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Result, Recommendation and Discussion

This research is almost all about gathering data and collecting information about what do

they think in social media. The researchers are going to help each other for the conclusion and

recommendation. After the researchers get all the info, the researchers will continue to divide all

the answers given by the participants, then the researchers are going to compute all the answer

for them to create a percentage that show the highest majority. Each question, answer and

percentage will me explained why are all the answer are like that and why is it the highest. When

the percentages are finish, the researchers will proceed to conclusion. The conclusion will give

the opinion of the researchers about all the chapters, the researchers will explain their opinion

about the research. Next will be recommendation, the researcher will explain why do the readers

need to read the research and why did the researchers choose it for their research then after the

recommendation, it is finish.

4.1 Result

1. What social media you usually use?

Table 1

Facebook 48 67%

Twitter 22 31%

Instagram 2 2%

Snapchat 0 0%


Question 1 Instagram

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The participants choose facebook because it is the most popular social media that can

communicate by using video call, chats, and even a single comment in a post of a friend can go

on and on until it create a very long conversation. 2nd is twitter, you can share your thoughts and

feelings in this social media that is why it is usually being use. And 3 rd is instagram, it is popular

for those who like seeing their idols in picture. 4th is snapchat, not very popular but a good social

media site.

2. How much of your daily time do you spend on social media sites?

Table 2

6 or longer 32 44%

1-2 16 22%

2-4 13 19%

4-6 11 15%

6 or longer


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Most of the participants choose 6 or longer hours because you can do thing you need to

do in that much time, but it still bad for your eyes. 1-2 is good because you are safe from any

time spending and having a poor eyesight. 2-4 is very good because you can control your time

and you can still do what you gotta do. 4-6 is bad and it can damage your eyes, and it spend too

much time even you can do what you need to do, it’s still bad because it still damage your eyes .

3. Does social media consume your study time?

Table 3

YES 58 81%

NO 14 19%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Yes because instead of studying, you are spending your time in playing social media then

you can’t focus on your studies then you will get low grades. There are some part of social media

that helps you study, that depends in your study habits. No because sometimes it helps you study.

4. Can social media affect your studies?

Table 4

YES 48 67%


NO 24 33%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

The participants or the students who answered No are immune in any kind of

distraction while studying. They are the ones who have a unique study habits. The participants

who choose the Yes are those who want their surroundings quiet while studying. The students

that choose Yes are easily being manipulated by a simple distraction. Sometimes social media

really distract the people who study.

5. Do you think social media increase your learning and research capabilities?

Table 5

YES 64 89%


NO 8 11%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

The participants or the students who answered YES are always using social media for

new knowledge. They search the things that do not usually notice by people. A knowledge that

gives them good idea to research more about it. After learning something, they will be curious

of what is its history, and how it become like that, all the things that make you crave. It enhances

your learning and research capabilities if your really interested in those kind of things because it

push you to know all about it.

For the participants who choose no are the people who choose No is the people who do

not much of social media.

6. Do you think use of social media sites motivates the students from better grades?

Table 6

YES 46 64%


NO 26 36%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Most of the participants choose the answer Yes because most of them are doing their best

for them to get what they want. Sometimes students make a deal with their parents like if the

students get higher grades than usual, he/she will get a reward. This motivates the students to

work hard because they get high scores in their studies for them to get what they want.

Students have trouble making a project and it is their only assistant to do. Social media helps

them to improve learning because they help them to have a good grade.

7. Can you control yourself from using social media?

Table 7

YES 56 78%


NO 16 22%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Most of the participants voted YES, because they did not noticed the time they are very

busy on social media. Being addicted to social media is also bad because it can cause poor

eyesight. We must manage our time in using social media to prevent this kind of situation. While

the twenty-two percent of the students voted NO because they are not addicted to social media

they can manage the time using social media and it is good for them. We don’t need to spend

more time in social media we need to spend our time in our family.

8. Do you feel addicted to social media?

Table 8

YES 51 71%

Question 8

NO 21 29%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Yes are the answer that the participants choose, because they think they are using social

media too much that is why they choose Yes for their answer. Some students choose No because

they think being addicted to social media is bad, so they will choose No. It's not bad to be

addicted to social media, often to social media enthusiasts are people who are always single and

have nothing to talk to. Saying yes in a question like that is bad because being addicted to social

media can give them hard time like instead of doing something, you will check your social

media, and if you are addicted, you will continue using it and forgot about what you should do

then you are finish.

9. Do you think social media enhance your self-esteem as a student?

Table 9

YES 48 67%


NO 24 33%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Some of the participants choose Yes because it makes the participants talk to the people

that they know. They use social media for them to talk to the people that they can’t talk in

person, so they will use social media to talk to them, that is why the people choose Yes for their

answer. The participants who choose No are the people who have the courage to talk to the

people they want to talk to even they are not using social media to it. They are the people who do

not usually use social media to talk to people.

10. Did your guardian get annoyed because of your usual use of phone instead of studying?

Table 10

YES 52 72%


NO 20 18%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Most of the students voted YES, because they encountered this type of situation that

instead of studying they choose to use their phone, they can’t manage the time of using their

cellphone so they were scolded by their guardians. And the twenty-eight percent of students

voted NO because they limit their time of using cellphone, instead of checking their social media

accounts they choose to study hard so their guardians or parents will be proud of what he/she


4.1 Conclusion

According to the research, there is a lot of social media users and it's still increasing

now. Social media can be a big help for us, especially for those whose selling some good

products of something that people can get it easy. The first communication of the world was

horse and rider of the horse, this is too hard for the people in this times. Horse are not too fast if

you compare it to what we are using now. Social media now is very important because if we

continue the time that we are using horse, it will be hard for everyone, that is why we should be

thankful to the developers of social media. The next generation of social media is tubes and air

pipes, in this times, this is not very bad because there are not much of spending sweat or

spending time.


Then social media are made, this gives us the very first site, BBS or bulletin board system, it is

the social media that shows your information. You can only connect to the people who have it

to, so if you want to connect with someone, they should have the same social media you were
using. Social media is getting really big now, even a seven years old kid is using social media


4.3 Recommendation

These are the things you should never forgot while using social media:

- Think before you click

- Do not let yourself be addicted

- Always check time if you have to do something

- Try not to be too long in using it

- Manage your time


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