5000 support

this, and probably other tools (but I don’t
know offhand )

• Can match on specific packet, OR a corrupt

Debugging Firmware Example #2
• Connect output from analyzer to either:

– Break pin (if available on device / emulator)

– Interrupt pin, and set breakpoint inside ISR… step out of ISR to see
what the firmware was doing
Debugging Firmware Example #2
Part #8: Distributing Drivers
Without Signed Drivers…
With Signed Drivers…
How to Sign Windows Drivers
• There is cheaper/free ways, but I’m showing you the “least
painful / most useful”
• This is the greatest resource I’ve found:
• Supplement my notes by reading the above!
Step 1: Give Someone $$$
• Require code signing certificate… several options, i.e.:
– Will require verification as part of this process
• Following steps assume you’ve installed certificate on system
– NB: If doing that, don’t install on laptop you could easily lose…
Step 2: Install 10GB of Crap
• You require ‘signtool’ and ‘inf2cat’ programs
– Need to install Windows SDK + WDK (which also uses Visual Studio
– Then you can just copy those files out…
Step 3: Fancy Batch File

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\inf2cat" /v /driver:%~dp0


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\signtool" sign /v /n "Your Company

Name Inc." /tr /fd SHA256 /as
*.cat pause

NOTE: Have choice of SHA1 or SHA2… SHA1 will be obsolete in 2016 so now just use

NOTE2: Possible to sign with both, as older systems didn’t always work with SHA2
Step 4: Signing a Driver

• Copy .bat file to location of .inf

• Run .bat file, check for errors
– Might need to update date to be > 2013!
– Looks for company name in batch file for matching, if certificate not
installed see signtool switches to use file instead
Step 5: Distribution
• Be sure to remove .bat file!
• Distribute .inf with .cat file to customers/users
Step 6: Windows Hardware Quality Labs
• Another step forward… getting drivers automatically from
Windows Update

• Costs additional $$$ to pay Microsoft for testing for WHQL

Part #9: This and That
USB Suspend Current
• When in “USB Suspend” max current = 2.5 mA

USB Suspend Current

Put processor to sleep here (if not

already), possibly turn off parts of
your system using MOSFET /
Voltage Regulator
Soft Start
USB Inrush Current
USB Inrush Current Testing

Uses differential probe from NewAE Technology Inc. (NB: requires mode for DC-accurate
levels, see
USB Inrush Testing
Free tool from USB-IF Compliance
Program website to analyzer
Serial Numbers
• If your device DOES NOT have a serial number, drivers are
reinstalled when device is plugged into a different port
• Easy solution: many micros have unique ID nowadays, just use
that to generate a serial number
– Doesn’t require you to manage anything
– Better for user, since Windows doesn’t keep reinstalling drivers
USB Inrush Testing
• USB Specs require minimum of ~1uF for device detection
• Upper limit is ~10uF
• Official testing done with current probe (somewhat expensive
for one-off test)
That’s All Folks!
• USB Interfaces aren’t too difficult! Need to get your feet wet.
• Having a hardware debugger is a useful investment.
• Can communicate from something like Python even.
Thanks for Sticking Around!
My Contact:
Twitter: @colinoflynn

Personal website:

Company website:

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