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5 Retaining wall: Pressure under base slab

Cantilever Retaining wall Total moment about point O = Ms -Mo
a) Φ = Angle of internal friction Total vertical load = W
b) SBC = Soil Bearing Capacity = qo Horizontal distance from o where resultant intersect
c) H2 = earth embankment the base line.
d) γ = Density of earth x = total moment about o/ W
Eccentricity(e) = width of base slab * x /2
5.1 Ka = cofficent of active earth pressure Maximum pressure
Ka = 1−sin

Minimum Depth of foundation is ;γmin = qoKa2

Height of retaining wall (H) = H2 + depth of

foundation Preliminary dimension of retaining wall
Base salb (b) = 0.48H to 0.56H Toe
projection(Te) = 0.3b
1+ 6
Thickness of base slab = thickness of stem = H/12 P1 = W/b
P2 = W/b 1− 6

Let top width of stem be = thickness of stem/2

Check for Stability P1 < SBC and P2 is positive. Hence satisfactory.
Weight in X in mm Ms in H1 = height of stem
kN W kN-m b = width of base slab.
Weight of back W1=H1 * Width of W*X Design of Stem:
fill density of slab – Stem act as a cantilever of height (H1) m to uniformly
earth * c C/2 varying load of = Kaγ H1
Rectangular W2 = top Toe W*X Maximum moment at base of cantilever = 1/6Kaγ
portion of stem width of projection
stem * H1 * + thick- H13.
25 ness of Mu= 1.5 * maximum moment at base of
stem – cantilever Since M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel
(topwidth are used 0.138*Fck*b*d2 = Mu (calculate d)
ofstem/2) Provide d and D
Triangular W3 = 0.5 * Toe W*X

Mu = 0.87* Fy*Ast*d (1- ∗ ) (calculate ast)

Portion of top width of projection Provide bars and spacing= *1000

stem stem * H1 * +2/3 * Distribution steel and provide bars and spacing
25 top width Curtailment of vertical bars One third vertical bars
of stem may be curtailed. Provide at a length of H1/3 from
Base slab W4 = Width of W*X base and the top
thickness of base slab
base slab * /2 Shear check:
width of V=Mo, Vu= 1.5*Mo
base slab * δv= Vu/bd b=1000mm
25 see table 19 page no.73
C = base width (b) – toe projection thickness of stem δc>δv
H1 = H – thickness of base slab Design of toe slab horizontal pressure = (PH) = 0.5 KaγH2 kN. Pressure diagram under the base varies from p1 to
γ = density of earth p2 Pressure at face of toe P3 = P2+(N/b)( P1- P2)
Overturning moment (Mo) = PH * H/3 kN-m M = P3*0.5(Te2)*0.5(Te)*( P1-P2)*(2/3)*Te
As per IS 456 : 2000 factor of safety overturning is
F1 =
0.9 factor of safety F1> 1.4

F2 = 0.9 F2 > 1.4

Hence shear key is provided
Mu = M*1.5 by Mu formula calculate Ast Factor of safety against sliding
Astmin = .12%bd F2 = resisting force/sliding force
Provide Ast which is greater and then spacing >1.4 F2<1.4 so provide key at depth Design of heel Slab :- D Pressure from soil
1. Weight of back fill = γH1 kn/m Total moment about o = Ms-Mw kn-m
2. Self weight = 1*25*thickness of slab kn/m Horizontal distance at which resultant intercepts base
Total downward ward load = 1 + 2 r = total moment about o/ W m
Maximum bending moment (Mu) = total downward Eccentricity e = (B/2) – r m
1+ 6

load * (C2/2)- P2*(C/2)-0.5(P4-P2)*C*(1/3)C kn/m P1 = W/b <SBC kn/m2

P4= P2+C/b*( P1-P2)
P2 = W/b will be positiv kn/m2
1− 6

Calculate Ast by Mu formula

Provide bar and spacing design of stem design of shear key Stem act as a horizontal slab of span 3m to 3.5 m
Maximum horizontal pressure on stem
Pressure at face of shear key = P3 kn/m
Coefficient of passive earth pressure Kp=1/Ka =KaγH1(kn/m2 Maximum moment M= max
Passive earth pressure=Kp* P3*a kn horizontal pressure*span2/12
(calculate in terms of a) Mu = 1.5 * M kn/m2
Factor of safety agnist sliding (μ=0.5 here F2=1.4) Mulim = 0.138fckbd2 >Mu
F2=0.9μ W+passive earth pressure / PH Mu = 0.87* Fy*Ast*d (1- ) calculate Ast

By this calculate a m. Provide bar and spacing

Provide a+100mm deep shear key Provide distribution steel then bar and spacing Design of counterfort retaining Check for shear
wall Coefficient of active earth pressure V = max horizontal pressure * span –thickness of
Ke= 1− ∅

1+ ∅
φ=angle of friction wall /2
Vu = 1.5 * V
Minimum depth of foundation m
2 δv= Vu/bd b=1000mm
γmin = Ke qo/γ SBC= qo,γ= unit weight of back fill
see table 19 page no.73
provide depth of foundation(d’)
Height of retaining wall (H) = H2 +d’ m
increasing spacing to __+50mm at height H/3 above
Base width (b)= 0.5H to 0.6H m
ground since pressure reduce linearly top of stem.
Toe projection(Te)=thickness of base slab(d)= H/25
Provide d and D mm design of toe slab
Spacing of counterfort is 3to3.5m P3 = P2+(N/b)( P1- P2)
Thickness of wall(t) = thickness of base slab P4= P2+C/b*( P1-P2)
Force Magnitude x Ms in Cantilever moment = P3 * Te2/2 +0.5*( P1-
in KN KN-m P3)*Te*(2/3)*Te kn-m
Mu = cantilever moment * 1.5 kn-m < Mulim
W1=weigh St*H1*wei b- Magnitud
t of back ght of back (C/2) e *x Mulim = 0.138fckbd2
fill fill Calculate Ast by Mu formula.
W2=weigh Thickness Te+ Provide bar and spacing
t of stem of wall*H1 (D/2) check for shear
*25 Pressure at point = P2+( P3-P2)/4*(N+d) kn/m2
W3=wt of T*25*b b/2 V = 0.5 (P1+pressure at point)*(Te-d) kn
base slab
Vu = 1.5*V Overturing moment due to horizontal back fill δv= Vu/bd b=1000mm
earth pressure = Mo= Kaγ(H3/6) kn-m see table 19 page no.73
Factor of safety against overturning
F1= 0.9(Ms/Mo) >1.4
Sliding force PH = Ke(γH2/2) Design of heel slab
Resisting force= μ(0.9W1+W2+W3) μ=0.5
Soil pressure at junction with stem 
γ = unit weight of material stored
= P1+( P1-P1)/4*c n/mm2 
h = depth measured from top of
Load at back fill = H1*y kn/m2 stored material
Self weight = wall thickness*1*25 kn/m2  β = angle of surcharge
Total downward load = Load at back fill + Self  φ = angle of repose
weight volume of bunker = capacity of bunker/γ m3
Maximum downward pressure intensity is at edge β=φ
Pmax = udl – P2 kn/m2 volume of soil stored as surcharge V1=(1/3)*A1*h1
Udl = total downward load A1 = area of rectangular potion, taking size of
M= Pmax * span2/12 bunker (3*3m) in plan
Mu= 1.5 * M h1 = 1.5 tanφ m
By Mu formula calculate Ast
Provide bar and spacing and distribution steel
then bar and spacing Design of counterfort
Reinforcement are required for beam action and
for against separating force in horizontal and
vertical direction direction
For beam action – counterfort act as T beam
Inclination of counterfort with horizontal
θ = tan-1 H1/C
depth of counterfort d’ for beam action at junction
d’ = Csinθ m
maximum moment on counterfort
M = Ke*(γH13)/6* span
Mu = 1.5*M kn-m Let the hooper bottom be at 45o to horizontal which
By Mu formula find Ast is more than angle of friction between concrete and
Minimum reinforcement required=0.85bd/Fy, b=span coal.
Provide bar and spacing Let keep opening of hopper bottom is A2= (0.5*0.5m)
Horizontal ties Volume stored in hopper portion
Consider bottom 1m height of stem V3=(1/3)*(A1h2-A2h5); h2=by pythagoers; h5=(0.5/2)
Maximum pressure = Maximum horizontal pressure V2 = volume of chamber = V-V1-V3 m3
at stem. Height h3 = v2/A1 m3
Total lateral pressure (g)=max pressure(span – wall V2 provided = A1*h3
Check for bunker action = 3*tan (90+2∅) > 3.5 m

thickness) kn Hence line of facture intersect top surface first hence

Factored force = 1.5*g\ it can be design as bunker
Area of tensile steel req for it =factored force/087*Fy Total storage capacity = (V1+V2+V3)γ kn
Provide bar and spacing Design of side wall vertical strippus Horizontal pressure on wall at the junction with
Near the end ofheel downward hooper bottom
Maximum downward pressure intensity at edge Pn = γh3cos2φ kn/m2
Force = Pmax * 1.5 kn/m2 Corner moment in square frame,
Ast= force/0.87 * fy -ve moment = PnL2/12 kn-m
Provide bar and steel Assuming 180 mm thick wall
L = 3+0.18 = 3.18 m Tensile force T = Pn*L/2 kn
Assuming 30mm effective cover Design of bunker
Rectangular bunker
X= 180/2 – 30 =60 mm = 0.06m Design reinforcement in horizontal direction
This direct tension produces moment of Tx opposite to for bending in middle strip
building tension about centre line of the section M= Ph = γhcos2θ + Pnsin2θ +Wscosθ kn/m2
corner moment in square frame- (T*x) kn-m B.M at h = h1/2+ h3 + h4/2; θ= 45
centre of span due to horizontal pressure = Ws = d*25
= PnL2/8 - corner moment in square frame Effective Effective span (L) = 3+0.5 /2 +d m
wall thickness (d) = 180-30 = 150 mm Moment at Maximum –ve B.M = Ph*L /12 2
centre of span =B.M at centre of span-T*x Mu=1.5 *-ve B.M
Mulim = 0.138Fckbd2 kn/m By Mu formula calculate Ast then provide bar and
Mu = M*1.5 < Mulim kn/m spacing
Calculate Ast by Mu formula Maximum +ve B.M (mid span) = Ph*L2 /24 kn-m

Mu = 0.87* Fy*Ast*d (1- ) n/mm Mu = +ve B.M * 1.5 kn-m By

mu formula calculate Ast

Area of steel required to resist direct

tension Ast2 = 1.5*T / 0.87*Fy Provide bar and spacing Design of circular bunker
Total area of steel required = Ast +Ast2
Provide bar and spacing Volume of material to be retained = total load/γ
Moment at centre mid of span. Area of steel required m3
To resists the moment at mid span Volume stored in surcharge at φ
Moment at mid span=0.87* Fy*Ast*d(1- ∗

)n/mm Calculate Ast by above formula V1 = 3∗4
h m3
Total Ast = Ast+Ast2(calculated before)
h = D/2* sinφ
Provide bar and spacing
Vertical reinforcement (distribution steel) let hopper bottom be at 45o with opening of 0.5m
V3 = * D/2-1/3 * * 0.5/2m3
2 2

Ast=0.12%bd then provide bar and


3∗4 4

spacing design of hooper bottom Volume of cylinder portion required

Total weight material to be supported = total storage V2 = volume of mateial to retained – V1 – V3
capacity kn Assuming 180 mm thick hopper h3 height of cylindrical portion required to obtain
bottom Self weight = 4*(3+0.5 /2)*0.180*25*h4 2
Total weight= selg wt + total storage capacity V2 = h3 * D2 * (π/4)
Weight of each plate oh hopper bottom = total
Total volume V = V1 + V2 + V3
weight/4 kn W = V*γ kn
Direct tension is sloping bottom slab= Design of cylindrical walls
= wt on each plate of hooper cosec45 kn Pn = γ*h3*cos2φ kn/m2
Design of tensile force per meter width = h2*direct Hooper tension (T) = 0.5 * Pn * D kn
tension in sloping slab /3 kn-m Ast = Tu = T*1.5 kn
design tensilw force / 0.87*Fy Provide Ast = Tu / 0.87 * Fy
bar and spacing Using ___mm thick wall
Minimum Ast req = 0.12%bd; provide equally on Ast min = 0.12%b* thickness
each face so Ast = Ast req /2 Provide bar and Design of hopper bottom
Provide a sloping slab also of thickness =
Check for stress wall thickness.
m = 280/(3*σcbc) Weight of material = W
σcbc = 7 for M20, 8.5 for M25, 10 for M30 Mean diameter of sloping bottom = (D+0.5 /2) +
Ac = (d*b) + (minimum Ast required *m)
thickness of wall m
Stress in concrete = direct tension in sloping bottom
Weight of bottom = π * mean diameter of sloping
slab/Ac <2.8 n/mm2
bottom * thickness of wall * (h4/cosec 45) * φ kn
Total vertical load = W+ weight of hopper bottom kn Tension per meter run of hopper bottom

T = total vertical load * cosec 45/ mean dia of sloping Dead load of slab = thickness of slab*1*1*25 kn-m
bottom * π kn Dead load of bearing coat = t *22 kn-m
Tu = T*1.5 kn B.M = total load * (L)2 /8 kn-m
Ast = Tu / 0.87 * Fy live load B.M
Provide bar and spacing Let the maximum B.M occurs when the load are Check for stress symmetrical placed about centre of span B.M at
m = 280/(3*σcbc) centre will be taken for design purpose then this is
σcbc = 7 for M20, 8.5 for M25, 10 for M30 reasonably correct since we have seen that the actual
Ac = (d*b) + (minimum Ast required *m) locatin of point c of maximum live load B.M is away
Stress in concrete = direct tension in hooper from the 0.05m
bottom /Ac <2.8 n/mm2 X = diatance of axel load from the nearest support
Ph = γhcos2θ + γh*sin2θ*cos2φ kn/m2 = (L-K)/2 m
h = D/2 tanφ + h3 + h4/2; θ= 45 Since the effective width for individual loads
normal pressure due to self weight will develop the quantity W be −

P1 = cosθ*weight of hopper bottom kn g = n+ +5 −( +0.5+0.5)(b-(l+0.5+0.5)) W = x + (g+0.5)+x+2+(0.5/2)+2*t m

Normal pressure per unit length Calculate value of B/L and K’

P2 = normal pressure due to self wt/ π*mean dia of Value of K’ as per IS: 456-2000 table 5.2
sloping bottom kn e = K’*x*(g-(x/L))+W
Total pressur = P1+ P2 since effective width extends beyond the free edge
of slab the modified effective width
T = 0.5 * total pressure* mean dia of hopper bottom
y = (e/2) + distance of C.G of axel from free edge
Tu = T*1.5 kn
Ast = Tu / 0.87 * Fy C.G = ((l/2)+(g+0.1+0.1))
Load per meter width = 2*114 /y kn
Provide bar and spacing
Minimum Ast and then bar and spacing Dipersion along span = 250 +2(t+330) mm
Impact factor = l/(6+L)
Check for direct tension
m = 280/(3*σcbc) Mmax= g+ impact factor(load per m width * (L/2)-
load per meter width * (g+0.2 /2)) kn-m
σcbc = 7 for M20, 8.5 for M25, 10 for M30
Total B.M = live load B.M + dead load B.M
Ac = (d*b) + (minimum Ast required *m) Design of section
Stress in concrete = direct tension in hooper B.M total

bottom /Ac <2.8 n/mm2 d= ∗

provide d and D
Normal edge beams of size 300 * 300 mm width with Ast= total B.M
d ∗j∗σs

4 bars of 12mm may be provided at junction Provide bar and spacing Soild Slab Bridge Distribution reinforcement = 0.3% live load B.M
 Clear span = l + 0.2% dead load B.M; provide bar and spacing
 Clear width of ways = b Live load shaer force
 Average thickness of bearing coat = t A = dispersion along span/2 +0.15
Let width of the bridge of the kerb be 50mm W for individual load (W) = 0.5 + (2*t) mm
Overall width of the slab be (B) = b+(2*0.5) m Effective width for first axel=K’ * A (1-(A/L))+W’ m
Overall thickness of the slab be 330 mm With The effective width will overlap
effective depyh = 300 mm Hence let us find the combined effective width of all
Effective span (L) = l+0.3 m four wheels of first axel of the two trains
m' = 280/(3*σcbc) e(new) = e/2 + C.G m
σcbc = 7 for M20, 8.5 for M25, 10 for M30
m σcbc
distance of 2 exel from nearest support =
σs = A+(g+0.1+0.1)
e’ = k’ * distance of 2nd axel (1-(distance of 2nd

j = 1 –(n/3)
k = (σcbc*n*j) /2
axel/L))+ W kn Dead load BM


log l

ϵsh= 0.0002; %loss = ϵsh/ ϵs *100

P for 1staxel=effective axel load/effective width(new) Loss due to creep in concrete :

P’ for 2ndaxel=effective axel load/effective width(y) ϵcr = (C* ϵel); %loss = ϵcr/ ϵs*100
Ra =[(P’*load per m width)+P (load per m (3) loss due to relaxation of
width+(g+0.1+0.1))]/L kn steel : Fp = 1600 n/mm2 (assumed)
Live load S.F = Ra Ratio = Fs/Fp
Dead load S.F = (Total dead load * L)/2 kn Intial stress = 0.74Fp
Total shear force (V) = L.L (S.F)+ (D.L) Relaxation loss = 78; %loss = 78/Fs *100
Shear check: Loss of strain = ϵs * 0.0662 Design of kerb (4) loss due to anchor take up = let
Live load = ___ or 4kn/m2 2.5mm anchor take up at each end.
Horizontal load = ___ or 7.5kn/m2 Loss of strain = 2.5/(l/2*1000)
Weight of railing = 0.5 kn/m run %loss= loss of strain/ ϵs *100
Minimum height of kerb is to be 225mm about the Loss due to Loss of strain %loss
road surface keeping the 240 mm (1)
The load of kerb = 0.5*1*L.L kn (2)
D.L load of kerb = total depth of kerb * 0.5 *25 kn
Weight of railing = 6.5 kn
% loss in prestress = %loss
Total load=___
Loss of prestress = %loss* loss of strain n/mm2
B.M = Total load * (L2) /8 kn-m Effective prestress force = pe = (1-0.2096)p kn
Live B.M for class A = 0.5*----
6 Water Tanks
Total B.M----
Design of circular tank resting on ground
d= b= widthof kerb Total BM

 Capacity of the tank = C
provide d and D  Depth of tank = h1
Ast = Total BM

Diameter of tank = D

Provide bar and spacing Provide If any oh above identity is not given so calculate it by volume formula = = (4)

vertical legs of stirrups Free board = given in que or take it nearly 200mm
Prestress concrete beam Total height of tank (H) = h1 + free board
a) Span = l Unit weight of water (γ) = 9.8 kn/m3
b) Wire diameter = φ If other material is given so it is given in que
c) P = prestress force Permissible tensile stress in Fe-415 steel = 150n/mm2
d) e = eccentricity Permissible tensile stress in concrete = 1.3 n/mm2
Ast = no. of cable*no.of wire*(π/4)*φ2 Maximum hoop tension T= γH(D/2) kn/m
Fs=2500*1000 /Ast n/mm2 σs= 150 N/mm2 for HYSD bars, 115 for mild steel
Elastic strain in steel at transfer (ϵs)= Fs/Es Area required for takin hop tension (Ash) = T/σs mm2
(1) loss due to elastic shortening Provide bar and spacing
Area of concrete (Ac)= (b*d) Thickness of wall
I= bd3/12 mm4; Pi=(2500*1000) Maximum hoop tension T
Elastic strain at the end of section (a)= Pi/Ac*Ec Elastic strain at mid span (b)= Piϵc[Ac1 + e2I]
Means elastic strain = (a+b)
Modular ratio = m = 280


Strain in first tenden = (N) =8/9*mean elastic strain If t is the thickness of wall, equivalent area of
Average elastic loss for all tendens is given by ϵel concrete per meter height = 1000t + (m-1) Ash
σc =
1000t + (m−1) Ash mm
= ½*N
σc = 1.3 for M25; 1.2 M20; 1.5 M30
%loss = ϵel/ ϵs *100 and find t and cover
(2) loss due to shrinkage : As per IS 343-1980 vertical steel- Ast min= 0.3%tb
shrinkage strain is given by
provide bar and spacing It takes care of development length required
The base slab laid on 75mm lean mix bed covered for cantilever steel.
with tarfelt since load get transmit ground directly a 6.2 Rectangular tank resting on ground

nominal thickness of 150mm m= ∗3

Astmin = 0.3%bt; provide half reinforcement near n= m σcbc

σs =

Ast= Astmin/2; provide bar and spacing j = 1 –(n/3)

k = (σcbc*n*j) /2 If joint between wall and base slab is rigid L/B<2

D,H,σcbc,σs,m etc designed before h = H/4 or 1 which is more
Design Constant Ph = γ (H-h)
m σcbc

n= σs = Fixed end moments are

Ph L2 /12 kn-m for long wall.

j = 1 –(n/3)
k = (σcbc*n*j) /2
Ph B2/12 kn-m for short wall
design of cantilever action Since thickness of short and long wall are
where cantilever action exist (h) = H/3 or 1m which maintained same distribution factors at joint
is more. Member Stiffness(K) Total stiffness D.F
Cantilever moment = * kn-m γ∗H∗h ℎ

Short 4EI k k

Depth for balanced section d =


mm wall

Long 4EI k k

To keep section under reinforced= dnew =(4/3)*d Provide d and D and minimum
D is 150 mm Ast = M

Due to symmetry apply moment distribution table

Provide bar and spacing at base shortwall D.F D.F long wall
Hence let us provide curtail alternate bars at
above height of h/3 m so that spacing of (above
Design of section for hoop action
corner moment
T =γ(H-(H/3))*D/2 kn
effective thickness required for balance section is
Ash = T/t mm2
d= M= corner moment;K= design constant
Provide bar and spacing

Check for tensile stress in concrete 4 ∅2 calculated before; provide d and D

Actual ash = spacing

σc =T /(cover +t)*b*+(m-1)*actual Ash n/mm2 direct pull or long wall & short wall are
< 1.3 for M25,1.2for M20,1.5 for TL= Ph*(B/2) kn
M30 after H/3provided spacing + 100 TB= Ph*L/2 kn
Distibution steel in vertical direction Eccentricity of reinforcement from centre of wall
Ast min = 0.3%bt X = design of moment at corner = M-Tx kn-m T
Vertical steel for cantilever action serves this purpose = TL or BL which is lesser
also. Hence at corner horizontal reinforcement required for
Base slab: provide nominal thickness of150mm bending resistence.
with horizontal reinforcement bars at 200mm c/cin Ast1= design moment at corner/
both direction. σs*j*d For direct tension Ast2 = TL/σs
Provide 150*150 mm harn ches at junction. To Total Ast = Ast1 + Ast2;Provide bar and spacing
ensure the rigidity of connection, provide junction at middle of long wall:
reinforcement of 8mm bars at 220 mm c/c B.M = Ph*L2 /8- moment at corner kn-m
Design moment = B.M-TLx Ast1 = design
For direct tension Ast2 = TL/σs
Total Ast = Ast1 + Ast2
Provide bar and spacing
DEVANS JAIN COACHING CLASSES ADVANCE RCC reinforcement fo short Design of roof slab L/B> 2
wall M = corner moment – Tbx Hence it may design as one way
kn-m Ast1 = M/(σs*j*d) slab d = L/25 provide d and D Self
For direct tension Ast2 = TL/σs weight = D*1*1*25
Total Ast = Ast1 + Ast2 Live load =__;finishing load
Provide bar and spacing =__ Total load = __
B.M at centre of wall=γ (H-h)(B2/8) – moment at M = total load *L2 /8; Mu= M*1.5
end Reinforcement in vertical direction Mulim = 0.38Fckbd2; Mulim>Mu
Cantilever moment = γH(h2/6) By Mu formula calculate Ast,then provide bar and
Ast = design moment/(σs*j*d) spacing and then distributin steel 0.12%bd for M-
Minimum reinforcement = 0.3%bd 20 Then provide bar and spacing Design of walls
Provide bar and spacing m= ; n= ;
Base slab: provide nominal base slab thickness 280
m σcbc

150mm with 8mm bars at 200mm c/c in both j = 1 –(n/3); k = (σcbc*n*j) /2

direction at top and bottom of slab. A lean concrete when tank is empty
Ph = K’γ’sH + γwH; K’=1−sin∅

bed 100mm may be provided on which bottom slab γ's = γs- γw; γs= 16 or given
can rest. M = Ph*H*(H/3) /2 L/B < 2 Depth of section (d’) = provide d’ and D’ M

Design of long wall


M = γ H3/6 Ast =M / σs*j*D’; provide bar and spacing

Equating moment of resustance to bending moment Alternate bars may be curtailed where
for balanced section bending moment is half that base ie at depth
M= kbd2 provide d and D Bars may be curtailed = H-(h3/H3)+(12*dia of bar)
Reinforcement for cantilever action When tank is full and no earth pressure
Ast = M/(σs*j*d); provide bar and spacing Ph= γw*H, M = Ph*H*(H/2) /2,
Curtailment for bars = 0.62 + (12* bar dia) Ast =M / σs*j*D’; provide bar and
Reinforcement in long bar is horizontal direction spacing Horizontal bars of long wall
T = γ(H-h)(B/2) kn; h = h/4 or 1m Since long wall is predominatlly acting as cantilever
Horizontal reinforcement = T*b /σs distribution steel is provided and check for axial
Minimum reinforcement 0.3%bd tension when tank is full with earth pressure from
Ast/2 provide on each side.; provide bar and out side.
spacing design of short wall Thickness of wall is more than 225mm
M = γ Hh3/6 minimum percentage of steel provided as
= 0.3-0.1 230−100 = 0.263

Ast = M/(σs*j*d); provide bar and spacing


Ast= 0.263*230*1000 /100 = 604mm2

Reinforcement in horizontal direction Ast required for face=302mm2
Water pressure at h m above base Using 8mm bar @160 mm spacing c/c
Ph= γ(H-h) kn-m for direct tension
B.M at end = PhB2/12 TL = γw (H-h)(B/2) kn
T = γ(H-h)(L/2) kn; h = h/4 or 1m Ast required = TL/ σs< Ast above
Ast1 = B.M at end/(σs*j*d) Distribution steel take care of tensile fore. If >
For direct tension Ast2 = Ph*b/σs then provide bar and spacing
Total Ast = Ast1 + Ast2; provide bar and spacing. Design of short wall
Design of lower portion for cantilever action
Reinforcement in middle (vertical reinforcement)
portion M = γ(H-h)B2 /24 Ph = (1/3)*γ’s*H* γw*H kn/m2
Ast = M/(σs*j*d); provide bar and spacing
Base slab: Nominal base slab at thickness 150mm
by using 8mm bar at 220 mm c/c. Design of underground tanks
M= (1/2)*Ph*1*(1/3) height, is affected by lateral forces due to wind
Ast = M/(σs*j*d) or earthquake or both to an extent that
Direct compression on long wall they play an important role in the structural design.
Tall structures have fascinated
P= Ph(H-h)*h
mankind from the beginning of civilisation.
Concrete alone can resist it when tank is full and The Egyptian Pyramids, one among the
no earth fill seven wonders of world, constructed in 2600 B.C.
Ph= γw*H kn/m2 are among such ancient tall structures.
M = (1/2)*Ph*h*(h/3) Such structures were constructed for defence and to
Ast = M/(σs*j*D’) provide bar and spacing show pride of the population in their civilisation.
Design of top
The construction of multi-storeyed buildings
Ph = k γ’s(H-h)+γw(H-h)
is dependent on available materials, the
M=Ph*H2 /12; Ast=M/(σs*j*D’) provide bar and spa level of construction technology and the
Bottom slab: assume thickness of bottom slab = availability of services such as elevators
0.2m H’ = H+0.2m necessary for the use in the building. In ancient
Upward pressure of soil staturated(n) =γw*H’ kn/m2 Rome, people used to build multistoreyed
The bottom slab is to be projected beyond walls of structures with wood. For those buildings built after
the Great Fire of Rome,
tank so that soil over it helps in avoiding floatation of
Nero used brick and a form of concrete material
tank hence first the required project is to be for construction. Wood lacked strength
determined and provide a 0.6m wall all around. The for buildings of more than five stories and was more
base slab is to be designed as one way salb susceptible to fire hazard. But, the
M =n-0.2*1*1*25; Thickness of base slab is 0.2m buildings constructed with brick and
weight of soil on projected portion(g) = 16*L kn/m2 masonry occupied a large space for their
Reaction on wall(r)= (1/2)*Ph*L kn walls. Technology responded to these
drawbacks of construction materials with the
Reaction on wall acting as(r’) = H/h +0.2m
development of high strength and structurally
Cantilever moment = M*r*r’-(16*L*0.6 /2) more efficient materials like wrought iron Moment at centre salb and then subsequently steel. These new materials
load transfer by wall per meter length of base slab resulted in construction of skyscrapers
= 0.23*1*L*25+0.5*(H+2*0.23)*0.2*25 kn of the order of 120 storeys such as Petronas Towers,
Moment at centre slab (Me)=M*(r’/2) + r*r’-g*0.6*(L+4.62+0.62)-M((0.23/2)+(L+0.46))produced Sears Tower, World Trade Centre,
from bottom,; P= (γ*H)*H /4kn Empire State Building etc. all over the world,
Moment at centre salb(Me’)=M*((L+4.6)+r’)/2 –P*r- In contrast, the tallest building in
g*0.6*(L+0.46+0.6) produced from top

Thickness of slab required for balance section India is 35 storeys in reinforced concrete, Hotel
cantilever moment @wall face provide d and D ∗ Oberoi Sheraton (116 m). In developed countries a
Ast =cantilever moment/(σs*j*d) provide b & s very large percentage of multi-storeyed buildings are
In middle portion Ast = M at centre slab/(σs*j*d):top built with
Ast = M at centre slab/(σs*j*d): bottom; provide bar steel where as steel is hardly used in construction
of multi-storeyed frames in India even
and spacing for both Ast.;Distribution steel= %of
though it has proved to be a better material
steel=0..229; Ast=0.229%bd; ast on each face =Ast/2 than reinforced concrete.
Provide bar and spacing for Ast/2.
7 MULTISTORY BUILDING In comparison with concrete construction, steel
The tallness of a building is relative and can not be frames are significantly lighter. This
defined in absolute terms either in results in very much reduced loads on foundations.
relation to height or the number of stories. But, The elements of framework are usually
from a structural engineer's point of view prefabricated in the factory under effective
the tall building or multi-storeyed building can quality control thus enabling a better product.
be defined as one that, by virtue of its This form of construction results in much
reduced time on site activities, plant,
materials and labour, causing little disruption to
normal life of the community, unlike
wet concrete construction process.
The use ofsteel makes possible the creation of 7.2 Portal method
large, column-free internal spaces. This method is satisfactory for buildings up to 25
This is of particular advantage for open-plan offices stories, hence is the
and large auditoria and concert halls. most commonly used approximate method for
analysing tall buildings. The
The use of steel frame when compared with R.C. following are the simplifying assumptions made in
frame results in sufficient extra the portal method:
space to accommodate all service conduits without 1. A point of contra flexure occurs at the centre of
significant loss in head room. each beam.
Subsequent alterations or strengthening of floors are 2. A point of contra flexure occurs at the centre of
relatively easy in steel frames compared with concrete each column.
frames. 3. The total horizontal shear at each storey is
The framework is not susceptible to delays due to distributed between the columns
slow strength gain, as in concrete construction. of that storey in such a way that each interior column
carries twice the shear
The material handling capacity required at site in carried by each exterior column.
steel construction is less than
prefabricated concrete construction. Assumptions:
Steel structure occupies lesser percentage of floor 1. The horizontal shears on each level are distributed
area in multi-storeyed buildings. between the columns of that floor according to
The steel frame construction is more suitable to assumption 3.
withstand lateral loads caused by wind or earthquake. 2. The girder moments are determined by applying
moment equilibrium equation to the joints: by noting
that the sum of the girder moments at any joint equals
7.1 Shear Wall the sum of the column moments at that joint. These
The lateral loads are assumed to be concentrated at calculations are easily made by starting at the upper
the floor levels. The rigid floors left joint and working joint by joint across to
spread these forces to the columns or walls in the the right end.
building. Lateral forces are particularly
large in case of tall buildings or when seismic forces 7.4 The cantilever method
are considered. Specially designed This method gives good results for high-narrow
reinforced concrete walls parallel to the directions of buildings compared to
load are used to resist a large part of those from the Portal method and it may be used
the lateral loads caused by wind or earthquakes by satisfactorily for buildings of 25
acting as deep cantilever beams fixed to 35 storeys tall. It is not as popular as the portal
at foundation. These elements are called as shear method.
walls. Frequently buildings have The simplifying assumptions made in the cantilever
interior concrete core walls around the elevator, stair method are:
and service wells. Such walls may 1. A point of contraflexure occurs at the centre of
be considered as shear walls. The advantages of shear each beam
walls are; 2. A point of contraflexure occurs at the centre of
(i) they are very rigid in each column.
their own plane and hence are effective in limiting 3. The axial force in each column of a storey is
deflections and proportional to the horizontal
(ii) they act as fire compartment walls. distance of the column from the centre of gravity of
However, for low and medium rise buildings, the all the columns of the storey
construction of under consideration.
shear walls takes more time and is less precise in
dimensions than steelwork. Generally, 7.5 Braced frames
reinforced concrete walls possess sufficient strength To resist the lateral deflections, the simplest method
and stiffness to resist the lateral loading. Shear walls from a theoretical standpoint is the
have lesser ductility and may not meet the energy intersection of full diagonal bracing or X-bracing.
required under severe earthquake. The X-bracing
system works well for 20 to 60 storey height, but it
does not give room for openings such
as doors and windows. To provide more flexibility 3) Suitable for precast construction The advantages
for the placing of windows and doors, the K-bracing of precast construction are as follows.
system , we • Rapid construction
need to provide larger openings, it is not possible • Better quality control
with K-bracing system; we can use the • Reduced maintenance
full-storey knee bracing system , Knee bracing is an • Suitable for repetitive construction
eccentric bracing • Multiple use of formwork
⇒ Reduction of formwork

that is found to be efficient in energy dissipation • Availability of standard shapes.

during earthquake loads by forming Types of Prestressing
plastic hinge in beam at the point of their intersection Prestressing of concrete can be classified in several
of the bracings with the beam. ways. The following classifications are discussed.
7.6 Sway frame Source of prestressing force
Rigidly jointed frames or sway frames are those with this classification id based on thet metod by which
moment resisting connection between beams and the prestressing, force is generated. There are four
columns. It may be used economically to provide sources of prestressing force: mechanical, hydraulic,
electrical and chemical
lateral loads resistance for low rise buildings
External or internal prestressing
generally it is less stiff then other system however This classification is based on the location of the
moment resisting connection may be necessary in prestressing tendon with respect to the concrete
location where loads are applied eccentrically with section.
respect to centre line of the column. Pre-tensioning or post-tensioning
There are usauaaly three types of commony This is the most important classification and is based
employed moment resisting connection however the on the sequence of casting the concrete and applying
tension to the tendons.
moment rotation performance of the connenction is
Linear or circular prestressing
likely to be superior to that of other type. This classification is based on the shape of the
7.7 Prestressed member prestressed.
The terms commonly used in prestressed concrete are Full, limited or partial prestressing
explained. The terms are placed in group. Based on the amount of prestressing force, three
Advantages of Prestressing types of prestressing are defined. Uniaxial, biaxial
The prestressing of concrete has several advantages or multi-axial prestressing
as compared to traditional reinforced concrete (RC) As the names suggest, the classification based on the
without prestressing. A fully prestressed concrete the direction of pressting a member
member is usually subjected to compression during Pre-tensioning or Post-tensioning
service life. This rectifies several deficiencies of Pre-tensioning
concrete. The tension is applied to the tendons before casting
The following text broadly mentions the advantages of the concrete. The pre-compression is transmitted
of a prestressed concrete member with an equivalent from steel to concrete through bond over the
RC member. For each effect, the benefits are listed. transmission length near the ends.
1) Section remains uncracked under service loads Post-tensioning
 Reduction of steel corrosion The tension is applied to the tendons (located in a
• Increase in durability. duct) after hardening of the concrete the pre-
 Full section is utilised compression is transmitted from steel to concrete by
• Higher moment of inertia (higher the anchorage device (at the end blocks) the folloeing
stiffness) figure shows a post-tensioned box girder of a bridge.
• Less deformations (improved Prestressed Losses:
serviceability). a) Elastic shortening,
 Increase in shear capacity. b) Friction
 Suitable for use in pressure vessels, liquid c) Anchorage slip
retaining structures. d) Time dependent
 Improved performance (resilience) under e) Creep
dynamic and fatigue loading. f) Shrinkage
2) High span-to-depth ratios g) Relaxation
Larger spans possible with pre-stressing (bridges,
building with large column-free spaces)

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